篇一 :translation journal 范本





所以当我们越来越找不到过年的幸福感觉时,我们有必要停下来好好回味一下我们的生活。在貌似重复的岁月里,我们有必要让内心的生命体验一点点凝聚、回味和升华。在剥却了吃喝等内容之外, 我们更改珍视春节另一层的情感意蕴,及春节魅力的核心----阖家团圆所召唤出的那份浓浓亲情。

正是由于有了包括春节在内 大大小小的节日,我们千篇一律的生活步调才得以实现某种变奏,我们才会猛然意识到应该珍重和享受我们有限的生命,我们才在狂欢和宣泄中得到休整和放松。就此而论,节日对于文明的意义,很深很深。


Reflections on our Attitude to Happiness①


Year after year, our happiness gained from celebrating the Spring Festival is diminishing. Quite a

②few of us feel it is “no fun” and just go through the motions of celebrating it. Under this circumstances,

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篇二 :格式reading journal

My Reading Journal

: Title:

After reading, I believe that Henry is really great man, he is so brilliant and tough, he deserve everybody?s respect. This man is really smart. He was born in a prosperous family farm, he showed his interest in mechanical things when he was young, and became a engineer when he grew up. His talent showed in his company and he was promoted to Chief Engineer. Ten years later, he founded his own motor company. He was also a good businessman, he made his production take up half of the world?s car market via four strategies:1.design his factory completely around assembly line.2.rise production and low prices.3.raise workers? pay.4.give back 50 dollars to each person who had bought a Ford car. His company got to be very successful at a time, but the quantity of sale went down with new competitor?s appear and Henry?s death. People in America believe he changed their lives.

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篇三 :Learning Journal

This term we mainlyfocused on academic writing and learnt how to analyze a paper, what’s more, practiced to use the corpus manuals, especial COCA.

For me, reciting words and finding out the difference between the words of near meaning occupying the majority of my time. Fortunately, I became more interested in prefix& suffix rather than memorizing by rote, which provided me with much convenience when I read the paper and textbook on professional course such as organic chemistry.

To be honest, I’m not used to consulting words and comparing them with COCA, and have a much preference to learn and memorizing by dictionary and reference book. Still, I’ve pushed myself to get familiar with this Corpus, then maybe I would find out its magnetism. Generally, I used COCA to consult some lexical collocation and to know how the word is used in detail. Furthermore, I used it to find differences from some synonyms such as high and tall. As required, there are some examples in following section. From my point of view, the first two functions, namely “List” & “Chart”, are less important to some extent among the four functions,after all it is not necessary for me to know where or in which situation a certain word is used most common clearly. For me,to understand one word and to grasp its basic usage is much more practical and helpful, which including differentiating and analyzing synonym when a certain meaning need to be express appropriately and precisely, especially when I read or even write an academic paper.

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篇四 :Reading Journal 英语读书笔记格式

Reading Journal: What do You Think, Feel, and Like?

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篇五 :网站开发常用jQuery插件总结(四)验证插件validation











<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.js"></script>

2.css样式,可自定义,简单的只需要添加error样式,也可使用官方demo中的样式。 .error{





$(document).ready(function() {

// validate signup form on keyup and submit

var validator = $("#signupform").validate({

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篇六 :java访问权限修饰符public protected friendly private用法总结

java访问权限修饰符public protected friendly private用法总结



一 访问权限修饰符修饰成员变量和方法



eg:class A


protected int weight ;

protected int f( int a,int b )


// 方法体




class B


void g()


A a=new A();


A.f(3,4); //合法




答:用package打包在一起的class ,叫在同一个包中。(不明白,举个例子)

eg:在JDK的src\java\io中,你会看到许多java类,第一句源代码都是package java.io;



eg: class A


int weight ;

int f( int a,int b )


// 方法体




class B


void g()


A a=new A();


A.f(3,4); //合法



private: 只能在本类中访问。

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篇七 :closing argument

Closing Argument Draft

Your honor, counsel, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, at the beginning of the case, during the opening statement, we said that Mr. Sloan didn’t stage the break-in with the help of his caretaker Terry and file a false or fraudulent insurance claim to the Lone Star State Insurance Company. What has that evidence turned out to be?

Up to now, have all of you been aware of what the cause of the case today is? As Mr. Sloan told us, after the break-in happened on Oct.28th, he had his caretaker shipped some valuable items in his house to Swiss for safe. This behavior made the Lone Star Insurance Company suspect whether Mr. Sloan staged the break-in and filed a fraudulent claim. The Company asked the police to investigate.

However, did you remember what Taylor Wise, the detective tell you just now? Did they make sure whether the jewelry was in the box shipped to Swiss or not? Of course not. Did they confirm whether the jewelry was in the safe in Mr. Sloan’s den? Of course not.Did they suspect? Yes, they suspect almost everything. Did they give us persuasive evidence today? Obviously, none. How can they suspect the victim himself because they can’t find the real person?

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篇八 :Angularjs开发一些经验总结


在去年到今年参与了2个使用Angularjs作为客户端开发框架的项目开发。主要利用asp.net web api作为restfull服务提供框架和angularjs结合。Angularjs作为html的扩展,旨在建立一个丰富的动态web应用,通过Directive建立一套html扩展的DSL模型,利用PM模式变形MVVM(在网上很多称MVC模式,本人认为在angular0.8是属于经典MVC模式,但在1.0把scope独立注入过后,更倾向于MVVM模式,这将会后续随笔中写道)简化前端开发和使得前端业务逻辑得以分离,view和表现逻辑的分离,更便于维护,扩展。Angularjs本来就是采用TDD开发的,提供了一套单元测试组件和End 2 End的测试框架。Angularjs的的强大之处在于提供了一套内似WPF,Silverlight的强大数据绑定和格式化,过滤组件,这也是MVVM模式所必备的条件;再加之IOC的注入机制,使得不能业务逻辑的分离,服务代码的更大程度抽象重用。



Angularjs ng-controller旨在将业务逻辑的区分,更推荐按照业务逻辑的划分controller,做到业务功能的高内聚,controller的单一原则SRP。



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