

Unit 4 Book 1 Useful expressions


1. talk much of the American dream

2. In their country anyone can become successful through hard work and enterprise.

3. rags to riches

4. an empty dream cf. make empty promises

5. take a view

6. A remain central to understanding sth

7. shared beliefs

8. blood ties

9. form the basis of national identity

10. turn one’s back on sth逃离;抛弃

11. turn one’s back on poverty 摆脱贫困=get out of poverty

12. set out with high hopes for a new life in America

13. move up in the world: get promotion

14. sth be at the end of the rainbow 在彩虹末端;在可望而不可及的地方

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15. Talent/Virtues and hard work can take you from log cabin to White House.

16. rise high in society

17. make his own dream come true

18. a rocky farm

19. stand in the driveway

20. park in the driveway; drive in the parkway

21. What does a gardener do? mow the lawn; weed the garden; sweep the walks; clean up the yard; take care of any little tasks; lift heavy objects; fix things

22. comprehend his broken English

23. couldn’t afford a gardener

24. go into my house unhappy cf. (the wind) blow cold

25. these Depression days

26. turn away a person=refuse to help a person; refuse to allow sb to enter

cf. turn down sb=refuse sb

27. assume主观认定 cf. resume:begin again presume 假定 consume消耗 assumption presumption consumption

28. hire /employ sb ←→fire/dismiss sb

29. rebuild our business

30. bring sb back to the plants

31. compliment sb on sth cf. complement my diet with some vitamin E

32. work out sth: solve sth

33. weekly pay; monthly salary; yearly income

34. Summer passed into fall. =Fall came after summer.

35. What do you do with such determination and hope?=How do you deal with …?

36. ask the personnel department for a report

37. at our meeting place/in his usual waiting place/in our familiar meeting spot

38. a pretty good apprentice school

39. to train laborers cf. trained laborers

40. have the capacity to do sth/for sth cf. ability to do sth; capability of doing sth

41. be able to do sth; be capable of doing sth

42. read blueprints and micrometers

43. do precision work

44. take a cut in pay: have his pay reduced

45. graduate as a skilled grinder

46. skilled (in/at sth): having or needing skill; skillful/skilful: having or showing skill e.g. We need workers skilled in welding for this job; it’s a highly skilled job.

47. shape the grinding wheel 制作砂轮

48. do sth with an instrument set with a diamond

49. be delighted with what we felt was a satisfactory/satisfying end of the story

50. on the edge of town

51. for sale cf. on sale: 1. for sale 2.sale at lower prices

52. a wreck cf. wreckage

53. call on sb: visit sb cf. call on the government to take steps

54. loan money on character

55. no sale=no way

56. a man of character: a trustworthy man

57. pay your interest

58. write a mortgage for $20xx

59. give sb sth with no down payment cf. initial payment

60. discarded; abandoned; deserted

61. odds and ends; odds and sods; small articles

62. a broken screen 坏了的屏风

63. a bit of hardware 一点五金器具

64. boards from packing 包装纸板

65. stand a little straighter

66. have a look of confidence

67. say sth with pride: say sth proudly

68. send for sb back in Italy

69. hunt for sth=look for sth

70. shed: a lighly built building

e.g. a tool shed; a wood shed; cattle shed家畜棚; garden shed花园工具房

71. be neatly dressed

72. persuade sb to do

73. sponsor sth

74. with an amused look in his eye

75. approach sw: come near to sw

76. operate a farm=run a farm=manage a farm

77. stand in amazement=in surprise

78. pass away

79. check on sb: examine sb: look into sb

80. see that…=see to it that…=make sure that…

81. Everything was properly handled.

82. find the farm green with vegetables

83. livable and homey

84. don’t owe a cent cf. owe sb sth owe A to B=attribute A to B

85. He grew in stature in my mind: He grew taller and greater in my mind.

86. industrialists= entrepreneurs

87.reach one’s success by the same route and by the same values and principles

88. self-control; self-respect= self-esteem cf. self-confidence=self-assurance;

89. above all=most important of all

90. integrity = honesty

91. begin on the bottom rung of the ladder cf. begin in the basement

92. the balance sheets

93. decimal point

94. seek one’s dream

Vocabulary & Translation exe

95. with great patience

96. check the balance in her bank account on an ATM

97. discard litter: throw litter

98. be willing to take risks to achieve success

99. live almost entirely on a diet of cabbages

cf. go/be on a diet put sb on a diet

100. the food left over from the party cf. leftovers

101. weekly earnings

102. on the average

103. get involved in a deal like this cf. get involved with sb 与sb鬼混在一起

cf. people involved所涉及的人 involved problems: complicated problems 104. be against all my principles

105. in the sunken ship

106. leave a well-paid job

107. provide no guarantee

108. many a bank: many banks

109. refuse her request for a loan

110. be precise in expressing her thoughts=express her thoughts with precision 111. be firm in our decision to modernize our country in the shortest possible time 112. wander around the department stores

113. leisurely inspect the items for sale

114. hunt for some antiques(古董) along the sidewalks

115. on display

116. laid-off workers cf. laying-off 下岗

117. handle one’s financial troubles

118. create re-employment opportunities

119. provide business startup loans

120. a man of good moral character

121. build up a reputation for kindness

121. call on his needy neighbors

122. attend his funeral

123. read for personal discovery and growth

124. the board of education 教委 cf. the board of directors 董事会 125. be responsible for sth

126. find evidence of life in space

127. discuss the details of the plan

128. senior citizens

129. create such a good life for himself

130. right from the start

131. show a determination to get on(继续下去)

132.take on skilled work

133. a takeout restaurant

134. a dry cleaner: a laundry

135. buy a huge house in an exclusive suburb

136. work like crazy

137. get a tech-related job

138. invest your wages into/in stocks

139. work out a plan acceptable to both sides

140. natural disasters

141. take action to protect life and property

142. amuse myself reading a book

143. lack confidence

144. be unsure of oneself

145.create rather than wait for opportunities


Unit 7 Book 1 Useful expressions


1. look into the eyes of n=look sb in the eye

2. an adoring pet

3. The remark reveals a hope that...

4. share enough in common in the way (they think and feel to understand one another)

5. explore the evidence: study the proofs

6. report on animals’ natural behavior

7. experience love for one another as humans do

Text A

8. write extensively/widely about sth and the controversy that surrounds it

9. a fierce/bitter/heated controversy over/about sth cf. controversial

10. intelligence cf. IQ: intelligence quotient intellect intellectual

11. consciousness sub-consciousness

12. to wonder at/about sth cf. wonder wh-从句

13. explore cf. explorer exploration exploratory

14. cf. expose暴露 exploit 剥削 explode爆炸

15. be designed to do/for sth cf. resign辞职 assign布置,分派(assignment)

16. do their best thinking

17. better ways to explore sth than experiments

18. sth serve one’s own purposes

19. vets

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