

Ladies and gentlemen,I’m glad to stand here to make a simple presentation.Today I’m going to talk about an famous English detective TV series.I think some of you have guessed the name of it.Yes,it’s Sherlock.I dare say many of you have heard or even watched it.But I still want to introduce it to you not only for the exciting plot but also for its charming characters shaped by this serial.

First,I’ll introduce the Settings & Backgrounds of Sherlock. Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. In the new series,Sherlock takes taxi instead of carriage.He writes blogs,he even becomes a hit on twitter.The fashion and telented detective sherlock holmes and his assistant John watson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events happened in London.

There is quite a lot of differences between this fashion sherlock and the classical novel:Sherlock writes blog,he even became a hit on twitter(博客).But the same thing is that he is thin and tall,sagacious(睿智的)and shows quick first response all the time.He is also good at biology and his incredible outsight shocks the audience.The change of the new sherlock dosen't make us fell uncomfortable,but the quick plot and the mixture of many stories of the novel in every episode makes an impression to Holmes' fans.All of the changes show that this Holmes belongs to our times.

Let’s focus on the content of Sherlock.Up to now, Sherlock has filmed 3 seasons.From the screen we can see,every season tells three different stories. These are first season…

Every season is independent with each other,but all the stories have the main plot.I think it’s just fighting with a series of high IQ criminals.

Then who is Sherlock Holmes?A demon or an angel?

Sherlock Holmes

The world's first consulting detective.

He is observant and calm.He is not only good at detective but also boxing,fencing and violin. In the serials,we can not easily figure out his characters,since he is multifaceted.Intelligent brilliant, aloof(冷漠的)and almost entirely lacking in social graces.

Dr.John Watson

He is Sherlock’s assistant and best friend.He has a history of military service as a doctor in Afghanistan(阿富汗).

He has strong moral principles.

Nerves of steel.

Brave, resourceful, practical.

Jim Moriarty

consulting criminal

The biggest evil character.He wanted Sherlock destroyed.He sowed doubt into people's minds and made people believed that Sherlock Holmes is a fraud,who invents Moriarty for his own purposes,he is just a criminal genius.

Mycroft Holmes

Sherlock's elder brother

but there's little brotherly love there.

He works in government and has great power.


Molly is the assistant of Sherlock.As long as Sherlock needs help,she will give him a hand,even if some demands are harsh and ridiculous.Maybe she loves Sherlock,but in the third season she gets a boyfriend.I don’t know and I don’t care.

These are the most important characters in the serials.Next I want to pick some wonderful quotes.

Wonderful scenes

Sherlock pointed a gun at Jim Moriarty

About his death

After Moriarty committed suicide,Sherlock had to jumped from the building to protect the 3 most important people in his life:John,Mrs Hudson and Lestrade who were being pointed by a sniper(狙击手).He would rather sacrifice his own life and bear the bad fame of being a fraud.

But is he dead? Dr.John Watson got married in the third season,but he don’t know his wife was an agent who killed so many people.Is he dangerous?In the third seasons,Sherlock shot the bad guy.Do you want to know why?If you want to figue the questions out.Watch the Sherlock as sone as possible.I won’t tell you the answers.

The story is not over

we are waiting for the fourth season.....



Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss has revealed new details about the show's second series.

《神探夏洛克》创作者之一的Mark Gatiss近日透露了剧集第二季的一些新的消息,粉丝们准备好兴奋咯。

At the recent Kapow convention, he confirmed that the new run will be comprised of adaptations of 'A Scandal in Bohemia', 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' and 'The Final Problem'.


"Having had a successful first run, we knew that the natural order would be to do the three most famous things, so we're doing a version of [those three stories]," he explained. "They just fall like that, and then it's a question of how to get out of that cliffhanger!"


Gatiss explained that he will adapt 'Hound' for television, while co-creator Steven Moffat will write the series premiere.

Gatiss称他会亲自改编《巴斯克维尔猎犬》,而另外一位创作者Steven Moffat 则会撰写首播的连续剧。

"Steven wanted to do the twisted love story [of 'A Scandal'] because he likes that," he said. "I'm doing the gothic horror, and Steve Thompson is doing 'The Final Problem'.

他说:“Steven喜欢那个纠结的爱情故事(指《波西米亚丑闻》),所以他要写那个。我对《巴斯克维尔猎犬》的哥特恐怖风有感觉,而Steve Thompson会写《最后一案》。”

"Now that the scripts are well underway, [it's] about trying to find certain things between the three of them, where we can find a little bit of an arc."


He added that the next three episodes will examine "what Sherlock and John's relationship is, a little further on".


"You don't want to just go back to the beginning," he claimed. "You've got to move on somewhere."



Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss has revealed the first details about a third series. Gatiss - who also plays Mycroft in the BBC drama - appeared to confirm that the first episode of the new run will be an adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 'The Adventure of the Empty House'.

《神探夏洛克》编剧日前首次透露了第三季细节。编剧马克·加蒂斯,也是在剧中麦考夫·福尔摩斯的扮演者,透露说第三季第一集的剧情将取自于阿瑟·柯南·道尔原著中的《空屋伏击案》(The Adventure of the Empty House)。

The Sherlock series two finale - which saw Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch) apparently plummet to his death - was a loose adaptation of Conan Doyle's 'The Final Problem', with 'The Empty House' being the next story chronologically in the canon.

在第二季最后一集中,由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇扮演的福尔摩斯似乎是坠楼身亡,这集内容改编于柯南·道尔的《最后一案》(The Final Problem),而《空屋》就是原著中接下来的一个案子。

"There's certain things about 'The Adventure of the Empty House' which feel set in stone because that's how Sherlock comes back, but at the same time we feel free to invent and to introduce new stuff to it," Gatiss told PA. "I always found it a little unlikely that Dr Watson's only reaction was to faint for instance - as opposed to possibly a stream of terrible swear words." The writer and actor added that the "overall feel" of Sherlock's third series will dictate which Conan Doyle tales will make up the second and third episodes. "Steven [Moffat] and I have our all-time favourites, but it's really a question of what will fit into the structure," he explained.“


The third series of Sherlock is expected to begin filming in early 2013.



据当地媒体报道,《时代》周刊全球百大最具影响力人物投票已结束,将于17日开榜。目前从票数看,“卷福”本尼迪克特-康伯巴奇(他以卷发造型饰演福尔摩斯爆红)名列第七,排名超过奥巴马、Lady Gaga,为目前跻身前十的唯一一名演员。


标题:The Scandal In Belgravia(贝尔格莱维亚丑闻)

第二季第一集承接上一季最后一集的剧情:正当Moriaty和Sherlock处于生死相搏之时,Moriaty的手机响了,他接到了一个神秘的电话,不得不放弃和Sherlock的博弈,而电话的另一头,一个妖娆女人的手出现在画面中,她手上似乎掌握着Moriaty十分想要的东西。 Sherlock回到贝克街,和John又处理了很多案子,由于John的博客,Sherlock渐渐成为了“网络红人”,越来越多的人来寻求帮助,但是大部分的案子十分无聊。一天一个昏倒在贝克街的男子给他们带来了一个驴友之死的案子。Sherlock认为这个案子的程度不足以他出门,于是John就代替他去看现场。正在两人视频交流的时候,贝克街来了不速之客,他们要求Sherlock换上正装去一个地方,与此同时,John那边也来了一架直升飞机接他。原来是Mycroft派人接他们去白金汉宫,那里有一位位高权重的委托人。那位位高权重之人有不雅照片落到了一个叫做艾琳·艾德勒(Irene· Adler)的女人手里,Mycroft要求Sherlock把照片找回来。与此同时,Irene也收到了Sherlock的照片。



Sherlock精神恍惚地回到贝克街,发现美国情报人员绑架了房东赫德森太太(Mrs.Hudson),要他交出手机。他觉得手机里的东西不仅仅是艳照那么简单。Sherlock收拾了歹徒,救了Mrs.Hudson。落难的Irene来到了贝克街,手机里的密码设置是「I'm_ _ _ _locked」(我被_ _ _ _锁住了)需要在中间填上密码,Sherlock试了几次不成功只好把手机交给Irene,Irene有一份国安局的邮件密码,Sherlock为她破解了出来,是恐怖分子要在航班上装炸弹的航班号。Irene偷偷把消息发给Moriaty,而后Moriaty发短信给Mycroft讥讽英国情报部。Mycroft知道计划败露,将Sherlock约出来。原来英国和美国都在恐怖分子高层有卧底,将炸弹计划泄露给情报部,但是为了保护卧底的安全,他们不能直接阻止恐怖袭击,于是他们就用尸体伪装乘客来迷惑恐怖分子。但是这个计划被Sherlock破解之后被Irene透露给了和恐怖分子有联系的Moriaty,于是计划失败了。

Irene用手机里剩下的机密要挟Mycroft交换大笔的条件和自身的安全,她坦言是在玩弄Sherlock。但是Sherlock通过他们说话时Irene脉搏加快、瞳孔放大的反应明白了Irene对他的感情,所以他解开了密码「I'm sher locked」(我被夏洛克困住了,sher与组合起来lock即是夏洛克,意即我爱上了Sherlock)。Irene知道秘密不在手的自己性命难保,她请求Sherlock,但是Sherlock什么也没说就离开了。

几个月后,Mycroft来找John,告诉他Irene被恐怖分子斩首了,希望他不要告诉Sherlock实情,就说Irene在美国,被当做证人保护起来了。John这样告诉Sherlock,Sherlock要求把Irene的那个拍照手机给他保管留念。手机里有许多Irene给他发的短信,大多是Let's have dinner(我们一起吃晚餐吧),最后一条是和他道别“Goodbye,Mr Homes”。画面转到Irene被斩首的现场,Irene发送最后一条短信向Sherlock告别后认命的闭上了眼睛,但接着她听到

自己给Sherlock设置的特殊的短信提示音。她转头看见Sherlock伪装成恐怖分子的处斩人,对她说“我一说跑,你就跑。”最后他们成功地逃了出来。Sherlock则将Irene作为「The woman」一直记在心里——唯一一个打败过自己的女人。












性格稳重、温和,对人友善,协助破案时则果敢坚强。通常都是帮夏洛克跑腿调查或者一起抓犯人,枪法很准,曾经在夏洛克命悬一线时隔着两道窗户玻璃一枪打中凶手要害。 非常欣赏、信任夏洛克,虽然对夏洛克的行事风格有所抱怨,却仍然愿意帮助他,每次夏洛克调查惹出麻烦,华生也总是帮他解释。麦克罗夫特曾想买通华生监视夏洛克,遭到拒绝。

由于华生将他们办的很多案子都写成了博客发表,夏洛克名声大噪。S02E03中夏洛克被诬陷成了骗子,华生顶着巨大压力选择相信他,即使夏洛克在走投无路之际为了保护他亲口说自己骗了他时,华生依然坚信自己的看法,令孤傲的夏洛克感动的流下了眼泪。 因亲眼目睹夏洛克坠楼身亡的惨状,华生大受打击,甚至不得不去看心理医生,目前暂时离开了贝克街,在夏洛克的墓碑前称其为“我见过的最好的人,最富有人情味的人”。


20xx年英国学术电视奖(British Academy Television Awards 2012):

最佳剪辑( EDITING: FICTION):查理·菲利普斯 - 神探夏洛克(贝尔戈维亚丑闻) 最佳音效(SOUND: FICTION):John Mooney, Jeremy Child, Howard Bargroff, Doug Sinclair - 神探夏洛 克(贝尔戈维亚丑闻)

最佳编剧(WRITER):史蒂芬·魔法特 - 神探夏洛克(贝尔戈维亚丑闻) 观众选择奖(YouTube Audience Award):神探夏洛克

20xx年伦敦南岸区天空艺术奖(the South Bank Awards 2012)

最佳剧集(Best TV Drama Award):神探夏洛克

20xx年英国学术电视奖(British Academy Television Awards 2011): 最佳剧集(Best Drama Series):神探夏洛克

最佳男配角(Best Actor in a Supporting Role):马丁·弗瑞曼

最佳男主角提名(Best Actor in a Leading Role):本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 20xx年犯罪惊悚片奖(Crime Thriller Awards 2010)

最佳电视剧集(The TV Dagger):神探夏洛克

最佳电视男主角(The Best Actor Dagger):本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

第十六届全国电视奖(16th National Television Awards)

杰出表现奖提名(Outstanding Drama Performance):本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 广播新闻协会奖(Broadcasting Press Guild)

最佳男主角(Best Actor):本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇
























