

New Year Quotations

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~Hal Borland

The merry year is born

Like the bright berry from the naked thorn.

~Hartley Coleridge

Ring out the old, ring in the new,

Ring, happy bells, across the snow:

The year is going, let him go;

Ring out the false, ring in the true.

~Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Each age has deemed the new-born year

The fittest time for festal cheer.

~Walter Scott

We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential. ~Ellen Goodman

May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions. ~Joey Adams

He who breaks a resolution is a weakling;

He who makes one is a fool.

~F.M. Knowles

The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would

make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. ~G.K. Chesterton

I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's. ~Henry Moore

Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols. ~Thomas Mann

I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me. ~Ana?s Nin

Why won't they let a year die without bringing in a new one on the instant, can't they use birth control on time? I want an interregnum. The stupid years patter on with unrelenting feet, never stopping - rising to little monotonous peaks in our imaginations at festivals like New Year's and Easter and

Christmas - But, goodness, why need they do it? ~John Dos Passos, 1917

New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. ~Mark Twain

Every man regards his own life as the New Year's Eve of time. ~Jean Paul Richter

The only way to spend New Year's Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears. ~W.H. Auden

We will open the book.

Its pages are blank.

We are going to put words on them ourselves.

The book is called Opportunity


its first chapter is New Year's Day.

Remember the laughter,

the joy,

the hard work,

and the tears.

And as you reflect on the past year,

also think of the new one to come.

Because most importantly,

this is a time of new beginnings

and the celebration of life.


Here is a wishing that

the coming year is a glorious one

that rewards all your

future endeavors with success.

New Year is the time to

unfold new horizons & realize new dreams, to rediscover the strength & faith within u, to rejoice in simple pleasures &

gear up 4 a new challenges.

Wishing u a truly fulfilling 2012

Wishing you a fabulous 2012

with full of great achievements and experiences.

A meaningful chapter waiting

to be written HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Fill your life with Happiness & Bright Cheer,

Bring to u Joy and Prosperity for the whole Year,

And it's my New Year wish 4u Dear.


May each day of the coming year

be vibrant and new

bringing along

many reasons for celebrations.

I wish U to have a

Sweetest Sunday,

Marvelous Monday,

Tasty Tuesday,

Wonderful Wednesday,

Thankful Thursday,

Friendly Friday,

Successful Saturday.

Have a great Year.


When the mid-night bell rings tonight..

Let it signify new and better things for you,

let it signify a realization of all things you wish for, Let it signify a year of courage and believes,

Wishing you a very...very...very prosperous 2012

With all the Rose's Perfume

& with all the lights in the world

& with all the children Smiles...

I Wish U that your all dreams comes True.. *HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012*









This is beginning of a new year!



龙腾华夏金鼙壮 春暖虞唐草木荣

龙腾霄汉开新运 鹊立枝头报好音

万水千山凭虎跃 五湖四海任龙腾

喜看龙年花千树 笑饮改革酒一杯

喜兔岁九州丰稔 愿龙年百业昌荣

欣闻禹域鸣雏凤 喜看神州起卧龙

燕舞莺歌相比美 龙腾虎跃竞争先

紫燕飞来寻玉兔 黄鹂唱起戏金龙

华夏大地春常在 文明古国尽朝晖

上联:金龙贺喜出东海 下联:玉兔辞岁回月宫 横披:龙踞福地

上联:喜谢玉兔留宝在 下联:笑迎金龙常春来 横披:恭贺新禧

上联:玉龙吐宝千重瑞 下联:金莺报喜四时宁 横披:龙年吉祥

龙年龙裔看龙舞龙飞天上 春节春风送春光春满人间

喜看龙年花千树 笑饮改革酒一杯

无边春色来天地 有志金龙越古今

国运国兴凭国策 龙飞龙跃靠龙人

九龙飞舞千秋雪 百鸟啼转万树花

龙腾虎跃创大业 江奔河涌向小康

梅柳三春飞雏燕 炎黄一脉是神龙

梅花香遍神州地 龙步震开盛世春

岁降金龙蒙化雨 年逢惠政沐春风

喜兔岁九州丰稔 愿龙年百业昌荣

世纪春光辉大地 江山国色舞神龙

龙腾新纪百年好 马跃长征万里遥

大丈夫无须待兔 有志者必定腾龙

金龙献瑞苏万物 绿柳迎春喜千家


旭日东升雄狮吼 中华崛起巨龙腾

神州春暖山河秀 华夏龙腾日月新

九州日丽迎新岁 四海龙吟乐大年

千里云霞辉大地 万般气象壮龙年

九州骨肉同龙脉 两岸山河共月圆

中华跃日神龙舞 在地迎春紫燕飞

世纪风云龙际会 春风杨柳燕剪裁

一联壮我楹间色 万国腾龙海内春

刚唱兔岁歌一曲 又饮龙年酒三杯

梅为春意赋新意 雪向龙年报丰年

喜庆爆竹送玉兔 吉祥梅花迎金龙

澳归犹凭龙剑气 邦兴勿忘虎门烟

八面威风增国力 九州春色启龙年

百尺高梧栖彩凤 万川汇海起蛟龙

报春乐曲神龙吟 强国宏图众手描

北海云生龙对舞 丹山日上凤双飞

笔架山高才气现 砚池水满墨龙飞

笔走神龙大手笔 春归盛世好青春

笔走神龙凭大手 诗流雅韵有高人

碧海惊涛龙献瑞 苍梧茂叶凤呈祥

才闻兔岁凯旋曲 又唱龙年祝福歌

彩凤来仪迎大治 金龙起舞庆新春

苍龙半挂秦川雨 石马长嘶汉苑风

苍龙日暮还行雨 老树春深更著花

苍梧拔地栖金凤 碧海连天潜玉龙

辰居其所众星拱 龙腾于天万国钦

辰年迪吉千重瑞 龙岁呈祥四季宁

辰日一轮驰浩宇 龙年百业壮中华


赤兔追风千里志 金龙拱日万家春

出海神龙开世纪 挥毫妙笔颂春秋

春到人间争虎跃 喜传域外庆龙飞

春光明媚江山上 龙虎腾飞事业中

春节迎来春气象 龙年抖擞龙精神

春日春风春浩荡 龙年龙岁龙腾飞

春雨多情绿大地 金龙展志壮神州

大业功成惊世界 巨龙飞跃盛中华

大丈夫无须待兔 有志者必定腾龙

大治凤鸣尤乐耳 小康龙舞更开心

丹凤朝阳歌盛世 苍龙布雨润神州

丹霞瑰丽神龙舞 大路康庄骏马驰

动地惊天龙气象 锦山绣水凤文章

风发龙门春浪暖 日临雁塔晓云开

风来松度龙吟曲 雨过庭余鸟迹书

改革迎来金虎啸 开放喜看玉龙腾

刚唱兔岁歌一曲 又饮龙年酒三杯

庚呈瑞彩迎春节 辰绽联花拓盛元

庚序开元民奋发 辰年启泰国腾骧

国策英明增国力 龙年飞跃展龙图

国富民殷龙献瑞 年丰物阜凤还巢

国运国兴凭国策 龙飞龙跃靠龙人

海阔何愁龙跃水 山高岂妒凤朝阳

虎啸无弦惊海宇 龙吟有意动河山

虎跃龙腾欢盛世 莺歌燕舞贺新春

户吉家祥歌且舞 龙盘虎踞慨而慷

花柳春风催燕舞 英雄祖国盼龙飞

华堂戏燕春风暖 盛世腾龙国色娇


华夏大地春常在 文明古国尽朝晖

华夏龙腾金鼓壮 新春马跃玉珂鸣

华夏龙腾金鼙壮 神州兔跃玉仓盈

华夏扬威惊世界 巨龙昂首恃风雷

黄龙行雨腾沧海 紫凤驾云上碧霄

挥毫凤舞千山秀 泼墨龙飞万水腾

绘龙图铭心济世 存虎胆立志兴邦

江河湖海凭龙跃 山岳峰峦任虎行

江山故国堪留鹤 华夏高天可腾龙

江山故国堪留鹤 华夏昊天可跃龙

江山秀丽神龙舞 道路逶迤骏马驰

江山依旧龙盘踞 世纪更新国富强

蛟龙出海迎红日 紫燕归门报早春

蛟龙腾海风雷激 莺燕闹春杨柳青

金龙报春春风暖 铁手造福福气浓

金龙出海迎新岁 彩凤朝阳贺小康

金龙闹海春潮涌 喜鹊登枝福韵高

金龙献瑞苏千里 绿柳迎春乐万家

锦绣山川春色绣 奔腾江海巨龙腾

九九祥云舒玉兔 千千情结系金龙

九天揽月中华志 四海腾龙民族魂

九州丽日迎新纪 四海龙吟乐大年

巨龙腾跃中华志 猛虎催啸民族魂

刻翠裁红新格调 屠龙刺虎好文章

快抓良机辞兔岁 欣承国运展龙图

况向长征驰赤兔 敢为四化缚苍龙

浪翻南海潜龙至 风振紫霄翔凤归

莲花锦地歌妈祖 荆树光天颂九龙


炼塔凌空荣广宇 油龙出海壮神州

两袖清风龙虎惧 一身正气鬼神惊

龙步青云酬壮志 鹏飞碧宇览神州

龙从百丈潭中起 春自千重锦上来

龙开盛纪新春丽 国展宏图大业娇

龙门丽景催鱼跃 祖国宏图任我描

龙门一跳迎新岁 燕子双飞报好音

龙省龙年龙起舞 虎林虎地虎飞腾

龙岁初临勤努力 辰光正亮著先鞭

龙岁迎来新世纪 莺歌唱出好春光

龙腾广宇添新秀 兔丽长河展壮图

龙腾虎跃春光好 鸟语花香世纪新

龙腾虎跃风云壮 物阜年丰国运昌

龙腾虎跃光明地 海晏河清锦绣天

龙腾虎跃闹春意 人寿年丰谢党恩

龙腾虎跃新世纪 年富力强好时光

龙腾虎跃兴大治 燕舞莺歌庆升平

龙腾华夏金鼙壮 春暖虞唐草木荣

龙腾华夏钟灵地 德启门庭毓秀人

龙腾盛世千家喜 春满神州万物荣

龙腾涛海易天历 虎变风云驾海虬

龙腾伟业超千古 鹏舞雄姿搏九霄

出海神龙开世纪 挥毫妙笔颂春秋

笔走神龙大手笔 春归盛世好青春

























