篇一 :sat满分作文


Assignment: Can success be disastrous? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Sample Essay - Score of 6

The power of success can be disastrous when placed in the wrong hands. Naturally, there are those who will always choose to manipulate conditions to succeed in their own endeavors, not taking into consideration the lives of those around them. On the other hand, there may be those who do not necessarily pursue selfish ends, but simply do not know where to take success once it has been achieved, thus resulting in their own self-sabotage.

Throughout history, we have seen success used wrongfully in the hands of the unworthy. Powerful leaders of nations, kingdoms, and empires, having succeeded in gaining leadership, have then used their influence wrongfully in achieving their own selfish (and sometimes twisted) goals. Nero, the Roman emperor who beat his pregnant wife to death and has been suspected of instigating the great fire of Rome in an attempt to boost his own political influence. Henry VIII of England, for whom women were beheaded for not bearing him a son, and who is rumored to have eaten eight chickens a night while English peasants starved. The notorious Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, who carried out the Spanish Inquisition. The list is endless. Even in literature, we see the corruption and downfall of society and mankind as a whole as a result of the abuse of success in the possession of those who do not deserve it, as seen in William Shakespeare’s tragedy of King Lear. In the story, societal order is replaced with chaos when there is a power shift from Lear to his evil daughters, Regan and Goneril. This order only returns to a slight degree when virtue (in the form of Lear’s good daughter, Cordelia) returns to England. Success is hazardous when awarded to the unvirtuous.

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篇二 :sat满分作文24篇


1. Technology promises to make our lives easier, freeing up time for leisure

pursuits. But the rapid pace of technological innovation and the split second processing capabilities of computers that can work virtually nonstop have made all of us feel rushed. We have adopted the relentless pace of the very machines that were supposed to simplify our lives, with the result that, whether at work or play, people do not feel like their lives have changed for the better.

Adapted from Karen Finucan, “Life in the Fast Lane”2 G* k' U4 M" g* J& r; K0 b* N # p$ n5 g0 z* k U) c) [" N( [

: I) ]/ M3 Q$ d) ?* q/ Z9 p E1 d

Assignment: Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make

them better? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 4 A4 @ E' G. d% Y1 ]* m 8 d' a7 |& V+ S1 ]1 W) ]% X

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篇三 :sat满分作文欣赏



Is the opinion of the majority-in government or in any other circumstances-a poor guide?

The entire idea of democracy centers around “majority rule”, where laws and standards are put into effect if most of the citizens support it. However, if people concentrate on only the majority in each circumstance, they often forget the voices and rights of the minorities. Simply because a person is in the minority of an opinion does not mean he can be ignored, for in a true democracy all the citizens are guaranteed the same rights. Thus in some circumstances strictly following the opinions of the majority is a poor guide to determining what actions to take.

The days before America’s Civil War, when slavery was prevalent, demonstrate that following majority rule often fails to respect people’s moral rights and liberty. The majority of white people in the early 1800’s supported slavery because of the benefits they received from the suppressed blacks. Thus, the government reluctantly allowed slavery to be legal in America, despite the terrible sufferings of the slaves. The degraded slaves underwent uncountable terrifying experiences-they were beaten, separated from their families, and forced to toil laboriously in fields their entire lives. And because the government believed “majority ruled”,the slaves lived in such conditions until the Emancipation Proclamation was written during the bloody Civil War. Had the government not followed the opinions of the clamoring whites, slavery could have been abolished much sooner, and much suffering could have been avoided. Thus, in this circumstance of freedom vs. suppression, the opinion of the majority served as a poor guide to follow by the U.S. government.

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篇四 :与sat写作满分对话








题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt, Lincoln, Gerhard Shroeder, Gandhi……; 提到ART,就该想到Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Starry night, night watch, Henmingway, the old man and the sea……; 提到Scandal,就该想到Nixon,watergate,bill clinton,sex sandal,Enran……总之,熟练是非常非常重要的!


如果不勤修改自己的文章,就不知道自己原来的漏洞和不足在哪,闷头写,只能导致lose the stake! 当认真学习一段时间写作之后,再回头改第一篇习作,肯定会发现自己很多毛病,这说明: 我们在进步!



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篇五 :sat写作高分三个必备





写作题目数不胜数,那么如何有选择性地准备例子是很重要的。在一开始漫天准备例子的实践失败后,我总结经验,开始从多本SAT参考书中搜集作文题目,并对这些题目进行分类,然后针对不同类别的题目准备不同的例子。每一类题目都能准备2-3个例子,再举一反三之后,便能很有效底应用到几乎所有题目了。其次,选择例子的时候尽量选择一些国际性的,而且是美国人所知道的,因为改卷的毕竟是美国人,所以在平时学习生活中,多积累一些关于美国或者西方国家的人文、历史、社会等知识。另外,我不建议大家用个人的例子去论述整篇文章,因为个人的例子往往缺乏说服力,很PERSONAL,考官也不一定会认可你所论述的。最后就是,对于例子的论述不要太冗长,要更多阐述自己对例子的有逻辑性有深度的分析,这样考官会觉得你不是单纯地在罗列事实,而确实动脑筋思考了,也比较深入主题。 第二、严格控制时间。


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篇六 :sat满分作文

14.一篇新SAT考试的满分作文——原文与中文译文 王杰西卡的新SAT满分作文原文: Is the opinion of the majority-in government or in any other circumstances-a poor guide?

The entire idea of democracy centers around “majority rule”, where laws and standards are put into effect if most of the citizens support it. However, if people concentrate on only the majority in each circumstance, they often forget the voices and rights of the minorities. Simply because a person is in the minority of an opinion does not mean he can be ignored, for in a true democracy all the citizens are guaranteed the same rights. Thus in some circumstances strictly following the opinions of the majority is a poor guide to determining what actions to take.

The days before America’s Civil War, when slavery was prevalent, demonstrate that following majority rule often fails to respect people’s moral rights and liberty. The majority of white people in the early 1800’s supported slavery because of the benefits they received from the suppressed blacks. Thus, the government reluctantly allowed slavery to be legal in America, despite the terrible sufferings of the slaves. The degraded

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篇七 :SAT og test 4满分范文解析

SAT og test 4满分范文解析 本篇范文的作者展示了驾驭语言的高超能力。作者储存的词汇显然很丰富。对于那些会将成功引向灾难的人,作者有如下4种表达: “wrong hands”, “the unworthy”, “those who do not deserve it”,以及 “the unvirtuous”; 一、写作题目

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the

assignment below

The old saying, “be careful what you wish for”, may be an appropriate warning. The drive to achieve a particular goal can dangerously narrow one’s perspective and encourage the fantasy that success in one endeavor will solve all of life’s difficulties. In fact, success can sometimes have unexpected consequences. Those who propel

themselves toward the achievement of one goal often find that their lives are worse once “success” is achieved than they were before.

Assignment: Can success be disastrous? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

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篇八 :归纳获得sat写作高分





因为SAT写作并不要求你有多高的思想深度,对我们高中同学来讲,短时间内达到深刻见解是不现实的。选择观点很有效的策略是选择你所知道的example很多的观点。这点很重要,因为或许你本身对一个topic的第一反映是同意,可是却找不到充足的例子证明此观点,因此我们选择的标准不一定非要取决于自己的立场(同意、反对、部分同意、部分反对),更可行的是选择一个对个人而言容易佐证的观点。其实SAT作文已经很明确的指出考试的每一个话题并不只有一个正确的答案或观点。 这个合乎逻辑的观点最好在文章的第一段就明确提出,即开宗明义。写作最忌讳观点模糊不明确,漫无目的地乱写一气。大家一定要善于总结SAT写作素材以及SAT写作题目。在整个写作的过程中都要反复问自己:读者看了我的文章能明白我的立场吗?

确定好观点以后,就需要用充分有效的例证来支持观点。这时brainstorming (“头脑风暴”) 的方法可以帮助我们搜集可能想到的例证。选择例子的时候,要问自己一个问题:我的例子能论证我的观点吗?我们来看这个考题:

Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 是否应该把英雄定义为这样一种人:当我们缺少勇气表达自己看法的时候,他们却勇于说出自己的想法。

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