

Fourth, we ensured and improved peoples wellbeing and upheld social fairness and justice.

At a time when government expenditures exceeded government revenue by a large amount, we

took improving people's wellbeing as the starting point and goal of our work, gave high priority to

improving the relevant systems, ensured that ...

We will explore new ways to alleviate poverty through development. We will move faster to

promote development of contiguous poor areas and reduce poverty there. The central government

will increase support for major trans-regional infrastructure projects and economic coordination,

strengthen ecological preservation and improve public services. Local governments need to merge

poverty alleviation resources to make better use of them and take targeted measures to ensure that

assistance reaches poverty-stricken villages and households. We will guide nongovernmental

forces to participate in poverty alleviation. This year, we will lift more than ten million people out

of poverty. We will continue to fight poverty and prevent poverty from

being passed to future


第二、推动医改向纵深发展。巩固全民基本医保,通过改革整合城乡居民基本医疗保险制度。完善政府、单位和个人合理分担的基本医疗保险筹资机制,城乡居民基本医保财政补助标准提高到人均 320 元。在全国推行城乡居民大病保险。加强城乡医疗救助、疾病应急救助。县级公立医院综合改革试点扩大到 1000 个县,覆盖农村 5 亿人口。扩大城市公立医院综合改革试点。破除以药补医,理顺医药价格,创新社会资本办医机制。巩固完善基本药物制度和基层医疗卫生机构运行新机制。健全分级诊疗体系,加强全科医生培养,推进医师多点执业,让群众能够就近享受优质医疗服务。提高重大传染病、慢性病和职业病、地方病防治能力,人均基本公共服务经费补助标准增加到 35 元。扶持中医药和民族医药事业发展。坚持计划生育基本国策不动摇,落实一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子政策。为了人民的身心健康和家庭幸福,我们一定要坚定不移推进医改,用中国式办法解决好这个世界性难题。

We will deepen medical reform. We will consolidate the national basic medical insurance

system and integrate the basic medical insurance system for rural residents with that fornon-working urban residents through reform. We will improve the mechanism for the government,employer and employee to share the costs of basic medical insurance. The annual government

subsidy for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will be increased to 320 yuan per person. The major disease insurance scheme for rural and non-working urban residents will be introduced nationwide. We will strengthen urban and rural medical assistance and em((rgency assistance for disease treatment. Trial comprehensive reform of county-level public hospitals will be extended to cover I ,000 counties and 500 million rural residents. We will expand trial comprehensive reforms of urban public hospitals. We will abolish the practice of compensating for low medical service charges with high drug prices, adjust the prices of medical care and drugs, and create a mechanism for running hospitals by nongovernmental capital. We will consolidate and improve the system of using basic medicines and the new mechanisms for operating community-level clinics. We will improve the system of tiered medical services, strengthen training of general practitioners, and allow doctors to work in more than one medical institution so that people have easy access to quality medical services. We will improve our capacity to prevent and treat major communicable and chronic diseases and occupational and endemic diseases. The government subsidy for basic public services will be increased to 35 yuan per person. We will support the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities. We will unwaveringly adhere to the basic state policy of family planning and will implement the policy

that allows married couples to have two children if one parent is a single child. We must resolutely press ahead with medical reform and work out a Chinese solution to this global problem so that the Chinese people can enjoy a happier and healthier life

第三、就业是民生之本。坚持实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策,优化就业创业环境,以创新引领创业,以创业带动就业。今年高校毕业生将达 727 万人,要开发更多就业岗位,实施不间断的就业创业服务,提高大学生就业创业比例。加大对城镇就业困难人员帮扶力度,确保“零就业”家庭至少有一人就业,做好淘汰落后产能职工安置和再就业工作。统筹农村转移劳动力、退役军人等就业工作。努力实现更加充分、更高质量就业,使劳动者生活更加体面、更有尊严。

Employment is the basis of people's wellbeing. We will steadfastly implement the strategy of

giving top priority to employment and carry out a more energetic employment policy, improve the

employment and business startup environment, and foster business startups in an innovative way

so they create more jobs. With 7.27 million college students graduating this year, we need to create more jobs, provide non-stop employment and business startup services, and increase the rate of employment and

business startup for college graduates. We will increase support for urban residents who have difficulty finding jobs, ensure that at least one member in every zero-employment family gets a job, and do a good job in resettling and providing reemployment to

workers laid off due to the shutdown of outdated production facilities. We will provide coordinated employment services to rural migrant workers and demobilized service personnel. We

will work hard to create more rewarding and higher quality jobs so that people who work can live

a decent and dignified life.

第四、就业是民生之本。坚持实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策,优化就业创业环境,以创新引领创业,以创业带动就业。今年高校毕业生将达 727 万人,要开发更多就业岗位,实施不间断的就业创业服务,提高大学生就业创业比例。加大对城镇就业困难人员帮扶力度,确保“零就业”家庭至少有一人就业,做好淘汰落后产能职工安置和再就业工作。统筹农村转移劳动力、退役军人等就业工作。努力实现更加充分、更高质量就业,使劳动者生活更加体面、更有尊严。

Employment is the basis of people's wellbeing. We will steadfastly implement the strategy of

giving top priority to employment and carry out a more energetic employment policy, improve the

employment and business startup environment, and foster business startups in an innovative way

so they create more jobs. With 7.27 million college students graduating this year, we need to create more jobs, provide non-stop employment and business startup services, and increase the

rate of employment and business startup for college graduates. We will increase support for urban

residents who have difficulty finding jobs, ensure that at least one member in every zero-employment family gets a job, and do a good job in resettling and providing reemployment to

workers laid off due to the shutdown of outdated production facilities. We will provide coordinated employment services to rural migrant workers and demobilized service personnel. We

will work hard to create more rewarding and higher quality jobs so that people who work can live

a decent and dignified life.



Income is the source of people's wellbeing. We will deepen reform of the income distribution

system and strive to narrow the income gap. We will improve the mechanism for setting and increasing salaries of enterprise employees on a regnlar basis, encourage collective wage bargaining and make labor relations harmonious. We will strengthen and improve management Of executive compensation in SOEs. We will implement salary reform in government bodies and public institutions, progressively implement a performance-based salary system in public institutions, improve the salary system for medical personnel so that it is compatible with their profession, and improve the mechanism for increasing allowances for working in hardship and remote areas. We will increase the income of low-income groups through multiple channels and steadily increase the proportion of middle-income earners in the whole population. We will increase both urban and rural incomes in step with economic development so that everyone benefits.



Social security is the foundation of people's wellbeing. We will focus on advancing reform of

the social assistance system, continue to raise subsistence allowances to rural and urban residents,

implement the system of providing temporary assistance nationwide, provide safeguards to enable

extremely vulnerable groups to meet their basic living needs, and improve social services so that

people can focus on work. We will establish a unified basic old-age insurance system for both rural and non-working urban residents and improve the way it is linked with the old-age insurance

system for working people. We will reform the old-age insurance system for government bodies and public institutions, and encourage the development of enterprise annuities, occupational annuities and commercial insurance. We will improve the system of unemployment insurance and

insurance against workplace injury. We will implement a mechanism for

increasing social assistance and social security benefits when the cost ofliving rises. We will develop services for the elderly, protect women's rights and interests, care for the wellbeing of young people, better protect minors, meet the basic living needs of families in straits, provide adequate basic public services to the disabled and effectively prevent disabilities, and support the development of charities. We will make sure that everyone in need receives the support of society and feels itswarmth.

第七、完善住房保障机制。以全体人民住有所居为目标,坚持分类指导、分步实施、分级负责,加大保障性安居工程建设力度,今年新开工 700 万套以上,其中各类棚户区 470 万套以上,加强配套设施建设。提高大城市保障房比例。推进公租房和廉租房并轨运行。创新政策性住房投融资机制和工具,采取市场化运作方式,为保障房建设提供长期稳定、成本适当的资金支持。各级政府要增加财政投入,提高建设质量,保证公平分配,完善准入退出机制,年内基本建成保障房 480 万套,让翘首以盼的住房困难群众早日迁入新居。针对不同城市情况分类调控,增加中小套型商品房和共有产权住房供应,抑制投机投资性需求,促进房地产市场持续健康发展。

We will improve the mechanism for providing adequate housing. To achieve the goal of ensuring housing for all, we will build more government-subsidized housing in accordance with the principle of giving targeted guidance, carrying out step-by-step implementation, and having governments at different levels assume their respective

responsibilities. This year, construction of

over seven million government-subsidized housing units will begin, more than 4.7 million ofwhich will be in rundown urban areas, and construction of related supporting infrastructure will be strengthened. We will increase the proportion of government-subsidized housing in large cities.

We will integrate the operation of public and low-cost rental housing. We will 1mprove mechanisms and instruments for securing investment and financing for policy-related housing and

use market forces to provide long-term, steady funding support to cover the costs of building government-subsidized housing. Governments at all levels should increase spending on building government-subsidized housing, improve its quality, ensure its fair allotment, and improve the mechanism governing its allotment and re-allotment. By the end of this year, 4.8 million units of such housing should be basically completed so that those in urgent need of housing can move in. We will regulate housing differently in different cities in light oflocal conditions, increase the supply of small and medium-sized commercial and joint-ownership housing units, curb demand for housing for speculation and investment purposes, and promote sustained and healthy development of the real estate market.
























