Unit 9 I come from China.教学反思


Unit 9 I come from China. 教学反思

湘少版四年级下册Unit 9这个单元主要围绕Nationality这个话题进行学习的。主要学习用Where are you from?询问国籍,并用I come from..对该询问做出回答。本课时主要掌握这一语言结构,以及学习相关国名词汇。学生掌握起来有一定的困难。在这节的教学过程,我认为有以下几点处理的比较好: 1.整节课的学习线索明确。在这节课的课堂教学中,我紧紧抓住本课的教学重点,精心设计教学,创设情境,学习相关内容。这部分课文里所有句子里的单词基本上都是生词,而且非常多,学习难度较大。教师在教学过程中如果把握不好,往往会把课文内容的学习变成纯粹的单词的学习,忽略了英语教学中语篇教学的目的,不利于对学生语言交际能力的培养。

2.导入有实效。在课文的导入阶段我通过谈话导入教师本人的一篇自我介绍:My name is Jane. I’m Chinese. I’m from Changsha. I’m not tall. My hair is long. I have a good friend. She is Elise. 在教师的这篇自我介绍中,呈现了很多课文里的主要句型结构。在教师逐句向学生介绍的过程中依次学习一些新的语言知识:Chinese, I’m from ….边学习边根据所学内容和学生进行一些交谈,如Are you Chinese? Where are you from?主要在交流的过程中,既巩固了所学语言,又锻炼学生的语言交际能力。

3.过渡自然。在导入阶段的老师自我介绍中后两句I have a good friend. She is Elise.为课文的学习埋下伏笔,自然导入课文人物Elise进入课文中有关Elise.的自我介绍的学习。在学习完Elise的自我介绍后引出Elise给大家带来了一个问题I have a good friend, too. He is a Chinese boy. Guess! Who is he? 整个教学过程设计前后呼应,问绕话题层层深入,过渡自然,再一次体现了语言的交际性。


第二篇:飞屋环游记观后感(英文)After Viewing Impressions about Travel Notes of A f Fying House

After Viewing Impressions about Travel Notes of A f Fying House

Last Sunday , I saw a movie named Travel notes of a flying house.This movie is very interesting and I like it very much.

The movie mainly talked about that a little boy with a flying dream grew with a little girl with the same dream,and then they got married,grow old together. Until the hostess Eli dead, didn't they finish the flying dream of wonderland waterfall. Finally one day, the 78 years old’s Mr Carr built a flying home, flew away to the fairyland waterfall, and there occurred many amazing and moving stories.

The film, tells me three truth. First of all, people should have a dream and pursuit.Only in this way will you have spirit,as for the single-minded pursuit of dreams and perseverance, then do you have a fight. Secondly, the difficulties are not invincible, but you have not the courage to face, to challenge.I believe that as long as face them bravely, you will be able to get victory and successful.

Finally, there is nothing more powerful than the power of love.when are we in the most difficult time, only the family, let us all unite with each other, let us be fearless, and so as to win.

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