


班级:英语112 姓名:吕文萍 学号:11021212 如同《放牛班的春天》一般,在《死亡诗社》中也有这么一位老师,他将一种别致,另类的,全新的教学理念带给了威尔顿预备学院。在那所默守陈规,毫无灵气,单调而又束缚的学校里,学生们在教条主义的约束下,过着一种固定的模式,走着一条爸爸妈妈为你铺设好的‘阳光大道’,如同没有生气的木偶,行尸走肉的活着。这个时候,基丁反传统的教育方法给学院带来了一丝生气:在他的课堂里,他鼓励学生站在课桌上,用一个崭新的视角去观察周围的世界;他向学生介绍了许多有思想的诗歌;他所提倡的自由发散式的思维哲学在学生中引起了巨大的反响。渐渐地,一些人接受了他,开始勇敢地面对每一天,把握他们自己的人生。

几乎每个学生都希望能遇到一位幽默风趣、知识渊博、可亲可敬、能够正确引导自己的启蒙老师。然而这样的教师角色大多只在影视作品中出没,现实社会里,学校和老师都似威尔顿学院那般,在传统教学模式中,一味注重纪律和分数,以升学率高来证明实力,学生本质的心声他们一味无视,在他们看来十七岁的少年拥有自己的思想,是件挺可笑的事情。事实上我们不能否定学生的个体存在,他们有自己的思想,世界观,人生观,他们也有着自己的梦想和美好的愿望。 “我步入丛林,因为我希望生活有意义,我希望活得深刻,吸取生命中所有的精华,把非生命的一切都击溃,以免,当我生命终结时,发现自己从没有活过。”天堂和地狱的一步之遥,并不是每个人都会到达,人生的一片虚无,只有在那些精彩的瞬间才会开出绚丽的烟花。生命是诗,生命是音符,是戏剧中最华彩的篇章;生命是理想,生命是自由,是一个人所应具有的全部自信与独立;它引导着你,鼓舞着你,激励着你以向死而生的勇气去追求真正的青春年华与高贵信仰。 可想而知,作为一位老师我们也许无法做到真正的因材施教,但我们应该努力的站在学生的角度思考问题,带给他们的应该是自由,奔放,多彩的生活。


He was their inspiration. He made their lives extraordinary.

There's so much good about this movie. The first time I saw it I watched it solely for plot and I loved it. Now I've seen it again and watched Peter Weir's filming and timing which is also great. Robin Williams is a terrific actor when he's serious. He proved it in Good Will Hunting but he proved it first here. If you liked that movie and your liking it had something to do with Williams than you will like this one. The plot is about a number of students who are taught by Williams about life. They are taught how to enjoy themselves. This ends up causing great controversy among the heads of the school. The students are terrific and even the dialogue is great. This is a movie that I can't imagine anyone not liking. It is good in every way.

There are certain films that get under your skin, never to come out. They change your life, subtly altering your perceptions of reality, almost always for the better.

Dead Poets Society is one of those few films.

I saw the movie back when I was in High School. I had a teacher who told us that we really needed to watch it; in fact, it was our "homework" for the day. We didn't need to bring back a report, or talk about it in class. All he asked from us was to watch it, make up our own mind about it, and that was it. As you can imagine, many friends of mine didn't watch it at all; I did. And yes, I feel I changed a bit from there on.

Back when you are young, you never really stop to think what in the world you are doing with your life. You simply live for the day, hope your grades will be enough to pass, and that's it. Long term thinking involves maybe flirting with a girl. Nothing more. What this film showed me was that we have the

responsability and the joy of being alive in this planet. That we are dust, and we will go back to it, so we have precious little time to make a difference. That we have a moral obligation to "seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary" (my favorite quote in all movie history). That the world, basically is ours. That the only limitations are within ourselves, and that we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. That living in this world is a beautiful responsability, and that only cowards dare not to change it for the better.

The fact that the cast was basically my age, and was passing through the

same dilemmas and situations I was facing made it all so much more powerful. So here I sit, 12 years from that day. I still don't think I have seized the day completely. But I keep on trying; I always will. I wonder how many people were transformed by this gem of a movie; I hope many.

10 out of 10. A definitive masterpiece.

The movie is one of the most wonderful films I have ever watched.To be honest,I were always thinking that there were few movies or stories that could indeed touch me from the bottom of my heart in the past few years .Now I have realized that there are good ones in the world .With tears I finished enjoying

the last five minutes.Alomst no words can describe my true feeling the moment the boys standing on the desks one by one calling the leaving teacher “oh, captain ,my captain .”in the sadest voice.The only thing I know is that I reallly like it . Yes ,the respectful teacher is their captain in their whole life .He makes the students know what life is .He interests them in the poets,but in fact in life . It helps me to see and understand the precious feelings between human beings better .I even have cried for a long time ,thinking of the things in the teacher’s eyes .He did not want to leave his students but he had to for his different teachig method against the traditional education system.

This story talks about a famous school,a group of rich students,a great teacher and the dead poets society.A sad one that can move anyone and cause one to think of our life we are leading.

Seeing the student named Neil dying for his dreams,I was reminded that my parents seldom asked me to do things I really had no interest or gave up my interest though they sometimes made decisions I didn’t like in the past of my life .So when I saw Neil’s father ,a stubborn man ,never allow Neil to act in the play which Neil likes most,I got shocked .We are human ,not

products .How can we stand being made into shapes as products?We human have thoughts and emotions .No one is born to make another happy .We are born to make ourselves happy and enjoy the sweety of the dreams we have in our heart.Neil was not born to be a doctor as his father thought.Neil killed

himself in the end .No ,it’s his father that killed his poor son .Without hope and dreams ,only with an arranged future ,Neil ended his young life . I do not know how despair he was when shot to himself . And I am not sure how sad when his parents saw their son died in the study. I saw they cried . I saw Neil’s friends running in the snow ,crying .

A young life dispeared.Whose fault ?One of his classmate called Carmon said the teacher encourged Neil should seek for his dream ,Mr.Keating should be blamed.But it is not the truth.The teacher just wanted the young to be happier and live a rich life . I like his words“I went to the woods because I

wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

Do their parents and the other teachers in the school know what the young want? Do they have an idea what their kids expect to be in the future ? Do they know what the students call this famous school ?Parents find the most

students graduated from this school become somebody in their country.They hoped their kids can be like them one day.But in students’mind it’s hell .Yes, it’s the hell on the earth .The same haircut ,the same books ,the same

suits,evething is the same .Do they ever think the young are not boys ,not yet men ,and all things they need are time ?It’s unfair for them to take on so much responsibility.

I feel sorry for them .They are full of passion for their life but they lead a poor life .They have no right to choose their future .They parents do that for

them .You grow to be a banker ,and you grow to be a doctor .They have a lot of money but they are feeling sorry for themselves .The young have done nothing wrong but they have to be a man what their parents ask them to be .Maybe tne only thing they did is wrong is that to be their parents’s sons .

















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