篇一 :托福作文范文185篇52附写作思路





52. How to make your hometown more appealing to people your age?

What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.





My hometown is a pretty good place to live. However, I still can think of at least three changes that would drastically increase the towns appeal to people my age, around 20. The construction of public sports facilities would give us the opportunity to exercise and spend our time constructively, the further development of the public parks would provide us with places to spend our leisure time in nice and cost free environments, and the lowering of the cost of public transportation would give us the opportunity to roam the city more freely.

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篇二 :托福真题:托福作文范文185篇【专业】满分作文(3)



备考新托福(IBT)的同学们或许都听过独立写作185题库, 独立写作185题库是ETS公布的托福考试经典官方作文题库,收录在托福考试官方指南(Official Guide)的附录中,在托福考试改革之前,是作文真题的主要来源。现在的托福考试对官方作文题目进行了扩大,但是185题库仍然和托福作文真题紧密相连,为考生提供最权威最真实的托福范文参考和写作练习。智课网为大家带来托福作文范文185篇并附托福满分作文答题要点,考生们要认真备考。


Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.

The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing a home-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.

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篇三 :托福真题:托福作文范文185篇【专业】满分作文(4)



备考新托福(IBT)的同学们或许都听过独立写作185题库, 独立写作185题库是ETS公布的托福考试经典官方作文题库,收录在托福考试官方指南(Official Guide)的附录中,在托福考试改革之前,是作文真题的主要来源。现在的托福考试对官方作文题目进行了扩大,但是185题库仍然和托福作文真题紧密相连,为考生提供最权威最真实的托福范文参考和写作练习。智课网为大家带来托福作文范文185篇并附托福满分作文答题要点,考生们要认真备考。


It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?


“Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliché, but I agree with it. The most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. You can’t learn everything from a book.

Of course, learning from books in a formal educational setting is also valuable. It’s in schools that we learn the information we need to function in our society. We learn how to speak and write and understand mathematical equations. This is all information that we need in order to live in our communities and earn a living.

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篇四 :托福真题:托福作文范文185篇【专业】满分作文(1)




备考新托福(IBT)的同学们或许都听过独立写作185题库, 独立写作185题库是ETS公布的托福考试经典官方作文题库,收录在托福考试官方指南(Official Guide)的附录中,在托福考试改革之前,是作文真题的主要来源。现在的托福考试对官方作文题目进行了扩大,但是185题库仍然和托福作文真题紧密相连,为考生提供最权威最真实的托福范文参考和写作练习。智课网为大家带来托福作文范文185篇并附托福满分作文答题要点,考生们要认真备考。


People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase knowledge of oneself and the world around.




Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college. They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skills for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.

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篇五 :托福真题:托福作文范文185篇【专业】满分作文(3)




备考新托福(IBT)的同学们或许都听过独立写作185题库, 独立写作185题库是ETS公布的托福考试经典官方作文题库,收录在托福考试官方指南(Official Guide)的附录中,在托福考试改革之前,是作文真题的主要来源。现在的托福考试对官方作文题目进行了扩大,但是185题库仍然和托福作文真题紧密相连,为考生提供最权威最真实的托福范文参考和写作练习。智课网为大家带来托福作文范文185篇并附托福满分作文答题要点,考生们要认真备考。

托福185题库真题: Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.




The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing a home-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.

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篇六 :托福真题:托福作文范文185篇【专业】满分作文(1)




备考新托福(IBT)的同学们或许都听过独立写作185题库, 独立写作185题库是ETS公布的托福考试经典官方作文题库,收录在托福考试官方指南(Official Guide)的附录中,在托福考试改革之前,是作文真题的主要来源。现在的托福考试对官方作文题目进行了扩大,但是185题库仍然和托福作文真题紧密相连,为考生提供最权威最真实的托福范文参考和写作练习。智课网为大家带来托福作文范文185篇并附托福满分作文答题要点,考生们要认真备考。


People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase knowledge of oneself and the world around.




Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college. They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skills for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.

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篇七 :托福作文185篇

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TOEFL.iBT 高分作文 完美重排版 Edited by Lost Lawyer TOEFL.iBT 高分作文 思路+范文 完美重排版

1. Why people attend college?

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences,


preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use

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篇八 :托福作文范文185篇51附写作思路




51. What does success come from, taking risks or careful planning?

Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


注意,不一定要选择taking risks or chances或者careful planning二者之一的。比如可以这样写; 有时候为了成功是应该冒一些必要的风险




Magazines and newspapers never tire of telling stories about people who have come to success quickly by taking risks. However, the problem with taking chances is that, while one can win a fortune, one can also lose everything. Careful planning helps reduce that possibility, and it is a basic skill that all established business people

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