

《八月迷情》:用音乐演绎童话 亲情、爱情与音乐,当他们结合在一起的时候,一个美丽的童话就诞生了,童话并不只属于儿童,它像音乐一样,属于这个世界上所有的人。——基督山伯爵 扫了一下美国主流媒体对于这部电影的一句话影评,几乎清一色地对它持否定态度,《纽约邮报》更是极具侵略性地给出了如下评价——“这样一部糟糕的影片居然能够位居票房榜的前十,你可能会怀疑自己是不是眼花了。”这些刻薄的媒体之所以这样评价这部电影,很大程度上应该是对于故事情节的不满,觉得这个故事太缺乏逻辑,甚至觉得这部电影的情节过于庸俗。 媒体的评价不代表观众的感受,就《八月迷情》来讲,此次媒体的评价很明显地忽略了这个故事的本质是一个童话故事。既然是一个童话故事,又何必要去追究故事的逻辑性呢?况且影片本身的逻辑也还没有达到那种严重混乱的地步,编剧只是根据故事的发展在编写着自己心中的音乐童话。


迷情》中最出色的亮点无疑是小童星弗莱迪海默,个人觉得这个角色简直就是为他量身定做的,那种纯真,那种灵气,在当今的好莱坞恐怕很难再找到第二个能和他相提并论的儿童影星了。奥古斯特这个角色的特点就是纯,在这种纯的基础上再突显出他的那种神。一个音乐天才,在出生的时候就没有了父母,他执着得想要用音乐找回自己的父母,如果要说影片中什么东西最让人感动,那无非就是奥古斯特的这种执着了。 看过此片的观众大多数都会联想到《雾都孤儿》的故事,的确,《八月迷情》基本上就是按照《雾都孤儿》故事的根基进行再创作所产生的一个现代故事,有一点值得庆幸,那就是制片商没有把这个故事像《罗密欧与朱丽叶》一样弄成“后现代激情版”,对此真是万分感激了。有人说《八

月迷情》的故事有点庸俗,因为这个故事中的元素基本上都是随处可见的庸俗素材,比方说穷小子与公主的爱情故事、一夜情后怀孕的情节、小男孩找妈妈的过程中碰到了坏蛋之类的发展线索。这些内容的确是已经几乎要被拍烂了,但是“内容常见”并不就代表了故事的庸俗。只要有出色的表现手法,即便是再常见的情节也可以变得引人入胜。这就好比是一堆土豆,在大厨面前它们可以变成可口佳肴,而在凡人面前它们只能还是一堆土豆。 这部电影的导演之前并没有听说过,查了一下发现他之前的那几部电影也的确没有太高的知名度,《八月迷情》也许是第一部让他冲进票房榜前十的电影作品了,但是却赚了票房丢了口碑,真可谓人言恶毒,那些批评这部电影的媒体们真该好好地自我反省一下,随口的一句话影评居然能够如此恶毒,实在让人倍感惊叹。



于这部电影的喜爱主要在3个方面,一个是电影的叙事手法、一个是电影中的音乐、还有一个就是影片中所表达的那种亲情。 首先从电影的叙事手法来看,《八月迷情》采用了先倒叙再并列,最后整体统一的叙事手法。先出现一根短线,然后再出现一根长线,最后这两根不同长度的线结合在一起,成为一个统一而完整的故事。短线的起点是11岁的奥古斯特来到纽约寻找自己父母的故事情节,长线的起点则是11年前莱纳和路易斯之间的爱情故事,这条线索非常的长,从两人的相识一直持续到两人11年后的重逢。当这两条线索重合在一起的时候,也就发展到了故事的高潮,也就是被媒体所谴责的“缺乏逻辑的巧合”。(难道非要他们分离个几十年才算符合逻辑吗?) 在莱拉和路易斯之间的爱情故事中,导演运用了大量的平行蒙太奇进行衔接,这样一来在一定程度上可以起到加快影片节奏的效果,另一方面也可以使这两人之间的关系表现得更紧密。音乐演奏的过程中多次平行剪辑了路易斯在酒吧的个人演唱与莱拉在音乐厅的个人独奏,音乐声效上已经达到了完整统一的效果,这个段落安静舒适,营造了一个浪漫的爱情氛围。这一段平行蒙太奇的主题就是浪漫与安谧。



是这部电影的线索,影片的本身就像是一段音乐。在浪漫安谧的主题之后顺理成章地演奏出了矛盾与冲突这样一个主题。这个主题同样是以平行蒙太奇为主要表现手法,镜头频繁地在路易斯与莱拉之间进行切换,两个人都受到了身边亲人与朋友的阻拦,路易斯执意为了莱拉放弃乐队,而莱拉则与父亲激烈地争吵,最终无奈地向自己的父亲妥协。两条线索中的矛盾冲突在这种剪辑效果下被并列渲染,感情冲击异常强烈。 影片开头的三分之一内容几乎都在表达这两大主题,为后面的内容进行着铺垫。随后镜头转回11年后的奥古斯特,这个天生就有着音乐细胞的天才少年,他就像是一个天使,迷失在了人间,他坚信可以用音乐找到自己的亲生父母。他可以感受到身边所有的声音,并且把这些我们眼中的噪音柔和成迷人的音乐。 如果说去年的那部《香水》是用




是这部电影中最出色的元素,他结合了流行与古典两种完全不同的类型,动静结合,张弛有度,同样的对人物刻画也起到了重要作用。路易斯的脾气较为激烈,所以他的主题音乐就是流行乐;而莱拉的气质相对高雅,因此他的主题音乐是古典乐。用不同的音乐类型与音乐风格来表现人物,虽然早已不是什么新鲜的手法,但是如果运用的好,依旧可以达到出色的效果。 影片中还有一个重量级的人物,那就是罗宾

威廉姆斯饰演的巫师一角。这个人物的名字也被赋予了童话色彩——巫师。他表面上是一个救助苦难孤儿的慈善家,他教会了那些孩子们演奏乐器,给予了他们一条谋生的道路,但是他的内心却是充满了铜臭。他发现了奥古斯特的音乐才华,同时也发现了他身上的巨大商机。为了使自己发财,他不惜牺牲奥古斯特的音乐前途。罗宾威廉姆斯的表演很有张力,每一次的对白都能把影片推向一个小高潮。除了海默以外,全片中表演最出色就当属这个老戏骨了。 至于片中的亲情,其实很平淡,但是却很真诚。路易斯与奥古斯特交换吉他那段真可谓平淡之中见亲情,坐我边上看片的那位同志看到这里时急得上窜下跳的,差点就被我直接踢走。影片末尾的时候也并没有像大家所预期的那样上演一出团圆戏。说实话,我本来一直都以为最后莱拉会冲上台去抱住奥古斯特,路易斯也会冲上台去追赶莱拉,但是影片却是在这样一种淡淡的充满亲情的氛围之中结束了,没有给出最终的结果,这也算是一个避免俗套的安排。仔细一想或许也是为了符合影片本身的那种音乐特质。 古典音乐在结尾的时候一般都比较柔和,只有比较沉重的主题才会选用重音作为结束的音符。而影片的后半段以快乐与重逢为主,用这种方式结尾也的确是一个精彩的安排。 总而言之,美国的评论界对于这样一部童话故事的评价实在是有点过于苛刻了。 郝滢瀛 14:44:21


Thesis of foreign movies appreciation Class:business administration 116 Number:2011010306 Name:yanxi Shen

Title:August Rush Reception

This is a story about an orphan named Evan who has the ability to hear music wherever he is ,he insisted on looking for his parents just because he believed that his parents would find him.As for his parents ,one is a cellist named Lyla Novacek in an orchestra under strict rule of her father,another one is a lead singer named Louis Connelly in a rock band .They met in a party and fall in love with each other .But girl's father refused to accept their love and after a car accident allowed her to believe that her baby was died. Eleven years later,Evan run away to New York City to find his family.In this travel ,he met a homeless musician and changed his own name,which called August Rush.Then in the church he picked up music skill so

quickly that was enrolled in Juilliard School. August immediately began writing his symphony.After many challenges and the mental struggle.August finally finished his rhapsody and looked down and smiled his parents.The film concludes with August saying :"The music is all around us, all you have to do is listening." August Rush would like us to believe that some mystical force binds everyone together.And he shows us that if we insist on our dreams ,even if it looks difficult to achieve , just believe your own feelings and hearts ,the miracle may happen .So just do it,don't consider about the end is good or bad .Though we are not as talent as August Rush,we also have rights to follow our small but valuable dreams .I believe that August Rush can control the winds ,glasses ,flowers ,even the famous band,and you also can control your own life in the future to lead to a happy and inspirit rich life. Besides the main idea I generalized from this film ,there are some details that we should pay attention .Firstly, the love traveling between two different kinds of musicians ,which has many difficulties like the social resistance ,the misunderstanding ,the wide gap of their status and so on.In

the beginning,they gave up

their dreams even their loves ,but may because their communicating between two hearts , they went to the musician concert automatically and met in the crowd at last.Secondly,there is a man who we have to mention is Wizard ---the homeless musician.He made Evan as a ready source of money and even let him not tell others about his true name ,but the stage name ---August Rush.It is just to satisfy his own desire but not help Evan to find his parents.When Evan wanted to look for parents by his special way,Wizard deceived him and made all his efforts to stop Evan attend the concert . But,finally he just sat on the ground playing the mouth organ alone.Of course ,we couldn't say that he is a bad man among ,with the film developing,he also made a driving role in it .Without his words and the natural teaching style ,maybe,Evan wouldn't arouse his proficiency instead being limited by legitimate teaching.After Evan was deceived out from the practicing of concert,he met his father in Central Park .They both had a similar feeling to each other,just like they had met for a long time ago.then they played the guitar together and his father told him about something that let Evan finally made

a decision to escape from Wizard ,at the same moment,Evan gave his father a hint to go to the concert .It is just like who said : a complete meeting of minds between child and parents. In Evan's traveling of finding ,there also some warm-hearted person who lend him a helping hand ,such as Arthur(a little homeless boy),Richard Jefferies( a social worker),kindly pastor who enrolls August in Juilliard School and others. The world sometimes maybe show it's darkness ,but believe that after raining there must be a colorful rainbow in the clear and blue sky.And in your long time life ,there must be happy and unhappy things that will happen,just facing them in a wise attitude.If you are tired ,open the window ,look at outside,smile the flowers,listen to the music that played by nature . It is surprised for you to find that musical notes are dancing around you,like lovely kids . When I saw the movie ,I was crying,I was really crying.I don't know why,maybe moved by their family reunion again,Evan's bravery ,so many kindness people helped him and many complex feelings in it.But I only want to say :"God is fair to everyone ,nothing is different to us,just the disparate attitudes can lead to a extremely

opposite life. If we face adyersity ,don't sit around feeling sorry for ourselves ,instead ,we must trust that there is always a way through it.What needs to be done ,just starting doing it.What's more ,don't forget to be kind to your people who around you,so that you can get a good paid finally!!" 2011,11,18,22:46


(2012-04-07 13:48:04)









关于电影《律政俏佳人》的英文影评 ==============

Legally Blonde


You have to appreciate a movie whose title essentially sums up the whole thing. In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon plays a blonde who ends up at Harvard law school. If you think you’ve got the whole movie figured out from this scenario, you may be surprised to find out your preconceptions are only half-right. This isn’t a dumb comedy; it has a certain amount of intelligence to it. It’s at least smart enough not to make Elle Woods,

the Witherspoon character, stupid—just ditzy. It also has the advantage of having Witherspoon in the lead role. No matter what her character says or does, she is always charming.

Elle is a student and sorority sister at CULA. She has been dating Warren Huntignton III (Matthew Davis), and the beginning of the movie has her preparing for a big night. She’s sure Warren will propose to her tonight. However, at dinner, Warren states his desire to become a Senator and dumps Elle ("I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn."). Witherspoon’s reaction is great. She tries to hide her emotions in fear of embarrassing them, but she’ll occasionally let out a loud sob that gains everyone’s attention. Warren is on his way to Harvard for law school, and during their split, Elle realizes what she needs to do to get him back. She also needs to go to Harvard. After some major studying and preparation, she actually gets accepted. Warren is, of course, shocked to discover her appearance, and after a bad first class, Elle is even more shocked to

discover that Warren is engaged to an old girlfriend, Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair).

Will Elle start to take law school seriously? Will she try to get Warren back? Will the opportunity for her to shine arise? Of course these things will happen, but there are actually a few surprises along the way. Elle and Vivian’s relationship takes an unexpected turn. The girls from home don’t arrive to shake things up (at least for a while). And most importantly, Elle is actually smart. Well, at least when it comes to hair treatment and fashion. But still, Elle is never dumbed down, and she never once comes across as fake or annoying.

Some of the material here is throw-away. There’s an entire subplot involving a manicurist and a delivery man that seems thrown in to extend the running time. The scenes involving the subplot range from generic and predictable (a custody battle over a dog and a nose injury from flirting) to confusing and unnecessary (particularly the "bend and snap"

dance sequence). The courtroom scenes are funny, and they stay true to Elle’s character. I liked how she outs a witness from his observation about designer shoes (prompting the biggest laugh in the movie). Essentially, this is Witherspoon’s movie. She’s charming and funny and stays consistent with her character while never going over the top with her shortcomings. They could have been played for easy laughs, and I appreciate the movie’s restraint.

I’m surprised how much the movie grew on me. It starts off like a Clueless rehash, but then once Elle gets to Harvard, it actually gets funny in its own way. It’s harmless, amusing, and semi-smart entertainment, and that’s far better than most of the comedies around.



评 魔法保姆麦克菲

2006-08-30 10:25



想看- 评分9.0




虽然,布朗先生发现,婴儿被藏在盛火鸡的容器,玉米、卷心菜、胡萝卜的配菜呆在一起。可是他却再也请不到一个保姆了。一个声音说:你必须请Nanny McPhee。当7个孩子受到没有晚饭吃的惩罚,在厨房里面大战的时候,突然雷电大作,一个身穿宽大黑袍的神秘女子站在了布朗家的门口。胡萝卜一样的鼻子,脸上有两个丑陋的瘊子,还有一颗长在嘴唇外边的暴牙,她自我介绍说:我就是Nanny McPhee。

魔杖的魔力开始管教7个顽皮的孩子:先平息厨房的混战,让他们学会了说“请” ;又让他们一天起不了床,让他们从此不会再赖床;又帮他们躲避了怪癖的姑祖

母,让他们从此认真穿戴礼服…在布朗准备和一个俗艳又贪婪的未婚妻结婚的婚礼上,她又帮孩子们赶走了那个凶悍的准后母。最后,布朗先生和那个纯洁美丽又喜爱这些孩子的年轻女佣举行了婚礼,八月天空飘下的雪花堆积在她身上,变成了洁白的蕾丝婚纱。 英国著名演员艾玛.汤普森(Emma Thompson),不但是电影中的魔法保姆,而且是这部电影的编剧。电影改编自一部60年代的童话书 Nurse Matilda。剑桥毕业,以演技和女演员身份而知名的艾玛.汤普森,又凭借改编奥斯丁名著《理性与感性》(Sense and Sensibility) 赢得了奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖。这些资质,让她在影片中的两个身份都发挥的非常出色。 美国影评专栏对演艺圈里多才多艺的女星们,从来就没有吝啬过赞美之词。比如前一段时间对饶舌女王奎恩.拉蒂法轻松喜剧《最后假期》众口一词的夸奖,

艾玛.汤普森这次也得到了影评家的温柔的目光。而导演Kirk Jones带领的一套英国演员班底也是这部电影精致的另一原因。布朗先生是曾出演过《傲慢与偏见》《BJ单身日记》等多部知名电影的英国男演员Colin Firth,而7个孩子中最捣乱领袖哥哥则是那个大眼睛尖下巴在《真爱至上》(Love Actually)中在机场狂追暗恋女孩的那童星Thomas Sangster,而那个最后成为新娘的女子看起来清纯得好像是《功夫》里的黄圣依。

古典而固执、无处不在精细情节,似乎是英国电影和好莱坞约定俗成的夸张剧情的标志性区别。你可以随时在英国古老宅子的扶梯把手的转弯,在黑暗的背景中遭遇惊喜。这些惊喜,也许是一个魔咒,也许是一段爱情。在《卧底肥妈II》(Big Momma’s House 2)

以疯狂搞笑的的保姆和魔法保姆一同上市的时候,Nanny McPhee,虽然在影评家那里多些推荐指数,但是在票房上还是略失一筹。



Make people happy "nanny McPhee" When I watched"magic Nanny (Nanny Mcphee), there are three feelings: First of all, when you need her but she don't want to leave, she had to leave; When you want to stay but she no longer needed her, she will be gone, this is the magic nanny ways of doing things. That is to say, every time she appeared in people hostile eyes, in my tears away. She resolve hatred and conflict, bring happiness and joy; She comes with ugly, two mole face and buck teeth, but when these defects are disappear back into beauty, which means that her task to complete. She waved a hand turned to leave, a family is waiting for her. Second, it teaches us the five classes of life. Lesson 1: responsible for own behavior No matter what you do, whether you are arrogant or humble, you are like a decent person, once you do, you'll have to carry the consequences... Lesson two: you can have a definite view, but you have to behave。You can lie, but you also have to do things according to the rules, you have to remember all things are disciplined to follow... Lesson 3: about love,

wisdom, and sacrifice, love needs

sacrifices at the same time also need to be perfect... Lesson 4: about candor, communicate and share. The most terrible distance in the world is at the heart of the distance , the collapsed bridge between heart more serious than any terrible thing... Lesson 5: be yourself, listen to the voice of the heart Masks alive too tired, life is short, why not in the limited days to live happy, live yourself? Third, raising a child is more important than having children, raising their children will have to pay a lot of money, so we can't have too many children, especially for the poor. So, family planning is very important.



运转手之恋 影评





















