


         Reading  In search of the Amber Room



(2)能力目标:提高学生的阅读能力,即形成快速获取信息和处理信息的能  力。




   整个教学过程以“  以学生学习主体,教师教为辅”的设计理念,采用设置任务和小组讨论的形式组织教学,将学生的自主学习活动作为课堂的主体,引导学生完 成学习任务。

(2)课前准备:要求学生利用阅览室和网络收集有关琥珀屋以及世界著名文化遗产的信息资料,并预习课文 In search of the Amber Room。完成课后练习一和练习二,以便更好地解读课文。

三、Teaching procedures

Step I  Lead-in (two minutes)

Show the four pictures about 1.埃及金字塔. the Great Pyramid in Egypt,图 2 . 中国万里长城 the Great Wall in China图3.紫禁城 the Forbidden City in China图4.英国史前巨柱Stonehenge in England, then please Ss say their English names.


  Step Skim the reading passage and then answer.(six minutes)

Skimming the text quickly, then answer questions:

①、Why is it called the Amber Room?

②、Check Exercise One and Exercise Two on Page2 of the Students’ Book .

Exercise One

1.Frederick         A. stole the Amber Room.

2.Frederick William  B.Ⅰsent a troop of his best soldiers to the king of Prussia.

3.Peter the Great     C.  had the Amber Room made

4.Catherine Ⅱ       D. had it moved outside St Petersburg.

5.The Nazi army       E. gave it to the Czar as a gift.

6.The Russians and Germans      F. built a new Amber Room

 Exercise Two

How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?

How was a new Amber Room built?

How did the Amber Room get lost?

How was the Amber Room made?

Why did the king of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?


  ③、Do the“ True”or “False”exercise.

(   ) 1. The Amber Room was made for a short time.

(   ) 2. Catherine II didn’t like everything about the Amber Room when she first saw it.

(   ) 3. The Amber Room was taken to Konigsberg and hidden there in 1941.

(   ) 4. The Russians didn’t care about the Amber  Room.

(   ) 5. The Russians have known what happened to the Amber Room  and have made a new one.


 Step Ⅲ Careful Reading (18分钟).

 Listen to the tape, and get the students go through the whole text paragraphs, let the whole groups discuss and answer these questions:

Paragraph One,please fill in the blanks

Paragraph Two

Q1、Was the Amber Room made to be a gift?

Q2、Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia?

Paragraph Three

Q1、Who had the Amber Room moved outside St. Petersburg?

Q2、What did she do with the Amber Room?

教师启发学生理解Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a place outside St. Petersburg (where she spent her summers)


Paragraph Four.

Q1、When did it get lost?

Q2、Were the Russians able to remove the Amber Room?

    What happened to the Amber Room?

Paragraph Five.

Q1、Who rebuilt the Amber Room?

Q2、How was a new Amber Room built?


Step Ⅳ Post-reading (9分钟)

Get the students to summarize the reading passage by filling in blanks.

Frederick Ⅰ had the Amber Room made for his palace. But the next king, Frederick William Ⅰ, _________ the amber room __________, gave it to the Czar as a gift.___________, the Czar ____ him ________ of his best soldiers. Later, Catherine Ⅱ had it ______ outside St Petersburg. She asked her artists to ____ more details ___it. Then, the Amber room was __________one of the wonders of the world.

In September 1941, a time when Germany and Russia were _______.The Nazi army _____ the Amber Room. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains _________. Recently, the Russians and Germans ________________Amber Room after __________ old photos of the ________ Amber Room.

[设计说明] 让学生在教师的帮助下,根据全文,能熟练掌握并且灵活运用本课学到的词组、单词,实现自如表达语言的愿望。让学生对自己的学习进行初步的评价,有利于培养学生自主学习和探究学习的能力。教师核对完学生的答案后,让学生齐声朗读summary, 强化对课文的理解和记忆,同时培养学生热爱朗读的良好习惯。

StepⅤ:Show four pictures about a foreigner picking up rubbish on the Great Wall.

Let Ss discuss in groups : Is it worth rebuilding cultural relics such as Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing?     

 [设计说明]闻名世界的“万里长城”的保护现状不容太乐观,有些长城砖被损甚至遗失,长城上常有游客随意抛弃垃圾,图片上显示的口号:Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints!(除了带走照片,其它的别带走,除了留下脚印,其它的别留下!)不仅道出所有爱护文物者的心声,也使每个游客必须遵守的行为准则。通过小组讨论,要求学生能熟练运用以下句型,发表自己的观点。

I think/ don’t think that…

As far as I’m concerned,

In my opinion/view…

Step Homework

Find out important expressions and drills. Meanwhile, underline the Attributive clause in the reading passage.







1.  在备课时,对学生的水平把握的不够。今后应站在学生的角度思考,充分发挥学生的主动性。

2.  在启发学生思维方面做的不够。

3.  应多培养学生探究性学习能力,应用“以学生为主体的”英语教学模式。

第二篇:高一英语必修四 unit 3 Reading 教学设计与反思

高一英语必修四 unit 3 Reading 教学设计与反思

A Master of Nonverbal Humour 万里


英语教学是一种动态教学或活动教学,教学过程是交际活动过程。只有从组织教学活动入手,大量地进行语言实践,使英语课堂交际化,才能有效地培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。《新课标》提出:“外国语是学习文化科学知识,获取世界各方面信息和进行国际交往的重要工具。” “……发展听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步运用英语进行交际的能力……” 根据这一指导思想,我结合本班学生的实际,对教材进行了操作性较强的设计和处理。


1. 教学内容分析:


本文介绍了世界著名电影演员、喜剧大师查理·卓别林的一生以及他在无声电影时代的精湛表演;特别是在著名影片《淘金记》中,他运用滑稽、夸张的动作表情,让观众在捧腹大笑之余,体会在琐屑、卑微之中所隐藏的深刻本质。本文是一篇描写“人”的文章,在阅读中指导学生熟悉这种文体的结构和写作过程很重要。因为这种体裁的文章非常实用,对学生自身的写作能力也有很大的帮助。本文在描写卓别林的过程中,有两条主线:一是按照时间的先后顺序,即从卓别林的出生,成长,到最后的成名过程;二是抓住人物最突出的特征, 并且通过举例(The Gold Rush), 说明卓别林与众不同之处。对文章结构有所了解之后,引导学生分析卓别林成功的决定因素,在潜移默化中影响学生形成正确、积极向上的人生观。阅读部分在整个单元中起着举足轻重的作用,是点睛之笔。

2. 学生情况分析:



1. 知识与能力目标:

(1) 使学生充分理解课文大意并完成所给的任务, 并用所学的英语知识与同学进行交流、沟通,学会交际。

(2) 在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,帮助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。

2. 方法与途径目标:

在教学中淡化语言点和语法知识的简单传授,采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语料输入量及学生的语言输出量,注重培养学生 “课前、课中、课后” 良好的学习习惯。具体采用了以下教学方法与途径:




讨论法——积极参与,总结规律, 形成正确的自我评价与相互评价;


3. 情感与评价目标:

(1) 通过在学生头脑中塑造出一个勤奋、乐观、坚忍不拔的卓别林形象,鼓励学生保持乐观的人生态度,培养幽默感,陶冶情操,感知幽默,形成积极向上的生活态度。

(2) 将各种活动设计成小组活动和填写课堂自我评价表等非测试性评价手段,帮助学生学会自主学习,学会与人合作,培养创新意识以及具备科学的价值观。

4. 现代教学手段的运用目标:







(1) 如何利用略读、查读等阅读技巧和识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等阅读手段形成阅读策略。

(2) 如何帮助学生运用阅读策略,促进学生自主学习。

(3) 怎样以阅读课的教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。


(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)

StepⅠ Lead - in导入(时间:6分钟)

Teacher: Hello, everyone!Before class, I’d like to show you some cartoon portraits (pictures). Do you know who they are?

Students: Zhao Benshan, Huang Hong, Chen Peisi, Pan Changjiang, Gong Hanlin, Xiao Shenyang, Feng Gong , Niu Qun, Jiang Kun, Zhou Xingchi

Teacher: What do they have in common?

Students: All of them usually make people laugh.

Teacher: If someone often makes others laugh, we say he is humorous or he has a sense of humor. We call him or her a humorist. But how many kinds of humor do you know? Students: jokes, sketch, comedy, funny stories, funny plays, funny poems, cross talk, clown, Shuanghuang, mime…

Teacher: Usually we use words to make people laugh. This kind of humour is called verbal humour. But sometimes we only use body language and facial expressions to make people laugh. This kind of humour is called nonverbal humour. For example, mime and clown belong to nonverbal humour. We know Chinese humorists give us Chinese humour while English humorists bring us English humour. Here are two representatives of English nonverbal humour.

(Show the students two pictures)

Picture one

Teacher: Who is he?

Students: Mr Bean

Teacher: Mr Bean is famous for mime. He makes funny faces and seems quite stupid. The things he does are strange. He is a great actor of nonverbal humour. Picture two Teacher: Who is he?

Students: Charlie Chaplin

Teacher: I’ll give you a brief introduction to Charlie Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin was born in a poor family in 1889 in Britain. His parents were poor music hall performers. Charlie had a gift for acting. He first acted when he was 5 years old. Unluckily his father died when he was 6. So he lived a very hard life in his childhood. Through his humour, Charlie became famous at the age of 19. Later, he began making films and played the role of the little

tramp. He had his own way of acting. During his life, he acted, wrote and directed in many films. His films were very popular with people all over the world. Although most of his films were silent, Charlie used funny facial expressions and body language to make a sad situation entertaining. In 1972, he got a special Oscar for his contributions to the film

industry. He spent his last years in Switzerland and died on December 25th, 1977. Charlie Chaplin makes people laugh when they feel unhappy and brightens the lives of people. He is really A Master of Nonverbal Humour.

【设计意图】本环节的主要目的是引出话题,激发兴趣。俗话说,“良好的开端是成功的一半”。好的导入扣人心弦,极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,为下一环节的教学做好良好的铺垫。我先向学生展示一些中国著名幽默人物的卡通图片,让学生说出他们的名字,学生兴趣浓厚,课堂气氛热烈。我让学生说出他们的共同之处,即都是具有幽默感的人,给人们带来欢乐。同时让学生讨论幽默的不同形式,可分为有声幽默和无声幽默。接着给学生介绍两位外国无声幽默大师憨豆先生和查理·卓别林。重点对查理·卓别林的生平做了概述。最后引出本文的标题A Master of Nonverbal Humour,为课文的进一步学习做了铺垫。

Step Ⅱ Fast reading 泛读(时间:8分钟)

Read the text quickly and try to finish the following exercises.

1. New words or phrases生词

moustache: a line of hair that grows on a man’s upper lip

homeless: poor having no home

performer: a person who performs for audience

badly off : poor

worn-out: be no longer useful; be badly damaged

outstanding: excellent

astonishing: surprising very much

content: satisfied and happy

overcome: succeed in solving a problem

tramp: a person who is homeless and has no money

2. Questions问答

(1) Which of the following information about Charlie Chaplin is mentioned in the passage? Charlie’s parents (√) Charlie’s wife (×) Charlie’s childhood (√)

Charlie’s character (√) Charlie’s film (√) Charlie’s hobby (×)

Charlie’s costume (√) Charlie’s children (×) Charlie’s books (×)

Charlie’s type of acting (√)

(2) What does the little tramp acted by Charlie Chaplin look like?

Teacher: Here I have a picture of the little tramp acted by Charlie Chaplin but it is divided into five parts. I’ll invite two students to come to the blackboard. When other students describe Charlie’s character, you should choose the correct part, and put them together. Let’s describe him from his head.

Teacher: What kind of hat did he wear?

Students: He wore a small round black hat.

Teacher: Was he a poor man with a moustache?

Students: Yes. He was a poor, homeless man with a moustache.

Teacher: What about his trousers?

Students: He wore large trousers.

Teacher: What kind of shoes did he wear?

Students: He wore worn-out shoes.

Teacher: What did he carry when he walked around?

Students: He carried a walking stick.

The little tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore a small round black hat, large trousers and worn-out shoes carrying a walking stick.

【设计意图】本环节的主要任务是突破生词,训练学生的查读和略读能力,在有限的时间内查找特定的信息。我列出本文出现的几个重点生词并用英语解释,训练学生克服母语的干扰并学会用英语思维。然后给学生提供一些信息,让学生快速阅读课文,判断这些信息在文章中是否被提到,目的是训练学生迅速捕捉正确信息的能力。最后是一个互动活动。一幅由卓别林扮演的小流浪汉图画(提前画好)被分成了五个部分。当全体学生从头到脚口头描述小流浪的外貌特征时,我请两名学生上讲台选择对应的部分图画并将其张贴在黑板上。全体学生描述完后,一幅完整的小流浪汉图画就呈现在了学生面前。该活动既增强了学生的动手能力,激发了学生的学习兴趣,又锻炼了学生的口头表达能力,是新课程理念的体现。 Step Ⅲ Careful reading精读(时间:20分钟)

Listen to the tape and do the following tasks.

1. Main idea段落大意

Choose the most suitable heading from A—F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. Charlie’s childhood

B. The world situation

C. His famous film character

D. Charlie’s dream of being a writer

E. His achievements

F. An example of his films

Suggested answers:

Paragraph 1 B Paragraph 2 A Paragraph 3 C Paragraph 4 F Paragraph 5 E

2. Ture or false 对错练习

(1) Charlie Chaplin learned to act at an early age. ( T )

(2) Charlie Chaplin performed how to eat a boiled shoe by using words and actions. ( F )

(3) Charlie Chaplin helped make people feel content with their lives during war times. ( T )

(4) In the middle of the 19th century people went to England to look for gold. ( F )

(5) Charlie Chaplin and his friends are lucky enough to find a lot of gold. ( F )

(6) Charlie Chaplin has a delicious meal by eating meat in the film. ( F )

(7) Although the little tramp was a social failure, he was still optimistic. ( T )

(8) He died in England and was buried there in 1977. ( F )

3. Questions回答问题

(1) When was Charlie Chaplin born?

(2) Unfortunately what happened to his family?

(3) What did he spend his childhood doing?

(4) What had he become by his teens?

(5) What was his famous film character?

(6) The Gold Rush is one of Charlie’s most famous films. When and where did the story in the film happened?

(7) Why did the little tramp and his friends rush to California?

(8) Did they find any gold?

(9) What problem did they meet?

(10) What did they try doing?

(11) What happened to Charlie Chaplin in 1972?

(12) Where did he spend his last years?

(13) When did he die?

























