





哈姆雷特是不完美的,有时他的抉择是非理性的,相当冲动的,比如当他在激怒之下一剑刺死他误以为是国王的波洛涅斯时,然而或许正是他这种不理智的抉择,这种人性的弱点的表现,让我们打心底里接受和认同他的艺术形象,因为我们常常可以在自己身上看见他的影子?? 哈姆雷特又是极其珍视感情的,在他以装疯来躲避国王的迫害时,他依然抑制不住对奥菲丽亚的思念,不忍心让她由于自己装疯而痛苦,而冒着受到国王怀疑的风险给她写了一首小诗:'Doubt thou the stars are fire;Doubt that thesun doth move ;Doubt truth to be a liar;But never doubt I love. 就是这样,哈姆雷特在对命运的抉择中构造了自己的悲剧,原来他完全可以屈服于自己的命运,不去探询父王死去的真相,但哈姆雷特的性格不允许他带着一个疑问生活在庸庸碌碌之中,所以他毅然走上了找寻真相的道路,此后,只要他所做出的任何抉择稍有不同,他和其它人最终的命运都会改变,但是他的经验促使他一次次作出在他认为是正确的而实际上是致命的抉择,最后,哈姆雷特并没有为自己的抉择感到遗憾,他只是希望霍拉旭能为他"in this harsh world draw thybreath in pain, to tell my story." 因为每一个人的每一个抉择都是在特定的历史情况下唯一而不可重复的,所以在这里假设如果哈姆雷特能回过头去重新作出抉择,会是怎样一种情景就毫无意义;我们每一个人也是这样,可以说,在我们每一个人心中都有一个哈姆雷特,我们所做的每一个抉择都是唯一的不可替代的,它将直接影响到我们未来的命运,没有什么标准可以衡量我们的抉择是否正确,我们也必然要接受自己的抉择所引起的一切后果,就象哈姆雷特所说的"Thingsstanding thus unknown , shall live behind me !" 或许我们要面对的问题不是象"to be, or not to be"这么严重,然而,要想在这个充满风险的混沌的世界里做好??而不是做对??每一个抉择都不会容易。在一个除了目标,再也没有任何尺度可以衡量其善恶的世界里,勇敢地作出抉择,然后坦然地接受自己的命运,这就是哈姆雷特永恒的魅力之所在吧?


Analysis of the Hamlet’ Character


Hamlet, the most famous play in the English language, has long drawn people’s attention. Probably written in 1601 or 1602 by Shakespeare.The prince of Denmark,the main character in Hamlet,was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.To be honest,Hamlet was upright, full of passion but innocent before his father’s death. However, everything has been changed soon later. We are obliged to admit that melancholy and hesitation become the obstacles of Hamlet.

Analysis of environment:

Hamlet is set in medieval times.Hamlet is the son of the dead King of Denmark, which appears as a goast.The ghost appears at midnight and “told” Hamlet about his murder.Hamlet’s mother,Gertrude, quickly marries his uncle laudius.Which makes Hamlet very angry and misunderstand.His uncle controls the country and occupies his mother.Therefore,Hamlet loses everything he have.At the same time,Hamlet confronts about his mother about knowing the murder of his father,and her affair with Claudius. Claudius attempts to kill Hamlet underground.During a series of these things, Hamlet survives the murder.However,he becomes oversensitive and has

confidence and faith in killing his uncle.

The specific analysis of Hamlet’s character:

Scene2: Ham: O that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew,

Or that the Everlasting had not fixed

His canon’gainst self-slaughter.O God, God,

How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable

Seem to me all the uses of this world!

After his father’s death,Hamlet is sent to his own country and told that his mother would marry his uncle.He cannot accept the fact of his father’s death. Hamlet is upright and innocent, he believe in the true love between his parents and he can not imagine that his uncle is too evil to poison his father.When Hamlet knows the truth, he is so shocked that he is depressed and sorrowful,even hopeless.From his internal monologue,we learn that at this time,Hamlet feels lonely and he does not trust in his mother.Actually,we can imagine the situation of Hamlet.He lose his father and the honour at the same time.To some extent,his mother also betrays him.Hamlet has the reason to be sad,but he could not be too sad.Because he is in danger and he should know it.

Let’s turn to the next scene:

To be, or not to be: that is the question,

Whether'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them. To die,to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep.

To sleep, perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause. There's the respect


This paragraph is profound and wonderful.It shows the Contradiction of Hamlet’s character and life.To be or not to be,to live or to die, that is a queation. Hamlet suffers a lot and he is in bitter.Anyone confronted with difficult choice is floundering .To die and to sleep sound not difficult,Hamlet could avoid enducing the evil world.He need not to revenge his uncle.Hamlet’s problem is not exact,it cannot be pinpointed.On the journey through the path of life,there are

encunters with many different incidents and situations where we must act accordingly.Depending on what type of personality is possessed,there are numbers ways that we can deal with these encounters.In the play Hamlet,the tragedy is due to the characther of Hamlet.

Hamlet is brave but not strong enough. He is smarter but not wise enough. He is determined but not decisive enough.When his uncle destroys his life, Hamlet becomes suspicious and he hurts his mother and the girl he loved.We can see Hamlet put other people away.He believe that he is a hero and he could maintain the justice depend on himself.How ridiculous!He still has no idea about the coming danger.


In my opinion, Hamlet is under great depression and constant internal struggle. The civilization was also coming down around him. He had no one to trust.Hamlet is expected to go alone the remarrige of his mother,and also after finding out that his father’s murder was by his own uncle who married his mother and now is the new king of Denmark.What Hamlet knows now eaten away at his mind and makes him go crazy.

Actually,the tragedy is understandable because of Hamlet’s special character and situation.





哈姆雷特 读后感














哈姆雷特 读后感 英文版





