Aperio ImageScope软件测试的总结


Aperio ImageScope软件测试的总结 File选项

File?Access Remote Server?Connect 按钮保存上一次输入的Server和Port的值。(输入为空时也保存)


Image?Image Adjustments?Brightness/Contrast?1. Brightness 的初始值为0,每一格的刻度为8,变化的范围(-64到64)2.Contrast 的初始值为0,每一格的刻度为5,变化的范围(-50到50)

Image?Image Adjustments?Color Balance?1. Cyan(__)Red 2. Magenta(__)Green 3. Yellow(__)Blue 它们中间的初始值为0,每格的刻度为8,变化范围(-64到64) 4:勾 选 Keep brightness constant按钮后,调节1.2.3中的任意一个,其他两个都相反的改变0.5,既保持3个的和不变(如果一个改变1,当其他两个都只改变0.5时,下面的数据不变,只有改变整数是才调整)

5. Image Adjustments面板下的 Reset全部重置数据为0,Compare 按钮一直按住时显示原来的图片,假如输入的数据超过定义的范围,那么就默认选取最大值或最小值(看靠近哪个),当选择输入数据来调节时,假如内容为空,则不能对本面板进行其他的任何操作 Image?Image Resolution 当Set Image Resolution ,如果选择的是 Manually Enter Image Resolution(or Magnification),那么可以修改Current Image Resolution和Apparent Magnification的值 1. Current Image Resolution (可用的数值范围是0.001到1000.000,

2. Apparent 如果输入的值不在这个范围,默认选取最大值或最小值(看靠近哪个))

Magnification (点击OK按钮后,可保存上次输入数据的范围是0到1000),但是你实际可以输入的数据范围却是很广,若是负数,那么下次进入时显示是空的;若是空,那么下次进入时显示的是20;假如大于1000,那么下次进去时显示的是1000. Image?Go To?1. X Coordinate 2. Y Coordinate (不能输入负数)它们的输入值并且不能超过上面显示的The current is X*Y 相应的值(即图片本身的大小),假如输入值超过范围则默认选取最大值


View?Telepath Live?Configure? Configure Telepath Live面板 其中的OK按钮保存上一次的输入数据,可以为空。

View?Telepath Live?Connect 输入数据错误时,跳出报错对话框。

View?View Standard Toolbar 和 View Clinical Toolbar 这两个选项只能2选1,并且切换对应的页面上的快速按钮的模式


Tools?Options?General?1. Initial Magnification 理论上实际可输入的值范围是1到100 (错误:现在实际可输入的范围很广,当输入负数时自动调节到0,可用的输入范围0到很大的范围,例如10000也可输入(具体的数据意义个人不是太明确)) 2. Maximum Magnification (实际输入可用的范围是100到20xx0,当输入超过这个范围时,就默认选取最大值或最小值(看靠近哪个)) 3.Maginifier Magnification 调节的数据范围是1到10 4.勾 选中Automatically load default gamma file(s) 按钮后才能进行 Default Gamma File Location和Default Gamma File Location for Z-stack Images 的文档存储位置的设置

Tools?Options?Navigation 1.Scroll speed 2.Pan Speed ( 每一格调节的变化,具体数据未知)程序内部规定的是Scroll speed 范围(0-100),每格的刻度是10;Pan Speed的范围是(0-80),每格的刻度是10 。

Tools?Options?Annotations 1. Pixels 与Microns 按钮是2选1的关系 2. 当Width, Height和 Length 输入的数据不为1到9999999时,提示错误(Please enter a number between 1 and 9999999)

Tools?Options?Tracking 1. Minimum Resolution 数值保留到了小数点后两位(即0.01),2. Minimum Magnification 四舍五入保留到整数位但是不包括0.5(按我个人的摸索发现,这两个的乘积应该是10,不过由于他们的数值取法,实际的最后乘积不一定是10,他们的值是随着另外一个的值的改变而改变。个人理解Minimum Resolution 和Minimum

Magnification 的值都应该大于零;所以Minimum Resolution的取值范围是0.01到19.99,Minimum Magnification的取值范围是1到20xx,但是点击OK后,最大可以保存的值只能到1000,并且输入负数后还是可以保存,存在严重的



BUG!)3. Region Granularity 每4. White Sensitivity 每一格的刻度为10,变化

Tools?Options?HTTP Proxy 1. Server Port 必须输入大于0的数字,不然提示错误(Must be a numeric value greater than zero)

2. Password (输入内容不能复制)

Tools?Options?Report Image 当Image Resolution and Region Size Settings ,如果选择的是Full Resolution Image User Drawn Report Region 或 Current Image Resolution User Drawn Report Region时,可以修改Width 与Height 的数据 1. Width 与Height 当输入的数据不为1到9999999时,提示错误(Please enter a number between 1 and 9999999)

Tools?Options?OK 点击OK按钮,保存面板所有数据的更改

Tools?Advanced?1. Cache Limit (可以输入的数据范围0开始,最大值跟内存有关暂时无法确定)不过当输入过大的数字时,这边的程序就会自动关闭程序 ! 2. OK按钮保存上次的输入数据 (不过现在这边可以保存的范围大概在30000多,如果输入40000那么这边无法实现保存,下次进入时是显示15;如果输入负数,那么下次进入时显示的是0!)

第二篇:American romanticism总结

American Romanticism

Romanticism was an artistic literary and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe, and gained strength in reaction to the Industrial Revolution. In part, it was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature. It was known as the Romantic Movement or Romantic revival. Its chief self-expression, sincerity, spontaneity and originality become the new standards of literature. The Romantics turned to their emotional directness of personal experience and their boundlessness of individual imagination and inspiration. While the main achievement in America during Romantic Movement was Transcendentalism and America achieved its intellectual independence.

Washington Irving, the first great prose stylist of American romanticism, restored the waning Gothic romances and his work The Legend of Sleepy Hollow made him the first American writer who won international-wide reputation. Then came James Fennimore Cooper launched two kinds of immensely popular stories——the sea adventure tale and the frontier saga including

Leatherstocking Tales and The Deerslayer and The Last of the Mohicans, and his The Prairie was regarded as “the nearest approach yet to an American epic.

Emerson was spokesman of Transcendentalism and his book Nature became the Bible of Transcendentalism-universe in which he called for American stopped imitating English writers. Then it was Henry David Thoreau who put transcendental principals into life practice. His first famous book Walden he advocated a simple, primitive, pure life but he once said,” I would not have anyone adopt my mode of living, each should find out his own way, not his neighbor’s or his parents`.

The next was Nathaniel Hawthorne. The central theme in his works was about sin. Sin was universal in human being even in those who appeared pure actually related to wickedness.

Everyone was corrupted by original sin so he developed psychological novel like The House of the Seven Gables for Hawthorne sin was kind of psychological effect, thus all his main characters were in painful inner conflict. Also, puritan was at heart of Hawthorne and a strong puritan influence can be found in his works like The Scarlet Letter. Herman Melville, influenced by

Enlightenment Movement, believed in human goodness. He lived an eventful life. At 20, he went to sea as a whaler and his life at sea provided materials for Moby Dick, which earned him a name “American Shakespeare”. In Moby Dick, one of the major themes in Melville was alienation,

which he sensed existing in the life of his time on different levels, between man and man, man and society, man and nature.

Walt Whitman, the first great American poet who most consciously expressed American spirit in poetry better than others, used free verse without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass, were about man and nature and this work was regarded as the first genuine epic poem and it free expressed American spirit and fundamental ideas in American culture and society. In his poetry, he combined the ideal of democratic common man and that of the rugged individual. He envisioned the poet as a hero, a savior and a prophet, one who leads the community by his expression of the truth. Emily Dickinson was the best American female poet. Her poets were simple and symbol of language, philosophical, metaphorical and symbolic in metaphysical.

Edgar Allan Poe, the father of modern short story, detective story, and psychoanalytic

criticism and aesthetician and one of the forerunners of symbolism, also one of the major founders of gothic tales, science fictions and horror stories, enjoys a worldwide fame now and influenced French Symbolism and Aestheticism.

American Romanticism was characterized by not having political radicalism, imitative and independent. Romantic celebration of nature was inspired in part by a desire to establish an original relationship with the “new landscape”.

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