























(1)时间意识明显增强,跑操进楼的速度加快,吃饭回班、从备课区回班速度加快,小时间利用的意识明显增强,课间、排队打饭期间、候操时间、午晚休预备铃前、中午晚上9:50在教室学习的人数明显增多,预备铃前尽快进入状态的班级明显增多。这些都是咱们充分利用时间的表现。你做得怎么样?(2.)效率的意识明显增强表现公共自习、学科自习和课堂更加高效。课前准备到位(预习和资料的准备),课上紧跟老师的思维,积极回应老师,笔不离手,能重点地记笔记。学科自习,能够做到不复习不作业,学科自习的完成率大大提高,书写的规范性明显提高。公共自习计划性强,书桌条理性强,不再无所事事,不再东张西望,不再交头接耳,效率明显提高,收获越来越大。小时间利用的意识增强,(3)好习惯逐渐养成。跑操质量大幅提升,说明班级的凝聚力明显增强。 行为举止更加文明,主动向老师问好的明显增多,教学楼的秩序有了一定的提升,课间喧闹较以前有了一定的改观。

1. 危机。(1)两极分化逐渐形成(2)衡中不是保险箱,2012届高二的学业水平测试近700人次不及格,继续背负9科的学习,3200多名同学上本一,仍有800多名同学上不了本一。(3)适应期将



2. 要求:(1)自我反思、主观归因、查找自己的问题,回去列在笔记本上。(2)尽快改变问题,每天改变一点点,每天进步一点点。不改变不是停止不前而是走下坡路,改变了就是进步。尽早改变主动,延迟改变被动,甚至永远失去机会。每天每周反思我改变了什么,还有什么需要改变,明天我要继续在什么地方改变,尽快成为合格的衡中人。(3)遵规守纪,杜绝侥幸心理,要想人不知除非己莫为,你只要是做,早晚会被抓住,抽烟的,已经抓住4例。教育处年级正在搞严重违纪查处的竞赛,11月份高一年级进入严打月,抽烟、打架、带手机、mp3等、男女非正常接触,破坏公物、违规零食、旷课旷操,多次午晚休自习纪律违纪等,都是严打的对象。(4)专心学习,杜绝闲事闲思。不学习就是违纪,四处张望的,抬头看检查老师,玩小东西、走思、打盹、长时间翻找东西,课代表预备铃前发不完片子,上课不认真听讲,说话、睡觉、找不到片子等都是违纪(考试时睡觉),课间喧哗走入教学楼喧哗等都是违纪


Change A Little A Day: Start From Now

There are some people that are content with their situation in life, but everyone has something they want to excel in; something they want to be proud of. Unfortunately, most people don’t have the drive to do something about it. They waste away their time and talents day dreaming of what could be instead of living the life they want.

People are constantly taking the easy road in life: it’s less risky, it doesn’t involve a lot of effort and it’s comfortable. Change requires you to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. You have to change yourself, your surroundings even your habits.

Change is difficult. If it were easy, we would all be famous billionaires living in mansions. The fact that it’s hard is what makes change and improvement so great. Improving your life will result in several positive outcomes such as, giving you a better sense of self, making you a better person, mother father, friend, etc. and you’ll find yourself being happier in general. You need to understand that changing yourself for the better won’t take away challenges in your life—it will just prepare you to be able to face them.

If you have tried to change in the past and failed, don’t quit. You can still change and start making a difference in your life. The following tips will get you set on the path to action. When you do these things, you are preparing yourself to do more than just dream about the life you want; you are getting yourself on the path to achieving it. Use these tips as guidelines to make the changes in your life that you want to see.

1. The first step toward changing is knowing what you want to change and why.

Take the time to sit down and write down your goals. Also write down why you want to change; make this as in-depth as you can because it will be a foundation for you. This is something you will be able to go back to when you are feeling like it’s too hard or you have forgotten why it’s important.

2. Tell people your goals.

It can be embarrassing for some people to share with others what’s in their heart; but it’s necessary. In order to change, you have to be held

accountable. Letting someone else know what you are trying to do will ensure that you have someone to answer to. Make sure this person is someone who will continue to encourage you and isn’t afraid to ask how things are moving along.

3. Replace bad habits with good ones.

Stopping something cold turkey is hard, so it’s best to replace the unwanted habit with something positive. If you have a major addiction, there are other steps you will have to take. If it’s just a bad habit, such as looking at Facebook too much, replace that with something like going for a walk

around the block. If you are trying to stick within a budget, play a game with your family instead of going shopping. Find something positive to do that will replace the negative things in your life.

4. Change is not easy, but it’s easier when you have someone to do it with. Find a partner, coach, friend or family member who might be in the same situation as you. If you want to start working out, set up times when the two of you can go exercise together. If you want to get up earlier, call each other in the morning and encourage one another to get up and get moving.

Whatever changes you want to make, find a way to include someone else in them. You will be each other’s support, can hold one another accountable for what you do or don’t do.

5. Get rid of distractions.

There are things everywhere in our houses, our workplaces, and even our schools that can and will distract us from changing into the kind of people we want to be. Our phones, computers, iPads, etc. are all wonderful tools that we have at our disposal, but they can also hinder us. We spend so much time texting, emailing and checking various social media platforms. That is time that could be used doing something productive. Limit the amount of time you spend on the computer. Set an alarm and when it goes off, you’re done.

6. Turn off the TV.

I know so many people who have the TV on in the background while they are trying to get stuff done. I am guilty of this. In the past I would turn on a movie while I was trying to work or clean the house, but every time, I would find myself sitting on the couch watching instead of being up and moving. I decided to listen to audio books instead: that way I don’t have anything visual distracting me from the things I need to get done but I still have something entertaining or educational to listen to.

7. Only say positive things to yourself.

When you fail it’s easy to point out everything you did wrong, but that is so discouraging. Instead, say to yourself, “I can do hard things.” You have the ability to change, you just have to believe in yourself. Don’t beat yourself down.

8. Serve other people.

It’s funny how service works: you go out expecting to help someone else in need and you end up helping yourself. When you serve others, you feel better about yourself, you make a difference in someone’s life, and you give back to the community.

9. Recognize the good things you do, no matter how small.

Many people might skip this step because it feels arrogant and prideful. IT’S NOT! Changing yourself is about evaluating where you are in life, what you’re doing and why you’re doing those things. When you make a change, even if it’s something simple, acknowledge it, don’t brush it off like it doesn't mean anything. It means everything! It means that you’re actually doing it, you’re changing.

Change A Little A Day: Start From Now

每天改变一点点 从今天开始!

There are some people that are content with their situation in life, but everyone has something they want to excel in; something they want to be proud of.

Unfortunately, most people don’t have the drive to do something about it. They waste away their time and talents day dreaming of what could be instead of living the life they want.


People are constantly taking the easy road in life: it’s less risky, it doesn’t involve a lot of effort and it’s comfortable. Change requires you to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. You have to change yourself, your surroundings even your habits.


Change is difficult. If it were easy, we would all be famous billionaires living in mansions. The fact that it’s hard is what makes change and improvement so great. Improving your life will result in several positive outcomes such as, giving you a better sense of self, making you a better person, mother father, friend, etc. and you’ll find yourself being happier in general. You need to understand that changing yourself for the better won’t take away challenges in your life—it will just prepare you to be able to face them.


If you have tried to change in the past and failed, don’t quit. You can still change and start making a difference in your life. The following tips will get you set on the path to action. When you do these things, you are preparing yourself to do more than just dream about the life you want; you are getting yourself on the path to achieving it. Use these tips as guidelines to make the changes in your life that you want to see.


1. The first step toward changing is knowing what you want to change and why.

1. 改变的第一步是弄清你想要改变什么以及改变的原因。

Take the time to sit down and write down your goals. Also write down why you want to change; make this as in-depth as you can because it will be a foundation for you. This is something you will be able to go back to when you are feeling like it’s too hard or you have forgotten why it’s important.


2. Tell people your goals.

2. 把你的目标告诉给别人。

It can be embarrassing for some people to share with others what’s in their heart; but it’s necessary. In order to change, you have to be held accountable. Letting someone else know what you are trying to do will ensure that you have someone to answer to. Make sure this person is someone who will continue to encourage you and isn’t afraid to ask how things are moving along.


3. Replace bad habits with good ones.

3. 用好的习惯来代替坏习惯。

Stopping something cold turkey is hard, so it’s best to replace the unwanted habit with something positive. If you have a major addiction, there are other steps you will have to take. If it’s just a bad habit, such as looking at Facebook too much, replace that with something like going for a walk around the block. If you are trying to stick within a budget, play a game with your family instead of going shopping. Find something positive to do that will replace the negative things in your life.



4. Change is not easy, but it’s easier when you have someone to do it with.

4. 改变并不容易,但当有人和你一起做时就容易一些。

Find a partner, coach, friend or family member who might be in the same

situation as you. If you want to start working out, set up times when the two of you can go exercise together. If you want to get up earlier, call each other in the morning and encourage one another to get up and get moving. Whatever changes you want to make, find a way to include someone else in them. You will be each other’s support, can hold one another accountable for what you do or don’t do. 去找一个可能和你情况一样的伙伴、教练、朋友或家庭成员。如果你想开始健身,约定时间两个人一起去运动。如果你想早起,早晨互相给对方打电话,鼓励对方起床并动起来。无论你想进行什么样的活动,想方法和他人一起去做。你们会互相支持,你做什么或不做什么都可以向对方说明。

5. Get rid of distractions.

5. 摆脱杂念。

There are things everywhere in our houses, our workplaces, and even our schools that can and will distract us from changing into the kind of people we want to be. Our phones, computers, iPads, etc. are all wonderful tools that we have at our disposal, but they can also hinder us. We spend so much time texting, emailing and checking various social media platforms. That is time that could be used doing something productive. Limit the amount of time you spend on the computer. Set an alarm and when it goes off, you’re done.


6. Turn off the TV.

6. 关掉电视。

I know so many people who have the TV on in the background while they are trying to get stuff done. I am guilty of this. In the past I would turn on a movie while I was trying to work or clean the house, but every time, I would find myself sitting on the couch watching instead of being up and moving. I decided to listen to audio books instead: that way I don’t have anything visual distracting me from the things I need to get done but I still have something entertaining or educational to listen to.


7. Only say positive things to yourself.

7. 对自己只说一些积极的事情。

When you fail it’s easy to point out everything you did wrong, but that is so

discouraging. Instead, say to yourself, “I can do hard things.” You have the ability to change, you just have to believe in yourself. Don’t beat yourself down.


8. Serve other people.

8. 为他人服务。

It’s funny how service works: you go out expecting to help someone else in need and you end up helping yourself. When you serve others, you feel better about yourself, you make a difference in someone’s life, and you give back to the community.


9. Recognize the good things you do, no matter how small.


Many people might skip this step because it feels arrogant and prideful. IT’S NOT! Changing yourself is about evaluating where you are in life, what you’re doing and why you’re doing those things. When you make a change, even if it’s something simple, acknowledge it, don’t brush it off like it doesn't mean anything. It means everything! It means that you’re actually doing it, you’re changing.






每日学习一点点 每天进步一点点








一点点励志感悟语录 笑看人生











