

1. 每个人都会有缺陷,就像被上帝咬过的苹果,有的人缺陷比较大,正是



2. “一年之计在于春”,十几岁的年纪,正是人生的春天,别辜负了岁月老


3. 人世间的真情就像一张大网,时刻温暖人的心扉,就如妈妈的爱一样,


4. 只有一条路不能选择,那就是放弃;


5. 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

6. 春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。——郭沫若

7. 最深的黑夜即将过去,你看,月亮出来了。

8. 发光并非太阳的专利,我也可以发光。

9. 不求于人相比,但求超越自己,要哭就哭出激动的泪水,要笑就笑出成


10. 一朵孤芳自赏的花只是美丽,一片互相依恃着而怒放的锦绣才是灿烂。

11. 使你疲倦的不是前面的高山,而是你鞋里的一粒沙子。

12. 岁月是一首诗,一首蕴含丰富哲理的是;岁月是一峰骆驼,驮着无数人


13. 假如生活中你失败了,请不要将忧伤的泪水写在脸上。失败也是一种收


14. “蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。”那一片芦苇不只是提供了背景,也摇曳着情


15. 一个不爱惜东西的人,就不会疼惜别人,不会珍惜这个世界,有时候连

自己也不懂得珍惜。心灵旧了不懂得修补,最后连丢失了 都不知道。

16. 记不清有多少个夜晚,在我翻阅纸张的指间滑落;记不清有多少支蜡烛,



17. 走过水果店,我常常有一种说不出的感动,那些经过细心安排的水果,

造型色彩都是美的。水晶的梨子,碧玉的西瓜,翡翠的苹果,星星的杨桃,珍珠的葡萄,红宝石的李子,总是发出和珠宝一样令人向往的光彩。 我想,所有的果实都是美的,如果说果树是生命,果实就是树的心,随便怎么摆,都是美的。如果一个人有果实,也是一样。

18. 别在树下 徘徊,别在雨中沉思,别再黑暗中落泪。向前看,不要回头,


19. 微少的知识使人骄傲,丰富的知识使人谦逊,所以空心的禾穗高傲地举


20. 我曾经一再感叹,觉得女儿没什么爱心。因为现实生活中,差不多都是

父母在为她服务,帮她叠被子,帮她倒水,半夜里起来帮她捉蚊子,强迫她喝牛奶,也许因为那些本能的爱,我们已经有些畸形,却忽视了一个最简单的事实,这就是女儿已长大。她不在需要婆婆妈妈 的唠唠叨叨 ,需要的是另一种关爱,是理解。

21. 我们拼命地学习如何成功冲刺一百米,但是没有人教过我们:你跌倒时,






22. 守住一颗宁静的心,你会由衷的感慨:即使不够快乐,也不要把眉头深


23. 年轻的时候






24. 痛苦是人生旅途中不绝于耳的配乐,正是因为有痛苦,才有对美好的希


25. 听,是谁的琴声如此凄凉,低调的音,缓慢的节奏,仿佛正诉说着什么。


26. 如果是在餐厅,有音乐流淌的地方,我会细嚼慢咽,细细的品味一切;


27. 我们只顾着赶路,把灵魂丢在后面,生命里许多美好的事物如同挂在我




Table Manner餐桌礼仪

作者:孟祥高编辑:铅笔头时间:2013-04-23 12:32

Speaking of table manners, every country or culture has its own characteristics. In China, table manners in our life occupy a very important position. People think that repast (吃饭;就餐) is not only for our basic physiological (生理的) needs, but also for our social needs.


I think the main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that unlike the West where everyone has their own plate of food, the dishes in China are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, you should be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine(烹饪) and will do their best to show their hospitality (殷勤好客).


Having dinner with English you should not talk about your business. If you do that, there will be no response. On the contrary, it’s OK with the Americans, the talk can go vigorously(活泼地), and the success rate of your business is high.

与英国人一起用餐,吃饭时就忌谈生意。如果你那样做了,他们是不会加以理睬的。相反,美国人则可边吃边谈,而且还会谈得很起劲,成功率也比较高。 In South Korea and North Korea talking is forbided when peple are having a meal, and they regard this as a courtesy (礼貌;礼节) that everyone should comply with (遵守). If you speak out of reason, it is possible that people will be disgusted with it. When you are a guest in Korea, it’s better not to take the forth drink and the fourth bowl of rice. 在韩国和朝鲜吃饭时不能边谈边吃,他们把此作为人人应遵守的礼节。如果随便出声,极可能引起人们的反感。到韩国人家做客则要注意不能喝第四杯饮料,不能吃第四碗饭。

Love and Time 爱与时间

作者:陈芬编辑:铅笔头时间:2013-04-23 12:13

once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed(建构) boats and left. Except Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.” Love decided to ask Vanity (虚荣) who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel (船). “Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered. Sadness was close by, so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you” “Oh ... Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!” Happiness passed by Love, too. But she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way. Realizing how much she was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?” “It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.”



小岛就要沉没的时候,爱决定寻求帮助。财富乘着一艘华丽的船从爱的身边经过。爱说:“财富,你能带上我吗?”财富回答说:“不,不行,我的船上载满金银财宝,你来了没有地方待。”虚荣坐在漂亮的小船中从爱的身边驶过,爱决定去求一求虚荣。“虚荣,请帮帮我!” “我爱莫能助。爱,你浑身湿透,会弄脏我的船。”虚荣回答。悲哀就在旁边,于是爱问道:“悲哀,请带我走

吧。”“哦……爱,我太难过了,我需要独自待会儿!”幸福也经过爱的身边,但她太开心了,根本没听见爱在呼唤。突然,有一个声音说道:“来,爱,我带你走。” 声音来自一位长者。爱太高兴了,太喜出望外了,甚至忘了问他们即将去哪儿。到达陆地后,长者继续赶路了。爱非常感激他,她觉着自己欠长者一个人情,便问知识——另一位老者: “帮我的那个人是谁呀?”“是时间。”知识回答。“时间?”爱问道,“但是,时间为什么帮助我呢?”深邃而睿智的知识微笑着回答:“因为只有时间才能够理解爱有多么宝贵。”

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. —C. S. Lewis

I do not remember the first fairy tale I ever heard, but I do, however, remember the first one I saw: Disney’s Cinderella(灰姑娘). I was mesmerized(如痴如醉), entranced(着迷). There were songs, laughs, talking animals, happy endings—everything to make a young girl happy. Then in middle school I was given The Grimm Brother’s Fairy Tales. What a horrifying change from the 2D-Disney utopia(乌托邦)! Feet got chopped off, eyes got pecked out(啄)—it was terrifying, but it was also eye-opening. These stories weren't just pretty and light-hearted, they had messages. This month we’ll be focusing on the many different dimensions that fairytale can encompass, and the diverse effects it can have on a reader. Of course, this can be both negative and positive. In Educating Our New Cinderellas we learn a little about the adverse psychological effects of fairy tales, while How Fairy Tales Shape Our Life tells about the positive influence that these stories can give. However, it’s not always the same for everyone.

One girl remembers, in Hansel and Gretel(在糖果屋): a Tale on the Run, how a fairy tale shaped her life—both positively and negatively, but mostly humorously. Arguably, the reason that fairy tales may be able to affect us so differently could be that they themselves change so frequently. The Evolution of Riding Hood (红帽)demonstrates how a fairy tale can evolve with culture, eventually becoming a reflection of both history and values.

For most of us, the word “fairytale” holds a special meaning. Whether it’s a book, a movie, or an effect, is up to the individual. But understanding that there is more than just our one impression, our individual experience, is a lesson that fairytale is willing to offer all of us—and we can all live happily ever after.

YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion(极大数)…

You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!!!

You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey(怪念头)of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process.

Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.

Paint a Masterpiece. God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to you.

生命掌握在你的手里--超越卓越的你 试想一下……你!一个空前绝后的你,不论是以往还


在无穷无尽的宇宙中,你是举世无双的!!! 你是了不起的!你是卓越的!没错,就是你。你已经是了不起的,是卓越的,你还可以更卓越更了不起。美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的老人却是艺术的杰作。但你不会因为年龄的渐长就自然而然地变得“美丽”。

真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。

画出一幅作吧! 上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里。不管你想要去哪里,不管你想要做什么,真正做决定的还是你自己。


Learn to Live in the Present Moment

To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined

by how much we are able to live in the present moment.

Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year,

or what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you are—always!

Without question,many of us have mastered the neurotic art

of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things—all at once.

We allow past problems and future concerns to dominate our present moments,

so much so that we end up anxious, frustrated,depressed, and hopeless.

On the flip side, we also postpone our gratification, our stated priorities,

and our happiness,often convincing ourselves that“someday” will be better than today. Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics that tell us to look toward the future

will only repeat themselves so that “someday” never actually arrives.

John Lennon once said,“Life is what’s happening while we’re busy making”,

our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away busy dying,

our bodies are getting out of shape, and our dreams are slipping away.

In short, we miss out on life.

Many people live as if life were a dress rehearsal for some later date.

It isn’t.

In fact, no one has a guarantee that he or she will be here tomorrow.

Now is the only time we have, and the only time that we have any control over. When our attention is in the present moment, we push fear from our minds. Fear is the concern over events that might happen in the future

we won’t have enough money, our children will get into trouble,

we will get old and die, whatever.

To combat fear, the best strategy is to learn to bring your attention back to the present. Mark Twain said,“I’ve lived through many terrible things in my life,

some of which actually happened.”

I don’t think I can say it any better.

Practice keeping your attention on the here and now.

Your efforts will pay great dividends.



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