


观看影片之后,内心满满的感伤,感慨,感叹、、、机器人管家—安德鲁此角色深深地印在我脑中,他集结了科技之最,人格精神之最于一身。他追求自由,人的血肉之躯,人的七情六欲,亲情,爱情等等。于此,不容我们忽视的是帮他实现由机器变成人的技术、、、、 我不得不说的是,如果哪天我们的技术能够实现变人,那将会影响整个IT行业,乃至整个世界。哪天我们不喜欢自己的个性时,我们便可以像安德鲁那样弄个个性晶片,我想机器人能实现,在人类的身上实现应该不难。人们常说,性格决定命运,是成功的关键因素,有一个良好的个性就成功了一半,到那时,我们做任何事会更容易成功。哪天我们的皮肤被烧伤了,或者被伤得太严重,又或者女生喜欢自己拥有一身很白皙的,很漂亮的皮肤,这将不再是问题,我们可以像安德鲁一样,装上柔软的拟真皮肤。到那时,爱美的男女生就不用天天担心美容手术带来的后遗症了。如果皮肤都能拟真了,那器官拟真的现实便是自然而然的事,那时因为某些器官残疾而天天感伤,受人鄙视的人们将为此痛哭落泪,那时,能挽救多少人和多少家庭的不幸,我们的世界再也没有残疾人之说。哪天我们伤到了神经系统而成为一个瘫痪之人,我们将不必为此伤心,难过,因为我们可以像安德鲁那样造一个神经系统,所有的瘫痪之说将不复存在,我们伟大的科学家霍金也将不必天天坐着轮椅,过着似人非人的生活。哪天我们得了白血病,我们可以像安德鲁一样装过一个血液循环系统,这不治之症也就算是走到陌路了,天天被白血病折磨的病人终于可以开开心心的活着。哪天我们的消化系统出问题了,这将不是个问题,因为我们可以像安德鲁那样做个拟真消化系统。总之,一切病魔,不幸将离我们远去,期待着哪天我们的现实世界向影片中的虚拟世界步步迈进,我相信一切问题终究会随着时间的流逝迎刃而解。



专业班级:英语09-03班 学号:2009304780 姓名:杜曼迪

Love is Eternal Time

------Review on Bicentennial Man

The story began on a very special day when the man of the house bought a robot, being elated to tell the family about it. Subsequently he found the different robot Andrew (not the same with other robots), he said the meaningful words, "Time for you and me, the meaning is not the same." This sentence until I Video final stage, I found out the real meaning of its taste. Then I am very moved by the man and Andrew. Andrew will be thinking robots and lasted nearly two hundred years of life, during which he has been pursuing as a "person" .For this he has been the transformation of him own. Andrew experienced the love that "Little Miss" did not understand, learning the habits of human beings (such as jokes, to create something), with a human face, wearing human clothes, thinking and reaching for the "freedom", seeing the old master die of old age,at last being death with his lover.And he wanted to find the same group and to determine that they are unique.He insisted on changing their shape into a person's appearance, with people all the organs, the installation with the human nervous system of human emotion.He started the world fight for their own parliament, as "human" legal status, and finally like people gradually aging until death.

“If I cannot cry when I am uncomfortable, and cannot laugh when I am happy, I am just like the appearance of only the steel so that I am not able express my emotional distress and can not vent in my heart”.And I think it is the main reason that Andrew wanted to be a real person. "You can cry but I can not.This is too cruel, and I can not express it when my heart hurts." In fact, such feelings, many people have experienced so much, but we have not the courage to look for the free expression of our true self. Sometimes when we are sorrow and very wronged ,we do not show it and keep it a secret.But feelings of loss so that he began to search for the right of access to be like a normal person. With the person's facial features, human perception, he is not the full sense of the people. People from the pursuit in vitro, to seek the affirmation of human 1

beings, Andrew began to understand this principle, two hundred years of time with substitutions of complete cross.

Andrew's life is the robot from the "it" to "he" in the process, but also on what is "human" - a biological sense and social sense of "person" in China. In a sense, it is a microcosm of the history of human evolution. Tens of thousands of years human beings, is such as he from a senior animal and apes evolved into the present one. Maybe it is a success and a process in person history but there also is a more serious question that if a robot can change into a person,then the people will lose his dominance,and if the society can promote peacefully.

With only this,it still not touched me so much. In the final stage, when Andrew saw "Little Miss" die of old age, when the World Parliament told Andrew, as he has eternal life, but unlike humans, I suddenly realize that "the time for you and me, the meaning is not the same " this sentence. In a limited life, the time has a beginning and has an end, the time therefore has itself value; people have to do anything by the last time, so there is also the joy of complete collapse of regret; while people have a fear of losing the treasure; and for a period of several decades to do more meaningful things, people will think about life and the meaning of the value and time; Finally, end of life is a life of pain relief. For the people,maybe time is very important,so they must use it to do the most important things in their life.

In my opinion,when to eternal life, the time is carelessness. The time for people is no longer a source of happiness. Economic reasons why people seek eternal life, are limited in terms of that time for everyone is priceless. But when you have unlimited time, its economic value would be infinite "inflation",even the value of zero. On the other hand, the pain of human emotions will continue to accumulate, especially in the face of love, family and friends leave. From generation to generation, every time you make a friend, know a lover, you know they will eventually leave you, and leave you alone to bear the loneliness and pain of all such "time" and "life" what is the point. No wonder all the celestial enlightenment of the people, "Annihilate Desire" is always a prerequisite, and stealth into deep forests, not with others, but this way, what is life without feeling the value of it?


People pursue life, often because of the value of the life on the first list. But the "living death" of the old saying tells us that there are more important things than life. Lovers do not ask the same month on the same date, but for the same month on the same day died," the oath, revolutionaries for the "extremely heavy" the death of the pursuit of terminally ill patients to euthanasia, the desire, are described life in the human value system status. Andrew finally understand this, "he" in the world. Parliament declared that "he" becomes a human being passing moment. A few minutes later, his wife went out with him. Andrew become a "person", but also the love of perfection.

He was trying.And in order to be a person for his lover,he was trying to be a person.Time for him is not the most important but the love.He only wants to company with his lover forever,Though at last he leaves first, they are with each other.So form the movie, I undershand a truth that it is the limited life that makes love unique.


我,机器人 观后感






















《I ROBOT》我 机器人——终极观感,颠覆多数影评的分析

