

怎样看电影学英语 工具/原料 1.要选有中、英文双字幕的。2.要选励志影片。3.要选美国影片。










3)“金山词霸”软件安装。 4)“爱词霸”在线词典网站收藏。

5)“百度词典”网站收藏。6)电子词典:如步步高、文曲星等品牌。 学的过程:













《阿甘正传》《叫我第一次》《风雨哈佛路》FORREST GUMP 电子情书电影 居家男人 THE FAMILY MAN 公主日记1 公主日记2 公主日记3 公主日记2皇家婚约 公主日记电影 逃跑的新娘 BJ单身日记 BJ单身日记2 奔腾年代电影 蒙娜丽莎的微笑电影 甜心先生 jerry maguire jerry maguire 铁血教练 海上钢琴师 The Legend of 1900 小鹿斑比英文版 小鹿斑比1 小鹿斑比2 大话王 Liar Liar 单身插班生 完美男人 男人百分百电影 老爸向前冲电影 冒牌老爸电影 Big Fish 李阳疯狂英语 动感英语全集 希望英语杂志 天生一对 美国电影 My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女 电影 狮子王电影 狮子王英文版 律政俏佳人电影 The Sound of Music 音乐之声电影英文版 美国影片音乐之声

料理鼠王 我最好朋友的婚礼 永不妥协电影 Erin Brockovich 我为玛丽狂 香草的天空 西雅图不眠夜 Philadelphia Rain Man 雨人电影



电影燃情岁月 真爱至上电影 love actually 诺丁山电影 单亲插班生 绿里奇迹 牛仔裤的夏天电影 牛仔裤的夏天1 牛仔裤的夏天2 英国病人电影 砰然心动 老友记第一季 歌舞青春 1 2 3 4

舞出我人生 4 3 2 1



Collins: Dear Miss Elizabeth, I am sure my attentions have been too marked to be mistaken. Almost as soon as I entered the house, I singled you out as the companion of my future life. But before I am run away with my feelings, perhaps I may state my reasons for marrying. Firstly, that it is the duty of a clergyman to set the example of matrimony in his parish. Secondly, that I am convinced it will add greatly to my happiness. And thirdly, that it is at the urging of my esteemed patroness, Lady Catherine, that I select a wife. My object in coming to Longbourn was to choose such a one from among Mr. Bennet's daughters, for I am to inherit the estate and such an alliance will surely…suit everyone. And now nothing remains but for me to assure you in the most animated language of the violence of my affections.

Elizabeth: Mr. Collins!

Collins: And that no reproach on the subject of fortune will cross my lips once we're married. Elizabeth: You're too hasty, sir. You forget that I have given no answer.

Collins: I must add that Lady Catherine will thoroughly approve when I speak to her of your modesty, economy and other amiable qualities

Elizabeth: Sir, I am honored by your proposal, but I regret that I must decline it.

Collins: I know ladies don't seek to seem too eager...

Elizabeth: Mr. Collins, I am perfectly serious. You could not make me happy. And I'm convinced I'm the last woman in the world who could make you happy.

Collins: I flatter myself, cousin, that your refusal is merely a natural delicacy. Besides, you should take into account that despite the manifold attractions, it is by no means certain that another offer of marriage may ever be made to you...

Elizabeth: Mr. Collins!

Collins: ...I must conclude that you simply seek to increase my love by suspense...

Elizabeth: Sir!

Collins: ...according to the usual practice of elegant females.

Elizabeth: Sir, I am not the sort of female to torment a respectable man. Please understand me, I cannot accept you.


1. single out

If you single sb. out from a group, you choose them and give them special attention or treatment. 挑选

e.g. Mr. Collins singled out Jane first as his future wife at first, but then he switched to Elizabeth. He was singled out by his teacher to take part in the competition.

2. hasty


e.g. They shouldn't have made such a hasty decision.

另外在汉语中我们的一句成语“欲速则不达”跟hasty的同根词haste有关,英语中有两种达: Haste makes waste

More haste, less speed.


3. I'm the last woman in the world who could make you happy.

这种句型的基本结构是“the last 名词 定语从句”,表达最大程度的否定或者不赞成。本句话 1


e.g. To be a teacher is the last thing in the world that I could do. 我最不愿意干的事就是当老师。 This city is the last place that I want to live in the world. 我最不愿意生活的地方就是这个城市。

4. flatter oneself that

If you flatter yourself that something good is the case, you believe that it is true, although others may disagree. 自鸣得意,自以为

e.g. They flattered themselves that they would win. 他们自以为会一定获胜。


If someone flatters you, they praise you in an exaggerated way that is not sincere, because they want to please you or to persuade you to do something. 奉承,谄媚

e.g. I knew she was just flattering me, because she wanted me to buy her scarf.


如: How flattering your company is since so many other companies are after you.



If you feel flattered by something that has happened, you are pleased about it because it makes you feel important or special. 表示"受宠若惊"的意思

e.g. I feel flattered by what you said. 你的话让我受宠若惊。


Lady Catherine: You can be of no loss, Miss Bennet, to understand why I am here.

Elizabeth: Indeed you're mistaken. I cannot account for this honour at all.

Catherine: Miss Bennet, I warn you, I am not to be trifled with. A report of a most alarming nature has reached me, that you intend to be united with my nephew, Mr. Darcy. I know this to be a scandalous falsehood, though not wishing to injure him by supposing it possible, I instantly set off to make my sentiments known.

Elizabeth: If you believed it to be impossible, I wonder you took the trouble of coming so far. Catherine: To hear it contradicted, Miss Bennet.

Elizabeth: Your coming will be a rather confirmation, surely if indeed such a report exists.

Catherine: If? Do you pretend to be ignorant of it? Has it not been industriously circulated by yourself?

Elizabeth: I have never heard of it.

Catherine: And can you declare there is no foundation for it?

Elizabeth: I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with your Ladyship. You may ask a question which I may choose not to answer.

Catherine: This is not to be borne. Has my nephew made you an offer of marriage?

Elizabeth: Your Ladyship has declared it to be impossible.

Catherine: Let me be understood! Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Now what have you to say?

Elizabeth: Only this. If that is the case, you can have no reason to suppose he would make an offer to me.

Catherine: You selfish girl! This union has been planned since their infancy. Do you think it can be prevented by a young woman of inferior birth whose own sister's elopement resulted in a scandalously patched-up marriage only achieved at the expense of your uncle? Heaven and Earth! 2

Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted? Now tell me once and for all, are you engaged to him?

Elizabeth: I am not.

Catherine: Will you promise never to enter into such an engagement?

Elizabeth: I will not and I certainly never shall. You have insulted me in every possible way and can now have nothing further to say. I must ask you to leave immediately. Goodnight. Catherine: I have never been thus treated in my entire life!

Mr. Bennet: Lizzie, what on earth is going on?

Elizabeth: Just a small misunderstanding.

Mrs. Bennet: Lizzie?

Elizabeth: For once in your life, leave me alone!


1. account for


e.g. She could not account for her mistake.


I can't account for Peter's unhappiness.



on no account决不,在任何条件下都不

on (one's) own account为了自身

take into account 考虑;顾及

2. trifle


A. to play with or toy with玩弄, 戏耍

e.g. She trifled with my affections 她玩弄我的感情。

B. To waste time or money 虚度光阴,浪费

e.g. You should not trifle with your health. 你不要疏忽你的健康。


e.g. I have no money on trifles. 我没钱买这些小东西。

3. be ignorant of / in


She is very ignorant about her own country. 她对自己的国家很不了解。

What his plans are I am quite ignorant of. 我一点也不知道他的计划是什么。

4. once and for all

“断然地,坚决地,最后地”的意思,表示已经最终永久觉得了的意思。我们来看个例子: e.g. Once and for all, we can't agree! 最后再说一遍,我们不能同意!

Once的词组还有一个For once,"就这一次,破例一回"的意思。

e.g. For once you didn't lie after you failed your exams.



All at once 突然,同时

Every once in a while 偶尔

Once and again 一再,再三


Once and away / once for all 一劳永逸,永久地,彻底地


Fairchild: Sabrina? Sabrina, come down.

Sabrina: Uh, she made him laugh.

Fairchild: You have to finish packing.

Sabrina: Am I witty?

Fairchild: I wonder if Paris is far away enough.

Sabrina: No, really. Do you think I'm funny?

Fairchild: Hilarious, you should host a talk show. Sabrina, the full-time observation of David Larrabee is not a recognized profession. Get out of that tree.

Sabrina: I'll be there in a minute.

David: Oh, it's just you, Sabrina.

Sabrina: Hello, David.

David: I thought I heard somebody.

Sabrina: No, it's nobody.

Fairchild: Sabrina! You've spent more of your life up that tree than you have on solid ground. You know how lucky we are that Mrs. Larrabee has friends who have a job for you, so you can have this European experience. The time in Paris will be so good for you. If your mother were alive she'd be so happy. It's what she always wanted.

Sabrina: What if he forgets all about me?

Fairchild: How can he forget someone he doesn't know exists? I don't mean that, Sabrina. I just meant there's much more to you than this obsession. I hope you know that.

Sabrina: Thanks dad. Goodnight.

Woman: I need more help out in front.

Man: Where ya goin'? It's early.

Linus: It'll take me half an hour to get out of here. I've got to check on the Tokyo market before it closes. Goodnight.

Man: Goodnight.

Mrs. Larrabee: Linus, Andrea Carlson told me you fired her son.

Linus: He's an idiot.

Mrs. Larrabee: But she was a bridesmaid at my wedding. She's one of my best friends.

Linus: This is business, mother. Listen, I gotta drop something off in David's room. When he surfaces from this weeks love of his life, tell him I put his suspenders back in his closet. Mrs. Larrabee: You're not leaving now. You'll miss my fireworks.

Linus: It's OK mother. I had a pony ride, and I got my face painted. Goodnight. David, David. Come in.

Sabrina: I came to say goodbye.

Linus: What?

Sabrina: Don't come out! If I look at you I might not be able to get though this.

Linus: OK.

abrina: Please don't say anything. I'm leaving tomorrow for Paris. And I'll be away a long time. Well, I don't expect you to think about me while I'm gone. You haven't thought about me while I'm here. I just want to say I think… I think I know you better than anybody else. I mean whatever 4

they think or say, I know the truth, that you're a wonderful person - kind and generous. And for what it's worth, know that someone very far away is thinking of you. So if there is anything I can ever do...

Linus: Could you bring me one of those little Eiffel Tower paperweights?

Sabrina: Oh my God!


1. I wonder if...

“我想知道……”,比如:I wonder if you are available this Sunday.我不知道这周日你有空吗? 还要注意一点就是在本文中I wonder if Paris is far away enough. 这句话中要理解省略部分的含义,完整的句子应该是:I wonder if Paris is far away enough for you to forget David. 英语口语中有很多这样的省略,要注意结合上下文来理解。

2. nobody

Nobody 有两个意思:没有人和不重要的人,小人物。Sabrina 用这个句子是一语双关,既指没有别人,也指自己是没有人注意的小人物。上一句的somebody也有两个意思:有人和重要的人。大家在此可以注意一下。

3. What if...?

此句型用来表示“如果……怎么办?”,例如 What if I am late? 我迟到了怎么办?What if he tells everything to my parents? 他如果把事情告诉我父母了怎么办?本文中的 What if he forgets all about me? 他把我全忘了怎么办?

4. This is business.

“生意归生意。”这句话看起来非常简单,但是语气非常重,相当于中文“公事公办”,还可以说“Business is business.”口语中常用到 business 的地方还有: It is not your business. / It's none of your business.这与你不相干。


David: Ron. Ron. I need to talk to you.

Linus: I'm in a meeting.

David: When was the last time I came here?

Linus: You're right. Ron. Ron.

David: I wondered why I was suddenly being treated with so much respect.

Linus: Is something bothering you David?

David: You've been pushing me into this relationship with Elizabeth so you could engineer a merger with Tyson.

Linus: Pushing you? I could burn in hell for the lies I told about you. You begged me to make you look good in front of Elizabeth.

David: You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick.

Linus: "Talk about my accomplishments," you said. "My qualities, be creative, lie!" you said. David: I can't do this, Linus. I'm not ready to make this kind of commitment.

Linus: Oh, I see. She must have asked for an actual wedding date.

David: I don't know what came over me. She was healing children; I was in a tuxedo I'm not in any position to take care of a wife.

Linus: Elizabeth is a doctor and a millionaire, David. She won't be a burden. You don't deserve her, but she appears to love you.

David: Yeah, see, doesn't that worry you a little bit? I mean about her mental health?


Linus: David.

David: So this is all just a coincidence?

Linus: It's an opportunity.

David: Opportunity?

Linus: What do you expect me to do? Disqualify myself from a billion dollar merger because I might have family connections?

David: What are you doing? It was just a question!

Linus: Look at this thing. Not a scratch.

David: Is this some new way of changing the subject?

Linus: No one in the world has a flat panel screen this size, except Patrick Tyson. And the damn thing's indestructible. He's sitting on the hottest technology in town and everyone in Wall Street knows it. We've got so much competition on this merger that...

David: Wait a minute Linus. You're talking about my life.

Linus: I pay for your life, David. My life makes your life possible.

David: I resent that.

Linus: So do I. Look at yourself. You went to law school, you never took the bar. You went to business school, I can't get you anywhere near the office. You studied languages, you don't speak. Instruments, you don't play. You have a series of girlfriends, you never see more than twice. Do you not see a pattern here?

David: Who are you to lecture me about closeness? Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert.

Linus: I don't have time for dessert. I'm too busy with this company. You're a grown man, David. Finish something. Elizabeth Tyson's the best thing that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself.


1. in/out of position

in/out of position 是个固定搭配,意思是“在(不在)适当位置”,常被引申为“有(无)能力”。例如,I'm in position to take this task.我有能力来承担这项任务。电影中的I'm not in any position to take care of a wife. 意思就是“我还无法照顾一个妻子。”

2. Disqualify somebody form something

“因为某人违反了规则或者规定,剥夺做某事的资格”的意思,例如,The boy's age disqualified him from entering the contest. 因为年龄的原因这个男孩没有参加比赛的资格。而电影当中的Disqualify myself from a billion dollar merger because I might have family connections? 意思就是:你想让我为了和他们攀亲戚,就放弃几十亿元的生意吗?

3. Sit on

“Sit on保守(秘密)”是一个非正式的词组,意思是“不让别人知道某种信息”,多数是压制性的保密。例如:The government will sit on the report until after the election.在竞选结束之前,政府会封锁报告的内容。电影中的He's sitting on the hottest technology in town. 意思就是“他手里有炙手可热的技术。”

4. Pattern

Pattern在这里意思是“规律、方式”,比如:They like new patterns of family life. 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式



Betty Warren: All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College. So when a position opened in the Art History department, she pursued it single-mindedly until she was hired. It was whispered that Katherine Watson, a first year teacher from Oakland State, made up in brains what she lacked in pedigree, which was why this Bohemian from California was on her way to the most conservative college in the nation...

Katherine Watson: Excuse me, the bus?

Train Attendant: Keep walking, ma'am.

Katherine: Thank you.

Betty: ...But Katherine Watson didn't come to Wellesley to fit in. She came to Wellesley because she wanted to make a difference.

Bill Dunbar: Violet.

Violet: My favorite Italian professor.

Bill: Nice summer?

Violet: Terrific! Thanks!

Bill: Who's that over there?

Violet: Where? Oh, Katherine Watson, new teacher, Art History. I'm dying to meet her. President: Who knocks at the door of Learning?

Joan Brandwyn: I am every Woman.

President: What do you seek?

Joan: To awaken my spirit through hard work and dedicate my life to knowledge.

President: Then you are Welcome. All women who seek to follow you can enter here. I now declare the academic year begun.


1. pedigree


1) A penniless lass with a long pedigree and a sweet face, she had been raised by a scheming aunt to find a million dollars and marry it.


2)He comes from a family of pedigree.


2. Katherine Watson didn't come to Wellesley to fit in.

这个句子的意思是:凯瑟琳·华森到韦尔斯利学院并非是来融入其中的。这种句式是英语中的一种常见句式,我们称之为否定转移句。此句里的否定不是针对come,而是否定fit in的。类似的句子有很多,比如:

I don't teach because teaching is easy for me. 这句话的意思不是表面说的“我不教书是因为教书对我来说很容易”,而是“我教书并不是因为教书对我来说很容易。”


No self-respecting lawyer would offer less.

No self-respecting waitress would take it.






3. Terrific


Gorgeous, fantastic, amazing, superb, fabulous, wonderful, marvelous 等等,这些词在口语中本身就可以构成单字的句子,通常表示感叹。

4. I'm dying to meet her.

相信大家一看这个句子就理解它的意思了,因为非常形象。当我们想表达对什么事情的急切和渴望的心情的时候,就可以用这种夸张的说法。意思是very eager to do sth.

如:She's dying to leave for Paris.


Iam dying to watch the movie adapted from my favorite novel.


Paul: Hello.

Katherine:It's me.

Paul: Hey!

Operator: Collect from Katherine Watson. Will you accept?

Paul: Yeah; sure; of course I will. Hey, is everything okay?

Katherine: Yeah.

Paul: Tough , huh? Well, how are the classes? Snobs, right? I hate to say I told you so. Katherine: You don't have to. I can't really talk right now. I'll write you tonight.

Nancy Abbey: So you got a fella?

Katherine: He's... He's there. I'm here.

Nancy: Long distance. Torture. I know. Come. Come in and sit down. When Lenny left for the South Pacific, it nearly broke my heart. We wrote every day until... He was a great man. Katherine: I'm sorry.

Nancy: It was a hundred years ago. I'm babbling.

Nancy: I love Lucy. Even if she is a communist.

Amanda Armstrong: The only thing red about Lucy is her hair. And even that's fake. Desi said it. Winchell wrote it. Amanda Armstrong. I see you survived.

Katherine: Katherine Watson. Just barely.

Nancy: Oh, good. You've met. Katherine's taken the third bedroom. How about a little dinner before What's my line ?

Amanda: How about a little drink?

Nancy: Her companion died in May.

Katherine: Companion?

Nancy: You know, companion. Josephine Burns. Taught biology here for 30 years.

Nancy: You'll love it here, Katherine. You'll see.

Katherine: I already do. I... Honestly, it's beautiful. It's perfect; really.

Amanda: Well, don't fool yourself. They have claws underneath their white gloves.

Katherine: Who?

Amanda: The alumnae; their offspring, the faculty. You name it. Watch out for yourself. Too 8

much independence frightens them.

Nancy: Will you please stop?

Amanda: Oh, a word of advice. Don't let those girls know that they got to you.

Katherine: They didn't.

Amanda: Good for you. You almost convinced me.


1. Collect

这实际上是一个很简单的词,希望大家了解这个熟悉的词的比较容易被忽略的一个意思:由对方支付费用的。Collect 本来是一个副词,但是在口语里演变为名词用法,等于省略的a collect phone call。所以以后当大家自己在电话中听到了这个词的时候,要明白这是要你自己付钱的电话哦。

2. Tough


She is a tough mother to her only son. 对于唯一的儿子来说,她是个严厉的母亲。

But she is also a tough customer while shopping. 但是购物的时候,她也是个难伺候的顾客。 The beef we are eating is tough. 我们吃的牛肉有点嚼不动。

Journalists raised a lot of tough questions in the press conference. 记者招待会上记者们提出了很多尖刻的问题。

Well, don't fool yourself. They have claws underneath their white gloves.

3. I'm babbling.


Babbling bothers one's ears. 多言聒耳

Don't be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort. 别听他们胡说八道,根本没那回事。

4. You name it.


1) Fancy chocolates, exotic flowers-you name it, we had it. 精制的巧克力,外国的鲜花。只要你能想到的,我们都享用了。

2) This is the biggest department store in the city-you name it, and they've got it. 这是这座城市里最大的百货公司,你要什么这里就有什么。

Cinderella 2《灰姑娘》[2]

Gaq: Cinderella's back!

Grand Duke: Oh, dear, they're back!

Prudence: They're back!

Prudence & Grand Duke: They're back!

Prudence: They're back!

Cinderella: We're back!

Prince: Welcome home.

Cinderella: I still can't believe I'm going to live in a castle. Are you sure this isn't just a dream? Prince: You're a princess now. Princess Cinderella.

King: She won't even know the first thing about being a princess. She just got back from her 9

honeymoon. It's going to be your duty to prepare the girl.

Grand Duke: Your Majesty, I am honored.

King: Not you, ninny. Prudence!

Prudence: Of course not you. He wants the job done right the first time.

King: The royal banquet will be Cinderella's responsibility now.

Prudence: The royal banquet?

King: You'll teach her everything she needs to know.

Prudence: But, Sire, she won't know anything about planning a royal banquet.

Cinderella: I don't know anything about planning a royal banquet. Oh, well. At least I can stay past midnight.

Prince: Perfect! And I'll be right by your side.

King: I have to go? Now?

Prince: Father, I can't just abandon my princess! Not with the royal banquet only two days away. King: Nonsense! We have important matters of state to attend to. Important matters of state! Prince: Eh, Father--She hasn't had time to prepare. She's never been a princess before.

Grand Duke: I dare say, Majesty, you do like your banquets just so, eh? It's a great deal to ask of the poor girl.

King: Nonsense!

Prudence: Your Majesty, I can take care of the preparations as I always do.

King: Just show her what to do! We have a princess now. It's her duty to plan the banquet. And the king's duty to…endure it.

Cinderella: Yes, Your Majesty.

King: Now off we go! Thank you.

Prince: I'm sorry I have to rush off.

Cinderella: Don't worry. I'll be fine.

Prince: I know you're gonna surprise us with an incredible feast.

Cinderella: I just hope you're not too surprised.


1. Honor

Honor is a very important word because it talks about how you treat something or somebody. For example: They decide to honor their leader and they listen to everything he or she said.

A. 作为名词,“荣幸”

I have the honor to present the governor.


He's an honor to his parents.


B. 作为动词,“敬重;尊敬;使荣耀”

Will you honor me with a visit?


Will you honor me a dance?


2. Matter

Matter 有好几个常用的意思,我们一起来看一看:

A. 麻烦,困难:


What's the matter with your car?


B. 近似量:大约的数量、总额或范围

The construction will last a matter of years.


C. 有重要性

It doesn't matter if you are late.


3. off


A. The town is five miles off. 小城离这儿五英里远。

B. The milk has gone off. 这牛奶已变质。

C. He lifted a cup off the table. 他从桌上拿起一只杯子。

D. Tomorrow will be my day off. 明天我休息(不上班)。

The Queen《女王》(精讲之一)

Anchorperson: Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy as she pulls out of a meeting with MPs.

Anchorperson: Princess Diana moved today to patch up her relations with the former nanny... Anchorperson: Princess Diana flew to Milan today for a memorial service for the mourn of the Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace.

Anchorperson: ... where tonight another royal controversy sparkles.

Anchorperson: ...after finding a self-embroiled in a second controversy this week.

Diana: I am not a political figure.

Anchorperson: Princess Diana sailed out into the Mediterranean in one of Mr Mohamed Al Fayed's yachts today.

Anchorperson: With his son.

Anchorperson: ...quarter of a million pounds for photographs which appear to show the couple embracing.

Anchorperson: Once again, her judgement's under scrutiny.

Repoter: Earlier today, they visited the...

Robin: Robin Janvrin. What? Tell Sir Guy I want everyone in ASAP.

Man: Yes sir.

Maid: Ma'am? Ma'am? Ma'am, Mr Janvrin is here to see you.

Elizabeth: What? Oh.

Philip: What?

Robin: Good evening ma'am. I'm sorry to disturb, but I've just had a call from our embassy in Paris. It's the Princess of Wales.

Philip: Why? What's she done now?

Tony: I see. Er... Who, who are we speaking to there? Right, keep me updated . It's Diana. She's been in a car accident in Paris.

Cherie: Is it serious?

Tony: Apparently Dodi Fayed is dead.

Anchorperson: Let's just recap on the details of those injuries, Maxine.


Anchorperson: Yes. What they're saying is the Princess is in the intensive care unit of a southeast Paris hospital. She has concussion, a broken arm and...

Philip: What was she doing in Paris? I thought she was in London.

Elizabeth: Oh you know what she's like. Charles, this awful? What are you goint to do about the boys?

Charles: Let them sleep until we know more.

Elizabeth: Yes, that's sensible.

Charles: I should go to Paris. I told my people to start organising a jet.

Elizabeth: What, a private one?

Charles: Yes.

Elizabeth: Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they always attack us for?

Charles: How else must I get to Paris at this time of night? The airport at Aberdeen will be closed. Elizabeth's mother: Charles, dear, use the royal flight. They keep one plane on permanent standby in case I should kick the bucket .

Elizabeth: No, Mummy, that's out of the question. This isn't a matter of state.

Charles: What are you talking about?

Elizabeth: Diana is no longer a member of the royal family. She's not an HRH . This is, this is a private matter.

Charles: She's mother to your grandchildren.


1. Pull out

意为"Leave, depart 离开",例如:The bus pulled out at noon.

此外,它还指抽象的"离开Withdraw from an undertaking",如"将资金从市场撤出"等,例如:After the crash many investors pulled out of the market.

2. Patch up

意为"Mend or repair, make whole 修补,弥补"的意思,例如:

He managed to patch up the lawn mower so it's running.

Mike and Molly have patched up their differences.

3. Keep me updated

这并不是一个习语,却是一个很有趣的表达法,当你要求某人把某事发展的最新情况告诉你时,就可以说"Keep me updated"。

大家记不记得当你在网上购买一个软件,或是安装一些免费软件的时候,安装的过程中常会有这样的提示:If you would like us to keep you updated on our latest News and Offers, please complete the form below. 这里的keep you updated 也是同样的用法。

4. Kick the bucket

这个俚语应该大家都不陌生,就是"死"的意思,大概相当于我们汉语中的"翘辫子",例如:His children were greedily waiting for him to kick the bucket.

5. HRH

Her (or His) Royal Highness 的缩写,这是对皇家成员的专属称谓。

The Queen《女王》(精讲之3)

Elizabeth: Charles and I had a talk in the car today. He was good enough to share with me his thoughts on motherhood.

Philip: What did he say?

Elizabeth: How wonderful Diana was.


Philip: That's changing his tune.

Elizabeth: He thought her natural.

Diana: They see me as a threat of some kind.

Philip: Oh, for God's sake!

Elizabeth: Maybe he's got a point. Maybe we are partly to blame.

Philip: Oh, I can't watch this.

Elizabeth: No, no. Wait. Please, no, leave it.

Diana: I don't go by a rulebook. Because I lead from the heart, not the head, and it's got me into trouble in my work.

Elizabeth: We encouraged the match. We signed off on it, both of us. You were very enthusiastic, remember?

Philip: She was a nice girl. Then. And I was sure he'd give the other one up, or at least make sure his wife toed the line. Isn't that what everyone does?

Elizabeth: Is it?

Man: Was Mrs Parker Bowles a factor in the breakdown of your marriage?

Diana: There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.

Philip: I can't bear it any more. If you're watching, I'll sleep next door. Early start tomorrow. Elizabeth: Any luck with your stag?

Philip: No. But close, a couple of hundred yards at one point. One of the boys even got a shot off. We'll get him tomorrow. See you in the morning. Not to worry. Night-night.


1. Change one's tune

这个片语也写作sing another / a different tune,意为"改变态度,改变调子,改变立场",例如:When she realized she was talking to the bank president, she quickly changed her tune.

2. Rulebook

A rulebook is a book containing a list of rules for a game,就是汉语中所说的"规则手册"。Diana 这里的意思是"她不是一个按规矩行事的人",因英国王室有很多的礼仪和规矩,而 Diana 打破了很多。

3. Sign off

在这个片段中,sign off 的意思是"正式同意,结论性地表示同意",例如:The President got the majority leader to sign off on the tax proposal.

此外,sign off 还表示"沉默,停止谈话",例如:Every time the subject of marriage came up, Harold signed off.

4. Toe the line

这个片语也写作 toe the mark,意思是"听从命令,听话,尽责",例如:The new director will make us toe the line, I'm sure.


5. Night-night

意思就是good night。小孩子也喜欢说这个词,意思是go to bed or to sleep。可见 Prince Philip和女王的恩爱。

The Queen《女王》(精讲之四)

Elizabeth: Prime Minister.


Tony: Good morning, Your Majesty. Sorry to disturb, but I was just wondering whether you'd seen any today's papers?

Elizabeth: We've managed to look at one or two, yes.

Tony: In which case, my next question would be whether you felt some kind of response might be necessary?

Elizabeth: No. I believe a few over-eager editors are doing their best to sell newspapers. That would be a mistake to dance to their tune.

Tony: Under normal circumstances, I would agree, but... Well, my advisors have been taking the temperature among people on the streets, and..., the information I'm getting is that the mood is quite delicate.

Elizabeth: So, what would you suggest, Prime Minister? Some kind of statement?

Tony: No, ma'am. I believe the moment for statements has passed. I would suggest flying the flag at half-mast above Buckingham Palace... and coming down to London at the earliest opportunity. It would be a great comfort to your people and would help them with their grief.

Elizabeth: "Their grief"? If you imagine I'm going to drop everything and come down to London before I attend to my grandchildren, who've just lost their mother, then you're mistaken. I doubt there is anyone who knows the British people more than I do, Mr Blair, nor who has greater faith in their wisdom and judgment. And it is my belief that they will, at any moment, reject this... this mood, which is being stirred up by the press in favour of a period of restrained grief and sober, private mourning. That's the way we do things in this country - quietly, with dignity. It's what the rest of the world has always admired us for.

Tony: If that's your decision, ma'am, of course, the government will support it. Let's keep in touch. Elizabeth: Yes, let's.


1. Dance to someone's tune

意思是"跟着某人亦步亦趋,跟着某人的指挥棒转",例如:There is no need to dance to the boss' tune when he's not correct.

2. Take the temperature

Temperature 在这里的意思可不是"温度",而是指"(友谊、人际关系)等的热烈程度;激烈的情绪",例如:

I was aware of a change in the temperature of our relationship.


He tried to cool the temperature by stating some obvious facts.


3. At half-mast

意为"Halfway up or down",fly the flag at half-mast 就是"下半旗"的意思,用于对死去的人表示敬意。例如:The church bells tolled off and on all day and the flags were at half-mast.

4. Attend to

"照顾"的意思,例如:She attends to the old lady in the wheelchair.

此外,attend to 还表示"专心,注意",例如:Attend to your duties, please.

5. In favour of

意为"in support of 支持",例如:I am in favour of higher pay.


The Queen《女王》(精讲之五)

Man: Normally, it is a happy occasion when they arrive here, and normally, when they're out the front, on days like Trooping the Colour, VE Day or VJ Day. This is a tragic occasion.

Woman: Looks that the Queen is about... she is. She is getting out of the car. While she's getting talk to people.

Man: It's extreme unusual. This is, this is almost unprecedented. I think, perhaps the last time the Queen was among her people outside the palace was, was the day the war in Europe ended.

Woman: It's really as if the public and the royal family, the monarchy, have had a bit of a quarrel this week and now it's being healed in some measure.

Man: Like a family spat, not unlike the spats they acknowledged with Diana. I mean, Jenny is quite right to say that whatever the professional ups and downs between the Queen and the Princess...

Alastair: They sent a copy of the Queen's speech. You might want to scrape the frost off it first.

Man: I think the queen was very generous in recognizing that her oldest son wasn't the easiest chap to be married to.

Alastair: I've made a couple of suggestions to make it sound like it came from a human being.

Tony: Yeah, all right.

Alastair: Well this old bat finally agreed to visit Diana's coffin.

Tony: You know when you get it wrong, you really get it wrong. That woman has given her whole life in service to her people, 50 years doing a job she never wanted, a job she watched kill her father. She's executed it with honour, dignity, and as far as I can tell, without a single blemish, and now, we're all baying for her blood! All because she's struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who, who threw everything she offered back in her face, and who, for the least few years, seemed committed 24-7 to destroy everything she holds most dear!

Man: We cross, now, live, to Buckingham Palace for the Queen's tribute to Princess Diana.

Elizabeth: Since last Sunday's dreadful news, we have seen, throughout Britain and around the world, an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's death. We have all been trying, in our different ways, to cope. It is not easy to express a sense of loss, since the initial shock is often succeeded by a mixture of other feelings, disbelief, incomprehension, anger and concern for those who remain. We have all felt those emotions in these last few days, so what I say to you now, as your Queen, and as a grandmother, I say from my heart.

Cherie: Heart? What heart? She doesn't mean a word of this.

Tony: That's not the point. What she's doing is extraordinary.

Elizabeth: ...in good times and bad, she never lost...

Tony: That's how to survive.


Cherie: Listen to you. A week ago, you were the great moderniser, making speeches about the people's princess. Now you've gone weak at the knees.

Tony: Ssh.

Elizabeth: ...and for her devotion to her two boys.

Cherie: I don't know why I'm so surprised. At the end of the day, all Labour prime ministers go gaga for the Queen.

Tony: What?

Elizabeth: Millions of others who never met her, but felt they knew her, will remember her. I, for one, believe there are lessons to be drawn from her life, and from the extraordinary and moving reaction to her death. I share in your determination to cherish her memory. I hope that, tomorrow, we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana's loss and gratitude for her all-too-short life. May those who died rest in peace, and may we, each and every one of us, thank God for someone who made many, many people happy.


1. VE Day

Short for Victory in Europe Day, May 8, 1945, the day on which the Allies announced the surrender of German forces in Europe.

2. VJ Day

Short for Victory over Japan Day, August 14

3. Ups and downs

这个片语大家应该都不陌生,它的意思是"Good times and bad times, successes and failures 盛衰,沉浮,成败,好坏"等,例如:We've had our ups and downs but things are going fairly well now.

4. Throw something in someone's face

意为"Confront or upbraid someone with something 以……和某人对抗,责备某人",例如: Dean keeps throwing her poor driving record in her sister's face. The Queen《女王》(精讲之六)

Elizabeth: Oh, I do love this time of day. Shall we walk while there's still light? You know the clocks go back next week. It'll be dark before five. I do hope you're a walker.

Tony: I am.

Elizabeth: Good. I always think these meetings have far a greater chance of success if the Prime Minister is a walker. As a matter of fact, it's how I think best, on my feet. I've never been one for sitting around endlessly. A good walk in fresh air sorts everything out. One in four, you said, wanted to get rid of me?

Tony: For about half an hour, but then you came down to London, and all that went away. Elizabeth: I've never been hated like that before.

Tony: It must have been difficult.

Elizabeth: Yes. Very. Nowadays, people want glamour and tears, the grand performance. I'm not very good at that. I never have been. I prefer to keep my feelings to myself, and foolishly, I believed that was what people wanted from their Queen - not to make a fuss, nor wear one's heart on one's sleeve. Duty first, self second. That's how I was brought up. That's all I've ever 16


Tony: You were so young when you became Queen.

Elizabeth: Well. Yes. Yes, a girl. But I can see that the world has changed, and one must... modernize?

Tony: Well, perhaps that's where I can help.


1. On one's feet

这是个很容易理解的片语,on one's feet 的意思就是"站着",例如:I'm tired--I've been on my feet all day. 它还可以表示"恢复健康",常与back连用,如:I hope you get back on your feet very soon.

2. Sort out

这是一个动词短语,意为"evolve; develop; turn out 发展,进展",例如:We'll just have to wait and see how things sort out.

在这个片段中,sort out 意为"to put in order; clarify 使有秩序,澄清,阐明",例如:After I sort things out here, I'll be able to concentrate on your problem.

3. Keep to oneself

这个片语的意思是"Refrain from revealing, to hold (something) as secret or confidential 不外露,保守秘密",例如:He promised to keep the news to himself.

此外,keep to oneself 还表示"独处,不交际",例如:She kept to herself all morning.
















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