

The spiritual values of Chinese character

The difference between Chinese character and western symbolic character is that the former is almost constituted of its spiritual values. The existing of single Chinese character indicates clearly what is right and wrong,from this point of view,Chinese character is the basic spirit of Chinese civilization and the crystal of ethical values. Chinese character is the whole nation’s cultural library. So ,today we talk some about the spiritual values of Chinese character.

About in 240 BC,the prime minister of qin,Lv Buwei,ordered educator to compile a great work which could involve something from the ancient to the modern,that was so-called Lushi Chunqiu. In order to strive for excellence,Lv Buwei ordered the solider to hang Lushi Chunqiu in Luo Yang city,it is told that the people who could increase and decrease a writing reward a thousand pieces of gold. According to research,at this point,Chinese character had become the Chinese writing system from the symbol of families flourish. China was an agricultural country,in Shang dynasty,there were only two seasons,but today had four seasons. As for Shang people,the ripe crops deserved celebrations,at the end of harvesting,the Shang emperor would presided over a ceremony to worship the heaven and the ancestors. This activity remained thousands of years in china. If a survival mode want to dominate people to know the nature,it must experience a long time. The vivid Chinese character

enabled us to face the agricultural survival of the ancient ancestors. At the very beginning,Western countries and china began to take different roads by nature’s gift. While western countries began to enter into industry countries,China still remained the farming life. So ,why the farming civilization existed a long time in china? At some point,it is related to the fertile Yellow Land,at the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of shang dynasty,the Chinese character of Yi is a picture of the cultivation of trees. The nature is mysterious and divine,the Chinese character Ren in the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of shang dynasty was described a picture of people’s obedience. People was a part of heaven,people could experience the heaven’s gifts in this four seasons.

For ancient ancestors, the notion of a small family was luxurious,even a small family could not engage in farming desperately,for the backward means of production. Once the bad weather appeared,so it needed a big farming organization to engage in farming. Every family should take his social duty and be responsible to the society. What is duty? That is,you will dispatch troops and you will join it . Not only marching to war,but also living a life,it must build some rules. Although the Home began from big family,but what the time did the small family begin to separate? As the advent of metal tools,especially the appearance of iron,iron plough was the cause of this great change. Another reason is the appearance of the feudalism’s breakdown,politically,the dynasty began to disintegrate

big family in order to stable his dominance. Culture and ethics both belong to heritage.maybe our ancient ancestors use Zi replacing Wen,so we can record the symbol system of language.

Once King Wen of Zhou go to royal progress,he saw a corpse half the way,he ordered attendants to bury him,but his attendants said,it is a nameless corpse,King Wen of Zhou was very unhappy,he said,I am the king of a country,it means the head of a big family. While there had

emperor,there also had attendants. It seemed like a small family separate from a big family,the official position also separate from administrative family.

The western humanism goes against religions and Christian,on the other hand,it had the spirit of conquering the nature,however,china stands for Ru spirit,it belongs to humanism and nature. So ,some scholars thought,contrast to western civilization,the Chinese civilization pursues the spiritual values of inner heart and ethics,in a word,they both remain great and rich legacy.



临江市第四中学 赵鹂



书不仅是我的好伙伴.还是我的好老师.它陪我开心.伤心.动脑筋.做游戏,又使我在学习方面更上一层楼!我阅读,我与历史人物共席对话。我阅读,我和时代风云同声呼唤。我思,我问:是谁推动着历史的车轮? 我掩卷沉思,我若有所悟。从孔夫子到孙中山,有多少英雄豪杰匡扶正义,有多少志士仁人追寻真理。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的屈原,“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的李白,“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的范仲淹,“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”的文天祥??他们为着民族利益呕心沥血,他们为着民族尊严而献身成仁。他们是民族的英雄,他们在为民族的生死存亡而战! 然而,这就是答案么?历史,就是英雄好汉的演兵场吗? 伟人的话在我耳旁回响:人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的真正动力。是那些无名的平民,在大泽乡揭竿而起,在虎门湾引水销烟??是那些朴实的百姓,将心血熔炼成兵马俑,用汗水铸就万里长城??是的,是人民的意愿造就了英雄,是人民的力量推动着历史的车轮滚滚向前。



《华夏五千年》写到辛亥革命暂告段落,但历史却掀开了更为气势磅礴的峥嵘岁月。一个世纪以来,孙中山、毛泽东、邓小平,三位伟人,领导中国人民描绘了宏伟雄浑、绚丽多彩的历史画卷;三座丰碑,显示着古老的中华获得了新生、变换了新貌,走向新的未来。 “数风流人物,还看今朝。”今天,亿万中国人民,正以新的风貌跨入了新的世纪。全国人民豪情满怀、信心百倍,在实现强国富民,实现民族伟大复兴,大踏步地奔向全面小康的伟大目标。这就是历史前进的方向,这就是当今历史发展的动力。







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