















第二篇:THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第4集-- 分裂)

[43:53.08] 第四集 分裂


[43:55.14]1825年 1825.


[43:57.14]全世界迎来了现代化的曙光 All over the world, the modern era is being born.


[44:01.12]工业革命来临 It's the Industrial Revolution.


[44:03.62]美国努力迎头追赶 America is racing to catch up.


[44:09.31]在纽约州北部 In upstate New York,

[44:10.97]一条人工运河正在郊野中开凿 a man-made river is cutting through the wilderness.


[44:14.65]伊利运河 是四千年来 The Erie Canal is the biggest construction project

[44:18.17]西方世界规模最大的建筑工程 in the Western world in the last 4,000 years.


[44:24.32]全长超过300英里 完全由手工开凿 Over 300 miles long, dug entirely by hand,


[44:27.97]而当时美国连一名像样的工程师都没有 and America lacks a single qualified engineer.


[44:33.12]美国人 The United States of America

[44:35.45]不会让大自然阻挡他们的去路 isn't about to let nature stand in its way.


[44:37.72]我认为美国精神是 I think of the spirit of America

[44:40.53]想象力与毅力的完美结合 being imagination combined with tenacity.


[44:38.43] 迈克尔·道格拉斯 [著名演员]


[44:44.44]人们有兢兢业业的工作精神 There's a strong work ethic,

[44:47.09]有可以尽情施展的创造力 a wonderful freedom of creation,

[44:50.23]加上脑力与体力相得益彰 combined with the mental muscle and physical labor.

[44:55.07]对我来说 它是人类精神的最高体现 So to me, it represents the best of the human spirit.


[45:02.48]然而大自然并不见得愿意合作 But the land doesn't always cooperate.


[45:05.73]一道60英尺高的石灰岩壁挡住了去路 A wall of solid limestone 60 feet high.


[45:15.20]仅仅30英里开外就是终点 伊利湖 Just 30 miles from the finish line, Lake Erie.


[45:21.16]运河将会改变一切 The canal will change everything,


[45:23.08]将整个美国中部与大西洋连接起来 linking the Atlantic Ocean to the whole middle of



[45:28.02]它改变人们的居住地点和人生追求 It changes where people live, and why,


[45:31.56]把整个北方变成了全球经济中心 and turns the North into a global economic powerhouse.


[45:39.40]主持运河开凿的 The man behind the canal

[45:40.89]是满腔热忱的纽约州州长 德威特·克林顿 is New York's gung-ho governor, Dewitt Clinton.


[45:46.70]出身富庶之家的他坚信一切皆可为 Born to wealth, he won't take no for an answer.


[45:51.48]他有志当总统 He wants to be president.


[45:52.95]却最终在纽约州长任上尽心竭力了20年 Instead, he runs New York for 20 years.


[45:56.71]美国历史上出现过许多独具慧眼的领导人 America was blessed with many inspirational leaders,


[45:59.50]我认为德威特·克林顿 and I think Dewitt Clinton


[46:00.82]深知纽约州的发展对美国意义重大 had a real sense of how important new York could be for America.


[45:59.39] 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼 [前纽约市市长]


[46:09.43]克林顿的愿景是 让纽约州富起来 Clinton's vision: to make New York rich.


[46:15.82]从政治层面说 开凿运河就像一场豪赌 Politically, the canal is a huge gamble.


[46:18.90]舆论纷纷抨击这项危险而又昂贵的工程 It's savaged in the press as dangerous and too expensive.


[46:22.24]他们将其戏称为"克林顿的大沟" They call it "Clinton's big ditch."


[46:24.46]而这条"大沟"将永远改变纽约州 But it will change New York forever.

[46:27.14]这一工程比人类迄今为止所完成的 It is a work more stupendous,


[46:29.37]任何工程都更伟大 更壮观 more magnificent, and more beneficial


[46:33.04]并能产生更多效益 than has hither to been achieved by the human race.


[46:38.37]所谓创业精神就是 Entrepreneurship is about doing things


[46:41.10] 迈克尔·R·彭博 [纽约市市长]


[46:41.64]尽管你不知道结果怎样 when you don't know what it's gonna look like,


[46:43.39]也不知道该如何着手 you don't know what it's gonna be made of,

[46:44.79]你所凭借的只是一种直觉 you just have this instinct

[46:46.49]一种充满必胜信心的直觉 that you can do it and it'll work.

[46:47.85]这群人很有远见 并且敢想敢做 Those guys had visions and did it.


[46:53.89]5万人 50,000 men.

[46:55.22]1100万立方码的石块 11 million cubic yards of rock.

[46:57.69]玫瑰碗球场 可容纳92,542人


[46:57.69]足以填满26000个玫瑰碗球场 Enough to fillthe Rose Bowl 26,000 times.


[47:07.39]工人中有很多是爱尔兰移民 Crews are filled with Irish immigrants.


[47:10.57]大卫·吉尔罗伊在这里挣的钱是家乡的5倍 David Gilroy makes five times what he can earn back home,

[47:14.41]但这是项危险的工作 but it's hazardous work.


[47:17.68]他们其实是在移山 They're literally moving mountains,


[47:20.00]而唯一可行的办法就是 用火药 and there's only one way through-- gunpowder.


[47:24.03]这是一种由硝酸盐 木炭及硫磺制成的 A highly combustible mix of

[47:26.74]极易燃的混合物 nitrate, charcoal and sulfur.


[47:29.12]一旦配比出错 后果就是致命的 The wrong proportions can be lethal.


[47:43.14]只有一项工作比 There's only one job

[47:44.17]比点燃导火索更危险 that's more dangerous than lighting the fuse...


[47:48.59]那就是回去再点一次 going back to relight it.


[48:09.42]为了克服恐惧 工人们喜欢喝酒 To cope, workers drink.


[48:11.99]威士忌能缓解紧张 Whiskey calms the nerves--

[48:14.31]同时也会麻痹大脑 and clouds the brain.


[48:16.12]一名英国游客不敢相信 An English tourist can't believe

[48:18.07]他们在执行爆破工作的时候还敢喝酒 they're mixing alcohol and explosives.


[48:21.00]这些爱尔兰工人变得越发莽撞大胆 The Irish laborers grew so reckless of life,

[48:23.49]以至于当听到爆炸的信号时 that at the signal for blasting,


[48:25.86]他们只不过拿铲子在头顶挡一下 they would just hold their shovels over their heads.


[48:36.24]我认为成长在美国 I think when you're brought up in America,


[48:36.75] 肖恩·康姆斯 [著名歌手 绰号"吹牛老爹"]


[48:38.03]就是成长在一段辛勤劳动的历史之中 you're brought up on the history of hard work.


[48:41.00]有那么多的移民 There are so many immigrants

[48:42.79]为建设这个国家献出了生命 that have died to build this country.


[48:45.52]这种精神流淌在我们美国人的血液中 That's in our bloodstream,

[48:47.00]深藏在我们美国人的基因里 that's in our DNA as Americans.


[48:48.67]我们不想让先辈们的牺牲付诸东流 We don't want their lives to go in vain.


[48:50.48]因此 我们会比其他人更勤劳 Because of that, we usually work harder than anybody else.


[48:58.30]八年的开凿 Eight years of digging.


[48:59.77]近千人的牺牲 Nearly a thousand lives lost.


[49:01.74]七百万美元的投入 相当于如今的一亿美元 $7 million, more than 100 million today.


[49:05.61]换来了伊利运河于1825年的顺利通航 The Erie Canal opens in 1825,


[49:08.56]一个工程史上的奇迹诞生了 a miracle of engineering,

[49:10.79]东部和中西部从此连为一体 connecting East and Midwest.

[49:13.48]运河立刻成为了一条推动经济的高速公路 It's an instant economic superhighway.


[49:16.22]每年有总价值1500万美元的货物来往于河上 $15 million of goods a year flow along the canal.


[49:21.16]沿岸的小村庄迅速发展成了发达的城市 Villages along the canal boom into dynamic cities--


[49:24.60]水牛城 锡拉丘兹和罗切斯特 Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester.


[49:29.50]物价大幅下降 最大降幅达到95% Goods crash in price, up to 95%.


[49:34.05]昔日不得不自给自足的边陲小镇 A frontier that had to be self-sufficient

[49:36.27]如今各种商品应有尽有 can now buy anything they want.


[49:41.40]繁荣之火开始燎原 Prosperity is on the move.


[49:46.06]纽约市变成了一座繁华都市 New York City becomes a boomtown.


[49:53.56]华尔街迅速崛起 成为了世界金融中心 Wall Street takes off as a global financial center.


[49:59.83]城市规模扩大了4倍 The city quadruples in size...


[50:04.44]并一举超越新奥尔良成为全国第一大港口 and surpasses New Orleans as the nation's number-one port.


[50:14.22]这里财富聚集 There's so much money around,


[50:16.32]"百万富翁"一词就是1840年在这里诞生的 the word "Millionaire" is invented in 1840.


[50:22.35]伊利运河仍在影响着今天的纽约州 The Erie Canal still shapes New York today.


[50:25.56]其北部80%的人口 80% of the upstate population

[50:27.14]依然生活在运河25英里的流域范围内 still lives within 25 miles of it.


[50:37.00]向南数百英里 Hundreds of miles to the south,


[50:39.07]一种小型作物正在创造另一种经济腾飞 a small plant is creating another economic boom.


[50:43.00]棉花 Cotton.


[50:44.22]然而这种作物也导致了后来的国家分裂 But this one will eventually tear the nation apart.


[50:49.79]棉花原产于热带地区 Cotton is native to tropical regions,


[50:52.13]因此美国南部各州成为了理想的种植区 making the Southern states of the US a perfect breeding ground.


[50:58.43]棉花有价值的部分是 The valued part is the soft fiber

[51:00.69]紧密地长在这种灌木黏性种子周围的柔软纤维 which grows tightly around the shrub's sticky seeds.


[51:05.58]全世界有30个棉花品种 There are 30 species worldwide.


[51:08.32]引进种植不成问题 Growing it is no problem,


[51:12.39]但是加工这些纤维 并使之能纺织成布料 but processing the fiber before it can be spun into cloth


[51:15.78]则需要大量劳动力 is labor-intensive.


[51:17.93]特别是在除去棉籽时 Especially, separating the seeds.


[51:20.92]多年来 只能通过手工来完成 For years, it could only be done by hand.


[51:24.16]仅分离一磅棉花就需要一整天的劳动 One pound took an entire day.


[51:28.34]1794年3月4日 一项简单的发明 A simple patent filed on March 4, 1794,


[51:32.02]改变了这一切 changes all that.


[51:35.61]轧棉机 The cotton gin.


[51:38.00]它实现了加工过程自动化 It automates the process


[51:39.48]也加深了国家的分裂 and deeply divides the country.


[51:42.12]轧棉机不仅改变了美国 The cotton gin transformed not only America,

[51:44.35]也改变了世界 but the world.

[51:46.03]利用机器进行大规模生产的理念 The concept of mass production using a machine

[51:49.96]从此开始在各地流行 just exploded everywhere.


[51:46.66] 伍迪·诺里斯 [发明家]


[51:53.50]一个工人现在能加工比从前多50倍的棉花 One man can now process 50 times more cotton.


[51:57.49]整个南方的棉产量因此突飞猛进 Output skyrockets all over the South.


[52:03.50]1830年 美国棉产量占世界总产量的一半 In 1830, America is producing half the world's cotton.


[52:07.67]到1850 这一比例接近四分之三 By 1850, it's nearly 3/4.


[52:15.29]被喻为"白色黄金"的棉花 Called white gold,


[52:16.58]给南方带来了一种新式的奢华生活 cotton supports a new lavish lifestyle in the South.


[52:22.30]到1850年 By 1850,

[52:23.51]密西西比州的纳奇兹市的人均百万富翁数量 there are more millionaires per capita in Natchez, Mississippi,

[52:27.02]比全世界任何一个地方都要多 than anywhere else on Earth.


[52:31.63]城里最富有的人拥有4万英亩田地 The richest man in town owns 40,000 acres,


[52:34.77]几乎是曼哈顿岛的3倍大 nearly three times the size of Manhattan Island.


[52:43.30]南方的迅速繁荣 The South is thriving

[52:45.90]离不开一种人剥削人的制度 on the backs of humans owning other humans.

[52:48.51]也就是奴隶制 It's called slavery.


[52:51.75]北方也受到了南方繁荣的影响 The North is implicated in the South's success.


[52:58.84]工业发达的北方从南方的棉花中获益 The industrial North is profiting from Southern cotton,


[53:04.00]而对奴隶制却视而不见 but turns a blind eye to slavery.


[53:07.93]开国元勋中的许多人自己就是奴隶主 Many of them slave owners themselves,


[53:10.27]他们以为奴隶制会很快消失 the Founding Fathers assumed slavery would soon disappear.


[53:14.90]奴隶制在英国已经被废除了20年 Slavery has already been abolished for 20 years in Britain

[53:18.63]而且在欧洲的大多数地区属于违法 and is outlawed across most of Europe.


[53:21.09]但由于棉产量的剧增 But with the cotton explosion,


[53:23.11]奴隶制变得对南方经济极其重要 slavery becomes critical to the Southern economy.


[53:29.26]现在每个奴隶可以创造比以前多50倍的利润 Each slave is now 50 times more profitable.


[53:32.98]在轧棉机问世前 只卖300美元的奴隶 A slave who sold for $300 before the cotton gin

[53:36.37]到1860年可以卖到近2000美元 goes for nearly 2,000 by 1860.

[53:39.25]人们没有真正意识到这一点 People don't really realize this,


[53:40.37] 詹姆斯·梅格斯 [《大众机械》杂志总编


[53:40.51]在轧棉机发明之前 but slavery was actually on the decline in the South


[53:42.51]奴隶制在南方实际是在逐渐衰退的 prior to the invention of the cotton gin,

[53:44.39]然而 轧棉机使得棉花种植如此有利可图 but then once the cotton gin made it so practical to grow cotton,

[53:48.60]突然间 所有南方农场主 all of a sudden, every farmer in the South


[53:50.60]都想尽可能地多种棉花 wanted to plant as much cotton as possible.


[53:54.55]然而过度种植导致了土地贫瘠 But overproduction is destroying the land.


[53:58.17]棉花种植向西部肥沃的土地进发 Cotton heads west in search of fertile soil,

[54:01.49]并带去了奴隶制 bringing slavery with it.


[54:06.12]而北方的废奴势力则要维护边远地区的自由 But antislavery forces in the North want to keep the frontier free.


[54:11.09]废奴战争的第一枪即将打响 The stage is set for the first battles in the war over slavery.


[54:24.90]棉花改变了美国人的生活方式 Cotton is changing the way Americans live.


[54:28.80]不久以后 它还会带来国家的分裂 In time, it will blow the nation apart.


[54:33.26]对南方来说 棉花就是金矿 For the South, cotton is a gold mine.


[54:36.20]而现在北方也想来分一杯羹 Now the North wants a piece of the action.


[54:38.77]这种互利共赢的合作关系 It's a partnership that makes everyone rich,


[54:42.60]建立在一种新型机器的基础上 based on a new machine,

[54:44.76]动力织布机 the power loom.


[54:48.34]运进来的是粗制棉绒 Raw cotton comes in,

[54:49.67]送出去的是精美的布料 finished cloth goes out.


[54:51.42]一切都在一个车间内完成 All under one roof.


[54:54.72]现代工厂诞生了 The modern factory is born.


[55:00.56]马萨诸塞州的洛威尔 Lowell, Massachusetts,


[55:01.88]这个纺织业发达的城市有着"纺锤之城"的美称 is called the city of spindles, a textiles boomtown.

[55:06.55]人口在短短15年内 Population explodes

[55:07.88]由1820年的200人骤增至近20000人 from 200 in 1820 to nearly 20,000 in just 15 years.


[55:14.55]城里超过三分之一的人在工厂里工作 More than a third of the town works in the mills.


[55:17.60]其中85%是15岁至25岁的单身女性 85% are single women between 15 and 25.


[55:23.04]哈丽特·罗宾逊只有10岁 Harriet Robinson is ten.


[55:25.05]父亲死后 她就进了工厂 When her father dies, she goes to work at the mill.


[55:29.76]那情景历历在目 我在走廊里来回穿梭 I can see myself now, racing down the alley,

[55:32.77]奔走于纺机之间 between the spinning frames,

[55:34.65]搬着个比自己还大的线筒箱 carrying in front of me a bobbin box bigger than I was.

[55:38.33]妇女第一次可以通过劳动挣钱 Women earn money for the first time.


[55:42.13]哈丽特的工钱帮助补贴家用 Harriet's wages help supporther family.


[55:45.04]工业化改变着每个人的生活 Industrialization is changing everyone's lives.


[55:51.45]所有女童工的收入都得到了合理利用 All the mill girls make good use of their money.


[55:54.06]家里的抵押被赎回来了 The mortgage is lifted from the homestead,

[55:56.34]农舍也被粉刷一新 the farmhouse is painted.


[55:58.00]女童工的收入能贴补守寡的母亲 Mill girls help maintain widowed mothers

[56:00.24]或者酗酒或者伤残的父亲 and drunken or invalid fathers.


[56:06.00]我们每周能挣2美元 We were paid $2 a week.

[56:07.71]当轮到我站在线筒箱上时 Oh, how proud I was when

[56:09.03]我是多么激动啊 it came to my turn to stand up on the bobbin-box.


[56:12.81]当妇女到纺织厂制线厂真正参与生产劳动时 When women really joined the workforce in the cotton mills and the thread factories,


[56:16.30] 玛莎·斯图尔特 [著名女企业家 有"家政女王"之称]


[56:19.31]这使她们有机会挣脱传统束缚 I think it gave women an opportunity to get out,


[56:23.13]并认真考虑自力更生了 be serious about being bread winners.


[56:25.81]这改变了整个美国的社会格局 And it changed the whole fabric of America.


[56:30.50]纺织工厂还掀起了美国人的服装革命 The mills also revolutionize how Americans dress.


[56:36.05]廉价棉布的大量生产 Mass production of cheap cotton fabrics

[56:38.69]振兴了美国的服装业 spawns America's clothing industry.


[56:42.29]以前 大多数家庭的衣服都是自制的 Previously, most families made their own clothes.

[56:45.25]现在 人们开始购买成衣 Now, people buy ready-to-wear.


[56:47.80]东方潮流取代了鹿皮大衣 Eastern fashions replace buckskin.


[56:50.55]到1850年 By 1850,

[56:52.04]服装业成了纽约市最大的制造业 men's clothing is the largest manufacturing industry in New York City.


[56:56.00]作为美国人 我最自豪的一点就是 For me, what makes me proudest to be an American


[56:57.38] 吉米·威尔士 [维基百科创始人之一]


[56:59.38]美国精神中的高效和乐观 is that American spirit of productivity, optimism,

[57:03.29]坚信人定胜天 前景光明 this idea that the world doesn't have to be doom and gloom,

[57:06.52]我们可以利用科技让生活更美好 that we can use technology to make our lives better.


[57:11.45]时装并不是来自纺织厂的唯一新事物 Fashion isn't the only innovation to come out of the mills.


[57:15.00]这里发明的技术直接导致了硅谷的诞生 Technology developed here will lead straight to Silicon Valley.


[57:19.19]织布机上首创了穿孔卡 用于生产带花纹的布料 Looms pioneer punch cards to produce patterned fabric.


[57:25.02]卡上的每个孔 Each hole in the card tells

[57:26.49]决定织机是否使用不同颜色的纺线 the loom to use a different-colored thread, a yes-no decision.


[57:31.38]这就是二进制代码 所有现代计算机的基础 It's binary code, the basis of all modern computers.


[57:37.28]计算机和互联网的诞生 The birth of the computer and Internet

[57:39.45]都始于棉纺工厂里的织机 began in cotton mills with these looms.


[57:43.29]我认为 在美国历史上的每一个 You know, in every major development,


[57:44.80] 约翰·拉萨特 [皮克斯和迪斯尼公司创意总监]


[57:47.18]重要的发展时期 I think, in the history of America,

[57:49.33]科技都起到了核心作用 technology has been at the center of it.


[57:58.00]尽管轮班时间长达12个小时 Despite 12-hour shifts,

[57:59.47]工厂还是给妇女们带来了无限的机遇 the factories offer a new world of opportunity for women.


[58:03.83]她们通过更多的阅读和交流来提高自己 They are reading more, talking more, educating themselves.


[58:08.52]没错 在上工时间读书是违规的 Yeah, reading books on factory time was against the rules,

[58:12.40]但我们把书藏在围裙口袋和废料桶里 but we hid books in apron pockets and waste baskets.

[58:15.81]有时我们也把诗贴在织机上背诵 Sometimes we pasted poems on our looms to memorize.

[58:19.29]美国社会第一次听到了她们的声音 And for the first time in America, their voices are heard.


[58:26.54]1836年10月 October 1836.

[58:28.59]洛威尔纺织厂的女工下班后有组织地聚集起来 Women from the Lowell Mills gather after work and organize.

[58:32.87]她们反对降薪的抗议 Their protest against wage cuts

[58:34.76]是美国历史上最早的罢工之一 is one of the first strikes in US history.


[58:39.38]最后 她们赢了 And they will win.


[58:40.94]工厂老板作出了让步 The mill boss is back down.


[58:43.61]新一代的年轻女性后来成为了老师 A generation of young women go on to become teachers,

[58:46.65]作家 甚至大学毕业生 writers and even college graduates.


[58:49.87]哈丽特·罗宾逊后来成了争取妇女参政权的领军人物 Harriet Robinson will become a leading suffragette,

[58:53.95]并在国会前作证 and testify before Congress.


[58:58.21]她们是第一批 They're the first wave in a movement


[58:59.89]争取妇女选举权运动的发起者 that results in women getting the vote.


[59:04.07]照亮她们夜间秘密会议的灯光 Their secret meetings at night are only possible

[59:06.85]来自一种非凡生物点燃的油灯 with the light from lamps powered by an extraordinary creature.


[59:15.10]鲸油照亮了夜晚 Whale oil opened up the night,


[59:16.70]正如许多其它革命性的新发明一样 and like so many really transformative technological innovations,


[59:16.70] 詹姆斯·梅格斯 [《大众机械》杂志总编]


[59:20.43]它使人们更加自由 it expanded human freedom.

[59:21.86]它为人们开拓了一条多劳多得的劳动之路 It created a way for people to get more, do more and achieve more.


[59:28.90]原油在20年之后才被发现 Crude oil won't be discovered for another 20 years.


[59:33.28]在那之前 是鲸油照亮着美国 Until then, America runs on whale oil.


[59:36.86]捕鲸业 The whaling industry


[59:38.14]推动了工业革命中的研发过程 helped invent part of the Industrial Revolution

[59:41.06]还给典型的美国工作狂帮了大忙 and the classic American workaholic,


[59:41.99]史蒂文·约翰逊 [著名作家]


[59:44.99]通宵达旦的工作环境 work-round-the-clock kind of environment,


[59:47.00]在这种环境下 如果你能有更多的亮光 where if you have more light

[59:48.30]来熬过那段不见天日的寒冬 to keep you going in those dark winter days,

[59:50.36]就能有更多成就 赚到更多钱 you could get more done, you could make more money,

[59:52.79]因而在某种程度上你也推动了经济的发展 and you could kind of drive the economy forward.


[00:08.50]鲸是在地球上曾有过的最大的生物之一 Whales are among the largest creatures to

ever live on Earth.


[00:15.41]体重可达一百八十吨 身长逾百英尺 Up to 180 tons and more than 100 feet long.


[00:25.10]一条鲸鱼可以制成 A single whale can produce

[00:26.23]可以高达三千加仑[约11立方米]的鲸油 up to 3,000 gallons of oil.


[00:31.30]时至今日 美国航空航天局仍在使用鲸油 Even today, whale oil is used by NASA.


[00:34.34]哈勃空间望远镜就是靠鲸油工作的 The Hubble space telescope runs on it.


[00:42.67]捕鲸业是北方最大的产业之一 Whaling is one of the North's biggest industries,


[00:46.33]每年带来一千一百万美元的收入 bringing in $11 million a year.


[00:49.85]但从业者的伤亡代价也很高 But the human cost is also high.


[00:54.31]一半的捕鲸船最后会在大海里失踪 Half of all ships will eventually be lost at sea.


[00:58.00]很少有人甘冒此风险 Few men are willing to take the risk.


[01:00.35]但对于非裔美国人来说 这却是一个良机 But it's an opportunity for African-Americans.


[01:03.25]两万名自由人和逃跑的奴隶选择了出海 20,000 freemen and escaped slaves take to the seas.


[01:08.10]约翰·汤普森是马里兰州一名逃跑的奴隶 John Thompson is a runaway from Maryland.


[01:12.49]我的家在费城 I have a family in Philadelphia.


[01:15.21]但我不敢再在那里多呆 But fearing to remain there any longer,


[01:17.42]我想到了去航海捕鲸 I thought I would go on a whaling voyage

[01:19.88]抓捕逃奴的赏金猎人们不太可能 where I stood least chance of

[01:22.21]跑到海上来追捕我 being arrested by slave hunters.


[01:27.93]捕鲸业所提供的平等机会超前于其所处的时代 The equal opportunity offered in whaling is ahead of its time.


[01:32.93]在这里 有色人种真正被当人看待 Here, a colored man is only known and looked upon as a man

[01:36.39]并且他们的晋升只取决于能力和技术水平 and is promoted in rank according to his

ability and skill

[01:40.64]干的活也和白人一样 to perform the same duties as a white man.


[01:47.63]从某种角度来说 捕鲸业 The whaling industry offered

[01:49.47]为那些像约翰·汤普森一样当过奴隶的人 an ex-slave like John Thompson

[01:52.42]提供了社会经济层面的流动性 the possibility of socialand economic fluidity, mobility


[01:52.83]小亨利·路易斯·盖茨 [哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长]


[01:55.65]和被人接受的可能性 and acceptance in a way.

[01:58.08]即使在北方 Even in the North,


[01:59.76]对于黑人来说 这在其它行业也是不可能的 that was not possible for black people otherwise.


[02:07.30]负责瞭望的人大声叫道 The man on the lookout cried out,

[02:09.46]"她在那儿喷水呢" "There she blows!"

[02:10.86]海面上出现了四只鲸鱼 There were four whales in sight,

[02:13.07]距离他们只有不到四分之三英里 not more than 3/4 of a mile distant.


[02:20.90]猎杀它们需要花费数小时的时间 It takes hours to kill them.


[02:24.06]他们用的是最先进的鱼叉 They use state-of-the-art harpoons

[02:26.26]路易斯·坦普 [美国著名废奴主义者 发明家]


[02:26.26]这是由一个名叫路易斯·坦普的逃奴发明的 invented by runaway slave Lewis Temple.


[02:31.08]杀死鲸鱼的唯一方法是在鱼鳍处捅入鱼叉 The whale can only be killed by lancing him under the fin,


[02:34.66]这需要很多练习和技巧 which is a work of much skill and practice.


[02:39.50]一头盛怒之中的猛兽 A monster, terrible in his fury,


[02:42.77]足以在摆尾之间让小船灰飞烟灭 able to shiver the boat in atoms by one stroke of his tail.


[02:50.00]但海上生活纵使再凶险 And yet even the dangers at sea

[02:52.49]也比可怕的奴隶生活要强得多 are preferable to the horror of life as a slave.


[02:58.74]对那些冒险逃跑的奴隶的惩罚手段极其凶残 Punishment is savage for those who risk escape,

[03:01.57]但仍有人为了自由不惜一切代价 but some will do anything to be free.


[03:09.56]1841年 新奥尔良 1841, New Orleans.


[03:12.48]奴隶交易的中心 Ground zero for the slave trade.


[03:16.05]这一天是拍卖日 It's auction day.

[03:17.17]一个让所有奴隶心惊胆战的日子 The day every slave fears the most.


[03:22.60]在十九世纪上半叶 In the first half of the 19th century,


[03:25.03]超过一半的奴隶是在拍卖会上被卖出的 over half a million slaves are sold at auction.


[03:29.69]这一行业在南方经济中占了20亿美元 It's a business worth $2 billion to the Southern economy.


[03:34.00]由于棉花种植业的繁荣 Since the cotton boom,

[03:36.57]奴隶的价格飙升 the value of slaves has skyrocketed.


[03:38.38]现在 男奴隶1000美元 Now men cost $1,000.


[03:40.94]女奴隶800美元 Women, 800.


[03:42.42]儿童500美元 Children, 500.


[03:46.16]所罗门·诺萨普 Solomon Northup,


[03:46.20]所罗门·诺萨普 [曾著自传《为奴十二载》]


[03:48.21]一位来自北方的受过教育的自由人 an educated freeman from the North,

[03:49.65]因遭绑架而沦为奴隶 was kidnapped into slavery.


[03:53.11]你 到这边来 You, come over here.


[03:56.30]他会要求我们把头抬起来 He would make us hold up our heads,

[03:58.52]让我们快速来回奔跑 walk us briskly back and forth,

[04:01.19]这样 顾客们就能观察我们的手臂和躯干 while customers would feel our hands and arms and bodies,

[04:05.85]他让我们张开嘴巴露出牙齿 make us open up our mouths and show our teeth,


[04:09.04]简直就像一个骑师在检验马匹 precisely as a jockey examines a horse,

[04:12.08]然后再决定是用钱还是用货物来完成交易 which he is about to barter for or purchase.


[04:16.52]奴隶后背上的伤疤被视为 Scars upon a slave's back were considered

[04:19.04]该奴隶反叛或难以管束的证据 evidence of a rebellious or unruly spirit,

[04:22.55]因而影响售价 and hurt his sale.


[04:26.20]把上衣脱了 Take your top off.

[04:27.16]九成的非裔美国人都是奴隶 90% of all African-Americans are slaves,

[04:31.36]包括400万男人 女人和小孩 4 million men, women and children.


[04:34.80]我们的建国纲领是 We had based this country on

[04:36.75]人人都享有不容侵犯的自由和平等权利 everyone having inalienable rights to freedom and equality,


[04:37.60]雪儿·克罗 [上世纪90年代以来最受欢迎的摇滚乐女歌手之一]


[04:40.60]然而 我们也创造了一套惨无人道的迫害机制 and yet we created a system of abject persecution.


[04:47.81]奴隶们被养肥了送去拍卖 就像牲口一样 Slaves are fattened for auction, like livestock.


[04:51.78]深肤色的男人被买走干农活 Dark-skinned men are bought for the fields,

[04:54.00]而浅肤色的女人则用来做家务活 light-skinned women for the house.


[04:57.81]奴隶贩子们谎报他们的年龄 Traders lie about their ages,

[05:00.36]甚至会给奴隶的白发染色 even dye a slave's gray hairs.


[05:03.02]对于农场主来说 For the plantation owners,

[05:04.82]买奴隶就像去当地的超市买糖和面粉一样 it was like just going to your local supermarket to get sugar or flour.


[05:06.90]艾尔·夏普顿牧师 [美国人权领袖]


[05:10.80]他们已经完全忘了奴隶也是人 They had become so desensitized to the humanity of the slave

[05:16.44]以至于根本不把奴隶当人看 that they did not see them as human beings.


[05:23.00]买家需要生育能力强的奴隶来繁衍后代 Buyers demand the most fertile slaves for breeding.


[05:26.57]身价最高的就是浅肤色未成年处女 The most expensive are light-skinned teenage virgins.


[05:30.70]强奸已是稀松平常 Rape is common.


[05:36.61]伊莱扎来自一个州立农场 Eliza's from a state plantation.


[05:41.95]和她一起被拍卖的还有她的两个孩子 She's being sold, with her two children,

[05:44.82]埃米莉和兰德尔 Emily and Randall.


[05:47.33]在路易斯安那州 In Louisiana,

[05:48.99]将11岁以下的孩子从父母身边带走是违法的 it's illegal forchildren under 11 to be taken from their parents.

[05:52.67]小伙子 过来 Boy, come over here.


[05:54.39]但这种事屡见不鲜 It happens all the time.


[05:56.74]给我看看你的牙齿 Show me your teeth.


[05:58.88]140年的时间对于 You know, 140 years is not

[06:00.27]整个历史进程来说并不漫长 a really long time in the context of history.

[06:02.78]所以 我真的不敢相信 So it's hard for me to believe

[06:04.55]140年前黑人在这里没有任何权利可言 that blacks didn't have any rights here,

[06:06.98]他们遭受的是非人的对待 they weren't treated as human beings,


[06:07.19]约翰·勒珍德 [五次荣获格莱美奖的R&B歌手和歌曲作家]


[06:09.20]本质上 他们的待遇和动物无异 they were treated like animals, essentially.


[06:12.50]求你了 先生 Sir, please!


[06:29.00]拍卖会上过半的交易都会拆散一个家庭 Over half the sales at auction will tear a family apart.

[06:32.83]想象一下 一个八岁的孩子 If you've ever been eight, to think of being

[06:35.91]被迫与父母分开 separated from your mother and your father

[06:37.63]被人买走 永远不能再见父母一面 and sold and you'll never see them again.

[06:39.96]想象一下这过程中的惊恐与辛酸 The horror of that, the poignancy of all of that,


[06:40.38]安妮特·戈登·里德 [罗格斯大学历史学系教授]


[06:42.39]而类似事件却在整个南方屡见不鲜 and yet that's the kind of thing that happened across the South

[06:46.19]直到奴隶制度瓦解 up until the end of slavery.


[06:49.00]好了 我最后一次出价 Okay, my final offer,


[06:51.32]这个男人我出一千 那个男人我出九百 I'll give you 1,000 for that man, 900 for that man.


[06:54.88]那边那个女人 我出七百 That woman there, $700.


[06:57.90]求你买下我的孩子吧 Please, buy my child!


[07:02.17]先生 Sir!


[07:07.30]先生 Sir!


[07:08.66]我曾多次目睹过母亲最后一次亲吻 I have seen mothers kissing for the last time

[07:11.21]逝去的孩子的脸颊 the faces of their dead offspring,


[07:13.33]但我却从没见过伊莱扎和她的孩子分离时的 but never have I seen such an exhibition of intense grief

[07:17.64]那种痛彻心扉的悲伤 as when Eliza was parted from her child.


[07:31.26]从巴尔的摩出发向北三英里 Three miles outside Baltimore heading North.


[07:34.07]一个奴隶正在逃亡的路上 A slave on the run.


[07:36.77]被抓获的风险很大 The risk of capture is high.


[07:39.00]一年中最多只有一千人成功逃走 At most, 1,000 a year are successful.


[07:41.58]割掉耳朵 挑断脚筋 Ears cut off; achilles tendons slashed;

[07:45.27]还有打烙印 都是被抓后常见的惩罚手段 branding; all are common punishments if caught.


[07:49.15]弗雷德里克·道格拉斯曾两次出逃失败 Frederick Douglass has failed twice,


[07:49.20]弗雷德里克·道格拉斯 [第一位在美国政府担任美国外交使节的黑人]


[07:51.60]但失败无法阻挡他的脚步 but won't let that stop him.


[07:56.33]道格拉斯这类人是南方最大的梦靥 Men like Douglass are the South's worst nightmare.


[08:01.20]和其他人相比 He has a better chance

[08:02.20]他有更大的机会成为一个自由人 than most of passing as a freeman.


[08:05.81]与八成的奴隶不同 他能读会写 Unlike 80% of slaves, he can read and write.


[08:11.00]即使在二十一世纪 Even in the 21st century,

[08:12.96]我们离那个可怕时代也不过隔了三四代而已 we're only three or four generations away

[08:16.71]艾尔·夏普顿牧师 [美国人权领袖]


[08:16.71]那时的人们不但不能靠劳动换取薪酬 from people that not only could not get paid for their labor,

[08:20.95]而且对他们来说读书写字是违法的 it was against the law for them to read and write,

[08:23.82]结婚也是违法的 it was against the law for them to marry,

[08:26.00]对他们来说 it was against the law for them

[08:27.95]甚至为孩子冠上自己的姓氏都是违法的 to name their children after themselves.

[08:30.42]女士们先生们 打扰了 Ladies and gentlemen, please.


[08:35.42]您这路可长了 Long way to go.


[08:47.10]车票呢 Ticket.

[08:47.98]美国黑人必须随身携带文件 Black Americans must carry documents

[08:50.26]证明他们是自由的 或者主人是谁 proving they're free, or who they belong to.


[08:58.19]弗雷德里克·道格拉斯从朋友那里借来了证明文件 Frederick Douglass has papers borrowed from a friend.


[09:02.07]车票呢 Ticket.


[09:04.18]但它经不住仔细审查 They won't hold up to careful examination.


[09:21.60]我的命运完全掌握在 My whole future depended on

[09:22.72]列车长作出决定的一念之间 the decision of this conductor.


[09:32.89]这鸡是谁的 快抱走 Someone get this chicken.


[09:34.50]此时此刻 This moment of time was

[09:35.92]是我所经历过的最难熬的时光 one of the most anxious I ever experienced.


[09:39.44]如果他仔细查看了这张证明 Had he looked closely at the paper,


[09:41.59]他一定会发现 he could not have failed to discover that

[09:43.65]照片里的人和我长得完全不一样 it called for a very different-looking person from myself.


[09:51.88]弗雷德里克·道格拉斯成功来到纽约市 Frederick Douglass makes it to New York City--

[09:54.50]获得了自由 and freedom,


[09:55.55]他成了废奴运动中的领军人物 and becomes a leading figure in the anti slavery movement.


[10:02.58]后来 他写了一本畅销的自传 He'll write a best-selling autobiography.

[10:05.15]再后来 他在白宫和林肯会晤并激烈辩论 He'll meet and debate with Lincoln in the White House.


[10:09.81]在那个很少把奴隶当人看的年代 At a time when slaves are barely regarded as people,

[10:12.80]他将成为一个象征 一个名人 he will become an icon, a celebrity,


[10:15.91]全美最著名的非裔美国人 the best-known African-American in America.


[10:24.71]对于逃跑的奴隶来说 The best hope for escaped slaves

[10:26.57]地下铁道:一系列房屋、地道和道路精心筑成的秘密通道 帮助奴隶逃离他们备受压迫的南方


[10:26.57]他们最大的希望是颇具传奇色彩的"地下铁道" is the legendary Underground Railroad

[10:29.15]以及哈莉特·塔布曼的不懈努力 and the tireless efforts of Harriet Tubman.


[10:29.20]哈莉特·塔布曼 [废奴主义者 被称为"黑摩西"或"摩西祖母"]


[10:32.86]作为一个逃跑的奴隶 An escaped slave herself,

[10:35.04]她冒着生命危险回到南方 she risks her life returning South

[10:36.61]一次又一次地将人们引上自由之路 again and again to guide others to freedom.


[10:40.05]作为一名大师级的逃跑艺术家 A masterful escape artist,


[10:42.49]塔布曼为了躲避追捕 可谓不择手段 Tubman will do anything to avoid capture,


[10:46.22]甚至包括用鸦片让孩子安静下来 even keeping babies quiet with opium.


[10:49.00]乖孩子 That's a good boy.


[10:53.00]哈莉特·塔布曼就是我们的摩西 Harriet Tubman is the Moses of our people.


[10:53.35]摩西 [《圣经》中带领人们出埃及的英雄]


[10:55.97]她是一个被通缉的女人 一个遭人憎恨的女人 She was a wanted woman, she was a hated woman,

[10:58.45]受到整个南方白人圈的咒骂 reviled by the white South.


[11:00.68]想想看 你已经逃脱了奴役 Just imagine you've gotten out of slavery,


[11:03.47]顺利逃出生天 you've escaped,

[11:04.39]但你却又回来了 and yet you come back,


[11:06.48]你的勇气以及对他人的关爱 you have the courage and the care about other people

[11:09.82]让你义无反顾 再入魔窟 to come back into a hell.


[11:17.52]南方人悬赏四万美元取她项上人头 The South puts a $40,000 reward on her head,

[11:20.83]但她执着的脚步无人能挡 but nothing stops her.


[11:22.90]你们都快点 Come on, you all!


[11:32.00]快点啊 Come on!


[11:37.49]想逃还是想死 Move or die.


[11:46.00]塔布曼是美国人权运动先驱之一 Tubman is one of America's first civil-rights activists.


[11:50.00]她去世的同一月 罗莎·帕克斯出生了 In the same month she dies, Rosa Parks is born.


[11:50.44]罗莎·帕克斯 [种族隔离制度废除运动的标志人物]


[11:55.00]弗雷德里克·道格拉斯和哈莉特·塔布曼 Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman

[11:57.77]对南方所拥护的一切都造成了威胁 threaten everything the South stands for.


[12:00.49]数以万计的奴隶主们 Tens of thousands of slave owners

[12:03.47]第一次不得不面对 had to deal with, for the first time,

[12:05.30]奴隶们将要奋起反抗的事实 the fact that these people are going to rebel.


[12:09.84]她最大的成就在于 She was far more effective

[12:13.01]她成了奴隶主们闻之色变的符号 as the symbol that they feared

[12:16.22]而不仅仅是她救出了几百号人 than the few hundred that she saved.


[12:21.30]近六万名奴隶逃走 Nearly 60,000 slaves will escape,


[12:24.27]奴隶主们所蒙受的损失高达五千万美元 up to a $50 million loss to their owners,

[12:27.56]但其象征意义远不止这些 but it symbolizes much more.


[12:37.00]如今 南方的局势已是箭在弦上 Now the South has a fight on its hands,

[12:39.37]而他们已经下定决心 and they're prepared to do

[12:41.01]为了保持现有生活方式将不惜一切代价 whatever it takes to preserve their way of life.


[12:48.21]一场民族灵魂之战蓄势待发 The fight for the soul of a nation is just getting started.


[12:53.89]美国 我们的故事


[13:02.00]十九世纪中叶 Midway through the 19th century,


[13:04.29]美国开始进入现代社会 America is entering the modern world.

[13:06.71]此后的二十年内 In 20 years,

[13:08.63]李维斯牛仔 口香糖还有热狗相继出现 there'll be Levi's Jeans, chewing gum and hot dogs.

[13:11.61]但是国家已经分裂了 But the nation is split,

[13:13.71]被分割为南北两部分 being torn apart at the seams dividing North and South.

[13:17.46]奴隶制已经不仅仅是一个政治问题 Slavery became not simply a political issue,


[13:20.11]H·W·布兰茨 [德克萨斯大学著名美国历史学家]


[13:21.09]或者一个经济问题 not simply an economic issue,

[13:22.30]而演变成了伦理道德问题 but a moral issue as well.


[13:24.30]它成了当时区别北方与南方的关键因素 It became the issue that defined North and South in the 1850s.


[13:30.24]1850年9月 September 1850.


[13:32.41]《逃奴法案》将南方奴隶制的残酷带到了北方 The Fugitive Slave Law brings the brutality of Southern Slavery to the North.


[13:42.21]非裔美国人失去了最后的安身之地 Now, no African-American is safe, anywhere.


[13:48.23]先生们 你们弄错了 Gentlemen, you've made a mistake.


[13:50.09]这是营业场所 This is a place of business.

[13:51.81]我是裁缝 这几位是我的客户 I'm a tailor, these are my clients.


[13:55.03]我是自由人不是奴隶 先生们 I'm a freeman. I'm not a slave, gentlemen.

[13:57.31]《逃奴法案》意味着 如果你当过奴隶 The Fugitive Slave Law meant that if you were a slave

[14:00.71]并成功逃到北方 and you managed to escape to the North,

[14:03.03]原先的主人可以前来将你抓回 your master could come and get you,


[14:04.20] 小亨利·路易斯·盖茨 [哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长]


[14:04.78]没人能保护你 and you had no recourse.


[14:09.66]不仅如此 如果你是自由的黑人 Not only that, if you were a free Negro,

[14:12.19]仍然可能被卖到南方当奴隶 they still could sell you down the river.


[14:14.33]追捕逃跑的奴隶变成了一场政治迫害运动 The search for runaway slaves had become a witch hunt.

[14:17.78]任何非裔美国人只要受到起诉即被定罪 Any African-American can be condemned simply with an accusation.

[14:21.91]即使自由人也没有接受陪审团审判的权利 Even a freeman has no right to a trial by jury.


[14:25.44]联邦地方法官判定奴隶身份能得十美元 Federal magistrates get $10 to rule them slaves,

[14:29.15]判决自由人身份能得五美元 five to set them free.


[14:34.00]这项新的法案引起了普通市民的强烈愤慨 Ordinary people are outraged by the new law.


[14:37.97]废奴报纸和文学作品如野火燎原般涌现 Abolitionist newspapers and literature spread like wildfire.


[14:42.13]1852年出版的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 Published in 1852,"Uncle Tom's Cabin"

[14:45.69]成为十九世纪仅次于《圣经》的畅销书 becomes the best-selling book of the century, after the Bible.

[14:49.15]这是一本由哈里特·比彻·斯托所作的 A passionate antislavery novel written

[14:52.11]充满废奴情绪的小说 by Harriet Beecher Stowe,

[14:53.42]她是来自康涅狄格州的一名不起眼的主妇 an unknown housewife from Connecticut.


[14:58.33]它的主要读者群是这个时期 It mainly appeals to women

[14:59.88]开始参与政治生活的妇女 who are becoming politicized for the first time.


[15:03.08]奴隶制是当时最紧迫的政治议题 Slavery is the burning issue of the day.

[15:05.98]时值美国向大陆扩张之际 As America expands across the continent,

[15:08.76]北方和南方争夺每一块新获得的土地 North and South face off over each new territory.

[15:12.80]新的州实行奴隶制还是自由制? Will it be slave-owning or free?


[15:16.92]北方人开始意识到不对劲 The Northerners began to see that, wait a minute,


[15:18.14] 安妮特·戈登·里德 [罗格斯大学历史学教授]


[15:19.91]南方人不会满足于将奴隶制限制在南方 they're not gonna keep slavery just in the South,

[15:22.65]他们也想在西部实行奴隶制 they wanna take slavery West

[15:25.00]以至将整个国家都变为奴隶制国家 and to turn the country into a slave country.


[15:32.62]来自全国各个地方的美国人 Americans from all over the country


[15:34.91]都想涌进拓荒前线的新地界 are flooding into the new territories on the frontier.


[15:38.51]每块新土地都成了战场 Each becomes a battleground.


[15:40.43]是实行奴隶制还是自由制 Will it be slave-owning or free?


[15:48.12]这个争执在堪萨斯州达到顶峰 It comes to a head in Kansas.


[15:50.02]和平抗议演变成了暴力行动 A peaceful protetest turns violent.


[15:57.70]人们群情激奋 Emotions run high.


[15:59.17]城市恐怖活动四起 商店被劫 Towns are terrorized, stores robbed.


[16:02.42]家园被烧毁 Homesteads burned.


[16:05.99]南北从此分道扬镳 North and South are polarized.


[16:08.13]双方都不愿让步 Neither side will back down.


[16:14.00]有一个人发誓不废除奴隶制绝不罢休 One man will stop at nothing to abolish slavery.


[16:20.34]约翰·布朗 John Brown.


[16:22.36]一名来自北方的民间英雄 A folk hero in the North...


[16:26.00]南方人眼中的恐怖分子 a terrorist to the South.


[16:28.22]他认为自己在从事圣战 He thinks he's fighting a holy war.

[16:30.44]相信自己是上帝选派的执行者 He believes himself to be God's chosen instrument.


[16:34.04]为达目的可以戕害无辜 He will murder for his cause.


[16:39.22]约翰·布朗是一个饱受争议的人物 John Brown is one of those controversial figures

[16:42.16]各种褒贬不一的评价几乎都能成立 about whom almost anything you can say is true.


[16:46.16] 理查德·斯洛特金 [卫斯理大学英语教授和美国研究主任]


[16:45.24]用现代的标准看 他是恐怖分子 He's a terrorist, in our modern terms.

[16:48.19]他是革命者 He's a revolutionary.


[16:55.14]南北分歧成为了一个裸露的伤口 The divide between North and South is an open wound.


[16:58.30]堪萨斯州为此流血两年 逾两百人丧生 Kansas bleeds for two years, more than 200 dead.


[17:03.81]美国正站在战争深渊的边缘 America is on the road to war.


[17:07.89]奴隶制正在分裂这个国家 Slavery is tearing the nation apart.


[17:11.91]美国建国之时就有若干明显的内在分歧 America is built on a number of distinct fault lines,


[17:13.94] 比尔·马哈尔 [喜剧演员]


[17:16.84]奴隶制与自由制就是其中之一 one, of course, was slavery and freedom,

[17:20.49]这一分歧亟需解决 that was a fault line that had to be addressed.

[17:24.38]在南方 奴隶制是一种生活方式 In the South, slavery is a way of life,

[17:27.63]对非奴隶主也是如此 even for non-slave owners.


[17:32.61]在北方的废奴者 Antislavery forces in the North

[17:34.82]威胁要剥夺南方各州在此问题上的自主权 threaten their right to decide their fate.


[17:40.50]在美国某些地区仍有人对南方人身份自豪 There is still, in some areas of America, a great pride in being Southern

[17:46.06]坚守南方一贯以来的态度 and holding true to the original Southern attitude.


[17:42.02] 雪儿·克罗 [上世纪90年代以来最受欢迎的摇滚乐女歌手之一]


[17:49.69]固执地认为 I think our clinging to the idea

[17:51.30]“奴隶制是一种权利 一种生活方式” that slavery is a right and just a way of life,

[17:55.30]我认为这种做法是我们历史的污点 you know, it is a dark spot in our history.


[17:58.85]愤怒情绪在南方日益高涨 Anger in the South grows more passionate every day.


[18:02.51]北方占领了道德高地 The North claims the moral high ground,


[18:06.29]但他们也从棉花种植业中获利 but they are getting rich off cotton, too.


[18:12.11] H.W. 布兰茨 [德克萨斯大学著名美国历史学家]


[18:08.91]几乎每个人都感觉得到危机的来临 Pretty much everybody agreed that a crisis was developing.

[18:12.36]但并不是所有人都能预见到 Not everyone knew that,

[18:13.96]危机最终会发展为内战 the crisis would include, in the end, the Civil War,

[18:16.39]但每个人都明白 but everyone understood that

[18:18.19]坚持奴隶制的南方 a showdown between the slave South

[18:19.76]和坚持自由制的北方最终会决一雌雄 and the free North was about to occur.


[18:25.25]约翰·布朗想要点燃战争的导火索 John Brown wants to light the fuse.


[18:29.96]1859年10月 October 1859.


[18:32.86]出于对奴隶制的憎恨之情 Passionate in his hatred of slavery,

[18:35.20]布朗准备在南方腹地打响战斗 Brown prepares to take the fight into the heart of the South.


[18:40.57]他意图攻占 His plan, to capture the

[18:42.24]弗吉尼亚州哈珀斯镇的联邦军火库 federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia,


[18:46.82]这个南方最大的武器库 the biggest collection of weapons in the South.


[18:49.53]两万支来福枪 滑膛枪和手枪 20,000 rifles, muskets and pistols,

[18:52.53]总价值在今天有近七百万美元 worth almost $7 million today.


[18:57.12]他想武装南方的奴隶并领导他们反抗 He wants to arm Southern slaves and lead a slave rebellion.


[19:04.52]他的五个儿子与他并肩作战 He's fighting alongside his five sons,

[19:06.99]他们都愿意为此牺牲 all of them willing to die for their cause.


[19:22.49]军火库警戒薄弱 The arsenal is poorly defended.


[19:26.87]突破防线轻而易举 Breaking in is a pushover.


[19:31.52]但他突袭时的预想 But his raid is based


[19:32.95]是希望本地的奴隶纷纷拿起武器揭竿而起 on local slaves rising up and joining the fight.


[19:37.16]他需要一支队伍来搬运如此之多的武器 He needs a small army to carry off so many weapons.


[19:43.77]缺乏奴隶的支援使这次行动看起来像送死 Without slave reinforcements, it’s a suicide mission.


[19:50.59]消息传开 当地民众开始攻击军火库 Word gets out and local townsfolk attack the



[19:55.25]没有一个奴隶加入布朗的队伍 Not a single slave joins Brown and his men.


[19:59.40]他们都深陷困境 只求苟活 They are trapped and fighting for their lives.


[20:03.57]我想解放这个州的所有奴隶 I wanna free all Negroes in this state.


[20:06.60]我拥有美国最大的军械库 I have possession of the United States armory,

[20:09.38]如果市民想阻止我 and if the citizens interfere with me,

[20:12.01]我只有放火烧城 血战到底 I must only burn the town and have blood.


[20:28.00]激进的废奴主义者约翰·布朗 Radical abolitionist John brown

[20:31.26]试图唤起奴隶的反抗 is trying to inspire a slave revolt.

[20:32.89]没有奴隶加入他的队伍 他被围困了 No slaves have joined him, and now he's trapped.


[20:41.14]拂晓时分 美国海军陆战队抵达 At dawn, the US Marines arrive.


[20:44.50]他们在中校罗伯特·E·李的指挥下 They storm the arsenal

[20:46.69]向军火库发起猛攻 under the command of Colonel Robert E. Lee.


[20:57.30]布朗绝不会束手就擒 Brown won't go down without a fight.


[21:08.66]随后士兵们彻底制服了他们 The soldiers overwhelm them.


[21:20.00]废奴斗争才刚刚开始 The fight against slavery has only just begun.


[21:25.35]但约翰·布朗的圣战却已走到了尽头 But John Brown’s crusade is over.


[21:30.89]他的儿子们纷纷战亡 His sons are dead.


[21:34.11]他的法庭审判吸引了全国的目光 His trial captivates the country.

[21:36.59]身为被告 他却把矛头指向了奴隶制 Charged as a criminal, he puts the institution of slavery on trial.

[21:41.19]美国国内的分歧已经不可调和 America is fatally divided.


[21:45.10]布朗被判叛国罪并处以死刑 Brown is convicted of treason and sentenced to death.

[21:48.19]南方视其为恐怖分子 北方尊其为烈士 A terrorist in the South, a martyr in the North.


[21:53.74]他于1859年12月2日被处决 He's executed on December 2, 1859.


[21:58.88]1860年 总统大选在即 As the country prepares to elect a new president in 1860,

[22:02.74]许多人都不知道这个国家能否继续存在 many wonder if the nation can survive.


[22:07.29]我 约翰·布朗 I, John Brown,

[22:09.07]坚信这个罪恶国度的暴行 am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land

[22:12.82]不经过鲜血的洗礼就永远无法变得清白 will never be purged away but with blood.


[22:22.56]1860年5月18日 芝加哥 Chicago, May 18, 1860.

[22:25.60]一位来自边区偏僻之地的不知名的议员 A backwoods congressman comes out of nowhere

[22:28.20]赢得了共和党的新总统提名 to grab the new Republican Party's nomination for President.

[22:31.67]林肯此前唯一的出名之处 Abe Lincoln’s only claim to fame--

[22:34.02]就是他曾两次竞选参议员落败 he's lost two elections to the Senate.


[22:37.68]林肯个人反感奴隶制 Personally, Lincoln hates slavery,


[22:42.34]但他也想竭力维护国家统一 but he is desperate to hold the country together.


[22:44.93]亚伯拉罕·林肯最令我敬重的一点 What I admire about Abraham Lincoln is

[22:47.75]是他的信仰以及对信仰的执着追求 that he had his beliefs and he stuck to his beliefs

[22:50.91]在这种观念还不算流行的时候 at a time when it was't popular to do so,


[22:46.34] 迈克尔·斯特拉汉 [前美国橄榄球联赛球星]


[22:54.19]特别是在黑人白人这样老生常谈的问题上 especially when it was black, white and very cut-and-dry,

[22:58.38]他仍然坚守阵地 he stuck to his beliefs.


[23:05.00]1860年11月6日 November 6, 1860.

[23:07.05]选举日 Election Day.


[23:08.50]一个冒着极大风险的选举结果 The stakes couldn’t be higher.


[23:13.14]亚伯拉罕·林肯将被选为 Abraham Lincoln will be elected

[23:15.46]这个战事一触即发的国家的总统 president of a country hurtling towards war.


[23:27.33]南方的反叛州确信他将废除奴隶制 The South rebels, convinced he’ll abolish slavery.


[23:31.11]他们威胁要脱离联邦 They threaten to leave the Union.


[23:33.27]战线随即划定 The battle lines are drawn.


[23:35.25]北方声明对他的支持 The North is behind him.


[23:37.16]在南方眼里 林肯是敌人 For the South, Lincoln is the enemy.


[23:44.10]一家亚特兰大报纸的社论写道 An editorial in an Atlanta paper


[23:46.28]不管后果如何 "Let the consequences be what they may.


[23:50.60]要么血染波托马克河 Whether the Potomac is crimsoned in human gore

[23:53.84]要么让血肉模糊的尸体 and Pennsylvania Avenue is paved ten fathoms

[23:55.46]在宾夕法尼亚大道上堆到十英寻高 with mangled bodies,

[23:58.48]南方断不会屈服于 the South will never submit to

[24:00.03]亚伯拉罕·林肯就任总统 这样的奇耻大辱 such humiliation and degradation as the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln."


[24:09.04] 小亨利·路易斯·盖茨 [哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长]


[24:06.80]南方知道林肯会赢得选举 The South knew that Lincoln was gonna win,


[24:09.27]脱离联邦只是时间问题 and it was just a matter of time, tick, tick, tick, before secession occurred.


[24:15.00]南方不愿成为林肯所主持的联邦的一部分 The South wants no part of a Union with Lincoln in the White House.


[24:19.34]但在他宣布就任前夕 But as he prepares to take office,

[24:21.20]当选总统仍然决意要避免一场内战 the President-elect is still determined to avoid a civil war.


[24:25.90]林肯对奴隶制很反感 Lincoln was not happy about slavery.

[24:28.89] 理查德·麦克·马克威茨 [军事专家 前海豹突击队队员]


[24:29.19]他认为这有悖 He did not see that as congruent to


[24:34.02]"人人生而平等"的信条 "All men are created equal."

[24:36.26]他在就任总统前发表了一个演讲 And he had given a speech, before he ever became president,

[24:39.50]阐明为何奴隶制问题如此重要 on why that was so important to him.

[24:41.72]我认为废奴之争已经到了紧要关头 And I think that was coming to a head,


[24:44.30]他的当选触及了南方所能容忍的底线 and when he got elected, that was the final straw for the South.


[24:50.00]1860年12月20日 December 20, 1860.

[24:52.31]南卡罗来纳州脱离联邦 South Carolina secedes from the Union.


[24:55.99]其他十个蓄奴州旋即效仿 The ten other slave states soon follow.


[24:59.99]林肯的当选使战争在所难免 Lincoln's victory makes war inevitable.


[25:03.22]他做好了为保全联邦而战的准备 He's prepared to fight to preserve the Union--

[25:06.29]这一刻即将来临 and won't have to wait long.


[25:09.24]1861年2月 就在他就职前数周 In February 1861, a few weeks before his inauguration,

[25:13.44] 1861年2月4日 美国南部六个蓄奴州建立美利坚联盟国


[25:13.76]美利坚联盟国成立 the Confederate States of America are born.

[25:16.40]林肯的首要目标是保全联邦 Lincoln's principal objective was to save the Union

[25:19.56]然后才是废除奴隶制 and then we'll deal with slavery,


[25:21.23] 科林·L·鲍威尔将军 [前美国国务卿]


[25:23.23]但马上 他不得不同时解决这两个问题 but before too long, he had to both save the Union and deal with slavery.

[25:27.11]亚伯拉罕·林肯尚未就职便收到首份死亡威胁 Abraham Lincoln receives his first death threats before ever taking office.

[25:32.25]接下来收到的每个死亡威胁他都保存下来 He'll save every one,

[25:34.19]全部放在案头一个标为"刺杀"的文件夹里 keeping a file in his desk labeled: "Assassination."


[25:39.79]在去华盛顿的路上 他将乔装打扮 On the journey to Washington, he'll wear a disguise,

[25:42.78]安全第一 just to be safe.


[25:44.50]他会为避免战争而作出一切努力 He'll do anything to avoid war,

[25:46.33]但允许奴隶制扩张除外 except allow slavery to expand.


[25:50.22]林肯阐述了他使用的自由一词的含义 It is Lincoln who explains the case for freedom


[25:51.49] 纽特·金里奇 [前美国国会众议院议长]


[25:52.92]我不会干涉现有的奴隶制度 and says, "I'm not gonna attack slavery where it is,


[25:56.00]但不会任由其扩张 but I'm not gonna let it expand."


[25:58.45]在就职典礼上 亚伯拉罕·林肯勉强承诺 At his inauguration, Abraham Lincoln reluctantly pledges

[26:02.03]允许蓄奴州继续保持奴隶制 that states with slaves will be allowed to keep them,

[26:05.07]但退步太小且为时已晚 but it's too little, too late.


[26:08.20]敌对格局已明摆在眼前 A virtual state of war already exists.


[26:11.73]南方动员了八十万士兵 The South mobilizes an army of 800,000 men

[26:15.56]来对抗北方的两百万联邦大军 against a Union army of 2 and half Million.


[26:26.77]亚伯拉罕·林肯就职五周后 Five weeks after Abraham Lincoln takes office,

[26:29.83]南北之战的第一枪打响 the first shots are fired in the War Between the States.


[26:35.31]它开启了一场残暴而血腥的内战 It will spark a brutal and bloody civil war,


[26:38.70]美国历史上伤亡最为惨重的战争 the deadliest in American history.


[26:43.67]接下来的四年里 In the next four years,


[26:45.36]死亡的人数将超过 more lives will be lost

[26:47.19]美国所有其它战争死亡人数的总和 than in all America's other wars put together.





美国我们的故事观后感the story of us


美国,我们的故事观后感 (英文版)










THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事----序言)


THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第4集-- 分裂)


THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第5集-- 内战)



