




英语 80 政治69 国际新闻事务115 写作131






3.国际新闻实务。说实话,这门考试也是最不知道如何准备的,新人在问的最多的问题也是 如何练习新闻编译。


首先是对新闻写作的基本知识的理解,详见黎信老师的蓝皮书 英语对外新闻报到指南 的前两章内容;


最后就是汉英新闻编译。在练习之前需要学习刘其中老师的 汉英新闻编译 一书。而我当时的练习方法很简单,首先我做了从08到xx年的真题,因为xx年不考这个所以没有那年的真题。通过做真题我把自己的练习方法确定为以练习导语编译和500字内的领导人的讲话稿编译为主。因为观察到这几年的材料都是温家宝总理的讲话,所以我从新华网上把温总理从20xx年x月开始的讲话稿全部打印了出来(结果今年考的是胡锦涛主席的...),长的就用来做编译,短的就用来写导语。就这样,我上午学习经济学人,背单词(这个是为了下一门写作),下午就写三个导语,一篇500字内的汉英编译。本来开始还想练习英汉编译,但是时





很多准备考北外的同学心中对作文很疑惑:到底什么样的作文是符合要求的,应该是什么样子的作文呢?其实我到现在还不知道这个答案。当时我是写了一下让老师看了看。在考试的时候我也是按照这种思路写的,得了136分,让我喜出望外,因为当时有些紧张,写得有些乱了,质量还不及练笔的作文,因为练笔的作文我用了很长时间写的,而考试时就是在3小时 之内写完的。大家可以参考一下(难免会有错误,只是给大家看个可行的形式而已,不要太关注内容了,相信大家会写得更好的)。不要给自己太大的压力了,想不通的时候就想想类似这样的文章都可以,还有什么不行啊。加油吧!

Summary of the two views

The author holds the view that the model minority thesis, claiming Asian Americans to be successful judging from their high educational attainment levels, high median incomes and so forth, doesn’t make sense. The figures the thesis based on are misleading and he enumerates and analyzes 6 points to support his view. First, most Asian Americans live in states with higher incomes as well as higher costs of living and their high incomes are attributed to more workers per family. Second, Asian Americans are unevenly distributed in the economy and are concentrated in occupations that don’t pay as well as other jobs in the same industry. Third, Asian Americans have a camouflaged high underemployment. Forth, the high participation rate in works of Asian American women is in fact due to the fact that their husbands’ low wages and their earnings don’t go with their full-time work and education. Fifth, Asian Americans’ educational attainments stress educational level rather than returns to education. Sixth, the “model minority” image homogenizes Asian Americans and hides their difference and obscures the poverty within their ranks. The author also believes that the model minority thesis is a kind of political rhetoric which perpetuates Asian Americans’ inequality and exacerbates relations between them and other minorities.

And the view the author criticizes is that Asian Americans are viewed as model minority and other minorities should learn from Asian Americans. They should work hard to pull themselves up by the bootstraps instead of using militant protests to obtain their rights.


It’s undeniable that the status quo of Asian Americans has been enhanced. The model minority thesis mentioned in this article to some extent exaggerates the success, so I’m in part approval of the author’s analysis on that stereotype. Asian Americans are not as successful as claimed, they are still interior in some respects by comparison, uneven occupation distribution, camouflaged high underemployment, to name but a few. There is still much to do to be the real model minority.

However, the model minority thesis is not built in one day. It must have been shaped and colored through a long run and there must be reasons for its coming into existence. For my part, one of the main reasons lies in the predominant character of Asian Americans, decedent from their Asian ancestors, that is, industriousness. It’s wildly acknowledged that Asians are more diligent and hard-working than their counterparts. People better their lives and earn their fortunes by working hard. Diligence by nature is a good thing, but it may work the other way when impose diligence on people who nudge diligence into the last word to talk about. What’s worse is that people of this kind don’t work hard and they are envious of those who make a fortune by working hard. Keeping pets with good stuffs has always been disputable in the present stage. In my view, that discussion initially results from some people’s instinct that we intelligent human beings, as primate, are superior to any other animals and this superiority should be distinguished by means of material stuffs. For instance, we human are expected to have premium food, wear beautiful clothes, live in decent houses while animals deserve treating with leftovers, rags and derelict cartons, as their endearing houses. People are born this way. They make comparisons all the time, even between human and animals, let alone between one and another. And this is the case in the U.S.A. Because of some historical reasons, Asian Americans and other minorities were once in a lower position than that of the Americans, which gives rise to the superiority of the Americans. And nowadays, the once interior nations are emerging as stronger and stronger powers. The Americans are losing their superiority and they cannot take this reality. As a result, they sometimes make biased and distorted comments on the rising power. Some radicals even rob and destroy Asian Americans’ businesses. And a smart group of people just try to take advantage of Asian Americans’ merit, industriousness and the success they have achieved. On one hand, they dodge the responsibility of trouble other minorities are involved in and say to them, “Your bad conditions are none of our business. Learn from Asian Americans to work hard instead of complaining.” And on the other hand, this will result in the conflict between Asian Americans and other minorities so as to hinder each other. You know, people hate to be compared, especially when they don’t have the advantage.

History has taught us a lesson that to be left behind is to be bullied by others. It’s in particular conspicuous when it comes to living in another country. As far as I’m concerned, Asian Americans ought to continue their way of life to improve their livelihoods through hard-working. In addition, make model minority real model minority. Once they are strong enough, it will spare much trouble.














“喜迎党代会·青春我最虹”党团知识知多少一、活动目的:中国共 产 党青岛农业大学第一次代表大会将于20xx年x月x日隆重召开。青岛农大第一次党代会是学校站在新起点、谋划新发展、开创新局面而召开的一次重要会议,是学校…









PPT 新闻知识

