

Legally blonde

Legally blonde is the movie we have at the beginning of this term. Although ,itfits into the niche market ,I still have some thinking about it. The main reason is I am also a girl.This film is a typical American story .The directorRobert Luketic use comparison to say hard work can make success and the first impressions are not always correct.

Elle woods, the heroine of this film, the school beauty and the chairperson of the Sister Institute, is popular among the peers. All of a sudden, her boyfriend Warner decides to separate her simply because of her “blond”.At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to defeat Warner. She is admitted to Harvard with a high mark in the L’SAT test to her wishes. Successfully defending a case in court as one of the four trainees in her class, Elle, on behalf of all graduates, delivers an encouraging speech in the graduation ceremony. During three years’ study at Harvard, Elle believes that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.

Reese Witherspoon portray the heroine elle woods has an enviable beauty—blond hair, white skin, tall, proficient dress, like a beautiful Barbie doll. Luke Wilsonas Emmett Richmond, a young attorneyshe meets during her studies and the first one not only see Elle’s beauty but also believe her wisdom. And he fill in love with Elle at the end. Matthew Davis as Warner Huntington III, Elle's ex-boyfriend a person who always only think about himself and have a terrible ending without honor,without girlfriend,without any company offer. Selma Blair as Vivian Kensington, a law student Warner’s girlfriend, but leave him when she know the life and marry is not only need a six karat diamond. Jennifer Coolidge as Paulette Bonafonté(and later Parcelle), Elle's manicurist and confidante. Victor Garber as Professor Callahan, a Harvard law professor.He makes Elle think that she can success with her wisdom but after that we can see he is also value her beauty.

In the film,at the open, Elle try her best to change herself to Warner wants but he is indifferent. At the end Elle become success and the girl Warner wants but she have known that is not a true love. He only wants a help to his enterprise. So it is also a story about a girl’s grown.When she leaves the court, her ex-boyfriend wants her come back, but she says the same thing he said if I want to become a good lawyer, I can’t have a fool boyfriend. We can see Elle grows up.

Watching this film, I already loved this this girl. She was young and vibrant. Absolute self-confidence can infect each one who met her. Many people who saw this movie feel excited and all of a sudden have a power. With the power, we are no longer afraid of difficulties and have a desire to solve all trouble we have meet in the life.















同时也让人看到了耳目一新的东西,一切的努力都是为了爱情,尽管这样的爱情并不是美满的,但是对于伍兹来说,她渴望得到这样的爱情。因为她爱他,就这么简单,她当然不是为了攀附贵族,虽然华纳是动海岸极其有影响的贵族,要是能做他们家的媳妇,那将是一生的富贵。当她发现所追求的贵族公子并不是她所需要的时,她依然放弃了家世显赫的笨蛋男友。即使到了最后华纳愿意和ELLE在一起的时候,ELLE却不愿意,因为ELLE已经不再爱他这样的笨蛋了。女孩都要懂得为自己而活。不要因为那些不值得爱的混蛋扰乱方向,never lose your way.永远都要活得自信活得精彩活得美丽

At the very first day at Harvard, a very professor quoted Aristotle," The law is reason free from passion!" Well, no offence to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard, I've come to found that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life. It's for passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next step into the work! Remembering the first impressions are not always correct and you must always have fate in people. And most importantly, you must have fate in yourself! 亚里司多德的经典名句,具有权威的人说过的话不一定就是正确的,是照样可以被颠覆的。现代年轻人最应该具备的也就是这种挑衅权威的精神。


在准备毕业论文时,PROFESSOR威胁并引诱ELLE与其SLEEP,但是遭到ELLE的拒绝,这将直接影响到ELLE的能否毕业。但是ELLE不管这些,因为她不需要为了任何物质方面的拥有而去牺牲宝贵的人格,甚至贞操,也许她也不是很看重自己的贞操,这我们可以从刚开始的时候ELLE就幻想和华钠MAKE LOVE,所以ELLE同样具有了美国人的开放。



You have to appreciate a movie whose title essentially sums up the whole thing. In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon plays a blonde who ends up at Harvard law school. If you think you’ve got the whole movie figured out from this scenario, you may be surprised to find out your

preconceptions are only half-right. This isn’t a dumb comedy; it has a certain amount of intelligence to it. It’s at least smart enough not to make Elle Woods, the Witherspoon character, stupid—just ditzy. It also has the advantage of having Witherspoon in the lead role. No matter what her character says or does, she is always charming.

Elle is a student and sorority sister at CULA. She has been dating Warren Huntignton III (Matthew Davis), and the beginning of the movie has her preparing for a big night. She’s sure Warren will propose to her tonight. However, at dinner, Warren states his desire to become a Senator and dumps Elle ("I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn."). Witherspoon’s reaction is great. She tries to hide her emotions in fear of embarrassing them, but she’ll occasionally let out a loud sob that gains everyone’s attention. Warren is on his way to Harvard for law school, and during their split, Elle realizes what she needs to do to get him back. She also needs to go to Harvard. After some major studying and preparation, she actually gets accepted. Warren is, of course, shocked to discover her appearance, and after a bad first class, Elle is even more shocked to discover that Warren is engaged to an old girlfriend, Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair).

Will Elle start to take law school seriously? Will she try to get Warren back? Will the opportunity for her to shine arise? Of course these things will happen, but there are actually a few surprises along the way. Elle and Vivian’s relationship takes an unexpected turn. The girls from home don’t arrive to shake things up (at least for a while). And most

importantly, Elle is actually smart. Well, at least when it comes to hair treatment and fashion. But still, Elle is never dumbed down, and she never once comes across as fake or annoying.

Some of the material here is throw-away. There’s an entire subplot involving a manicurist and a delivery man that seems thrown in to extend the running time. The scenes involving the subplot range from generic and predictable (a custody battle over a dog and a nose injury from flirting) to confusing and unnecessary (particularly the "bend and snap" dance sequence). The courtroom scenes are funny, and they stay true to Elle’s character. I liked how she outs a witness from his observation about designer shoes (prompting the biggest laugh in the movie). Essentially,

this is Witherspoon’s movie. She’s charming and funny and stays

consistent with her character while never going over the top with her shortcomings. They could have been played for easy laughs, and I appreciate the movie’s restraint.

I’m surprised how much the movie grew on me. It starts off like a Clueless rehash, but then once Elle gets to Harvard, it actually gets funny in its own way. It’s harmless, amusing, and semi-smart entertainment, and that’s far better than most of the comedies around.



电影仅仅是电影,但电影也能折射出一定的社会现象,可以说,现在仍然是一个男人占主角的社会,即使是在美国这样一个物质和精神都极度发达的国家。当伤心的艾丽与被前夫遗弃的修指甲女孩互勉时,我看到的不仅仅是两个女人的悲哀,而是整个社会女人的悲哀。呼吁了这么多年的男女平等,虽然在观念上制度上有了一定的改善,女人的地位有了一定程度的提高,但是终究还只是停留在“呼吁”阶段, 女人在社会上依然扮演着被主导的角色。《律政俏佳人》是以爱情为主线展开情节的,爱情本身应该是公平公正的,这是爱情之所以为爱情最起码的标准,但是以性别的视角看爱情,我却分别看到了对女性的种种不公正。漂亮的女人被男人视为为花瓶,男人欣赏她的漂亮,但却仅仅是欣赏,爱她却不会给她名分,最后终归会沦为男人的遗弃品,就像艾丽。学历低的女人更是为男人所“不齿”,因为她们满足不了男人的虚荣心,给不了男人所谓的“面子”,就像那位修指甲女孩。




Legally Blonde,律政俏佳人英文影评




Review of Legally Blonde律政俏佳人观后感












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