



2013-1-9 11:11:30 来源:《中国宗教》20xx年第10 期




西方的律法是按基督教神学的诫命、典章和律例这三部分内容组成的。“摩西十诫”是律法的基本内容,典章和律例是根据十条诫命发展出来的。典章是为了维持人与人之间的正常关系,也可以说是社会生活的规范;律例是维持人与神的正常关系的定规,关乎人如何活在神的面前,包括如何维持自己生活在圣洁里,如何将神的性情表达出来。这三个内容组合成律法,蕴含了“遵守法律与契约,如同内心的虔诚”这样一种含义。事实上,“摩西十诫”一直是西方公民社会运行规则的基础。西方社会里许多矛盾的协调以及整个社会文明的演进,都有这个思想的烙印。基督宗教作为人的“心灵安慰和支撑”的理念始终延续下来,对促进西方社会的发展与稳定起到不可替代的作用,也得到了世俗社会的普遍认同。 “契约”是圣经文化中的重要思想,这种契约因出于至高无上者的单方面诫命而具有律法的性质,“摩西十诫”中的约法条款也被视为是一种道德规定。在







The Story of Bible



院系班级: 13级法学(1)班

学 号:

姓 名: 席缘



The Relationship Between Law And Religion

----In The Angle Of The Ten Commandments


In modern society, we have a common point of view that we have three major rules on our behavior, they are morality, religion and law.[1] We can tell the differences among these concepts easily, but when it comes to a specific item of these rules, we can’t, because these rules share a long and interlaced history. Therefore, some rules are included in not only one of them, and some rules are incorporated separately. The Ten Commandments in the Bible is a part of Pentateuxos. Pentateuxos is regarded as the second written codex in human history, but Bible is a religious classic book. So, it will be interesting to discuss the relationship between law and religion in the angle of the Ten Commandments.


1. The History Of The Ten Commandments

According to the Old Testament of Bible, the history book of Jew, about 3800 years ago, the ancestor of Jew, Hebrews, were roaming in the desert of mid-east. Because of their faith to Jehovah, the God bestowed Canaan (in today’s Palestine) to them as the Promised Land, their everlasting home. But a serious drought made them fled to Egypt and became slaves. 400 years later, with the leading of Moses and the help of Jehovah, they escaped from Egypt. On the way back to the Promised Land, under Mount Sinai, Moses and his people prayed for a way from the God. An invisible hand carved The Ten Commandments in the cliff of the mount as the covenants between god and human. Moses took them back and all the Hebrews should obey the Ten Commandments. Below are the contents of the ten commandments:

(1) Having only one god;

(2) Avoiding the use of God’s name in vain;

(3)Keeping holy the Sabbath;

(4) Honoring one’s parents;

(5) Avoiding murder;

(6) Avoiding adultery;

(7) Avoiding theft;

(8) Avoiding lust;

(9) Avoiding lies;

(10) Avoiding coveting of another’s property.[2]

2. The Ten Commandments and law

In the text of the Ten Commandments, we can see that murder, rape, theft and perjury, which are regulated in modern criminal law, are mentioned in the last 5 terms. But in fact, the influence of the Ten Commandments is not only just its short text. Its spirit influenced the western legality in the below 3 aspects:

(1). First, the Ten Commandments reflects a covenant thought that is Equality. Fichte thinks that contract can be divided into two categories, one is property contract, another is protection contract, what Moses got is the later one.[3]

Imagine the whole Ten Commandments as a contract, this contract requests Hebrews keep their faith to Jehovah and Jehovah would protect them. Therefore everyone should obey this contract, no matter God or human, each side is equal. If man violate the contract, disaster will come, and if the God violates, his people will betray him.

(2). Second, the influence on western judicial procedure. Term 9 forbids lying, so, in the future courts, witnesses and lawyers should raise his hand and promise that what he said is true, and this procedure is inevitable.

(3). Third, definite personal right and duty. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me[4]. But in fact, the specific punishment is their own mind, this made people keep their faith to obey the laws. Definitely, this would be a great influence on western history of law.

3. Conclusion

Law and religion, are two aspects of human experiences, or humanity. Human have to face the unknown future all the time, in this way, he have to believe the verity beyond himself, if not the society will decline and fade out, and never come back. Meanwhile, human faces social conflicts everywhere and everytime, in this way, he need legality, if not, the social will unravel and breakup.[5] Berman have told us his point about religion and law, religion is a beyond-value and law is an objective-value. The Ten Commandments have the both features of these two values. Therefore, the Ten Commandments is not only their religious belief, but also their law.[6]

So we can draw a conclusion that religion has great juridical features, but law and religion are opposite in many aspects. Usually, law is based on morality, and morality is based on religion. Their oppositions keep them individual from each other and develop individually, and the conflicts between them accelerate their development.

The contents of the Ten Commandments made a great influence on the history of law, such as the free principle of contract on civil laws, and some crime regulated on criminal laws, they are all stay alive today.


[1]. [美] E.博登海默,法理学:法律哲学与法律方法[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2004

[2] [4] 中国基督教协会,圣经·出埃及记[M].南京:南京爱德印刷有限公司,1995

[3]. [德]费希特.自然法权基础[M].北京:商务印书馆,2004.

[5]. [美]伯尔曼著,梁治平译.法律与宗教[M].香港:三联书店出版社,1991

[6]. 余宸歆,从“摩西十诫”看法律和宗教的关系[J],20xx年04期

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