

读《阿拜箴言录》第六篇有感 我们家有一本名为阿拜箴言录,所谓阿拜,乃我们哈萨克族一位有名的诗人,作家。他一生写了许多本书,此书都流露出了当时(18世纪末)的社会黑暗,并对当时社会的不满。而这本书是由一位作家汉语翻译的,我读到第六篇是我的感受非常深。 这一片的开头是:哈萨克族有这样一句谚语,:“团结是成功的保证。”但是哈萨克族人认为团结是有马同骑,有饭通吃。要是这样,贫富对人来说不重要,只要有亲人投靠,难道这就是团结?不团结是指思想上的一致,而不是财产共有。而现在的人大都互相功击、抱怨、算计、诋毁、欺侮,这还有什么团结可言呢? 生命是指什么?是指灵魂没有离开躯体的生命么?不,连狗也有这种生命呀!现在有的人为了求生,遇敌望风而逃,他们好吃懒做,最后沦为幸福的大敌。生命不该这样,生命应属于那些胸怀大志的人否则给胸无大志的人,你也养活不了你自己! 以上就是作者所想的,那么我们就联系实际说说吧。 现在很多人都学会了团结,比如鲁甸地震时,很多人通过努力就出一个有一个生命。但还有那么一小部分人,他们似乎不明团结,他们做出一件有一件毁坏团结的事,说一句有一句毁坏团结的话。啊!就像上文说的,如果我们互相欺侮,互相诋毁,我们就做进了不团结人士的行列中。让我们手拉着手、心连着心、肩并着肩一同为实现祖国的繁荣富强而努力吧! 啊!天山青松根连根,新疆人民心连心!


Plot, the Important Elements of a Story

As far as I am concerned, the book The Woman in White is worthy of reading twice. It’s an interesting story. And what touched me most is the attractive plot. After finishing this book, I realize that the plot is one of the essential elements for a book to be a best seller.

While I was reading The Women in White, I always guessed what would happen next, and I always failed to make the right conjecture. But it didn’t make me depressed. Instead of being dismayed, I became more and more interested in the book. In my opinion, a fascinating book has to keep its mystery from the first beginning to the end. And the readers never know what will happen next so that they will keep on their readings.

For the book The Woman in White, when I first saw Percival Glyde, the baronet, Laura’s fiancé, I regarded him as a respective, smart, humorous gentleman. I fell in love with the characters at the first sight. I looked forward to his wedding with Laura, and I thought they will have a happy ending. But in the next page of the book, it showed that Mr. Percival was a bad guy. There were much evidence which are relevant to his crime so that I gradually accept the idea that Mr. Percival was involved in some guilty job, but again, it seemed that he was innocent and he was a good man. In order to find out the real character of Percival Glyde, I kept on reading and reading, and I

couldn’t move my eyes from the book until I reach the exactly result.

Take Ann Cathreric, the woman in white, as another example. Ann was in white from the head to feet when she first appeared in the book, and she always dressed herself like that. Because of the book’s title—The Woman in White—I thought that, with no doubt, Ann was the heroine of the book. So I put much attention to her description. But as I moved my eyes from sentence to sentence, I gradually found that Ann isn’t the heroine. Then I was curious about the real heroine, and I looked forward to her debut. By the way, Ann took an important role in the story, anyway. And at the first sight of Ann’s description, I thought she was a pitiful woman who had suffered a lot of misery. I began to guess what had happened to the poor woman and I was in expectation of the author’s explanation of Ann’s bitter fate. But then I knew that Ann escaped form an asylum, and there’s no doubt that she has some medical problem. More or less, I lost my interest in Ann. when I read further, I found that she was lock in the asylum by baronet Percival because Ann knew his crime, and he was afraid that she would let his secrete out of the back. Again, I am curious about Ann’s experiences, and wanted to figure out what happened to her. In the end, it turned out that Ann isn’t a lunatic. But finally, the poor woman died.

In the process of reading, I am usually in confusion and in order to find out the truth, I have to continue my reading. So I think a successful book

should be a mysterious book, and you can’t know the result until you put your eyes onto the last sentence.

Think about that, there are two books—book A and book B. For book A, you can guess the ending of the story when you finish the first several chapters. While for book B, you can’t know the exactly ending until you finish the whole book. Then which book would you like? Book B is the better choice, definitely.

班级:09级英语师范5班 姓名:钟艳莉












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