



A.答应(dā) 啜泣(chuò) 澄清(d?ng) 忸怩(ní) ....

B.绵亘(g?n) 创伤(chuāng) 要塞(sài) 积攒(zhǎn) ....

C.纤尘(xiān) 洗涮(shuàn) 掮客(qián) 箴言(jiān) ....

D.桌帏(w?i) 癸丑(guǐ) 缇骑(tí) 潦水(liǎo) ....


A.辟邪/开辟 缜密/嗔怒 惊骇/骸骨 淡泊/湖泊 ........

B.夙愿/住宿 供养/口供 奔跑/投奔 湛蓝/暂且 ........

C.着手/着陆 联袂/昧心 纤毫/翩跹 累赘/连累 ........

D.炮制/炮烙 呜咽/拖曳 浩淼/渺茫 处方/处境 ........

3. 下列句子中有两个错别字的一项是






A. 王小鲁认为,美国可以借此针对中国出口产品采取很多变相的歧视性措施,进行贸易保护。比如对所谓“倾销”的裁定,对非市场经济国家,可以以第三国的成本数据为依据,裁定中国出口产品“低于成本倾销”。


C. 4月29日,第十一届全国人大常委会第十四次会议在北京闭幕。会议表决了《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》修定草案、全国人大常委会关于修改《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》的决定草案等。



A.业内人士认为,今年国产贺岁电影主打喜剧牌,原因在于近来灾难频发,如雪灾、震灾以及金融危机,电影界希望以胶片传承信心和希望,用欢笑抚平伤痛。 ..

B.只有具备洞幽烛微的慧眼,才能在审察了解事物时,做到透过现象看到本质,不被一些假相所迷惑。 ....

C.国民党对当时的进步文人采用了两种不同的手段,鉴于鲁迅的声望,国民党极力拉拢,鲁迅却假以..辞色;后来压迫加重,他仍愈战愈勇。。 ..

D.在强调终极关怀时却又对眼下的生活环境不屑一顾,不能不说是极大失误,也表明环境意识的启蒙如此迫不及待。 ....


A.最近,国务院办公厅公布了《关于稳妥推进户籍管理制度改革的通知》,首次开放地级市户籍,并对进城农民的土地权益作出了明确保证。 ..

B.认识他五年了,他的生活没有一点起色,反而压力越来越大,每次见到他都是—副怨天尤人的样子。 ....



D.书是他生命中不可缺少的部分。每当端坐在书桌前,捧起一本书仔细研读时,他就忘记了周围的一切,彻头彻尾地沉浸在书香中了。 ....












(1)故九万里,则风斯在下矣, ; ,而后乃今将图南。

(2)欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人, , 。

(3)刑罚不中, 。 ,言之必可行也。 (4) ,扶摇可接; ,桑榆非晚。 (5) ,不得通其道, ,思来者。

(6)去来江口守空船, 。夜深忽梦少年事, 。

(7)子曰:“野哉,由也! , 。名不正,则言不顺。 (8) , ;其所以摧败零落者,乃其一气之余烈。

编印:黄萍 印数:高三年段 完成时间:18分钟



Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. I‘m sorry to b you, but can you direct me to the railway station? 2. It takes me a long time to find enough space to p my car there. 3. My brother goes to the l school while I go to a school in another province. 4. Qingdao is so a that every year a lot of foreign tourists come for holidays.

5. I‘m s . Get me something to eat please. 6. The price of houses is so high that it is hard for o people to afford them. 7. When h , water can be changed into steam. 8. Water and ice are the same s in different forms. 9. After discussing it for a long time, they came to a c . 10. My son w 50 kilograms. As an 8-year-old boy, he is too fat.

11. This kind of drink is suitable for children because it doesn’t c any alcohol. 12. It is well known to us that books are s of knowledge. 13. His lack of education was a d when he looked for a job. 14. Our car had a b on the motorway, so we were late. 15. Charles earned a lot of money by creating a great deal of s in a computer company. 16. The only a to that ancient castle is along a muddy track. 17. Our government is making further efforts to decrease (军队的) spending. 18. A driver should (集中注意力) on the road when driving. 19. As far as I know, she is very (独立的) though she is young.

20. It was not long before a helicopter arrived to rescue the survivors of the plane (失事).


1. I have visited several large cities in America New York, Chicago and Boston.

2. Many great people rose from poor background, Lincoln and Edison, .


3. Some students, , John, live in this neighbourhood. 1. He is probably the best known architect.

2. The girl‘s rosy cheeks made her look very.

3. Millions of animals are shipped around the world each year.

4. The discussion came when an interesting topic was brought in.


。 1. a few more names the list.

2. all the figures and you’ll find the expenses 320 yuan


. 2. He’s not an officer, but a soldier.

3. The doctor said the child’s temperature was .


E.1. Green vegetables usually vitamins.


2. My job making coffee for the boss.

用心 爱心 专心 1

1. Guilin its beautiful scenery. 2. He the police because of his previous criminal record.


2. Is he going to our suggestion? 3. Do you me about the need for more schools?

4. They couldn’t when and where to meet.

Ⅲ. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1. You don‘t need to describe her. I (meet) her several times.

2. I (receive) no reply from her so far. 3. It (be) six years since they (get) married. 4. This is the third time I (visit) Hong Kong. The second time I (come) here was on Christmas Day last year.

5. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances (discover) in the past years.

6. Five (add) to nine is fourteen.

7. It’s wise (think) twice before you make the final decision. 8. Her first novel enjoyed an (astonish) success. 9. The old man used to (drink) wine, but now he is used to (drink) beer. 10. If you go to Xi’an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly (suppose).

11. He’s made it a rule (rise) early.

12. My own problems seem insignificant (compare) with yours.

13. Everyone took part in the fight against the flood, old people (include).

14. A committee (consist) of 15 members will come to look into the matter.

15. Weather (permit), we’ll go swimming in the river this Sunday.

Ⅳ. 翻译句子

1. 到现在为止我们已经开办了两家新的医院。(up to now)

2. 这是我第三次告诉你不要把手机带到课堂上来。

(This/It is the third time that ...)

3. 在动物园里,孩子们不允许接近那些看似安全的动物。(approach)

4. 他喝咖啡的时候,喜欢往里面加些糖。(add ...to ...)

5. 对学生来说,学好英语是必要的。

(It is+adj.+for/of sb.+to do sth.)

6. 我们必须采取一些措施以防止雨进入房间。

(keep ...out of ...)

7. 飞机应该在半小时之前到达。(suppose)

用心 爱心 专心 2

8. 这个十字路口曾经有一个公共汽车停靠站。(used to)

9. 请你告诉我访问计算机系统的密码好吗?(access)

10. 科学技术的发展使我们有必要学习电脑。

(make + it + adj.)

11. 她不但数学好,英语也好。(as well)

12. 这里的雨水极少,每年平均降雨量只有60毫米。(on average)

13. 从那时起,我们就通过电话保持联系。

(from that moment on)

Ⅴ. 语法和词汇知识


1. —When you visited Mount Tai for the first time, how did you find it? —.

A. It looked very good B. It was very cool C. It was very fascinating D. It was very well

2. That newlybuilt park for children was so attractive that parents with their children crowded into it.

A. a great many B. a lot C. a good deal of D. a large amount of

3. With the help of human beings, birds an extremely cold winter, even though they didn‘t store enough food.

A. suffered B. lived C. bore D. survived 4. This is the third time that Ding Junhui the snooker championship.

A. had won B. won C. has won D. wins 5. The president was going to have new clothes silk for the opening ceremony.

A. made up of B. made into C. made from D. made of 6. Maggie is to find a job she loves and, what’s more, she gets well paid for it.

A. professional B. gorgeous C. fortunate D. fascinating 7. , many famous big companies in the world have set up their own branch companies in China.

A. By far B. As far C. To now D. So far

8. —Aren’t you going to buy that car? It is modern and comfortable.

—Yes, it is. But I can’t such an expensive car now.

A. afford B. provide C. supply D. offer 9. Lily has been in Ireland for three years. Have you made with her?

A. information B. Touch C. contact D. words 10. The man by the noise outside the classroom decided to stop reading to have a look at what was happening.

A. bothered B. bothering C. to be bothered D. being bothered 11. As we know, iron reacts water and air produce rust.

用心 爱心 专心 3

A. to; to B. with; with C. with; to D. to; with 12. Things that happened in childhood often help to our personalities in later life.

A. form B. establish C. organize D. respect 13. Taking part-time jobs students’ social experience on the one hand, and provides them with opportunities to use the knowledge they have learned from books on the other hand.

A. adds up B. adds up to C. adds D. adds to 14. After finishing experiments, we have to put everything .

A. in order B. under orders C. on order D. out of order

15. Before the Chinese government carried out the family planning, the population of China rapidly, which slowed down the development of China.

A. broadened B. expanded C. exchanged D. widened 16. The meeting take place on Tuesday, but we had to put it off.

A. supposed to B. has supposed to C. was supposed to D. has been supposed to 17. As far as I know, education is about learning. The more you learn, .

A. the better for life are you prepared B. the better you are prepared for life

C. the better life are you prepared for D. you are prepared the better for life 18. He was to hear that he had lost the job, and the news was too to him.

A. astonished; astonished B. astonishing; astonishing

C. astonished; astonishing D. astonishing; astonished 19. In order to keep fit, people low-fat foods, but a recent survey shows that lowfat foods also make you fat.

A. was used to eat B. used to eating C. used to eat D. is used to eating

20. Through a number of experiments, Marie Curie found a new chemical-Radium(镭), which is later widely used for cancer treatment.

A. substance B. matter C. object D. thing

11. Now, there are still many children in some poor areas who can’t get the to education.

A. way B. approach C. access D. chance 12. Most teachers were satisfied with the new teaching plan that the headmaster at the meeting.

A. came up with B. caught up with C. put up with D. kept up with

13. Nowadays, many people still have to go to Taiwan Hong Kong.

A. by B. through C. via D. across

14. Shenzhou Ⅵ Spacecraft, by China itself, has been sent up into space successfully.

A. designing B. Designed C. design D. to design

25. Following the doctors advice, he began to eat food vitamin C.

A. containing B. including C. consisting D. covering

26. Mr Lee is a good teacher, but he is a famous writer .

A. either B. as well C. also D. as well as 27. professor called Black will give us speech on how to make use of the Internet healthily.

A. A; the B. The; the C. A; a D. The; a

28. —How delicious the soup is! Who made it?

—It’s me. It tomatoes, meat and peas.

A. is made into B. is consisted of C. consists of D. makes up of 29. The price , but I doubt whether it will remain so.

A. went down B. will go down C. has gone down D. was going down 30. It is reported that an air happened to a Boeing 737 from Kenya yesterday.

A. event B. matter C. failure D. crash

用心 爱心 专心 4

Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood


Ⅰ. 1. bother 2. park 3. local 4. attractive 5. starving

Ⅱ. A.1. such as 2. for example 3. for example 4. such as

B.1. living 2. lovely 3. live 4. alive 5. lively

Ⅲ. 1. have met 2. have received 3. has been/is; got 4. have visited; came

5. have been discovered

Ⅳ. 1. We have started two new hospitals up to now.

2. This/It is the third time I have told you not to bring your cellphone into the class.

3. In the zoo, children are not allowed to approach those animals which look safe.

提升练习 Ⅴ. 1-10:CADCD , CDACA

Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab


Ⅰ. 1. ordinary2. heated3. substance4. conclusion5. weighs

Ⅱ. A. 1. Add; to2. Add up; add up to3. added to

B. 1. usual2. common3. normal4. usual; ordinary

Ⅲ. 1. added2. to think3. astonishing4. drink; drinking5. supposed

Ⅳ.1. He likes to add some sugar to coffee when he drinks it.

2. It is necessary for students to learn English well.

3. We must take some measures to keep the rain out of the room.

4. The plane was supposed to arrive half an hour ago.

5. There used to be a bus stop at the crossing.

提升练习 V 1-10: CADAB, CBCCA

Module 6 A Lesson in a Lab


1. contain 2. sources 3. disadvantage 4. breakdown 5. software

6. access 7. military 8. concentrate 9. independent 10. crash


A. 1. contain 2. include 3. contains, including

B. 1. is known for is known to 3. was known as

C. 1. agree with 2. agree to 3. agree with 4.agree on

VIII. 1. to rise 2. compared 3. included 4. consisting 5. permitting


1. Would you like to tell me the password to get access to the computer system?

2. The development of science and technology has made it possible for us to study computers.

3. She is good at maths, she is good at English as well.

4. There is little rain here, merely 60mm in a year on average.

5. From that moment on, we keep in touch with each other by telephone.


用心 爱心 专心 5



















《 周一清晨的领导课 》读后感





读上海的早晨后感为了更好地了解我国建国以后的发展经老师建议我看了上海的早晨这部连续剧原以为这是一部励志的电影在想象中它反应的是当代人在困境中如何取得进步的但是当看了前面几集后发现不然它讲述的是资本家在共 产 党的带...
