



有人说:一千个读者有一千个哈姆雷特。其实,对于莎士比亚而言,哈姆雷特就是哈姆雷特,哈姆雷特只有一个。“横看成岭侧成峰”,人们看到的不过是哈姆雷特的某一种性格的某一个侧面而已;而我眼中的哈姆雷特,是一出性格导演的命运的悲剧,是一个充满了高贵的人性的灵魂,在意外的变故和无常的命运打击下,性格骨子里的小丑一起涌出,在热血里澎湃、奏响的一出悲剧。 先简单的介绍一下故事情节,丹麦王子哈姆雷特的父王在花园中打盹时突然神秘死去,皇叔继位并娶母后为妻,令哈姆雷特深觉羞愧与愤怒。他对父亲的死因有所怀疑,忧郁过度,终日愁容满面。某夜他遇见父王鬼魂诉冤,终于知道原来是皇叔为篡位娶嫂而毒害亲兄。为报父仇他假装发疯以避开皇叔监视,并请戏班进宫表演一出与父王被杀经过十分相似的戏剧,逼使叔父原形毕露,结果他却误杀恋人奥菲莉亚的父亲,导致她因此发疯坠河而死。他的母亲后来也误饮毒酒身亡。优柔寡断的王子终于在怒不可遏之下杀死万恶的叔叔。




我们踌躇顾虑??”看,即使下了恶毒的复仇的誓言,哈姆雷特的骨子里对“梦”还有这样的畏惧,乃至于让它主宰着自己的命运和行动。梦,就是死后的魂灵,生前的美德,世俗的道德;对此哈姆雷特怀有怎样的尊敬崇拜乃至恐惧。可是命运让他不再做梦,他在悲惨的变故后认为“这种理智会使我们变成懦夫,决心的炽热的光彩,会被审慎的思维盖上一层灰色,伟大的事业在这样一种顾虑下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。”原来,他的复杂而矛盾的性格根源是在这里:一方面是对命运的服从和恐惧,另一方面是对命运的蔑视和背叛。 他相信父亲的鬼魂的言语,然而借助了伶人的表演他才确信叔父的罪恶,因为他在命运“这个娼妓”面前学会了审慎。他残忍的利用奥菲利娅的爱情,是它成为自己装疯的工具;而在奥菲利娅的葬礼上,意识到爱情的失去的哈姆雷特抑制不住不禁的悲伤而现了自己的行踪,勇敢,卤莽,却单纯得让人感动。母亲的变节甚至比父亲的死亡还让他难过,“脆弱啊,你的名字叫女人!”,母亲的容颜和话语,在他看来,是为了掩藏里面那个丑陋和恐惧的灵魂;但是他宁愿“用利剑一般的词语刺伤她的心”,也“不愿伤了她的一根发毛”。他妙计杀了吉尔登斯吞二人,固然令人拍手称快,但是他对朋友的猜忌却不免令人齿寒。他杀了奥菲利娅的父亲波各涅斯,而让爱人发狂??这一切,全是为了复仇。但是当一个复仇的绝妙时机,叔父正在祈祷的时候,他本可以轻而易举地成功,可他却放弃了,因为这会让仇人在祈祷中死亡后升入天堂??这不是忧郁,不是软弱,这时候的哈姆雷特,已经给复仇的火焰烧得只剩下一个念头:将仇人“颠踬在我的脚下,让他幽深黑暗不见天日的灵魂永堕地狱”!复仇的怒火使哈姆雷特成了马基雅维利的“为达目的不惜一切手段”的忠实效行者。


第二篇:哈姆雷特 读后感(英文版)

The Review of Hamlet

Hamlet was written by the famous writer William Shakespeare in 1603, and became popular at the Renaissance Time. It’s said that the story is based on the Prince Amleth, which can be date back to 12th century. But the first history drama is Tomas Kyds’ writing. Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, and Othello are the four tragedies. Hamlet describes the following story:

The prince Hamlets’ father dead abruptly, and the Queen Gertrude married with the new King Claudius within two months. Some people suspected that Claudius usurped the throne by marrying his sister-in-law, it’s he murdered the Ex-King.

Absolutely, it’s a big attack for Prince Hamlet. He felt the marriage is illegal and unduly. Meanwhile he always wear black clothes in order to express his mourn, and he was puzzled until the day he heard of the Ghost. His close friend Horatio told Hamlet that he met the ghost of the King before the daybreak, so Hamlet decided to keep watch at night with the guard in hopes of seeing the ghost of his father.

As expected, they met the ghost at midnight. Though the guard tried to stop the prince following the ghost, Hamlet came along with the ghost to a quiet place. The ghost told the fact that Claudius killed him by pouring mercury into his eyes and ears. Hamlet sworn to revenge, but on condition that not to hurt his mother. Then the ghost fades away.

Because of the harassment, Hamlets’ health became worse and worse. Fearing that Claudius would perceive his plan of revenge, he pretended mad. So that he can not only conceal his anxiety but also keep watch on Claudius. From then on, Hamlet performed strange behavior. Even be parted with his beloved girl Ophelia. But he didn’t have any chance to approach the King, for there’re so many guards around the King all the time.

By chance, there is a theatrical troupe in the palace. Hamlet ordered them to perform the scene of murder. The reaction of Claudius and the Queen is too erratic to

continue watching the play. That let Hamlet make sure they are the murderer. Later, the Queen met Hamlet secretly, but Hamlet killed Polonius mistakenly, the ghost appeared again. Hamlet persuaded his mother to help him take revenge on Claudius. But Claudius drove Hamlet out of the country. On the way to exile, Hamlet came across the pirates. Fortunately, the pirates let him go.

Finally, Hamlet returned to his country. Claudius arranged a fencing game between Hamlet and Laertes, and prepared a cup of poison wine for the winner. Sure enough, Hamlet won. But the Queen drank the wine unwittingly. Unluckily, Hamlet was hurt by Laertes with the poison sword. When Hamlet was at the last gasp, he killed Claudius.

The story comes to the end.

There will be one thousand different Hamlets in one thousand different readers. After reading the book, I am touched by the spirit of Hamlet. At the end of the story, almost all the central figures were dead. They are the pioneer who tried to confront their fate, but they failed at last. They want to redeem the past time, but they obtain nothing. Like them, we always feel sorry about the past, but we can change nothing but accept. We need to think more about the future but not the past, nobody can live in the memory of the past.

The words “to be or not to be, that is a question” reflects the truth of choice. Hamlet chose the revenge, and give up his love, friendship, even his high position and great wealth. So many times we are hesitated and irresolute. When we are faced with the choice, it means give up something, like delicious food or new clothes or other valuable stuff. Although the choices are zillion, they are limited. If we want live a happy and substantial life, we need to grasp every chance of the choice. Positive choice for our fade is the shortcut to life peak.

The sentence is also suit the Queen. After the King dead, she was at a crossroads. That is morality or lust, while she chose the later one. No matter which one she chose, she was choosing adversity. The ending is in accordance with expectation. A choice even can change one’s whole life, so we should be careful about every decision we made.


The story is a vivid reflection of the social reality in the 16th century. Many people have the rights of choose, but they don’t know how to decided. Their futures are manipulated by the fade, and they want resist the God’s will. However, the reality doesn’t allow any change. Hamlet is an anguished sage rather than a brave hero.

The book has another name The Revenge of Prince Hamlet. Actually, the Prince didn’t succeed in revenge, because he was dead at last. Life is the most precious thing we possess, so we should cherish our lives at every moment.

For me, Hamlet was impetuous. He can not change the world or fade, but he can change himself to adapt the world. One may be not successful in doing everything, but he must can do something well. This is the second time I read this book, and my felling is more intense than before. Every one of us is Hamlet, who fights against the trouble in our daily life. Beyond any doubt, we should not give in to the straits.

I hope everyone could read the story more than one time, because it not only tell you the story about Hamlet but also teach you something in your life time.


William Shakespeare. Hamlet.

Changzheng Press, 2007.

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哈姆雷特 读后感




















李晶 哈姆雷特 观后感



