



1. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. 要有吸引人的双唇,请说好意的言语。

2. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. 要有美丽的双眼,请寻索它人的优点。

3. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. 要有纤细的身材,请与饥民分享你的食物。

4.For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. 要有亮丽的头发,请让小孩每日触摸妳的头发。

5. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. 要有自信的态度,请学习妳不曾学过的知识。

6. People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone. 人之所以为人,是必须充满精力、自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长; 并非向人抱怨。

7. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find them at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. 请记得,如果你需要帮助,你永远有你的手可以自己动手。当你成长后,你会发觉你有二只手,一只帮助自己,一只帮助它人。

8. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. 女人的美丽不存在于她的服饰、她的珠宝、她的发型;女人的美丽必须从她的眼中找到,因为这才是她的心灵之窗与爱心之房。

9. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. 女人的美丽不是表面的,应该是她的精神层面-是她的关怀、她的爱心以及她的热情。

10. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years. 女人的美丽可以随着年龄增长。

20xx年6月,奥黛丽赫本被著名时尚杂志《ELLE》评选为有史以来世界最美丽女人第1名,得票率为76%! “她是自然与美丽的化身,她皮肤细嫩,性情温和、活泼,她的微笑散发着独特的魅力和内在美”,《ELLE》杂志的主编罗西·格林如是说。


Famous Coco Chanel Quotes 可可·香奈儿名言


1.A women who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.


2.In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.


3.Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.


4.A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.


5.Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.


6.I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little – if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.



Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American author and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations.Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works.Three novels, four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.




1. But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 人不是因失败而生。你可以被摧毁他但是不能被打败他。

2. All good books have one thing in common - they are truer than if they had really happened.


3. All things truly wicked start from innocence.


4. Courage is grace under pressure.


5. Fear of death increases in exact proportion to increase in wealth.


6. If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water.


7. Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war.


8. The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.


9. The man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without.


10. There is no friend as loyal as a book.








关键词:海明威;《太阳照常升起》 人物 硬汉形象


? American novelist Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prize winner, "The Sun Also Rises," Hemingway's first novel, the author to become a "lost generation," the spokesman, and to create a book the unique style of Hemingway. Hemingway is not only a "lost generation" who named literary, but also the most representative of this genre writer. Can be said that the novel was his portrayal of real life and world view, describing the confusion because of the war, sinking generation. Its publication marks the "Lost Generation" start. Hemingway firmly grasped the imagination of the American public. Hemingway on July 2, 1961 committed suicide at his home. Most of his work shaped the self-image of a tough guy, and his life to, is the creation of a special diligence is written by writer standing until the last minute before publication in a very serious working attitude, attaches great importance to the work changes, until he satisfaction.

Keywords: Hemingway; "The Sun Also Rises" character guy image

An Analysis of The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway The Introduction of the author:

Ernest Hemingway ( 1899 ) 1961 ) American novelist and Nobel Prize winner in literature . July 21, 1899 Born in Chicago suburb of rubber plantation town . Father is a doctor and sports enthusiasts , the mother engaged in music education . Six brothers and sisters , he was ranked second, grew fond of sports, Fishing and Hunting . After graduating from high school went to France to travel , after returning home had been a trainee reporter . World War I , Hemingway joined the American Red Cross teams battlefield , he volunteered to go to Italy when Battlefield ambulance driver . After the war, he was awarded the Italian government medals Cross Medal , Silver Medal , bravery medals and the rank of lieutenant . Body 237 scars and painful memories of the war , for his future literary laid a solid foundation. Later, he went to Toronto, Canada Star newspaper as a reporter . 1921 return to Paris , met Stein American writer , young writers such as Anderson and poet Ezra Pound . 1923 released debut, " three short stories and ten poems ," and then traveled to Europe. As the " Lost Generation" in the main writer, Hemingway is not only a " lost generation ," the representative , but also the times he lived remarkable writer. Story collection " In Our Time " marks his literary emerge in the United States . To his 1925 publication , " The Sun Also Rises ", the early success was Stein called the " Lost Generation ." 1927 Hemingway back to the U.S. when he wrote , " Men without Women " in 1930 reflecting the First World War lengthy masterpiece, " A Farewell to Arms " come out to the writer brings reputation.

On Hemingway 's overall assessment to be translated

Explorer Ernest Hemingway 's life , he's particularly diligent creation. Morning to get up first thing for writing. His writing , as well as ordinary people do not have a habit of standing to write . He said: " I stood write , and is standing on one foot . 1940s , he had built to get rid of confusion , pessimism, fighting for the interests of the people and fearless sacrifice of heroic anti-fascist fighters image" fifth column " , lengthy novel " for Whom the Bell tolls ." 1950s , created by Santiago representative " can destroy him , but not beat him ," the "tough guy image" ( representative of " Old Man" 1950 ) . Hemingway is a monument to the spirit of the American nation . 1920s Hemingway 's early literary creation , he wrote , " in our Time ", " Torrents of Spring ", "no woman's man" and a lengthy little Hemingway and family ( 1935 ) said, " the Sun Also Rises ," " a Farewell to Arms " and other works of this period , a time

when the Western world was sinking in the social collapse Eliot saw behind wilderness period, the novel " the Sun Also Rises " is the write postwar Europe, a group of young people living life situations as well as their spiritual world and profound changes. ? protagonist Jake Barnes is an American reporter , the war destroyed his sexuality , he fell in love with a British guard Shibo Reiter ? Yixi Li , who is also attracted to him, but they can not be combined . ? An American writer Robert Cohen - one pair of false and romantic fantasy life a lot of people have fallen in love with Bo Ruite , but she did do not like him . vicissitudes of this group of young people , traces the European continent after the war all day doing nothing, gather to drink , quarrel or fight. war captured their loved ones, left them physical and mental trauma , they extreme dislike of war , for justice, traditional values are suspect, tired of life , confused and depressed . novel condemnation from a unique perspective of the war , with anti-war colors. novel written a generation because of the confusion and became " lost Generation " literary genre masterpiece.

" A Farewell to Arms " ( also translated " Farewell to Arms " ) is Hemingway's masterpiece. His opposition to imperialist war theme , revealing the " Lost Generation" appeared to historical reasons, accused of war to destroy people's ideals and happiness, harm people's hearts , and make millions of innocent students so trampled . This work revealed the basic characteristics of Hemingway prose style and the " art of modern narration ." Simple and artistic works Junichi story , plain language , short sentences concise , description of environment to achieve scenes . The 1940s, based on his knowledge and impressions of Africa wrote " Green Hills of Africa ," " The Snows of Kilimanjaro " , also published " Francis ? Ma Beikang brief happiness ." 1932 published " Death in the Afternoon " , enshrined in the famous American architect Rhodes Vichy " The fewer the more " refined so that works tends to shorten the distance between the work and the reader , put forward the " iceberg principle " , showed only one-eighth of things , so that works to enrich , subtle and intriguing. After World War II , Hemingway entered late on their behalf as "Old Man ", due to the novel reflects the people who are " full of violence and death in the real world " performance of courage to get out of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 , winning the reasons is : "Because he was proficient in the narrative art is prominently manifested in his latest book " Old Man "and also because he played in a contemporary style influence ." for this praise , Hemingway is well deserved. Hemingway 's creation in modern literary history a glorious one . His own experiences revealed the hypocrisy of those in power and the cruel reality , depicting the American younger generation lost emotions, works filled with love for the working people , to explore ways of artistic manipulation of realism in embracing openness to get a new radiance !

Analysis of their writing habits :

1 stood write writer

Hemingway's writing, there is an ordinary person does not have the habit , which is standing . He said: " I stood write , and stood with one foot , I take that position, so I am in a state of tension, forcing me as brief as possible to express my thoughts ." Someone asked him: " You concise style where the secret ? " he simply replied:" I stand to write ! "

2.seven pencils: Hemingway daily 6:30 , he stood attentively writing , has been written

to 12:30 , usually once writing no more than 6 hours, occasionally extended by two hours . He likes writing with a pencil , easy to modify . Some say he was writing one day with a 20 pencils. He said no so much, when you write the most comfortable day spent seven pencils. Hemingway buried creation , while every year some reading Shakespeare 's plays , as well as other well-known writers masterpiece ; addition, well-researched Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , the Spanish painter Goya, French modernist painter Shezan Le works . He said he learned the painter with the writer learned as much. He particularly pay attention to learning musical tone with harmony and melody . No wonder his novel scenes shades suitable language simple and fresh , created a grid .

3 changed to the last minute before publication

Hemingway writing attitude is extremely serious, attaches great importance to the work changes. Every day he began writing, written the day before the first read through , where writes on a whim to go . The book is finished and then change it again from beginning to end ; please people typing fair copy of the draft and then changed again ; final proofs came out and then change it again. He feels that this three major modifications are necessary conditions written a book . His novel " A Farewell to Arms " wrote the first draft six months , modify it took five months, came out proofs still be changed, changed last a total of 39 times before satisfied. " For Whom the Bell Tolls" creation took 17 months, every day after unscripted modified proofs came out, he was continuously modified 96 hours , did not leave the room. He advocated "to remove rubbish ," everything flashy

Ⅳ Analysis of American society

For the evaluation of Hemingway , as John ? President Kennedy's message of condolence , said: " Almost no Americans ? Hemingway for the American people 's feelings and attitudes produced a greater impact ." He said Hemingway as " the 20th century one of the great writers " ; Hemingway indeed based on" literary hero "known. As the 20th century, America's greatest novelists , Hemingway that shot , not only to fight his own half Tian Linggai fly , but the entire United States and even around the world gave beaten senseless . People soon realized that some crucial things Suddenly disappeared from this world . Hemingway 's death, their own life is the eclipsed. People lose, like Hemingway , " put our lives are ruined and now I was a dead man ." ( Aoduoneisi ) Juan ? belmond , the most outstanding Spanish matador , on hearing " Ernest has just committed suicide ," this " bolt from the blue ", the only spit out slowly but clearly the words "well done good " , after which he also used in the same way taking his own life. Hemingway too great, great as if a towering tree . Today, the tree falls , people where to go cool it ? And those who are overwhelmed by this tree who finally found Hemingway can teach this old lion head opportunity : "Who would do such a dirty thing ? How can leave a pile of dirty mess things that make people come clean ? " Arnold ? Leach 's schadenfreude was palpable.

ⅤHemingway character's tough-guy image

The early 1930s, Ernest Hemingway and hunting trip to Africa. In the "dying afternoon" This classic statement of this description of bullfighting, and in the "Green Hills of Africa" This describes a large African hunting book chronicles his experiences. 1937 published a description of sea between the United States and Cuba smuggling novel "some with and

without the." Later, he reported the Spanish Civil War, which became his brilliant war novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls" in the background. His hunting boat in the Caribbean, to Europe during World War II frontline. Hemingway's most popular work, "Old Man" in 1953 was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, in 1954, because he "Mastering Modern Narrative Art" and won the Nobel Prize for Literature. As American Literature For short stories and novels have the most important influence on the development of one of the characters, Hemingway firmly grasp the American public's imagination. Hemingway on July 2, 1961 committed suicide at his home.

"The Sun Also Rises," Hemingway's first novel, the author to become a "lost generation," the spokesperson, and Hemingway's book created a unique style of writing. Hemingway is not only a "lost generation" who named literary, but also the most representative of this genre writer. Can be said that the novel was his portrayal of real life and world view, describing the confusion because of the war, sinking generation. Its publication marks the "Lost Generation" start. "Lost Generation" Literature in the First World War and the postwar capitalist society under the influence of the economic crisis generated. The most experienced writers of the imperialist war, the Holocaust, they are very concerned about the problem of post-war Europe and the younger generation. They tend to put this issue linked with the imperialist war, that the spirit of the young generation of World War I in Europe and America the historical roots of the tragedy, therefore, With infinite sadness and misery to describe the war expulsion of the routine of life, and the vicissitudes of the people's misfortune, the hero's efforts to tap the trauma.

"The Sun Also Rises " in the figures are mainly some vagrant , homeless travelers, traces Europe , home to hotels for Americans and Britons . They indulge in endless meetings , banquets and very enjoyable trip, at first glance the colorful life , but actually there is no purpose . This work has always been chock-full of critics think something jealous anger existing customs and values on the mood of disillusionment , Hemingway "Lost " thought embodies.? novel's protagonist Jack Barnes has experienced a war, bodily injury , which makes his love of people can not be together , he has lived a rough life , and the people around you , like a lot of things have one kind of indifference attitude . From the novel , we can see that he has been in a state of low pressure , the target does not matter , does not matter motivated, his work does not inspire his passion is in life to again and again, which makes him produced a bored. Novel one up on his life, people feel cold, his mental depression. For example , he told Robert # Cohen cynical, think Princeton boxing champion and " nice guy " is only interesting it ; his alcoholism , such as life , linger in the various places of entertainment to kill time. Like his friend Bill Barnes said the same : "You are a refugee and you have lost contact and land you become artificial . Counterfeit European moral ruin your you drunken do you mind not escape issues. pragmatic things you do not , spend all day in the talk among you is an exile , okay ? you turn in various cafes to swim .

Arguably, this boring life makes him lose a life outside meaning that willing to plain and boring life , there is no spirit of challenge . Without this external sense , his subjective feelings just a dream , until it evolved into a nightmare. He is not so much the loss of sexual function in the trauma of war , it is more his uncontrollable imagination and spirit in his body , causing dysfunction . ? His will , as Colin Wilson analyzed , as was boring weaken the spirit of the majority has entered a hidden state. But he will not devoid of this , but in a state of deep sleep ,

waiting to be awakened by something . With the development of the plot we will find these awaken his medicine such as bullfighting is like strenuous exercise.

Description of strenuous exercise has been particularly noticeable where the novel . In Paris, Bill·Gordon and Jack choose to go to a boxing match , rather than drunken fiance Mike and Brett spend the night . In the meantime, Bill is also very knowledgeable , vividly describes a competition in Vienna . They later fled the intense big city life to escape the boring Robert , in Spain embarked on a fishing trip Exploring the Range Rover . But like Brett lived so indulgent life of a woman , but also not willing to give up on themselves and fall in the end , she and Barnes join the Basque festival carnival, watch the bullfight in Pamplona , gained a mental stimulation . A holy festival bullfight is the climax of the book. For the description of bullfighting is a major highlight of the novel , especially for the description bullfight bullfighter Romero , with a cloak cattle stabilize , then smooth and elegant tease cow turned away, not to needlessly exhaustion cattle , so that when he needs to wait until the final blow, let them panting , restlessness, succinct writing in Hemingway 's wonderful to get a bull under a strong performance. In the novel, brave and crazy matador bull fight, so Jack # Barnes them ecstatic,especially Barnes bullfighter who saw courage in single fight , indifference and contempt for the suffering of death "tough guy "spiritual. But for those watching at the Pamplona bullring description , many people are using them as the hero of the " Lost" is an escape . Such comments in many articles everywhere. However, the U.S. was the critic Norman Mailer also said : Hemingway ? not be a stimulus to seek adventure away

Warriors . He himself life long struggle , hard quest , and its truth is more likely that he was trying to fight with his own cowardice , and strive to overcome within the heart of a want to completely destroy their own desires . A general review of Hemingway's novel , we will find one of the " love, friendship and pleasure ," especially watching bullfights not the case referred to simply as a stimulus for escapism , but to inspire and awaken the sleeping hero the will and spirit. ? As Colin Wilson 's humanistic psychology as described, "People need to adventure and exploration, this strong desire is to attempt to build outward a challenge , forcing people to play the best of the state only when he was stimulated crisis and ecstasy , he can find his inner strength , a source of meaning and purpose . bullfight to Jack ? Barnes brings not only a moment of pure sensory stimulation and exciting , but also brought a excitation he will and spirit of slumber challenges exist in the world of all things , the human animal is only in the face of freedom of choice, this burden , only sooner or later in the day he will embrace the awareness of death but do not let this consciousness destroyed when their will in order to obtain " realistic ." bullfighting is the case , the matador faces death every moment , and he was not overwhelmed by death , and dare to challenge it , he in the process to get a sense of meaning , and this is for the challenges of life , and the importance of this challenge lies in its ability to stimulate the potential force of personality.

As Colin Wilson , said: " Human evolution is because they are able to find meaning outside when people feel a strong sense , he will be able to maintain a high level of willpower and health. Without this external meaning , he will become a victim of subjective feelings , "Bull showed up this external meaning, which is to apply it to the Hemingway novel and used to wake up the sleeping hero will cause . In "The Sun Also Rises " at the end , the cheerful atmosphere hidden behind a kind of disillusionment and with a kind of sad feelings , but you

can see the hero Jack no longer escape , but could go slightly easily go face it cruel. Spiritual awakening the sleeping already , although not completely awake , but at least have been excited , is no longer the absolute " Lost ." While Hemingway was " lost generation ," the representative writer , his works also with a kind of "Lost " colors , but he was able to unearth from bullfights and love being out the meaning of life and make people sleeping will wake up pen and spirit. Hemingway 's most exciting places , that is, from his bullfighting and love these two basic themes and their combination with the times to extract the environment of a human situation prevailing confusion and awakening.

In his works , the more we see is a fear of passing easily in the ordinary life of men , he struggled to find their true will, and strive to have the spirit of slumber wake . He put adventure and love as the most direct route , in which high-intensity experience , Hemingway let yourself touch their lives. And we have been through those compressed into flat text , the same kind of feel the passion of life , we read in yourself trembling with excitement . Hemingway is a literary history of the most life- realistic writer, when a person wrote this sentence: "Life is not meant to be defeated . Man can be destroyed but not defeated ." He may be confused how it ?


[1]The exploration of virtual non-- On "The Sun Also Rises," the Tragic Thought,2009(3).P75.

[2]Liu Jianfeng *,Hemingway and his five Sun Also Rises”, Social Sciences, 2001 (4).P79

[3]Wang Yingyi ,On Hemingway and his "the sun also rises", Teaching of Forestry Region,2008(11),P68
























