D.P.S 死亡诗社影评-英文版


Dead Poets Society

It was a revolution,one about thought.

I have never seen such a movie ,which was able to influence people’s mind so deeply. As Keating said, no matter how others tell you, the word and ideas can change the world . Yes,the poetry had influenced the students, and the movie had influenced us! Seemly ,no matter the history how change, when we are full of youth, passion, ideal, hope, there will always be confused, helpless and anxious beside, and they always laugh us, ” Hi, joker, you do not deserve that, listen to your parents , flatly light life. ” Yes, no matter which way we live in, all of us will go to the same ultimate-dead. But the difference is ,when we are about to sleep forever, whether we would regret or really happy? Although the job, money, fame and wealth are important to people, and living conditions, but poetry, beauty, romance and love is the reason why we live, because we are not machines, not animals, we have the language, thinking and passion! Growth is an excited and worried thing, when we hardly follow the tradition, honor, discipline and excellence, suddenly one day ,we find that we have been in one dream. A voice deep inside your heart calling you ,”Fuck the tradition, fuck the discipline …” and do you have the courage to pursue the real inner voice? Someone can do it ,but maybe others do not dare to step forward.

To be dead at the opening of D.P.S meeting .

When the bearing special teacher Keating into our line of sight for the first time, a unique intelligent, witty, profound and poetic temperament through screen already, let me feel a breeze. In his first class, he let the students remember the words: Carpe diem. He let the students remember a words: seize the day. This, in fact it is throughout all his spirit at the center of the pivot. He also poetic charged the classmates, Whitman's poem is to be used for call he: "Oh, captain, my captain!" (“Oh ,captain ,my captain ”is a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln for mourning his contribution to Americans’ liberation and national unity. ) Because he wants to be a guide, led the group of children who were imprisoned, boating sailing with freedom and ideal, to reach the shore where has truth.

Neil and Anderson accepted these thoughts clearly, and Neil rebuilt the D.P.S. on one night. “I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” That’s their first step to seek the real value of life.

What’s the most difficult for Neil is the contradiction between him and his father. "Don 't you dispute me in public! Do you understand?" Harsh statements more like talking to a subordinate, fully represented the father's arbitrary. And this is the stage for the story’s

development. When a liberal and intellectual is always ruthless suppressed for pursuing the ideal, and he can't resist, rage, because that is his father, who was deeply loved by him, what would he choose?

On the first class, Keating's words deeply touched Todd, his blood was boiled, so he wrote down the big word "Seize the day." on paper in a pen, however, he tear it and thrown into the trash can, because he was in the struggle, the impact was too sudden, making him fear, years of habit made him chose to escape again, although he may be aware of this silent may become numb.

The captain led The children to challenge authority, to break The tradition. He encouraged children to stand on the desk, to find difference; Let them walk around just like they want , do not follow in the footsteps of others; Let them exercise roar, touch the original wildness... O captain, my captain!

Like any revolution, however, when you are in violation the trend of the whole society, there are always conservative forces to accuse your ignorance! But the outbreak of the conflict is always the real key for the revolution, no matter a revolution in the barrel of a gun or thought revolution, its value depends on whether these people can withstand ordeal.

Great revolution always need to bleed. Neil and his father’s contradictions about the performance pulled the whole story to the climax. When he desperately stood in the stage and acquired success, unexpectedly still refuse and opposition from his father. Neil thoroughly despaired at that time, he gave up resistance, but he was not willing to suffer at the same time, so he chose death, which seems to be the only way can let his soul relief. It's a tragedy, caused by his father.

The essence of the whole story is at the end of the film, as Keating, has already been removed, come back to take personal items. He walked from the front to the back door as he did when he stepped into the classroom for the first time, I believe that a lot of people are all nervous, looking forward to an answer. Sure enough, did not let us down, when Todd stood on the desk bravely to shout out, ”O captain, my captain!” ,he finished the self-salvation, he was no longer that shy boy at first, at the same time, everyone's behavior is an approval to the teacher. This identity would make Keating feel what he has done was worthy!

Oh Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,

While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring







有人说基廷对传统教育的反抗最后还是失败了,但我想从基廷的角度看,他对传统教育模式的反抗 并不能说是失败的,毕竟他的思想已经影响到他的学生,渗透入学生的思想中。在他离开的时刻,学生也给了他坚定的支持,这对于一名老师来说是幸运的。自古以来对教育的反思甚至是反抗都不是一蹴而就的,每一次的成功都是站在无数次失败的基础上,所以总要有人勇敢的跨出第一步,成为光荣的先驱者,而基廷正是这样的先驱者。他将自由思想的种子播撒到学生的头脑中,这是十分难得的。尽管最后发生了不幸的事,我想着也是一种血的警醒,来呼唤人们的觉醒。从卡梅隆的角度看,我觉得他向学校告密的行为也并不可耻,毕竟每个人都有选择的自由。正如他所说:“需要有人为尼尔的死负责,而基廷是最合适的人。”在反抗传统的过程中,牺牲自己的利益需要勇气,也需要付出很大的代价,而我们并不能去逼迫所有人都接受这种代价,接受新的思想,所以我觉得卡梅隆的做法无可厚非。在无数先驱者中,注定有无数的人湮没在历史的长河中。从尼尔的角度,他热爱戏剧表演,但父亲的强烈反对导致他无法继续追求他的梦想,所以他选择了死亡。虽然他的反抗方式过于强烈,但却可以理解。我时常会想,人活着是为了什么。有些人活在这世界中,浑浑噩噩,为了活着而活着。有些人想着自己的目标,不断追求,不断开拓,实现理想。不管怎样,每个人对自己的存活都







死亡诗社读后感 英文版


死亡诗社 英语观后感
















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