鲁宾逊漂流记 读后感 英语版


Robinson Crusoe is a youth of about eighteen years old who resides in Hull, England. Although his father wishes him to become a lawyer, Crusoe dreams of going on sea voyages. He disregards the fact that his two older brothers are gone because of their need for adventure. His father cautions that a middle-class existence is the most stable. Robinson ignores him. When his parents refuse to let him take at least one journey, he runs away with a friend and secures free passage to London. Misfortune begins immediately, in the form of rough weather. The ship is forced to land at Yarmouth. When Crusoe's friend learns the circumstances under which he left his family, he becomes angry and tells him that he should have never come to the sea. They part, and Crusoe makes his way to London via land. He thinks briefly about going home, but cannot stand to be humiliated. He manages to find another voyage headed to Guiana. Once there, he wants to become a trader. On the way, the ship is attacked by Turkish pirates, who bring the crew and passengers into the Moorish port of Sallee. Robinson is made a slave. For two years he plans an escape. An opportunity is presented when he is sent out with two Moorish youths to go fishing. Crusoe throws one overboard, and tells the other one, called Xury, that he may stay if he is faithful. They anchor on what appears to be uninhabited land. Soon they see that black people live there. These natives are very friendly to Crusoe and Xury. At one point, the two see a Portuguese ship in the distance. They manage to paddle after it and get the attention of those on board. The captain is kind and says he will take them aboard for free and bring them to Brazil.

Robinson goes to Brazil and leaves Xury with the captain. The captain and a widow in England are Crusoe's financial guardians. In the new country, Robinson observes that much wealth comes from plantations. He resolves to buy one for himself. After a few years, he has some partners, and they are all doing very well financially. Crusoe is presented with a new proposition: to begin a trading business. These men want to trade slaves, and they want Robinson to be the master of the tradepost. Although he knows he has enough money, Crusoe decides to make the voyage. A terrible shipwreck occurs and Robinson is the only survivor. He manages to make it to the shore of an island.

Robinson remains on the island for twenty-seven years. He is able to take many provisions from the ship. In that time, he recreates his English life, building homes, necessities, learning how to cook, raise goats and crops. He is at first very miserable, but embraces religion as a balm for his unhappiness. He is able to convince himself that he lives a much better life here than he did in

Europe--much more simple, much less wicked. He comes to appreciate his sovereignty over the entire island. One time he tries to use a boat to explore the rest of the island, but he is almost swept away, and does not make the attempt again. He has pets whom he treats as subjects. There is no appearance of man until about 15 years into his stay. He sees a footprint, and later observes cannibalistic savages eating prisoners. They don't live on the island; they come in canoes from a mainland not too far away. Robinson is filled with outrage, and resolves to save the prisoners the next time these savages appear. Some years later they return. Using his guns, Crusoe scares them away and saves a young savage whom he names Friday.

Friday is extremely grateful and becomes Robinson's devoted servant. He learns some English and takes on the Christian religion. For some years the two live happily. Then, another ship of savages arrives with three prisoners. Together Crusoe and Friday are able to save two of them. One is a Spaniard; the other is Friday's father. Their reunion is very joyous. Both have come from the mainland close by. After a few months, they leave to bring back the rest of the Spaniard's men. Crusoe is happy that his island is being peopled. Before the Spaniard and Friday's father can return, a boat of European men comes ashore. There are three prisoners. While most of the men are exploring the island, Crusoe learns from one that he is the captain of a ship whose crew mutinied. Robinson says he will help them as long as they leave the authority of the island in his hands, and as long as they promise to take Friday and himself to England for free. The agreement is made. Together this little army manages to capture the rest of the crew and retake the captain's ship. Friday and Robinson are taken to England. Even though Crusoe has been gone thirty-five years, he finds that his plantations have done well and he is very wealthy. He gives money to the Portuguese captain and the widow who were so kind to him. He returns to the English countryside and settles there, marrying and having three children. When his wife dies, he once more goes to the sea.



英国小说家笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》描述了主人公漂流海岛,战胜困难,艰苦创业的传奇故事。小说写得真实自然,富有传奇色彩。主人公在孤岛上种庄稼,搭木屋,吃了千辛万苦,生存下来。但想回人间的心切,使他着迷般地只想到如何走出这个鬼地方,结果还是失败了,最后于1868年回到阔别28年的英国。 翻开书的第一页:“谨以此书奉献给那些时时处处依赖父母,依赖学校的青少年朋友们。”当我从扉页上读到这句话的时候,便对这本书产生了一种莫名的反感。任性,娇气,依赖性强而动手能力差,这的确是我们绝大多数人的缺点。但我们不甘心承认这些,我们不也希望做得更好吗?可为什么,周围的人总要给我们戴上这顶"“帽子”呢?






我们需要具备鲁滨逊那样的刻苦奋斗的精神。 在他认为,天底下没有什么人类克服不了的困难,只要人类充分利用自己的智慧与双手,一切难题都将迎刃而解。我们学习也一样,必须相信自己有能力把各个学科学好,这样在学习过程中才会有一股动力不断促使我们前进.同时,还必须在做好每一件事后力求精益求精。 “一本好书能拯救一个人。”现在我百分之百相信这句话.这287页向我展示了鲁宾逊自信,自立,自尊,自强,永不满足,不甘平庸的精神;告诉我鲁宾逊靠自己的诚实,善良,智慧和坚毅,去创建,去开拓。他的精神值得我们学习!


如今,鲁宾逊已成为千万读者心目中的hero,我想,他们的成功,在于他们所拥有的坚定的信念。只要有厄运打不垮的信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。 生命为什么不就是一只小船呢?如果怕失败,怕风浪,怕波涛,怕打击,那就永远呆在港湾里吧,做他人的点缀。但是,你是否能够找到自己生存的价值?活着,就是一种冒险,生活,将很难找到属于你自己的港湾。


的青少年,尤其是男孩子都应该读读他。那么,这是一本怎样的书哪? 这本书叫《鲁宾逊漂流记》。故事并不复杂:出身于商人之家的鲁宾逊,不甘于像父辈那样,平庸的过一辈子,一心向往着充满冒险与挑战的海外生活,于是毅然舍弃安逸舒适的生活,私自离家出海航行,去实现遨游世界的梦想,但每次都历尽艰险。有一次风暴将船只打翻,鲁宾逊一个人被海浪抛到一座荒无人烟的海岛上,在那里度过了28年孤独的时光。小说的主要部分就是对他这段荒岛生活的生动记述。


























