



夏洛特是一头春天的猪,那将预示着他将无法看到圣诞节的雪,进入牲畜栏时,大家向他坦露了这个事实,没有太多的人愿意结交这位发育不良的、无知的小猪,他所能结交的是大家都恶而远之的夏洛特。他十分的欣喜,为自己有朋友而高兴,转而他也为自己的未来担忧。然而,夏洛特满口承诺将使自己的朋友看到圣诞的雪,因此他们彼此之间很珍视这份来之不易的友情。圣诞即将来临,夏洛特努力想办法来实现朋友的愿望,可谓是不辞辛劳,但她所有的只是自己的网而已,她说服自称鼠辈的坦普顿为自己找来好的词汇来称赞自己的伙伴,第一次是“some pig”,然后是“容光焕发的猪”,织网的时候夏洛特不辞辛劳,即便自己很虚弱,这引起了大家的注意。牲畜栏的伙伴们也被他们之间的友谊所感动,大家都开始很关心威尔伯,就连以利益为重的鼠辈也受大家的驱使帮助他,因为鼠辈的利益与威尔伯息息相关。最后祖克曼先生决定带威尔伯去参加博览会,这是决定威尔伯生死的关键,他们仍然需要更好的词汇,这一次是“谦逊的”,



现实中的我们呢?我们能为我们的朋友做些什么呢?友谊是建立在彼此信任的基础上的,对于我们的朋友,我们应允对方的事就要全力以赴,做不到的话就不要轻易许诺。还有朋友之间就要坦诚相对,我们是社会生活上的忠实伴侣,遇到问题就要共同面对,相互鼓励共渡难关。 世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直严正的朋友。友谊需要用忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。没有人会把友情当成是一种负担吧,拥有友谊,我们办很多事就会很便利,虽然拥有朋友我们在人生的道路上不一定会一帆风顺,但至少不会困难重重。 在我们的一生友情仅次于亲情,是我们生活中必不可少的元素,拥有它,我们的心灵不会干枯,生活中会充满乐趣,走到哪都会是欢声笑语。寂寞时可以和亲友诉说衷肠,

悲伤时可以向好友倾诉,辛酸时也可以对好友倾吐,无论什么时候,他们都是我们最忠实的听众。因此,珍视友情吧,珍惜你身边的每一个朋友,多一个朋友,你就多为自己的人生积攒一批财富。 在生活中,我们要用心去结交我们的朋友。有些人,总爱为自己的人生设障,随意的对待自己的朋友,有时甚至为自己的人生道路挖了一个自己也不知道的陷阱。夏洛特可以说是相当无私的朋友,自己当时已经有了宝宝,可是为了朋友,为了一句话,她不停地消耗自己的营养,可以说是最终用自己的生命换回了同伴的一切。我觉得威尔伯在他们的友情中是付出较少的一方,可是在他们的世界里是不该谈谁该付出多少的吧。是啊,不计较付出,不计较回报,这才是达到最完美境界的友谊,友谊需要长久的培养,这培养或许就是不求回报的付出吧。我向善良的夏洛特致敬,由于她的缘故,一只春天的猪看到了圣诞夜的雪,我相信威尔伯会延续夏洛特的生命,同样无私的爱夏洛特的孩子们。友谊之火也可以是薪火相传的,这种爱是会接力的,没有人会不爱她,没有人会对她敬而远之的。 让人世间充满爱,拥有友情你还会因为没有别的而悲伤吗?请不要悲伤,总有一天你会拥有,即便自己没能得到,你千千万万的朋友也会与你分享。拥有朋友,你的人生不会孤单落寞;拥有朋友,你的人生不会悲伤绝望;拥有朋友,




1100:01:12,038 --> 00:01:15,098

There was nothing specialabout Somerset County.苏塞特郡没什么与众不同

200:01:15,375 --> 00:01:17,809

It was a deeply ordinary place.是一个非常平凡无奇的地方

300:01:18,778 --> 00:01:21,144

No astonishing thingever happened there.没有发生过惊天动地的事

400:01:22,282 --> 00:01:25,183

The people who lived therewere just regular people.住的都是些凡夫俗子

500:01:25,785 --> 00:01:29,448

And the animals...Well, they were just plain old animals.至于动物们...也是再普通不过的了 600:01:30,890 --> 00:01:33,324

They didn't question the order of things他们从来也不多想什么

700:01:35,361 --> 00:01:38,194

So, the days passed,

one very much like the other.生活就这么日复一日 年复一年

800:01:40,033 --> 00:01:43,662

But, one spring, on a small farm,然而某个春天 在一个小农场里

900:01:44,471 --> 00:01:46,598

a little girl did something,有个小女孩做了一件了不起的事

1000:01:47,140 --> 00:01:51,008

something that would change everything.这件事改变了一切

1100:03:29,108 --> 00:03:30,541

What are you doing?你要干什么

1200:03:34,881 --> 00:03:36,314

Fern, go back to bed.菲恩 回去睡觉吧

1300:03:36,416 --> 00:03:38,384

You're not going to kill it, are you?你不会是要杀了它吧

1400:03:38,484 --> 00:03:40,509

It's a runt. Now, go back to bed这只太瘦小了 你快回去睡觉

1500:03:41,554 --> 00:03:44,352

No, it's not fair! It can't help being born small.不 这不公平 它也不想这样的

1600:03:44,457 --> 00:03:45,424


1700:03:45,658 --> 00:03:48,422

If I'd been born small, would you have killed me?如果我出生时也很瘦小 你会杀了我吗 1800:03:48,661 --> 00:03:49,855

Of course not.当然不会

1900:03:50,863 --> 00:03:54,799

A little girl is one thing.A runty pig is another.瘦小的女孩是一回事,瘦小的猪仔是另一回事 2000:03:55,668 --> 00:03:59,365

There's no difference!This is unfair and unjust.没有差别 这样不公平

2100:04:00,873 --> 00:04:02,534

How could you be so heartless?你怎么能这么狠心

2200:04:02,642 --> 00:04:04,906

I want to show you something.过来 让你看些东西

2300:04:05,011 --> 00:04:07,172

You see that? You see?看到了吗

2400:04:07,947 --> 00:04:10,575

There's 11 pigs and only 10 teats.有11只小猪 但是只有10只乳头

2500:04:11,017 --> 00:04:12,712

Sow can't feed it, honey.猪妈妈没法喂养它

2600:04:14,187 --> 00:04:15,552

Then I will.那我来

2700:04:22,762 --> 00:04:26,425

I'll feed you and take care of you and...我会喂你 照顾你 而且...

2800:04:29,569 --> 00:04:31,969

...absolutely will not let you kill him....绝对不会让你杀了它

2900:04:47,287 --> 00:04:51,155

- Hey! When did Fern get a pig? - 嗨 菲恩什么时候得到了一头猪

- Avery, it's rude to point. Give me that. - 艾弗里 这样指人是不礼貌的 把它给我

3000:04:51,257 --> 00:04:54,522

Come, sit, eat your breakfast.The bus will be here any minute.过来坐下 吃早饭 校车就快到了 3100:04:55,128 --> 00:04:56,322

Good morning.早上好

3200:04:56,863 --> 00:04:58,694

Hey, Pop, can I have a pig, too?嗨 爸爸 我也能有一头猪吗

3300:04:58,798 --> 00:05:01,266

No. I only give pigs to early risers.不行 早起的小孩才有猪猪抱

3400:05:01,768 --> 00:05:04,862

Fern was up before dawn, ridding the world of injustice.菲恩天没亮就起床抗争不公正的世界 3500:05:06,973 --> 00:05:09,601

Fern, put that pig downand get to school.菲恩 放下小猪 去上学

3600:05:09,709 --> 00:05:10,835


3700:05:11,678 --> 00:05:13,043

- See ya.- Bye, Pop.- 再见- 爸爸再见

3800:05:13,246 --> 00:05:14,838

Have a good one, buddy.过的开心

3900:05:16,883 --> 00:05:19,477

Says here we're gonna geta lot of rain this month.据说这个月经常要下雨啊

4000:05:25,892 --> 00:05:28,053

Fern! Your books!菲恩 你的书

4100:05:31,698 --> 00:05:32,687


4200:05:33,099 --> 00:05:35,727

Class, these are some of the questions同学们 这里的题目

4300:05:35,835 --> 00:05:40,169

that you're likely to be askedin the exam this week.是本周考试题的一部份

4400:05:40,707 --> 00:05:44,905

So, please take particular noteof every one.所以你们要详细地记下每一道题

4500:05:48,014 --> 00:05:51,177

You got to be quiet, okay?You're gonna get me in trouble.安静一点好吗?不然我会有麻烦的

4600:05:51,284 --> 00:05:52,683

Drink that.喝吧

4700:05:55,288 --> 00:05:58,815

So, it's just a matter offollowing these questions所以只要理解这些题目

4800:05:58,925 --> 00:06:00,89300:05:58,925 --> 00:06:00,893

and learning the answers.而且要知道如何解答

4900:06:04,764 --> 00:06:06,322

Fern, what's going on?菲恩 发生什么事了

5000:06:06,799 --> 00:06:07,999


5100:06:10,036 --> 00:06:11,799

Fern, what's in your desk?菲恩 桌子里是什么

5200:06:12,939 --> 00:06:14,600

- Nothing.- Open it.- 没什么- 打开桌子

5300:06:29,322 --> 00:06:30,914

Thank you, Mrs. Arable.谢谢你 Arable太太

5400:06:31,657 --> 00:06:34,182

Fern, you know better.菲恩 你自己知道

5500:06:34,293 --> 00:06:38,195

It's a pig, okay?It's not a toy, not a doll, not a baby.这是一只猪,不是玩具 不是洋娃娃 更不是小孩子 5600:06:38,297 --> 00:06:39,491

A pig.是一只猪

5700:06:39,932 --> 00:06:42,457

And you need to starttreating it like one.你必须把它当猪对待

5800:06:50,076 --> 00:06:51,634

This is going too far.这太离谱了

5900:06:59,085 --> 00:07:01,451

I know she loves animals,but you have to tell her.我知道她喜爱动物 但是你必须让她知道

6000:07:01,554 --> 00:07:04,250

- I know. She's just so happy with it.- I know.- 我知道 但是她很开心- 我知道

6100:07:13,499 --> 00:07:14,989

Doesn't that feel good?感觉舒服吗

6200:07:15,101 --> 00:07:18,229

Fern, I'm really sorry, honey,but it's been long enough.菲恩 宝贝 我很抱歉但是已经够久了

6300:07:18,538 --> 00:07:19,630


6400:07:19,739 --> 00:07:21,434

Look, he's not a baby anymore.你看 它已经不是小猪仔了

6500:07:21,541 --> 00:07:24,772、

I can't have you keeping what will soonbe a 300-pound pet around the house.我不能让你在家里养一只将会长到300磅的宠物

6600:07:24,877 --> 00:07:25,935


6700:07:26,579 --> 00:07:29,946

Can't he stay in the barn? Please, Dad?它不能住在谷仓里吗 求你了 爸爸

6800:07:30,583 --> 00:07:31,880

- No.- Please?- 不行- 求你了

6900:07:32,018 --> 00:07:34,043

No. Fern, look.You know I've been selling the animals不行 菲恩你知道我们一直靠出售牲口 7000:07:34,153 --> 00:07:36,314

to get the new harvesting equipment.来购买新的耕种器具

7100:07:36,622 --> 00:07:39,648

Pretty soon there's gonna be no place in the barn for a pig.很快谷仓里就放不下猪了

7200:07:40,326 --> 00:07:42,191

I promised I'd take care of him.我答应过要照顾它

7300:07:42,295 --> 00:07:44,729

Well, I'm letting you out of your promise.我同意你不守承诺

7400:07:44,897 --> 00:07:48,025

I didn't promise you. I promised Wilbur.我不是答应你 我答应过威尔伯

7500:07:49,268 --> 00:07:50,735

What about Homer?给霍默吧

7600:07:51,471 --> 00:07:52,938

He has animals.他养动物的

7700:07:53,773 --> 00:07:55,070

Uncle Homer?霍默叔叔

7800:07:56,175 --> 00:07:58,575

I'm sure he could make room for a pig.我确定他有地方可以养一头猪

7900:08:04,617 --> 00:08:05,641


8000:08:05,952 --> 00:08:07,852

He'd be right across the road.他就在路对面

8100:08:21,400 --> 00:08:26,360

Go to sleep, my little one睡觉吧,我的小宝贝

8200:08:26,939 --> 00:08:32,104

The sun has said goodbye for now 太阳已经下山了

8300:08:32,845 --> 00:08:38,078

The moon shines on your beautiful face月亮照耀着你美丽的脸盘

8400:08:41,387 --> 00:08:44,447

My mom used to sing that to meto make me feel safe.妈妈过去常唱给我听让我觉得安心

8500:08:45,958 --> 00:08:47,152

Good night,晚安

8600:08:49,695 --> 00:08:50,992


8700:08:59,272 --> 00:09:03,606

Fern had walked across the road to her uncle's barn hundreds of times before,菲恩曾经无数次穿过马路 去霍默叔叔的谷仓

8800:09:04,143 --> 00:09:06,668

but it had never felt so far away.从来没觉得有这么远

8900:09:07,280 --> 00:09:10,147

It was just a big red barnfull of typical stuff.这只是一个装满普通杂物的红色大谷仓

9000:09:14,887 --> 00:09:18,186

Come to think of it, it couldn't have been more ordinary.它再普通不过了

9100:09:19,191 --> 00:09:21,751

But sometimes,when you take two ordinary things但是有时候 在适当的时机

9200:09:21,861 --> 00:09:24,352

and put them together at just the right time,将两样普通的东西放在一起

9300:09:24,697 --> 00:09:27,791

there's a chance they'll become two less ordinary things.可能它们就不会那么普通了

9400:09:29,235 --> 00:09:33,035

That runty pig, for instance,and that big old smelly barn.比如说 那只瘦小的猪和那个年代久远发臭的大谷仓 9500:09:33,773 --> 00:09:37,106

One sniff, and you knew it was a place full of living things.嗅一下 你会发现这里住了很多活物

9600:09:38,077 --> 00:09:41,012

But that didn't necessarily mean it was full of life.并不是说这里充满生机

9700:09:41,113 --> 00:09:42,512

It's okay. It's okay.这里还可以

9800:09:42,615 --> 00:09:45,209

Nope. For that, this barn needed a pig. 不对 因此这里需要一头猪

9900:09:45,318 --> 00:09:46,683

This isn't so bad.这里还行

10000:09:47,587 --> 00:09:49,111

Only no one knew it yet.只是现在还没谁知道

10100:09:49,221 --> 00:09:50,552

Don't be afraid.别害怕

10200:09:55,928 --> 00:09:57,190

You'll be okay.你会过得好的

10300:10:02,435 --> 00:10:04,232

I'll come see you every day.我会每天都来看你

10400:10:04,704 --> 00:10:07,195

I'll be around so much you'll be sick of me.我一直过来直到你腻为止

10500:10:14,347 --> 00:10:15,644

I love you.我爱你

10600:10:28,127 --> 00:10:30,027

Avery, the bus is here! 艾弗里 校车来了

10700:10:32,765 --> 00:10:35,427

- Did you remember your sister's lunch?- Got it!- 别忘了你姐姐的午饭 - 我知道

10800:11:02,795 --> 00:11:03,819

What the hay?它在干什么

10900:11:03,929 --> 00:11:06,727

- What's he doing?- Probably-obably something smart.- 它在干什么- 大概是什么聪明的事吧

11000:11:06,832 --> 00:11:09,323

- Pigs are smart.- Pigs are not smart!- 猪是聪明的- 猪才不聪明呢

11100:11:09,435 --> 00:11:12,097

Apparently, they're as intelligent as dolphins.显然它们和海豚一样聪明

11200:11:12,938 --> 00:11:14,701

Advantage dolphin.聪明的海豚

11300:11:14,807 --> 00:11:17,435

- He's going to knock himself out.- Yeah! That's using your head!- 他会撞昏自己的- 对啊 那可是你的头啊 11400:11:17,543 --> 00:11:19,875

How many times is he going to try that?它打算这样试多少次

11500:11:21,714 --> 00:11:23,875

- Pig's out!- I told you pigs are smart.- 猪出去了- 我早说了猪是聪明的

11600:11:23,983 --> 00:11:25,848

That's going to leave a mark.会留下痕迹的

11700:11:26,919 --> 00:11:29,888

- Oh, look, Bits. Pig's out.- Sure is out.- 马 你看 猪出去了- 肯定是出去了

11800:11:29,989 --> 00:11:31,183

Out of his mind!它疯了

11900:11:35,928 --> 00:11:37,896


12000:11:38,864 --> 00:11:40,092


12100:11:40,766 --> 00:11:42,631

- Pig's out! - Pig's out, pig's out, pig's out! - 猪跑了 - 猪跑了 猪跑了 猪跑了

12200:11:42,735 --> 00:11:45,670

- How about you walk a little faster? - Wait your turn!- 你不能走快点吗 - 你来啊

12300:11:45,805 --> 00:11:48,501

Wait! Wait! Fern, come back!等等 等等 菲恩 回来

12400:11:49,642 --> 00:11:50,836

Just run!快跑

12500:11:50,943 --> 00:11:54,435

Run, pig! Be free! I would if I could. 快跑 猪 你自由了 换作我就快点跑

12600:11:54,547 --> 00:11:55,571


12700:11:55,681 --> 00:11:57,945

- Retreat!- Don't retreat, pig! Giddyup!- 回头 - 不要回头 猪 快跑

12800:11:58,050 --> 00:12:00,848

- Oh, no! Not the smokehouse!- No! Not the smokehouse!- 哦 不 别去熏制室 - 别 别去熏制室 12900:12:04,924 --> 00:12:07,119

- Is he looking? - Yeah, he's seen it.- 它在看吗 - 对 它看到了

13000:12:07,226 --> 00:12:08,955

- Think he knows what it is? - Of course not.- 你认为它知道那是哪里吗 - 当然不知道 13100:12:09,061 --> 00:12:11,689

He's a spring pig. He doesn't know anything.它是春天的猪 什么都不懂

13200:12:13,599 --> 00:12:16,500

Here, pig, pig, pig! 过来

13300:12:18,838 --> 00:12:21,807

Don't fall for it. You're out.别上当 你已经出去了

13400:12:22,641 --> 00:12:24,233

And you're back in.你又回来了

13500:12:24,343 --> 00:12:25,970

Here you go, piggy.过来 小猪

13600:12:26,846 --> 00:12:28,609

Attaboy. Eat it up.好孩子 吃吧

13700:12:28,714 --> 00:12:32,810

Sold out for slop. I'd have been to the county line by now. 给你泔水 我本该在去县里的路上了 13800:12:32,918 --> 00:12:34,943

He'd have made it if you'd have just let me talk. 如果你让我说完 它现在肯定就成功了

13900:12:35,054 --> 00:12:37,522

- Made it to where? He's a pig!- He's a pig.- 怎么成功? 它不过是头猪- 它是一头猪

14000:12:38,023 --> 00:12:42,050

Sorry I made such a fuss. Your suggestions were really good,很抱歉 我搞得一团糟 你们的建议都很好 14100:12:42,161 --> 00:12:45,892

but I think I'd better stay here. Fern's going to be back soon, anyway.但是我觉得最好还是留在这里 无论如何 菲恩很快就会回来了

14200:12:45,998 --> 00:12:48,489

He's just stupid as a stick, poor thing. 它跟棒子一样笨 可怜的孩子

14300:12:48,601 --> 00:12:50,694

- Should we speak to him?- Certainly not!- 我们该跟它说话吗 - 当然不

14400:12:50,803 --> 00:12:51,827

Certainly not. 当然不了

14500:12:51,937 --> 00:12:54,633

Sweetheart, it sounded-ounded almost like you said亲爱的 好像你说

14600:12:54,740 --> 00:12:56,571

you'd run and be free if you could. 如果你自由了 你会跑的

14700:12:56,675 --> 00:12:59,200

I meant if I were a pig.我是说如果我是猪

14800:12:59,311 --> 00:13:01,438

You know what happens to pigs around here.你知道这里的猪下场是什么吗

14900:13:01,547 --> 00:13:04,846

Yes, I do. And it should never, ever be spoken of.我知道 这点谁都不能提

15000:13:16,428 --> 00:13:18,225

I'm gonna miss you today. 我会想你的

15100:13:18,631 --> 00:13:20,531

See you when I get back, okay?回来再来看你 好吗

15200:13:23,202 --> 00:13:26,000

All right, I gotta go, okay? See you later. 好了 我该走了 好吗 晚点见

15300:13:33,813 --> 00:13:34,780


15400:13:50,763 --> 00:13:53,231

Goodbye, Fern. Hurry back.再见 菲恩 早点回来

15500:13:57,736 --> 00:13:59,203


15600:13:59,305 --> 00:14:00,670

My name's Wilbur.我叫威尔伯

15700:14:01,373 --> 00:14:03,000

Anyone want to play?要不要一起玩?

15800:14:03,742 --> 00:14:04,970


15900:14:06,111 --> 00:14:06,879

It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain?你看 正在下雨 你知道随雨而来的是什么吗 16000:14:06,879 --> 00:14:09,404

It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain?你看 正在下雨 你知道随雨而来的是什么吗 16100:14:09,815 --> 00:14:11,112

- Lightning.- Typhoons.- 闪电- 台风

16200:14:11,217 --> 00:14:12,514

- Cholera.- Dysentery.- 霍乱- 痢疾

16300:14:12,618 --> 00:14:14,245

- Frizzy hair.- That sad feeling- 卷毛- 忧伤

16400:14:14,353 --> 00:14:15,650

No, mud!错了 是泥泞

16500:14:15,754 --> 00:14:17,813

What the heck is he doing now?它现在究竟在干什么

16600:14:18,357 --> 00:14:20,518

Hey, come on. You wanna join me?Come on! Let's go!嗨 过来 你们要加入吗 过来 一起玩吧 16700:14:20,626 --> 00:14:22,184

Let's go, let's go, let's go!一起玩吧 一起玩吧 一起玩吧

16800:14:22,294 --> 00:14:25,422

Let's not. How many times must I tell you? 不要 要跟你说多少次

16900:14:25,531 --> 00:14:29,297

Just because we're sheep, it doesn't mean we have to follow.不能因为我们是羊 我们就得人云亦云 17000:14:29,568 --> 00:14:31,160

- Yourselves. Quite right! - Look at me!为自己想想

17100:14:31,270 --> 00:14:32,237

- Yourselves. Quite right! - Look at me!- 自己 太多了 - 看看我

17200:14:32,338 --> 00:14:34,602

- No, no, no. Yourselves. - Myself?- 不 不 不 自己 - 自己

17300:14:36,375 --> 00:14:39,503

Hey, kid, this is a barn. We don't play, we work.嗨 孩子 这里是谷仓 我们不是来玩的 是要工作的 17400:14:39,612 --> 00:14:41,580

- Some of us, anyway.- "Some of us"?- 至少我们中的一些 - 我们中的一些

17500:14:41,680 --> 00:14:44,649

Are you implying, lke,that we don't work?阿刻 你是不是暗示我们不工作

17600:14:44,750 --> 00:14:48,379

Because we work bloody hard, thank you! 我们工作非常努力 谢谢

17700:14:48,487 --> 00:14:50,546

Hard? You grow hair!努力 你们就是长毛

17800:14:51,924 --> 00:14:53,721

"Grow hair." Good one!长毛 说的好

17900:14:53,993 --> 00:14:55,483

Excuse me.对不起

18000:14:55,594 --> 00:14:59,530

And is that your contribution to society, you gassy rib eyes?你那气鼓鼓的圆眼睛 就是对社会的贡献? 18100:14:59,632 --> 00:15:01,122

Filthy hairball!肮脏的毛团

18200:15:01,233 --> 00:15:03,394

- Rib eyes!- Dirty lintball!- 圆眼睛- 脏毛球

18300:15:03,502 --> 00:15:04,560

Zip it.拉走

18400:15:04,670 --> 00:15:05,762

- They're at it again.- Rib eyes! Rib eyes!- 它们又开始了- 圆眼睛 圆眼睛

18500:15:05,871 --> 00:15:08,567

It's really slippery. That's the fun part!真的很滑 这样最好玩了

18600:15:08,674 --> 00:15:11,541

Little itty-bitty pig,could you come here, please?小猪 你能过来吗

18700:15:13,312 --> 00:15:15,371

You said your name is Wilbur, right?你说你叫威尔伯 对吗

18800:15:15,481 --> 00:15:17,244

That's right. What's your name?对的 你叫什么

18900:15:17,349 --> 00:15:18,873

- Gussy.- Gussy?- 格西- 格西

19000:15:18,984 --> 00:15:21,214

- Great name!- Thank you, Wilbur.- 好名字- 谢谢 威尔伯

19100:15:21,320 --> 00:15:24,949

Now, you're so cute and pink,but you're wasting your time.你很可爱 粉红粉红的不过在白费力气 19200:15:25,057 --> 00:15:26,285

These animals won't play.这里动物们不会玩得

19300:15:26,392 --> 00:15:28,053

- What about you?- Me?- 那你呢- 我

19400:15:28,160 --> 00:15:30,628

Well, I have to stay on my eggs.噢 我得孵蛋

19500:15:30,763 --> 00:15:32,822

Oh, wow! Look at that!哦 看

19600:15:33,132 --> 00:15:35,498

Otherwise, of course, I'd love to play.否则 我当然想玩

19700:15:35,601 --> 00:15:37,535

So, why can't you play?那你为什么不玩呢

19800:15:37,636 --> 00:15:41,231

Because what's good for the goose is good for the gander.雌鹅干什么雄鹅 也该干什么

19900:15:41,340 --> 00:15:44,036

What about the rest of you?Don't any of you like to play?那你们呢 没有谁要玩吗

20000:15:44,143 --> 00:15:46,111

Can't play on three empty stomachs.饿着肚子不能玩

20100:15:46,211 --> 00:15:50,773

Well, for us there's this whole smell-of-wet-wool business. Ghastly!我们得处理湿羊毛的气味问题 可怕 20200:15:50,883 --> 00:15:54,080

See? I'm afraid it's just not a play kind of place. 看到了吧 这里不是个玩乐的地方

20300:15:54,286 --> 00:15:55,844

But you're all friends, right?不过你们都是朋友 对吗

20400:15:55,955 --> 00:15:58,480

Sure. We've been here together our whole lives.当然 我们一辈子都在这里

20500:15:58,590 --> 00:16:02,754

I'm not so sure being in the same place is the same as being friends.我不确定在同一个地方就意味着是朋友 20600:16:07,933 --> 00:16:10,925

I'm not hungry. I just wanted someone to play with me.我不饿 我只想有谁来陪我玩

20700:16:12,371 --> 00:16:13,668

What's that?那是什么

20800:16:14,340 --> 00:16:15,637

What is...是什么...

20900:16:18,143 --> 00:16:19,303

Could it be?可能是

21000:16:20,980 --> 00:16:22,345


21100:16:22,448 --> 00:16:26,714

Oh, joy. It seems the pig slop has brought out the rodent.真好玩 好像猪的泔水引来了老鼠

21200:16:26,819 --> 00:16:28,810

Moldy cheese. Oh, yeah.霉干酪 噢 太棒了

21300:16:31,790 --> 00:16:34,350

Did I have salami last night?我昨晚吃了腊肠吗

21400:16:36,462 --> 00:16:38,453

Yep. I guess I did.对 我想我吃了

21500:16:38,564 --> 00:16:41,294

- Oh, charming.- Disgusting creature!- 噢 太棒了- 恶心的动物

21600:16:41,400 --> 00:16:42,697

Hi, there.嗨

21700:16:44,236 --> 00:16:45,635

Oh, you're a pig. 哦 你是一头猪

21800:16:47,039 --> 00:16:48,666

You're a pig.你是一头猪

21900:16:49,108 --> 00:16:50,666

Pig equals slop.有猪就有泔水

22000:16:52,544 --> 00:16:54,671

The rat is happy.老鼠开心了


00:16:54,913 --> 00:16:56,141

My name's Wilbur. 我叫威尔伯

22200:16:56,248 --> 00:16:58,944

Do you have a name? Or is it just "the rat"?你有名字吗 或者只是“老鼠”

22300:17:04,123 --> 00:17:06,250

Did you say "just the rat"?你刚是说“只是老鼠”

22400:17:07,026 --> 00:17:10,325

For your information, pig, the rat rules.给你长点知识 猪 我们老鼠是老大

22500:17:10,429 --> 00:17:14,525

We were here long before your kind, and we'll be here long after.早在你们之前就来了 我们待的也比你们久 22600:17:14,633 --> 00:17:16,191

So, you just keep that in mind所以 你记好了

22700:17:16,301 --> 00:17:19,634

next time you feel like reducing me to "just the rat."尤其当你想叫我“只是老鼠”的时候

22800:17:19,738 --> 00:17:21,535

You called yourself "the rat."你自己说是“老鼠”

22900:17:21,807 --> 00:17:24,640

I can call me that. You can't.我能这么说 但你不能

23000:17:25,144 --> 00:17:27,112

So you don't have a name?那么你没有名字

23100:17:28,480 --> 00:17:30,948

Of course I do. It's Templeton.当然有 我叫鄧普頓

23200:17:31,216 --> 00:17:33,081

Templeton? Great name!鄧普頓 好名字

23300:17:33,185 --> 00:17:36,382

- Oh, gee, thanks.- Hey! You want to play, Templeton?- 噢 谢谢- 嗨 鄧普頓 你想来玩吗 23400:17:36,488 --> 00:17:39,855

For so many reasons, no.出于许多原因 不

23500:17:40,759 --> 00:17:42,818

See, I don't play.知道吗 我从不玩乐

23600:17:43,062 --> 00:17:46,862

I gnaw, I spy, I eat, I hide.Me in a nutshell.我啃咬 侦查 吃 躲藏 就像在坚果壳里

23700:17:46,965 --> 00:17:48,796

Couldn't you just stay and chat?你就不能留下来聊聊吗

23800:17:48,901 --> 00:17:50,869

Chat? Let me see.聊天 让我想想

23900:17:51,136 --> 00:17:54,264

Gnaw, spy, eat, hide.啃咬 侦查 吃 躲藏

24000:17:54,373 --> 00:17:56,773

Nope, "chat" ain't on the list.不行 聊天不在清单上

24100:18:04,383 --> 00:18:06,351

The rat is handsome.老鼠真帅

24200:18:33,378 --> 00:18:36,347

Tonight I dream of slop!我晚上会梦到泔水的

24300:18:40,285 --> 00:18:44,051

Fern, you are not going to see that pig again. It's too late.菲恩你不会又想去看那头猪吧 太晚了 24400:18:44,156 --> 00:18:45,714

But he's expecting me!但是它在等我

24500:18:45,891 --> 00:18:49,156

And I'm expecting you to finish your homework and go straight to bed.我也在等你完成作业上床睡觉 24600:18:49,261 --> 00:18:51,786

But, Mom, I always tell him good night!但是 妈妈 我一直都跟它说晚安的

24700:18:51,897 --> 00:18:54,661

- Not tonight.- He can't sleep if I don't.- 今晚不行- 我不去的话会失眠的

24800:18:57,603 --> 00:18:58,831

Good night.晚安

24900:18:59,638 --> 00:19:00,900

Good night.晚安

25000:19:02,574 --> 00:19:03,734

Good night!晚安

25100:19:03,842 --> 00:19:05,139

Good night.晚安

25200:19:05,978 --> 00:19:07,843

Huh? Who said that?恩 谁在说话

25300:19:09,148 --> 00:19:10,615

Who are you?你是谁

25400:19:10,716 --> 00:19:13,617

Where are you? Are you invisible?你在哪里 你是隐形的吗

25500:19:13,719 --> 00:19:15,448

No, I'm nocturnal,不 我是夜间动物

25600:19:15,554 --> 00:19:18,682

which means I work at night,

when you should be sleeping.你晚上睡觉的时候 我出来工作

25700:19:18,957 --> 00:19:22,415

Now, I need to concentrate, so, good night.现在我要集中精力 所以 晚安了

25800:19:22,794 --> 00:19:26,355

But I can't sleep now! Please, tell me who you are.但是我睡不着 告诉我你是谁

25900:19:26,899 --> 00:19:29,060

I'm just really lonely.我只是很孤单

26000:19:29,468 --> 00:19:30,833

So I've seen.看出来了

26100:19:30,936 --> 00:19:34,804

Look, you seem like a very nice pig, so I'll tell you what.你看上去是只很好的小猪 所以我跟你说 26200:19:35,307 --> 00:19:37,741

If you go to sleep right nowand let me work,如果你现在就睡觉 让我可以专心工作

26300:19:37,843 --> 00:19:39,743

we can converse tomorrow.我们明早可以谈谈

26400:19:39,912 --> 00:19:43,370

- Converse?- I think your word was "chat."- 谈谈- 就是聊天

26500:19:43,582 --> 00:19:46,016

Oh. Great! All right.哦 太好了

26600:19:46,318 --> 00:19:49,879

Good night. Good night. Good night.晚安 晚安 晚安

26700:19:52,291 --> 00:19:53,519

Good night.晚安

26800:20:03,202 --> 00:20:06,330

Okay, he still hasn't moved.他还是没有动

26900:20:06,638 --> 00:20:10,267

We've been here one, wait, two...我们已经在这儿一 ,等等,是二...

27000:20:10,409 --> 00:20:14,368

We've been here a long time, Elwyn, and that guy ain't moving!爱文 我们已经在这里很久了 他一直没动

27100:20:14,646 --> 00:20:16,443

He's like a freak of nature.他真是怪人

27200:20:17,015 --> 00:20:19,711

I'm dying, man.I've got to get some corn!老兄 我累了 我要去吃点玉米

27300:20:19,818 --> 00:20:22,150

I know, Brooksie. Just be patient.我了解 布鲁克斯 耐心点

27400:20:26,024 --> 00:20:27,651

Come on.来啊

27500:20:28,227 --> 00:20:29,694

Come on.来啊

27600:20:30,229 --> 00:20:32,857

Just a little further.再过来一点

27700:20:36,235 --> 00:20:37,759

Okay, it's morning!好了 到早上了

27800:20:38,170 --> 00:20:41,230

- Hey, Bits, I wasn't drooling, was I?- Suck it up, Bets.- 嘿 马兄 我又没有流口水呀- 吸你的口水 贝特 27900:20:41,340 --> 00:20:44,571

Would whoever addressed me last night kindly make yourself known?昨晚跟我说话的能出来吗

28000:20:44,676 --> 00:20:48,976

What luck! An early riser, and he has things he needs to say.天啊 他这么早就起床了还有事情要说 28100:20:49,081 --> 00:20:50,981

Yeah, loud things.对的 很吵

28200:20:51,116 --> 00:20:53,949

I'm speaking to whoever spoke to me last night.我在跟昨晚说话的那位说话

28300:20:54,052 --> 00:20:55,883

I suppose that would be me.我想你是指是我吧

28400:20:56,455 --> 00:20:57,479


28500:20:57,589 --> 00:20:59,682

- I can't see you.- Up here, in the corner.- 我看不见你- 上面 在角落里

28600:21:01,926 --> 00:21:03,393

The other corner.另一边

28700:21:04,762 --> 00:21:07,731

I'm sorry. I still can't see you.对不起 我还是看不到

28800:21:07,999 --> 00:21:10,229

Move a little closer. I'll come down.靠近一点 我下来了

28900:21:23,848 --> 00:21:26,009

Hi. You're a...你好 你是...

29000:21:26,117 --> 00:21:28,449

Look, I've got a long day ahead of me and I'm trying to get a little...我已经累了一整天了 我只是想... 29100:21:28,553 --> 00:21:30,316

Spider! Spider! Get it away from me!蜘蛛 蜘蛛 离我远点

29200:21:30,421 --> 00:21:32,719

Get it away! Get it away!赶走它 赶走它

29300:21:33,391 --> 00:21:34,915

All right, keep your distance there.好吧 待在那里 保持距离

29400:21:35,026 --> 00:21:38,860

- That thing is creepy.- Golly! You're not being rude, are you?- 它真恐怖- 天哪 别这么不礼貌

29500:21:38,963 --> 00:21:43,195

No, no, no. I meant "creepy" in a nice way. You know, creepy good.不不不 我是说爬行的 好的那种 爬行动物 29600:21:43,301 --> 00:21:44,393


29700:21:44,535 --> 00:21:46,765

- They eat their menfolk, you know.- I know!- 知道吗 它们会吃了自己老公- 我知道

29800:21:46,871 --> 00:21:50,068

Well? Still want to chat, or are you gonna join them?这样 你还想聊聊吗 还是跟它们一样?

29900:21:50,174 --> 00:21:52,438

I've never met a spider before.我从没见过蜘蛛

30000:21:53,377 --> 00:21:55,174

Did you make that?网是你织的吗

30100:21:55,379 --> 00:21:57,779

Is that what you were concentrating on last night?你昨晚一直在织网吗

30200:21:57,882 --> 00:22:00,510

- Yes.- It's amazing.- 对的- 好棒啊

30300:22:01,385 --> 00:22:03,910

Think you could teach me how to make one of those?你能教我吗

30400:22:07,725 --> 00:22:09,420

Hold that thought, please.你等等

30500:22:12,363 --> 00:22:14,593

- What are you doing?- Making breakfast.- 你在干什么- 做早餐

30600:22:14,866 --> 00:22:16,595

- Oh, boy.- Relax.- 噢 老兄- 放松点

30700:22:16,868 --> 00:22:20,201

First, I give him a little nip to anesthetize him,我先麻醉它

30800:22:20,304 --> 00:22:21,862

so he'll be more comfortable.使它感觉舒服点

30900:22:21,973 --> 00:22:23,736

It's a little service I throw in.这算我提供的小服务吧

31000:22:23,841 --> 00:22:25,570

Then I wrap him up.然后裹住它

31100:22:25,810 --> 00:22:29,769

Then I just say grace because, well, that's always nice,接着就很棒了 因为它们向来美味

31200:22:29,881 --> 00:22:31,439

and he'll make a perfectly delicious meal.它就成了一份完美的餐点

31300:22:31,549 --> 00:22:34,313

So, you eat flies?你吃飞虫

31400:22:34,585 --> 00:22:36,109

No, no, no.不不不

31500:22:37,255 --> 00:22:38,722

I drink their blood.我喝它们的血

31600:22:41,292 --> 00:22:43,852

- Lying down on the job, eh?- Fainted like a girl.- 它吓昏了- 真像个女孩

31700:22:43,961 --> 00:22:45,326

That's disgusting.真恶心

31800:22:45,596 --> 00:22:47,996

Well, that's easy for you to say.你说的真轻松

31900:22:48,099 --> 00:22:51,193

You have all your meals brought to you in a pail.有人用桶提给你食物

32000:22:51,302 --> 00:22:53,236

I don't get that kind of royal treatment.我可没有这么高级的待遇

32100:22:53,337 --> 00:22:54,770

I am a trapper.我是猎手

32200:22:54,872 --> 00:22:58,672

I have to catch my food. Which is why I make my home near you. 我必须捕捉食物 所以我才在你附近安家 32300:22:58,776 --> 00:23:02,177

- Please don't hurt me.- Well, since you said "please."- 求你别伤害我- 还好你说了“求”

32400:23:04,615 --> 00:23:07,140

And just imagine how many bugs there would be in this barn,想象一下这个谷仓里有那么多飞虫 32500:23:07,251 --> 00:23:09,549

no, actually, in the world,事实上 是在这个世界上

32600:23:09,654 --> 00:23:11,383

if spiders didn't catch them.如果蜘蛛不去捉它们

32700:23:11,489 --> 00:23:13,252

Insects would take over the planet!飞虫会占领整个星球

32800:23:13,357 --> 00:23:15,882

The way I see it, I'm doing everyone a favor.依我看 我帮了所有人的忙

32900:23:16,194 --> 00:23:17,718

Except for the fly.除了飞虫们

33000:23:19,797 --> 00:23:22,425

Yes. Except for the fly.对 除飞虫以外

33100:23:25,570 --> 00:23:29,267

I think now is the time for me to say salutations.我想我该打个招呼

33200:23:29,807 --> 00:23:30,967


33300:23:31,142 --> 00:23:32,336


33400:23:33,678 --> 00:23:35,839

Okay. I'll leave.好吧 我走了

33500:23:35,947 --> 00:23:37,380

No, Wilbur.不 威尔伯

33600:23:37,982 --> 00:23:41,543

"Salutations" is just a fancy way of saying hello.“打招呼”是说“你好”的一种方式 33700:23:41,819 --> 00:23:43,787

Oh! Hello.哦 你好

33800:23:44,989 --> 00:23:47,787

Hey, you know my name! What's yours?嗨 你知道了我的名字 那你的呢

33900:23:48,292 --> 00:23:49,520

My name?我的名字

34000:23:49,827 --> 00:23:53,126

My name is Charlotte. Charlotte A. Cavatica.我叫 夏洛特 夏洛特 A 卡维特

34100:23:53,497 --> 00:23:56,125

Charlotte. Great name! 夏洛特 好名字

34200:23:56,834 --> 00:23:59,166

Thank you. I've always thought so.谢谢 我也一直这么认为的

34300:23:59,270 --> 00:24:02,205

Hey, since you've said...嗨 既然你说了“打...”

34400:24:02,874 --> 00:24:04,705

You know, that word,你知道的 那个词

34500:24:04,809 --> 00:24:06,674

does that mean we're friends?那意味着我们是朋友吗


00:24:08,512 --> 00:24:09,740

I suppose it does.我想是吧

34700:24:09,847 --> 00:24:11,314


34800:24:14,752 --> 00:24:17,312

Golly, go see what's going-oing on over there.天哪 看看发生什么了

34900:24:17,421 --> 00:24:21,448

What's going-oing...Hey, kid, what's going on over here?怎么回事...嗨 孩子 怎么回事

35000:24:21,559 --> 00:24:24,790

Oh, sorry.I just made a new friend, that's all.哦 抱歉 我只是刚刚交了个新朋友

35100:24:25,029 --> 00:24:28,487

The spider. Oh, yeah. Good choice.蜘蛛 哦 对 不错的选择

35200:24:28,699 --> 00:24:30,223

Yeah, perfect.对 太完美了

35300:24:31,435 --> 00:24:34,404

You picked someone even more despised than me.你选了一个比我还受鄙视的家伙

35400:24:34,705 --> 00:24:37,230

Why would anyone despise Charlotte? 为什么大家都鄙视夏洛特

35500:24:37,541 --> 00:24:41,238

She made that amazing web, and she keeps bugs out of the barn.她织了那么出色的网 它赶走谷仓里的虫子 35600:24:41,545 --> 00:24:44,139

Look at her. I mean, don't you think she's a little...看看它 你不觉得它是一个小...

35700:24:44,916 --> 00:24:46,713

What's the word?那词是什么来着

35800:24:49,153 --> 00:24:50,984

I think she's beautiful.我觉得它很漂亮

35900:24:52,490 --> 00:24:55,288

I beg your pardon. She is hideous!你说什么 她那么丑恶

36000:24:55,393 --> 00:24:58,328

Are we even seeing the same ruddy creature?我们是在说同一个红色的家伙吗

36100:24:59,096 --> 00:25:00,393

I guess not.我想不是

36200:25:04,502 --> 00:25:05,628


36300:25:07,571 --> 00:25:10,369

What a sorry little friendship that's going to be.那将是一段令人遗憾的短暂友谊

36400:25:12,877 --> 00:25:16,506

There's an old expression that says that ignorance is bliss,古语有云 不知者无过

36500:25:16,948 --> 00:25:19,246

and I'm inclined to believe it's true, 我有点开始相信了

36600:25:20,017 --> 00:25:21,814

because, on that late spring day,因为 在晚春的那一天

36700:25:21,919 --> 00:25:24,285

Wilbur was as happy as a pig could be.威尔伯像一只猪般快乐

36800:25:25,690 --> 00:25:28,352

And those spring days rolled into summer days,从春天到夏天

36900:25:29,060 --> 00:25:31,927

days filled with endless conversation 每天都是无止尽的交谈

37000:25:32,029 --> 00:25:34,759

between the two unlikeliest of friends.在这对最不可能的朋友之间

37100:25:34,865 --> 00:25:37,163

Charlotte, what's a spring pig?夏洛特 什么是春天的猪

37200:25:37,268 --> 00:25:39,168

A pig who was born in the spring.出生在春天的猪

37300:25:39,270 --> 00:25:41,670

Oh. And I thought it meant bouncy.哦 我原来以为是指生机勃勃

37400:25:41,772 --> 00:25:44,002

That would be a springy pig.那应该是春天般的猪

37500:25:45,443 --> 00:25:48,207

"After Mrs. Mallard had laid eight eggs in the nest,“野鸭太太自从在窝里下了8个蛋”

37600:25:48,312 --> 00:25:50,405

"she couldn't go to visit Michael anymore,“她就再也不能去拜访麦克了”

37700:25:50,514 --> 00:25:53,176

"because she had to sit on the eggs to keep them warm.“因为她必须一直坐在蛋上来保持温度”

37800:25:53,284 --> 00:25:57,345

"She moved off the nest only to get a drink of water, or to have her lunch,“她只有喝水或吃饭的时候才会离开” 37900:25:57,455 --> 00:26:00,549

"or to count the eggs and make sure they were all there.“或者数蛋 看蛋又没有少的时候”

38000:26:00,858 --> 00:26:05,318

"One day, the ducklings hatched out. First came Jack, then Kack..."“有一天 小鸭子们孵出来了首先是杰克 然后是凯克...”

38100:26:05,463 --> 00:26:07,158

Yeah! Yeah! This is going to be great! 太棒了 这样真棒

38200:26:07,264 --> 00:26:10,324

- Wilbur, what on earth are you doing?- You'll see.- 威尔伯 你到底在干嘛 - 你来看看

38300:26:11,502 --> 00:26:13,470

That feels marvelous!感觉不可思议

38400:26:13,571 --> 00:26:16,096

Yes, over to the left a bit. Ah, yes.对 往左边一点 对

38500:26:16,207 --> 00:26:19,973

Is that a breeze I feel? I'm 10 pounds lighter!感觉就像一阵微风 我轻了10磅

38600:26:20,077 --> 00:26:21,169

- I'm next!- I'm next!- 下一个是我- 下一个是我

38700:26:21,278 --> 00:26:22,836

- I'm next!- I'm next, too!- 下一个是我- 下一个是我

38800:26:22,947 --> 00:26:25,575

- Looking pretty good, huh?- Sure is.- 看起来很棒 是吗- 当然是

38900:26:25,883 --> 00:26:29,341

Hi, there. Are you new to the barn?I'm Wilbur.嗨 你是新来的吗 我是威尔伯

39000:26:29,453 --> 00:26:31,045

Wilbur, it's me.威尔伯 是我

39100:26:31,155 --> 00:26:32,850

Me? Great name!我 好名字

39200:26:33,057 --> 00:26:36,288

No, me. Me! Samuel! The sheep!不 是我 塞缪尔 那只羊

39300:26:36,694 --> 00:26:39,492

Wow! What happened to you?哇 你怎么啦

39400:26:44,402 --> 00:26:47,838

The world's first pig web! Ta-da!世界上第一个猪织的网 嗒嗒

39500:26:48,906 --> 00:26:51,773

I think you'd better leave the web-spinning to me. 我想织网的事儿还是交给我吧

39600:26:51,876 --> 00:26:53,673

After weeks and weeks,一周又一周过去了

39700:26:53,778 --> 00:26:58,579

and I'm talking about some long weeks of waiting and expecting,我说的是那样充满等待和期盼的日子 39800:26:58,682 --> 00:27:02,311

all the hard work has finally paid off.所有的努力工作都有了回报

39900:27:03,487 --> 00:27:06,354

Wow! Look at them! They were eggs,哇 看看 那些蛋

40000:27:06,457 --> 00:27:08,584

and now they're... They're just...Look at them!它们变成了... 它们变成了...看看它们

40100:27:08,993 --> 00:27:11,484

Wow, Gussy, you did a really terrific job! 哇 鹅 你太棒了

40200:27:11,595 --> 00:27:13,563

They don't call me Mother Goose for nothing.鹅妈妈可不是叫着玩的

40300:27:13,664 --> 00:27:14,961


40400:27:15,599 --> 00:27:17,191

Would you look at that!你想看看吗

40500:27:18,002 --> 00:27:20,163

Yes, thank you, thank you!谢谢 谢谢

40600:27:20,271 --> 00:27:22,171

It wasn't easy, but I managed.虽然很不容易 我还是成功了

40700:27:22,273 --> 00:27:23,740

You managed?你成功了

40800:27:24,275 --> 00:27:26,607

I'm kidding, honey. We managed.开玩笑的 亲爱的 是我们成功了

40900:27:27,611 --> 00:27:30,910

Six, seven. Weren't there eight eggs?6 7 不是有8个蛋吗

41000:27:31,182 --> 00:27:33,878

Could this be a dud?这个蛋没用吗

41100:27:33,984 --> 00:27:35,815

Golly! Golly!天哪 天哪

41200:27:35,920 --> 00:27:37,319

- Golly!- Whoa!- 天哪- 喔

41300:27:37,421 --> 00:27:40,948

Whoa, there, Father Goose! I'm just trying to help the happy couple.喔 那儿 鹅爸爸 我只是想帮助你们这对开心的夫妻

41400:27:41,058 --> 00:27:43,151

What do you want with a rotten egg, anyway?你为什么要一个没用的蛋

41500:27:43,260 --> 00:27:46,024

I want a rotten egg我想要一个没用的蛋

41600:27:46,130 --> 00:27:49,224

for the simple reason that...You never know.只是因为... 你不知道的

41700:27:49,333 --> 00:27:50,891

This one didn't make it.这只没孵出来

41800:27:51,001 --> 00:27:52,866

I think we have to let it go.我想我们该让它走

41900:27:54,405 --> 00:27:55,872

Oh, take it!哦 你拿走吧

42000:27:55,973 --> 00:27:59,067

And add it to that nasty-asty collection of yours.把它加到你那堆肮脏的收集品里吧

42100:28:00,077 --> 00:28:01,908

Last one out is a rotten egg!最新的是一只没用的蛋

42200:28:04,281 --> 00:28:05,942

- Well, I thought it was funny.- I should have pecked him!- 我觉得很有趣- 我本该琢它的

42300:28:06,050 --> 00:28:07,608

Don't you break that egg, rat.老鼠 别把蛋弄破

42400:28:07,718 --> 00:28:10,380

A broken rotten egg would make this barn stink to high heaven.一个破蛋会让谷仓里臭不可遏

42500:28:10,488 --> 00:28:12,353

That would be a change.这有点难度

42600:28:12,823 --> 00:28:15,690

Why are you laughing, Bits? He just said we stink.马兄 你在笑什么 它刚说我们有臭味

42700:28:15,793 --> 00:28:18,489

Oh, yeah. This is good. This will come in handy.哦 这样很好 就快好了

42800:28:23,200 --> 00:28:25,828

You really are a handsome devil.你真是个帅气的魔鬼

42900:28:28,038 --> 00:28:29,369

Oh, boy.哦 老兄

43000:28:50,528 --> 00:28:52,257

Egg-xactly!蛋 准确无误

43100:29:01,639 --> 00:29:04,403

Saw a big old spider in the doorway! Gonna go catch it!看到门口有一只又大又老的蜘蛛了吗 我要去抓它 43200:29:04,508 --> 00:29:06,442

No, Avery! Come back here!不 艾弗里 回来

43300:29:06,544 --> 00:29:08,910

- Here, spidey-spidey.- You can't do that!- 过来- 你不能这么做

43400:29:10,915 --> 00:29:12,007


43500:29:15,653 --> 00:29:17,587

- Gotcha!- No, no, Avery!- 抓到了- 不 不 艾弗里

43600:29:18,489 --> 00:29:21,322

Wilbur, no! Come on, Wilbur, get off!威尔伯 不 别这样 威尔伯 走开

43700:29:22,159 --> 00:29:24,457

Wilbur, Wilbur, why did you do that?威尔伯 威尔伯 你为什么这么做

43800:29:25,796 --> 00:29:28,321

Avery! No!艾弗里 不要

43900:29:38,108 --> 00:29:39,939

That stinks!好臭啊

44000:29:40,044 --> 00:29:42,012

Oh, that is gross.哦 真恶心

44100:29:47,484 --> 00:29:48,849

Man, is that you?老兄 是你吗

44200:29:48,953 --> 00:29:51,945

No. I smell a smell, though. Think it's scary guy?不是 不过我也闻到臭味了 是那个恐怖的家伙吗 44300:29:52,056 --> 00:29:54,752

- He's trying to stink us away from the...- Corn!- 他想用臭味熏得我们离开...- 玉米

44400:29:59,396 --> 00:30:01,728

Guess the yolk's on me.弄得我浑身都是蛋黄

44500:30:03,000 --> 00:30:04,661

That is one ripe egg.那是一只成熟的蛋

44600:30:07,972 --> 00:30:10,270

That stinks good!味道真好

44700:30:10,574 --> 00:30:12,166

That is disgusting!真恶心

44800:30:13,544 --> 00:30:17,412

- We told you not to break that egg.- Now look what you've done, rat!- 我们跟你说过不要弄破那个蛋 - 看看你干的好事

44900:30:17,514 --> 00:30:19,277

It saved Charlotte, didn't it?它救了夏洛特 是吗

45000:30:19,383 --> 00:30:22,875

Yeah, ingrates. I saved the leggy lady's life.对 你这个忘恩负义的家伙 我救了那位长腿女士 45100:30:23,454 --> 00:30:26,048

- You mean that as a good thing, right? - Of course.- 那是一件好事 对吗 - 当然

45200:30:26,156 --> 00:30:28,056

I do have a few eyes, you know,我也看到了不少

45300:30:28,158 --> 00:30:30,285

and I think Wilbur did most of the saving.我觉得很大程度是威尔伯救了我

45400:30:30,394 --> 00:30:32,419

I know. Ironic, isn't it?我知道 很讽刺 对吗

45500:30:32,529 --> 00:30:36,625

He's saving you, and they're saving him for Christmas.它救了你 他们却把它留作圣诞大餐 45600:30:36,734 --> 00:30:37,792


45700:30:37,901 --> 00:30:39,232

What's Christmas?什么是圣诞

45800:30:40,838 --> 00:30:42,897

The day you'll be cured.人们腌制你的那天

45900:30:43,173 --> 00:30:44,572

But I'm not sick.可是我没有病

46000:30:45,242 --> 00:30:46,869

I didn't say you were sick.我没说你有病

46100:30:46,977 --> 00:30:50,140

- Uh-oh. That was a mistake.- Yep. Typical rat.- 啊哦 这是一个错误- 对 真不愧是个老鼠

46200:30:50,247 --> 00:30:54,274

What? You're going to lie to the future football here? Okay.什么 你们打算欺骗这个 将来会变成肉球的家伙 是吗

46300:30:54,818 --> 00:30:58,618

But it's a sad statement when I'm the most honest guy in the place.真不幸 我居然是这里最诚实的

46400:30:58,789 --> 00:31:01,053

Templeton, what are you talking about?鄧普頓 你在说什么

46500:31:01,258 --> 00:31:03,522

Come winter, the farmer will be checking you到了冬天 主人会来看看你

46600:31:03,627 --> 00:31:05,857

into the old smokehouse hotel. 然后送你去熏制房

46700:31:07,865 --> 00:31:11,926

And the only checking out that happens is when people gather around and say,然后人们就会聚集起来并且说 46800:31:12,803 --> 00:31:14,703

"Check out that yummy sausage.尝尝这美味的腊肠

46900:31:15,172 --> 00:31:17,367

"Check out that sizzling bacon."尝尝这烤肉

47000:31:21,779 --> 00:31:23,644

So, that's what that is for.原来如此

47100:31:24,014 --> 00:31:26,209

Ain't for roasting chestnuts.不是做栗子烤肉

47200:31:28,185 --> 00:31:31,643

He wouldn't. Humans love pigs.不会的 人类爱猪

47300:31:32,022 --> 00:31:34,820

Well, they love pork.他们爱的是猪肉

47400:31:36,894 --> 00:31:38,885

Well, this is awkward, isn't it?哦 这真尴尬 不是吗

47500:31:39,396 --> 00:31:40,693


47600:31:41,598 --> 00:31:43,293

Charlotte, is it true?夏洛特 这是真的吗

47700:31:43,400 --> 00:31:47,166

Wilbur, few spring pigs get to see the snows of winter.威尔伯 很少有春天的猪 能活着看到冬天的雪 47800:31:47,271 --> 00:31:50,035

No! I can't believe this. I won't believe it.不 我不相信 我不会相信的

47900:31:50,140 --> 00:31:51,903

- Oh, Wilbur.- It isn't fair!- 哦 威尔伯- 这不公平

48000:31:52,276 --> 00:31:55,939

- I want to live! I want to see the snow!- And you will.- 我想活下来 我想看到雪- 你会的

48100:31:56,714 --> 00:32:00,775

I'm making you a promise right now.I am not going to let them kill you.我现在答应你 我不会让他们杀了你的 48200:32:00,984 --> 00:32:03,680

You're a spider. You're little. They're huge!你只是蜘蛛 你太弱小了 他们太强大了

48300:32:03,787 --> 00:32:05,721

How are you going to stop them?你怎么能阻止他们呀

48400:32:05,823 --> 00:32:08,018

I have no idea. But it's a promise,我不知道 但是我答应你

48500:32:08,192 --> 00:32:11,059

and promises are something I never break.我从来不会违背诺言

48600:32:11,562 --> 00:32:13,826

Just don't you worry about it, Wilbur.不要担心 威尔伯

48700:32:13,964 --> 00:32:16,398

Besides, it's a long time until Christmas. 而且 还有很久才到圣诞呢

48800:32:18,469 --> 00:32:21,597

Okay, Charlotte. If you say so.好吧 夏洛特 既然你这么说了

48900:32:32,149 --> 00:32:33,582

- Yeah.- 爸爸- 怎么

49000:32:33,684 --> 00:32:36,209

Can I walk home? I promised Wilbur I'd be there right away.- Dad?我能走回家吗 我答应威尔伯会立即回去的 49100:32:36,320 --> 00:32:38,117

- Sure. That's fine with me. - Thanks.- 好吧 我没意见- 谢谢

49200:32:38,222 --> 00:32:39,484

Fern, wait!菲恩等等

49300:32:40,257 --> 00:32:44,591

Why don't you go to the Whites' or the Sergeants' today and play?你为什么不去 怀特家 或者中士家去玩 49400:32:44,695 --> 00:32:46,993

- Or you could have someone over. - Why?- 或者邀请朋友到家里来玩 - 为什么

49500:32:47,431 --> 00:32:49,831

Because you're spending too much time in that barn.因为你在谷仓里待太久了

49600:32:49,933 --> 00:32:52,128

It isn't good for you to be alone so much.一个人独自待着不好

49700:32:52,503 --> 00:32:55,404

Alone? All my best friends are there. 一个人?我最好的朋友们都在那里

49800:32:55,773 --> 00:32:57,468

- Except the rat. - The rat?- 除了那只老鼠- 老鼠

49900:32:57,574 --> 00:33:00,042

I wouldn't call him my friend, but the rest of them are.我不会当它是朋友 不过其他的都是

50000:33:00,144 --> 00:33:02,305

They tell the greatest stories.They make me laugh.它们给我讲最好的故事 它们逗我开心

50100:33:02,413 --> 00:33:05,780

And I promised them I'd read 'em this book, so I got to go. Bye!我答应它们要给他们讲这个故事 所以我该走了 再见

50200:33:07,584 --> 00:33:10,519

Dr. Dorian, it's ridiculous, isn't it?王爾德医生 这太荒谬了 不是吗

50300:33:10,954 --> 00:33:13,980

To think that animals can actually talk?居然认为动物们可以说话

50400:33:14,525 --> 00:33:17,926

I don't know. Maybe an animal said something to me and I didn't hear it我不知道 可能动物们跟我说过 只不过我没听到

50500:33:18,028 --> 00:33:20,155

because I wasn't paying attention. 因为我没留心

50600:33:20,764 --> 00:33:24,894

Maybe children are just better listeners than we are.或许孩子们比我们更会倾听

50700:33:26,370 --> 00:33:28,600

Well, it worries me to no end.这一直困扰着我

50800:33:28,872 --> 00:33:33,332

What's got you worried is that her only friends are pigs, sheep, geese and rats你担心的是她的朋友只有猪羊鹅和老鼠们

50900:33:34,044 --> 00:33:35,272

Well, not rats.没有老鼠

51000:33:36,547 --> 00:33:37,514


51100:33:37,981 --> 00:33:39,710

- Does she look well?- Yes.- 她看起来好吗- 很好

51200:33:39,817 --> 00:33:41,580

Appetite's good?胃口好吗

51300:33:42,085 --> 00:33:44,076

- Does she sleep well at night?- Yes.- 晚上睡得好吗- 很好

51400:33:44,188 --> 00:33:46,156

I mean, she's right as rain in that way.她一切都很正常

51500:33:46,824 --> 00:33:50,385

Well, there is a name for her condition.对于这种情况 有一个名字

51600:33:51,662 --> 00:33:53,994

It's called a childhood phase.叫做童年

51700:33:55,599 --> 00:33:58,625

And, sadly, it's something she'll grow out of. 很不幸 她的童年终将结束

51800:34:06,510 --> 00:34:08,478

Charlotte, what are you doing?夏洛特 你在干什么呢

51900:34:08,912 --> 00:34:09,970


52000:34:10,247 --> 00:34:12,238

I do my best thinking upside down.倒着让我想的更好

52100:34:12,349 --> 00:34:14,579

Blood goes to my head and perks me up.血流到脑子里可以刺激思维

52200:34:14,985 --> 00:34:18,546

I've been thinking, too, you know, about Christmas.我也一直在想 关于圣诞的事

52300:34:19,456 --> 00:34:22,152

Don't worry, Wilbur.We'll figure something out.不要担心 威尔伯 我们会想出办法得

52400:34:27,464 --> 00:34:29,762

Come on, lke. Come on.走吧 乐维 加油

52500:34:39,843 --> 00:34:41,276

Not to be too much trouble,我不想给你添麻烦得

52600:34:41,378 --> 00:34:43,938

but have you figured something out?不过你想出什么来了吗

52700:34:44,481 --> 00:34:47,143

Not yet, but it's like a web.还没 就像一张网

52800:34:47,251 --> 00:34:51,779

You make it, you wait, and something always comes.你织好网 在一旁等着 总会有猎物送上门来

52900:34:52,155 --> 00:34:53,622

Good night, Charlotte.晚安 夏洛特

53000:34:54,057 --> 00:34:55,422

Good night, Wilbur.晚安 威尔伯

53100:34:59,429 --> 00:35:01,124

And swing.我摇摆

53200:35:06,403 --> 00:35:08,030

And stick.然后粘住

53300:35:08,405 --> 00:35:10,202

And loop..绕圈

53400:35:23,420 --> 00:35:26,878

And back up, stick, and...退一步 粘住 再...

53500:36:45,402 --> 00:36:47,597

Mr. Zuckerman!克曼先生

53600:36:49,373 --> 00:36:52,570

Okay, you gotta come see this.你们该过来看看

53700:37:00,617 --> 00:37:02,084

Come on, Homer!快点 霍默

53800:37:02,786 --> 00:37:03,878

Come on!快点

53900:37:48,665 --> 00:37:51,862

- What's a "so me pig"?- It's "some pig."- 什么是"所以我猪"- 是 "某只猪"

54000:37:52,969 --> 00:37:54,334

It's a miracle.这是奇迹

54100:37:54,871 --> 00:37:57,305

It's nothing short of a bona fide miracle.这完全是一个奇迹

54200:38:04,881 --> 00:38:06,280

Minister Beecher?格爾牧师

54300:38:07,584 --> 00:38:09,518

Homer. Edith.霍默 伊迪丝

54400:38:09,920 --> 00:38:11,649

What brings you here?你们怎么来了

54500:38:12,255 --> 00:38:13,279


54600:38:15,659 --> 00:38:17,024

We think so.我们觉得是

54700:38:32,309 --> 00:38:36,405

We'd better keep this quiet until I address it in my sermon.在我写入布道之前 都不要声张 54800:38:36,780 --> 00:38:38,509

You can't tell a soul, but you gotta come up to the barn.别告诉别人 不过你该来谷仓看看 54900:38:38,615 --> 00:38:39,582

Keep it between me and you.这是我们的秘密

55000:38:39,750 --> 00:38:42,116

- Swing by the farm.- Okay. Goodbye.- 在农场里摇摆- 好的 再见

55100:38:49,926 --> 00:38:52,622

Now, don't tell nobody. Shouldn't get around.不要告诉别人 不能到处宣扬

55200:38:54,865 --> 00:38:57,698

There's a word in a spider web at Zuckerman's barn.在克曼家谷仓的蛛网上有字 55300:39:18,255 --> 00:39:22,191

Charlotte, what does a "some pig" do?夏洛特 "某只猪"做了什么

55400:39:22,292 --> 00:39:25,090

This isn't for what you do. It's for what you are.这不是你做了什么 而是你是什么

55500:39:25,462 --> 00:39:27,259

Some pigs might smile a bit.某只猪大概要微笑一点

55600:39:35,138 --> 00:39:37,606

The lifting of the head, nice touch!轻轻抬头 做的好

55700:39:58,361 --> 00:40:02,195

As ugly as that spider is, we should have known she was smart.虽然蜘蛛很丑 但是她很聪明

55800:40:02,299 --> 00:40:05,268

So, you don't believe that someone might be smart and pretty?所以 你从来不信有谁会既聪明又漂亮 55900:40:05,368 --> 00:40:08,565

No. Yes! I mean, yes, because you are.不 是的 我是说我信 因为你就是的

56000:40:08,672 --> 00:40:10,640

Clever little spider, isn't she?聪明的小蜘蛛 不是吗

56100:40:10,740 --> 00:40:12,799

Where's the spider who did this? 蜘蛛在哪儿 是谁干的

56200:40:13,243 --> 00:40:17,202

Well, we looked all over and couldn't find one.我们找遍了也没找到

56300:40:23,019 --> 00:40:24,247

Looks pretty good.看起来很棒

56400:40:24,354 --> 00:40:26,948

Still ain't gonna change anything. He's a goner.还是不能改变任何事 他注定会死的

56500:40:27,057 --> 00:40:29,582

Yeah. Glad nobody eats cows.对的 真庆幸没人吃母牛

56600:40:30,126 --> 00:40:34,153

- Got to admit, that's a fine-looking pig.- Yep, that's some pig, all right.- 不得不承认 那只猪很漂亮 - 对 它就是“某只猪” 肯定是的

56700:40:42,239 --> 00:40:46,005

After a few weeks, the phenomenon of the web wore off.几个星期后 蛛网的新闻就传腻了

56800:40:47,043 --> 00:40:48,567

Nobody cared anymore,没人再关心这个事情乐

56900:40:49,980 --> 00:40:54,076

and what was amazing yesterday was suddenly ordinary again today.昨天的还惊人得消息 今天看来却很普通 57000:40:55,852 --> 00:40:58,821

It looked like Wilbur might not see snow after all.看起来 威尔伯很有可能还看不到雪

57100:41:03,927 --> 00:41:06,020

Excuse me, but why are we here?对不起 但是我们为什么在这里

57200:41:06,129 --> 00:41:09,565

I mean, yes, barn meeting and so on and so forth. I understand that.我是说 是的 我理解谷仓聚会之类的 57300:41:09,666 --> 00:41:14,194

But must this concern us? And at such an ungodly hour!但是我们必须在这个可恶的时候 关心这个问题吗 57400:41:14,304 --> 00:41:16,067

You know, Wilbur's not the only one你知道的 威尔伯并不是唯一一个

57500:41:16,172 --> 00:41:19,801

who could end up being Christmas dinner with an apple in his mouth.会在圣诞的时候 嘴里放个苹果 被人类享用的

57600:41:20,277 --> 00:41:22,472

Good point. Yes. Carry on, then.说的好 对的 继续

57700:41:22,579 --> 00:41:25,207

Ike, this involves every one of us.爱文 这关系到我们每一个

57800:41:25,315 --> 00:41:29,547

I just have trouble looking at you. That's all.我有心理障碍 不能直视你 我说完了

57900:41:29,753 --> 00:41:31,721

This isn't about me. It's about Wilbur.这不是关系到我 这关系到威尔伯

58000:41:31,821 --> 00:41:35,382

And, for the record, my view of you is not exactly a treat, either.而且 我对你也没什么好印象

58100:41:36,826 --> 00:41:40,057

As we have all seen, humans have very short attention spans,众所周知 人类的关注期很短

58200:41:40,163 --> 00:41:42,597

and there's just too much time between now and Christmas.圣诞距离现在还有很久

58300:41:42,699 --> 00:41:45,463

Certainly enough time for Zuckerman to find his affection for a pig所以有足够的时间 培养克曼对一只猪的感情

58400:41:45,568 --> 00:41:47,160

losing out to his hunger for ham.并忘记他对火腿的热爱

58500:41:47,270 --> 00:41:49,238

- That spider can talk!- Yeah.- 蜘蛛说的对- 是的

58600:41:49,706 --> 00:41:51,139

What did she say, exactly?它具体说了什么

58700:41:51,241 --> 00:41:54,677

She said the farmer might possibly still slaughter the pig.它是说主人还是可能会杀了猪

58800:41:55,345 --> 00:41:58,872

Sorry, old chap, but it is a common fate for your ilk.抱歉 老兄 不过你的家族一向都是这个下场

58900:41:59,015 --> 00:42:00,573

I could just bust through the fence again.我只能再次撞破栅栏了

59000:42:00,684 --> 00:42:02,515

No. Once was enough for that. 不 一次已经够了

59100:42:02,619 --> 00:42:04,678

I just have to get the right word written.我只要再织个合适的词

59200:42:04,788 --> 00:42:06,881

Something that makes Wilbur so special一个可以让 威尔伯变得与众不同的词

59300:42:06,990 --> 00:42:09,424

that Zuckerman will never think about killing him again.这样克曼就永远不会考虑杀它了

59400:42:09,526 --> 00:42:12,620

You need something snappy, like "pig supreme."你该写些直白的 比如“极品猪”

59500:42:12,729 --> 00:42:14,128

That sounds like a dessert.听起来像甜点

59600:42:14,230 --> 00:42:16,357

So, what's the point, anyway? It won't work.那么关键在哪里 这行不通

59700:42:16,466 --> 00:42:20,562

Could you please, just once,

say something-omething positive?你就不能 哪怕就一次说点积极得

59800:42:20,670 --> 00:42:22,900

Okay. I'm positive it won't work.好吧 我很确定这行不通

59900:42:23,440 --> 00:42:26,307

How about"harmoniously proportioned"?"和谐相称的"怎么样

60000:42:26,409 --> 00:42:30,106

- Harmoniously proportioned, yes!- Stop that! You're following again.- 和谐相称的 不错- 停下 你们又在盲从了

60100:42:30,213 --> 00:42:33,705

Please, all of you! What's the perfect word for Wilbur?拜托 你们大家 最适合威尔伯的词是什么

60200:42:33,817 --> 00:42:35,375

How about "delicious"?"美味"怎么样

60300:42:35,719 --> 00:42:38,813

Or "nutritious"? Or "extra crispy"?或者 "营养丰富"? 或者 "尤其松脆"

60400:42:39,289 --> 00:42:40,415

How about...不如...

60500:42:41,224 --> 00:42:44,091

- Did you get him?- Yep. Bull's-eye.- 你撞到它了- 当然 你真是牛眼

60600:42:44,194 --> 00:42:46,594

How about "terrific, terrific, terrific"?"棒 棒 棒"怎么样

60700:42:46,696 --> 00:42:49,995

Good. Much too long, though. I've only got so much web.不错 但是太长了 我的网有限

60800:42:50,100 --> 00:42:52,330

But one "terrific" might work.一个 "棒"就行了

60900:42:52,435 --> 00:42:56,132

It simply isn't true. The pig is not terrific.这不是事实 猪并不棒

61000:42:56,239 --> 00:42:59,402

Look at him! He's absolutely average.看看它 它很普通

61100:42:59,943 --> 00:43:03,640

If you wish to be truthful, then that is the word you should write.如果你想实事求是 那么你就该这么写 61200:43:03,747 --> 00:43:04,975


61300:43:05,148 --> 00:43:08,879

Wilbur, this only works if the word I write is true.威尔伯 只有我写实情才行的通

61400:43:08,985 --> 00:43:11,920

And only you can tell us which word that is.只有你能告诉我们那个词是什么

61500:43:12,022 --> 00:43:13,319

So look around. 看看

61600:43:14,591 --> 00:43:16,855

We've all gathered around to help you. 我们都聚在这里要帮你

61700:43:17,127 --> 00:43:19,459

Now tell everyone how you feel.告诉大家你的感觉

61800:43:27,337 --> 00:43:30,135

Look, there's a red one! And a blue one! 看 有红的 有蓝的

61900:43:31,074 --> 00:43:33,201

Avery! You'll never catch me!艾弗里 你追不到我

62000:43:33,510 --> 00:43:35,375

I'm going to get you!我来抓你了

62100:43:37,247 --> 00:43:39,477

Look at the fireworks, Mom!妈妈 看那烟火

62200:43:40,350 --> 00:43:42,978

Avery, come on if you ever want to catch me!艾弗里 想要追上我就过来

62300:43:58,501 --> 00:44:00,435

This web thing is really paying off.这个网的事开始见效了

62400:44:00,537 --> 00:44:02,572

Mr. Zuckerman!克曼先生

62500:44:05,175 --> 00:44:09,271

There it is, side to side,right in the same place. "Terrific."就在同样的位置 写在一排 “棒”

62600:44:10,113 --> 00:44:11,478

It was the most amazing thing!这是最惊人的事了

62700:44:11,581 --> 00:44:15,176

Last time we had hundreds of people. This time it's going to be thousands!上次来了数百人 这次该有数千人了 62800:44:15,285 --> 00:44:17,810

It says "terrific" just as clear as day.很清楚地写着"棒" 就像天空般清楚

62900:44:17,921 --> 00:44:19,582


63000:44:19,689 --> 00:44:22,123

I mean, can you imagine a spider being able to spell that word?你能想象蜘蛛会拼这个字吗

63100:44:22,225 --> 00:44:24,489

I don't think I could spell that word till the 10th grade.我一直到10年级才会拼这个单词

63200:44:36,306 --> 00:44:38,399

- Fifty cents.- Do you like that one, sir?- 50美分- 先生 你喜欢这个吗

63300:44:38,508 --> 00:44:39,805

That's going to be $1.这个1美元

63400:44:41,411 --> 00:44:43,140

- Wow!- Gather 'round, folks!- 哇- 大家靠近点

63500:44:44,280 --> 00:44:47,408

Remember, you saw it right here at Zuckerman's.记住你们是在克曼这里看到的

63600:44:48,585 --> 00:44:52,214

And, before you leave, don't forget to take some of our berries home with you!走之前别忘了带些浆果回家 63700:44:52,322 --> 00:44:54,586

- So, you think this might work?- Nope.- 你觉得这次行的通吗- 不行

63800:44:54,691 --> 00:44:57,125

Dare I say it? He looks "terrific."让我说一句 它看起来很“棒”

63900:44:57,227 --> 00:44:58,194

Look at them all!看看他们

64000:44:58,294 --> 00:45:01,422

Yeah. Smile pretty.I wish geese had teeth.对 笑的真甜 真希望鹅也有牙齿

64100:45:05,702 --> 00:45:08,000

Been down here since dawn... 天亮时就出现了...

64200:45:08,238 --> 00:45:11,674

What are you suggesting? That Fern has something to do with all this? 你有什么建议 菲恩和这些有关 64300:45:12,008 --> 00:45:14,943

How else could those words have gotten into that web?网上的字还能怎么来呢

64400:45:15,245 --> 00:45:18,681

I know everyone is saying it's some kind of miracle, but...我知道大家都是是某种奇迹 但是...

64500:45:18,781 --> 00:45:21,477

But what? You don't think it is?但是什么 你不认为是吗

64600:45:22,418 --> 00:45:23,578

Do you?你相信么

64700:45:24,154 --> 00:45:27,282

The web itself is a miracle.网本身就是一个奇迹

64800:45:28,191 --> 00:45:29,624

Wouldn't you agree?你不同意

64900:45:30,994 --> 00:45:32,621

Well, can you spin one?那你能织一个吗

65000:45:33,196 --> 00:45:36,654

- I can crochet a doily.- Because someone taught you how.- 我会钩桌巾- 那是有人教过你

65100:45:37,100 --> 00:45:40,467

Nobody teaches a spider. They just know how to spin a web.但没人会去教蜘蛛 它们天生就知道如何织网 65200:45:40,570 --> 00:45:42,367

Don't you think that's a miracle?你不觉得那是一个奇迹吗

65300:45:47,277 --> 00:45:50,576

As summer ended, so did the excitement about the web.夏天结束时 关于蛛网的激动也结束了

65400:45:51,181 --> 00:45:53,843

Charlotte needed to think of something special.夏洛特需要再想些特别的事

65500:45:54,584 --> 00:45:57,951

Special enough to change the way people saw the world,特别到可以改变人们世界观的事

65600:45:58,688 --> 00:46:01,088

or at least one pig in the world, anyway.或者至少可以改变对一头猪的看法

65700:46:02,192 --> 00:46:06,561

The truth is, Charlotte feared she would never find a word that could do all that.事实是 夏洛特 害怕再也找不到可行的词了

65800:46:07,363 --> 00:46:11,060

And she had to hurry. Time was running out for her.于是而且它得加快速度 因为时间正在飞逝着

65900:46:11,801 --> 00:46:15,737

But once a promise is made, it needs to be kept.一旦许下承诺 就必须坚守

66000:46:17,106 --> 00:46:19,370

- Still no web, huh?- Nope.- 还是没有网 对吗- 没有

66100:46:19,776 --> 00:46:22,540

I haven't seen one in, I'd say, at least a month. 我已经至少一个月没有看到了

66200:46:23,813 --> 00:46:27,374

Funny how you get used to all those people being around the place.奇怪 习惯了人们聚集在这里

66300:46:27,483 --> 00:46:29,713

Kind of quiet without them, isn't it?没有了他们 显得非常安静 是吗

66400:46:32,222 --> 00:46:35,555

I noticed the hinge pin's busted on the damper in the smokehouse.我发现熏制室风门上的铰链拴坏了 66500:46:35,658 --> 00:46:37,216

Want me to order a new one?要我去换个新的吗

66600:46:37,527 --> 00:46:39,995

Suppose you better. That's a special order.对你印象更好了 顺序真奇怪

66700:46:40,530 --> 00:46:44,296

Better get a jump on that if we're going to smoke any ham before the holidays.如果要再节日前熏制好火腿 你就得快点去做了

66800:46:44,400 --> 00:46:46,630

We may need another cord of wood, too.我们还需要一捆木头

66900:46:48,438 --> 00:46:51,930

I'm just going to throw this out here one more time. "Pig supreme."我再说一次 "极品猪"

67000:46:52,041 --> 00:46:54,635

Oh, Golly! Now you're just beating a dead horse.哦天哪 你在死马当活马医乐

67100:46:54,744 --> 00:46:56,405

- Hey!- Sorry.- 嘿- 抱歉

67200:46:56,512 --> 00:46:59,413

Look, I don't come across many words in the field,我实在想不到什么词了

67300:46:59,515 --> 00:47:01,949

other than "Hyah!" or "Giddyup!"除了 "呀" 或者 "跑"

67400:47:02,252 --> 00:47:05,187

But that rat's always dragging in trash with writing on it.不过那只老鼠总是拖进来写着字的垃圾

67500:47:05,288 --> 00:47:06,346

I agree.我同意

676:47:06,456 --> 00:47:09,050

It's about time Templeton started pulling his weight around here该是 鄧普頓 把它的收藏品拿出来的时候了 67700:47:09,158 --> 00:47:10,648

instead of just eating it.而不是仅仅吃它们

67800:47:10,760 --> 00:47:12,523

I bet he could bring us some choice words. 我想它会给我们带来一些可用的字

67900:47:12,629 --> 00:47:16,622

I've got a choice word for you. A little word called, "Uh-uh."我有个字 一个小字"啊啊"

68000:47:16,733 --> 00:47:17,893

Well, that's two words.那时两个字

68100:47:18,001 --> 00:47:21,869

And here's a few more. Negative. No way. Nothing doing.这里还有一些 否定 没门 不可能

68200:47:21,971 --> 00:47:24,872

I ain't breaking my back to try and save "some pig,"我可不会竭尽全力去救“某只猪”

68300:47:24,974 --> 00:47:28,239

no matter how "terrific" you think the little lunch meat is.无论你觉得这块小午餐肉多么 "棒"

68400:47:34,917 --> 00:47:36,782

You'll sing a different tune when he's gone它走了你就不会这么说了

68500:47:36,886 --> 00:47:40,117

and nobody brings around those scrumptious buckets of slop.没人会带来一桶又一桶美味的泔水

68600:47:41,057 --> 00:47:43,457

And three, two... 3 2...

68700:47:43,559 --> 00:47:45,186

Cue the rat!提示 老鼠来了

68800:47:45,295 --> 00:47:47,160

Let's get one thing straight.先搞清楚一件事

68900:47:49,299 --> 00:47:51,096

I don't care about the pig.我不关心这头猪

69000:47:51,601 --> 00:47:54,092

- What I care about is the slop.- Of course.- 我只关心泔水- 当然

69100:47:54,203 --> 00:47:58,196

And since I'll be at the dump anyway, and it won't take any extra effort,而且反正我是要去垃圾堆 也不用我付出额外努力

69200:47:58,875 --> 00:48:02,504

maybe, maybe I'll pick something up. 可能 可能我会挑些回来的

69300:48:03,479 --> 00:48:04,810

You're very kind.你太好了

69400:48:05,615 --> 00:48:07,480

Don't go spreading it around.别到处声张

69500:48:09,018 --> 00:48:11,486

What? What do you want?什么 你想要什么

69600:48:18,528 --> 00:48:20,223

You'll need your strength.你需要补充力气

69700:48:25,268 --> 00:48:26,394


69800:48:29,839 --> 00:48:31,602

But, Dad, I heard them.但是 爸爸 我能听见它们

69900:48:31,708 --> 00:48:33,403

I heard them talking about the smokehouse!我听见它们讨论熏制室

70000:48:33,509 --> 00:48:35,067

He's not your pig anymore.它不再是你的猪了

70100:48:35,178 --> 00:48:36,975

Well, I wouldn't have sold him in the first place首先我不该把它卖了

70200:48:37,080 --> 00:48:38,411

if I knew this is what they were gonna do to him.要是我知道他们会这么对它

70300:48:38,514 --> 00:48:41,039

That's what happens to a pig on a farm, Fern.菲恩 农场里的猪都是这样的

70400:48:42,585 --> 00:48:43,916

You know that.你知道的

70500:48:46,222 --> 00:48:47,689

I'll see about that.谁说得

70600:48:51,194 --> 00:48:54,891

I've got maybe two, three years before she can out-argue me.再由2 3年 我就说不过她了

70700:48:55,331 --> 00:48:56,662

Then I'm doomed.注定的

70800:48:57,100 --> 00:48:58,931

And members of our own 4-H Club我们4-H俱乐部的成员

70900:48:59,035 --> 00:49:03,199

will have the opportunity to enter livestock and poultry in the competition.可以在比赛中带上牲口和家禽 71000:49:03,306 --> 00:49:05,968

So, in addition to the rides and games,除了骑和游戏

71100:49:06,075 --> 00:49:08,600

make sure you show them your support, as well.你们还要展现对它们的支持

71200:49:08,711 --> 00:49:10,770

Any questions? Rita.有问题吗 维塔

71300:49:10,880 --> 00:49:12,541

Miss Lewis, can I bring my chickens?路易丝小姐 我能带我的鸡吗

71400:49:12,648 --> 00:49:16,049

Your chickens, I'm sure. Pigs, chickens, horses and cows.当然 猪鸡马牛

71500:49:16,152 --> 00:49:18,586

You certainly can,and I hope you win first prize. 都可以 希望你们得第一

71600:49:31,834 --> 00:49:35,065

How can he be in every cornfield?他怎么会出现在每一个玉米地上呢

71700:49:35,238 --> 00:49:37,502

It can't be the same guy. It can't be!不可能是同一个人 绝对不可能

71800:49:37,673 --> 00:49:39,573

He's wearing the same hat.他戴着同样的帽子

71900:49:39,675 --> 00:49:42,166

I'm telling you, he is following us!我说过 他跟着我们

72000:49:42,278 --> 00:49:44,041

I hate that guy.我恨他

72100:49:44,514 --> 00:49:47,506

I have got to get some corn, Elwyn!爱文 我必须要得到玉米

72200:49:47,617 --> 00:49:49,414

All right! All right! All right!This is crazy.好吧 好吧 好吧 真是疯狂

72300:49:49,519 --> 00:49:51,510

- There's two of us, right?- Yeah.- 我们有两个 对吗- 对

72400:49:51,687 --> 00:49:54,247

Trust me, there's two of us, and there's only one of him.相信我 我们有两个 而他只有一个

72500:49:54,357 --> 00:49:57,053

I don't know, man. He scares me. He really does. 我不知道 伙计 他吓到我了 真的吓到我了

72600:49:57,160 --> 00:49:59,720

- Just think about that corn. Corn. - Yeah.- 只要想想玉米 玉米- 对

72700:49:59,829 --> 00:50:00,818

- The corn.- Corn.- 玉米- 玉米

72800:50:00,930 --> 00:50:04,331

- All right, let's do it!- Let's do it! Let's do it!- 好吧 我们来了- 我们来了 我们来了

72900:50:08,438 --> 00:50:11,771

- Abort! Abort! Abort!- Abort! Abort! Abort!- 回头 回头 回头 - 回头 回头 回头

73000:50:14,444 --> 00:50:17,936

Man, he is good! I bet he's laughing at us.老兄 他太强了 他一定在嘲笑我们

73100:50:18,047 --> 00:50:20,777

Don't look at him! Don't even give him the satisfaction.不要看他 不要让他觉得心满意足

73200:50:20,883 --> 00:50:22,350

Just think about something else. 想想其它的事

73300:50:22,452 --> 00:50:24,249

- Think about something else.- Anything.- 想想其它的事- 随便什么事

73400:50:24,353 --> 00:50:26,844

I think I see a rat.我想我看到了一只老鼠

73500:50:26,956 --> 00:50:29,618

- That's good.- No, really, I see a rat.- 这样很好- 不 是真的 我看到了一直老鼠

73600:50:29,725 --> 00:50:34,424

The rat is stealthy. The rat is nimble.The rat is on the... whoa!老鼠是鬼鬼祟祟的 是动作敏捷 他正在... 喔!

73700:50:41,504 --> 00:50:43,472

The rat is losing his touch.老鼠失去感觉了

73800:50:44,207 --> 00:50:47,904

- You want to go mess with him?- Oh, yeah! I've got to peck something.- 你想去玩玩吗 - 太好了 我要琢东西 73900:50:48,010 --> 00:50:49,671

Rat on three.我数到3

74000:50:49,779 --> 00:50:51,940

One, two, three!1 2 3

74100:50:56,252 --> 00:50:57,947

The rat has been spotted!老鼠被盯上了

74200:51:03,693 --> 00:51:05,217

The rat is not老鼠不

74300:51:05,695 --> 00:51:07,253

enjoying this!喜欢这样

74400:51:13,970 --> 00:51:15,494

All this for slop?都是为了泔水吗

745:51:15,605 --> 00:51:18,472

The rat is desperate. The rat is trapped.老鼠绝望了 老鼠被困住了

74600:51:18,774 --> 00:51:21,436

The rat needs to stop calling himself "the rat." 老鼠必须停止叫自己老鼠

74700:51:21,544 --> 00:51:25,275

"Find some words." Yeah, right, the rat will never find words!“找些词” 对了 老鼠永远找不到词 74800:51:25,681 --> 00:51:27,478

Hey, look. Words.嗨 看 词

74900:51:30,353 --> 00:51:32,844

- Hey, is he still in the can? - He's in the can?- 嗨 它还在罐子里吗 - 它还在罐子里

75000:51:32,955 --> 00:51:35,753

Maybe we should give him some privacy. Always helps me out.我们让它独处会儿 对我有效

75100:51:35,858 --> 00:51:37,883

No, no, genius, not that can. 不不 天才 不是那个罐子

75200:51:37,994 --> 00:51:40,053

Where did he go? I can't see him.它去哪儿了 我看不到它了

75300:51:40,396 --> 00:51:42,330

All I see is that fruit moving. 我只看到水果在动

75400:51:42,431 --> 00:51:44,956

- What fruit? - The fruit with the tail!- 哪个水果 - 那个有尾巴的

75500:51:45,334 --> 00:51:47,029

They'll never get me now.它们抓不到我了

756:51:47,336 --> 00:51:51,033

- Let's go get him!- Go get him!- 我们去抓它- 去抓它

75700:52:07,490 --> 00:52:09,287

The rat rules!老鼠是老大

75800:52:11,327 --> 00:52:14,125

- We're pink!- Hey, what the... Pink?- 我们成粉红色的了- 嗨 什么...粉红色?

75900:52:14,263 --> 00:52:18,393

But that's all right, isn't it? I mean, black pretty much goes with everything.不过没关系的 是吗 我是说黑色搭什么颜色都好看的

76000:52:18,501 --> 00:52:21,902

No, it's not all right. That rat is going to pay!不 很有关系 老鼠要付出代价

76100:52:26,208 --> 00:52:27,402

"Radiant." "光彩照人"

76200:52:27,510 --> 00:52:29,375

- This might just work.- Might?- 这个行- 行吗

763:52:29,478 --> 00:52:31,946

Oh, for the love of Lucy!哦 给露西的爱

76400:52:33,916 --> 00:52:36,544

Here it comes. It did this yesterday.它出现了 它昨天也来的

76500:52:36,819 --> 00:52:39,811

Look that way, everyone! Right towards that cloud!大家看 就在云那里

76600:52:39,922 --> 00:52:42,322

Good gracious. Has it always done that?太漂亮了 它一直都这样的吗

76700:52:42,425 --> 00:52:43,915

No, it can't have.不 不可能

76800:52:44,026 --> 00:52:47,484

- Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! - Wow!- 精彩 太精彩了- 哇

76900:52:48,230 --> 00:52:49,390

Oh, yes.是的

77000:52:49,498 --> 00:52:51,693

This word will work quite nicely.这个词太合适了

77100:52:51,801 --> 00:52:54,031

Then my work is done.我的任务完成了

77200:52:54,837 --> 00:52:56,862

And now for the fruits of my labor.现在该享受劳动的果实

77300:52:56,973 --> 00:52:59,703

And the vegetables! And the gravy!还有蔬菜 还有肉汁

77400:53:25,101 --> 00:53:26,568

All right, now.现在好了

77500:53:30,072 --> 00:53:31,232


77600:53:34,477 --> 00:53:36,707

And stick.然后粘

77700:53:42,251 --> 00:53:44,583

And loop.绕圈

77800:53:49,492 --> 00:53:50,516


77900:53:52,194 --> 00:53:54,355

Come on, Charlotte, you can do this.继续夏洛特 你行的

78000:53:56,065 --> 00:53:57,430

Don't slow down yet.不要慢下来

78100:54:23,092 --> 00:54:25,822

Welcome to Zuckerman's! Thank you all for coming.欢迎来克曼的谷仓 感谢你们的光临 78200:54:26,629 --> 00:54:28,790

Well, the web says it better than I ever could.蛛网比我描绘的都好

78300:54:29,598 --> 00:54:33,227

That is some terrific, radiant pig!这是某只很棒的光彩照人的猪猪

784:54:35,671 --> 00:54:39,664

And for that reason, I've decided to enter Wilbur into the county fair.因此我决定带威尔伯去参加县里的展览 78500:54:43,979 --> 00:54:47,346

Did you hear what they said, Charlotte? I'm going to the fair!夏洛特 你听到他们的话了吗 我要去展览了 78600:54:47,750 --> 00:54:48,910

Going to the fair!去展览

78700:54:49,018 --> 00:54:51,179

Wilbur might just see Christmas after all.毕竟威尔伯可能可以待到圣诞节了

78800:54:51,287 --> 00:54:52,618

Is it good? Did we do it?是不是很好 我们成功了吗

78900:54:52,722 --> 00:54:54,713

Yes, Wilbur. It's very good.是的 威尔伯 这样很好

79000:54:54,957 --> 00:54:56,447

Now, smile.现在 微笑

79100:54:56,559 --> 00:54:59,585

The fair, Homer? What's gotten into you?展览 霍默 你在想什么

79200:54:59,695 --> 00:55:01,458

I don't know, Sis. It just come to me.我不知道 姐姐 刚刚突然想到的

79300:55:01,564 --> 00:55:04,089

He's a runt, Homer. He doesn't stand a chance.它太瘦小了 霍默 它根本没有可能

79400:55:04,200 --> 00:55:05,758

Well done! Never had a doubt!干的好 毫无疑问

79500:55:05,868 --> 00:55:09,201

That spider did a heck of a job. She's a hard worker.那蜘蛛干的太棒了 它是个勤奋的劳动者

79600:55:09,305 --> 00:55:12,172

Thank you, Charlotte. You should take a little bow.谢谢你 夏洛特 我该向你鞠躬

79700:55:12,274 --> 00:55:14,333

And have my beauty steal the show?我的美丽比雪还出色吗

79800:55:14,443 --> 00:55:17,412

Now, go on and show them what a radiant pig can do.来吧 展示给他们看 光彩照人的猪是会些什么 79900:55:29,425 --> 00:55:31,325

What do you mean you're not going to the fair?你说不去展览 是什么意思

80000:55:31,427 --> 00:55:34,658

I'm going to get a prize. Don't you want to be there?我要去得奖 你不想也在那里吗

80100:55:34,764 --> 00:55:37,164

Of course I do, Wilbur, very much.威尔伯 我当然想 非常想

80200:55:37,266 --> 00:55:39,461

I'm just not up to traveling at the moment.我只是现在没准备好旅行

80300:55:39,568 --> 00:55:43,026

- Why not?- Because I'm expecting.- 为什么没有- 因为我在期待

80400:55:43,506 --> 00:55:44,973

Expecting what?期待什么

80500:55:45,241 --> 00:55:46,674

"Expecting" means..."期待" 是指...

80600:55:47,610 --> 00:55:50,238

I'm expecting you to do fine without me.我期待你没有我也能表现优秀

80700:55:50,412 --> 00:55:54,143

You're getting to be a big pig, and you'll do just great on your own.你会逐渐长大 你要靠自己做好一切 80800:55:54,483 --> 00:55:56,178

Okay. I'll miss you.好吧 我会想你的

80900:56:04,393 --> 00:56:06,293

Come on, Homer, up and at 'em.起来 霍默 快起床

81000:56:06,729 --> 00:56:08,026

It's the big day.今天是个大日子

81100:56:12,434 --> 00:56:13,901

- Fern?- Mom!- 菲恩- 妈妈

81200:56:15,471 --> 00:56:16,938

I'm not wearing that.我不要穿

81300:56:24,046 --> 00:56:25,843

What the heck is she doing?她到底在干吗

81400:56:33,856 --> 00:56:35,687

Bathed in buttermilk.在牛奶里洗澡

81500:56:43,232 --> 00:56:44,893I've had this dream.我做过这样的梦

81600:56:50,406 --> 00:56:53,500

I've got to say he really is some pig.我不得不说 它真的是“某只猪”

81700:56:53,876 --> 00:56:55,844

That's my buttermilk working.那是牛奶的效果

81800:56:56,145 --> 00:56:58,136

You sure you want to go through with this, Homer?你确定要这么做吗 Homer

81900:56:58,247 --> 00:57:00,545

If you lose, you're out your entry fee.如果你输了 就要损失入场费

82000:57:00,649 --> 00:57:01,946

He could win, though.不过它有可能会赢

82100:57:02,051 --> 00:57:04,281

Stranger things have been happening around here.这儿常有怪事发生

82200:57:04,386 --> 00:57:05,819

If he doesn't win, though?如果它输了

82300:57:05,921 --> 00:57:08,549

Well, the way I figure it, even if he does lose,我这么想的 就算它输了

82400:57:08,657 --> 00:57:11,091

I can make it all back on the bacon alone.我可以带它回来做成熏肉

82500:57:14,196 --> 00:57:15,891

Wilbur! Wilbur!威尔伯 威尔伯

82600:57:16,365 --> 00:57:17,354

Do something, Homer.做点什么 霍默

82700:57:17,466 --> 00:57:19,457

- What happened?- I don't know. He just fainted.- 发生什么了- 我不知道 它晕过去了

82800:57:19,935 --> 00:57:21,334

It's all right, hon.亲爱的 没事

82900:57:21,437 --> 00:57:22,927

- Lurvy, get some water!- It's okay, Wilbur.- 乐维 拿点水来- 没事的 威尔伯

83000:57:23,038 --> 00:57:26,269

Charlotte, are you feeling-eeling okay?夏洛特 感觉好点了吗

83100:57:27,042 --> 00:57:31,103

Why is it so hard for that farmer to see what is right in front of his face?为什么让那个农场主认清眼前的事就这么难

83200:57:31,280 --> 00:57:34,681

Look what Wilbur has done for this farm. Isn't that better than ham?看看威尔伯为农场的贡献 难道不比火腿强吗

83300:57:34,783 --> 00:57:37,377

Well, there's only one thing to do, and I have to be there to do it.只有一件事可做 我必须去那里完成 83400:57:37,486 --> 00:57:40,455

Charlotte, you have your babies to think about now.夏洛特 你得考虑到肚子里的孩子

83500:57:40,556 --> 00:57:43,548

Yes, I know. But I made a promise to my friend.我知道 但是我答应过我的朋友

83600:57:43,859 --> 00:57:47,124

A big blue ribbon ought to finally get the point through that farmer's head.只有让他赢得蓝丝带才行 83700:57:47,229 --> 00:57:49,697

- Easy, Lurvy. Easy.- Coming through! Coming through!- 轻松点 乐维 轻松点- 过来 过来

83800:57:49,798 --> 00:57:51,060

Here we go!来了

83900:57:53,002 --> 00:57:54,560

- There we go.- He's up.- 好了- 它起来了

84000:57:54,670 --> 00:57:56,661

Okay, let's see if he'll get in the crate.好了 看看能不能把它装到箱子里

84100:57:56,772 --> 00:57:58,899

- Buttermilk.- Templeton?- 牛奶- 鄧普頓

84200:57:59,174 --> 00:58:02,610

I need you to go with me. We'll have to find another word,我需要你跟我一起去 我们要再找到一个词 84300:58:02,711 --> 00:58:04,269

a really good one.一个好词

84400:58:04,380 --> 00:58:05,506

Sorry, lady.抱歉 女士

84500:58:05,948 --> 00:58:09,145

Comes a time when the rat's got to ask himself, "What's in it for the rat?"老鼠问自己的时候到了 “这对老鼠有什么好处”

84600:58:09,251 --> 00:58:11,583

- He's right. We've been to the fair.- We have?- 它说得对 我们去过展览了- 去过

84700:58:11,687 --> 00:58:14,315

Remember? All that garbage there?记得吗 那里的垃圾

84800:58:14,423 --> 00:58:17,859

Oh, yeah! It's littered with hunks of chewed-on funnel cakes...哦 对了 那里到处是蛋糕

84900:58:17,960 --> 00:58:18,949

How's that?怎么样

85000:58:19,061 --> 00:58:22,121

And dribs of ice cream going sour in the sun.冰淇淋在阳光下变质

85100:58:23,098 --> 00:58:26,829

And spitty little cotton candy bits ground into the mud.美味的棉花糖都要渗到泥土里

85200:58:26,936 --> 00:58:29,427

Popcorn, moldy cheese, half-eaten sandwiches爆米花 霉乳酪 吃了一半的三明治

85300:58:29,538 --> 00:58:31,563

and sticky-icky-icky candy apples.甜甜的粘粘的糖果

85400:58:31,674 --> 00:58:34,438

Wait! Go back to the moldy cheese thing.等等 回到霉干酪那里

85500:58:34,543 --> 00:58:36,568

I've never seen so much disgusting trash!我从没见过那么多恶心的垃圾

85600:58:36,679 --> 00:58:38,544

Come on, Wilbur. Good boy.加油 威尔伯 好孩子

85700:58:38,647 --> 00:58:39,944

Don't hurt him, Dad!爸爸 别伤到它

85800:58:40,049 --> 00:58:43,109

Nearly made me gag, the stink of it, especially that deviled egg.这味道 尤其那个臭蛋 都快让我窒息了 85900:58:43,218 --> 00:58:44,412

You better hurry up, rat. They're gonna leave you!你最好快点 老鼠 你要被落下了

86000:58:44,520 --> 00:58:45,487

Wait for me!等等我

86100:58:45,587 --> 00:58:47,077

- Nice and easy.- Come on, Wilbur. Good boy.- 漂亮 慢着点- 来吧 威尔伯 好孩子

86200:58:47,189 --> 00:58:50,158

More food than you'll see in a lifetime!比一辈子见到的都要多地食物

86300:58:51,360 --> 00:58:52,850

- Bye, Aunt Edith!- Bye.- 再见 伊迪丝阿姨- 再见

86400:58:52,962 --> 00:58:55,726

Bye, Fern! Bye, Avery! See you at the fair, guys!再见菲恩 再见艾弗里 大家展览上见

86500:58:56,398 --> 00:58:57,865

Hey, it worked!嗨 行了

86600:58:58,133 --> 00:59:01,261

I think we milked it a little there at the end, though.我们最后好像有点在压迫他

86700:59:01,370 --> 00:59:03,895

All right. All right, John, I'll see you over there!好了 约翰 再见

86800:59:04,006 --> 00:59:06,065

Charlotte, you're coming with me!夏洛特 你也来了

86900:59:06,308 --> 00:59:08,173

I wouldn't miss it for the world.我不会错过的

87000:59:08,277 --> 00:59:09,869

Thank you for coming.谢谢你能来

87100:59:09,979 --> 00:59:13,779

- Good luck, Wilbur! Win that ribbon!- Go get 'em, Wilbur!- 祝你好运 威尔伯 一定要赢得蓝丝带 - 加油威尔伯

87200:59:15,784 --> 00:59:17,251

We're going to the fair!我们去展览会咯

87300:59:22,858 --> 00:59:25,520

Going to the fair! Going to the fair!去展览会咯!去展览会咯!

87400:59:25,627 --> 00:59:27,595

- I'm going on the bumper cars.- So fun!- 我正在车上- 太有趣了

87500:59:41,010 --> 00:59:43,979

The sign looks good, Homer. Nice and even.标牌不错 霍默 简单明了

87600:59:44,279 --> 00:59:46,144

All right, there we go.好了 我们来了

87700:59:49,585 --> 00:59:51,212

There you go, Wilbur.过来 威尔伯

87800:59:52,921 --> 00:59:55,481

Okay, where's the filth?好了 垃圾在哪里

87900:59:56,191 --> 00:59:58,591

Have you heard that good things come to those who wait?你听说过“机会总是给有准备的人”

88000:59:58,694 --> 01:00:02,460

No, good things come to those who find it and shove it in their mouth.没 我只知道好东西谁找吃了就是谁的 88101:00:09,171 --> 01:00:11,071

Don't think I don't know, Fern,别以为我不知道 菲恩

88201:00:12,541 --> 01:00:15,408

that we're all here because a determined little girl我们都在这里是因为 一个坚决的小女孩

88301:00:15,611 --> 01:00:17,272

made a promise to a pig.对一头猪做出了承诺

88401:00:19,148 --> 01:00:20,740

- Wilbur.- Sorry.- 威尔伯- 抱歉

88501:00:21,383 --> 01:00:22,850

I mean Wilbur.我是指威尔伯

88601:00:25,487 --> 01:00:27,148

I'm proud of you, honey.宝贝 我为你自豪

88701:00:31,060 --> 01:00:32,357


88801:00:34,797 --> 01:00:36,560

Fern? Avery?菲恩 艾弗里

88901:00:40,269 --> 01:00:43,466

I'm going to give you each 10 tickets to do as you like out there.我给你们每人十张票 你们可以随心所欲去那儿玩

89001:00:43,572 --> 01:00:44,937

And you have to make them last all day,不过你们得靠这个玩一整天

89101:00:45,040 --> 01:00:46,905

so don't go spending them all at once. Okay?所以别一下子都花光 好吗

89201:00:47,009 --> 01:00:48,237

- 哇- 太好了- Wow!- All right!- 哇- 太好了

89301:00:49,545 --> 01:00:51,672

- I'll be right back. Okay.- Come on!- 我一会儿回来- 加油

894:00:51,780 --> 01:00:54,248

You're going to win the prize tomorrow. I know it.你明天一定会得奖的 我相信你

89501:00:54,349 --> 01:00:56,340

- Everything will be all right.- Fern, let's go!- 一切都会好的- 菲恩 我们走吧

89601:00:56,452 --> 01:00:57,419


89701:01:02,724 --> 01:01:04,021

Oh, my.哦 天

89801:01:04,626 --> 01:01:06,526

Is that what we're up against?这是我们的对手吗

89901:01:15,804 --> 01:01:18,534

Excuse me. What is your name?打扰 你叫什么名字

90001:01:21,343 --> 01:01:24,005

When someone wants to get your attention, 当别人想引起你的注意时

90101:01:24,113 --> 01:01:26,240

what is it they call out?他们叫你什么

90201:01:26,615 --> 01:01:27,741


90301:01:28,817 --> 01:01:31,615

Tell me, Uncle, what is the date of your birth?昂克 告诉我 你是哪天出生的

90401:01:33,956 --> 01:01:36,186

Your birthday?你的生日

90501:01:39,461 --> 01:01:43,124

For heaven's sake, all I want to know is if you're a spring pig.天哪 我只是想知道你是不是春天的猪 90601:01:43,499 --> 01:01:47,629

Of course. What did you think I was? A spring chicken? 当然 不然你以为我是什么 一只春天的鸡 90701:01:49,938 --> 01:01:53,032

Huge and humorous. Aren't we talented!庞大又幽默 我们真有才

908:01:53,809 --> 01:01:55,401

Spring chicken.春天的鸡

90901:02:02,551 --> 01:02:05,042

Charlotte, who are you talking to?夏洛特 你在跟谁说话

91001:02:05,154 --> 01:02:08,453

- The pig next door.- Should I be worried?- 隔壁的猪- 我应该担心吗

91101:02:08,991 --> 01:02:11,289

Of course not. What good would that do?当然不该 那有什么用

91201:02:11,660 --> 01:02:14,823

Whoa! Have you seen the beast next door?喔 你们见过隔壁的大家伙了吗

91301:02:14,930 --> 01:02:17,398

I think his mama was part hippo.它妈妈肯定有河马基因

91401:02:17,499 --> 01:02:19,797

If I had to name five of the fattest pigs I've ever seen,如果要让我列出见过的最大的五头猪

91501:02:19,902 --> 01:02:22,462

he'd be three of them. He's a shoo-in.它可以占三个名额 它太强了

91601:02:22,571 --> 01:02:25,734

Please. That pig is not nearly as handsome as Wilbur,拜托 它没有威尔伯帅

91701:02:26,041 --> 01:02:28,509

or as harmoniously proportioned,而且比例不均匀

91801:02:28,610 --> 01:02:31,238

- and not nearly as clean.- There's a real tiebreaker.- 还不干净- 它很有威胁

91901:02:31,346 --> 01:02:35,373

We just have to prove that the finest pig is not necessarily the fattest.我们只要证明最好的猪 不一定非要是最胖的

92001:02:35,684 --> 01:02:38,380

And you can do your part, Wilbur, by getting some rest.威尔伯 你只要照顾好自己 休息一下

92101:02:38,487 --> 01:02:40,978

- I'm not tired, Charlotte.- Okay.- 夏洛特 我不累- 好吧

92201:02:41,590 --> 01:02:44,457

Well, could you excuse me for just a minute, please?给我一分钟

92301:02:46,395 --> 01:02:50,092

All right, Templeton, you're right. That pig over there is a shoo-in.好吧 鄧普頓 你是对的 那头猪确实是个威胁

92401:02:50,199 --> 01:02:53,293

So, I need words that are even better than that pig is fat.所以我需要比“那猪很肥”好的多地词

92501:02:53,402 --> 01:02:55,495

Special words, and lots of them.特殊的词 需要很多

92601:02:55,604 --> 01:02:57,799

How about "pushy" and "demanding"?"上进的" "高要求的"怎么样

92701:02:57,906 --> 01:02:59,396

Templeton, please!鄧普頓 拜托了

92801:02:59,508 --> 01:03:01,999

This is our last chance to save Wilbur's life.这是我们救威尔伯的最后机会

92901:03:02,110 --> 01:03:04,670

You do realize I'm just here for the food, right?你知道我来这里是为了食物 对吗

93001:03:04,780 --> 01:03:06,077

Of course.当然

93101:03:22,097 --> 01:03:23,530

One, please. Enjoy the ride.玩的开心

93201:03:24,566 --> 01:03:25,760

One, please.一个人

93301:03:26,034 --> 01:03:27,831

Must be in the other pocket. Sorry.抱歉 肯定在另一边口袋

93401:03:27,936 --> 01:03:29,528

- One second.- All right.- 等一会- 好的

93501:03:33,976 --> 01:03:35,273

Two, please.两个人

93601:03:58,967 --> 01:04:00,525

Is that Fern up there?是菲恩在那上面吗

93701:04:02,838 --> 01:04:04,237

Well, I'll be.是的

93801:04:04,339 --> 01:04:07,172

- She's with a boy.- She is! She's with a boy!- 她和一个男孩在一起 - 是的 她和一个男孩在一起

93901:04:10,312 --> 01:04:11,370

Oh, no.哦 不

94001:04:13,048 --> 01:04:14,481

She's with a boy.她和一个男孩在一起

94101:04:16,218 --> 01:04:17,879

Manna from heaven!天赐粮食

94201:04:24,593 --> 01:04:27,221

I don't know what this is, but I love it!我不知道这是什么 但是我爱它

94301:04:42,811 --> 01:04:44,403

One-stop slopping.静止的泔水

9441:04:47,582 --> 01:04:51,712

All right. Let's go get the spider off my back.好吧 我去帮蜘蛛吧

94501:04:52,854 --> 01:04:54,845

How come I'm not in a cornfield, Elwyn? How come? 爱文 我怎么会到了没玉米的地方 怎么来的 94601:04:54,956 --> 01:04:58,357

Hey, hey. They got all kinds of corn right here.嗨 嗨 他们有各种各样的玉米

94701:04:58,460 --> 01:05:02,157

You got your popcorn, caramel corn, candy corn.有爆米花 焦糖玉米 果糖玉米

94801:05:02,264 --> 01:05:03,595

Stop torturing me!不要折磨我了

94901:05:03,699 --> 01:05:07,328

I'm starving here, and now I'm cross-eyed because of this pink stuff.我饿死了 而且因为这粉红玩意儿我成对眼了

95001:05:07,436 --> 01:05:09,404

If I ever see that rat again...要是让我再看到那只老鼠...

95101:05:09,738 --> 01:05:12,366

Words, words, words.词 词 词

95201:05:13,108 --> 01:05:14,871

"Pork rinds.""猪肉外壳"

95301:05:15,377 --> 01:05:16,867

That'll draw a crowd.会吸引很多人来的

95401:05:20,082 --> 01:05:21,777

This looks promising.这个看起来有希望

95501:05:25,921 --> 01:05:28,048

Hey! That rat!嗨 那只老鼠

95601:05:28,223 --> 01:05:30,851

I'm going to get me some rat!我要吃些鼠肉

95701:05:31,226 --> 01:05:33,217

Oh, not these birdbrains.哦 不会又是这些笨蛋吧

95801:05:33,328 --> 01:05:34,989

Let's get rid of them once and for all.让我一次彻底摆脱它们

95901:05:35,097 --> 01:05:38,294

...and everything. Rat on three! Three!...还有所有东西 我数到3 3

96001:05:39,267 --> 01:05:41,735

Wait up, Brooksie! I'm coming with you!等等 布鲁克斯 我跟你一起去

96101:05:46,041 --> 01:05:47,872

Little flamingoes!小火烈鸟

96201:05:48,877 --> 01:05:50,742

Come and get me!过来抓我呀

96301:05:51,646 --> 01:05:55,514

- It's scary guy!- Abort! Abort!- 是那个可怕的人- 回头 回头

96401:05:57,085 --> 01:05:58,712

Peck him! Peck him, Elwyn!琢他 啄他 爱文

96501:06:00,622 --> 01:06:05,252

Wait a minute. His eyes are buttons, and his hair is straw.等下 他的眼睛是纽扣


96601:06:05,360 --> 01:06:06,384

This guy ain't real!他是个假人

96701:06:06,495 --> 01:06:07,689

- He's not?- No!- 不会吧- 不

96801:06:07,796 --> 01:06:11,232

Oh, yeah! The rat rules! Take that!哦 耶 老鼠是老大 认命吧

96901:06:11,333 --> 01:06:12,664

Do you know what this means?你知道这说明什么吗

97001:06:12,768 --> 01:06:13,860

- Yeah.- What?- 耶- 什么

97101:06:13,969 --> 01:06:16,096

We could've had corn!我们本来可以吃玉米的

97201:06:19,374 --> 01:06:21,274

Well, Your Highness, you satisfied or what?好了 老大 你满意了还是怎样

97301:06:21,376 --> 01:06:23,708

'Cause I've got a spitty hunk of pineapple upside-down cake out there我在那找到了一大块菠萝蛋糕 97401:06:23,812 --> 01:06:24,904

with my name on it.上面还有我的名字

97501:06:25,013 --> 01:06:26,810

Yes, very satisfied.是的 非常满意

97601:06:27,382 --> 01:06:31,148

Be careful. If you keep this up, someone might think you care.小心点 你一直这样 会有人认为你很在意 97701:06:31,486 --> 01:06:33,215

Gee, I'm all choked up.天 我快噎住了

97801:06:35,190 --> 01:06:36,248


97901:06:36,691 --> 01:06:39,990

If I don't win the prize tomorrow, they're gonna send me to the smokehouse.如果我明天不得奖 他们会把我送进熏制室的

98001:06:40,095 --> 01:06:41,722

You're going to win, Wilbur.你会赢的 威尔伯

98101:06:41,830 --> 01:06:44,060

And you're going to see the snows of winter.你一定能看到冬天的雪

98201:06:44,166 --> 01:06:46,862

I told you, I never break a promise.我说过 我从未违背承诺

98301:07:05,253 --> 01:07:06,584


98401:07:06,988 --> 01:07:08,853

Will you put these in for me?能帮我系上这个吗

98501:07:12,227 --> 01:07:14,024

You look like a girl!你看起来真像个女孩

98601:07:14,696 --> 01:07:16,391

And I still hit like one.打起来也像

98701:07:22,070 --> 01:07:23,935

Well, what do you think?你觉得怎么样

98801:07:24,039 --> 01:07:26,098

It's a great word. It's just...很好的词 只是...

98901:07:26,241 --> 01:07:27,367

Just what?只是什么...

99001:07:27,509 --> 01:07:30,307

Is it the right word? Is it true?它合适吗 是真的吗

99101:07:30,779 --> 01:07:32,110

Because I don't really feel like因为我觉得

99201:07:32,214 --> 01:07:35,149

I deserve any of the things you've written about me.我配不上你写的这些词

99301:07:37,285 --> 01:07:39,253

Then it is the perfect word.这是完美的词

99401:07:43,959 --> 01:07:45,290

The web!网

99501:07:48,296 --> 01:07:49,763

Hey, Wilbur!嗨 威尔伯

99601:07:55,570 --> 01:07:56,594


99701:07:56,705 --> 01:07:58,138

Hey, Wilbur.嗨 威尔伯

99801:07:58,240 --> 01:08:00,834

If that's not a prize-winner, I don't know what is.如果它不得奖 还有谁会得

99901:08:00,942 --> 01:08:02,705

He's going to win this thing, isn't he?它会赢的 对吗

100001:08:02,811 --> 01:08:05,837

Oh, Homer, I can't go up to that grandstand looking like this.哦 霍默 我不能就这样到领奖台上去 100101:08:14,789 --> 01:08:15,813


100201:08:24,499 --> 01:08:26,023

It's not fair.不公平

100301:08:30,672 --> 01:08:33,664

Why didn't they tell us the judging was going to be so early?为什么没人告诉我们那么早就评了 100401:08:35,310 --> 01:08:36,777

We did our best.我们尽力了

1005:08:40,982 --> 01:08:43,610

I'll get the truck and take him home.我去开卡车 带它会家

100601:08:44,252 --> 01:08:46,220

I really thought we had a shot.我真觉得很有胜算

100701:08:52,827 --> 01:08:55,660

It's okay. It'll be okay.没关系 都会好的

100801:08:59,167 --> 01:09:01,761

I told you. There it is! The web!我告诉过你 就在那儿 网

100901:09:03,004 --> 01:09:04,437


101001:09:07,175 --> 01:09:08,506

What's going on?发生了什么

101101:09:17,652 --> 01:09:20,883

It looks like it's "humble."那看起来像 "谦和"

101201:09:32,834 --> 01:09:36,031

Excuse me. Thank you. Coming through. Excuse me.对不起 谢谢 借过 对不起

101301:09:36,871 --> 01:09:39,806

Mr. Zuckerman! Could you come with me, please?克曼先生 你能过来一下吗

101401:09:40,442 --> 01:09:42,637

Oh, and bring the pig, too.哦 带上你的猪

101501:09:44,613 --> 01:09:45,580


101601:10:15,410 --> 01:10:19,574

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the state of Maine,女士们先生们 我谨代表缅因州

101701:10:19,681 --> 01:10:22,548

it gives us great pleasure to present万分荣幸地请上

101801:10:22,651 --> 01:10:25,484

Zuckerman's famous pig!克曼的名猪

101901:10:31,159 --> 01:10:32,854

Folks! Folks!静一下

102001:10:33,161 --> 01:10:36,062

I think we all remember the start of summer,我想大家都记得夏天伊始

102101:10:36,164 --> 01:10:40,464

when the writing appeared on the web in Mr. Zuckerman's barn.克曼先生谷仓的蛛网出现了字 102201:10:40,835 --> 01:10:43,861

And now it has happened yet again!现在再次发生

102301:10:44,506 --> 01:10:47,134

Which is why the governors of the fair因此展览会主办者

102401:10:47,242 --> 01:10:49,039

are honored to present荣幸地献上

102501:10:50,345 --> 01:10:52,313

this handsome medal.这块美丽的奖章

102601:10:52,414 --> 01:10:56,874

A token of our amazement and our appreciation.象征着我们的惊异与欣赏

102701:11:05,627 --> 01:11:07,060

I love you, Wilbur.我爱你 威尔伯

102801:11:12,300 --> 01:11:15,861

Well, what can I say about this pig that hasn't already been said?关于这头猪 我已经没有什么好说的了 102901:11:17,405 --> 01:11:20,306

I know a lot of you folks have come out to the farm,我知道你们中的很多人都已经去过谷仓 103001:11:20,408 --> 01:11:22,273

and you've seen the words.看到了那些字

103101:11:22,377 --> 01:11:26,074

A lot of you have asked me, "How could this have happened?"一些人问过我 "这是怎么发生的" 103201:11:27,182 --> 01:11:28,581

I don't know.我不知道

103301:11:28,983 --> 01:11:30,382

But it has happened但它的确发生了

103401:11:31,753 --> 01:11:36,087

in a time when we really don't see many miraculous things.发生在一个我们很少见到奇迹的时代里 103501:11:36,791 --> 01:11:38,588

Or maybe we do.或许我们可以见到

103601:11:39,227 --> 01:11:42,856

Maybe they're all right there around us, every day,或许它们每天都在我们的周围

103701:11:43,598 --> 01:11:45,828

and we just don't know where to look.只是我们不知道该看向哪里

103801:11:48,103 --> 01:11:51,732

There's no denying that our own little Wilbur,不可否认 我们的小威尔伯

103901:11:52,507 --> 01:11:55,601

he's part of something that's bigger than all of us.在某种程度上 它比我们都更加伟大

104001:11:59,714 --> 01:12:01,614

And life on that farm 农场上的生活

104101:12:02,650 --> 01:12:05,118

is just a whole lot better with him in it.因为有了它而更加美好

104201:12:06,254 --> 01:12:09,121

He really is some pig.它确实是“某只猪”

104301:12:09,624 --> 01:12:11,216

Way to go, Wilbur!加油 威尔伯

104401:12:29,310 --> 01:12:32,370

Charlotte, look how happy she is!夏洛特

104501:12:32,480 --> 01:12:34,243

Isn't that great?看她多开心

104601:12:34,349 --> 01:12:36,249

Yes, it's wonderful.是的 太好了


01:12:37,051 --> 01:12:38,518

Hey, what's that?嗨 那是什么

104801:12:38,720 --> 01:12:42,019

This is my magnum opus.那是我的大作

104901:12:42,490 --> 01:12:43,980

What's a magnet opus?大作是什么

105001:12:45,293 --> 01:12:47,352

Magnum opus.大作

105101:12:47,862 --> 01:12:51,798

It means "great work." It's a nutrient-filled, waterproof egg sac.就是“伟大的作品” 那是一个充满营养的防水的卵囊

105201:12:52,300 --> 01:12:54,268

Really? There's eggs in there?真的吗 里面有卵吗

105301:12:54,369 --> 01:12:57,736

My babies, 514 of them.我的孩子们 514个孩子

105401:12:57,839 --> 01:13:01,935

Wow! With 514 baby spiders all over the place,喔 这里有514个蜘蛛宝宝

105501:13:02,043 --> 01:13:04,375

it's going to be really radiant in the barn!谷仓里肯定会光彩照人的

105601:13:04,479 --> 01:13:08,813

Wilbur, I'm afraid they're not going to make it back to the barn.威尔伯 我想它们回不了谷仓了

105701:13:08,917 --> 01:13:09,884


105801:13:10,018 --> 01:13:11,542

What are you talking about?你说什么

105901:13:11,653 --> 01:13:13,951

You're not going to leave them here alone, are you?你不会把它们留在这里的 对吗

106001:13:14,055 --> 01:13:16,649

I have no choice. I'm languishing.我没有办法 我变得越来越衰弱

106101:13:17,258 --> 01:13:18,725

What does that mean?那是什么意思

106201:13:19,194 --> 01:13:20,627

It means I'm dying.就是我快死了

106301:13:21,095 --> 01:13:22,255


106401:13:22,831 --> 01:13:24,298

You can't die!你不能死

106501:13:24,465 --> 01:13:27,832

Wilbur, we're born, we live,威尔伯 我们出生 成长

106601:13:27,936 --> 01:13:30,131

and, when our time comes, we die.当时数尽了 我们死亡

106701:13:30,672 --> 01:13:32,902

It's just the natural cycle of life.这是生命的自然循环

106801:13:33,208 --> 01:13:35,768

No! No, just climb down.不 不 你下来

106901:13:35,877 --> 01:13:38,107

I'll carry you the rest of the way.剩下的路我背你

107001:13:38,546 --> 01:13:41,743

We'll go back to the barn, and I'll take care of you.我们会回到谷仓 我会照顾你的

107101:13:41,850 --> 01:13:43,249

No, Wilbur.不 威尔伯

107201:13:43,351 --> 01:13:45,876

I don't even have the strength to climb down.我连下来的力气都没有

107301:13:46,221 --> 01:13:47,415

You have to.你必须下来

107401:13:48,089 --> 01:13:49,852

You've done so much for me!你为我做了这么多

107501:13:50,191 --> 01:13:52,421

And it was my great pleasure.我乐意之至

107601:13:52,861 --> 01:13:54,920

Please come down, Charlotte.求你下来 夏洛特

107701:13:55,029 --> 01:13:57,497

Please. There must be something I can do.求你了 我一定可以做些事

107801:13:57,599 --> 01:13:58,725

No, Wilbur.不 威尔伯

107901:13:58,833 --> 01:14:01,097

Don't you know what you've already done?你不知道你已经做的事吗

108001:14:01,202 --> 01:14:02,863

You made me your friend,你当我是朋友

108101:14:03,071 --> 01:14:07,167

and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.从而你让谷仓里的伙伴们觉得蜘蛛是美丽的

108201:14:09,277 --> 01:14:12,474

I didn't do anything, Charlotte. You did it all.我什么都没做 夏洛特 都是你自己的努力

108301:14:12,947 --> 01:14:16,474

No. My webs were no miracle, Wilbur.不 我的网不是奇迹 威尔伯

108401:14:16,851 --> 01:14:19,217

I was only describing what I saw.我只是在描述我所见到的

108501:14:19,954 --> 01:14:22,650

The miracle is you.你是奇迹

108601:14:42,043 --> 01:14:43,340


108701:14:43,845 --> 01:14:45,472

Charlotte is very sick.夏洛特病了

108801:14:45,747 --> 01:14:47,544

Yeah, and twisted.对的 而且变态

108901:14:48,082 --> 01:14:50,949

She's dying! She can't go home with us.她快死了 她不能跟我们回家了

109001:14:51,052 --> 01:14:53,384

So, I need you to help me take her egg sac with us.所以 我需要你帮我带上她的卵囊

109101:14:53,488 --> 01:14:54,716

Did you say eggs?你刚说蛋

109201:14:54,822 --> 01:14:57,052

It's an egg sac. And it's right up there,是卵囊 它就在那上面

109301:14:57,158 --> 01:14:58,785

and it has her children in it.它的孩子们都在里面

109401:14:58,893 --> 01:15:02,124

And I can't just leave it here. What if something happened to them?我不能把它留在这里,万一它们发生意外怎么办

109501:15:02,230 --> 01:15:05,097

Now, I can't reach it, so I need you to get it for me. 现在 我够不着 所以我需要你帮我取下来

109601:15:05,199 --> 01:15:06,928

And I need you to do it now.我需要你现在就做

109701:15:07,035 --> 01:15:08,502

I don't think I like your tone.我不喜欢你的语气

109801:15:08,603 --> 01:15:12,334

Can't you just once in your life think of someone other than yourself?在你一生中 你就不能考虑到别人 哪怕就一次 不要只想到你自己

109901:15:12,440 --> 01:15:14,931

- A little further. Keep coming.- Once? Once?- 再远一点 继续- 一次 一次

110001:15:15,510 --> 01:15:16,602

Come on.来吧


01:15:16,711 --> 01:15:18,008

No, you come on!不 去你的

110201:15:18,279 --> 01:15:21,339

Who got his hindquarters pecked to make you "radiant," huh?是谁为了得到你的 "光彩照人" 害自己后腿被啄

110301:15:21,449 --> 01:15:22,916

Templeton, that's who.是鄧普頓

110401:15:23,017 --> 01:15:26,851

And who interrupted the gorging of a lifetime so you could be "humble"?是谁抛下这辈子最多的食物 就为了得到你的 "谦和"

110501:15:26,955 --> 01:15:29,617

Why, I think it was Templeton! 为什么 我觉得是鄧普頓

110601:15:29,724 --> 01:15:33,216

Templeton! Templeton! Templeton!鄧普頓 鄧普頓 鄧普頓

110701:15:33,328 --> 01:15:34,955

And do I get thanked?我得到感激了吗

110801:15:36,664 --> 01:15:37,722


110901:15:37,832 --> 01:15:39,561

Well, has it ever occurred to you你曾经想过吗

111001:15:39,801 --> 01:15:43,430

that even a rat might like a little appreciation?就算一只老鼠也喜欢一点点感激

111101:15:43,538 --> 01:15:46,564

A little, dare I say, love?一点点 我能说 爱

111201:15:46,674 --> 01:15:49,404

Do it and you'll get dibs on my slop for the rest of my life.你去做就会得到永远享用我泔水的权利 111301:15:49,510 --> 01:15:50,568


111401:15:50,712 --> 01:15:53,044

Hurry! Up in the corner on the ledge.快点 就在那个墙壁角落上

111501:16:06,661 --> 01:16:07,923


111601:16:14,068 --> 01:16:15,194

Come on!快点

111701:16:24,479 --> 01:16:25,969

Thank you, Templeton,谢谢你 鄧普頓

111801:16:27,648 --> 01:16:29,275

for everything.为所有的一切

111901:16:39,460 --> 01:16:41,587

It's okay, just drop it. Hurry!没关系 扔下来 快点

1120:16:45,933 --> 01:16:47,901

Here you go. Here's your medal.过来 这是你的奖章

112101:16:48,102 --> 01:16:50,627

- In you go.- Time to go home, Wilbur.- 进来- 该回家了 威尔伯

112201:16:50,938 --> 01:16:53,372

All right. Close her up, Lurvy.好了 关上吧 乐维

112301:16:55,309 --> 01:16:56,936

Okay, easy now.好了

112401:17:10,625 --> 01:17:11,922


112501:17:12,827 --> 01:17:14,852

my sweet, sweet Wilbur.亲爱的 亲爱的威尔伯

112601:17:18,299 --> 01:17:19,823

Goodbye, Charlotte.再见 夏洛特

112701:17:20,535 --> 01:17:22,093

I love you.我爱你

112801:18:08,883 --> 01:18:12,046

Is that our lovely-ovely-ovely little Wilbur?那是我们可爱的小威尔伯吗

112901:18:12,153 --> 01:18:14,713

- And he's got a medal!- Strong work, kid.- 它得到奖章了- 干得好 孩子

113001:18:14,822 --> 01:18:16,187

He looks so grown up.它看起来强壮了

113101:18:16,290 --> 01:18:18,850

- I always knew he could do it.- Never had a doubt.- 我就知道它行的 - 毫无疑问

113201:18:18,960 --> 01:18:20,518

Welcome home, Wilbur.欢迎回来 威尔伯

113301:18:23,097 --> 01:18:24,325


113401:18:24,832 --> 01:18:26,197

Where's Charlotte?夏洛特在哪儿

113501:18:26,300 --> 01:18:27,995

I got a bad feeling, Bits.马兄 我有不祥的预感

113601:18:28,469 --> 01:18:29,936

Me, too.我也是

113701:19:27,695 --> 01:19:30,823

Now, that isn't to say Charlotte was gone forever.并不是说夏洛特永远离开了

113801:19:31,632 --> 01:19:33,725

She lived on in the hearts of those that knew her,它一直活在熟悉它的伙伴们的心中

113901:19:33,834 --> 01:19:36,200

and even those that didn't.以及那些不熟的

114001:19:37,038 --> 01:19:39,700

Something had changed in Somerset County.薩默塞特县发生了变化

114101:19:40,775 --> 01:19:44,267

It was as if people knew they lived in a special place now.似乎人们都知道自己居住在特别的地方

114201:19:45,279 --> 01:19:48,976

And, in small ways, they started being special people,同时他们也开始成为特别的人们

114301:19:49,884 --> 01:19:51,351

a little bit kinder,更和善

114401:19:52,053 --> 01:19:54,078

a bit more understanding.更善解人意

114501:19:55,122 --> 01:19:57,488

And the animals felt different, too.动物们也感觉不一样了

114601:19:57,959 --> 01:19:59,153


114701:20:00,294 --> 01:20:04,253

The warmth of their friendship carried them through the long, cold months.友谊的温暖带它们度过了漫长寒冷的岁月

114801:20:05,299 --> 01:20:07,893

They showed it in little gestures of kindness,它们通过一些和善的举动

114901:20:08,369 --> 01:20:09,700

unusual patience,展示出非凡的耐心

115001:20:10,705 --> 01:20:12,138

and promises kept.以及对承诺的坚守

115101:20:14,775 --> 01:20:18,404

Even the hardest of hearts found themselves rising to the occasion.甚至最狠心的都发现自己应付自如 115201:20:26,787 --> 01:20:30,154

And, finally, the greatest promise of all最终 那个最大的承诺实现了

115301:20:31,025 --> 01:20:34,586

a spring pig saw his first snowfall.一只春天的猪见到了第一场雪

115401:20:36,297 --> 01:20:39,789

It was as though Charlotte herself had shaken it out of the sky.就像是 夏洛特 在空中摇晃雪花

115501:21:11,532 --> 01:21:15,798

The stillness of winter continued to the first thaw, like it always does.一如既往地 平静的冬天继续 迎来了第一次解冻

115601:21:17,538 --> 01:21:19,904

And then, the first buds of spring.接着 春天的首次发芽

115701:21:21,709 --> 01:21:26,146

And, before you knew it, life had come full circle.在你还没意识到的时候 生活已经在循环着

115801:21:41,595 --> 01:21:43,563

They're here! They're here!它们出来了 它们出来了

115901:21:43,664 --> 01:21:45,427

They're here, everybody!大家看 它们出来了

116001:21:45,800 --> 01:21:49,133

Hey, there. I'm Wilbur. I'm a friend of your mom's.嗨 在哪里 我是威尔伯 是你们妈妈的一个朋友 116101:21:49,503 --> 01:21:52,131

Boy, are we glad to see you!孩子们 很高兴看到你们

116201:21:56,644 --> 01:21:58,043

So creepy!这么恶心

116301:21:58,145 --> 01:22:00,170

And cute! Just like their mother.而且可爱 就像它们的妈妈一样

116401:22:00,281 --> 01:22:02,715

They're so, so beautiful.它们如此美丽

116501:22:04,218 --> 01:22:07,085

I just want to scoop them up and hug them all.我真想把它们挖出来拥抱它们

116601:22:07,455 --> 01:22:09,650

Wow, you can fly!喔 你能飞

116701:22:10,024 --> 01:22:11,821

Look at you go!看 你在飞

116801:22:24,205 --> 01:22:27,834

Now that is something to follow.这才是你该跟从的事

116901:22:31,946 --> 01:22:35,507

Go, little spiders! Be free! I wish I could.飞吧 小蜘蛛们 自由吧 真希望我也能这样

117001:22:35,983 --> 01:22:39,441

I'm kidding, honey.I think I got one inside my beak.亲爱的 我开玩笑的 我想有一个进我嘴里了

117101:22:40,654 --> 01:22:43,919

- Thanks, baby.- That's my Golly-olly-olly.- 谢谢 亲爱的- 那就我是我的天哪

117201:22:44,024 --> 01:22:45,286


117301:22:45,893 --> 01:22:47,485

I can't believe they're really here.我真不敢相信它们都在这里

117401:22:47,595 --> 01:22:50,792

- So pretty.- Yeah, Bits.- 这么可爱- 是的

117501:22:51,832 --> 01:22:53,697

You doing okay over there, lke?爱克 你在那里还好吗

117601:22:53,801 --> 01:22:56,599

I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it, Bets.我很好 我很好 牛兄

117701:22:56,871 --> 01:22:58,429

I'm okay with it.我很好

117801:22:59,373 --> 01:23:02,308

Spiders are nice. Spiders are my friend.蜘蛛们很好 蜘蛛是我的朋友 117901:23:03,244 --> 01:23:05,303

Spiders won't hurt me.蜘蛛不会伤害我的

118001:23:13,287 --> 01:23:17,155

Wait! What's happening?What are you doing?等等 怎么回事 你在干什么 118101:23:17,258 --> 01:23:19,089

- Bye!- Bye!- 再见- 再见

118201:23:19,293 --> 01:23:20,817

Please don't go.请别走

118301:23:21,162 --> 01:23:23,027

- Goodbye! Bye!- Wait! Wait!- 再见 再见- 等等 等等

118401:23:25,199 --> 01:23:26,496


118501:23:28,202 --> 01:23:29,760

Where are you going?你们要去哪儿

118601:23:30,137 --> 01:23:31,434

We're setting forth.我们目标前方

118701:23:31,539 --> 01:23:35,236

We take to the breeze. We go as we please.我们随风飘荡 我们随心飞扬 118801:23:35,676 --> 01:23:37,371

We take to the breeze!我们随风飘荡

118901:23:37,611 --> 01:23:38,669


119001:23:38,779 --> 01:23:40,508

But you can't go!你们不能走

119101:23:41,182 --> 01:23:43,377

I had so much I wanted to tell you!我有好多话想跟你们说

119201:23:45,219 --> 01:23:47,619

And someone I wanted to tell you about.我要跟你们说一个人

119301:23:55,262 --> 01:23:56,729


119401:23:58,032 --> 01:23:59,829

- Who said that?- I'm up here.- 谁在说话- 我在上面

119501:24:00,067 --> 01:24:02,035

- So am I.- Me, too.- 我也是- 还有我

119601:24:02,136 --> 01:24:05,333

- We'd like to stay.- We like it here.- 我们想留下- 我们喜欢这里

119701:24:05,940 --> 01:24:07,805

And we like you, too.而且我们也喜欢你

119801:24:07,908 --> 01:24:12,538

You're staying? Oh, that's great! That's really, really great!你们要留下 太棒了 真的太棒了

119901:24:12,913 --> 01:24:15,677

Three friends! What are your names? 三位新朋友 你们叫什么名字

120001:24:16,050 --> 01:24:19,383

I'll tell you my name if you'll tell me why you're trembling. 你告诉我你为什么发抖 我就告诉你我的名字 120101:24:20,120 --> 01:24:22,111

Well, I think I'm trembling with joy.我是因为开心发抖

120201:24:22,223 --> 01:24:25,283

- Then my name is Joy.- Joy? Perfect.- 那我的名字就是开心- 开心 太棒了

120301:24:25,392 --> 01:24:28,190

- What was my mom's middle initial?- A.- 我妈妈中间名字的首写字母是什么- A.

1204:24:28,295 --> 01:24:30,889

Then my name is Aranea.那我就叫艾美丽亚

120501:24:30,998 --> 01:24:32,795

Wow! Great name!喔 好名字

120601:24:33,067 --> 01:24:34,864

Why don't you pick my name for me?你帮我取个名字吧

120701:24:34,969 --> 01:24:38,370

Something sensible.Not too long, not too fancy.取个有感觉得 不要太长 不要太有想象力

120801:24:39,173 --> 01:24:41,004

And not too dumb.不要太愚蠢

120901:24:41,108 --> 01:24:43,201

Tricky. How about真棘手

121001:24:44,612 --> 01:24:45,601


121101:24:45,713 --> 01:24:48,773

Nellie? I like it. Well done!茉莉 我喜欢 选的好

121201:24:49,250 --> 01:24:51,445

Joy, Aranea, Nellie,乔 艾美丽亚 茉莉

121301:24:51,852 --> 01:24:56,186

you have chosen a hallowed doorway in which to spin your webs.你们选择了一个神圣的门口来织网 121401:24:56,724 --> 01:24:58,749

This was your mother's doorway.这是你们妈妈的门口

121501:24:58,859 --> 01:25:01,953

She was loyal, brilliant, beautiful,它忠诚 聪明 美丽

121601:25:02,062 --> 01:25:03,689

and she was my friend.它是我的朋友

121701:25:03,797 --> 01:25:06,357

I will treasure her memory forever.我会永远珍藏关于它的回忆

121801:25:06,700 --> 01:25:10,864

So, to you, her daughters,

I pledge my friendship.所以对于你们 它的女儿们 我承诺我友谊

121901:25:11,372 --> 01:25:12,737

I pledge mine!我也承诺

122001:25:12,840 --> 01:25:14,967

- I do, too!- So do I!- 我也是- 还有我

122101:25:24,985 --> 01:25:28,011

Okay, I'd like to make a couple of announcements.好了 我要宣布一些事

122201:25:28,389 --> 01:25:29,413

First of all, 首先

122301:25:29,523 --> 01:25:31,491

if you gals are word-lovers,如果你们喜欢字

122401:25:31,592 --> 01:25:34,186

and you need a few scraps of paper for inspiration,并且需要一些碎纸片来寻找灵感

122501:25:34,628 --> 01:25:36,425

don't look at me.不要找我

122601:25:36,730 --> 01:25:39,597

My word-fetching days are over.我的找字生涯已经结束

122701:25:39,967 --> 01:25:44,063

I'm not the rat I used to be. I'm at least twice that.我不再是过去的那只老鼠了 我有至少过去两倍大 122801:25:45,105 --> 01:25:48,006

So, if you need something to write, try this, 如果你们想织些字 不妨试试

122901:25:48,375 --> 01:25:51,037

"Some rat." Some rat."某只鼠" "某只鼠"

123001:25:51,478 --> 01:25:52,570

Think about it.考虑一下

123101:25:52,680 --> 01:25:55,843

Slops! Oh, yeah!泔水 哦耶

123201:26:00,487 --> 01:26:02,421

And, in an ordinary barn,在一个普通的谷仓里

123301:26:03,090 --> 01:26:06,890

an ordinary pig, a runt no less,一只瘦小的普通的猪

123401:26:07,928 --> 01:26:09,828

stood surrounded by friends,站在朋友们中间

123501:26:11,632 --> 01:26:14,260

welcoming his second spring.迎接着它的第二个春天

123601:26:15,803 --> 01:26:19,034

And that spring was followed by many, many more.那以后还有许多许多春天

123701:26:20,608 --> 01:26:23,168

All because someone stopped to see the grace只是因为有人停下来

123801:26:23,677 --> 01:26:27,704

and beauty and nobility of the humblest creature. 欣赏这个最谦和动物的优雅 美丽和高贵 123901:26:29,550 --> 01:26:32,519

That is the miracle of friendship.那就是友谊的奇迹

124001:26:34,221 --> 01:26:35,984

It is not often that someone comes along遇到一个真正的朋友

124101:26:36,090 --> 01:26:38,786

who is a true friend and a good writer.同时是好的写手 这并不常见 124201:26:40,361 --> 01:26:42,352

Charlotte was both.夏洛特两者兼具

124301:26:45,352 --> 01:32:00,500

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夏洛的网读书小报 夏洛特的网读书小报 读后感 好书推荐 电子小报手抄报 成品小报 word,内容附图。
