






《饮食男女》是李安继《推手》和《喜宴》之后拍摄的“家庭三部曲"之一。有着浓郁的人文气息,通过一个典型家庭展现当代人情感生活的矛盾冲突。《郎雄饰演的饭店大厨老朱,退休于家中,虽然味蕾已渐渐丧失功能,但仍相当不服老。他中年丧妻后所独立扶养长大的三个宝贝女儿,都正各自面临了爱情难题,姊妹们个性迥异,对感情可都有着自己的一套见解。女儿们都逐渐长大了,老父亲也渐渐力不从心,不过他那一手炉火纯青的厨艺却依旧维系着全家的和睦。吃晚饭也就成为全家团聚沟通的唯一时刻。这样的时刻理应是其乐融融的,但是因为三个女儿和老父亲各自的“宣布”,令每顿晚饭都充满了意外:闪电结婚,投资失败,未婚先孕,续弦娶妻。不仅令剧中人惊讶不已,更使观众原本平静的心情频起波澜。导演就借助每个家庭都有的家庭聚餐的饭桌来推动情节的发展。家家都有一本难念的经,这期间有人怀孕,有人被抛弃,有人找到真爱,也有人死去。李安运用食物将这个故事讲得很好。无论从影片的结构、李安表现中国家庭伦理、东西方文化冲突、新旧观念冲突,在这个特殊的形式中达到了顶峰。影片中朱爸与锦荣恋情的这条暗线也设置的很好。两人的恋情看似是影片快要结尾时才正式宣布,其实,从影片的一开始就开始了对两人恋情的种种暗示。影片一开头朱爸做饭时打的那通电话,虽然没有明确的交代朱爸是在和谁通电话,可是从两人对话的内容和整部影片观赏,可以看出影片开头那通电话是锦荣打来的。 “今天不说,要等到哪天说呢?”这句话是无奈的语气。让他如此无奈的事情,让他想说却又不好说。作为父亲,他自然有发言的权威,但作为锦荣,向同学兼闺蜜坦白自己和对方父亲的恋情太难了,她不得不犹豫再

三。 之后导演不断地运用一些暗示向观众透漏这一点,可却又是蜻蜓点水,直





A Comment on the Film Eat Drink Man Woman

Confucius ever said: “The desire for food and sex is part of human nature”. food and sex are necessary parts of family life. It?s univerally true that people?s family life would be less happy without these two basic factors. If you consider this phenomenon from the perspective of Chinese people, you will find our culture has long history of Chinese cuisine which favored and complemented by world people. You can taste it , learn how to cook it, and even watch it. Now I would like to analyse the film Eat Drink Man Woman directed by the world famous Taiwan director Ang Lee, and you can not deny that it is a classic film about Chinese food and family life.

The Chinese value ?family-oriented” can be found in some episodes.

Every Sunday evening, three daughters would gather together and eat father?s sumptuous and delicious dinner. It's a family rule of the widower father Zhu as an excellent chef and of other family members.

Although the dinner is well-prepared and delicate, the atmosphere of eating is oppressive. Daughters have their own concerns, but they keep silent untill the last moment. The eldest daughter annouced that she already flashily married ,which surprised all the listeners; The youngest daughter told that she would moved out for she was pregnant which also shocked the father. They sat around the same table but hid their concerns and problems deep inside. They were obviously lack of communications.

As for the relationship among the father and three daughters, they all loved each other but they did not know how to communicate better. Father was strict in daughters? eyes; the daughters did not understand the needs of the father.

The eldest daughter was a christian, she was fragile and faithful, before each dinner, she would pray; she put belief highly, whenever she felt sad, lonely or happy, she listened to or sang a christian song. She had no close friend, she shut herself off but was eager for true love. She did not tell her love affair to her sisters. As an adult single woman, she was very sensitive to her age and topic of marriage. She was a typical ordinary woman among her colleages. She followed a routine of life untill she met her Mr. Right. She changed from stubborn to passionate after she fell in love with him.

The second eldest daughter was a sharp contrast with her elder sister. She was independent, open and charming. She had a lover and regarded him as her confident. She did not have much common language with the family members. She did not think they understand her esp. the father. But she loved the father very much, she even gave up the golden opportunity to work abroad after she found that the father was sick and needed her care. The loyalty of family can be seen here. From the film, you can also see that this woman was successful in a musculine company. I think

the director wants to tell us that women could be as excellent as men in a changing and fast-developing chinese society. The daughter was successful in her career but a looser in family relationship. At the end of the film, she sold out her own house and stayed in the old house and began to cook, for cooking was her hobby and childhood dream.

The father was strict with the second daughter, he had great hope on her. He expressed love in a sterning way. He lost wife early , he played roles of both mother and father. His best way to tell the daughters his love was not verbal but from cooking delicious dishes even though he lost taste sense. As an old man and a widower, he wanted to marry a yong divorced woman but was worried about his daughters? attitudes. At the last dinner, he got up the courage to tell the daughters about his marriage. The protest from them was as expected but the father was decisive this time and finally moved out with new wife. The father was lonely before this marriage. He cooked for the three daughters but they took it for granted. He could find the satisfaction of being a father from the new wife and her little daughter.

The old family was seperated at last. Each member got his or her own life except the second daughter.

I think the film conveyed a perspective of a deep-rooted family problem and then a question lingered in my mind: What is the most indispensable factor for a perfect family ?

Blood is thicker than water, Ang Lee brought us into the parent-child problems that may exist in every chinese family. Aware it or not, it is there. In the society, family is the smallest unit of interpersonal communications. It is glamorous only if each member of it cherishes the role he or she plays in it and does his or her best to maintain a harmonious relationship. A country would be more prosperous with the harmonious family relationship. So how to achieve a better communication with the people you love best is a lifelong profound lesson for every individual.



运转手之恋 影评





















