

4.A Ride in a Cable-car 阅读理解


1.The cable-car in Singapore (takes visitors to Sentosa) 2.Which cable)

of…is true?( The cars move along the steel 3.Passengers can … because( the car …in the sky) 4.The short trip 5.The last sentence …because (the cars move slowly)

…means(“The return..outward one.”)

A Tale of Scottish Rural Life活的故事

一个关于苏格兰乡村生1.What is Sunset…about? (The lives..Scottish farmers) 2.Which statement3.What is the ……concerned Chris?( She married only once) with?( The history of Kinraddie)

4.Who are responsible ..to Chris? (The Germans) 5.The word sunset ..means( the end of traditional life) Clone Farm 克隆农场

1..first paragraph(taste) 2.research(Technology) 3.wishes(less feed) 4.fifth

paragraph(cell-injecting….machines) 5.EXCEPT Driven to Distraction that (chicken only)

分散注意力驾驶 1.two paragraphs (Coyne….woman) 2.fourth paragraphs(above) 3.fifth paragraph(else) 4..researchers(want…system) 5.prefer(Men prefer…directions)

Eiffel Is an Eyeful 1.move(tower) 2.author(view) 3.Richard(4 seconds) 引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔

4.for(fields) 5.will(represents) Eat Healthy 1.children(not to waste food)2.portions(value) 健康饮食

3.1970s(expand)4.indicate(many…portions) 5.Americans(eaters)

Eat to Live 为了活着吃饭

1.According to the passage?NOT true? (We have to2.Why does…childhood)

…paragraph 2?( To illustrate…on mice) 3.What can be…in the passage?(They are4.According …inflammation)

to the author…researchers? (The mice …old age)

5.According to the lastForecasting Methods …天气预报的方法that(dieting is…

long life) 1.method(Imagination…forecaster) 2.well(much) 3.that(time) 4.data(Bothmethod(from the analog)

…method) 5.analog Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving火鸡盛宴和感恩节的祝福

1.as(ghosts) 2.eaten(on Thanksgiving) 3.for(lives) 4.because(food) 5.in (1620)

Find Yourself 发现自己变胖了?这得责怪朋友们 Packing It On?Blame Friends 1.obese(friends)2.to the report(skinny

friends)3.influence(fatness)4.in this report(life style)5.epidemic(rapidly)

Goal of American Eduction 美国教育的目标 1.education(ability) 2.that(vary) 3.learner4.EXCEPT(countries) 5.countries(extent) ’s(creative) Income 收入

1.about(personal income) 2.paragraph(income) 3.tax on(profits) 4.is(received) 5.that(unwillingly) Imporance of Services 服务业的重要性

1.us that(important) 2.about(32.4 million service jobs) 3.believe that(is in low-paying jobs) 4.shown(consumer services) 5..now(prices)

Late1 that(stimulant) 2.sleep(of sleep

—night Drinking 深夜喝咖啡 hormone)3.discuss(sleep) 4.prove(less sleep hormone) 5.agrees that(after supper)

Milosevic’s Death 米洛舍维奇之死 1.Where…die(In prison)2.Which.. Milosevic(He..ambitious)

3.All..EXCEPT(His parents)4.Why..1989(To..against) 5.What..1991(Yugoslavia broke up

Modern Sun Worshippers 1.that(home) 2.mentioned((climate) 3.others(Spain) 现代日光浴者

4.means(country) 5.beaches(weather)

New York-the melting Pot 炉 纽约—各国移民的大熔1.of New York(studied…population)2.in New York(ready 4.from(world) 5.to New York(Positive)to work) 3.to be(develop

the city) New US Plan for Disease Prevention 美国疾病预防新政策

1.Which of …in the US?( They often ..unhealthy lifestyles) 2.The survival…cancer)

author mentions…EXCEPT(higher 3.The article…will mean(much less…disease treatment) 4.The $15 million program5.Early cancer…significantly(cancer death rate) …at(promoting.. prevention) One-room Schools 1.It…schools(education) 2.disappearing(centralization) 一间房学校

3.second paragraph(time) 4.which…schools(Praising) 5.Nebraska(centralized schools)

Orbital Space Plane 轨道航天飞机

1.for(carrying…Station) 2.indicates(projects) 3.shuttle(Columbia) 4.as(space ambulance) 5.would(Initiative)

Pool Watch 泳池监护

1.AI means the same as( artificial intelligence) 2.What is… a life? (It can … a shadow)

3.How does … a life?( It alerts the lifeguard) 4.Which of5.The word…“ NOT true? (He runs)

considered”… replaced by (“rated”) Single-parent kids Do Best 单亲幼儿最出色

1.agree(children) 2.offspring(care) 3.paragraph5(result) 4.conflict(size) 5.by(factors) Smuggling 走私

1.that(abdomen) 2.drugs(of) 3.1994(25770) 4.third paragraph(smugglers) 5.about(methods) Sleep 睡眠

1.one(habits) 2.that(back) 3.be(night) 4.means(week) 5.anther means(routine)

Sleep Lets Brain File Memories 睡眠促使记忆归档存储

1.file(during sleep)

2.University(..3.4?(The…tolerance) 4.shrinkage(together…consolidation) more…poorer…memory) 5.gym(levels)The Spacing in Animals 动物的间隔距离

1.Distance(..enemy before fleeing) 2.will(..attack)

3.to(psychological distance) 4.group(land) 5.that(factors) Some ThingWe Know about Language 我们所知道的关于语言的一些事情

1.that(has a language) 2.languages(complicated)

3.are(just as sophisticated…) 4.INCORRECT(languages) 5.in(vocabulary) Snowflakes 雪花

1.ture(shape) 2.like(six-sided) 3.crystal(temperature) 4.author(admires…of the snowflakes) 5.to(alike) Slience Please 请安静一点吧 1.have to(shop)2.effecton(cows)

3.paragraph 6(Repeatedthan…)

…become tiresome sooner 4.order to(put pressure on the criminals)5.hearer(both..and)

TV Shows and Long Bus Trips看电视与长途汽车旅行

1.trip(billboards) 2.passage(To talk3.favor(road) 4.because(between) 5.both are(exciting) …TV shows)

The Barbie Dolls 芭比娃

1.desire(..successful) 2.MATTEL(..3.after(Build) 4.from(Lilli) 5.doll(…young men)Ruth…Handler) Taxi Riding 搭乘出租车

1.that(killing) 2.Bridge(suicide) 3.bank(unconditionally) 4.drivers(work) 5.discuss(crises)

The National Park Service 国家公园的服务机构 1.friends(there) 2.rangers(system) 3.EXCEPT(Nation) 4.about(service) 5.discuss(partners) The Only Way Is Up 只好向上



The Cherokee Nation 1.The Cherokee Nation used to live( in the 彻罗基部落

… of the US) 2.One of the … way of(writing down the spoken language)

3.A law..1830 to (force the Cherokees to move westward)

4.When the Cherokees 5.Many Cherokees… mainly … their lands (all of the above) because( they did not … clothes)

Thirsty in Karachi 1.According to …because 卡拉奇的干渴(old networks

…increased population)

2.Now people them)

…water because( many households …find 3.Confronted…Sewerage Board (tries to …borrowed money)

4.Which of …they do? (They only ..for electricity) 5.Which of t…in London?(He is ..in London) The Wasteland 1.All of the…EXCEPT( heavy monsoon rains)


2.According to…forests is( the improper …Taliban rule) 3.Most of the 4.In which ……snow leopards? (They huntbecause (they have…the country)

….make profits) 5.Which of the…last paragraph?(Fewer people..in Kosovo)

Underground Coal Fires a Looming Catastrophe 地下煤引发即将来临的灾难
























