

2003 An eye for an eye,a tooth for (a) tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。

2004 A great dowry is a bed full of brambles. 满屋的嫁妆犹如满床荆棘. 2005 A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年轻小伙子,吃饭象饿狼。 2006 A bonny bride is soon buskit [=dressed]. 美丽的新娘好打扮.

2007 A single spark can start a prairie fire. 星星之火,可以燎原

2008 Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. 行动是知识的佳果.

2009 A love that could die was not real love. 真正的爱情不会死亡.

2010 The best is often the enemy of the good. 完美常是美好之敌。

2011 The better part of valour is discretion. 小心即大勇.

2012 The greatest artist was once a beginner. 最伟大的艺术家也曾是个初学者。 2013 The noble soul has reverence for itself. 灵魂高尚的人必自尊.

2014 Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. 初生牛犊不怕虎.

2015 No autumn friut without spring blossoms. 没有春天百花开,哪来秋天果满枝. 2016 The unexamined life is not worth living. 浑浑噩噩的生活不值得过. 2017 Vice is often clothed in virtue's habit. 罪恶往往披着德道的外衣。 2018 We are such stuff as dreams are made on. 人生如梦幻.

2019 Too much experience is a dangerous thing. 经验过多反而危险.

2020 To be or not to be: that is the question. 生与死是至关重要的问题.

2021 Time drops in decay. Like a candle burnt. 时间一点一滴流逝, 犹如蜡烛慢慢燃掉.

2022 There is nothing permanent except change. 唯有变化才是永恒的. 2023 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成.

2024 The greatest talkers are the least doers. 语言的巨人常是行动的矮子. 2025 The highest towers begin from the ground. 万丈高楼平地起.

2026 The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明之前最黑暗.

2027 A paradise that you cannot leave is hell. 不能离开的天堂等于是地狱。 2028 A big wind can blow through a small hole. 针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。

2029 A crabbed knot must have a crabbed wedge. 难解的绳结得用坚硬的楔子来对付。 2030 A gossip's mouth is the devil's mail-bag. 饶舌者的嘴巴是魔鬼的邮袋。 2031 A good man can no more harm than a sheep. 好人象绵羊,为恶不在行。 2032 All the weapons of war will not arm fear. 任何武器都武装不了恐惧。

2033 Age is a matter of feeling, not of years. 年纪只是感觉如何的问题,而不是年岁的问题.

2034 fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 天使畏惧处,愚人敢闯入.

2035 Work is the true source of human welfare. 劳动是人类福祉的真正源泉.

2036 Work while you work, play while you play. 工作的时候工作,游玩的时候游玩. 2037 There are more ways to the wood than one. 此路不通彼路通.

2038 You may know by a handful the whole sack. 抓一把就可知整袋装的是什么。/见微知著。

2039 He commands enough that obeys a wise man. 听从智者意见的人无需多问别人.

2040 He that is full of himself is very empty. 人若十分自恃,必定十分无知. 2041 He is a good physician who cures himself. 能给自己看病的才是好医生。 2042 He is only bright that shines by himself. 真正的漂亮靠自身的光彩.

2043 As the old cock crows, so does the young. 老公鸡怎样叫,小公鸡怎样学. 2044 He who has never hoped can never despair. 从来没有抱过什么希望的人也永远不会失望.

2045 He who is great need not inflate himself. 伟大的人不需要自吹自擂。 2046 He who does not work neither shall he eat 不劳动者不得食.

2047 Goals determine what you are going to be. 目标决定你将成为什么样的人. 2048 For a morning rain leave not your journey 不要因为早晨下了一场雨就不去旅行。

2049 Failure is the only high road to success. 失败是通往成功的唯一康庄大道. 2050 Evil communications corrupt good manners. 与坏人交往,好人也变坏。 / 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

2051 If you make a jest, you must take a jest. 爱开玩笑的人,也要经得住别人开玩笑.

2052 If wishes were horses,beggars might ride. 如果愿望是马,乞丐也有马骑. 2053 Every man for himself,and God for us all. 人人为自己,上帝为大家。

2054 Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest. 每匹马都认为自己的负载最重。 2055 Envy shoots at others and wounds herself. 忌妒之箭,射向别人,伤害自己. 2056 England expects every man to do his duty. 祖国望每个国民恪尽职守。 2057 Even a small star shines in the darkness. 星星再小,也会发光.

2058 Joys shared with others are more enjoyed. 与众同乐,其乐更乐. 2059 It is the first step that costs the most. 万事开头难.

2060 It is lawful to learn even from an enemy. 向敌人学习不犯法.

2061 It is love that makes the world go round. 爱是推动世界的力量.

2062 Pride and grace dwell never in one place. 傲慢与优雅决不共存。

2063 Perseverance is the only road to success. 百折不挠是通向成功的唯一道路. 2064 Open different locks with different keys. 一把钥匙开一把锁。

2065 Other people's defects are good teachers. 别人的缺点就是自己的好老师. 2066 One gives nothing so liberally as advice. 不花钱出主意,谁人不乐意。 2067 Let another's shopwreck be your sea-mark. 别人的沉船,就是你的航标. 2068 I tell you hopeless grief is passionless. 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的.

2069 Money is a good servant but a bad master. 金钱是个好仆人,又是个坏主人. 2070 Mean men admire wealth; great men, glory. 庸人爱财富,伟人爱荣誉. 2071 Health is not valued till sickness comes. 病时方知健康可贵。

2072 His bashful mind hinders his good intent. 害羞使好意无法表现.

2073 Hope springs eternal in the human breast. 人生永远满怀希望. /只要有人,就有希望.

2074 Courtesy on one side only lasts not long. 礼貌靠双方维持.

2075 Better without gold than without friends. 宁可没有金钱,不可没有朋友. 2076 Catch your bear before you sell its skin. 抓到熊再卖皮.

2077 Calf love,half love; old love, cold love. 童年相爱,半是稚气; 老年相爱,爱得深沉.

2078 Books and friends should be few but good. 书与友,贵精不贵多.

2079 Bought wit is best, but may cost too much. 亲身的体验最好,只不过有时代价太高.

2080 Between two stools you fall to the ground. 欲坐双凳必坠地.

2081 Better the foot slip than the tongue trip. 宁可失足,不可失言。

2082 Don't halloo till you are out of the wood. 未出险境,莫先高兴。

2083 Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 不要班门弄斧。

2084 I can resist everything except temptation. 我什么都能抵制,只有诱惑除外。 2085 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 严冬既已至,春天即不远. 2086 Lilies are whitest in a blackamoor's hand. 黑人手中的百合花最白。

2087 One eyewitness is better than two hearers. 一个目睹者胜过两个道听途说的人. /耳听为虚,眼见为实.

2088 One careless move may lose the whole game. 一着不慎, 满盘皆输.

2089 One link broken,the whole chain is broken. 一环断,全链断。/ 百尺之链,断于一环。

2090 Real friendship does not freeze in winter. 真正的友谊遇到寒冬也不会冻结. 2091 It is good to learn at another man's cost. 使人失败,自己学乖.

2092 Repent what's past, avoid what is to come. 前事不忘,后事之师。 2093 Self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信是成功的首要秘诀.

2094 Kindnesses,like grain, increase by sowing. 友情象庄稼,愈种就愈多. 2095 Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. 自由的代价是永远警惕。

2096 Each man is the architect of his own fate. 每个人都是自己命运的建筑师. 2097 If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 不能咬人就别龇牙。

2098 If you wish for peace,be prepared for war. 欲求和平,必先备战。

2099 Everybody's business is nobody's business. 人人负责,无人负责. /龙多四靠. 2100 False friends are worse than open enemise. 口是心非的朋友比公开的敌人更坏.

2101 As the wind blows, you must set your sail. 挂帆得随风向.

2102 He has not lost all who has one card left. 手里还有一张牌就没有输尽. 2103 He that has patience may compass anything. 有耐心的人事事做得到。 2104 He that mischie hatches, mischief catches. 害人者终将害己。

2105 He that makes a thing too fine, breaks it. 做事过于苟求,反把事情弄坏。 2106 Happiness is not always annexed to wealth. 幸福并不一定是财富的附属物。 2107 Good acts are better than good intentions. 好的行动胜过好的意向.

2108 Youth and white paper take any impression. 青年犹如白纸,可以打上任何印记.

2109 The world is but a little place,after all. 天涯原咫尺,何处不相逢.

2110 Without confidence there is no friendship. 没有信任就没有友谊.

2111 Whom the gods destroy,they first make mad. 上帝要谁灭亡,必先让他疯狂。 2112 A good face is a letter of recommendation. 漂亮的面孔就是推荐书。 2113 A friennd in word is never friend of mine. 口头上的朋友决不是朋友. 2114 A great vessel will be long in completion. 大器晚成.

2115 A diligent scholar, and the master's paid. 学生勤奋学习,就是对老师的报答. 2116 A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield. 勇者可能跌倒,但不会屈服. 2117 A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion. 被逼急的猫,凶得象狮子。 2118 A selfless man is upright and high-minded. 人不自私,顶天立地。 2119 A poor spirit is poorer than a poor purse. 精神空虚比钱包空虚更可怜.

2120 A man becomes learned by asking questions. 要长学问,就得多问. 2121 A little neglect may breed great mischief. 细小的疏忽会酿成大祸。 2122 The essence of language is human activity. 语言的本质是人类活动。 2123 The moon is not seen where the sun shines. 日出月不见。

2124 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 不亲口尝一尝,不知布丁的好坏. 2125 Not good is it to harp on the same string. 不要老是弹一根弦。

2126 Never spend your money before you have it. 钱财未到手,不可提前花. 2127 The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神的财富是唯一的财富.

2128 Sound men wear out shoes, sick men sheets. 健康者费鞋子,久病者费床单。 2129 Since they do not speak; kisses never lie. 接吻不用讲话,所以从不会撒谎.

2130 Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms. 急风暴雨时信誓旦旦,风平浪静时忘在一边。

2131 Victory won't come to me unless I go to it. 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利.

2132 Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. 美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧. 2133 Time and thinking tame the strongest grief. 岁月流逝,悲哀消失;思想专注,忧愁解除.

2134 No man is rich enough to buy back his past. 再富有的人也买不回自己的过去.

2135 The moon does not heed the barking of dogs. 月亮不怕狗叫。/ 只要品格高尚,何惧他人底毁。

2136 The highest branch is not the safest roost. 高枝非良栖之所。

2137 The devil is not so black as he is painted. 魔鬼并不象人们描绘的那样黑。 2138 The golden age is before us, not behind us. 黄金时代是在我们前面而不在我们背后.

2139 A little of everything, and nothing at all. 什么都来一点,什么也得不到. 2140 All is not gain that is got into the purse. 装进钱包里的不一定都是收益. 2141 A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手.

2142 A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow. 身不正,影必斜。

2143 A great man is always willing to be little. 伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的. 2144 A learned man is not learned in everything. 有学问的人并非什么都懂. 2145 A full belly neither fights nor flies well. 肚子太饱,不能打仗也不能逃跑。 2146 Wisdom is in the head and not in the beard. 智慧在于有脑子,不在于有胡子。

2147 Wise men love truth. whereas fools shun it. 智者爱真理,愚者怕真理. 2148 You can't ride two horses at the same time. 不能同时骑两匹马.

2149 friendship cannot stand always on one side. 友谊是双方的事.

2150 An ague in the spring is physic for a king. 春天一场病,一年不服药。 2151 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙也变傻。

2152 Good order is the foundation of all things. 良好的秩序是一切的基础。

2153 Good will should be taken for part payment. 善意应该被看作是部分报偿。 2154 Happiness is not a goal,it is a by-product. 幸福不是目的,而是一种副产品.

2155 As you make your bed so you must lie on it. 自己铺的床必须自己去躺。/ 自作则自受。

2156 Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune. 在酒里淹死的人比在海里淹死的人多。

2157 He was a bold man that first ate on oyster. 第一个吃牡蛎的人是勇士。 2158 Follow the river and you'll get to the sea. 沿着河走, 一定能走到海边. 2159 If your ship does't come in,swim out to it! 如果你的船开不进来,那就向它游去!

2160 Judge not of men and things at first sight. 不要靠初次的印象来判断人或事。 2161 Self-control is courage under another form. 自我克制是勇气的另一种形式. 2162 It is a bad cloth that will take no colour. 布再坏也能染色。

2163 Principles without programs are platitudes. 没有纲领的原则只是陈词滥调。 2164 One must draw back in order to leap better. 退后才能跳得更远.

2165 One never goes to the temple for no reason. 无事不登三宝殿。

2166 One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun. 片云足以遮全日。

2167 Laziness in youth spells regret in old age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲. 2168 Life is painting a picture,not doing a sum. 生活是绘画,不是做算术.

2169 Cowards die many times before their deaths. 胆怯者在真正死亡前已死过多次.

2170 Courage without conscience is a wild beast. 不计道德的勇敢与野兽无异. 2171 Creditors have better memories than debtors. 放债的比借债的记性好. 2172 Curiosity is ill manners in another's house. 在别人家里显得好奇是没礼貌的表现。

2173 Don't expect anything original form an echo. 不要期望从回声中找到独创的东西.

2174 Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. 爱情不分贫贱与富贵.

2175 Husbands are in heaven whose wives scold not 妻子不絮烦,丈夫乐无边. 2176 Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算. 2177 Men at some time are masters of their fates. 人有时是命运的主人.

2178 One volunteer is better than ten forced men. 一个志愿者胜过十个被迫者. 2179 Progress is not created by contented peodle. 满足的人不能创造进步.

2180 Riches serve a wise man but commands a fool. 聪明人使财富为自已服务,傻瓜却任它支配自已.

2181 It is too late to husband when all is spent. 囊空而后节俭,为时已晚. 2182 If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 欲得忠告,请教长者. 2183 If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. 求知必须刻苦.

2184 Eating and scratching wants but a beginning. 吃饭和搔痒只需开个头。 2185 Every man at forty is a fool or a physician. 人到四十,如果不是傻子,就该知道保养身体。

2186 Fortune is easily found,but hard to be kept. 找到福分易,保持福分难。 2187 Friends may meet, but mountains never greet. 山与山不会点头,人与人却能交友.

2188 Friendship multiply joys, and divide griefs. 友谊能添乐,也能分忧.

2189 He that tells a secret is another's servant. 泄漏机密的人,就成为别人的奴仆。

2190 Better a fortune in a wife than with a wife. 娶个富家女不如讨个巧媳妇. 2191 Beauty is potent,but morality is omnipotent. 美貌固有力,道德力无穷。 2192 He that makes a good war makes a good peace. 正义的战争创造持久的和平。

2193 He that lives in hope danceth without music. 生活在希望中的人,没有音乐照样跳舞.

2194 He that praiseth himself spattereth himself. 自我标榜,等于自我诽谤。 2195 He is eloquent enough for whom truth speaks. 事实本身就是雄辩. /掌握了真理,就是雄辩者.

2196 He is not wise that is not wise for himself. 没有自知之明的人算不得聪明. 2197 An honest man doesn't do anything underhand. 明人不做暗事。

2198 An honest man's word is as good as his bond. 诚实人说的话等于契约。 2199 Who learns young forgets not when he is old. 少而勤学,老而不忘. 2200 You cannot put old heads on young shoulders. 幼者难具长者智.

2201 You never know what you can do till you try. 不尝试就不知道你能做什么. 2202 Without a friend,the worlds is a wilderness. 没有朋友,世界成了荒野. 2203 A hero is nothing but a product of his time. 时势造英雄.

2204 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手.

2205 A thing you don't want is dear at any price. 不需要的东西,无论买价多少都贵.

2206 A man can't ride your back unless it's bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你背上。

2207 A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一个人不能同时又纺又绕. /一心不能二用.

2208 The moon is a moon whether it shines or not. 或明或暗,月亮总是月亮. 2209 The voice of the people is the voice of God. 人民的呼声就是上帝的声音。 2210 Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes. 困难的只是穿上工作服的机遇. 2211 Sweet discourse makes short days and nights. 晤谈神会使人不觉日夜之长. 2212 Stretch your legs according to your coverlet. 量被伸脚.

2213 Time lost may be repented but never recalled. 失去时间可以后悔,但无法追回.

2214 No one is a fool always, every one sometimes. 没有终生的傻瓜,也没有终生不当傻瓜的人.

2215 The course of true love never did run smooth. 真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的.

2216 A man at sixteen will prove a child at sixty. 十六岁不成人,六十岁不成器. 2217 A man is weal or woe as he thinks himself so. 一个人命运好坏,全看自己如何想.

2218 A wise man cares not for what he cannot have. 智者不为自己得不到的东西而烦恼.

2219 A king without learning is but a crowned ass. 无知的国王不过是一头戴着王冠的驴。

2220 Wit is the salt of conversation,not the food. 风趣是谈话中的盐,而不是主食。 2221 You can't make omelets without breaking eggs. 要炒鸡蛋必得打破鸡蛋.

2222 There are no faults in a thing we want badly. 我们非常想要的东西总是没有缺点的。

2223 When the fox preaches,the cock should ponder. 要是狐狸布道,公鸡就该深思。

2224 What makes life dreary is the want of motive. 没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光. 2225 An open enemy is better than a hollow friend. 宁有公开的敌人,不要虚伪朋友.

2226 He is wise that knows when he is well enough. 知足为智者。

2227 Good company on the road is the shortest cut. 良伴同行路不遥.

2228 At the touch of love,everyone becomes a poet. 一经爱的触摸,人人能当诗人. 2229 At a round table there's no dispute of place. 圆桌上没有座次之争。

2230 Every white has its black,and sweet its sour. 月白必有黑,有甜必有苦。 2231 Every man has the defects of his own virtues. 人皆有与其优点并存的缺点。 2232 Every new sovereign brings his own courtiers. 一朝天子一朝臣。 2233 Imagination is more important than knowledge. 想象比知识更重要. 2234 It is sweat, not dew, that helps the harvest. 丰收不靠露滴,而靠汗水. 2235 Knowledge makes humble,ignorance makes proud. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲.

2236 Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps. 知识只能循序渐进,不能躐等以求.

2237 It is better to trust to valour than to luck. 靠运气不如靠勇气.

2238 It is more pain to do nothing than something. 无事可干比有事可干更费劲. 2239 I love myself well, but my countrymen better. 我爱自己,但更爱自己的同胞。 2240 Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流, 2241 Life is half spent before we know what it is. 我们认识到人生的意义时,已度过了半辈子.

2242 Let every man praise the bridge he goes over. 过桥不忘造桥人。

2243 Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. 不要将小孩与洗澡水一起倒掉。

2244 Better a glorious death than a shameful life. 宁求光荣死,不可耻辱生.

2245 Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. 宁在地狱为王,不到天堂当差。 2246 By the side of sickness health becomes sweet. 不生病不知道健康的快乐。 2247 Burn not your house to fright the mouse away. 别为吓跑耗子而去烧房子。 2248 Carve your name on hearts and not on marbles. 把你的姓名刻在人们的心上,而不是刻在大理石上.

2249 Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. 与其醒来负债,不如忍饿上床. 2250 Better the last smile than the first laughter. 宁可最后微笑,不要首先狂喜. 2251 Let him who knows the instrument play upon it. 让会干的人去干。

2252 I cannot afford to waste my time making money. 我浪费不起时间去赚钱. 2253 How do you understand happiness? ----Struggle. 你对幸福的理解是什么?-----斗争.

2254 If it were not for hope,the heart would break. 人靠希望活着.

2255 Politeness costs nothing and gains everything. 礼貌不用花一分钱,却能赢得一切。

2256 One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. 自然情感的流露,使人们更亲近.

2257 In every country the sun rises in the morning. 无论在哪个国家都是早晨出太阳。

2258 If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. 要想真正做好一件事,就得亲手去做.

2259 If you always say no, you'll never be married. 常说"不"的人,永远难成婚. 2260 Every man can rule a shrew but he who has her. 泼妇人人都能制服,只有她的丈夫例外.

2261 Economy is the art of making the most of life. 节约是把生活尽量巧安排的艺术.

2262 In the husband wisdom, in the wife gentleness. 丈夫贵在智慧,妻子贵在温柔.

2263 Even the emperor has straw-sandaled relatives. 皇帝也有穿草鞋的亲戚. 2264 Friends tie their purses with a cobweb thread. 朋友之间,不应扎紧钱袋. 2265 Give us the tools, and we will finish the job. 给我们适当的工具,我们就能完成任何工作./ 干什么活使什么家伙.

2266 Genius only means hard-working all one's life. 天才只意味着终生不懈的努力.

2267 Fearless courage is the foundation of victory. 勇敢无畏是胜利的基础. 2268 Ask no questions and you will be told no lies. 少问就听不到假话。

2269 He that shoots oft shall at last hit the mark. 常练射击的人,总会命中靶子. /功到自然成.

2270 He that shows his purse longs to be rid of it. 夸财招祸.

2271 He who commences many things finishes but few. 样样都搞, 完成者少. 2272 He that stumbles and falls not mends his pace. 绊了一脚而未跌倒的人,一定会走得更快.

2273 He who mistrusts most should be trusted least. 最不信任别人的人最不应该得到信任.

2274 He must have iron nails that scratches a bear. 搔熊者必具铁爪. / 要干危险事,先得有本事.

2275 He that leaves a name behind him does not die. 身后留名的人万世永存. 2276 An ounce of prudence is worth a pound of gold. 一盎司谨慎抵得上一磅黄金。 2277 All things are attained by diligence and toil. 一切都是通过勤劳获得的. 2278 All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事皆先难后易.

2279 You cannot make a silk purse out of sow's ear. 用猪耳朵做不成丝钱包。

2280 You cannot have two forenoons in the same day. 同一天里是不可能有两个上午的.

2281 A little body doth often harbour a great soul. 伟大的心灵常寓于矮小的身躯之中.

2282 A good wife and health is a man's best wealth. 男子的最大财富,在于妻子贤惠,自己健康.

2283 A good tale ill told is marred in the telling. 好故事还要讲得好。

2284 A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. 宁为清贫,不为浊富。

2285 A clear conscience laughs at false accusation. 只要问心无愧,无端的指责可以一笑置之。

2286 Adventure is just a romantic name for trouble. 冒险是自找麻烦的浪漫说法。 2287 The devil knows many things becuase he is old. 人老见识广. /老马识途. 2288 The friend is known in the time of difficulty. 困难时刻才会知道谁是朋友. 2289 That's good wisdom which is wisdom in the end. 最后正确才是真正确. 2290 The heart that once truly loves never forgets. 真正恋爱过的心永不遗忘. 2291 The love of economy is the root of all virtue. 节约是一切美德的根源.

2292 No man loves his fetters,be they made of gold. 即使是金子做的镣铐,也没有人喜欢。

2293 The water supporting a ship can also upset it. 水可以载舟,亦可以覆舟。 2294 The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘诀是目标坚定. 2295 There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 最忠实的朋友莫过于一本好书. 2296 Spite is never lonely; envy always tags along. 怨恨绝不孤独;嫉妒总是与它相随。

2297 Superfluous wealth can but superfluities only. 多余的财富只能买来多余的东西.

2298 Some people cannot see the wood for the trees. 有些人见树不见林。 2299 We may give advice,but we cannot give conduct. 别人可以相劝,做人还靠自己./ 别人可以给你忠告,但不能给你品行.

2300 Truth may be blamed, but shall never be shamed. 真理可能会被责难,但决不会受羞辱.

2301 Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. 暴力是无能者的最后手段。 2302 We thought, because we had power,we had wisdom. 我们曾这样想,因为我们有权力,我们就有智慧.

2303 Never trust a man who speaks well of everybody. 谁的好话都说的人不可信赖.

2304 Never let your feet run faster than your shoes. 不要让你的脚跳得比你的鞋子快。

2305 Ninety-li is only half of a hundred-li journey. 行百里者半九十.

2306 Take time while time is, for time will be away. 有时间就要利用,因为时间会消逝.

2307 The good or ill of man lies within his own will 人的善良或邪恶都存在于他自己的意志之中.

2308 The fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweet. 啜饮蜜糖的苍蝇在甜蜜中丧生. 2309 A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. 智者通权达变,愚者坚持己见。

2310 A wise man is never less alone than when alone. 智者独处不寂寞.

2311 A man who knows two languages is worth two men. 懂得两种语言的人抵得上两个人.

2312 A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile. 朋友对你皱眉,胜过傻瓜对你微笑.

2313 A liar is not believed when he tells the truth. 惯说谎者说真话时也没人相信了。

2314 A large part of virtue consists in good habits. 美德大多只是良好的习惯。 2315 You cannot kill time without injuring eternity. 消磨时间不可能不伤害永恒. 2316 Zeal without knowledge is a fire without light. 热情而无知,犹如无光之火. 2317 The years teach much which the days never know. 学问积年而成,而每日不自知.

2318 The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity. 狂热者的大恶在于他的诚意。 2319 An ignorant man is like a piece of barren land. 不学习的人,象不长谷物的荒地.

2320 An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit. 一盎司慎重等于一磅机智。 2321 Wealth got by labour is sweet in the enjoyment. 劳动得来的财富享受起来味道甜美.

2322 When the fox preaches, take care of your geese. 狐狸说教,当心鹅被盗. 2323 When patterns are broken,new worlds can emerge. 打破固定的模式,新世界才能出现。/ 破旧立新。

2324 When all else is lost the future still remains. 就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

2325 He that desires honour is not worthy of honour. 渴求荣誉的人不值得有荣誉。 2326 He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. 慎言为智。

2327 He knows not what love is that has no children. 没有子女的人不知道什么是爱.

2328 He is born in a good hour who gets a good name. 生逢其时,美誉自至. 2329 Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings. 伟大的思想需要起落架,也需要双翼。

2330 Happiness is being married to your best friend. 同自己最好的朋友结婚是谓幸福.

2331 He that will thrive must ask leave of his wife. 要想发家致富,就得妻子同意. 2332 Fate leads the willing but drives the stubborn. 顺从者被命运领着走,执拗者被命运赶着走。

2333 Friendship is like wine---the older the better. 友谊象美酒,越陈越醇厚. 2334 Each of us is the accumulation of our memories. 我们每个人都是我们记忆的累积。

2335 If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles. 思想象田野,不播粮食就长荆棘. 2336 It is as well to know which way the wind blows. 最好知道风吹往哪个方向。 / 识时务者为俊杰。

2337 It is hard to laugh and cry both with a breath. 人很难同时即哭又笑。 2338 It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 君子在德不在衣.

2339 It matters not how a man dies,but how he lives. 一个人如何死是无关紧要的,重要的是如何生.

2340 If one receives a plun,one must return a peach. 投桃报李.

2341 I wept when I was born,and every day shows why. 人生道路艰难困苦,难怪婴儿出世就哭. /我方出世,哭泣不止,为何如此,日月自知.

2342 How do you understand misfortune?----Giving in. 你对不幸的理解是什么?---屈服.

2343 Humour must have its background of seriousness. 幽默必须以严肃为背景。

2344 I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. 我不能既作你的朋友,又作你的阿谀者.

2345 Hypocrisy is a homage that vice pays to virtue. 伪善是恶对善的敬重. 2346 May the best of this year be the worst of next. 但愿明年最坏的事也和今年最好的事那么好。

2347 Love victory, but despise the pride of triumph. 要爱胜利,但不要为胜利而骄傲。

2348 Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. 勿抓影子而失去本质。 2349 Conceited [=ingenious] goods are quickly spent. 花哨货,不经用.

2350 Choose a life of action,not one of ostentation. 要选择行动的一生,而不是炫耀的一生.

2351 Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye. 选择妻子,用耳比用眼可靠. 2352 Choose neither a woman nor linen by candlelight. 不要在烛光下选妻子或内衣.

2353 Critics are like brushers of noblemen's clothes. 批评家好比男仆,为大人物刷去衣服上的灰尘。

2354 Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue. 礼貌和美德是分不开的伴侣.

2355 Cleverness does not take the place of knowledge. 聪明不能代替知识.

2356 Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces. 满足常在村舍,而不在王宫. 2357 Better never to begin than never to make an end. 没有决心干到底不如不开始.

2358 Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没有来找你,不要去找麻烦。

2359 Man can only be free through mastery of himself. 只有通过掌握自己,才能使自己得到解放.

2360 Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. 用于教育之金钱决不虚掷。 2361 It is better to please a fool than to anget him. 若惹蠢人生气,不如使他欢喜。

2362 One who keeps abreast of the time remains young. 和时代并驾齐驱的人,永远年轻.

2363 One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. 一个父亲,胜过百名教师。

2364 Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom. 谨慎小心是好事;深谋远虑是明智。

2365 If thou dealest with a fox, think of his tricks. 与狐狸周旋,要谨防上当。 2366 Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himfelf. 多行不义必自毙。

2367 Fortune never helps the man whose courage fails. 运气永远不会帮助没有勇气的人.

2368 Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark. 日出而作,日入而息.

2369 Fools look to tomorrow,and wise men use tonight. 蠢人指望明天,智者利用今晚.

2370 He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor. 不会跳舞的人怪地板不平。

2371 He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. 想吃果子就得上树. 2372 He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut. 欲食果仁先破其壳. 2373 As soon as you feel too old to do a thing,do it. 一旦你觉得做某件事太老了,赶紧做它.

2374 Better a frank denial than unwilling compliance. 勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝. 2375 He has a fault of a wife that marries mam's pet. 娶娇惯的姑娘是找错了对象.

2376 Have but few friends, though many acquaintances. 交游宜广,知心宜稀. 2377 He lives unsafely that looks too near on things. 人无远虑,必有近忧.

2378 What may be done at any time is done at no time. 随时可做的事,往往没时间做.

2379 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜过十分治疗。 2380 Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance. 愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。

2381 Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care. 青春充满愉快,高龄满怀忧虑。 2382 Who will not keep a penny never shall have many. 不储小钱,哪来大钱. 2383 Who meddleth in all things may shoe the gosling. 爱管闲事只是浪费时间. 2384 A handsaw is a good thing,but not to shave with. 手锯再好也不能用来剃胡须。

2385 A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone. 肉骨头打狗,狗不叫。 2386 A barly-corn is better than a diamond to a cock. 对于公鸡来说,麦粒胜过钻石.

2387 A mill cannot grind with the water that is past. 磨轮不能用已经流走的水来转动。

2388 Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic. 对人生感到乐趣是女人最好的化妆品.

2389 The chain is not stronger than its weakest link. 麻绳专在细处断.

2390 Never was a good work done without great effort. 不花大力气干不好工作. 2391 No one is rich enough to do without a neighbour. 人略钜富,亦需邻居. 2392 Never bow to authority, but always tip your hat. 应向有权者敬礼,不应向他屈膝。

2393 The same man never crossed the same river twice. 旧地重来景已非。 2394 Strangers are friends that you have yet to meet. 陌生人是你尚未结识的朋友.

2395 To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. 活在生者的心里,就是不死. 2396 To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. 对聪明人来说,每一天都是要计算盈亏的.

2397 Today's opportunities erase yesterday's failures. 今日的机遇可抹去昨日的失败.

2398 There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. 有该说话的时候,也有该沉默的时候.

2399 Those who seek to please everybody please nobody. 见人就献媚,谁也不待见。

2400 There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle. 旧琴也能奏出好乐章.

2401 We prefer to die a hero,rather than live a slave. 宁为英雄而死,不为奴隶生. 2402 None so old that he hopes not for a year of life. 老寿星也不会嫌寿长. 2403 Nothing is dearer to a man than a friend in need. 患难之交最可贵.

2404 The brighter you are, the more you have to learn. 越聪明的人,越需要学习. 2405 A long dispute means that both parties are wrong. 持久的争论意味着双方都是错的。

2406 Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience. 采用大自然的步伐:她的秘密在于耐心。

2407 A boisterous horse must have a boisterous bridle. 烈马要套上好辔头。 2408 Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. 智慧之于头脑,犹如健康之于躯体.

2409 Words without ideas are likes sails without wind. 言之无物犹如有帆无风. 2410 Would you know your daughter, see her in company. 欲知女儿品性,可看她在人前的表现.

2411 Words are like bees, they have honey and a sting. 言语象蜜蜂,有蜜也有刺. 2412 Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. 言词是人类最有效的药物.

2413 An optimist sees the rose; a pessimist the thorn. 乐观的人看到玫瑰,悲观的人只看到它的刺.

2414 All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用.

2415 When Greek meets Greek,then comes the tug of war. 两雄相遇,其斗必烈。 2416 He is an ill guest that never drinks to his host. 不知道为主人干杯的客人,不会作客。

2417 He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound. 小钱不节省,大钱必乱花. 2418 He that has much prayer, has but little devotion. 祷告多的人心不诚。 2419 He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody. 不能自爱,焉能爱人。 2420 Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. 选择朋友要慢,换朋友更要慢.

2421 He who knows most knows best how little he knows. 知识愈多就愈了解自己懂得太少.

2422 Fortune and misfortune are two baskets in a well. 福与祸是一个井里打水的两个吊桶。

2423 Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate. 幸运之神至少在每人的门上敲一次.

2424 If we can't do as we would, we must do as we can. 如不能如愿而行,定须尽力而为.

2425 Every man must eat a peck of dirt before he dies. 人生在世总会受点委屈. 2426 Presumption begins in ignorance and ends in ruin. 自以为是由无知开始,以毁灭告终.

2427 It is easy to swim if another holds up your head. 有人扶着头,容易学游泳. 2428 It is not the fine coat that makes the gentleman. 使人成为君子的并不是讲究的衣着。

2429 Knavery may serve a turn,but honesty never fails. 欺诈或许暂时有用,诚实却永远有用。

2430 Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 希望是美好的早餐,却是糟糕的晚餐.

2431 If at first you don't succeed, try,try,try again. 再接再厉,终会成功. 2432 Many a grain of sand piled up will make a pagoda. 聚沙成塔.

2433 Life without a friend is death without a witness. 没有朋友的生活等于孤独一人死去.

2434 Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it. 生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇.

2435 Laziness makes you ill, labour makes you healthy. 懒散使人生病,劳动使人健壮。

2436 Don't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 不要既陪野兔奔跑,又随猎狗追捕。

2437 Do not try to live for ever.you will not succeed. 不要幻想永远活下去,你不会成功的.

2438 Deceiving those that trust us is more than a sin. 欺骗信任自己的人是罪上加罪.

2439 Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. 蛋未孵,别先数鸡。 2440 Better sense in the head than cents in the pocket. 口袋里有钱不如头脑里有知识.

2441 Learning is a sceptre to some, a bauble to others. 学识对某些人是权杖,对另一些人只是漂亮的装饰品.

2442 If Jack's in love, he's no judge of Jill's beauty. 要是杰克爱上了吉尔,吉尔再丑他也说俊俏.

2443 If money be not the servant,it will be the master. 不做金钱的主人,便沦为金钱的奴隶.

2444 I have but one counsel for you-be your own master. 我只有一个忠告给你——做你自己的主人。

2445 Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality. 温室里的花草不会有强大的生命力.

2446 It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. 骆驼负载过重时,加根草也能把它压倒。

2447 It is easier to make enemies than to make friends. 结怨易,交友难.

2448 Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. 人必自敬,然后人敬之. 2449 Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower. 人的品格,犹如花的香味. 2450 Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. 只有为别人而活,生命才有价值.

2451 Only by working hard can we reap a bumper harvest. 只有通过辛勤的劳动才能收获丰硕的成果.

2452 If things were to be done twice all would be wise. 假如凡事都可以重新做一次,人人都可成为聪明人.

2453 If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep. 要想梦成真,少睡多用心.

2454 Friendship is a plant which must be often watered. 友谊之树要常浇水. 2455 Fear has many eyes and can see things underground. 恐惧有许多眼睛,能


2456 Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship. 烈火试真金,苦难试友情. 2457 Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. 所有的人都是无知的,只是对不同的题材无知而已.

2458 He that returns good for evil obtains the victory. 胜利属于以善报恶的人. 2459 Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. 休嫌它寒微贫贱,天涯无处似家园.

2460 He that plants trees loves others besides himself. 植树的人,不但爱已,而且爱人.

2461 He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first. 先自嘲的人,不会见笑于人。

2462 He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself. 只为自己活着的人,不值得活在世上.

2463 What do you like to do best?---Delving into books. 你最喜欢做的事是什么?----啃书本

2464 When all men think alike, no man thinks very much. 大家都一样想的时候就没有人多想了。

2465 You'll never get rid of a bad temper by losing it. 用发脾气的办法永远改不掉坏脾气。

2466 You eat and eat, but you do not drink to fill you. 吃饭要饱,饮酒要少。 2467 A good reputation sits still;a bad one runs about. 好名不出门,恶名传四方。 2468 After dinner sit awhile; after supper walk a mile. 午餐后稍坐片刻,晚餐后步行一里。

2469 Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. 无人能抵御嘲笑的进攻。 2470 A wise man never loses anything if he has himself. 聪明的人只要能掌握自己,便什么也不会失去.

2471 A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst. 求婚者多的少女往往选中最差的郎君.

2472 A man without a smiling face must not open a shop. 没有笑脸的人不能开店。

2473 The greater part of whitewashing is done with ink. 大部分的粉饰是用墨水进行的。

2474 The greater the man,the more restrained his anger. 人越伟大,越能克制怒火

2475 The future becomes the present if we fight for it. 只要为之奋斗,未来就会变成现在.

2476 The moon is a moon still, whether it shine or not. 月明月暗,终不失其为月亮。

2477 Worlds smallest inspirational blog 世界上最小的励志博客是好猫网

2478 Nothing is worth more than a mind well instructed. 什么好也比不上教育好。 2479 Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas. 除非要捉跳蚤,作事不可匆忙. 2480 Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it . 空袋倒不出豆. /无中不能生有.

2481 The storehouse of wisdom is stocked with proverbs. 智慧的仓库里储满箴言.

2482 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日毕. /勿将今事待明日.

2483 Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute. 沉默是最难反驳的论点之一。

2484 To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds. 既当演说家,又做实干家.

2485 To idle away one's time amounts to killing oneself. 虚度年华等于自杀 2486 To know how to wait is the great secret of success. 懂得如何等待是成功的重要秘诀.

2487 No one but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. 穿鞋的人自己知道哪儿夹脚。

2488 Tell all that you know and tell it without reserve. 知无不言,言无不尽。 2489 A good tale is none the worse for being told twice. 好戏不厌两回看。/好故事百听不厌。

2490 A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass. 瞎子不谢赠镜人.

2491 A brave man risks his life, but not his conscience. 勇敢的人可用生命冒险,但不以良心冒险。

2492 A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻声知鸣鸟,闻言见人心。

2493 Wise men seek instruction, fools fall for applause. 聪明人喜欢别人指教,蠢人则喜欢别人赞美.

2494 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨 2495 Have no fear of perfection---you'll never reach it. 不要为十全十美担心----你永远也做不到十全十美.

2496 Benefits please,like flowers, while they are fresh. 没有开不败的鲜花,也没有永远使人感激的恩惠。

2497 He who knows useful things,not many things is wise. 聪明人不是懂得多,而是懂得有用的东西.

2498 If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully. 指挥有方则人人乐从。 2499 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 同时追二免,全都抓不住. 2500 People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. 通常人们是因为不会辩理才吵架的。

2501 Money lost,little lost; time lost,everything lost. 失去金钱损失不大;失去时间则失去一切.

2502 Life is a foreign language:All men mispronounce it. 生活是一种外语,谁都发不好它的音.

2503 Life is for one generation, a good name is forever. 生命只有一代之久,而美名永存于世.

2504 Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone. 精诚所至,金石为开. 2505 Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. 在外吃烤肉不如在家啃面包.

2506 Diligence overcomes difficulties. Sloth makes them. 勤劳克服困难,懒惰制


2507 Craft must have clother,but truth loves to go naked. 诡计定然披着外衣,真理却不爱装饰.

2508 Bread nourishes the body, and books enrich the mind. 面包滋养身体,书本充实头脑.

2509 Life is measured by thought and action, not by time. 衡量生命的尺度是思想和行为,而不是时间.

2510 Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit. 学习根苦果甜.

2511 Laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before supper. 笑得早也会哭得早。 2512 Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist. 有知识而无实践,只是半个能人.

2513 I would rather see a young man blush than turn pale. 我宁可看到青年人脸红,也不愿看到他脸色变得苍白。

2514 Patience:A minor form of despair disguised as virtu. 耐心:被伪装成美德的轻度的绝望。

2515 It is but a step form the sublime to the ridiculous. 从崇高到荒谬只有一步之差.

2516 Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage. 把恐惧留给自己,把勇气分给别人.

2517 In our expenditure the item that costs most is time. 在我们的消费中,时间是最昂贵的一项.

2518 Every man is a fool sometimes,and none at all times. 人都有糊涂的时候,但谁都不会糊涂一生.

2519 Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea. 河流虽历尽险阻,也能蜿蜓流入大海.

2520 God help the poor, for the rich can help themselves. 愿上帝帮助穷人,因为富人无需帮助。

2521 Giving much to the poor doth increase a man's store. 给穷人大量馈赠必定会增加自己的库存。

2522 He who allows himself to be insulted,deserves to be. 自己甘愿受辱的人,受污辱也活该。

2523 He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself. 不尊重自己妻子的人,使自己不受尊重.

2524 Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 虽眼见亦不能全信,道听途说更不足信.

2525 Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡口,毋为牛后。 2526 He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas. 与狗同卧,跳蚤上身. /近朱者赤,近墨者黑.

2527 Wealth is a slave to the wise, a master to the fool. 财富是聪明人的奴隶,是蠢人的主子.

2528 Who repairs not his gutters repairs his whole house. 今日不补沟,他日必补屋.

2529 Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 头脑里的知识比手中的金钱更有用.

2530 Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it. 为了求得智慧,代价再高也值得.

2531 Working without a plan is sailing without a compass. 工作无计划等于航海无罗盘.

2532 A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. 上午有一点收获,总比全天无收获好.

2533 A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly. 吃得过饱,懒得学习。 2534 A good man terminates a friendship with out rancour. 君子绝交不记仇. 2535 A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. 远亲不如近友.

2536 A place for everything, and everything in its place. 物应各有其所,亦应各在其所。

2537 Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life. 有所成就乃是人生唯一的真正乐趣.

2538 Affairs that are done by due degress are soon ended. 按部就班,只快不慢. 2539 The greater the power ,the more dangerous the abuse. 权力越大,滥用权力造成的危险也越大。

2540 The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail. 猴子爬得越高,尾巴露得越多。

2541 The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. 人的正确功能是生活,而不是生存.

2542 Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant. 需要和机会可以使懦夫变得大胆.

2543 The spectators see the game better than the players. 当局者迷,旁观者清. 2544 Stupidity won't kill you, but it can make you sweat. 愚蠢不会使你丧生,却会让你吃苦.

2545 Strangers at the first meeting,friends at the second. 一回生,二回熟. 2546 Time means life,time means speed,time means strength. 时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量.

2547 Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out. 恶意可以诽谤真理,但不能消灭真理.

2548 The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. 人生最难是自知.

2549 The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. 生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事是装虚作假。

2550 Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. 家规再严,事端难免。 2551 A past mistake of one serves as a good lesson to all. 一人之失,百人之师。 2552 A number of small streams converge into a vast ocean. 涓涓之流,汇成大海.

2553 A good archer is not known by his arrows but his aim. 神箭手因其射中靶子而非因其箭而闻名。

2554 A covetous man is good to none, but worst to himself. 贪心不足的人对他人无益,对自己最有害。

2555 The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it. 缺乏一件东西时,才知道它的可贵.

2556 Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. 愤怒是吹灭心中之


2557 Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. 不尝黄连苦, 怎知蜂蜜甜.

2558 What may be done at any time will be done at no time. 因循蹉跎,一事无成.

2559 He knows the water the best who has waded through it. 要知水深浅,须问过河人.

2560 He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes. 错误犯得最少的将军就是最好的将军.

2561 Have high aspirations and adopt a practical attitude. 既要有雄心壮志,也要有实事求是的精神.

2562 He who goes against the fashion is himfelf its slave. 反对时尚的人自己也是时尚的奴隶。

2563 If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 没有阴云不觉阳光可爱。

2564 It's great to be great, but it's greater to be human. 成为伟人是美好的,做一个真正的人更美好.

2565 Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. 无论何处的不公正,对于任何地方的公正都是一种威胁.

2566 Put your hand no further than your sleeve will reach. 量入为出.

2567 One enemy is too many, and a hundred friends too few. 敌人一个也嫌多,朋友上百也嫌少.

2568 Hear much, speak little./ Speak less and listen more. 少说多听.

2569 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成.

2570 Let not they left hand know what thy right hand does. 右手所为,不让左手知道。

2571 Better rely on yourself than look to others for help. 与其求人,不如求已. 2572 Don't have your cloak to make when it begins to rain. 别等下雨再做雨衣。/ 宜未雨绸缪。

2573 Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛.

2574 Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse. 知识使好人更好,也能使坏人更坏.

2575 Live and learn. /Keep on learning as long as you live. 活到老学到老. 2576 I myself have become a Gaullist only little by little. 我自己也只是一点一点地才成为一个戴高乐主义者的。

2577 One of the greatest pleasures in life is conversation. 生活中最大的乐趣之一是交谈.

2578 Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind. 见了机会,就要抓他的胡子,因为他后面没有头发.

2579 It is as futile as drawing water with a bamboo basket. 竹篮打水一场空。

2580 Knowledge makes one laugh, but wealth makes one dance. 知识使人笑逐颜开,财富使人手舞足蹈.

2581 For every able person there is always one still abler. 能人背后有能人. 2582 He who peeps through a hole may see what will vex him. 偷窥者会看到使自己烦恼的事。

2583 He that would be well needs not go from his own house. 要找幸福,不必离家远寻.

2584 Be sure before you marry of a house where in to tarry. 先立业,后成家. 2585 As your wedding-ring wears, your cares will wear away. 结婚戒指戴旧了,烦恼也就消除了.

2586 Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. 秋季是第二个春天,每片树叶都是花朵。

2587 He hath ill neighbours that is fain to praise himself. 爱自夸的人没有好邻居。 2588 What moral character do you value most? ---Simplicity. 你最珍贵的品德是什么?----朴素.

2589 What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 孩提时代学到的东西,到老死也不会忘记.

2590 When you make new friends, don't forget the old one's. 有了新知,勿忘旧交.

2591 The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down. 世事如长梯,有人上来有人下.

2592 The whole dignity of man lies in the power of thought. 人的全部尊严在于思考的能力.

2593 Without method little can be done to any good purpose. 没有方法,什么事也做不好.

2594 A good face needs no band, and a pretty wench no land. 英俊的小伙子无需吹鼓手,漂亮的村姑无需田地.

2595 A leopard and a goat can never live in the same flock. 豹子和山羊不同群。 2596 A man's vanity is actually in proportion to ignorance. 一个人的虚荣心实际上和他的愚蠢程度成正比。

2597 All is well with him who is beloved of his neighbours. 邻里和气,万事如意. 2598 A trout in the pot is better than a salmon in the sea. 锅里一条小鱼胜过海里一条大鱼.

2599 A smile is a curve that sets a lot of things straight. 微笑是一条曲线,它能使许多东西变直.

2600 The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. 读书越多,越感到学识不足.

2601 The force of the wind tests the strength of the grass. 疾风知劲草.

2602 The throne is but a piece of wood covered with velvet. 皇帝的宝座不过是一块盖着天鹅绒的木头。

2603 No question is ever settled until it is settled right. 正确解决问题才算真正解决。

2604 On Monday morning don't be looking for Saturday night. 别在开始工作时就想休息.

2605 To know oneself is wisdom, to forget oneself is folly. 自知之明是智慧,忘乎所以是愚蠢.

2606 To have great poets, there must be great audience too. 要有伟大的诗人,必须要有伟大的听众。

2607 We are only young once. That is all society can stand. 我们一生只年轻一次,社会也只能忍受这么多.

2608 Trust thyself only, and another shall not betray thee. 不信他人信自己,别人不会出卖你。

2609 To live is to function. That is all there is in living. 活着就要发挥作用,这就是生活的全部内容.

2610 Think not on what you lack as much as on what you have. 少想自己欠缺的,多想自己拥有的.

2611 Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. 没有什么比独立自由更可宝贵的了.

2612 That which is brief, if it be good, is good twice over. 精练的智语是双倍的明智.

2613 A woman never loafs; she shops, entertains, and visits. 女人从来不闲逛;购物,待客,串门总有事可忙.

2614 A kiss can bring either unrest or peace to one's heart. 一个吻既可给人的心灵带来不安,也可以使它得到安宁.

2615 A good shift may serve long,but it will not serve ever. 好的推诿之词或许长期有用,但不会永远有用。

2616 A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. 外语是人生斗争的一种武器.

2617 Words are the wise man's counters and the fool's money. 智者嘴在心里,愚者把它当金钱.

2618 Who likes not his business, his business likes not him. 谁若不爱本职,他的本职也不喜欢他.

2619 He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well. 吃出病来的人,反而要饿到病好才能再吃。

2620 Be able to be alone.Lose not the advantage of solitude. 要有单独自处的能力,不要放过孤寂的好处。

2621 Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him. 交友前先和他共吃一蒲式耳盐. /不深知,不结交.

2622 As devotion unites lovers so perfidy estranges friends. 忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人.

2623 Friendship is to be strengthened by truth and devotion. 友谊要以真实和忠诚来巩固.

2624 Few rich men own their property.The property owns them. 没有多少富人拥有他们的财产;是财产拥有他们.

2625 If you don't want people to know about it, don't do it. 若要人不知,除非己莫为.

2626 If wise man play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 聪明人做傻事,傻得格外离奇。

2627 In speaking well of others, you speak well of yourself. 称赞他人,如同称赞自己。

2628 Every man desires to live long but no man would be old. 人人都想活得长久,可是谁也不愿意老.

2629 It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. 想要通过争论去战胜无知的人是不可能的.

2630 Our faults irritate us most when we see them in others. 自已的缺点在别人身上看到,最令我们讨厌。

2631 Real charity doesn't care if it's taxdeductible or not. 真正的慈善捐款不在乎捐款是否可以免税。

2632 If a man will not seek knowledge, it will not seek him. 你若不去找知识,知识不会来找你.

2633 He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 欲登梯者从底始.

2634 Hope is bad for the happy man,and good for the unhappy. 希望对幸福的人是不好的事,对不幸福的人是好事.

2635 Books are the ever-burning lamps of accrmulated wisdom. 好书乃积累智慧之长明灯.

2636 Distrust all in whom the impules to punish is powerful. 不要信任任何有强烈惩罚欲的人.

2637 Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean. 端来清水以前,别把浊水泼掉.

2638 Better spare to have of thine own than ask of other men. 求人不如自己省. 2639 Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

2640 Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop him up. 自高自大可以使一个人膨胀起来,但并不能支撑住他。

2641 Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands. 一个人的命运主要由他自己塑造.

2642 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标就象航海没有罗盘.

2643 Learning is the light that leads into every

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