篇一 :英语总结模版,英语课文总结模版,英语文章总结范文


Why do some animals die out?

In the past two hundred years people have caused many kinds of animals to die out--to become extinct. People keep building houses and factories in fields and woods. As they spread over the land, they destroy animals' homes. If the animals can't find a place to live, they die out. Sixteen kinds of Hawaiian birds have become extinct for this reason. Other animals, such as the Florida Key deer, may soon die out because they are losing their homes. Hunters have caused some animals to become extinct, too. In the last century, hunters killed all the passenger pigeons in North America and most of the buffalo.

Today they are fast killing off hawks and wolves. Pollution is killing many animals today, too. As rivers become polluted, fish are poisoned. Many die. Birds that eat the poisoned fish can't lay strong, healthy eggs. New birds aren’t born. So far, no animals have become extinct because of pollution. But some, such as the bald eagle and the brown pelican, have become rare and may die out.

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篇二 :初一英语上册课文总结

Unit 1

Welcome to +地点 欢迎来到某地

Thanks=thank you

That's OK=You're welcome=that's all right=not at all

This is 用语介绍给对方互相认识 这是某某

Be+主语+其他 ? 某某是 吗?

How +be+主语 ? 某某好吗?

What is your name ?

Where are you from? Be from = come from Who is she ?

What class are you in ? I am in Class Six,Grade One. What grade are you in ?

What color is this T-shirt?

What time is it ?

What is the time?

Whose bike is this ?

How old are you ?

What's this in English ?

Is this a map ?

Is that a map ?

Are these books?


Are those books?


They are not in the same class,but they are good friends. Be动词:am is are

Unit 2

I have a big nose.=My nose is big.

Do you have a big nose ?

They have round faces.

Do they have round faces ?

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篇三 :英语课文总结

How to read a book

As the saying goes,"some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested".However,what are the criteria for those books to be"chewed and digested?".How to tell good literature from bad literature? Different people have different views on these issues .

In this article,the author first states that people's life is generally much shorter than books,and that it is important for people to read good books.Yet,the author also argues that selecting good books from the ocean of literary works is not a easy job,even book reviewers can't help much.And then he gives people some suggestion to follow. In the end,the author proposes the significance of poetry which is the supreme form of human locution(人类语言的最高形式).The author also gives some suggestion for reading poetry.

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篇四 :英语课文总结

The summary of Nameless Faces

In this text,the author mainly tells us a true story that happened to her, through which the author changed the way she views humanity.

On the author’s way to work,there was a subway ride followed by a ten-minute walk through the heart of downtown Toronto where the homeless people often congregated and begged pedestrians for some money. The author just learned to ignore the nameless faces before she met Mike who changed he attitude towards beggars, because she thought that beggars all had bad habits ,such as drug abuse and alcoholism.

It was a very cold day in mid-December and the temperature was a chilly minus 20-degrees Celsius. The author was on her way to work when she sipped and hurt herself badly.As she tried to get on her feet a strange man helped her, who begged her for some change just before and to whom she lied that she had no money. When the person helped her walk to the nearby bus stop and gave his only money to her to take a bus,she was stroke by the action of this strange man and felt guilty for her lies. She took her money and counted out enough for her to take a bus and gave the rest to Mike at last.From then on, the author totally changed her outlook on people.

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篇五 :英语课文题目总结

大家好,我是你们的组长朱佳音。我把研一一学年我们6班英语课的题目大致做了一下总结,方便大家复习研究生英语学位考试,希望能为各位同学提供一下方便,如果有疏漏请大家在我们的讨论组里及时通知我们。带(Unit X)的课文是英语教材上的,大家可以在教材上找到。题目是红字的课文是英语课课外打印的材料,如果大家那些课文丢失了,我这里还有原稿,可以给大家拿去复印一下。另外最后一章Culture Shock是最后一节课老师在课上讲的,应该是英语教材下册中的内容,还得麻烦大家自己搜索一下那篇课文。能和大家分在一个班,在一个英语小组一起学习生活,这对我来说是件非常幸福的事情。我们一起经历了演话剧《貂蝉》,各种teamwork,还在一起组织了两次娱乐活动,我只是希望大家在未来的日子里不要忘记我们在一起这短暂又快乐的时光。作为组长(我自封的),因为个人英语能力的不足,我每次的teamwork演讲做的质量都非常差,但愿不会影响到大家的英语课成绩和之后的奖学金等评优事宜,我也非常感谢大家对我一直以来的支持、信任与鼓励。最后祝愿大家在期末考试、研究生学位考试和六级考试中取得理想的成绩!


The Global Food Crisis

Rats and Men (Unit 3)

The End Is Not at Hand (Unit 5)

Two Truths to Live By (Unit 6)

A Red Light for Scofflaws (Unit 12)


Good Taste , Bad Taste (Unit 7)

I Have a Dream (Unit 8)

How to Live and Love in the 21st Century

Introduction to Petroleum Industry

The magician(乔布斯那个文章)

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篇六 :冀教版四年级英语课文总结

1.Welcome back to school!

2.You can call me Mr.Wood.

3.My name is +名字。Her name is..... His name is....

4.Whose pencil is this? It’s Danny’s pencil.

5.Danny is between the desk and the chair.(in front of. behind)

6.Jenny is beside Kim. Kim is beside Jenny.(on in under)

7.How many books are there?

8.Let’s put one book on the one book.

9.Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty?

10.He’s in the classroom. He’s reading a book.

11.She’s on the playground. They’re playing a game.

12.There are the twelve months of the year .

13.Whose birthday is in July?

My birthday is in July.

14.The boy in red shorts is the third.

15.January is the first month of the year. February is the second month of the year. March is the third month. April is the fourth month. May is the fifth month of the year.................

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篇七 :新视野大学英语第二版第二册课文要点总结

Unit 1 Section A 时间观念强的美国人

Para. 1 美国人认为没有人能停止不前。如果你不求进取,你就会落伍。这种态度造就了一个投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。时间是美国人注意节约的两个要素之一,另一个是劳力。

Para. 2 人们一直说:“只有时间才能支配我们。”人们似乎是把时间当作一个差不多是实实在在的东西来对待的。我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、对时间的利用作出解释;我们还要因付出时间而收取费用。时间是一种宝贵的资源,许多人都深感人生的短暂。时光一去不复返。我们应当让每一分钟都过得有意义。

Para. 3 外国人对美国的第一印象很可能是:每个人都匆匆忙忙——常常处于压力之下。城里人看上去总是在匆匆地赶往他们要去的地方,在商店里他们焦躁不安地指望店员能马上来为他们服务,或者为了赶快买完东西,用肘来推搡他人。白天吃饭时人们也都匆匆忙忙,这部分地反映出这个国家的生活节奏。工作时间被认为是宝贵的。Para. 3b 在公共用餐场所,人们都等着别人吃完后用餐,以便按时赶回去工作。你还会发现司机开车很鲁莽,人们推搡着在你身边过去。你会怀念微笑、简短的交谈以及与陌生人的随意闲聊。不要觉得这是针对你个人的,这是因为人们非常珍惜时间,而且也不喜欢他人“浪费”时间到不恰当的地步。

Para. 4 许多刚到美国的人会怀念诸如商务拜访等场合开始时的寒暄。他们也会怀念那种一边喝茶或咖啡一边进行的礼节性交流,这也许是他们自己国家的一种习俗。他们也许还会怀念在饭店或咖啡馆里谈生意时的那种轻松悠闲的交谈。一般说来,美国人是不会在如此轻松的环境里通过长时间的闲聊来评价他们的客人的,更不用说会在增进相互间信任的过程中带他们出去吃饭,或带他们去打高尔夫球。既然我们通常是通过工作而不是社交来评估和了解他人,我们就开门见山地谈正事。因此,时间老是在我们心中的耳朵里滴滴答答地响着。

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篇八 :英语课文游戏

1、补全句子:在学习句中,要慢读,必要时分解读。在跟读几遍后,可以让学生补全老师没说完的部分。比如:my name is rebecca.可让学生补rebecca、is rebecca、name is rebecca。这是个反应练习,可让学生熟练掌握句子。 2、此呼彼应 : (1) 全班学生坐在原位。 (2) 教师描述一些事物,如果的是对的,例如:The dusks are swimming.学生就学叫“嘎嘎”,如果的是错的,学生就保持沉默。

(3) 做错的学生暂且退出游戏。游戏继续进行。 (4) 剩下的一个学生即游戏的优胜者。 (5) 变化:The bike is coming .或 A cat can run. 等。 (6) 作用:可用于现在进行时态和can 句型的教学,可训练学生的听力。 3、宾狗(Bingo) 这个游戏的玩法与字母游戏(7)相同,每个学生准备一张纸,并在上面画一个井字,将纸分成九格,然后教师随便念九个学过的单词,学生边听边将单词写在格子中,随便填在哪格里都好。学生填好后,教师再打扰次序逐个念这九个单词,学生边听边在听到单词上画圈,当画的圈在横行、竖行或对角线上成为一条直线时,学生就可边喊“宾狗(Bingo)”边将纸举起让教师检查,最先喊“宾狗”写得准确的获胜。这个游戏还可以用于数词,也就是说,教师可以随意念九个数词来代替九个单词,让学生填入格子中。

4、猜单词游戏, 这是我们以前玩的, 老师请一个学生A随便想一个课本中出现过的单词, 告诉大家这个词总共有几个字母, 假设猜想单词school, 就在黑板上画 _ _ _ _ _ _,并画出个小人上吊的架子, 由大家或者分小组猜单词,根据英语普遍规律,绝大部分的单词都有元音字母,所以从元音字母开始猜比较容易。假设同学们猜字母O,单词school中出现了,就在黑板上预留的位置中填写此字母,_ _ _ o o _ 当同学们猜测的单词为school中并未出现的字母,则将在黑板空白处标上次字母,并为上吊小人填上一笔。若小人全部画齐,单词仍未猜出,则出单词的人赢,若猜出此单词,则为大家赢或该小组赢。

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