



1. 纠错,

2. 纠错,

3. 对方四辩稿子中的漏洞或补充自己的漏洞。

今天我方辩题,自营是商业发展的必由之路,首先自营的好处很直观,带来的就是毛利空间大大增加,其次,没有了中间商,零售方可以直接像品牌商买断经营,再者言,加大自营比例,就可以把虚高的价格压低,让更多的商品价格回归理性,最后自营还会减少同质化现象,服务标准也会有所提高,同时还会节约人力成本。更重要的是自营品牌可以提高核心竞争力“尽管从联营模式到自营模式,这条道路很困难,但一定要走。 ”这是上海百联集团股份有限公司总经理李国定说过的,在美国、欧洲等地区,如马莎百货等多数商场都采取的自营模式,其综合毛利率能达到40%以上,而在国内,一线城市百货商场的毛利率也仅在20%左右。据报告显示一个企业的自营商品比例如果能达到30%以上,它就具备了持续增长的核心竞争力。而目前百联股份自营商品的比例不到10%。同时他认为的自营商品,包括了五种模式:国内总代理、国内总经销、境外采购买断销售、注册商标后贴牌生产、以及由自己的设计团队开发的自有商品。 “但不管是哪一类,都是企业发展的必由之路。中国人民大学商学院教授黄国雄也认为,提高自营商品的比例有助于企业差异化竞争,也能使经营者更了解市场需求,提高自主经营能力。


Honorable judges, distinguished guests and dear opponents, please allow me summarize our opinions.

There is no denying that it is of great importance to develop economy. But what we are debating about is whether economy or environment is more important. Our side firmly believes environment comes first and should be attached more importance to. If it is a must to make a choice, we will definitely choose environment and abandon economy without hesitation.

Take China as an example, the past few years have witnessed the rapid development of economy in company with disastrous environmental pollution, which has improved people’s living standards but has caused great damage to people’s health and China’s sustainable development. As is stated in the national policy, the traditional way of treatment after pollution should be totally replaced by the sustainable way of development, which emphasizes that environmental protection should be given priority to. If we are to develop economy at the expense of environment, we are bound to die at an earlier age. Moreover, if our children and grandchildren follow our steps, the limited natural resources the earth provides will run out soon in the near future, and one day Chinese people will bring the earth, along with themselves to an eternal end.

Beyond China, people throughout the world have also attempted to develop economy regardless of the pollution and even destruction of environment, but has ended up being sevevely punished by nature. In 1952, 伦敦烟雾事件led to 120xx people’s deaths. In 1956,日本水俣病事件, arising from the rapid development after the Second World War shocked the whole world. In 1986, the nuclear leakage in the Former Soviet Union cost 9300 people their lives. Brazil let out 0.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide as a result of deforestation of the Forest of Amazon, which added fuel to global warming. With millions of chemical plants polluting the water all over the world, up to 1.6 billion people are in bad need of clean drinkable water. There is an endless list of examples where human beings pose great danger for the earth they rely on to live and their own lives in pursuit of the temporary economic profit.

Dear opponents, think about it. What do you develop the economy for when you are losing the homeland? Where can you develop the economy when you have lost the homeland? How can you develop the economy when you have consumed the natural resources the earth has to offer.

Honorable judges, dear opponents, it should be noted again that the focus of our debate is which should be placed first when they are in conflict with each other, namely, which is more important. Slow economic development only means slow advancement of our nation and the world. Nevertheless, what it takes to delay environmental protection far out weighs. It must be too late to recognize the significance of environmental protection, when air pollution is growing worse, global warming is keeping on the rise, rainforests are disappearing, living things are dying out, and the earth no longer exists. Dear all, environmental protection waits for no man. Let’s take action!





万事中间难 四辩稿


口才比文才更重要 四辩稿




名人微博 四辩稿












辩论赛 四辩稿:当今社会,社会经济发展比公民道德教育更重要。

