

Once Read, Forever Gained

------Reading Report of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Look! There comes a wild boy, who is so dirty, so naughty and full of cunning ideas in his small head. Out of question, this is Tom Sawyer, one of Mark Twain’s famous characters.

It was in my junior middle school that I read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in Chinese version for the first time, which gave me a deep impression. Tom is dirty but honest and sympathetic as he dreams of being a swordsman and struggle his whole life for justice. Tom is naughty but he is brave enough to expose that wicked Injun. Tom is full of cunning ideas but active and smart. We can see that Tom show it so interesting to paint the wall on purpose because he wanted someone to replace him. But the result was that other kids were willing to help him and even give Tom presents. How clever he is! Absorbed in the story at that time, I have totally admired this little hero Tom Sawyer, such a simple, courageous and positive guy who certainly can be my model except his excessive naughtiness which gave others especially Aunt Polly headache.

I won’t forget the second time when I read this book. Just half a year ago, the grade of college entrance examination saddened me. The shadow didn’t disappear until I came across this book in my shelf while I was arranging my books. I counted myself fortunate to 1

make such a correct decision to read it again, which benefited me a lot. I was surprised to realize that Tom is an orphan, which was ignored by me before. Without paternal affection and maternal love, Tom can still lead a joyful life. How could I drown myself in sorrow as I am surrounded by my parents’ love? Tom disliked the boring lessons so he tried to get rid of the tame school life? Such a little boy is able to pursue a free life that he likes, why am I so stupid to be struck down by a grade, just a grade? Trapped in the cave, Tom behaved so bravely and calmly that I have to give him thumbs up. It’s an amazing thing that it was a book that sent me back to sunny days. “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. ” Now, I see it.

So now I read the The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for the third time, but in English version this time. Gain again! The story seems to be purer in English so I am abstracted by Tom’s innocence. We can’t find out such lovely innocence out of childhood. What are left are just piecemeal memories. Like a bottle of champagne, childhood will be aromatic with memories as time goes by. At this time, I want to give some literary comments as a university student. We have to mention the realism and romanticism at the mere mention of Mark Twain. He gave us a fantasy story with a child’s sight in this novel. Mark Twain showed us the realism by illustrating the life people live in the 2

small town and satires bourgeoisie’s vulgarity and greed, the hypocrisy of children’s education, the morality and religion. On the other hand, he also described Tom and his fellows’ pursuing the legendary, adventurous, romantic and happy life to express the beautiful hope to life and dream. The novel is filled with true portrayal of realism as well as the emotional expression of romanticism. It perfectly combines his artistic styles of realism and ideal romanticism.

A good book is just like an ore, which you can gain something valuable whenever you mire. Once read, you could gain it forever. 英语1班 高喻佳 201330050108



汤姆索亚历险记读后感500字《汤姆?索亚历险记》描写了十九世纪密西比河畔一个小镇子上的一个叫汤姆?索亚的孩子和他的一群小伙伴们的故事。他们讨厌牧师骗人的鬼话,不喜欢学校枯燥刻板的教育,喜欢与循规蹈矩的人们唱对台戏... ...但他们聪明活泼、正直勇敢他们幼稚而又认真的言行,给人们留下了深刻的印象。可以说是当代美国社会生活的一个缩影。从小说中我们可以了解到穷人于富人、教堂和学校、宗教与犯罪等当时美国生活的各个侧面。书中的主人公汤姆,是一个调皮捣蛋、名副其实的“小滑头”,他和他的一群要好的朋友们是那么的幼稚可笑、天真童稚。他们不爱学习,就爱玩;他们不爱顶礼膜拜,就爱嬉戏追逐打闹。他们宁愿把聪明劲用在别的地方,例如:调皮捣蛋了、冒险了、游戏了却就是不肯用在学习上。书面上的他戴着一顶草帽,露出了几根金色的头发,穿着破旧的海盗服坐在木筏上的他眼光闪耀着兴奋和高兴却不失警惕。此时此刻他正在大海中“畅游”呢!乘风破浪、真爽!真棒!我也好想成为汤姆?索亚,像他一样,体验一下在大海上的感觉,和他一起去冒险!等我把这本《汤姆?索亚历险记》看完以后才发现,其实这个“小滑头”野蛮善良的,他虽然调皮,但很正直;他虽然经常受到姨妈的责骂,但很乐观;他虽然很让大家头痛、恼火,但他很讲义气,言必出,行必果。汤姆?索亚曾经勇敢的在法庭上指出了杀死鲁宾逊医生和把罪行推在了莫夫?波特身上的恶棍印江?乔埃。难道汤姆?索亚的这种英雄精神不值得我们学习吗?他是一个顽童,但是他又一次次被他的“足智多谋”给折服了。而最终汤姆?索亚的正义行为使他成为众人敬佩的小英雄!



汤姆索亚历险记 读后感(英文版)


















汤姆索亚历险记 英文读后感



