

晋德真君结缘训 中华民国五十五年岁次丙午九月十一日

郝金瀛结缘训 济救原子苦海超 三曹大事天人劳 公心正直天恩报 认理实修智慧高 活宝到处皇胎找 有缘持宝诚记牢 佛光处处皆普照 恒心不变证天曹 吾乃

济公活佛 奉

敕谕 领亡徒 来至佛庭 先谒

驾 徒等安宁 至诚发现 共聚坛庭 平心静气 领悟训情 玄中有妙 当要悟清 师不多示 晋德自评 哈哈止 十数年载苦奔波 牺牲一切受折磨 为道不辞良机握 日月消逝快如梭 修尽苦心无作报 导出诚者不知学 苦境至今虽已脱 天悯志诚证仙罗 我

晋德大仙 郝金瀛 领


皇谕 随恩师 来至佛坛 趋身急参 驾 再遥叩 师母大人圣体安 遥问韩公前人身康健 坛前再拜张点传 陈点传师亦重见 慰我心安在坛前 后学见面当谢


在坛道亲众 一见悲喜参

天人今相隔 何能睹真颜

蒙之慈悯 恩师德无边

在此今日见 重逢诉哀言 今日借机管 诉尽苦心言 别离永难见 更难对面谈 触景诉心事 内心悲苦酸 别来两月余 得见诸面焉 此乃天慈悯 恩师加慈怜 坛前来会面 今非往昔年 色身不存在 一灵归古园 今见诸亲众 有口苦难言 为道舍一切 克服诸困难 为了传圣道 凡事齐抛完 不明数已定 一灵脱苦渊 永别离尘世 弃诸道亲还 惦念不忘记 诚者有几焉 不知实践进 方针无定专 愧我无才德 尔等不知前 今已发心愿 追随陈点传 望尔前程赶 我心亦喜欢 当念天恩厚 前人恩德宽 时刻当怀报 认理直奔前 有负张点传 后学心不安 但请身保重 道务日宏宽 今日共见面 诉尽衷心言 惠我恩德大 永铭在心田 一灵脱尘世 苦景不再缠 唯有在理域 恭颂身康安 今日道亲见 在坛共结缘 尔等当实践 抱道信心坚 立愿当了愿 切勿再敷衍 佳期莫错过 努力紧加鞭 为道速开阐 建功德立先 愧我以往事 教导不谨严

顾虑尔辛苦 不曾紧摧前 尔等不知进 有负天慈悯 今后当力办 立志代天宣 勿负天人意 为我心方安 在天日盼望 后学加功前 诚恒良心现 志气要恒坚 只要多发奋 尊师重道虔 此后多尽力 实现方为贤 心口当一致 言行按理焉 诚恒道开阐 各个天恩沾 但能量力办 我亦功德添 真心无二意 切勿有变迁 正直率性办 苦劳后有甜 诸位协力进 团结办一番 方免生后悔 方免坠苦渊 存心速奔赶 遵循诸前贤 如此合我志 方慰我心田 精进勿懈怠 功未自创前 是非当明辨 不可任意焉 总说归一处 不可畏困难 追随当彻底 不可或二三 道之至大处 无际亦无边 微细到极点 难透其中玄 不可眼前看 按步再就班 志诚不迁变 方是奇英贤 今吾至坛地 满瀤愧万般 不能导尔进 有负天恩怜 前人之大德 尔等难报完 我亦太任性 徒误尔向前 只恐尔耗费 护众太周全 前途受阻隔 尔等认不穿 只盼从今后 努力抱道坚

以报天慈德 尽心力奔前

转笔唤声林守阳 当要尽心为道忙 点传责任甚重大 生灵拯救上是航 若能继我之志愿 不畏苦劳道办昌 继续遵循立志向 代天理物末一场 是否遵言力前办 兔我时刻挂心肠 (求前人放心,后学一定遵办) 如此我心得安慰 圣凡兼进?康庄 勤参性理道德讲 忙里偷闲才应当 速速起立遵循进 承上启下为标榜 吴定勿要糊涂办 修持正规勿慌狂 领了天命非小可 愧我对你导无方 今后遵循依理办 勿可大意有主张 时刻谨慎体我意 困难自有天降祥 小心前进起立吧 勿负我之苦心肠 秋雨今日亦来见 一阵伤心苦难言 为凡奔忙前途废 不知抱道建功端 今日提起往昔事 当要自己静心参 上天不负有志者 克服考魔抱道前 今后盼尔真心现 精进了愿行勿偏 起立切勿负我意 遵循正理立德先 有诚后学坛中见 木莲贤弟诚信坚 可喜你能实地践 真心不负所盼焉 多多行功再赶办 天时急紧无几年 盼尔为道诚表现 志诚始终勿变迁 各处宣化继吾志 导后尊前方称贤 速速起站为模范 不畏苦烦立标杆 进来明信亦相见 知道宝贵猛向前 不负所盼能实办 欣慰吾心可放安 此后精进力培德 进功了愿果造圆 挽化同胞登彼岸 有志定获申恶宽 勿要多跪起来吧 遵言力进建功端

诚者还有林天禄 今日相见不一般 盼尔此后诚不变 多化原子上返船 建功全在此时进 前程光明理认穿 望尔遵言代天化 不可虚度此佳缘 起立精诚力前进 自己建造九品莲 还有金竹与福庭 今日有幸能重逢 为人处事知轻重 凡情总是一场空 若能认透其中意 看淡一切建奇功 道务盼尔能进展 共办三会救原童 尔之诚恒我感应 尽力行持理究明 存心莫负我所盼 体我之心当虔恒 起立抱道力行进 尊师重道当奉行 还有朝荣林木源 信心坚定勿变迁 今逢天悯咱相见 天人之隔另一般 拿出真心天事办 切勿辜负我心田 立志为众之模范 忽作忽报岂是贤 盼尔识时达务赶 勿要畏难圈苟安 切勿自误当振作 起立此后办一番 朝琴朝栋与天源 告尔数语牢记全 勿要懈怠当精进 庆宗亦是一样焉 当要存心努力办 负起责任猛勇前 若能如此永坚进 我灵在天方慰焉 起立起立遵言辨 方是皇好儿男 还有郑碧来相见 衷心悲苦忆从前 今日再见已两样 吾弟还是似如然 不能为道来努力 重凡轻圣怎行前 一坛之主非小可 精进可证四八贤 但盼此后加注意 顺天应人办宏宽 如此功德实非浅 还要自己努力前 能芳为道切实办 切勿马虎再迟延 盼尔此后志坚定 劳忙为道得平安

遵规蹈矩力奋发 丝毫上天鉴明全 寸功明察不埋没 赏善罚恶无私偏 盼弟认透分轻重 进退慎重勿轻观 起立遵言多精进 莫负我之所盼焉 今日相见皆诚者 大都坛主集有缘 与我结缘我感动 不枉生前苦心田 但盼携手努力办 遵循正理为标杆 多数皆是退了步 怎不令我心悲酸 今日结缘真荣幸 诉告满腹衷心言 往昔一切不提起 但言此时之心田 只盼诸位能认透 行功立德建品莲 个个发心智勇现 莫误前程慎行言 坛中乾坤合力进 重发心愿努力前 各处细心把道阁 有缘方能集一坛 想吾生前诸贤顾 有劳各位兄弟焉 多蒙台北众贤辈 为我操劳费心田 今日寄语亲友谢 感激万分恩无边 借机留言致心意 是否后学当铭全 吾心永感诸大德 尔等谨记皆问安 有此良机谨把握 若是错过再遇难 既入宝山勿空返 紧持圣道悟真诠 史处亲友齐重见 有心难以各留言 李珠为道真诚现 可喜精进建功端 溪州方面当操办 有心仙佛定助肩 可贺佛根真不浅 对道诚恒内外兼 若能真心永不变 日后收获证品莲 金枝当要实力办 鹏程万里前程宽 发心诚虔我早晓 但盼始终力奔前 渡人为要协力进 代天宣化挽有缘 起立勿跪速?赶 莫负所盼信心专 道场之中当合办 携手同行返理园 金章基财真庆幸 一心坚定志诚虔

能晓追随前人进 知恩报恩可称贤 起立遵训功德建 后日荫祖裕后玄 还有银枝今明辨 今非往昔能知前 生前承你多看护 死后重逢共结缘 此后但盼妹实践 效法圣贤立功言 速速起站道进展 方称智勇之标杆 今日承尔诸位见 皆是有志知向前 存心不二梁晟弟 今日亦能来会颜 多望贤弟再努力 至诚真心吾明全 全昔两样心难过 在此借机诉几言 望弟铭记能实践 方慰吾心之挂牵 为道牺牲天不负 弟之功德大无边 一劳永逸万八载 日后团围在理天 真诚表白天心感 广波有缘上是船 此乃为吾之至盼 愿你实地猛奔前 起立勿跪我心放 遵言抱道建功端 坛前又见俊宏弟 藩明亦在来结缘 承你为我心操费 吾永铭记在心田 速速站起勿多跪 以后望弟多成全 建良贤弟劳心尽 此方望你照顾圆 在天之灵吾永感 贤弟此后多帮前 此方道务盼发阐 勿负吾则指导焉 贤弟起站如我愿 日后报答在理天 还有庆兴未得见 守阳代谢我心言 多承诸位之看顾 铭谢五中护佑安 故旧重见情难忘 满腹衷言诉不完 奈何三才已劳倦 不忍继绩往下宣 静修贤妹来会面 妹曾为我费心田 吾今铭谢贤妹你 但盼此后携手前 为此道务日进展 祝我贤妹功德添 且起勿跪吾心谢 道中有缘天恩沾 还有暖妹与喜美 母女有心来结缘

可喜知道猛勇进 我亦沾光在理天

毓秀束糸可劳累 真是有为之标杆

各尽责任代天化 同胞齐返脱苦渊

可贺功德日增积 三曹共办建功端

对我尽心我永感 此后协力圣道传

在此为我受劳者 我皆一一谢铭焉

有累诸位来陪站 言难尽意谢不完

诚请韩公福体健 慈母大人圣体安

不念旧咎我心放 在此道歉陈点传

今日蒙您劳陪站 在天之灵心不安

吾亦诚盼多迁就 同是一船之皇原

诚祈道务日宏展 吾愿足矣就此焉

我亦不再多言告 在坛诸位当明全

天时不早当认透 拿出真诚表白虔

免我天天之苦盼 叹诸后学不实前

天恩师德之厚大 众当协力驾法船

受天恩惠当图报 更要饮水思来源

莫负所盼多实践 吾亦不再多留言

日后有机咱再见 同心同德办一番

尔等同谢恩典 恩师浩德慈悲宽

将别诸位心留恋 渴望尔等抱道坚

广立功德了己愿 日后理天永团圆

天驾 随师返 放笔别众退佛坛 咳咳退

民国八十年岁次辛未二月十八日 印尼 雅加达 崇信坛 恭求仙佛指示训(蔡机) 济世走天涯 公心处处发

老少一齐渡 师徒共弘法


济公老师 率

晋德真君 贞德大仙 同至 崇信坛 齐参

驾 问声徒儿各皆安 吾令 晋德真君 贞德大仙

与众结缘 师不多宣 哈哈止(吴窍)

晋级升阶 感恩泣泪

德品流芳 名利幻也

真心待人 人人敬悦

君仁臣忠 大地和谐


晋德真君 郝前人 蒙

皇鸿恩 恩师大德 逢此佳缘 来此结缘 开光求道

亘古不传 诸位善信 得比佛缘 珍惜前进 福寿绵绵 时间有限 吾不多宣 静待恩师 再批宣


将军麦克阿瑟结缘训-纯德佛堂 将军麦克阿瑟结缘训 General Douglas Macarthur's Revelation of His Having Attained the Dao (with translation)

This is the transcription of General Douglas Mac Arthur's revelation of his having attained the Dao. The ceremony was held at the Shun Te Temple on the evening of November 12 th 1979 which was a hundred days after the General, then an immortal of space, had received the Dao with the assistance of his benefactor, Master Wang.

公元 一九七 九 年十 一月 十二 日 晚 在 纯 德 佛 堂 恭 求 将 军 麦 克 瑟 结 缘 训

A lifetime's honorable achievement passes away like the flow of water 一世 功 名 随 水 逝

Nothing is left except a reminiscence the reading of which will cause all men to be moved to grief

空 留 事 迹 人 凭 吊

The world was awe-struck by my briliant manifestation 显 显 赫 赫 世 轰 动

My merits and demerits became recorded hisory

功 功 罪 罪 历 史 标

The clouds and the rain are witin my easy grasp, 翻 手 云 来 覆 手 雨

and I hold the command over life and death

生 杀 大 权 一 掌 操

A great general's fame is founded upon the decaying bones of the millions he has killed

一 将 功 成 万 骨 枯

An upright, loyal and matchless patriot only kills those who are wicked and evil

正 义 无 敌 降 邪 刁

I am the Ruler of Space, Kuan Yuen Chang, bestowed with the honor of our heavenly Mother's imperial edict, to bring to the altar of Shun Te Temple, Mr. Mac Arthur, now bestowed with the title of The Noble Guard of the East, to pay respect to you virtuous men and woman, his depictions and comments on his reminiscence, I shall now withdraw and have The Noble Guard of the East begin his revelations.

吾 乃 中 天 玉 皇 关 云 长 奉

母 谕 带 镇 东 大 帝 麦 亚 瑟 来 至 坛 堂 参 拜 天 驾

贤 士 安 好 令 其 批 示

Amidst the tumultous fury of war, guarded the frontiers

轰 轰 烈 烈 大 战 役

A clamorous row prevailed as the war hastened on

哄 哄 动 动 风 云 急

Exceedingly great was the war involving the entire world 浩 浩 荡 荡 全 球 战

It was extremely painful and sorrowful tao perceive the killing of humans being regarded as trifling affair

凄 凄 惨 惨 人 命 微

Everyone, big or small, put forth their full strength

大 大 小 小 倾 全 力

Everyone , regardless of rank was alarmed and perturbed

上 上 下 下 惊 惶 怖

The full complement of the three forces was dispatched

行 行 队 队 三 军 发

Bombs and cannons were discharged ceaselessly

密 密 麻 麻 弹 炮 施

I, The Noble Guard of the East, MacArthur, have the honor to receive with reverence the imperial edict from our Heavenly Mother to proceed to the altar of Shun Te Temple in attendance to his honor, Kuan Yuen Chang and to pay respect to our Heavenly Mother, our Distinguished Teacher and my Gracious Benefactor. I shall also bow and send my regards to all of you spiritual ones who are present at this temple 我 是 镇 东 大 帝 麦 亚 瑟 恭 奉

母 命 随 侍 关 圣 来 自至 坛 参 叩 恩 师 恩 公 顶 礼 坛

问 候 诸 真

Holding the pen with excitement while feeling nervous at heart, 小 仙 执 笔 惊 惺 在 心 中

I shall tonight reveal and narrate a little of my life history 今 日 稍 诉 生 平 原 因

I was born in the United States of America and I held the post of General of the army

生 于 美 国 为 上 将

I fought in both world wars

参 战 二 次 大 战 场

I was appointed Commander in chief of the United States Army Forces in Asia

派 驻 亚 洲 为 统 帅

I have had the experience of battling through wars both great and small 经 历 大 小 战 役 场

I was always mentally alert and dared not be idle for a moment, 精 神 何 敢 一 刻 懈

as a word of command from me determined success or failure

一 号 一 令 关 兴 亡

Initially, I was Chief of staff and High Commissioner of the Philippines

初 期 曾 驻 菲 律 宾

China and Japan were at war for eight long years

中 日 抗 战 八 年 长

The Japanese soldiers invaded Pearl Harbour

日 军 偷 袭 珍 珠 港

War was declared between the United States of America and Japan to determine which nation had the greater power

美 日 宣 战 决 弱 强

The American forces attached with atomic bombs

美 军 投 下 原 子 弹

There was a great number of casualties and deaths in the Japanese city of Hiroshima

日 本 广 岛 大 伤 亡

The war ended with the surrender of Japan

日 本 投 降 世 局 定

I went to Japan to receive the surrender Document

小 仙 往 日 受 降 章

With my appointment as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, my troops occupied Japan for some time

驻 受 日本 一 段 时

After the war ended there was a short period of peace

大 战 结 束 稍 安 祥

Not too long afterwards China fell to communism

未 几 中 华 遭 赤 化

Both South Korea and North Korea became battlefields

朝 鲜 南 北 作 战 场

I was then appointed Commander in chief

小 仙 奉 命 为 主 帅

The democrate and the communists were in tough competition 民 主 共 产 争 短 长

There were heavy casualties and deaths in both armies

两 军 对 垒 伤 亡 重

Millions of heroes were buried in the battlefields

百 万 雄 军 葬 战 场

There came from China a batalion of bold soldiers who were very skillful in strategy

人 海 战 术 中 共 军

To talk about them now, I can still feel myself shudder,

as they charged on with fiery violence

言 来 余 懔 尚 惊 惶

如 火 如 涂 情 势 猛

My soldiers fought and pushed straight on to the Yalu river 我 军 直 推 鸭 绿 江

The Russians and the Chinese joined forces in North Korea while the Americans were assisting the South Koreans

苏 联 中 共 同 参 战

美 军 援 助 南 韩 方

I wanted to take this opportunity to invade China's territory and drive their force back

乘 势 追 击 中 共 境

At that time I was inspired by that strategy because it would enable me to easily exterminate the North Korean Army

落 花 流 水 快 心 肠

一 举 忏 灭 北 韩 军

Victory was imminent

成 功 在 望 旦 夕 长

However, and order was received from my superiors in Washington which obstructed my victorious attack

上 方 力 阻 难 伸 志

I was therefore unable to accomplish a victory to my satisfaction 未 能 痛 快 胜 一 丈

Excessive consideration on the part of my superiors in Washington impeded the undertaking

顾 虑 过 多 事 耽 误

It was fated and the event should end that way

此 亦 定 数 有 此 场

No matter how intelligent or capable a person is , he is unable to oppose fate

人 纵 智 力 难 违 数

Fate alone selects those who will meet with calamities

淘 汰 人 类 遭 劫 殃

Regretfully, I retired from the army

郁 郁 不 欢 告 老 去

Peacefully and leisurely I returned to my homeland

安 闲 消 逸 乐 林 乡

The anxiety within me to fulfill my ambition was thus halted

Without the strength to restore the national prestige of my country, the desire of my heart was not attainable

胸 怀 大 志 难 违 数

回 天 无 力 愿 难 偿

With profound enthusiasm, I had wanted to fight for peace in the world This anxiety to save the world brought heartfelt tears

满 膛 热 血 平 世 道

一 掬 热 泪 救 世 肠

The human heart cannot be peaceful as the mountains and the oceans. 人 心 难 平 如 山 海

There is no peace in the world because the course of events is comparable to breakers---before one wave subsides, another is advancing

世 道 难 安 犹 波 浪

一 波 未 定 一 波 起

Similarly, before one war is over, another war has been declared

一 场 战 乱 又 一 场

All these years of war became a struggle for nothing

多 年 战 争 成 空 打

Besides the pitiful losses of lives and property, the most sorrowful were those who were severely wounded and crippled for life 人 物 损 失 惨 重 伤

When Vietnam fell into communist hands, her country men suffered great distress

越 南 赤 化 生 灵 苦

War and misfortune had now spread to another nation

战 祸 蔓 延 另 一 部

The state of affairs in the future will be even more disastrous 未 来 时 势 更 悲 惨

The world will be in a state of anarchy and the heart of men will become extremely complex and reckless

复 杂 紊 乱 世 动 荡

In the future and state of affairs in Asia will be even more chaotic 未 来 亚 洲 更 纷 乱

Even if people are clever as the hare or sly as the fox, They will still be slaughtered like innocent lambs

兔 死 狐 烹 待 罪 羊

The leaders of all those nations are dabbling with politics as though they were playing with fire

各 国 领 袖 如 玩 火

A little carelessness on their part could quickly bring about the destruction of those nations

一 不 小 心 大 祸 闯

A third world war is unavoidably

三 场 大 战 难 幸 免

Compared with the first two world wars, it will be the most devastation 惨 胜 二 次 大 战 场

Nobody is capable of predicting the drastic changes that will take place in the world situation

Worldwide, there will be endless wars

时 局 转 变 谁 能 料

From these wars, fate will allow only three out of every ten human beings to escape disaster

淘 汰 人 类 十 留 三

The wars will also destroy every scientific creation

毁 灭 文 明 一 切 亡

Fortunately, the Dao has been simultaneously disseminated to save the world

幸 有 真 道 来 救 世

The world has now evolved to the "White Era" during which will emerge spiritual teachers endowed with the heavenly decree

真 命 明 师 应 白 阳

一 场 过 去 有 一 场

Unfortunately, I lived my life through an untimely and insignificant period

小 仙 生 逢 于 末 世

Thus, I had no affinity for contact with the Tao or opportunity to observe its teachings and principles

缘 浅 未 遇 道 真 常

生 在 异 邦 为 异 客

得 道 机 会 甚 渺 茫

All of you present have the affinity to be born Orientals 诸 君 缘 厚 生 中 华

The Dao originated in Asia

局 于 亚 洲 道 先 扬

Although I ascended to space as an immortal upon my death, I was unable to return to heaven without the kind aid of a human benefactor

小 仙 虽 然 列 气 界

无 人 引 渡 难 还 乡

My passage from space to heaven was dependent upon my gracious benefactor , Master Wang, Who had so kindly enabled me to have an audience with our Heavenly Mother

此 之 恩 德 王 公 赖

提 拔 小 仙 朝 母 娘

My benefactor's graciousness is as high as the mountains and as vast as the oceans

大 恩 大 德 如 山 海

This great act of spiritual aid will never be forgotten

真 情 真 义 永 不 忘

I f master Wang, my benefactor, has anything to ask of me, I will always be ready and willing to render my services to repay his kindness 恩 公 如 有 使 命 处

愿 效 犬 马 报 恩 偿

If my benefactor should meet with any difficulties, he need only call my name three times and I will definitely rush to his assistance 今 后 若 遇 困 难 事

三 唤 吾 名 定 帮 忙

For many years I have been following him very closely

数 载 追 随 公 左 右

There was not a day when I was not at his side assisting him in the expansion of his career and endeavors

一 日 未 尝 离 身 旁

Unknown to him, all his undertakings have been successful because of my protection

扶 助 恩 公 事 通 畅

My benefactor and I had a very strong attachment in a former life 恩 公 小 仙 前 缘 厚

In my former life, I was born in the British Commonwealth I was the Foreign Ambassador to China

前 外 使 节 驻 中 华

My benefactor was China's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 恩 公 为 官 外 务 掌

Because of our national intercourse, we developed a strong and uninterrupted friendship

国 务 来 往 成 莫 逆

Later on, a rebellion broke out in China and my benefactor had to hide away from the rebellious cabal

后 因 国 乱 避 奸 党

Unable to find a proper hiding place, my benefactor was very worried 藏 匿 无 所 万 分 急

At that time, I resigned from my post and returned to my homeland immediately

小 仙 辞 官 即 还 乡

I brought my benefactor and his entire family home with me to remain permanently in England

带 同 恩 公 合 家 去

定 居 英 国 我 家 乡

That portion of cause and effect has been repaid in this life

一 段 因 果 今 生 报

My benefactor has now removed me from the cycle of rebirth 恩 公 渡 我 出 阴 阳

I have been hoping that he will come to my homeland to propagate the Dao

盼 临 我 邦 道 推 展

I have been seizing every opportunity to secretly assist in the propagation of the Dao

小 仙 拨 机 暗 助 扬

前 世 吾 生 英 联 邦

During this current period named the "Third" or White Era", if a person does not establish any merits or perform any good deeds, his name will not appear in the " Book of Merits of the White Era" in praise of his achievements

三 期 不 立 寸 功 德

白 阳 册 上 无 表 扬

All of you virtuous men and women who are present at this temple have the affinity to assemble here tonight

坛 下 干 坤 诸 善 信

有 缘 今 日 聚 一 堂

All of you have established profound religious merits and possess roots of virtue that are thick and firm

善 根 深 厚 富 德 广

To hear about and obtain the Dao is not an ordinary matter 得 闻 真 道 非 寻 常

We should all grasp every opportunity to extend the propagation of the Dao, and to cherish the thought of saving the world by sailing the Barge of Compassion

把 握 时 机 为 道 展

救 世 为 怀 驾 慈 航

Every immortal of space is anxiously longing to obtain the Dao 气 界 诸 仙 盼 得 道

Their hopes are as vain as are those of one who stretches his neck to catch a few drops of water from a dry spring during a drought 如 旱 望 泉 颈 盼 长

Having obtained the Dao so easily, you may not realize its true value 得 之 容 易 不 知 贵

You must be careful not to lose or forget the Dao as easily as you have obtained it

轻 得 易 失 勿 渺 茫

You should all take advantage of the opportunity to establish yourselves in the propagation of the Dao

立 身 行道 趁 良 机

Meritorious service is dependent on each individual's will power 万 载 功 业 赖 自 强

I wish each and everyone of you a great future to be able to ride with the wind and break the waves, i.e., to have high spiritual ambitions and to follow the path of the Dao

祝 众 前 途 无 限 量

乘 风 破 浪 步 康 庄

I shall now turn to my benefactor to inquire if he has anything to request of me

转 问 恩 公 何 嘱 咐

Every task he gives me will be carried out obediently and in complete detail

指 示 小 仙 遵 行 详

Master Wang, the befactor, replied:

" Now that you have obtained the Dao, you must do your best to help with its propagation".

恩 公 答 略:

你 现 已 得 道 就 该 尽 力 为 道 宣 扬

My master, what you have just said is too polite

前 人 斯 言 太 客 气

I will definitely do my utmost to help with the propagation 小 仙 必 定 尽 力 扬

Where propagation of the Dao begins, you have only to call my name and I will definitely be there to assist you

无 论 何 处 道 开 展

有 唤 仙 名 定 前 帮

The transmission of the Dao to the three kinds of beings is a very important matter which will enlighten the whole universe

三 曹 大 事 惊 天 地

How can I afford not to perform my very best to assist in this matter

小 仙 那 有 不 尽 量

Upon receiving any instructions from my master

只 要 前 人 一 吩 咐

I will never decline even though it many cost me my life 小 仙 万 死 不 推 搪

I shall stop here and depart

Let me pray with reverence to thank our Heavenly Mother, our Great Teacher and my Gracious Benefactor, To all present in this temple I would like to bid a fond farewell

言 此 辞 叩

皇 母 驾 叩 谢 恩 师 在 坛 堂

再 为 叩 谢 恩 公 前 道 别 诸 君 出 佛 堂
























