The significance of the rain《永别了,武器》读书报告


The significance of the rain

——Book report of a farewell to arms

A farewell to arms is written by Hemingway (1899-1961) who is good at using brief language and dare to try different kinds of writing skills to elaborate the plot. Symbolism is an important writing style in Hemingway's works. A farewell to arms is a good example of the symbolism usage. Among the descriptions of the natural scenery is lot of deep symbolic significance, especially the description of the rain. It not only implies heroine’s encounter but also adumbrates heroine's fate in this novel.

In the following text we will discuss the symbolic significance of the image-- rain

In the novel, Hemingway endowed “rain” with special significance. The word “rain” is a clue through the whole novel natural descriptions. To the author’s point of view, “rain” indicate all the hardship, suffering and the beginning of the heroine’s tragic ending.

At the beginning of the novel, the author gave us a bleak miserable picture of wizen leaves, full of dust, the pierce cold wind, and the freezing rain of winter. All of these implied a disastrous ending.

The first presence of the “rain” is in the first chapter, with the sentence: “At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the cholera. But it was checked and in the end only seven thousand died of it in the army.” (page220) This is the first time of the author combining the “rain” with “death”. The disaster and misfortune are companied with the “permanent rain”.

The rain cased the cholera and only this caused more than seven thousand deaths in the army. There had lost a lot of soldiers’ lives before the war beginning. We could imagine that when the real war began how many people would die? The number must be numerous! Here, the description of “rain” serves as a foil. In the following chapthers, the author mentioned a lot of “rain”. The “rain” have been a indispensable setting of the novel.

When the troops moved forward, Henry and another three comrade-in-arms

withdrawed difficultly in the heavy rain, Henry and Catherine fled to Switzerland in the clod rain, even when Catherine died from hemorrhages, the weather was still rainy. All the tragedy happened in the rain.

In the ninteen chapter, there is a description of rain like this: “ The moon was

supposed to rise but there was a mist over the town and it did not come up and in a little

while it started to drizzle and we came in. Outside the mist turned to rain and in a little while it was raining hard and we heard it drumming on the roof."(Page311) This

wispy change of the weather is more like the change of the herion’s mood and implies herion’s unpredictable fate.

When Henry talked to Catherine,

Catherine said:"That’s good. Because I’m afraid of rain."

Henry: “Why?”

Catherine: “I don’t know, darling. I’ve always been afraid of the rain.”

Henry: “I like it.”

Catherine: “I like to walk in it. But it’s very hard on loving.”

Catherine told Henry: “I am afraid of the rain because sometimes I see me dead in it. And sometimes I see you dead in it.” She was crying. Henry comforted her and she stopped crying. But outside, it kept on raining. (Page 312)

No doubt, the author borrows Catherine’s lines and implies the tragic ending of the story. This time, Hemingway combined the “rain” with “death” again. At this time, the rain makes readers feel cold, fearful and Catherine is doomed to death.

In the last part of the novel, Catherine died in childbirth and hemorrhages. The weather is rainy also. All the misery happened in the rain. The novel ended with: “But after I had got like saying good-bye to a statue. After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain.” (Page470)

Although the novel ends with few words, no crying, no tears, we could still touch the grief-stricken feelings from Henry’s bottle of heart. This is the last time that the author combines the “rain” with “death”. This time, Henry says farewell to his best love. His aspiration of pursuing ordinary happy life is destroyed by the war. The last “rain” takes Henry’s happiness and hopes, the remains are only the feeling of helpless.

第二篇:The Elements of Style读书报告


书 名: The Elements of Style

年 级: 2014 级

专 业: 英 语 笔 译

姓 名: 英 语 笔 译 学 号: 14055101210002


导师评语: 导师签名: 年 月 日

The elements of style·14级英语笔译·方雨君

The elements of style读书报告

2014级英语笔译 方雨君 The elements of style是一本短小而精悍的经典英文写作基础教程。在读完这本书后,我在网上大概查了一下对这本书的介绍:本书第一版作者William Strunk Jr.是康奈尔大学写作老师。19xx年E.B White是他学生,当时,这本书在学校已经广有名声。19xx年E.B White在原书基础,增加一个章节,成为现在的版本。80多页的小册子,延续了快90年,不减风采。




第三是用长句。以前一直以为句子一定要长才算是好的文章,而本书的作者却说清楚的文字要用短句。不仅句子要短,分段也要短。一句说完就用句号或分号;一个小小的论点,说完就要立刻分段。清楚的文字,是不能拖泥带水地写的。 第四是着重文法。每次写文章时都会小心翼翼地担心自己会犯一些语法错误,而作者却告诉我们在进行初稿写作时要把文法置之度外,这样才有利于思维扩散。至于语法检查,可以放在第二次修改的时候。



The elements of style·14级英语笔译·方雨君









我们是怎样学习写作的?在学校里,我们主要是通过分析范文来学习。这能教给我们一些技巧。至于真正的写作能力却仍然象是一个黑盒子。如果我们留心一下书店里教人写作的书,最常见的都是《文章学》之类。这些书能给人很多知识,但要以此来提高写作能力,却恐怕是一种奢望。我们需要的,是一种指导原则,一种真正从实践中来的原则,它不是要以哗众取宠的名目来打动人心,而是真正对写作过程进行分析,得出必须遵守的原则,如果我们用这些简单的原则来指导自己、检查自己,就能得到切实的提高。但是,这样的书太少了。 由斯特伦克和怀特合著的《文体指南》( The elements of style)是能满足我们要求的一本书。

The elements of style·14级英语笔译·方雨君



1、 William Strunk Jr. The elements of style.Penguin Books, 2007.

2、王忠梁主编:《大学英语写作技巧》,东方出版中心20xx年版,第30 页。

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