篇一 :考研英语写作范文100篇之经典短文背诵




Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1. Describe the pictures

2. Deduce the purpose of the artist of the pictures.

3. Suggest counter-measures.







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篇二 :考研英语高分作文经典背诵100篇:经典背诵

考研英语高分作文经典背诵100篇:经典便签背诵 写作“三步走”:




由于便笺提及的事情通常都是发生在近期的事情,所以日期写明年月即可。 开头的称呼通常直接写名字,省略Dear。称呼和最后的署名都比较简单随意。


You want to borrow a book from your classmates Kate. Leave her a note which contains the name of the book in need, the time you hope to keep the book, as well as your gratitude.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Mar. 8th


I wonder if you can lend me your MLA Handbook for Academic Writing. I am in the process of writing my graduation thesis, and need to consult the book now and then for standard formatting. Thus I might need to keep the book for about a month and a half, and I hope that would not bring any inconvenience to you. I assure you that I will maintain the book in good condition. If possible, please give me a call and I will come by your house to pick up the book.

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篇三 :考研英语高分作文经典背诵100篇











You have just come back from a student exchange program in the U.S. Write a letter to your host repay their help and invite them to visit you.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address.


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

I am now back to China safe and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in New York. Your a beautiful memory.

I do hope that your whole family pay a visit to China in future, so that I could have the opportunity to

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篇四 :20xx年考研英语高分作文经典100篇

2013 年考研英语高分作文经典 100 篇 来源:考试大 2012 年 8 月 2 日 【考试大:中国教育考试第一门户】考研英语作文模板对于应试写作的功效可以说是屡试不爽。 它可以有效地帮助考生节省 在考场上用于列提纲和构思框架的时间, 而可以集中精力在文字的润色加工上, 从而大大提 高考研英语文章的质量,更容易赢得考官的第一印象。因此,在考试之前准备各种文体和各 种类型的考研英语写作模板至关重要。 “经典信件背诵”和“经典短文背诵”两部分中的文章均可以套用作考研英语写作模板, 考 生只需灵活地修改其中具体内容而加之以考题要求的内容既可。 在这一部分中, 我们为考生 们提供了额外和多样的模板, 以尽可能地扩大模板的适用范围, 为考生们在考试中夺取高分 增加胜算。 考研英语复习资料下载:考研英语高分作文经典背诵 100 篇 应用文万能模板 辞职信 模板 1: Dear , I am writing to inform you about the decision to resign from my current position. There are a few factors involved. First and foremost, . Secondly, . Last but not last, . I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the rewarding experience that I have enjoyed during my employment. I sincerely wish you could approve of my resignation, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience thus caused. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 模板 2:

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篇五 :20xx年考研英语高分作文经典背诵100篇



模板1: Dear ,

I am writing to inform you about the decision to resign from my current position. There are a few factors involved. First and foremost, . Secondly, . Last but not last, .

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the rewarding experience that I have enjoyed during my employment.

I sincerely wish you could approve of my resignation, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience thus caused.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


模板1: Dear , I am . I’d like to ask if you have / can provide me with the information of . The reasons for my urgent need of are as follows: 1) ; 2) ; 3) . Therefore, I will be much obliged if you can help me . Please feel free to call me at for further questions.

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篇六 :20xx考研英语写作100篇首段


As is vividly depicted in the drawing above , the people in our society join their hands together so as to cultivate the seedlings of China dream. What is conveyed in the picture above is both realistic and most thought-provoking , especially to our young people , who are striving to build a harmonious and just society to ensure that all citizens have the right to a dignified life.


As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing above , a lovely boy is watering the flowers of beautiful China with the water from the container of ecological civilization . With environmental protection becoming one of the most important issues in our society , what is conveyed in the picture is both realistic and most thought-provoking to everybody with the sense of environmental protection .


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篇七 :考研英语高分作文经典背诵100篇

(1)As is vividly depicted in the picture, which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on second thoughts.

(2)The most striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, Recent few years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题which seems to be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity.

(3)This phenomenon of 主题should be condemned severely or made illegal. There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.

(4)To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon ,several serious effects have been put forward. To begin with, 主题not only results does harm to our physical and health but also results in a frustrating and humiliating life.

(5)In addition, nothing is more harmful than 主题to contradict with a harmonious society.

(6)Last but not least, no issue is as harmful as 主题to increase family burdens, which is a threatening situation we are unwilling to see.

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篇八 :考研英语作文经典背诵100篇之环境保护类

考研英语作文经典背诵100篇之环境保护类 20xx年真题Directions:

Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1.Describe the pictures

2.Deduce the purpose of the artist of the pictures.

3.Suggest counter-measures.


本题的题目是一组图,其中上下两幅图形成了鲜明的对比。考生需要抓住的细节包括年代的差别(分别是19xx年和19xx年,相隔约一个世纪)、渔船数量的差别、海洋中鱼的数量差别。这时只要简单地加以分析就可以发现,画图者的意图是警告人们,如果人类继续无节制地开发自然资源,那么总有一天自然资源将会彻底枯竭,最终威胁到人类自己的生存。考生需要分析画图者的本意,并提出相应的解决措施。 这里需要再次提醒的一点是,在第一段描述图中内容时,要用过去时来说明两个不同年代的情况。 思路拓展:


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