The sea wolf


The sea wolf

At the first sight of "sea wolf ",what come to my mind is that it must talk about the relationship between an animal and human.It may deals with the problem :How can a person gain Trust from an animal?How can they be friends?However,when I finished the first pages, things come in a total different way."Sea wolf "is not an animal but a person called Wolf Larsen,whose so–called nick name is"Sea wolf".

"The Sea wolf"began with leading character,Van Weyden's meeting danger on a ferry boat,which collide with another one in a fog day.Strikingly, he seems to be the only survival resecued by"The Ghost",a ship whose captain is "Sea Wolf".

The whole story focus on "Sea wolf",who has a misconception about life.For him,life has no order,no meaning.It. moves and may move for a minute,an hour,a year,or100years.The big creatures eat the little ones,so that they may continue to move.The strong ones eat the weak,so that they may keep their strength.Due to such kind of thought,he behave badly to his sailors: beat to death,even badly and cruelly to those NEET groups–he come up with a way to make these NEET groups work to live.Despite these awkward actions,He is quite knowledgable,insightful,and interested in a variety of books: Shakespeare,Tennyson,Poe,Darwin."How well he thought,and he said what he thought"as VanWeyden said.

Van Weyden,another leading character ,is a gentleman,writer and NEET group.What he has suffered on the "Ghost" canbe regarded as his "growth record"from a mama'boy to a masculine. Maude,the mere lady on the"Ghost",her coming add a little difference to life on ship——relationship between sailors turn out right.

Starting from the first several chapters, I cannot figure out what the captain"Sea wolf"want and the inner mind of these sailors, for everything goes on quite normally.It seems everyone have no complaints.Even they have,they dare not speak it out.

As I come to Middle part, things what the author want to reveal began to unveil.The author began to answer the question"why does sea wolf. badly treat his sailor,what does life mean to him?"

As time passed by,Van Weyden and Maud managed to grasp the opportunity and espaced from the "Ghost" with wisdom.At a time they both were indulged in the pleasure for their espacing and their survival in the barren island.Soon or later,something unexpected

happened.The"Ghost" arrived at the island."Sea wolf "once again enter into their life,which

puzzled and worried them a lot,for they are afraid of "Sea wolf's strength.However,this time,"Sea wolf" is no longer what he used to be——he is blind,vernerable and terribly hurt.what he could do was to count for the days that he would the world.Apart from that,he tried every means to prevent Van Weyden and Maud from leaving the barren island with "Ghost" and to commit suicide.before long,"Sea wolf " joined the heavenly chior.It seems like his deeds receive revenge.

"Sea wolf " tries to unveil the truth,the real picture of the society."Ghost "is the epitome of the whole society during the late 19th century and early20th century.while the captain "sea wolf" and Van Weyden,all the sailors represent the different social class.Through such kind of

description of life on ship, the author shows us that people of lower class (sailors)without wisdom can never win the upper class,especially those who are poweful and have very strong backing.only those courageous and prudent will win the final.

第二篇:An Analysis of Heathcliff’s Revenge in Wuthering Heights开题报告


论文题目:An Analysis of Heathcliff's Revenge in Wuthering Heights



Since its publication, Wuthering Heights captured the attention and imagination of researchers. They hold controversial views about Heatheliff's revenge. Some scholars argue that Heatheliff's revenge is acceptable and reasonable, taking into consideration the suffering, injury and shame Heathcliff has experienced, some scholars state that Heatheliff is a crazy avenger. Some scholar state that maltreatment is the core of Heathcliff' s revenge


This paper is intended to explore Heatheliff's revenge. This focusing on the manifestations,reasons and consequences of his revenge so as to show the change of human nature in the complicated society and the origin of the disappearance of human nature.

Thes is Statement: Heathcliff's revenge plays an important role in Wuthering Heights.



I. Manifestations of Heathcliff's Immoral Revenge

Ⅱ. Reasons for Heathcliff's Revenge

Ⅲ Consequences of Heathcliff's Revenge



The completion of a thesis of 4,500 words which focuses on the manifestations, reasons and consequences of Heatheliff's revenge is intended to show the change of human nature in the complicated society and the origin of the disappearance of human nature.



Textual analysis approach: It can get the pkots and characters information by reading Wuthering Heights.

Thinking Study: It can sum up this information in Wiuthering Heights.

Documentary Research Method: It can help get more information about Heatheliff's revenge in Wuthering Heights according to the researching of documentary about Wuthering Heights.


1. to read the original novel;

2. to choose a topic:

3. to collect and analyze materials;

4. to narrow down the topic and work out the outline;

5. to write the first draft and revise it;

6. to finalize the thesis;

7. to make the oral defense:


收集、查阅资料:  2011年5月-2011年12月

设计研究计划:  2011年12月-2012年1月

撰写论文初稿及修改:  2012年1月-3月

完成并提交论文:  2012年4月--5月

论文答辩:  2012年5月


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