

商务英语是人们从事商务活动时经常使用的语言,它作为英语的重要功能之一,正日益显示出其强大的生命力。在飞速发展的的全球经济互动的呼唤下,商务英语是人们从事商务活动时经常使用的语言,在西方国家通常称Business English。它不仅可以帮助商务人员提高英语的实际运用能力,还可帮助英语人才掌握商务方面的基本知识。中国加入WTO后,融入世界经济的进程日益加快,国际商务活动日益增多,广泛的国际交流和经济发展的全球化趋势已把商务英语提高到一个很重要的地位。











  2、集中强化有关写上务邮件方面的Writing skill及技巧。通过教材掌握有关商务方面的专业术语,也可通过“1:1写邮件”的方式提高写作能力。外教每天认真批阅及正确引导您的写作及技巧。


商务英语口语学习者在学习中在语言基础、商务文化知识、心理状态方面都存在 障碍,影响学习效率。通过对 障碍的分析,找到原因,针对不同方面采取相对 策略,从而达到真正有效提高 商务英语口语水平的目的。 1. 商务英语口语重要性中国加入世界贸易组织和申奥成功后,全球经济一体化步伐加快,越来越多的外企进入中国,中国与其他国家的贸易往来也日益频繁,无论是本国企业还是涌入中国的跨国公司都急需一大批既懂商务知识又会英语技能的商务英语专业人才。商务英语的口语化是商务英语最具有实践性的一个特点,它使学习者具有熟练的 商务英语口语运用能力,增加了其进入国际化企业工作的机会。大部分学生也看到了社会的发展趋势,特别是商务英语专业的学生,希望提高自己的英语口语水平。但是,当今学生英语口语交际能力的现状还是令人担忧。怎样提高学生的口语能力仍然是一个艰巨的具有挑战性的任务。 2. 商务英语口语学习的 障碍 2.1语言基础 障碍 2.1.1发音、语法掌握不准确。由于单音层面上的音标基础没打好或者来自母语方言的影响,导致学生在英语发音时出现一些 障碍。比如,美语中儿化音的问题,长短元音之间混淆和个别辅音之间混淆。在超音段层面上,节奏、停顿、重音、弱读、语调、语气、连读、同化等往往被忽略,导致发音不能正确表达说话人的感情意思。此外,句子不能是单词的堆砌,特别要注意时态、人称等易犯语法问题。 2.1.2中西思维差异。不同文化背景、思维方式的人的表达方式是不同的。很多学生在口语交流时,受汉语思维的影响,用汉语思考后翻译成英语,有时还会简单套用汉语的表达习惯,说出Chinglish(中式英语)。结果虽然流利却只有中国人能懂,外国人不知所云。在思维上,英美人士较注重定量分析、逻辑推理,而中国人较注重直觉与先验理性,善于以经验为依据来分析、判断和解决问题。在交流时这样的差异就容易引起误解,如在西方国家,直言不讳、各抒己见受到普遍尊重,而大部分中国人则讲究含蓄、委婉,一般不愿意直接提出与对方、特别是上级或长辈不一致的观点,担心会使对方难堪,或损坏双方关系。 2.1.3交际能力缺乏。许多学生有十多年的英语学习经历,但是真正要用英语和外国友人交谈的时候,却结结巴巴一句话也说不完整。原因是学生不仅缺乏真实的英语语言环境,而且主要是缺乏口语训练和交际实践。学生多是和英语试卷、习题打交道,只是背诵课文,没有真正通过语言交流。造成即使是语言基本功过关的学生在真实场景下和人进行口头交流,也会出现很多状况,造成对话 障碍。2.1.4练习不够。练习次数太少,缺乏毅力。其实形成交流 障碍的一个最主要原因是我们平时太缺乏练习,或者练习方法不当,做不到持之以恒。正所谓熟能生巧,不练习就没有进步。同时,练习也要讲究方法,练习不得法会影响进步的速度。练习口语有时也会有困难和压力,如果缺乏毅力,就很难坚持下来。 2.2商务文化 障碍商务英语作为ESP(English for specific Purposes专门用途英语),包含商务和英语两个方面。练习好英语口语同时,商务本身是涉及面也非常广,包含一切与商务相关的领域如经济、贸易、管理、法律、保险等等。另外,商务还蕴涵着丰富的商务文化,包括不同国家的商务传统风俗、商务礼仪习惯等。在英汉语言文化中,某些商务英语词语所指与汉语表面上一致,而含义却不同,形成语言文化差异。在商务英语教学的过程中,发现学生在跨文化交际能力和商务文化意识方面还很欠缺,在与英语本族人进行实际交往中,很容易将自己的母语使用习惯带入跨文化交际,从而引起不同的文化因素发生交叉与碰撞,产生误解和冲突,有时甚至影响商务活动的成功。 2.3心理 障碍英语口语练习中出现的心理 障碍主要是爱面子,怕出错;信心不足,缺乏持久的兴趣。大部分学生担心说错丢面子,受老师责备怕被同学耻笑,总觉得除非达到了完美的程度,否则羞于在别人面前展示,总想要做到“不鸣则已,一鸣惊人”。不敢开口的具体原因有:有些学生性格内向,不爱说话;有些学生讲英语时,过多考虑语法规则;有些学生口语稍好些,但考虑到同学关系,避免过分表现而减少发言;有些在口语学习中遭受过挫折,形成某种心理 障碍;有些因基础差,而失去英语口语学习与练习的兴趣。这种恐惧心理常导致学生在口语表达时显得焦虑紧张,影响正常的思维和顺利的表达。 3. 商务英语口语提高 策略 3.1提高基本功 3.1.1多听多模仿,加强英语语言基本功的训练。学好音标,注意非音段层面的发音技巧的练习。模仿标准的语音语调,注意连读、弱读、失去爆破、音的同化等语言现象,解决普遍的发音问题,克服错误的发音习惯。可选择磁带、广播,电影中自己喜欢的声音模仿,而且材料要实用,要符合自己的兴趣和学习需求。同时,练习时要大声,要遵守先慢后快原则,口齿清楚,使口腔肌肉得到最充分的锻炼,以养成正确的发音习惯。发音是一种习惯,克服旧的发音习惯,养成新的发音习惯是长期的、循序渐进的过程。另外,还要扩大词汇量,多了解语法知识,多了解英语的表达习惯。单词是语言的血肉,语法是骨架,要想实现沟通,两者缺一不可。 3.1.2多背诵,多复述。国外一些心理语言学家,语言教学人员如Goldman-Eisler,已经研究并证明了重复讲述对流利性的影响。经过练习,犹豫现象会减少,语速会增加。选择一些对日常生活或工作有帮助的,难度自己可以接受的文章或故事来背诵或复述,这样既获得了乐趣,又可以提高口语的准确度和流利度。 3.1.3有意识的克服翻译习惯,培养英语思维。从背单词开始就要有意识培养自己用英语思维的习惯。建议初期用英汉双解的词典,多看英语解释,少看汉语解释。多阅读,多思考,多交流,多学习英语的表达方式,以提高逻辑思维能力、理解能力。与人交流时注意用词,考虑别人的文化背景,教育水平,思维方式,生活经验,观察别人面部表情,眼神等反映。如果交流发生 障碍,要采取积极做法,如通过提问要求对方解释来消除 障碍。 3.1.4多练习。语言的学习需要毅力,结合前四点建议加大练习的强度和频度,努力改变错误的发音、思维习惯,提高基本功,用地道英文自如与人交流。 3.2突破心理 障碍提高语言基本功的同时,需要逐渐树立起自信心。由于传统英语教育过于强调准确性,再加上传统文化中害怕出错丢面子等种种不利于英语口语学习的 障碍心理,阻碍了口语流利性的提高。一些学生性格内向,缺乏自信,没有勇气,不善沟通与交流。其主要问题是自卑,建议调整心态,找准人生方向,提高个人实力,充实丰富生活,建立起自信,悦纳自己。努力做到自然亲切地与人交往,潇洒自如地表现自我。初期阶段不妨试一试“自言自语”法,自己跟自己交流,这样不受时间及其他交际因素的限制。但要注意练习的过程中不要过分注重准确性,如杜雷和贝特(Dulay and Burt)所说“不犯错误是学不会语言的”。对于不同水平学生之间比较心理影响表达的 障碍,需要教师建立起良好的激励机制,营造平等的环境,鼓励、引导学生,提高学生参与感;对于曾经在练习中受挫形成心理阴影的学生,需要找到受挫的原因,解开心结;对于失去兴趣的学生,教师可以通过一些游戏、热门话题探讨、多媒体等教学手段以及有益的课外活动如组织英语角、英语演讲比赛等激发学生学习英语口语的兴趣。 3.3导入商务文化意识,在情境中练习第一,补充商务知识。一方面注意商务词汇的扩展。在读解分析范文时,注意商务词汇在文中的运用,把好的词汇结合句子背诵,然后在自己练习时有意地使用。另一方面注意学习专业知识,了解、熟悉异国的政治制度、经济环境、法律体系、经营习惯以及商业价值观,培养过硬的外语运用能力。第二,提高商务情景中的表达和沟通能力。作为商务英语专业学生,应充分认识到跨文化交际能力的重要性,加强文化意识学习,将语言与文化的有机地结合起来,通过案例分析,亲自体验,多媒体等手段来提高商务文化意识,提高语言学习和运用的准确性,增强商务演讲和商务谈判时的沟通技巧,才能国际商务活动中取得成效。作为商务英语教学工作者,商务英语教学的最终目的是为了科培养出能够熟练运用英语进行涉外商务的复合型人才,适应中国商务环境日益国际化的发展趋势。而商务文化意识、文化素养在跨文化商务交往中起着极其重要的作用,因此商务英语教学中可采用以学生为中心,结合情景教学法和任务教学法,加强学生商务文化意识和跨文化交际能力,为社会输送合格人才。总之,作为商务英语中重要的一部分, 商务英语口语在日益频繁的国际交往中发挥的作用不容忽视。只有了解并分析学习过程

中的 障碍,在语言基础、思维文化和心理方面有针对性的加强练习,培养商务背景下的英语口头表达和交际能力,才能有效提高 商务英语口语。


On Language Features of English Business Letters

Abstract: Business English letters is a kind of practical writing from which is used through the whole business activity, and its main function is to transfer information. The paper aims at analyzing business English letter’ features from business terms, tone and vocabulary. In general, the use of language features helps to write a business letter courteously, briefly, precisely clarify and formally. But there is no absolute standard for English business letter writing, because it depends on the actual purpose of language use.

Keywords: Business Letter language feature

1 Introduction

With the advent of globalization, especially after China’ entry to WTO. In today’s international trade, English is widely accepted and used in business communication, whatever about invoice, orders or shipment and so on. Business English letter is a practical and economical way to gather information and exchange messages. Otherwise, business English letter cannot be as arbitrary as personal letters; it has its own language feathers.

2 General Introduction to English Business Letters

2.1 Definition of English Business Letter

A business English letter is a formal written communication from one or more persons to another person or persons about a specific business matter, expressed simply and economically. Letters are ambassadors for you and for your organization; you cannot put across your message in person, so your letter acts on your behalf. Ensure that your letter portray you as approachable, caring, efficient, effective and professional. An effective business letter will say what you want it to say clearly and simply. It will show respect for the readers. It will point the way ahead. It will be precise and straightforward. It will be relevant and action-centered.

2.2 Functions of English Business Letters

Despite the popularity of faxes and e-mails, letters are still a very important method of written communication. Letters develop relationships between friends, colleagues, important business contracts, even strangers. The nature of the relationship is reflected in the tone and style of the letter. Many organizations adopt a house-styled, with all correspondence presented 1

accordingly to the guidelines laid down. This does a lot to enhance the company’s corporate identity and prestige. However it is only successful if it is followed strictly by everyone, including the boss who prepares his/her own communication.

Every business message is designed to achieve a specific business objective. Its success depends on what it says and to what extend it induces a favorable response from the reader, thus, business writing has three functions: to inform, to persuade and to entertain.

Messages to inform are used to convey the vast amount of information needed to complete the day-to-day operations of business writing—explain instructions to employees, announce meetings and procedures, acknowledge orders, accept contracts for service, etc. the major purpose of the most of these messages is to have the receiver understand a body of information and concentrate on the logical presentation of the content.

In addition to providing information, some business messages must also influence the readers’ attitudes and actions. These messages might include letters promoting a product or service and seeking support for ideas and woolly causes presented to supervisor, stockholders, clients, and others.

To secure the desired response, it is necessary to have an adequate knowledge of English language and an understanding of human nature. The writer should have an acquaintance with the particular interest and, if possible, the emotion of the reader. It seems easy enough, for example, to ask payment of a bill, but it is quite difficult to secure payment without offending the reader and loosing his or her future patronage. No communication is wholly successful unless it retains the reader’s goodwill.

3 Language Features

The ability to write effectively is valuable business asset. One reason is that a great deal of business is transacted in writing. With the wide use of fax and recent development of EDP, even more writing is involved in every part of business. More than at any previous time businesses people feel need to put ideas and information into written form. Another reason is that effective business writer can use their skills to help increase their company’s sales and profits by promoting good relations with customs, employees, and the general public. Still another reason is that proficiency in writing gives the man or woman in business a personal advantage over less capable writers and contributes substantially to his/her self-confidence—a necessary quality for business 2


3.1 Use of business terms and abbreviations

For example

a. Please quote your lowest price CIF5% Seattle for each of following items.

In the above sentence, CIF5%= Cost, Insurance and Freight inclusive of 5% commission.

b.: In order to conclude the transaction, I hope you will meet me half way. What about 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?

L/C is the abbreviation of Letter of Credit

D/P is the abbreviation of Documents against Payment

There are modes of payment

D/A stands for Documents against Acceptance

CAD stands for Cash against Documents

D/D stands for Demand Draft

c. we insure the goods for RMB5,500 against WAP with PICC

In this sentence, WAP= With Particular Average, which is a kind insurance

PICC=People’s Insurance Company of China

(2) Use of Capital letters

Business letter has its special capital letter writing regulations besides the ordinary rules.

<1> North, South, East, West

When they are used for districts or areas but not for orientation:

South-West Africa

North America

West Europe

<2>the name and brand of a commodity

“Great Wall” Electric Fan

“Three Stars” Calf Shoes

Chinese Cotton Piece Goods

<3> the name of the transportation tools

the S.S “Merry Captain”

the S.S “Lucky Prince”


the m.v. “East Wind”

the m.v. “Silver River”

4 Business English words are different from popular English

Millions of business letters are written every day. Considering the costs of stationery postage, filing, not to mention the salaries of the writer or typist it is worth ensuring that every communication meets its objectives and does its job effectively and efficiently. Writing style has changed tremendously over the years. The aim in modern business communication is to write in a friendly, formal style using plain language. Find the mode of expression that is appropriate to you. If you want your business communication to be effective, your writing must be precise, straightforward, clear, relevant and action-centered. It must show respect for the reader and point the way forward. It must use no more words than are necessary to communicate the message effectively and efficiently.

The main purpose of any communication is to be understood and effective. If we want to achieve these objectives, we must ensure that all your communication follows the rules. They must be courtesy, conciseness, preciseness

(1) Brevity

Effective writing is brief—each word, sentence, and paragraph counts. Brevity means to write in a fewest possible words to express ideas avoiding long and tedious sentences. Because a wordy message requires more time to rewrite and read, business people put a high premium on conciseness in business messages. Conciseness will give emphasis to the messages. Generally speaking, short sentences are more brief than long ones. If much more information included in a letter, it can be written in paragraphs.

Long words are more likely to confuse your readers. Use brief language that your reader will understand, with plain rather than long words. If your readers do not understand the words you use, they will not look up a dictionary-they will simply stop reading. Busy businessmen and women do not have time to read documents. They welcome communications that are direct and to the point while retaining

The following are the methods of making a letter brief:

Avoid using word expression


Wordy: We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter

Concise: We appreciate your letter

Avoid unnecessary repetition.

Will you ship us any time during the month of December, or even November if you are rushed, for November would suit us just as well?


Please ship us by the end of November.

<1>Using short sentences, simple words and clear explanations:

Use a word to replace a phase:

Enclosed herewith enclosed

At this time now

Due to the fact that because

<2> Use phase to replace a sentence.

Please do not hesitate to call upon us.

Please write us.

Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason.

Please find out the reason.

(3) Use words to replace clauses.

We require full-automatic washing machine wgich is of the type.

We require new-type full-automatic washing machine.

Avoid padded expression. Using subject line flexibly and properly.

Using subject line properly and flexibly can cancel the same content in the opening sentence of a letter.


Clarity requires the writers to be simple and understood, so that the reader will get their main intention at the first sight of the letter without any confusion or misunderstanding. Short familiar 5

words and simple sentences rather than long difficult words and complex sentences are better for this purpose.

To achieve this, we should:

Avoid using the words which have different understanding or unclear meanings

For example: As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services.

The word “bimonthly” has two meanings: twice a month, or once two month. The reader will feel puzzled about the meaning.


a. We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

b. We have semimonthly direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

c. We have a direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco every two month.

Pay attention to the position of the modifiers.

Pay attention to:

a. We shall be able to supply 10 cases of the item only.

b. We shall be able to supply 10 cases only of the item.

The modifier “only” in the above sentences modified two different words, so the two sentences have different meanings.

Pay attention to the sentence structure.


For example

a. We send you 5 samples yesterday of the good which you requested in your letter of May 25 by air.

b. We send you, by air, 5 samples of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 5 yesterday.

Paragraph carefully and properly.

Commercial letters should be clear and tiny, easy to understand the content. So a writer should paragraph a letter carafully and properly. One paragraph for each point is a good general rule.


(3) Courtesy

Review of actual business letters reveals that special attention should be devoted to assuring the courtesy of business communication. By courtesy we mean treating people with respect and friendly human concern. Effective writers visualize the reader before starting to write. The consider the reader’s desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and probable reactions to their request. Courtesy is reflected in the tone of the words or sentences, that is to say, writer should better think of readers’ attitude or feelings and take readers’ place to consideration. Otherwise, courtesy is not mere politeness.



We have received with many thanks for your letter of June 2, and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which you request we have made in it.


Your will be particularly interested in special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed, which you requested in your letter of June 2.

In order to make a business letter courteous, try to avoid irritating, offensive, or belittling statement. Besides, prompt reply is courteous in business communication.


Refers not only to correct usage of grammar, punctuation and spelling, but also to standard language, proper statement, and accurate figures as well as the correct understanding of commercial jargons. In addition, preciseness means choosing the correct level of language and using accurate information and data.

<1>Get your facts right

Always aim to in include all necessary details in your communications such as dates, times, figures, sum of money and technical words.

<2>be specific not vogue

Communications sometimes fail if the writer has not included all the essential details. It can be very frustrating if a phone call has to be made to clarify certain details.


The meeting has been postponed.

The meeting has been postponed to Monday 10 June at 9:30a.m.

Grammar mistakes often occurred in business letters.

<1> with pronouns

Our competitors’ prices are 2%--3% lower than us (ours).

<2>with verbs

It is one of the machines that was (were) delivered last week

<3>with conjunctions

This fridge not only is attractive (is attractive not only) in proper price, but also in good quality. Avoid using overstatements.

a. It is the lowest price available to you.


It is the lowest price that we can offer you now.

b. We are well-established exporters of all kinds of goods made in Sweden.


We are well-established exporters of Swedish sundry goods, such as toys, buttons and stationary.

Accurate numbers.

5% up to 10%both inclusive

Up to $ 40 inclusive

For 15 days exclusive Sunday

From the 1st to 15th both inclusive

ⅤLanguage features of Business English writing tones

(1)Avoid negativity

Which of these expressions is more positive? “The glass is half full.” or “The glass is empty.”

Using positive language in face-to-face communication as well as in our written technique. Positive writing will give the reader a better impression and ultimately improve its effectiveness. Negative language triggers negative results.

Express them in a positive way. Here them in a positive way. Here is a simply example: 8

Do not use negative language.

If you do not return you’re from before August you will be too late to attend the conference. Compare

Please return you from by 31 July so that we can register your name for the conference.

(2) Use positive language

Use active not passive voice

“Voice” is a grammatical term that refers to whether the subject of sentence is acting or receiving the action. Use active voice can considerably improve your writing style. Active voice makes the tone more interesting and lively. Here is a simple example.

Active voice: Tom played the piano.

The subject is the actor. You can almost see Tom playing the piano, totally absorbed in his music. Passive voice: The piano was played by Tom.

The subject is the piano. The action is gone. The emphasis is moved from the subject performing the action to the subject receiving the action. It is almost impossible to visualize what is happening.

Ⅵ Conclusion

What I talked above is just the basic language features of business English letters. In practical business English letters, we must write letters in concise, precise and formal way. Acquiring the knowledge of business English letters will have a beneficial impact on business organizations and business activities.





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刘华东,李东亮.2008.6 新编商务英语信函[M]大连理工大学出版社

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商务英语初级口语素材 工作之余


商务英语初级口语素材 工作面试

















