影评2—《穿普拉达的女王》 The Devil Wears Prada


影评2—《穿普拉达的女王》 The Devil Wears Prada


本片是根据《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上连续15周高居不下的同名小说改编,《天桥》映射的就是“时尚圣经”—《VOGUE》,这本引领全球时尚的高端著名杂志;Prada(普拉达)是极具声望的国际大品牌,笔者想那大概代表着成功 高贵 奢侈 高富帅 白富美 纸醉金迷等等迷诸如此类吧;“the devil”— 米兰达映射的就是大名鼎鼎美版杂志《VOGUE》的主编安娜.文图尔,有点类似于时尚界“教父”的意思。




在安迪的身上我们能得到一些启示:一 没有“丑”人,只有“懒”人,恰当的修饰一下自己,无疑会增添更多魅力,安迪和那个绅士帅哥都为彼此赢得了一场“艳遇”不是吗?二 安迪忙忙碌碌,风尘仆仆......是每个职场新人的影子。三 真诚,有原则才能赢得上司卸下一切伪装的“素颜”相待。四 理清究竟什么才是自己最想要的,智慧的做出选择。





最后:一个刚从学校毕业的小姑娘,朴素到简陋,来到纽约追梦,最后在获得成功的关头,选择放弃浮华虚荣,过忠于自己内心的生活。这是一个典型的美国梦,说白一点情节老套,可是却被梅丽尔.斯特里普和安妮.海瑟薇这两个女人演绎的如此动人。电影总是带有一定的教化意义,然而现实却更为复杂丰富得多。安迪和米兰达可以化身为全世界的职业奋斗者,但是不同的版本做出的选择也各有不同——安迪可以是“你”心中的天使,米兰达却不是“我”心目中的魔鬼,又或者安迪和米兰达也可以是“他”身体里面天使和魔鬼的共同体。 电影终有曲终人散的时候,然而生活还是要继续,名人也好,凡人也罢都还要面临着选择的困扰......看完电影唏嘘感慨,面对生活依然身不由己,无可奈何......剧终 曲罢 人散 结果只是别人看到的,过程再平凡,点点滴滴却是属于自己的。或许在浩瀚的时间长河里属于彼此那一段每一秒的喜怒哀乐还是值得曾经拥有的......

废话说的很多了,影评是可以写不完的,但就此而止吧。以上文字献给像安迪,米兰达为了寻求自己的成功道路上那些特立独行,离经叛道的勇者,并向他们致以崇高的敬意。 谨以此文,献给像我一样的亿万职海奋斗者,并在追求各自幸福成功的真谛道路上为之共勉!

第二篇:The devil wears prada台词(中英对照)

Good luck. 祝好运啦。

Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton? 嗨 我与艾密莉查尔顿有约。

Andrea Sachs? Yes. -安德雅沙奇。-是。

Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor. 真够了 人事部也太幽默了吧。 Follow me. 跟我来。

Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant... 我是米兰达的第二特助。

but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first. 但他的第一特助最近升官了 所以就是我啦。

Oh, and you're replacing yourself. Well, I am trying. -喔 所以你自己自动调职啦。-正在努力中。 Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks. 前两个女孩才过没几星期就被米兰达炒了。

We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand? 我们要找个能生存下来的 明白吗。

Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda? 当然 米兰达是谁啊。

Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that. 天啊 我会装作没听见你刚这问题。 She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend. 他是Runway杂志的总编辑 更是个传奇人物。

You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want. 只要能为他工作过一年 哪个杂志都会抢着要你的。

A million girls would kill for this job. 这可是百万女孩梦寐以求的工作啊。

It sounds like a great opportunity. I'd love to be considered. 听起来是个不错的机会 我会慎重考虑的。

Andrea, Runway is a fashion magazine... 安德雅 Runway是本时尚杂志。

so an interest in fashion is crucial. 所以对时尚有兴趣是很重要的。

What makes you think I'm not interested in fashion? 你为何觉得我对时尚没兴趣呢。

[Cell Phone Ringing] Oh, my God. 我的天。

No! No! No! 糟了。

What's wrong? 怎么啦。

She's on her way. Tell everyone! 他要到了 快告诉所有人。

She's not supposed to be here until 9:00. 他该九点才进来的。

Her driver just text messaged, and her facialist ruptured a disk. 他司机刚发简讯说 他作脸的师父弄坏了一张碟片。

God, these people! [Whistles, Whispers] Who's that? -这些人。-谁啊。

That I can't even talk about. 这我连说都不能说。

All right, everyone! Gird your loins! 好啦 大家 皮绷紧点。

[Excited Chattering] Did somebody eat an onion bagel? 有人刚吃过洋葱贝果吗。

Sorry, Miranda. 抱歉 米兰达。

Move it! Ooh! 让开。

I don't understand why it's so difficult to confirm an appointment. 我真不懂 确认个约会有这么难吗。

I know. I'm so sorry, Miranda. I actually did confirm last night. 我很抱歉 但昨晚我的确有确认过了。

Details of your incompetence do not interest me. 关于你无能的细节 我没兴趣。

Tell Simone I'm not going to approve that girl that she sent me for the Brazilian layout. 告诉西蒙

他为巴西专题所推荐的女孩 我不喜欢。

I asked for clean, athletic, smiling. She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy. 我要的是干净 运动 微笑型的。他却送个又脏又老又肥的过来。

And R. S. V. P. Yes to the Michael Kors party. 还有回覆给麦可的派对 说我会到。

I want the driver to drop me off at 9:30 and pick me up at 9:45 sharp. 我要司机准时在九点半送我到现场。然后九点四十五分接我离开。

[Whispers] 9:45 sharp. Call Natalie at Glorious Foods, tell her no for the 40th time. -九点四十五分正。-再打给美食餐厅的娜塔莉 第40次回绝他。

No, I don't want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote. 我不要这个 我要的是装满水果的果仁蛋糕。

Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight. 再打给我前夫 提醒他家长会是今晚 在达尔顿。

Then call my husband, ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo. 然后打给我老公 要他在上次我跟马西莫去的餐厅见。

Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers... 告诉李察 我看过他为女跳伞员专题拍摄的照片了。

and they're all so deeply unattractive. 非常的不具吸引力。

Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper? 找个可爱纤细的女跳伞员这么难吗。

No. Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really. -不会。-我是不是在强人所难 不会吧。

Also, I need to see all the things that Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try. -还有 我要看过所有耐吉为葛尼丝派特罗第二次封面拍摄。准备的所有东西。

I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet. Who's that? 不知他减肥成功了没有 他是谁啊。 Nobody. Um, uh... 路人甲 嗯。

Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her. 人事部送他来应征助理的 我刚正先面试呢。

But she's hopeless and totally wrong for it. 但他完全不适合这工作的。

Clearly I'm going to have to do that myself because the last two you sent me... 明显的这次我要亲自上阵 因为上次你推荐的两个女孩。

were completely inadequate. 完全不行。

So send her in. That's all. 叫他进来 就这样吧。

Right. 好。

She wants to see you. Oh! She does? -他要见你。-是吗。

Move! 进去啊。

This is foul. Don't let her see it. Go! That's... -这太恶了 不能让他看到 进去。-那是.. Who are you? 你是谁。

Uh, my name is Andy Sachs. 我是安蒂沙奇。

I recently graduated from Northwestern University. 刚从西北大学毕业。

And what are you doing here? [Clears Throat]. 那你在这干嘛。

Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant. 我想我会是你不错的助理。

And, um... 还有。

Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere... 我来纽约想当个记者 寄遍了履历表。

and then finally got a call from Elias-Clarke... 终于接到艾莉亚克拉克公司打来的电话。

and met with Sherry up at Human Resources. 也跟人事部的雪莉见过面。

Basically, it's this or Auto Universe. 我不来这 也只汽车世界杂志能去了。

So you don't read Runway? Uh, no. -所以你从没看过Runway罗。-嗯 没有。

And before today, you had never heard of me. 那直到今天之前 你都没听过我名字。 No. 没有。

And you have no style or sense of fashion. 你一点时尚的品味都没有。

Well, um, I think that depends on what you're... 那要看你从哪个角度..

No, no. That wasn't a question. 不 这不是个问题。

Um, I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern. 我曾经干过西北日报的总编辑。

I also, um, won a national competition for college journalists... 也曾经在全国大学记者大赛中。 with my series on thejanitors'union, which exposed the exploitation... 以揭发剥削清洁工工会的报导获胜。

That's all. 就这样吧。

Yeah. You know, okay. 好吧。

You're right. I don't fit in here. 你是对的 我不适合这里。

I am not skinny or glamorous... 我不纤细 也不丰姿绰约。

and I don't know that much about fashion. 对时尚也没太多概念。

But I'm smart. 但我很聪明。

I learn fast and I will work very hard. 我学习很快 也很努力。

I got the exclusive on the Cavalli for Gwyneth... 我为葛妮丝争取到Cavalli这季的独家。

but the problem is, with that huge feathered headdress that she's wearing... 问题是 他这插满羽毛的发型。

she looks like she's working the main stage at the Golden Nugget. 活生生像是在帮金鸡块代言似的。

Thank you for your time. 谢谢你的时间。

Who is that sad little person? 那可怜的小家伙是谁啊。

Are we doing a before-and-after piece I don't know about? 我们有要作篇麻雀变凤凰的报导吗。 Brown and Law, please? Thank you. 麻烦回到 棕色与法律 好吗 谢谢。

Andrea. Hmm? -安德雅。-嗯。

Wait. You got a job at a fashion magazine? 等等 你找到个时尚杂志的工作。

Mm-hmm. What was it, a phone interview? -对啊。-是怎样 用电话应征的吗。

[Woman] wow. Ow! Don't be a jerk. -喂。-别那么刻薄吧。

Miranda Priestly is famous for being unpredictable. 米兰达普理斯莱以无法预测闻名。

Okay, Doug. How is it that you know who she is and I didn't? 道格 怎么我不认识他 你却反而知道呢。

I'm actually a girl. Oh! -老实说 我是个女生。-喔。

That would explain so much. [Doug] Look, seriously. -这解释了非常多事情。-听着。

Miranda Priestly is a huge deal. I bet a million girls would kill for that job. 米兰达真是来头不小的 我打赌这是。百万女人梦寐以求的工作。

Yeah, great. The thing is I'm not one of them. 太棒了 可惜我不是其中之一。

[Woman] Look, you gotta start somewhere, right? 你总得要有个开始嘛。

I mean, look at this dump Nate works in. 你看看奈特 那算什么工作啊。

I mean, come on. Paper napkins? Hello. 拜托喔 纸巾业 哈罗。

Yeah. And Lily, she works at that gallery doing, uh, you know... 还有莉莉 在画廊理做什么来

Mm-hmm. 嗯。

-James Holt… -Yeah. -詹姆斯霍特。-然后呢。

Massimo Corteleoni…. 玛西莫。

is investing in James's company and taking it global. 要投资詹姆斯的公司 成为跨国企业。 -Mm-hmm. -Bags, shoes, fragrances… the works. -嗯。-包包 皮鞋 所有一切。

And James needs a partner. 詹姆斯需要个拍档。

And that partner would be me. 而这个拍档就是我。

-Does Miranda… -No, no, Miranda knows, because…. -米兰达知.. -他当然知道 因为.. -Oh. -Oh, she put me up for it. God, no. Can you imagine? -喔。-他推荐我的 你能相信吗。 But… But… But you're leaving. 但 你不就要离开了。

-Mm-hmm. -I can't imagine Runway without you. -嗯。-我无法想像没有你的Runway。 I know, I know, but I'm so excited though. 我知道 但我实在太兴奋了。

This is the first time in 18 years I'm going to be able to call the shots in my own life. 这是我18年来第一次可以决定自己的事。

Oh, my God! 我的天。

I'm going to be able to come to Paris and actually see Paris. 我就可以真正好好来看看巴黎了。 Well, congratulations. 恭喜啊。

-Huh? Oh. -Nigel, you deserve it. -喔。-耐吉 你实至名归的。

You bet your size-six ass. [Guffaws]. 那可不 拿你那6号大屁股来赌啊。

-Four. -Really? -现在是4号。-真的吗。

-[Glasses Clink] -Cheers. 干杯。

-Cheers to you. -To us. -为你干杯。-为我们干杯。

-Let me see that. -[Giggles]. 让我看看。

Okay, I just wanna say that yes, there are things Miranda does that I don't agree with, but…. 我承认 米兰达的作风 有些我的确不认同。

-Come on. You hate her. Just admit it to me. -No. -你明明就是痛恨他 承认吧。-不是这样。 She's a… She's a notorious sadist…. 他的确是个虐待狂。

and not… not in a good way. 而且很恶毒的。

Okay, she's tough, but if Miranda were a man…. 好啦 他是很强悍 但要是他是个男人。

no one would notice anything about her, except how great she is at her job. 没人会注意这一切 只会赞扬他的工作能力。

[Chuckles] I'm sorry. I can't…. 很抱歉 我实在不..

-I can't believe this. You're defending her? -Yeah. -我不敢相信 你竟然会为他辩护。-是啊。 The wide-eyed girl peddling her earnest newspaper stories? 那个天真无邪到处兜售他报纸文章的女孩呢。

You, my friend, are crossing over to the dark side. 你啊 已经跨进了黑暗的一边了。 I resent that. 我痛恨你这么说。

-You shouldn't. It's sexy. -Sexy? -你不该痛恨的 这很性感啊。-性感。

-Really? -Really. -真的吗。-当然。

So do you… do you know where we're going? 你知道我们要去哪吗。

-'Cause I'm lost. -Yeah. -因为我迷路了。-是吗。

Yeah, don't worry. I know this city like the back of my hand. 别担心 这城市跟我家后院一样。 It's my favorite place in the whole world. 这是全世界我最爱的地方。

You know, Gertrude Stein once said…. 葛楚史坦恩曾经说过。

And if you mess up, my head is on the chopping block. 如果你搞砸了 我就惨了。

Now, hang that up. Don't just fling it anywhere. 把那挂起来 别乱放。

Okay. First of all, you and I answer the phones. 首先 你跟我要接电话。

The phone must be answered every single time it rings. 只要有电话响起 就一定要接。 Calls roll to voice mail, and she gets very upset. 要是转到留言 他会非常生气的。

If I'm not here... Andrea, Andrea... 如果我不在呢 安德雅。

you are chained to that desk. 你就得守在岗位上。

Well, what if I need to... What? No. -要是我需要去.. -什么 不行。

One time an assistant left the desk because she sliced her hand open with a letter opener... 上次有个助理不小心用拆信刀。划伤了手而离开座位。

and Miranda missed Lagerfeld... 米达兰没接到Lagerfeld在登上去澳洲的飞机前。 just before he boarded a 17-hour flight to Australia. 所打来的电话。

She now works at TVGuide. 现在他在电视周刊上班。

Man the desk at all times. Got it. [Phone Rings]. 永远要守在桌前 懂吗。

Uh... Miranda Priestly's office. -嗯。-米兰达办公室。

No, she's not available. 他现在不方便接电话。

Who is it? [Mouthing Words]. 请问哪位。

Yes, I will tell her you called... yet again. 是的 我会转告他你 再次打来了。

[Bell Chimes] Right. Remember, you and I have totally differentjobs. 记着 你跟我的工作完全不同。

I mean, you get coffee... [Scoffs] and you run errands. 你倒咖啡 还有其他杂务。

Yet I am in charge of her schedule... 我负责他所有的行程。

her appointments and her expenses. 约会跟帐务。

And, um, most importantly, um... 更重要的是..

I get to go with her to Paris for Fashion Week in the fall. 我将跟他一起去今年秋天的巴黎时装周。

I get to wear couture. I go to all the shows and all the parties. 我可以穿美美的衣服 参加秀还有派对。

I meet all of the designers. It's divine. 见到所有名设计师 真是美梦成真。

Okay. Now, stay here. I'm going to the art department to give them the Book. 守在这 我要把圣经送去艺术部门。

The... This is the Book. -圣.. -这就是圣经。

Now, it is a mock-up of everything... 这是即将发行的一期。

in the current issue. 所有加上注记的打样。

And we deliver it to Miranda's apartment every night, and she retu... 每晚都会送到米兰达家中 他再回..

Don't touch it. She returns it to us in the morning with her notes. 别乱碰 加上注记后 他再带回来。

Now, the second assistant is supposed to do this... 通常是第二助理要处理这件事。

but Miranda is very private and she does not like strangers in her house. 但米兰达很重隐私 也不喜欢陌生人去他家。

So until she decides that you are not a total psycho... 所以直到他确定你不是个疯子前。 I get the lovely task of waiting around for the Book. 这件美好的差事就交给我。

[Phone Rings] Oh, Emily? What do I do... 喔 艾密莉 我该..

Deal with it. [Rings]. 自己解决。

Hello. Mrs. Priestly's office. 哈罗 普里斯莱办公室。

Hmm. That's what I meant. Miranda Priestly's office. 我是说 米兰达办公室。

Um, you know, she is in a meeting. Can I please take a message? 他正在开会 要留话吗。 Uh-huh. 啊。

Okay. Can you please spell Gabbana? 好 请问Gabbana(D&G)怎么写。

[Line Clicks, Dial Tone Hums] Hello? 哈罗。

I guess not. 大概不用了。

I guessed an eight and a half. 我想是八号半。

Um, uh, that's very nice of you... 你真好心。

but I don't think I need these. 但我不需要这些。

Miranda hired me. She knows what I look like. 米兰达既然雇用了我 他知道我什么样的。 Do you? [Chuckles]. 那你自己知道吗。

Emily. 艾密莉。

Emily? 艾密莉。

She means you. 他是在叫你。

Wejust cut on the bias. [Miranda] That's not what I asked you. -我们就把边缘再修剪点。-这不是我刚说的。

I couldn't have been clearer. There you are, Emily. 我说的构清楚了吧 终于来了 艾密莉。 How many times do I have to scream your name? Actually, it's Andy. -要我叫你几次才行啊。-我叫 安蒂。

My name is Andy. Andrea, but, uh, everybody calls me Andy. 我名字是安德雅 但大家都叫我安蒂。

[Chuckles] I need 10 or 15 skirts from Calvin Klein. 我需要10到15条卡文克莱的裙子。 What kind of skirts do you... Please bore someone else with your questions. -哪种裙子.. -把你的问题拿去烦别人吧。

And make sure we have Pier 59 at 8:00 a. m. Tomorrow. 然后确认明早八点59号码头的场地没问题。

Remind Jocelyn I need to see a few of those satchels that Marc is doing in the pony. 提醒乔瑟琳我要看那些马克为小马做的背包。

And then tell Simone I'll takeJackie if Maggie isn't available. 还有告诉西蒙 如果玛姬不行的话 我要贾克琳。

Did Demarchelier confirm? D-Did D-Demarchel... -达马克利确认了吗。-达马克其.. Demarchelier. Did he... Get him on the phone. 达马克利 他确.. 算了 帮我接他。

Uh, o... okay. 嗯 好。

And, Emily? Yes? -还有 艾密莉。-是。

That's all. 就这样吧。

It's just the cavalier disregard for clear directions... 这些骑士根本没有清楚的方向。 Do you have Demarchelier? 达马克利接通了吗。

Uh, Demarchelier. 喔 达马克利。

[Groans] Leave it. Do you have... -我来吧。-你有..

I have Miranda Priestly calling. 这是米兰达打来的。

I have Patrick! 他在线上了。

Uh, no, she called me in there and-and then she asked me about Pier 59. 他把我叫进去 问到59


And there was something about Simone, Frankie, someone else. 还有关于西蒙 法兰基 还有谁的。

And, um, she needs skirts from Calvin Klein. 喔 他还需要卡文克莱的裙子。

And, uh, there was something about a pony. 还有件关于什么小马的事。

Did she say which skirts? No. No. -他说要哪种裙子了吗。-没有。

Did she say what kind? Color, shape, fabric? I tried to ask her. -种类呢 颜色 形状 质料呢。-我试着要问他的。

You may never ask Miranda anything. 决不能对米兰达发问的。

Right. I will deal with all of this, and you will go to Calvin Klein. 好吧 我来处理这些 你去卡文克莱。

Eh... Me? 我。

Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have some prior commitment? 很抱歉 你有既定行程了吗。

Some hideous skirt convention you have to go to? 像是什么丑陋之裙的大会要参加吗。 Uh... 喔。

[Cell Phone Rings] Miranda? 米兰达。

Are you there? I'm about to walk in. I'll call you as soon as... -到了吗。-正要进去 进去后马上打..

Hello? Hi. [Emily] While you're out... -哈罗。-既然你在外面了。

Miranda needs you to go to Hermes to pick up 25 scarves we ordered for her. 米兰达要你去Hermes帮他取回订购的25条围巾。

Okay. Cassidy forgot her homework at Dalton. Pick that up. -好。-卡西迪把作业忘在学校了 一起拿回来。

Miranda went out to meet with Meisel, and she will want more Starbucks when she gets back. 米兰达跟麦索碰面去了 回来时希望看见星巴克在桌上。

Hot Starbucks. Can you just repeat that first... -热的星巴克咖啡。-重复一次好吗。

[Dial Tone Hums] Hello? 哈罗。

Oh, my God. 我的天。

What took you so long? I have to pee! 怎么去这么久 我内急啊。

What? You haven't peed since I left? 什么 我离开后你都没上过厕所啊。

No, I haven't. I've been manning the desk, haven't I? I'm bursting. 没有 得要坚守岗位啊 不是吗 快爆了。

Oh, hi. 喔 嗨。

[Snaps Fingers] You do coat. Do the coat! 你负责外套。

Okay. 好。

Now, be prepared. The run-through is at 12:30. 上紧发条啊 展示会十二点半就要开始了。 People are panicking, so the phone is going to be ringing off the hook. 大家都很紧张 电话会响个不停。

The ru... The run-through. Right. 展.. 展示会 好。

Yes. Editors bring in options for the shoot, and Miranda chooses. 编辑们会把所有拍摄用的选择都带来 再由米兰达决定。

She chooses every single thing in every single issue. 每一集的所有一切东西都由他决定的。 Run-throughs are a huge deal. I don't know why you don't know that, Andrea. 展示会非常重要的 真不懂你怎连这都不知道。

[Woman] Okay. Are you ready? [Emily] Oh, hi, hi. -准备好了吗。-喔 嗨。

Right. Well, after the loo, Serena and I are going to lunch. 好 上完厕所后 赛琳那跟我要去吃午餐。

This is her... the new me. Hi. -这个就是啦 新来的我。-嗨。

Told you. I thought you were kidding. -告诉过你吧。-我还以为你是开玩笑的。

No, quite serious, yeah. I get 20 minutes for lunch, and you get 15. -很当真的。我有20分钟吃饭 你有15分钟。

When I come back, you can go. Okay. -我回来后 你就可以去了。-好。

[Serena] What exactly is she wearing? 他穿的到底是什么啊。

[Giggling] Her grandmother's skirt. 他祖母的裙子。

Hmm. Corn chowder. 玉米浓汤。

That's an interesting choice. 很有趣的选择。

You do know that cellulite is one of the main ingredients in corn chowder. 你知道脂肪是浓汤的主要成分吧。

So none of the girls here eat anything? 那这里的女生都不吃东西的吗。

Not since two became the new four and zero became the new two. 自从二号变成新四号 零号变成新二号之后就没啦。

Well, I'm a six. Which is the new 14. -我是六号。-也就是现在新的14号。

Oh. Shoot. 惨了。

Oh, never mind. I'm sure you have plenty more polyblend where that came from. 没关系啦 我相信你一定还有许多这种聚酯混纺的衣服。

[Cash Register Clicking] Okay. You think my clothes are hideous. 你觉得我的衣服很丑。 I get it. 我懂啦。

But, you know, I'm not going to be in fashion forever... 反正我不会永远待在时装界的。

so I don't see the point of changing everything about myself just because I have this job. 所以为了这份工改变我的所有一切是没必要的。

Yes, that's true. 这倒是真的。

That's really what this multibillion-dollar industry is all about anyway, isn't it? 这正是这数十兆产值的产业存在的目的 是吧。

Inner beauty. [Cell Phone Rings]. 内在美啊。

Hello. 哈罗。

Right. Come on. 好 走吧。

Miranda's pushed the run-through up a half an hour. Mmm! -米兰达把展示会提早了半小时。-嗯。

She's always 15 minutes early. Which means? -他永远早到15分钟。-意思是..

You're already late. Come. Shoot! -你已经迟到了 快点。-惨了。

Excuse me. 对不起。

[Bell Dings] Mr. Ravitz. 拉维兹先生。

Nigel. 耐吉。

Issue going well? Oh, yes. Our best September ever. -这一集还好吗。-是啊 最棒的一次九月号。 Great. Heard Miranda killed autumn jackets and pulled up the Sedona shoot. 听说米兰达取消了秋装上衣 改成席多娜的摄影。

What's that costing me? 这花了我多少钱。

About 300, 000. 大约30万。

Must have been some lousy jackets. 那这上衣一定很糟糕。

Irv Ravitz. Oh, I'm sorry. -我是拉维兹。-喔 很抱歉。

This is Andy Sachs, Miranda's new assistant. 这是安蒂沙奇 米兰达的新助理。

Congratulations, young lady. 恭喜你啦 小姐。

A million girls would kill for that job. 这是百万女孩梦寐以求的工作喔。

Bye-bye. 再见。

Hmm? Chairman of Elias-Clarke, Irv Ravitz. -嗯。-艾莉克拉克公司的总裁 拉维兹。 You know what they say? Tiny man, huge ego. 俗话说 人小志气高。

No. And I've seen all this before. 不行 这些我都看过了。

Theyskens is trying to reinvent the drop waist, so actually it's... 泰丝肯想重新发展低腰 所以.. Where are all the other dresses? We have some right here. -其他的衣服呢。-这里有一些。 Stand, watch and listen. And I think it can be very interesting... -站 听 看。-会很有趣的。 No. No, I just... It's just baffling to me. 不行 不行 我实在很困惑。

Why is it so impossible to put together a decent run-through? 弄个像样的展示 有那么困难吗。 You people have had hours and hours to prepare. It's just so confusing to me. 你们有那么多时间准备 我真是搞不懂。

Where are the advertisers? 广告商的呢。

We have some pieces from Banana Republic. We need more, don't we? -有些香蕉共和国的东西。-我们需要更多 不是吗。

Oh. This is... This might be... What do you think of... Yeah. -喔 这个 .. 或许能.. 觉得呢.. -耶。 Well, you know me. 你了解我的。

Give me a full ballerina skirt and a hint of saloon and I'm on board. 给我个芭蕾舞裙 加点沙龙气息 就成了。

But do you think it's too much like... Like the Lacroix from July? 但会不有点像七月号的Lacroix。

I thought that, but no, not with the right accessories. It should work. 我有想过 但饰品用对就不会 这样该可以的。

Where are the belts for this dre... Why is no one ready? 那条皮带再哪 怎么都没人机灵点。 Here. It's a tough call. 这里 很难决定。

They're so different. [Miranda] Hmm. -如此的不同。-哼。

Something funny? 有什么事好笑的吗。

No. No, no. Nothing's... 没有 没有。

You know, it's just that both those belts look exactly the same to me. 只是 在我看来 这两条皮带几乎是一样啊。

You know, I'm still learning about this stuff and, uh... 这玩意我都还在学习中。

"This... stuff"? 这.. 玩意。

Oh. Okay. I see. 喔 我懂了。

You think this has nothing to do with you. 你认为这一切都与你无关。

You go to your closet... 你打开你的衣橱。

and you select... I don't know... that lumpy blue sweater, for instance... 挑了件 松垮的蓝毛衣.. 比方说。

because you're trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously... 因为你想告诉全世界 你在乎自己的内在。

to care about what you put on your back. 比外表来的重要的多。

But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue. 但你不了解 那毛衣不光是蓝色。 It's not turquoise. It's not lapis. 他不是蓝绿色 也不是宝蓝色。

It's actually cerulean. 事实上 他是天蓝色。

And you're also blithely unaware of the fact... 你也天真的不知道。

that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. 20xx年 Oscar de la Renta推出一系列天蓝色的衣服。

And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent... wasn't it... 然后我想是圣罗兰YSL 对吧。 who showed cerulean military jackets? 推出了天蓝色的军装外套。

I think we need a jacket here. Mmm. -这里要加件外套。-嗯。

And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. 紧接着天蓝色出现在八位不同设计师的作品理。

And then it, uh, filtered down through the department stores... 然后就大量出现在百货公司里。 and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner... 再流传到一些糟搞的休闲服饰店里。

where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. 你从某个特价柜上挑了出来。

However, that blue represents millions of dollars... 无论如何 这个蓝色代表了几百万的商机。 and countless jobs... 还有无数的工作机会。

and it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice... 这实在有点滑稽 当你自认做了选择。

that exempts you from the fashion industry... 与所谓时装业划清了界线。

when, in fact... 而事实上。

you're wearing a sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room... 你正穿着一件毛衣 是由这房间的人。

from a pile of stuff. 从一堆 玩意 中替你挑出来的。

So then I said, "No, I couldn't see the difference... 然后我说 我实在分辨不出..

between the two absolutely identical belts'"... 是两条几乎一样的皮带啊。

and you should have seen the look she gave me! 你真该看看他给我的脸色。

I thought the flesh was gonna melt off her face. 肉都要从他脸上掉下来罗。

[Chuckles] It's not funny. 一点也不好笑 好吗。

She's not happy unless everyone around her is panicked, nauseous or suicidal. 他身边的人如果不是紧张 恶心 或想自杀。他就不会开心的。

And the Clackers just worship her. 而那些Clackers就是崇拜他。

The who? They call them Clackers. -谁。-他们称之为Clackers。

The sound that their stilettos make in the marble lobby. 就是高跟鞋敲击地板的声音。 It's like, "Clack, clack, clack. Clack, clack. ". 就像 喀拉 喀拉。

[Groans] And they all act like they're curing cancer or something. 他们老以为自己像是在治疗癌症似的。

[Chuckling] The amount of time and energy... 花这么多时间跟力气。

that these people spend on these insignificant, minute details, and for what? 在那些毫不起眼的细节上 真不知为了什么。

So that tomorrow they can spend another $300, 000 reshooting something... 为了明天一场耗资30万的摄影。

that was probably fine to begin with... 重拍些或许本来就很棒的作品。

to sell people things they don't need! 然后推销一些根本用不着的东西。

God! 天啊。

I'm not even hungry anymore. What? -我一点胃口都没了。-什么。

That is why those girls are so skinny. Oh. No, no, no. -这正是那些女人这么瘦的原因。-这可不行。

Give me that. There's, like, eight dollars ofJarlsberg in there. 快给我 这里面可有价值八块钱的Jarlsberg啊。

[Sighs] You know what? 知道吗。

I just have to stick it out for a year. One year. 我只要能熬过一年。

And then I can do what I came to New York to do. 我就可以完成当初来纽约的心愿了。 But I can't let Miranda get to me. I won't. 但我不能被米兰达打倒 绝对不行。

Easy there, tiger. 放轻松点 母老虎。

Oh, good morning, Miranda. Get me Isaac. -早啊 米兰达。-帮我接爱萨克。

I don't see my breakfast here. Are my eggs here? Where are my eggs? 我没看见早餐啊 我的蛋呢。

Excuse me! 对不起。

Pick up the Polaroids from the lingerie shoot. 去把内衣照的拍立得拿来。

Have the brakes checked on my car. 把我车送去检查煞车。

Where's that piece of paper I had in my hand yesterday morning? 我昨天早上手中拿的纸条呢。 The girls need new surfboards or boogie boards or something for spring break. 女孩们的春假需要新冲浪板 滑板或什么的。

Hello. The twins also need flip-flops. -哈罗。-姊妹花还要拍拍球。

Ow! Oh, my gosh! -喔。-我的天。

Pick up my shoes from Blahnik, and then go get Patricia. 去布拉尼克把我鞋子拿回来 再去接派翠西雅。

Who's that? Good girl! Good girl! Good girl! -谁啊。-乖女孩。

Get me that little table that I liked at that store on Madison. 把我在麦迪逊百货看上的那张小桌弄来。

Get us a reservation for dinner tonight at that place that got the good review. 晚餐帮我订个位 就那景观很好的餐厅。

Get me Isaac. Thirty-six thank-you notes delivered today. -帮我接爱萨克。-36张感谢函今天要送达。

Where is everyone? Why is no one working? -大伙哪去了。-怎么没人在工作。

Get me Demarchelier. 帮我接达马克利。

I have Miranda Priestly calling for... Okay. 这是米兰达打来要找.. 好。

I have Patrick. 他在线上。

[Sighs] Thank God it's Friday, right? 终于到星期五了。

At least Miranda will be in Miami, so we don't have to be on call this weekend. 至少米兰达是在迈阿密 这个周末可以自由啦。

You know, my dad's coming in from Ohio. 我爸要从俄亥俄州过来这。

Yeah, we're gonna go out to dinner, maybe see Chicago. 我们要一起吃饭 也许会去看芝加哥的歌舞剧。

You doing anything fun this weekend? 这周末你有计划吗。

Yes. 有啊。

[Andy] Yeah, Nate said it was great. 奈特说这里很棒。

He actually... He applied here, but they wanted someone with more experience. 他来应征过 但他们说要有经验的。

Here. Huh? What's this? -拿去。-什么。

I don't want you to get behind on your rent. 我不希望你付不出房租。

Dad, how did you... It's... -老爸 你怎会知.. -是..

I'm gonna kill Mom. [Chuckles]. 我要把老妈宰了。

Dad, thank you. 爸 谢谢你。

Mm-hmm. 嗯。

It's really good to see you. You too, honey. -真高兴见到你。-我也是 宝贝。

So, you want to start grilling me now... 所以 你现在就要开始逼供呢。

or should we wait till after dinner? 还是吃完饭后再说。

I thought I'd let you at least enjoy the bread basket first. 我想先让你安心吃完面包再说吧。 No, no, no. It's okay. Go right ahead. 没事的 来吧。

We're just a little worried, honey. 我们是有点担心。

We get e-mails from you at your office at 2:00 a. m. 收到你凌晨两点从办公室发的邮件。 Your pay is terrible. You don't get to write anything. 薪水又差 又没时间写东西。

Hey, that's not fair. 这样说不公平吧。

I wrote those e-mails. 我有写邮件啊。

I'm just trying to understand why someone who got accepted to Stanford Law... 我只是想了解 为何一个为了想当个记者。

turns it down to be a journalist, and now you're not even doing that. 而回绝史丹佛大学的人 现在却在做这个呢。

Dad, you have to trust me. 老爸 你要相信我。

Being Miranda's assistant opens a lot of doors. 身为米兰达的助理 可以打开好多门的。

Emily is going to Paris with Miranda in a few months... 艾密利过几个月要跟米兰达去巴黎。 and she's gonna meet editors and writers from every important magazine. 他会碰到所有重要杂志的编辑跟作者。

And in a year, that could be me. 一年过后 就可能轮到我了。

All right? Mm-hmm. -好吗。-嗯。

Dad, I swear, this is my break. 爸 我发誓 这是我的机会。

This is my... my chance. [Cell Phone Ringing]. 千载难逢的良机。

This is my boss. 是我老板。

I'm sorry, Dad. I have to take this. Take it. Take it. -很抱歉 我得要接。-接啊。

Hello. Miranda? My flight has been canceled. -哈罗 米兰达。-我的班机被取消了。 It's some absurd weather problem. 为了荒谬的天气问题。

I need to get home tonight. The twins have a recital tomorrow morning at school. 我今晚非得回去 姊妹花明早在学校有独奏会。

What? At school! -什么。-在学校。

Absolutely. Let me see what I can do. Good. -没问题 我来想想办法。-好。

Hi. Um, I know this is totally last minute... 嗨 我知道有点紧急。

but I was hoping that you could maybe get a flight for my boss... 不知你能否帮我老板搞张机票。

from Miami to New York tonight? 今晚从迈阿密飞纽约。

Uh... 啊。

[Dad] It's right here. Thank you. [Andy] Yeah, any kind ofjet. -这是这 谢谢。-任何一班机都行。 From Miami to New York. Thank you. -从迈阿密飞纽约。-谢谢。

Yup, I need it tonight. I need it... Ow! -没错 今晚就要。-喔。

I thought you were going out the other... Sweetie! No. -我以为你会.. -甜心。

It's over here, honey. Tonight. -是在这里。-今晚。

Hi. I'm trying to get a flight tonight... for tonight... from Miami to New York. 我想订今晚从迈阿密飞纽约的班机。

Yes, I know there's a hurricane. 是的 我知道那里正在刮飓风。

Nothing is flying out? What do you mean, nothing is flying out? 你说什么 没有任何一班飞机起飞。

It's for Miranda Priestly, and I know that she's a client of yours. 这是为米兰达啊 他可是你们重要的客户喔。

Yes. Yes, hi. I need a jet tonight from Miami to New York. 是的 我需要一架喷射机今晚从迈阿密飞纽约。

Yeah. Sorry. Hold on. Hello? Miranda, hi. 抱歉 等等 哈罗 米兰达。

I'm trying to get you a flight, but no one is flying out because of the weather. 我正在想办法 但因为天气因素 没人起飞。

Please. It's just... I don't know... drizzling. 拜托喔 不过是下点小雨嘛。

[Thunderclap] Someone must be getting out. 总有人会起飞的吧。

Call Donatella. Get her jet. 打给堂娜泰拉 用他的飞机。

Call everybody else that we know that has a jet. Irv? 打给所有认识而且有私人飞机的人。 Call every... This is your responsibi... This is yourjob. 这是你的责任 你的工作。

Get me home. 让我回家。

Oh, my God! She's going to murder me. 天啊 他真是在谋杀我。

What does she want you to do, call the National Guard and have her airlifted out of there? 他想你怎样 要海防队从空中吊着他回来吗。

Of course not. Could I do that? 当然不 可以吗。

Come on. 拜托啊。

Come on. 天啊。

The girls' recital was absolutely wonderful. 姊妹花的独奏会实在美极了。

They played Rachmaninoff. Everyone loved it. 弹了拉赫曼尼诺夫的作品 大家都喜欢极了。 Everyone except me... 除了我。

because, sadly, I was not there. 因为 很遗憾的 我不在现场。

Miranda, I'm so sorry. 米兰达 我真的很抱歉。

Do you know why I hired you? 你知道我用你的原因吗。

I always hire the same girl... 我一直用同样的女孩。

stylish, slender, of course... 时髦 纤细 当然..

worships the magazine. 崇拜这本杂志的。

But so often, they turn out to be... 但最后总是 会变成..

I don't know... disappointing and, um... 不知道 让人失望吧。

stupid. 而且愚蠢。

So you, with that impressive resume... 然后你呢 带着出色的履历。

and the big speech about your so-called work ethic... 还有那篇工作道德的演说。

I, um... I thought you would be different. 我以为 或许你会不同。

I said to myself, go ahead. 就对自己说 好吧。

Take a chance. 试试看吧。

Hire the smart, fat girl. 就用这个聪明的胖女生吧。

[Clears Throat] I had hope. 我曾经满怀希望的。

My God. I live on it. 我靠希望而活着的。

Anyway, you ended up disappointing me more than, um... 结果你比那些所有的笨女孩。 more than any of the other silly girls. 更加令我失望。

Um, I really did everything I could think of. 我真的想尽了一切办法。

Uh... That's all. 就这样吧。

Excuse me! Where do you think you're going? 对不起 你想去哪里。

She hates me, Nigel. 他恨我 耐吉。

And that's my problem because... 而这是我的问题 因为..

Oh, wait. No, it's not my problem. 等等 这根本不是我的问题啊。

I don't know what else I can do because if I do something right, it's unacknowledged. 我不知还能怎么做 做的对 跟没事一样。

She doesn't even say thank you. 他连个谢谢都不会说。

But if I do something wrong, she is vicious. 但要是没做好呢 他就非常恶毒。

So quit. What? -那就辞职啊。-什么。

Quit. Quit? -辞职啊。-辞职。

I can get another girl to take your job in five minutes... one who really wants it. 我五分钟就能找到非常想要你工作的女孩。

No, I don't want to quit. That's not fair. 我不想辞职啊 这不公平。

But, you know, I'm just saying that I would just like a little credit... 我不过想说 总是该有点功劳吧。

for the fact that I'm killing myself trying. 毕竟我这么努力尝试过了。

Andy, be serious. 安蒂 认真点好吗。

You are not trying. 你根本没尽力。

You are whining. L... -你只是在抱怨。-我..

What is it that you want me to say to you, huh? 你想要我对你说什么。

Do you want me to say, " Poor you. Miranda's picking on you. Poor you. Poor Andy"? 像是 可怜的家伙 米兰达太挑剔了 可怜的安蒂。

Hmm? Wake up, six. 醒醒吧 六号。

She's just doing herjob. 他在做他的工作。

Don't you know that you are working at the place... 难道你不知道自己是在个..

that published some of the greatest artists of the century? 发表过本世纪许多伟大艺术家的地方上班吗。

Halston, Lagerfeld, de la Renta. 哈尔斯顿 拉格菲 迪拉伦塔。

And what they did, what they created... 他们所做的 所创造的。

was greater than art because you live your life in it. 比艺术更伟大 你为你活在其中。 Well, not you, obviously, but some people. 显然你不是啦 但很多人是的。

You think this is just a magazine, hmm? 你以为这只是本杂志吗。

This is not just a magazine. 这不光是本杂志。

This is a shining beacon of hope for... 这是希望之源..

oh, I don't know... 怎么说呢。

let's say a young boy growing up in Rhode Island with six brothers... 像是有个小男生跟六个兄弟一起在罗德岛长大。

pretending to go to soccer practice when he was really going to sewing class... 明明去参加缝纫班 却骗说去踢足球。

and reading Runway under the covers at night with a flashlight. 半夜拿着手电筒躲在被窝里看Runway。

You have no idea how many legends have walked these halls. 你不了解有多少传奇人物在这通道走过。

And what's worse, you don't care. 更糟的是 你根本不在乎。

Because this place, where so many people would die to work... 有多少人愿意奉献一生来这工作。

you only deign to work. 对你 这不过是样工作。

And you want to know why she doesn't kiss you on the forehead... 你想知道他为何不会亲吻你额头。

and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day. 然后在下班时给你个金星奖章。

Wake up, sweetheart. 醒醒吧 甜心。

Okay. So I'm screwing it up. Mmm. -好啦 我搞砸了。-嗯。

I don't want to. 我也不想啊。

I just wish that I knew what I could do to... 我只想知道我还能做什么..

[Sighs] Nigel? Hmm? -耐吉。-嗯。

Nigel, Nigel. 耐吉。

No. 不行。

I don't know what you expect me to do. 我真不懂你希望我做什么。

There's nothing in this whole closet that'll fit a size six. 这整个衣柜没有一件是六号能穿的。 I can guarantee you. 我跟你保证。

These are all sample sizes... two and four. 这里全都是2号跟4号的样品。

All right. We're doing this for you. And... A poncho? -好吧 就算是帮你吧。-披肩吗。 You'll take what I give you and you'll like it. 我给你什么就是什么 你会喜欢的。

We're doing this Dolce for you. Hmm! -这件D&G的吧。-嗯。

And shoes. 还有鞋子。

Jimmy Choo's. Hmm. -吉米朱的。-嗯。

Manolo Blahnik. Wow. -马诺罗 布拉尼克的。-哇。

Nancy Gonzalez. Love that. 南西冈萨雷斯 我喜欢这个。

Okay, Narciso Rodriguez. This we love. 那西索 罗德列哥 这个也很好。

Uh, it might fit. It might. What? -可能穿的下 应该可以。-怎样啦。

Okay. Now, Chanel. You're in desperate need of Chanel. Darling, shall we? 轮到香奈儿了 你迫切需要香奈儿 来吧。

We have to get to the beauty department, and God knows how long that's going to take. 还得要去化妆部门 天知道要花多少时间。

I mean, I have no idea why Miranda hired her. 我真不懂米兰达到底看上你什么。

Me neither. The other day, we were in the beauty department. 我也不懂 前几天 我们在化妆部门。

She held up the Shu Uemura eyelash curler and said, "What is this? ". 他拿起植村秀的睫毛器问

我 这是什么。

I just knew from the moment I saw her... 我一看到他当时我就知道..

she was going to be a complete and utter disas... 他肯定会是场大灾...

[Phone Rings] Miranda Priestly's office. 米兰达办公室。

No, actually, she's not available, but I'll leave word. 他现在不方便接电话 要留言吗。 Okay, thanks. Bye. [Clears Throat]. 好 谢谢 再见。

How did... [Grunts]. 你怎..

Are you wearing the... The Chanel boots? -你穿的是.. -香奈儿的靴子吗。

Yeah, I am. 是啊。

You look good. 看来真不错。

Oh, God. What? -真是的。-怎样。

She does. Oh, shut up, Serena. -他是很漂亮啊。-闭嘴啦 瑟琳娜。

See you guys tomorrow. Good night, man. Take it easy. -明天见啦。-晚安 小心点。 Take care of that finger, huh? 小心手指喔。

So, what do you think? 觉得如何。

Uh, I think we better get out of here... 我想我们最好在我女友发现前。

before my girlfriend sees me. 赶快离开这里。

? [Continues] The gowns are fabulous. 衣服美极了。

Mm-hmm. We're gonna use the burgundy. 嗯 我们会选柏根蒂的葡萄酒。

Gotta find... ? [Ends]. 还有..

So we spent a whole semester on potatoes alone. 光是学个马铃薯条 就花了整整一学期。 You take the fry and squeeze it. 拿起薯条 挤压他。

See how firm that is? Hey. Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. -很结实 是吧。-抱歉我来晚了。 There was a crisis in the accessories department. 饰品部门出了点状况。

I needed to find a python headband. Pythors hot right now. -我得要帮忙找条蟒蛇皮头饰。-蟒蛇皮现正当红。

I have exciting presents for all of you. 我有很棒的礼物给大家。

Are you ready? 准备好了吗。

What is that? It's a Bang & Olufsen phone. -这是什么。-是Bang & Olufsen的电话。 Charlie Rose sent it to Miranda for her birthday. 查理罗斯送给米兰达的生日礼物。 I looked it up on line. It's $1, 100. 我在网上查过了 价值1100块钱。

What? Wow! -什么。-哇。

And I have some products. Mason Pearson hairbrushes. 还有些东西 梅森皮尔森的梳子。

A little Clinique. Ooh! -一点清洁保养品。-喔。

Oh, damn it. I love your job. Oh! One more. -他妈的 我真爱你的工作。-还有啊。

A little thing. [Gasps]. 一个小东西。

Do you want it? You want... Oh. Gimme! Gimme, gimme, gimme! -这你想要吗 喔。-给我 给我。 I think she likes it. Oh, my God! This is the new MarcJacobs! -我想他想要。-天啊 这是马可最新一季的产品啊。

This is sold out everywhere. Where did you get this? 到处都缺货 你去哪弄到的。

Miranda didn't want it, so... 米兰达不想要 所以..

No, no, no, no, no. This bag is, like, $1, 900. I cannot take this from you. 不行 这包包价值至少1900元 我不能收。

[Cackles] Yeah, you can. 可以啦。

Why do women need so many bags? Shut up. -为什么女人需要那么多皮包呢。-闭嘴。

You have one. You put all your junk in it, and that's it. You're done. 买一个皮包 把东西都放进去 不就结了 就够啦。

Fashion is not about utility. 时尚并不是为了使用性。

An accessory is merely a piece of iconography... 一个装饰配件不过是个符号象征。 used to express individual identity. 用来传达个人独特定位的。

Oh! And it's pretty. That too. -而且还很漂亮。-这个也是。

Yeah. But the thing is, it turns out there is more to Runway than just fancy purses. 何况 Runway不是光只有漂亮皮包的。

Look, here's an essay byJay Mclnerney, a piece byJoan Didion. 他有杰麦金的散文 琼安迪恩的文章。

Even an interview with Christiane Amanpour. 甚至还有克利斯丁艾曼波的专访。

Looks like someone's been drinking the Kool-Aid. What do you... -看来有人喝了不少迷汤。-你这是..

[Cell Phone Ringing] I got it. It's... Yup, the Dragon Lady. 我来 没错 是女巫婆。

Oh, Miranda? Let me talk to her. -米兰达啊。-让我接啦。

I need that. I'll tell her to get her own scrambled eggs. -我非接不可的。-我会告诉他 自己去弄炒蛋的。

Lily, no, no, no! Put that thing up! I was gonna answer it! 莉莉 不行 把他给我 得要是我接啦。 It's gonna make... Give me the... phone. 这会让.. 给我.. 电话啦。

[Sputters] Hi, Miranda. 米兰达。

Ooh. Shh. Absolutely. -喔 嘘。-没问题。

Shh! Uh-huh. I'm leaving right now. -嘘。-我马上就去。

You know, you guys didn't have to be such assholes. 你们没必要这么过份的。

Um, excuse me. 对不起喔。

I'm looking forJames Holt. 我想找詹姆斯霍特。

Um, that's him right there. 就在那。

Oh. Thanks. No problem. -喔 谢谢。-不客气。

I put my stuff out there, and I pray they improve. Really? -我把东西放在那 然后祈祷他会改良。-真的吗。

Excuse me. Hi. -对不起。-嗨。

I'm Andy. I'm picking up for Miranda Priestly. 我是安蒂 帮米兰达来拿东西的。

Oh, yes. You must be the new Emily. 是啊 你一定是新来的艾密莉。

[Chuckling] Nice to meet you. 高兴认识你。

Oh, let me see that bag. Very, very nice. Ah. -让我看看你包包 很漂亮啊。-啊。

Distressed, studded leather, pieced by hand, finished with a metallic fringe. 紧压装饰钉的皮革 完全手工 金属镶边。

[Clicks Tongue] Very nice, indeed. Who made that fantastic thing? 真的很不错 谁做的。 You. 你。

Hmm. Duh. This way. 嗯 答对了 往这走。

Uh, here we go. 拿去吧。

It's a sketch of Miranda's dress for the benefit. 这是米兰达慈善晚宴服的草图。

Also the centerpiece of my spring collection. Top secret stuff. 也是我明年春装的重头戏 最高机密。

I'll guard it with my life. Please do. -我会用生命来保护他的。-麻烦一定要。

Come on. You're working for Miranda Priestly now. 来吧 你帮米兰达工作。

You must be in desperate need of hard liquor. 一定急需点烈酒。

Excuse us, girls. 抱歉啦。

She'll have the punch. 给他来点调酒。

It's deadly. Have fun. 很厉害的 玩开心点。

He's right, you know. Hmm? -他说的对喔。-什么。

The punch. I drank it atJames's last party. 这调酒啊 在他上次的派对我试过了。

I woke up in Hoboken wearing nothing but a poncho and a cowboy hat. 结果醒来时只穿着一件披肩跟牛仔帽。

? [Continues] Ah. Well. 这样啊。

Wise. [Chuckling]. 聪明。

Uh, hi. Christian Thompson. -嗨。-克里斯 汤普森。

Christian Thompson? You're kidding. 克里斯 汤普森 你在开玩笑吧。

No, you're... You write for, like, every magazine I love. 我是说 所有我最爱的杂志 你都发表过文章。

I actually... I reviewed your collection of essays for my college newspaper. 我在学校报纸上评论过你的散文集。

Did you mention my good looks and my killer charm? 你有提到我的帅气跟迷人魅力吗。 No, but... What do you do? -没有 但.. -你做什么的。

Oh. Well, I want to work for somewhere like The New Yorker or Vanity Fair. 我希望能在纽约客或浮华世界之类的杂志上班。

I am a writer too. Is that right? -我也是个作家。-是吗。

Mm-hmm. I should read your stuff. Why don't you send it over? -嗯。-我该看看你的作品 送过来给我吧 如何。

Yeah? 可以吗。

That would be... Thank you. That would be great. [Giggling]. 真是太好了 谢谢你。

But actually, right now, I'm working as Miranda Priestly's assistant. 但是 我现在是米兰达的助理。

Oh, you're kidding. Well, that's too bad. 你开玩笑吧 那真是太惨了。

That's... Whoa. You'll never survive Miranda. 那简直是.. 你斗不过他的。

Excuse me? Well, you seem nice, smart. -什么。-你看来是个乖巧的人。

You can't do that job. 这工作你做不来的。

Gotta go. 我要走了。

Okay. 好吧。

Well, it was very, very nice to meet you, Miranda girl. 很高兴认识你 米兰达女孩。 Emily? 艾密莉。

Call James Holt's office. Tell them I want to move the preview up to today at 12:30. 打给詹姆斯霍特办公室。说我想把预演提早到今天中午12点半。

Tell everybody else. Be ready to leave in half an hour. 也告诉所有人 半小时内出发。

But we're not expected until Tuesday. Did she say why? 不是说好是星期二吗 他说了为什么吗。

Yes. Yeah, she explained every detail of her decision making. 有 他详细解释过他的决策过程了。

And then we brushed each other's hair and gabbed about American Idol. 然后还彼此帮忙梳梳头发 聊聊偶像剧。

I see your point. 好啦 我懂啦。

[Andy] what's a preview anyway? Good morning, Miranda. -预演是什么啊。-早啊 米兰达。

[Nigel] Miranda insists upon seeing all the designers'collections... 米兰达坚持要在设计师正式发表前..

before they show them. 看过所有的作品。

Great to see you. Hello, James. -高兴见到你。-哈罗 詹姆斯。

[Andy] And she tells them what she thinks? [Nigel] In her way. -然后他会表示自己的看法。-用他的方法。

Uh, this season really began for me with a meditation... 这一季的作品 是由一次冥想中启发的..

on the intersection between East and west. 就在东西文化的交界。

[Nigel] There's a scale. One nod is good. Two nods is very good. 有个标准 点一次头是好 两次是很好。

There's only been one actual smile on record, and that was Tom Ford in 2001. 纪录中只出现过一次真正的微笑 是在20xx年的汤姆福特。

An obi belt. 和服腰带。

[Nigel] She doesn't like it, she shakes her head. 要是不喜欢 他就会摇头。

This is the dress that we have designed specifically and exclusively for you. 这是我们特地为你量身打造设计的衣服。

[Nigel] Then, of course, there's the pursing of the lips. 当然 还有噘嘴。

[Andy] Which means? 是表示..

[Nigel] Catastrophe. 大灾难。

[Whispers] Just, uh... Just go. 下去吧。

I just don't understand. I'm appalled. It's absurd. Appalled. -我真不懂 简直吓坏了。-太荒谬了 令人震惊。

You deal with it. I'll talk to him. -你去处理吧。-我会跟他说的。

So because she pursed her lips, he's gonna change his entire collection? 就因为她嗟了嘴 他就必须改变整季的衣服吗。

You still don't get it, do you? 你还是没搞懂 是吧。

Her opinion is the only one that matters. 他的意见就是唯一重要的意见。

Call my husband and confirm dinner. At Pastis? Done. -打给我先生确认今晚的饭局。-在帕提斯餐厅吗 没问题。

And I'll need a change of clothes. 我还得要换件衣服。

Well, I've already messengered your outfit over to the shoot. 我已经派人送到拍摄现场了。 Fine. And, Andrea, I would like you to deliver the Book to my home tonight. 好 还有安德雅 我要你今晚把圣经送来我家。

Have Emily give you the key. Mm-hmm. -让艾密莉把钥匙交给你。-嗯。

Guard this with your life. Of course. -用生命保护他。-当然。

You know, if I can deliver the Book, that means I must have done something right. 如果我能送圣经 就表示我一定作对什么了。

I'm not a psycho. 我不是个疯子。

Oh, and, you know, she called me Andrea? 还有啊 他叫我安德雅。

I mean, she didn't call me Emily, which is... Isn't that great? 不是艾密莉 真是太好了。 Yeah, whoopee. Right. 是啊。

Now, it's very important that you do exactly what I'm about to tell you. 你一定要完全照着我的话去做。

Oh. Okay. 好。

[Emily] The Book is assembled by 10:00, 10:30... 圣经会在十点或十点半准备好。 and you must wait around for it until then. 你一定要待在这里等着 直到拿到为止。

You will be delivering Miranda's dry cleaning with the Book. 连同米兰达干洗好的衣服一同送去。

Now, the car will take you straight to Miranda's townouse. 司机会直接送你到他家楼下。 You let yourself in. 开门进去。

Andrea. You do not talk to anyone. 记着 绝对不能跟任何人交谈。

Do not look at anyone. 也不准看任何人。

This is of the utmost importance. You must be invisible. 最重要的 你要跟个隐形人一样。 Do you understand? Uh-huh. -听懂了吗。-嗯。

You open the door and you walk across the foyer. 进门之后 穿过门厅。

You hang the dry cleaning in the closet across from the staircase. 把干洗衣物放进楼梯对面的衣橱。

Uh... And you leave the Book on the table with the flowers. -啊。-然后把圣经放在摆了花的桌子上。

Shit! [Girl] It's that door to the left. -糟了。-左边那扇门啦。

Okay. 好。

[Whispers] Thank you. 谢谢。

You can give the Book to us. Shh. Which... Which table? -你可以把圣经交给我们。-嘘 哪张桌子啊。

It's okay. Come on up. No, I can't. I can't. -没事的 上来吧。-不行 我不行的。

What? It's okay. Come on. -什么 没事的。-来啊。

Yeah, come on. It's okay. Please stop talking. -对啊 没问题啦。-别再说话了。

Or you can bring the Book upstairs. Emily does it all the time. 要不你把圣经带上来啊 艾密莉都这样做的。

She does? Right. She does, all the time. 是嘛 是啊。经常都这样的。

Yeah? Okay. 是吗 好吧。

[Miranda] what did you expect me to do, walk out in the middle of a cover shoot? 你要我怎么办呢 在封面拍摄一半中途离席。

[Man] I rushed out of an investment committee meeting... 我从个投资委员会中急忙离开。 and I sat there waiting for you for almost an hour. 然后坐在那等了你一个小时。

I told you the cell phones didn't work. Nobody could get a signal out. 我说过手机不通 哪里完全没讯号。

[Man] I knew what everyone in that restaurant was thinking... 我知道餐厅里每个人在想什么.. there he is, waiting for her again. 又是他 又在等他老婆了。

Okay, okay! Okay, okay. Oh, no. Shh! -好啦 好啦。-你死定了。

It really wasn't that big a deal. I promise. 没什么大不了的 我发誓。

The twins said hello, so I said hello back. 姊妹花跟我打招呼 我回应了。

Then I went up the stairs to give her the Book and... You went upstairs? -然后我上楼把圣经交给


Oh, my God. Why didn't you just climb into bed with her and ask for a bedtime story? 天啊 你怎不爬上他的床 要他说个故事给你听。

Okay, I made a mistake. I know. 我犯了个错 我懂。

Andrea, you don't understand. 安德雅 你完全不懂。

If you get fired, that might jeopardize Paris for me. 如果你被炒了 会危及到我的巴黎之行的。 If that happens, I will search every Blimpie's in the tristate area until I track you down. 真要这样 我翻遍全国也要追杀到你的。

She's gonna fire me? 他会炒我吗。

I don't know. She's not happy. 我不知道 他很不高兴。

[Miranda] Andrea? 安德雅。

Miranda, about last night, I... 米兰达 昨晚的事 我..

I need the new Harry Potter book for the twins. 姊妹花要哈利波特的新书。

Okay. Okay. I'll go down to Barnes & Noble right now. 好 我马上去书店买。

Did you fall down and smack your little head on the pavement? 你是摔跤 撞坏了脑袋 还是怎样。

Not that I can recall. 应该没有吧。

We have all the published Harry Potter books. The twins want to know what happens next. 所有发行过的哈利波特我们都有了。姊妹花想知道之后的剧情。

You want the unpublished manuscript? 你要还没发行的样搞。

We know everyone in publishing. It shouldn't be a problem, should it? 其他我们都有啦 这该不会是个问题吧 会吗。

And you can do anything, right? 你什么事都行的 不是吗。

Yes, Bobbsey. I know, baby. 宝贝 我知道。

Mommy's working very hard to get it for you. 妈咪正在很努力的帮你找。

She doesn't get it. 他没搞懂。

I could call frickirJ. K. Rowling herself. I'm not gonna get a copy of that book. 就算我打给JK罗琳本人 也拿不到的。

My girls are leaving on the train for their grandmother's at 4:00... 姊妹花下午四点要搭火车去祖母家。

so the book better be here no later than 3:00. 所以书最好在三点前准备好。

Of course! And I would like my steak here in 15 minutes. -当然。-我的牛排要在15分钟内准备好。

No problem! [Panting]. 没问题。

Okay. I have four hours to get the impossible manuscript. 所以我有4个小时来搞到那本书。 Smith & Wollensky's doesn't open until 11:30. How am I gonna get the steak? 牛排馆11点半才开门 我去哪弄牛排啊。

Okay. I will be back in 15 minutes. 好 我15分钟内回来。

Wish me luck! No. Shart. -祝我好运。-我才不会。

Yes, yes, yes, yes. I've been on hold. It's for Miranda Priestly. 是的 我还在线上 这是米兰达要的。

It's very important. 非常重要的。

Yes, I know it's impossible to get... 是 我知道这很困难。

but, well, I was wondering if you could make the impossible possible... 但 不知是否能化不可能


if that's at all possible. [Laughing]. 如果可能的话。

Yes, I'm calling about the Harry Potter manuscript. 我想问关于哈利波特样稿的事。 Uh, no. Unpublished. 不 是还没出版的。

Not a chance? 不可能。

Tell her that it's for Miranda Priestly. 告诉他是米兰达要的。

'Cause I think it makes a difference. 这样或许会有差吧。

Let me call you back. 我再打给你。

You probably don't remember me. We met atJames Holt's party. 或许你不记得我了 我们在詹姆斯派对上见过。

I'm Miranda Priestly's assistant. 我是米兰达的助理。

The Harry Potter manuscript? Oh, you're kidding. 哈利波特的样稿 你在开玩笑吧。 Uh, sorry to ask, but I'm desperate. 抱歉这样来问你 但我走投无路了。

Just tell her it can't be done. You'll have to come up with a Plan "B. ". 就老实告诉他不可能啊 你要有个B计划。

Well, this is Miranda Priestly we're talking about. 我们说的可是米兰达啊。

There is no Plan "B. " There's only Plan "A. ". 不能有B计划 永远只有A计划。

Is she back? Am I fired? 他回来了吗 我被炒了吗。

I rarely say this to people who aren't me... 除了自己 我很少对人这样说。

but you have got to calm down. 你得要冷静点。

Bloody hell! 搞什么嘛。

Coat, bag. 外套 皮包。

What's that? Oh, I don't want that. I'm having lunch with Irv. 这是什么 我不要这个 我要跟拉维斯吃饭去。

I'll be back at 3:00. I'd like my Starbucks waiting. 我3点前会回来 记得我的星巴克。

Oh, and if you don't have that Harry Potter book by then... 喔 如果在那之前你没拿到哈利波特的话。

don't even bother coming back. 你就不用回来了。

Hello. 哈罗。

Quit? Are you sure? 辞职 你确定吗。

I failed. She's gonna fire me anyway. 我失败了 他横竖要炒了我。

I might as well beat her to the punch. Wow. -还不如先还击。-喔。

Andy, good for you. Congratulations. You're free. 安蒂 太好了 恭喜你自由啦。

Yeah. Well, listen, I'll call you later. Okay. -是啊 我待会再打给你。-好。

[Line Clicks, Phone Rings] Hello. 哈罗。

I'm brilliant. No, really. 我真是厉害 说真的。

Monuments should be erected in my honor. You didn't. -真该为我立个雕像的。-不会吧。 Oh, yes. A friend of a friend does the cover art... 没错 一个朋友的朋友正在设计封面。 and she happens to have the manuscript. 他刚好有样稿。

Oh, no, 'cause that would mean that I actually did something right. 那一定表示我真作对了什么事情。

[Chuckles] It's just... Oh! 这.. 真是。

The thing is, Christian, I was just... 事实上 克里斯 我刚才正..

Look, you want this thing, you better hurry. I'll meet you at the St. Regis. 想要的话 你最好快点


Excuse me. [Horn Honks]. 抱歉。

Welcome to the St. Regis. May I assist you with anything? Oh. Yes. -欢迎光临 需要帮忙吗。-是的。

Uh, I'm meeting someone at the King Cole Bar. Right this way. -我在酒吧约好了人见面。-往这里。

Hi. 嗨。

You have one hour. Thank you. -你有一个小时。-谢谢。

One copy. What are my twins gonna do with that? Share? 只有一本 那姊妹花要怎么办 抢着看吗。

Oh, no, I made two copies... 不 我准备了两本。

and had them covered, reset and bound so that they wouldn't look like manuscripts. 装上封面 贴上侧条 这样才不会像样稿了。

This is an extra copy to have on file. You know, just in case. 这是留底的一本 预防万一嘛。 Well, where are these fabulous copies? I don't see them anywhere. 那这完美的两本书呢 我怎没看到。

[Andy] They're with the twins, on the train on the way to Grandma's. 在姊妹花手上 正在往祖母家的火车上读呢。

Is there anything else I can do for you? 还有什么事要我做的吗。

Mm-mmm. That's all. 嗯 就这样吧。

Okay. 好。

Hey. -Hey. I went to Dean & Deluca. -嗨。-我去了Dean & Deluca。

Man, they charge, like, five dollars a strawberry there. 天啊 一个草莓要五块钱啊。 But I figure since you quit your job…. 但我想既然你要辞职了..

we should celebrate. 该好好庆祝一下。

-Listen, Nate. -Wait a minute. -奈特。-等一下。

You quit your job, but you're still working on the twins' science project? 你辞职了 却还在帮姊妹花作科学作业。

You quit your job, but you're still working on the twins' science project? 你辞职了 却还在帮姊妹花作科学作业。 . 你辞职了 却还在帮姊妹花作科学作业。

Well, that's big of you. 你可真是好心啊。

Okay, after we talked, I realized…. 在我们谈完后 我突然领悟到..

it doesn't make sense throwing away all those months ofhard work. 这么多个月的心血就这样放弃 实在没道理。

I just had a moment of weakness, that's all. 我只是刚好碰到个脆弱的时刻 没什么。

Yeah, well, either that, or your job sucks and your boss is a wacko. 是啊 要不然就是你工作很烂 老板又是个疯子。

All right. Whatever. It's your job. 随你便啊 反正是你的工作。

Nate. 奈特。

Come on. 别这样嘛。

I'm still the same person I was. 我还是一样的我啊。

I still want the same things. Okay? 我的心愿跟理想都没变啊。

-Mm-hmm. -I promise. Same Andy, better clothes. -嗯。-我保证 一样的安蒂 只是衣服漂亮多了。

-[Giggles] -I like the old clothes. 我喜欢你的旧衣服。

Really? 是吗。

Well, what about these necklaces? Do you like them? 那这项链呢 你喜欢吗。

No? And this dress, it's new. 不喜欢啊 这衣服呢 新的喔。

Eh. 喔。

Well, there is one other thing that's new…. 还有一件东西 也是新的。

that I thought you might like. 我认为你会喜欢。

But, uh… What about this? 但.. 你觉得呢。

You don't like it. I should better do…. 你不喜欢 那我只好..

No, no, no, no. 不 不。

Is this number two look? This is number two? 这是2号吗。

-Hi. -Hi. All right. Turn around for me, darling. -嗨。-好啦 转个身我看看。

Oh, I get it. I get it. I get it. 喔 我知道了。

The piece is called "urban jungle, '"right? 这就是 都市丛林 的专题。

Yes, the modern woman unleashes the animal within to take on the big city. 是的 现代女性解放心中的野性 好征服大城市。

[Growls] Good. Go. 好 来吧。

[Sighs] Sometimes I can't believe I talk about this crap all day. 有时我真不能相信自己整天都在说这些废话。

-Bobby, come here. Let me see. -Oh, thank you. -包比 过来 我看看。-喔 谢谢。

-Make sure Miranda gets these as soon as possible. -Mm-hmm. -一定要让米兰达尽快的拿到。-嗯。

And tell her I switched in the Dior for the Rocha. 告诉他我把迪奥的东西换进来了。 -Oh, great. Can't wait. -Excuse me. -喔 太好了 等不及想看他的反应。-对不起。

-Can we adjust the attitude? -I'm sorry. -放尊重点好吗。-很抱歉。

-Don't make me feed you to one of the models. -I'm sorry. -别让我拿你去喂这些模特儿。-很抱歉嘛。

It's a busy day. 今天好忙。

My personal life is hanging by a thread, that's all. 我的私生活都快完蛋了。

Join the club. That's what happens when you start doing well at work, darling. 欢迎加入啊 工作顺利时 就是这样的。

Join the club. That's what happens when you start doing well at work, darling. 欢迎加入啊 工作顺利时 就是这样的。 . 欢迎加入啊 工作顺利时 就是这样的。

Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. 等你整个生活都完蛋时 再来通知我。 That means it's time for a promotion. 这就表示该升官了。

No. All right, February, back of the issue. 好吧 二月号 杂志的封背。

Did anybody speak with Salma's people yet? 有人跟萨玛海耶克的人谈过了吗。

Yes, but she'd rather do a summer cover because she has a movie coming out. 有 但他希望拍夏天的封面 因为他有电影要推出。

No. Also, I'm pulling the Toobin piece on the Supreme Court women…. 不行。还有我要撤下图宾那篇关于法院女人们的报导。

woman. 是女人 没有们。

And I need to see a new draft on that piece…. 我还要看到找整形医生的那篇。

about shopping for a plastic surgeon… It's dull. 新的大纲草稿 实在太无聊了。

And this layout for the winter wonderland spread. 至于冬季乐园的跨页 美工编排..

Not wonderful yet. 还不够欢乐。

Oh, okay. L-I'll look at it. 好 我来看看。

What about Testino? Where are we on that? Testino呢 进行到哪里了。

Zac Posers doing some very sculptural suits. 柴克正在设计非常有雕塑感的套装。

So I suggested that, uh, Testino shoot them at the Noguchi Garden. 所以我建议在Noguchi花园拍Testino的专题。

Perfect. 很好。

Thank God somebody came to work today. 总算今天是有人来上班的。

What about accessories for April? 那四月号的配件部分呢。

One thought I had was enamel. Um, bangles, pendants, earrings. 我有个想法是珐琅 手镯啦 坠子啦 耳环啦。

No. We did that two years ago. What else? 不好 这两年前我们就做过了 还有呢。

Um, well, they're showing a lot of florals right now, so I was thinking…. 他们正在展示好多花 所以我在想..

Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking. 花 在春天 真是惊天动地的创意。

But we thought about shooting them in an industrial space. 但我们想在工厂内拍摄。

We thought the contrast between the femininity of the florals…. 充满女性温柔的花 跟粗矿的背景。

and the more raw, rough-hewn background would create this wonderful tension between…. 所造成的强烈反差 会展现出美好的张力。

-No. -Which? -不好。-哪样。

-No. -Which? -不好。-哪样。

-[Emily Coughing] -No. 都不好。

Does anybody else have anything I can possibly use? 还有什么我能用的上的吗。

Antibacterial wipes perhaps? 例如像杀菌的湿纸巾。

-How's the cold doing? -Like death warmed up actually. -感冒还好吗。-就像加了温的死亡一样。

[Sniffles] Oh, God. 天啊。

It's the benefit tonight. I've been looking forward to it for months. 今晚就是慈善晚会了 我期待了好几个月。

I refuse to be sick. I'm wearing Valentino, for crying out loud. 我拒绝生病 无论如何 我都要穿着范伦铁诺的衣服。

Right. Well, everybody will be leaving soon to get ready…. 好啦 为了今晚 大家都要回去准备了。

so I suggest you go and drop Miranda's Fendi bag off at the showroom…. 你可以把米兰达的Fendi包送去展示间。

and then I suppose you can just go home. 然后就可以下班了。

Yeah? Oh, well, that is great. Perfect actually. 是吗 真是太棒了。

I need to get to Magnolia Bakery before it closes. It's Nate's birthday tonight. 我得在木兰花面包店关门前赶到 今天是奈特的生日。

So we're, uh, having a little party for him. 要开个小小的派对。

Yeah, I'm hearing this, and I wanna hear this. 我听见这个 但我想听那个。

Bye. 再见。

I love my job. I love my job. I love my job. 我真爱我的工作。

Hello? 哈罗。

Before the benefit tonight, I need to make sure…. 在晚会开始之前 我要确定。

that you're both fully prepped on the guest list. 你们两个充分记好了宾客的名单。

But I thought that only the first assistant went to the benefit. 但我以为只有第一助理才能参加。 Only when the first assistant hasn't decided to become…. 那是当第一助理没让自己变成.. an incubus of viral plague. 病毒瘟疫的梦靥之前。

You'll come and help Emily. 你要来帮忙艾密莉。

-That's all. -Right. -就这样吧。-好。

These are all of the guests. Miranda invites everyone. 这就是所有的宾客 米兰达邀请了每一个人。

We have to make sure that they all think she knows exactly who they are. 我们要让宾客觉得米兰达完全知道他是谁。

And I've been studying for weeks. 我已经研读了好几星期。

I have to learn all these by tonight? 我得要在今晚之前看完这些吗。

No, don't be silly, Andrea. These too. 别傻了 安德雅 还有这些。

Look, you better just start without me, okay? I'll get there as soon as I can. 你自己慢慢看啊 我会尽快赶到现场的。

Andy, come on, it's his birth…. 安蒂 这是他的生日啊。

Okay, but hurry. 好吧 但要快点。

Oh, please, believe me, I will. This is the last thing that I wanna…. 相信我 我会的 我最不愿做的事就是..

Ooh, I love that. Uh, I'll call you the second I'm leaving, okay? 我喜欢这个 我一离开就打给你 好吗。

-Will that fit me? -Oh, yeah. -我能穿吗。-当然。

A little Crisco and some fishing line, and we're in business. 用点钓鱼线加点手工 就成啦。 Well, nothing really. I mean, this is…. 没什么大不了了 不过是..

I mean, really, this is the social event of the season. 本季最盛大的社交场合。

Oh, oh, my God. Andy, you look so chic. 天啊 安蒂 你真亮丽。

Oh, thanks, Em. You look so thin. 谢啦 你看来好苗条喔。

-Do I? -Yeah. -真的吗。-是啊。

Oh, it's for Paris. I'm on this new diet. 为了巴黎 我正在节食。

It's very effective. Well, I don't eat anything. 非常有效 我什么东西都不吃的。

And then when I feel like I'm about to faint, I eat a cube of cheese. 然后在觉得快晕倒时 就吃块起士。

-Well, it's definitely working. -I know. -显然非常有效。-我知道。

I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight. 再加上个肠胃炎 我的目标就达到了。 That's John Folger, the new artistic director of the Chelsea Rep. 这是约翰福葛 Chelsea Rep的新任艺术总监。

-John, thanks for coming. -Hey there. -约翰 谢谢你来。-你好。

-[John] Oh, thank you. It's always nice seeing you. -Stop fidgeting. -谢谢 每次见到你都很开心。-别抖了。

I'm sorry. I'm so late. 抱歉 我实在太迟了。

Just deal with it. You have to be here. 想办法解决吧 你得待在这。

Emily, come here. 艾密莉 过来。

Isn't thatJacqueline Follet from French Runway? 那不是法国Runway的贾克琳福雷吗。 Oh, my God, and Miranda hates her. 天啊 米兰达恨死他了。

She was supposed to arrive after Miranda left. 他该在米兰达离开后才到的。

-I didn't… Oh. -Yeah. -我不..

-Miranda, fabulous event as always. -You brought Jacqueline. -米兰达 跟往常一样盛大啊。-你把贾克琳带来了。

-Surprise. -Quelle surprise. -惊讶吧。-非常。

Oh, wonderful. We're so happy you were able to come to our little gathering. 真太好了 你能来参加我们的小聚会 真是太荣幸了。

Of course. I plan my whole year around this. 当然要来 我为此筹备了一整年啊。

Well, we're so grateful that you do. 真是太令人感动了。

-Ciao. -Have you gotten my note? -等等见啦。-你看到我的字条吗。

Yes, I did. We'll discuss it on Wednesday. 有 星期三我们再讨论吧。

-Yes, I agree. No business tonight. -Not tonight. -没问题 今晚不谈公事。-今晚不谈。 -Enjoy. -[Sniffles]. 玩开心点。

Em. 嗯。

Oh, thanks. Thanks. 谢谢。

Oh, um… Oh, my God. I just can't remember what his name is. 糟啦 我怎么想不起他的名字。 I just saw his name this morning on the list. 早上我才在名单中看到他名字的。

It's… Oh, I know this. It's something to do with…. 他叫.. 我知道的.. 是叫什么。

Wait, he was… he was part of the… Oh, God, I know this. Um…. 等等 他是跟.. 天啊 我该知道的。

It's Ambassador Franklin, and that's the woman that he left his wife for, Rebecca. 他是法兰克林大使 旁边是让他抛弃老婆的女人 蕾贝卡。

-Rebecca. Ambassador. -Miranda. -蕾贝卡 大使。-米兰达。

-You look fabulous. -Oh, very kind. -你气色真好。-谢谢。

-Thank you. -[Chattering Continues]. 谢谢。

-Look at you. -Hello. -瞧瞧你。-哈罗。

You're… You're a vision. 真是美丽的画面。

-Oh. [Scoffs] -Thank God I saved your job. -喔。-感谢上帝我挽救了你的工作。

[Stammers, Chuckles] You know, I figured out a few things on my own too. 我自己也有想些办法的。

Turns out, I'm not as nice as you thought. 结果呢 我没你想像中的那么好。

I hope not. 希望不是。

Well, if it werert for the stupid boyfriend…. 要不是因为你那笨男友。

I'd have to whisk you away right here and now. 我现在就该立刻带你走。

-Do you actually say things like that to people? -Evidently. -你对人真都是这样说话的吗。-很明显的 不是吗。

[Giggles] Well, I gotta go. 我得要走了。

Are you sure? 'Cause my editor for New York Magazine is inside…. 你确定吗 纽约杂志的编辑也在里面喔。

and, you know, I could introduce you two. 我可以帮你介绍一下。

-You sent over your stuff for me to look at? Remember? -Yeah. -你把你的作品寄给我看过 还记得吗。-是啊。

All right, I gotta admit, I only read a couple. It was a very large packet you sent. 我承认只读了一些 实在太多了。

-Yeah. -But what I did read wasrt half bad. -是啊。-但我读过的都还不错。

And, you know, I think… I think you have a talent, Andy. 我想你的确很有天份的 安蒂。 He should meet you. 他该认识你的。

Why don't you come in? Just for one drink. 一起进来吧 就喝杯饮料。

Um, okay, yeah. I guess I could for one…. 好啊 我想一杯饮料应该..

No, I can't. I'm sorry, but I have to go. 不 还是算了 我非得要走不可。

All right. Give my best to the boyfriend. 好吧 代我问候你男友。

Roy, I'm sorry. Can you go any faster? 洛依 能再开快点吗。

I'm sure Nate will understand. 我相信奈特会谅解的。

Yeah. 是喔。

Hey. 嘿。

Happy birthday. 生日快乐。

Nate, I'm so sorry. 奈特 我很抱歉。

I kept trying to leave, but there was a lot going on. 我一直想办法离开 但实在事情太多。 And, you know, I didn't have a choice. 我实在没办法啊。

Don't worry about it. 无所谓啦。

[Grunts] I'm gonna go to bed. 我要去睡了。

Can we at least talk about this? 至少我们谈谈吧。

You look really pretty. 你看来真漂亮。

[Miranda] Andrea? 安德雅。

-Do you have the Book? -Oh. Uh…. -圣经在你那吗。-喔。

Mm. 嗯。

Paris is the most important week of my entire year. 巴黎是我一年中最重要的一周。 I need the best possible team with me. 我需要最棒的人在身边。

That no longer includes Emily. 而这不再包括艾密莉了。

Wait. You want me to…. 等等 你要我去..

No, Miranda. 不行 米兰达。

[Exhales] Emily would die. 艾密莉会死的。

Her whole life is about Paris. 他一生都在盼望去巴黎。

She hasn't eaten in weeks. L-I can't… do that. 他好几星期都没吃东西了 我不行这样。 Miranda, I can't. 米兰达 我不行这样。

If you don't go, I'll assume you're not serious about your future…. 如果你不去 我就会假设你完全不考虑。

at Runway or any other publication. 你在Runway或任何杂志的前途。

The decisiors yours. 你自己决定。

That's all. 就这样吧。

-[Continues] -Hey, Andy. 嘿 安蒂。

-Hey. -You coming to bed anytime soon? -嘿。-你要上床了吗。

Uh, yeah. Five minutes, okay? 再过五分钟 好吗。

Andrea, don't forget to tell Emily. 安德雅 别忘了告诉艾密莉。

Do it now. 现在就说。

-[Line Ringing] -Don't pick up. 别接啊。

-Don't pick up. Don't pick up. Don't pick… -Hi. -别接啊。-嗨。

-Emily. -Hi, hi. Sorry I'm late. -艾密莉。-抱歉我迟了。

It's just Miranda wanted some scarves from Hermes. 米兰达想要些Hermes的围巾。

And she did tell me yesterday, but I forgot like an idiot. 他昨天告诉过我 我却像个白痴忘记了。

And so I freaked out, of course. 我当然慌了。

Emily, Emily, l-I need to talk to you. 艾密莉 我有话要跟你说。

I called Martine at home, and she opened the shop early. Whoa! I'm sorry. 我从家里打给马丁 他特地提早开门 真险。

She opened the shop early for me, so I got them, which is great. 他为我提早开门 我也拿到东西了 太好了。

Okay. Um, Emily, wh-when you come in…. 艾密莉 你进来以后..

there's something I have to talk to you about. 我件事我要告诉你。

-Well, I hope it's not another Miranda problem. -Not exactly. -但愿不是米兰达又怎么了。-不全然。

Well, good, because I've got so much to deal with before I go. I swear to God…. 那好 因为我在出发前有好多事要做。

-[Clamoring] -[Woman] Oh, my God! 我的天。

Emily? 艾密莉。

I don't care if she was gonna fire you or beat you with a red-hot poker! 我不管他是要吵了你 还是拿根烧铁棍戳你。

You should have said no. 你都该要拒绝。

Emily, I didn't have a choice. 艾密莉 我没选择啊。

-Oh. Please. -You know how she is. -拜托。-你又不是不认识他。

-That is a pathetic excuse. -[Door Opens]. 这真是个可悲的藉口。

Thanks. 谢啦。

Do you know what really just…. 你知道真正让我..

gets me about this whole thing…. 如此介意的是..

is that, you know, you're the one who said you don't really care about this stuff. 是你自己说完全不在乎这些玩意的。

And you don't really care about fashion. You just wanna be a journalist. 你完全不崇拜时尚 只想当个记者的。

What a pile of bollocks! 真是一堆狗屁。

Emily, I know you're mad. I don't blame you. 艾密莉 我知道你很生气 我不怪你。

Face it, you sold your soul the day you put on that first pair ofJimmy Choo's. 面对现实吧 当你穿上吉米朱的鞋子时。你就已经出卖了自己的灵魂了。

I saw it. And you know what really just kills me about this whole thing…. 我看见了 真正让我生气忌妒的是。

is the clothes that you're gonna get. 你会得到许多漂亮的衣服。

I mean, you don't deserve them. 你根本配不上。

You eat carbs, for Christ's sake. 你什么都吃的 老天。

God, it's so unfair! 实在太不公平了。

-Emily. -Just go. -艾密莉。-你走吧。

-Emily, I… -I said go! -艾密莉 我.. -叫你走啊。

-[Doug] You are going to Paris for the couture shows? -[Andy] Mm-hmm. -你要去巴黎时装周。-嗯。

-That's the coolest fashion event of the year. -Mm-hmm. -那是整年最重要的时尚大事啊。-嗯。 -I mean, who are you going to see, Galliano? -Yeah. -你会看见谁呢 嘉利雅诺。-会。 -And Lagerfeld and Nicholas Ghesquiere. -Yep. -拉格菲 跟 尼可拉斯。-没错。

-Yes. Okay, now you're scaring me. -[Chuckles]. 这下你可真吓到我了。

-Hey. -Hey. -嘿。-嘿。

-This show is amazing. I am so proud of you. -[Lily] Thank you. -这秀太棒了 我真为你骄傲。-谢谢。

Okay, start with the photos in the back and work your way forward. 从后面的照片开始看起。 That is the way I designed it. It is brilliant. 我特地这样设计的 非常棒。

-You will love it. -Of course. -你会喜欢的。-一定。

And you, I have somebody I want you to meet, okay? 有个人想让你认识一下。

Ooh, art and sex. Lead the way. 艺术与性爱 快带路。

-See you later. -Okay. -待会见。-好。

-[Continues] -Hey. Hey, Miranda girl. 米兰达的女孩。

-Hi. -I was just thinking about you. -嗨。-我刚正想着你呢。

Oh, come on. 少来了。

-It's true. -No. -真的。-不会吧。

I'm profiling Gaultier for Interview and, uh, making my Paris plans. 我正在为Interview杂志整理高提耶的资料。还有去巴黎的计划。

I found myself wondering if, uh, you were gonna be there. 我还在想着 不知你会不会去。 Well, actually, um, I am going. 嗯 我的确会去。

Great. I'm staying in a fantastic little hotel in the Seventh…. 太好了 我住在第七大道一间不错的旅馆。

right across the street from the falafel restaurant that will change your life. 对面有家会让你终生难忘的餐馆。

[Chuckles] I'm sorry. I'll be too busy working. 很抱歉 我会很忙的。

You'll have to find someone else's life to change. 你得去找其他的人 让他终生难忘。 Well, that's just it. 正是啊。

I'm beginning to wonder if I can. 我正想着不知是否可以。

Lily. 莉莉。

Lily, he's just a guy I know from work. 莉莉 他只是工作上认识的。

-Yeah, that looked like work. -Look, you're making a big deal out of…. -是啊 看来真像是在工作。-你太小题大作了。

You know, the Andy I know is madly in love with Nate…. 我认识的安蒂是疯狂爱着奈特的。 is always five minutes early…. 永远早到五分钟。

and thinks, I don't know, Club Monaco is couture. 而且以为Club Monaco的衣服叫做时尚的。 For the last 16 years, I've known everything about that Andy. 过去16年 安蒂的一切我都知道。 But this person? This "glamazon" who skulks around in corners…. 眼前这个人呢 穿着华服躲在角落。

with some random hot fashion guy? 随便跟个时髦帅哥在一起。

I don't get her. 这人我不认识。

-Lily. -Have fun in Paris. -莉莉。-巴黎玩开心点。

You going to Paris? 你要去巴黎吗。

Uh, yeah. It just happened. 是啊 刚决定的。

I thought Paris was a big deal for Emily or…. 我以为去巴黎是艾密莉的大事。

Great. Now you're gonna give me a hard time too? 太好了 连你也要让我难过了吗。 Hey, Andy. Andy! 安蒂。

-Andy, what the hell is wrong with you? -L-I didn't have a choice, okay? -你到底怎么了。-我没选择好吗。

-Miranda asked me, and I couldn't say no. -I know. -米兰达要我去 我不能拒绝啊。-我知道了。 That's your answer for everything lately, "I didn't have a choice. ". 最近你每件事的答案都是 我没选择啊。

-Like this job was forced on you. -Nate, I get it, okay? -一切都是工作逼你的。-奈特 我知道你要说什么 好吗。

Like you don't make these decisions yourself. 好像所有决定都不是你做的。

You're mad because I work late all the time and I missed your birthday party. 你生气是因为我工作都太晚 又错过你的生日。

-And I'm sorry. -Oh, come on. What am I, four? -我很抱歉。-拜托 我是个四岁的小孩吗。 You… You hate Runway and Miranda. 你痛恨Runway跟米兰达的。

And you think fashion is stupid. You've made that clear. 你觉得时尚是很愚蠢的 你很清楚的表示过。

Andy, I make port wine reductions all day. 我也不过是整天在搞波特酒的。

I'm not exactly in the Peace Corps. 又不是在作和平团或啥了不起的事。

You know, I wouldn't care if you were out there pole dancing all night…. 就算你在跳艳舞我也不在乎。

as long as you did it with a little integrity. 只要你是有自己的尊严就好了。

You used to say this was just a job. 你以前都说这不过是份工作。

You used to make fun of the Runway girls. 还常嘲笑Runway里面的女生。

What happened? Now you've become one of them. 怎么啦 现在你变成其中一份子了。

-That's absurd. -That's okay. That's fine. Just own up to it. -这太夸张了。-可以啊 你就加入啊。 And then we can stop pretending like we have anything in common anymore. 这样我们就可以不必继续假装还有共通点了。

-You don't mean that, do you? -No, I do. -你不是说真的吧 是吗。-不 我是认真的。 Well…. 那..

maybe this trip is coming at a good time. 这躺旅行或许来的正是时候。

Maybe we should take a break. 也许我们该分开一下。

Nate? 奈特。

I'm sorry. Just… one second? 抱歉 等.. 一下。

You know, in case you were wondering…. 如果你还没想通的话..

the person whose calls you always take, that's the relationship you're in. 跟你有关系的人 就是他每通电话你都接的人。

I hope you two are very happy together. 祝福你们两个生活快乐。

Hello, Miranda. 哈罗 米兰达。

Pardon. Miranda. 抱歉 米兰达。

-[Speaking Italian] -Maestro. Mmm. 大师。

How are you? So glad to see you. Thank you for coming. 你好吗 真高兴见到你 谢谢你来。

-You like the collection? -Absolutely. I think it's the best in years. -喜欢这一季吗。-当然 我认为是多年来最棒的一次。

-This is very important for me. Very, very important. -I'm very happy for you. -这对我非常 非常的重要。-我真为你高兴。

-This is my new Emily. -Hello. How do you do? -这是我新任的艾密莉。-你好啊。

-I'm good. Pleasure. -Nice to meet you. -很好 很高兴。-高兴认识你。

You love the show? 还喜欢这场秀吗。

-Miranda. This way! -[Clamoring]. 米兰达 这里。

Miranda. Nigel. Fashiors great gatekeepers. 米兰达 耐吉 时尚界最棒的守门者。

Miranda, what is Runway's position on French fashion versus American fashion? 对于美国与法国彼此间的时尚界 你有何看法。

-I've been thinking… -Oh. -我一直在想.. -喔。

-You still owe me for Harry Potter. -Oh, do I? -哈利波特的事你还欠我一次呢。-是吗。 -Of course you do. Are you working tonight? -Oh! -当然啊 今晚有工作吗。-喔。

-No, actually Miranda has a dinner. -Great, you're free. -没有 米兰达有饭局。-太好了 你有空。 Oh, but there is the problem of le boyfriend. 但还是有个 男友 的问题。

Wait, don't tell me. The boyfriend non plus? 等等 别说 男友现在 不是正分罗。

Je suis tres, tres desole. -法文-。

Oh, you're so full of it. You're not desole at all. 你真会扯 你一点也不desol。

No, not even a little. What time should I pick you up? 当然不 所以几点来接你。

-Uh… -I'll call you. -嗯。-我打给你啦。

Yeah. 好。

Oh. 喔。

Oh, there you are. [Clears Throat]. 你在这。

We need to go over the seating, uh, chart for the luncheon. 我们要重新安排午餐的座位表。 Okay. Um, yeah, sure. 好 嗯 当然。

I have it right here. 在这呢。

By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me. 你尽量慢慢来好了 你知道我最爱这样了。

Okay. 好。

So…. 那..

first of all, we need to move Snoop Dogg to my table. 首先 要把Snoop Dogg挪到我这桌来。 But your table's full. 但你那桌没位子啦。

Stephen isn't coming. 史蒂芬不来了。

Oh, Stephen is…. 喔 史蒂芬不..

So I don't need to fetch Stephen from the airport tomorrow? 那明天我就不用安排机场接机罗。 Well, if you speak to him and he decides to rethink the divorce…. 如果你跟他聊过 他愿意重新考虑离婚的事。

then, yes, fetch away. 那么 你就去接吧。

You're very fetching, so go fetch. 这你最会了 去啊。

And then when we get back to New York, we need to contact, um…. 回到纽约后 还要联络.. Leslie to see what she can do to minimize the press…. 赖丝莉 看看他能怎么控制媒体。 on all this. 关于这件事。

Another divorce…. 又一次离婚。

splashed across page six. 大标横跨第六版。

I can just imagine what they're gonna write about me. 他们会怎么写我都想的出。

The Dragon Lady, career-obsessed. 有事业狂的女巫。

Snow Queen drives away another Mr. Priestly. 雪后再次赶走另一位普里斯莱先生。 Rupert Murdoch should cut me a check…. 莫达克(媒体大亨)该开张支票给我。

for all the papers I sell for him. 我帮他卖了不少报纸。

Anyway, I don't…. 反正 我也不..

I don't really care what anybody writes about me. 我不在乎他们会写些什么。

But my… my girls, I just…. 但我那对姊妹花 我实在..

It's just so unfair to the girls. 这对他们实在太不公平了。

It's just…. 这又是..

another disappointment…. 另一次的失望。

another letdown, another father… figure…. 另一次破灭 另一个父亲。

[Chuckles] Gone. 消失了。

Anyway, the point is… [Clears Throat]. 重点是..

The point is… [Sighs]. 重点是...

The point is we really need to figure out where to place Donatella…. 我们要好好安排唐娜提拉的座位。

because she's barely speaking to anyone. 因为他都不说话的。

I'm so sorry, Miranda. 我很抱歉 米兰达。

If you want me to cancel your evening, I can. 如果要取消晚上的饭局 我可以的。

Don't be ridiculous. Why would we do that? 别傻了 为什么要取消呢。

Don't be ridiculous. Why would we do that? 别傻了 为什么要取消呢。 . 别傻了 为什么要取消呢。

Um, is…. 嗯。

Is there anything else I can do? 还有其他我能帮上忙的吗。

Your job. 你的工作。

That's all. 就这样吧。

Hi. I need Miranda's itinerary for tomorrow. 我要米兰达明天的行程表。

-Okay. Come on in. -All right? Thanks. -好 进来啊。-可以吗 谢啦。

-Who put that together for you? -This? -谁帮你搭配的。-这个吗。

Oh, it's just… it's just something I threw on. 我随便穿穿的。

Turn around. Let me see. Turn. 转个身 让我看看。

-Mm. Incroyable. -Yeah? -真不错。-是吗。

-It's really just… No, it's… No, gorgeous. -Yeah? Okay, good. -实在是.. 是.. 美呆了。-是吗 那就好。

Really. I think that my work here is done. 真的 我想我的任务完成了。

Oh. 喔。

We're going to celebrate. I'm going to get some champagne. 要庆祝一下 我去拿香槟。 Okay. What are we toasting? 好啊 庆祝什么。

We are toasting, my dear, to the dream job. 亲爱的 庆祝梦寐以求的工作。

The one that a million girls wanted. 百万女孩梦寐以求的工作。

WWhich I got months ago. 这几个月前我就有啦。

I'm not talking about you. 我说的不是你。

Mm-hmm. 嗯。

-James Holt… -Yeah. -詹姆斯霍特。-然后呢。

Massimo Corteleoni…. 玛西莫。

is investing in James's company and taking it global. 要投资詹姆斯的公司 成为跨国企业。 -Mm-hmm. -Bags, shoes, fragrances… the works. -嗯。-包包 皮鞋 所有一切。

And James needs a partner. 詹姆斯需要个拍档。

And that partner would be me. 而这个拍档就是我。

-Does Miranda… -No, no, Miranda knows, because…. -米兰达知.. -他当然知道 因为.. -Oh. -Oh, she put me up for it. God, no. Can you imagine? -喔。-他推荐我的 你能相信吗。 But… But… But you're leaving. 但 你不就要离开了。

-Mm-hmm. -I can't imagine Runway without you. -嗯。-我无法想像没有你的Runway。 I know, I know, but I'm so excited though. 我知道 但我实在太兴奋了。

This is the first time in 18 years I'm going to be able to call the shots in my own life. 这是我18年来第一次可以决定自己的事。

Oh, my God! 我的天。

I'm going to be able to come to Paris and actually see Paris. 我就可以真正好好来看看巴黎了。 Well, congratulations. 恭喜啊。

-Huh? Oh. -Nigel, you deserve it. -喔。-耐吉 你实至名归的。

You bet your size-six ass. [Guffaws]. 那可不 拿你那6号大屁股来赌啊。

-Four. -Really? -现在是4号。-真的吗。

-[Glasses Clink] -Cheers. 干杯。

-Cheers to you. -To us. -为你干杯。-为我们干杯。

-Let me see that. -[Giggles]. 让我看看。

Okay, I just wanna say that yes, there are things Miranda does that I don't agree with, but…. 我承认 米兰达的作风 有些我的确不认同。

-Come on. You hate her. Just admit it to me. -No. -你明明就是痛恨他 承认吧。-不是这样。 She's a… She's a notorious sadist…. 他的确是个虐待狂。

and not… not in a good way. 而且很恶毒的。

Okay, she's tough, but if Miranda were a man…. 好啦 他是很强悍 但要是他是个男人。

no one would notice anything about her, except how great she is at her job. 没人会注意这一切 只会赞扬他的工作能力。

[Chuckles] I'm sorry. I can't…. 很抱歉 我实在不..

-I can't believe this. You're defending her? -Yeah. -我不敢相信 你竟然会为他辩护。-是啊。 The wide-eyed girl peddling her earnest newspaper stories? 那个天真无邪到处兜售他报纸文章的女孩呢。

You, my friend, are crossing over to the dark side. 你啊 已经跨进了黑暗的一边了。 I resent that. 我痛恨你这么说。

-You shouldn't. It's sexy. -Sexy? -你不该痛恨的 这很性感啊。-性感。

-Really? -Really. -真的吗。-当然。

So do you… do you know where we're going? 你知道我们要去哪吗。

-'Cause I'm lost. -Yeah. -因为我迷路了。-是吗。

Yeah, don't worry. I know this city like the back of my hand. 别担心 这城市跟我家后院一样。 It's my favorite place in the whole world. 这是全世界我最爱的地方。

You know, Gertrude Stein once said…. 葛楚史坦恩曾经说过。

"America is my country, and Paris is my hometown. ". 美国是我的国家 但巴黎是我家乡。 -[Laughs] -It's true. 是真的。

What do you do? 你是怎么做的。

Do you just write stuff like that down…. 把这些都抄在笔记本里。

and then file it away to use on us girls? 见到女生就拿出来用吗。

-I'm Christian Thompson. That's my way. -That's your way. Right. -我可是克里斯汤普森 这就是我。-这就是你 厉害。

I work freelance. I have a lot of free time on my hands. 我是个自由作家 有的是时间。 You know, I never understood…. 我一直不懂。

why everyone was so crazy about Paris…. 为何那么多人喜欢巴黎呢。

but… it is so beautiful. 但.. 他的确是非常美丽。

Mm. L-I can't. I'm sorry. 我.. 不行 抱歉。

I can't. You know, Nate and I just split up a couple days ago, and I can't. 不行 奈特跟我才分手没几天 不能这样。

Ooh. I've had too much wine. 喔 我酒喝多了。

And my hearing… vision… judgment's impaired. 听觉 视觉都有点迷糊了。

No, I barely know you. I'm in a strange city. 不行 我跟你不熟 又是在个陌生城市。 I… am out of excuses. 我.. 理由都用光了。

Thank God. 谢天谢地。

Yes. 太好了。

Oh, shoot. 管他的。

Bonjour, madame. 早安啊 小姐。

Uh, what the hell is this? 这是什么。

What does it look like? It's a mock-up. 你看来像什么 样书啊。

Yeah. Of? 是吗 什么的样书。

Of what American Runway will look like when Jacqueline Follet is the new editor in chief. 当贾克琳接手美国的Runway后 就会长这样。

Wh… They're replacing Miranda? 什么 他们要换掉米兰达。

Yeah. And she's bringing me in to run all the editorial content. 是啊 他还要让我去掌管社论呢。 You're really surprised? 难道你真的会讶异吗。

Jacqueline's a lot younger than Miranda. She has a fresher take on things. 贾克琳比米兰达年轻多了 有更新的看法。

Not to mention American Runway's one of the most expensive books in the business. 何况美国版的Runway是业界成本最高的杂志之一。

Jacqueline does the same thing for a lot less money. 贾克琳能用更少的成本完成同样的事。 And Irv… Irv's a businessman, you know. 拉维斯可是个生意人啊。

Miranda will be devastated. Her whole life is about Runway. He can't do that to her. 米兰达会崩溃的 他一生都给了Runway 不能这样对他的。

It's done. Irv's gonna tell Miranda after the party forJames. 已经定案了 在詹姆斯的派对后 拉维斯就会告诉他的。

And she has no idea? 他完全不知情吗。

She's a big girl. She'll be fine. 他是个大人 会没事的。

Shi… I have to go. 他.. 我要走了。

Andy. 安蒂。

Andy, it's done. 安蒂 已经定案了。

Baby, it's done. 宝贝 无法挽回的。

I'm not your baby. 我不是你的宝贝。

-[Phone Ringing] -Allo. 哈罗。

Oh! Oh! Thank God you're there. 好险你在。

-[Sighs] Excuse me? -I need to talk to you right away. -说什么。-我有话要马上对你说。 It's aboutJacqueline Follet. 是关于贾克琳的。

Shit! Oh, shit! Shit, shit, shit! 他妈的。

-Yes. -Mr. Ravitz, I'm so sorry to bother you. I was wondering…. -怎样。-拉维斯先生 抱歉打扰你 我在找..

Have you completely lost your mind? 你是不是完全疯了。

-I need to talk to you. -Do not disturb me again. -我要话跟你说。-不准再来打扰。

But, um, it's just for one… Miranda! 但只要一分钟 米兰达。

Miranda. Miranda. Wait, I need to talk to you. 米兰达 等等 我有话..

Irv is making Jacqueline Follet the editor in chief of Runway. 拉维斯要让贾克琳接手美国版的Runway。

Christian Thompson told me he's gonna work for her. 克里斯告诉我的 他要为她工作。

Irv is going to tell you today. I thought maybe if I told you, that you could fix it. 拉维斯今天要告诉你的 我想先让你知道。或许你能挽救一切。

Do I smell freesias? 我闻到的是兰花吗。

What? No. L-I specifically told them…. 什么 不是 我特别交代过了。

If I see freesias anywhere…. 如果我看到兰花的话..

I will be very disappointed. 我会非常失望的。

For 72 years, Runway has been more than a magazine. 72年来 Runways一直不只是本杂志。 It has been a beacon of elegance and grace. 他是高贵典雅的象征。

Miranda Priestly is the finest possible guardian of that beacon…. 米兰达始终是最完美的守护者。

setting a standard that inspires people across the globe. 他启发了全世界的人。

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Miranda Priestly. 小姐先生们 让我们欢迎米兰达普里斯莱。 Thank you, my dear friend. 谢谢 亲爱的朋友。

Bonjour. [Chuckles]. 早安。

Thank you very much for coming today…. 非常谢谢各位的莅临。

to help celebrate our dear friend, James Holt. 来为我们的朋友詹姆斯霍特庆祝。

But before I talk to you aboutJames…. 但在我说到詹姆斯。

and his many accomplishments…. 以及所有他的成就之前。

I would like first to share some news with you. 有个消息想先跟大家分享。

Um, as many of you know…. 在座很多人都知道。

uh, recently Massimo Corteleoni…. 最近 马西莫。

has agreed to finance the expansion of theJames Holt label…. 同意资助詹姆斯品牌的扩张计划。

transforming the work of this visionary artist…. 让他充满创意的作品。

into a global brand, which is really an exciting enterprise. 成为令人兴奋的一个国际品牌。 Runway and James Holt share many things in common…. Runway跟詹姆斯分享过许多共同理想。

chief among them, a commitment to excellence. 最重要的就是 追求极致的完美。

And so, it should come as no surprise that when the time came…. 所以当时机成熟的时候。 forJames to choose the new president ofJames Holt International…. 当他为新企业决定新领导人的时候。

he chose from within the Runway family. 从Runway的大家庭中挑选 也就不足为奇了。 And it's my great happiness today…. 我今天真是非常高兴。

to announce to you all that that person…. 来向大家宣布这个人选。

is my friend and longtime esteemed colleague…. 就是我长久的朋友与事业伙伴。

Jacqueline Follet. 贾克琳芙乐。

Thank you. Merci. 谢谢。

And now to the main event…. 现在 回到今天的主题。

our celebration ofJames Holt. 为詹姆斯热烈的庆贺吧。

We at Runway are very proud to have been…. 所有在Runway的人都为你骄傲。

When the time is right, she'll pay me back. 时间到的时候 他会回报我的。

You sure about that? 你确定吗。

No. 不确定。

But I hope for the best. 但我会抱着希望的。

I have to. 我得要。

You thought I didn't know. 你以为我不知道。

I've known what was happening for quite some time. 我早就掌握了消息很久了。

It just took me a little while to find a suitable alternative forJacqueline. 我只是要花点时间帮贾克琳找个替代方案。

And thatJames Holtjob was so absurdly overpaid…. 詹姆斯的那个工作薪水夸张的高。 that, of course, she jumped at it. 当然啦 他就跳上去了。

So I just had to tell Irv thatJacqueline was unavailable. 我只能告诉拉维斯 贾克琳不能来了。 The truth is, there is no one that can do what I do…. 事实上也没人能接下我的工作。 including her. 即便是他。

Any of the other choices would have found that job impossible…. 任何人都接不下这份工作的。 and the magazine would have suffered. 杂志也会因此倒楣。

[Sighs] Especially because of the list. 尤其是那张名单。

The list of designers, photographers…. 所有设计师 摄影师。

editors, writers, models, all of whom were found by me, nurtured by me…. 编辑 作家 模特儿 被我发觉栽培的。

and have promised me they will follow me…. 都答应要跟随着我。

whenever and if ever I choose to leave Runway. 如果万一有天我要离开Runway的话。 So he reconsidered. 他只好重新考虑。

But I was very, very impressed…. 但我对于你努力想警告我的事。

by how intently you tried to warn me. 非常 非常的印象深刻。

I never thought I would say this, Andrea…. 我从没想过我会这样说 安德雅。

but I really…. 但我真的..

I see a great deal of myself in you. 在你身上看见过去的我。

You can see beyond what people want and what they need…. 你可以发觉人们希望什么 需要什么。

and you can choose for yourself. 而且你能自己做决定。

I don't think I'm like that. 我不觉得我是这样的人。

L…. 我..

I couldn't do what you did to Nigel, Miranda. 你对耐吉所作的事 我就做不来。

I couldn't do something like that. 这是我没办法作的事。

Mm. You already did. 你已经作了。

To Emily. 对艾密莉啊。

That's not what I…. 我才不是..

No, that was… that was different. I didn't have a choice. 那不一样 我没其他选择的。 Oh, no, you chose. You chose to get ahead. 不 你选择了 你选择继续往前。

You want this life, those choices are necessary. 想要这种生活 那些选择是必要的。 But what if this isn't what I want? 但要是这种生活不是我想要的呢。

I mean, what if I don't wanna live the way you live? 要是我不想过你的生活呢。

Don't be ridiculous, Andrea. Everybody wants this. 别荒谬了 任何人都想要这种生活的。 Everybody wants to be us. 任何人都想变成我们的。

I have to be at work in 20 minutes. 我20分钟内要回去上班。

What's up? 怎么啦。

Well, I just…. 我只是..

I wanted to say that you were right about everything. 我想说你是对的。

That…. 就是..

I turned my back on my friends and my family…. 我背弃了朋友跟家人。

and everything I believed in…. 所有我信仰的事。

and… and for what? 为了什么呢。

For shoes and shirts and jackets and belts. 为了鞋子 衣服 夹克 和皮带。

Nate. 奈特。

I'm sorry. 我很抱歉。

L… [Clears Throat]. 我..

I flew up to Boston while you were gone. 你不在的时候 我飞去了波士顿。

I interviewed at the Oak Room. 去橡木屋餐厅应征。

And? 然后呢。

And you're looking at their new sous-chef. 你正看着他们的新主厨。

-I'm moving up there in a couple weeks. -That's great. Congratulations. -过两个星期 我就要搬过去了。-太棒了 恭喜啊。

I don't know what I'm gonna do without those late-night grilled cheeses, but…. 真不知少了半夜的烤起士 我该怎么办。

I'm pretty sure they have bread in Boston. 但我确定那有是有面包的。

May even haveJarlsberg. 也许也有起士的。

We might be able to figure something out. 我们也许能克服问题的。

You think? 你觉得吗。

Yeah. 对啊。

So, what about you? I mean, what are you gonna do now? 那你呢 你现在要做什么。 Actually, I, uh… I have a job interview today. 事实上 我今天有个面试。

-Oh, yeah? -Mm-hmm. -是吗。-嗯。

That's what you're wearing? 你就穿这样啊。

Shut up. I like this. 闭嘴 我喜欢这样。

-Andy, Greg Hill. -Hello. -安蒂 葛雷希尔。-哈罗。

Come on. These clips are excellent. 这些简报实在太棒了。

This thing on the janitors' union, that's exactly what we do here. 尤其是像清洁工会的报导 正是我们需要的。

My only question is, Runway? 我唯一的疑问是 Runway?

My only question is, Runway? 我唯一的疑问是 Runway?

You were there for less than a year. 你在那工作不到一年。

What the hell kind of a blip is that? 到底是什么状况。

Learned a lot. 学了不少东西。

In the end though, I kind of screwed it up. 但到最后 我还是搞砸了。

I called over there for a reference, left word with some snooty girl. 我打去确认 留话给个尖酸的女生。

Next thing you know, I got a fax from Miranda Priestly herself…. 没想到 米兰达亲笔写了封传真过来。

saying that of all the assistants she's ever had…. 说 所有他用过的助理当中。

you were, by far, her biggest disappointment. 你最让他失望。

And, if I don't hire you, I am an idiot. 如果我不雇用你的话 我就是个白痴。

You must have done something right. 你一定做了什么对的事情。

Miranda Priestly's office. 米兰达办公室。

Hey, Emily, it's Andy. Don't hang up. I have a favor to ask you. 艾密莉 我是安蒂 别挂电话。有个忙想请你帮忙。

You have a favor to ask of me? 你有事要请我帮忙。

Yeah. The thing is, I have all these clothes from Paris…. 是啊 我从巴黎带了一堆衣服回来。 and I don't have anyplace to wear them…. 而我实在派不上用场。

so I was wondering if you could take them off my hands. 所以我想不知你是否愿意接收。 Well, I don't know. It's a huge imposition. 这样啊 这可是麻烦事喔。

And I'll have to get them taken in. I mean, they'll drown me. 我得把他们拿回来 把我淹没了。 But I suppose I could help you out. I will have Roy pick them up this afternoon. 但应该帮的上忙吧 下午我让洛伊去拿。

Thanks, Em. I appreciate it. Good luck. 谢啦 很感谢 祝好运罗。

You have some very large shoes to fill. 这可是帮了你个大忙唷。

I hope you know that. 希望你了解。

I don't understand why it is so challenging…. 真不懂 我需要车的时候把他开来。

to get my car when I ask for it. 真有那么困难吗。

Go. 开车啊。

what ihave lived for


罗素的《What I Have Lived For》


what i have lived for


Waiting for Goldie


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what i have lived for读后感(3篇)