




Unit 4

Section A The Telecommunications Revolution


Our topic today is “telecommunications”. Technically speaking, it refers to the sending and receiving of messages by telephone, radio, television, etc.. Like it or not, the worldwide telecommunications revolution is already on the upswing. Now let’s proceed with our topic-centered lead-in

Q. 1 Why are so many developing countries conducting the telecommunications revolution?

1) Because the world lives in the age of information?

2) Because timely access to information is vital to their economic progress?

3) Because there’ve been dramatic changes in the transfer of information?

4) …?

Q. 2 Is it true of the revolution that, the faster, the better?

1) Haste makes waste;

2) It is far from realistic for some countries to make it in one jump;

3) There is much need to weigh costs;

4) It will result in more of loss than gain;

5) …

Q. 3 What benefits will the revolution bring to the developing countries?

1) Will it give them an edge in leaping over their backwardness?

2) Will it promote their domestic and foreign investment?

3) Will it narrow the gap of technology between them and the first world?

4) Will it enable them to cruise alongside the developed countries in this field?

Q4.What telecommunications devices are available in your life and what do they mean to you?

Our topic today is “telecommunications”. Technically speaking, it refers to the sending and receiving of messages by telephone, radio, television, etc.. Like it or not, the worldwide telecommunications revolution is already on the upswing. conveniences in my life;

possible to communicate with others at any time and any places;

access to endless amount of information;

Q5.Brain Storming— What can we do with Internet in the future?

SOHO: You can work at home through computer. The Internet makes SOHO (small office, home office) possible.

Online shopping: You can buy anything you want without going out.

E-business: Conduct business online.

E-learning: Learn about other cultures without traveling farther than the nearest computer.

Blog: A way to present news and political or personal information.

. Telecommunications and Two Trends

1. Telecommunications, from Greek, means “communications at a distance”.

The first trend: the incredible increase in the processing power of digital computers, namely,

dramatic decreases in physical size, dramatic increases in complexity, speed

and capacity.

The second trend: the explosive growth in transmission capacity through the widespread use of

optical fiber across continents and under oceans.

2. Information Age

The Information Age is an era of fundamental and global change in intellectual, philosophical,

cultural and social terms. Today’s Information Age began with the telegraph. New techniques of encoding and distributing digital information are pacing the spread of the Information Age throughout society.

3. Information Superhighway

Al Gore

1976 Gore began his political career in the House of Representatives as a congressman from Tennessee. During this term, he introduced a bill calling for the construction of a “data highway”.

1986 Senator Gore sponsored the Supercomputer Network Study Act, a project which called

for a mapping of the information needs of the general public onto the existing networks run by various universities, corporate research facilities, and military technology centers.

Text Study

Structure Analysis

Introduction + Question + Sample Solutions + Conclusion

Part I (Paras.1~_2 ): Introduction: the advantages of telecommunications technologies.

Part II (Para. _3 ): Question: How fast to develop telecommunications technologies in

developing countries?

Part III (Paras. 4_ ~ _10 ): Sample solutions: Six countries and regions are working hard to realize

telecommunications transformation.

Part IV (Para. 11): Conclusion: Developing countries can catch up with Americans and Western

Europeans if they persist.


A. Find out the advantages of telecommunications revolution for developing countries:

1. Boosting __2. Stepping directly into the Information Age and _ development.

Strategic plan; Major parts of the information superhighway;

Turning Shanghai into a top financial center with powerful networks Summary

Telecommunications is widely conceived as a key to __ ’ dream of jumping into the modern world. Although there is some dispute as to how __ ahead with their plans, different developing countries are still seeking their own ways of leaping over their with one jump in this direction. Surely, they will catch up with __ developed_ countries on the information super-highway as long as they _ persist_ in their efforts. Reproduction

Simulated Press Conference

One group acts as a delegation from a country or region mentioned in the text, participating in Telecommunications Forum Press Conference. The other group acts as reporters from different

news agencies to ask questions. Then the two groups exchange their roles.

Notes to the Text

I. Active Expressions

In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful.


What’s 今晚电影院

What’s he ? 他

Find out the active expressions:

1. How fast these nations should push ahead is a matter of debate.

2. Many experts think Vietnam is going too far by requiring that?

3. The problem is its national phone system is a rusting antique that dates from the l930s.

4. In a way, China’s backwardness is an advantage, ?

5. ?they’ll be able to keep pace with anyone in Asia for decades.

Active Expressions

1. a matter of sth. that needs sth. else

2. go too far

3. date from have existed since…

4. in a way to a certain extent; partly

5. keep pace with change quickly in response to sth. that is changing


……5. It’Focus Study transportation, power supplies, and other utilities.

---------It takes+(sb.) + 时间/条件 + to do需要花费??做 the losers.

---------there is little dispute that… 毋庸争辩的是??

3. That’s partly because Latin American customers talk people in North America.

---------… times as … as … 是??的??倍

Words and Expressions

1. boost v.

① to make sth. increase, or become better

There is nothing like winning to boost the confidence of players.


boost v.

② to praise and publicize to make sth. more successful


Her books have been boosted in The Observer recently.

2. condense v.

① to reduce to a smaller or shorter form

② to (of a gas) become liquid by cooling

? Should I manage to condense my letter of application into one page? ? When a gas or vapor condenses, it changes into liquid.

3. intensive a.

involving hard work concentrated into a short time

labor-intensive 劳动密集型的

capital-intensive 资金密集型的

intensive care 重病特别护理

intensive study 强化学习


intense a.(性质、感情等)强烈的;紧张的

intensify v. 增强,强化

intensity n. 强烈,剧烈,紧张;强度

4. be stuck with

to have no choice about doing

Why am I always stuck with the dirty work?


be stuck in: remain fixed in (a place, or situation)

The motorcycle is stuck in the mud. 这辆摩托车陷在了泥里,动弹不得。

5. desperate a.

① needing or wanting very much

Suppose you got lost in the woods. What would you be desperate for/to do?

? I would be desperate for (a rescue/shelter? )

? I would be desperate to (look for water/call for help? )

desperate a.

② filled with despair and ready to do anything, regardless of danger 那些囚犯拼命企图逃亡。

The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to escape.

6. log on to

to get access to (Internet)

In order to log on to the system you must enter a special password. 任何人都可以登录这台计算机。Anyone can log on to this computer.

7. reliable a.

able to be depended on or trusted


How reliable are the local weather forecasts?

8. disposal n.

act of getting rid of

The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.

at one’s disposal 供任意使用

The firm put a secretary at my disposal.

Students have a well-stocked library at their disposal.

9. persist v.

to hold firmly to a purpose, a state?;

to continue in existence; last

You should persist in your ambition in the field of commerce.


He persisted that he had nothing to do with robbery.

Word Formation

sist: to stand; to set

Guess the meaning of the words with “sist”:

assist帮助,协助 consistency一贯性,一致性 consistent前后一致的

inconsistency不一致 insist坚持,主张 irresistible不可抵抗的

persist坚持,执意 persistent坚持不懈的 resist抵抗,对抗

resistance抵抗,对抗 subsist存活,生存 subsistence生存,生计

Chinese to English

跨越 leap over 比??具有优势 give ? advantage over

太过度了go too far 缺乏lack in

(两者中)选择choose between 区分separate ? from ?

解决问题lick the problem 触及表面scratch the surface

Side-effects of the Internet

There is little doubt about how useful the Internet can be. Then does the Internet always

bring something good?

Everybody in the group should contribute at least one idea about the negative effect of the Internet and note it down on a piece of paper. Then send a representative to make a short

speech to the class with the paper.


1. Read fewer books.

2. Engage in fewer social activities.

3. Communicate less within the family and feel more lonely and depressed.

4. Get lost over the endless amount of information.

Structured Writing


Two major ways of organizing paragraphs of comparison:

A. Examine one thing thoroughly and then the other.

B. Examine two things at the same time, discussing them point by point.


The importance of books leads some to However, sometimes, book-collectors buy texts they never read. because they allow people with low incomes to better themselves. Knowledge is

available for most people, instead, not the few.

Useful Words and Phrases


similar to, similarly, like, alike, likewise, correspond to, correspondingly, resemble, as, just as, in the same way, have sth. in common, common characteristics, etc.


differ from, however, otherwise, even so, less than, unlike, in contrast to, on the contrary, on the other hand, while, although, rather than, etc.
























