篇一 :口头报告商务英语6



主 题:对Unit 6口头报告(Presentations)知识点的补充


内 容:

1. Discuss the following questions

1) What is a presentation?

2) Have you ever given a formal presentation?

3) How often do you give presentations inside your company or your school?

2. Business presentation常用的表达方式(本课重点)

1) Opening Statements

First of all, I’d like to thank you all for coming here today.

My name is X and I am the (your position) at (your company).

Points to Remember

Try to make eye contact with everyone you are speaking to if possible. You can also smile at individual members of the audience to put them at their ease.

I’d briefly like to take you through today’s presentation.

First, we’re going to ...

After that, we’ll be taking a look at ...

Once we’ve identified our challenges we will be able to ...

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篇二 :国际会议上做好口头报告的必备环节


如果你的论文在国际会议上发表,你又做 oral presentation, 那么如何回答问题也是需要技巧的。一会高质量的会议还是有些牛人云集的,口头报告既可以让别人有机会认识你,探讨一些学术问题,也有利于认识牛人呀:)

所以在这整理了如何完美的完成question time,希望对大家有帮助:)

Question time


※Welcome the question

※Listen carefully to the question---don’t interrupt

※Take time to think before you answer

※Check you have understood the question---rephrase or clarify if necessary

※Reply positively---be brief and clear

※Accept criticism positively

※After your answer, check that the questioner is satisfied

如果遇到了以下的情形,看看如何来Handling it

1. Instead of asking a question, the person strongly, rather angrily, disagrees with your point of view.

―――― 对于这种情况你就先礼貌地听他讲完,然后重述一下你的观点,如果有必要,重述时加上点佐证。

如果这人还是不依不扰,you can say, “Well, we’ll have to agree to disagree on this point,” or “ Unfortunately, there’s no time to go into this more deeply right now.”

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篇三 :专业英语口头报告

Let’s begin our toptic ,Now I will show some pictures to you , please look at the screen. Those pictures show us were the earthquake hanppened in Sichuan province china on may 12th 2008 and japan recently. Those two earthquake looming is terrific, Can say is really powerful.And today I will say something about the earthquake.

what is earthquake?

Earthquake is the rapid vibration of the Earth's surface, also known as the earth will quake in ancient times. It just as windy, rain, lightning, landslides, volcanic eruptions, often occur on Earth is a natural

phenomenon. It originated from the ground floor of a point, known as the focal point (focus). Vibration from the source reported, in the

dissemination of the earth. On the ground from the nearest point source called the epicenter, it is the site of the earliest to accept vibration. Vibration of the land is the most intuitive earthquake, the most common performance. Coastal areas in the submarine or the strong earthquake, can cause huge waves, called tsunami. Is extremely frequent earthquakes, global in each of the earthquake about 500 million times, the community as a whole has a GREat impact.

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篇四 :专业英语口头报告(linux)口头稿

Good afternoon ,everyone! I’m ** ,come from ** .Now,I would like to begin my oral presentation It’s about Linux.I divide my presentation in three parts. the first is the introduction of linux, the second is the history of linux , the third is its advantages, the next is its development, the last is its uses. Now ,let’s begin.

The Introduction

The Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released 5 October 1991 by Linus Torvalds.

Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for Intel x86-based personal computers. It has since been ported to more computer hardware platforms than any other operating system.

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篇五 :专业英语口头报告(linux)口头稿五分钟版

Good afternoon ,everyone! I’m ****,come from ****.Now,I would like to begin my oral presentation It’s about Linux.I divide my presentation in three parts. the first is the introduction of linux, the second is the history of linux , the third is its advantages, the next is its development, the last is its uses. Now ,let’s begin.

The Introduction

The Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released 5 October 1991 by Linus Torvalds.

Since the compiler Linux is written with and the main supporting user space system tools and libraries originated in the GNU Project, initiated in 1983 by Richard Stallman, the Free Software Foundation prefers the name GNU/Linux.

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篇六 :培养思辨能力的英语口头报告教学研究

21世纪全球化竞争加剧,世界各国都高度重视培养学生的思辨能力,美国政府早在19xx年就开始将其列为美国高等教育的重要任务。20xx年我国教育部发布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要( 2010-20xx年) 》中明确提出,教育的长期发展需要“促进学生全面发展,着力提高学生服务国家服务人民的社会责任感、勇于探索的创新精神和善于解决问题的实践能力”。任何创新活动都需要批判性思维的介入,没有批判就没有创新(黄朝阳,2010)。由此可见,思辨能力是创新精神的一个重要组成部分,思辨能力培养已是我国高等教育教学改革的重要内容之一。近几年,我国外语界对如何在英语教学过程中融入思辨能力的培养也进行了一些尝试,研究成果主要集中在以下两个方面:一是基于思辨能力培养的教学理论框架的构建(阮全友2012),二是如何在语言课堂上培养学生的思辨能力。张新玲(2009)、李莉文(2011)等分别从不同角度对写作教学中思辨能力培养进行实践,韩少杰(2009)、李莉文(2010)等探讨了融入思辨能力培养的精读课教学,这些研究的对象主要以英语专业学生为主。本文以非英语专业学生为研究对象,将思辨能力培养融入到大学英语课堂英语口头报告教学中。





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篇七 :英语口语报告

Report of the SWOT


Material collect:瞿辉

PPT design: 徐飞翔

Data summary:沈小飞

Report writing:孙超

11212230 11212212 11212226 11212216 DATE:2014.05

1.The rise and development of SF express.

SF EXPRESS was established in 1993 March in Guangdong. The initial stage of business between Shunde and Hongkong day courier service. With the increase in customer demand, service network extends to Zhongshan, Fan Yu, Shun Feng Jiangmen and Foshan etc.. In 1996, with the development of the increase in the number of customers and the domestic economy, and will further expand the network to Guangdong province outside the city. To the beginning of 2010, SF express service network has covered the whole country 32 provinces, municipalities directly under the central government and Hong Kong and Macao, become one of the best national brands Chinese express industry.

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篇八 :oral report application and evaluation form,英语口头报告



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