

Review ofThe Bridges of Madison County

It is a romantic love story between a married woman called Francesca and an elegant photographer named Robert Kincaid.

Francesca grows up in a traditional family in Naples. She once had a nice romance with an artist, which was ended because of her parents’ disapproval. The cruelty of life reminded her that her future was so limited. Then her husband, Richard, who is kind, reliable and able to support a peaceful life, comes to her life.So she comes to America with Richard, leading a calm life in a small county.

But the male lead, Robert Kincaid, lives “in strange, haunted places, far back along the stems of Darwin’s logic.” He once was a soldier, becoming a photographer later. He has been running an uncertain life filled with all kinds of tale of the marvelous.

On a hot, summer’s day, they come to know each other, falling in love at their first sight. They exchange their hearts, regardless of everything of secular: money, prejudice and gossip. During the following four days, which could be their whole emotionallife, they live together, shooting photos, kissing, making love, talking about dreams and love.

All good things must come. When it’s time for Richard’s coming back and Robert’s leaving, the two of them is in so much pain as if the sky was to

fall.The soul inside Francesca calls a thousand time to go with Robert, but the responsibility of marriage forces her to stay. AlthoughRobert promises a marvelous future: “We'll make love in desert sand and drink brandy on balconies in Mombasa, watching dhows from Arabia run up their sails in the first wind of morning. I'll show you lion country and an old French city on the Bay of Bengal where there's a wonderful rooftop restaurant, and trains that climb through mountain passes and little inns run by Basques high in the Pyrenees. In a tiger preserve in south India, there's a special place on an island in the middle of a huge lake. If you don't like the road, I'll set up shop somewhere and shoot local stuff or portraits or whatever it takes to keep us going.

That’s almost an adult fairytale. But two people living together means more peace and calm other than crazy and romance. I’m convinced that Francesca may not find happiness even if she went away with Robert.

Robertis gone, without her. She spends her whole life recalling the short love with him. Life goes on, like the flowing water.

What differs love and life is passion and the emphasis – the process


or the result?

Summary of a TED talk With the assist of a projector and a three-dimensional book, the speaker, Marco Tempest, magically delivered the story of Nikola Tesla, who is considered the most impressive geek in history, about the identity

transformation from the Father of Alternating Current to a impecunious man.(The show is awesome!!)

Tesla is kind of a genius. He showed his great talent about mathematics and imagination when he was young. He took advantage of it by creating

inventions in his mind instead of the lab.And then he build them in his work shop. Throughout his life,he owned over 700 patents to his name, the most famous of them being alternating current. He had a dream, which turned out an expensive one, to transmit all the media instantly and wirelessly with the

technology of radio communication. The problem of fund wrecked his life since then. Tesla's career as an inventor never recovered.He became a

recluse. After his death, people put his ashes in a golden globe at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade.

The combination of magic-like illustration and a dramatic story made the speech a great success.



克林特·伊斯特伍德的名字总是让我们联想到美国西部广袤的草原与荒漠,联想到驰骋其上的烈马与牛仔。然而,在19xx年这位风采依旧的老牛仔却将自己柔情的一面在银幕上展现给观众。那张已刻满岁月印痕的坚强面庞,也能在微笑时流露爱慕;那双能抚平旧日沧桑的刚毅手掌,也能在拥抱中点燃激情。 影片的开始只是一瞬间的偶然。摄影记者罗伯特·金凯不知道他要借问曼迪逊桥所在的那家女主人是谁。主妇弗朗西斯卡也不知道这个停车在自家门口的男人是谁。但他们就是这样相识的。男人在紧张的拍摄之余采来一束野菊花送给女人以表谢意。女人也邀请男人去她家中喝茶作为还礼。表面看礼貌周全的行为,但他们私底下都已产生了一种不可名状的感觉。

一个是婚姻失败,落得孤家寡人的男人;一个是生活无趣,陷入“七年之痒”的女人。在他们日复一日重复的平淡无奇的生活中终于出现了一点亮色。 然而责任使弗朗西斯卡最终止步,没有跟随罗伯特远走。她与罗伯特尽日厮守的两天,或许是她婚后最幸福和快乐的日子。但她甘愿放弃这得来不易,也恐怕再不会重临的改变生活的机会,就是因为作为妻子和作为母亲的责任。爱情与家庭通常是同一的,但也只是通常而已。当两者分离甚至对立后,孰轻孰重,弃谁取谁就成了一个谁也说不清,解不明的命题。












廊桥遗梦 观后感








To Be or Not to Be——读《廊桥遗梦有感》









