英语辩论 about plastic surgery


Should people improve their appearance through cosmetic?


正方甲:Indeed, the previous couple of years has witnessed the growing incidence of the phenomenon are many people are been on the plastic surgery. When it comes to this, the opinions differ owing to respective point of view and diverse backgrounds.

I think there is some need for some people to take it. Some unpredicted things, such as burns, accidents, may happen to them, leading them to have a disabled look. So they will have to bear the mental and physical pressure. Given there situations, the plastic surgery is the best option to them.

反方甲: I don't agree with you. The plastic surgery has bad effects on the public. Firstly, it needs a lot of time, energy and money, which will put a big burden on the low income family. Secondly, the plastic surgery is not always the safe way. Sometimes it is fatal. What’s more, we should pay more attention to the internal quality. Otherwise, it will mislead the teenagers.


正方乙: I think what you have in mind is negative. Not all people have good internal quality, which requires constant training to be achieved. Can't we attach importance to appearance when paying attention to the internal quality training?

反方乙:The internal quality training can be done just by oneself , without extra money . It can be achieved through daily life and won’t be long before everything is in good conditions. Indeed, it is a proper way for the majority of people.

反方乙:Excuse me, fellow debater, in a sense, a good appearance is enjoyable, but the beautiful scenery is always temporary, as the beautiful girl’s face is easy to fade. So pursuing the beauty is unworthy in the long run. Only the inherent quality can impress people for a long time.

正方乙:As we all know, the love for beauty is the nature of all human beings. If they want to become more beautiful, what’s wrong with that?

反方乙:I think there are many ways to make themselves look in good shape. We can achieve it through clothes and jewels to make up this deficiency, instead of cosmetic.


正方甲:At last everyone has the rights to pursue beauty. Cosmetic provides people for chances to change their fate, why not?

反方甲:We needn’t change our appearance on purpose. Still, the inner beauty can make up for the shortage of appearance. It may cause many problems, therefore cosmetic is not advisable.

第二篇:statement on plastic surgery

Statement on Plastic Surgery

By Ximu

Thank you, chairman! Today we are talking about a- so long ago but so clear- topic, beauty. As it goes, “there are women inside beauty”, every female, even male, have the tendency towards aesthetics. Everyone struggles on their voyages of becoming more beautiful, and plastic surgery has proved to bring them the flush of dawn.

So the viewpoint of our side: people should improve their appearance through plastic surgery.


We have found several definitions of “plastic surgery”.

Merriam Webster Dictionary, one of the most authoritative dictionaries in the America indicates that plastic surgery is concerned with the repair, restoration, or improvement of lost, injured, defective, or misshapen body parts. Meanwhile, the Wiki-encyclopedia says that plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.

Paying attention to the explanation of this item, the meaning of plastic surgery is far beyond the commonly narrow belief of only improving body shape by operational means. Simply speaking, all the surgeries relative to fixing man’s body can be called plastic surgery. repairing the body defects, which is to say the plastic surgery is a necessity of some people

most of the time.


I want to say plastic surgery has innumerable benefits physically and mentally for ones who need it. Here I mean the ones who need it. Actors need plastic surgery to mark themselves with beauty to achieve a higher success if necessary; anchorpersons need plastic surgery to get the attention of the audience to enhance the viewing rate. You may say that "actors don’t need a good look, their success depends on their performance skills; famous anchorpersons often have plain appearances, and that’s not matter, we love them because of their hosting style." Wait a minute; the amount of actors, anchorpersons, even singers enhancing their look by surgeries is beyond your imagination. But you can’t deny a good looking has a magic to increase the probabilities of success, sometimes even to a great degree. A lot of star hit off by their appearances, not skills.

So we say plastic surgery give common people an access to fame, and celebrities a lift of career.

As for those who are born defective, plastic surgery seems a necessity. Just as the behavior of being additionally beautiful, these people basically want to be treated as the normal people around them. They have their choices to make. Plastic surgery could help them by restoring their bodies, thus rebuilding their confidence. As a result they can take part in the social activities better, get better jobs, and raise their families. Then there will be a higher employment rate, less criminal based on self-inferiority and other psychological problems,creating a more harmonious society.

So we say plastic surgery can give the crippled a reborn, and the moral an enhancement.


Maybe you like the original status God gave us, but you can’t stop the human nature of loving beauty and the worldwide trend of seeking beauty. Why aren't you willing the world become more pleasant? Everyone has their rights to be more beautiful, and plastic surgery is probably the most effective way. People will evaluate the bonus they might get after a surgery and the potential risks they might suffer and make the optimal choice within their ability.

Maybe you prefer inner beauty, but you have to admit external beauty and inner beauty don’t conflict. If you have a beautiful face indeed, nobody can affirm you are a thief. becuase people believe there exist more goodness than evil, no matter you are pretty or ugly.

Maybe you doubt the safety of plastic surgery, but no revolution runs smoothly. We can say confidently, as the technology develops, the risks plastic surgery brings about will fall down. One day it'll be as safe as orphans sucking mother's breast milk.


To conclude, plastic surgery makes changing appearance possible. It has widely benefits both on what people look and what people think. Plastic surgery can fix a person's body and improve a person's life, but it can't replace it just like all the other things. Your fortune is in your hand, and just do your best to seize it!

Thank you!




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