Captain America- The Winter Soldier 美国队长2——寒冬战士


Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) has come a long way since the events of Captain America: The First Avenger. After being put on ice for a few decades, the super-strong hero has been forced to grow acclimated([??kl??me?t] 适应新环境) to modern life and – in The Avengers – to working alongside superheroes who are even more powerful than himself.

Based on the trailer that was released last year, Captain America: The Winter Soldier looks like a much more ‘grown-up’(成熟的) outing than Cap’s first adventure, putting the spotlight on(集中精力到) S.H.I.E.L.D. and its ethics( ['eθ?ks] 道德伦理), and asking serious questions about just how far the agency should be willing to go in order to protect the Earth. If each Marvel movie has its own flavor, then Captain America: The Winter Soldier looks is a classic political thriller – albeit ([?l?bi?t] 纵然) one with elaborate( [?'l?b?re?t] 精心的) action sequences and superheroes.

Speaking to The LA Times on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Evans explained that while Steve might have stopped marvelling at every new piece of technology he comes across (after fighting a Norse trickster god and an army of aliens, Twitter probably doesn’t look quite so revolutionary), he’s still having trouble reconciling(reconcile [?rek?n?sa?l] 调解调和 ) his own moral(道德上的) standards with the realities of his work with S.H.I.E.L.D.

To quote Evans:

“For Steve, it?s about what is right. He?s relatively acclimated to the modern day — it?s not tech shock anymore, he?s not just like, ?What?s a cellphone?? It?s more about, given his situation, given the company he works for, what are we doing that?s the right thing? How much privacy, civil liberties are we willing to compromise([?kɑmpr??ma?z] 妥协) for security? It?s pretty crazy how relevant([?rel?v?nt] 有重大意义的) it is right now.”

Luckily for Steve, he’s not without friends to help him through this period of trouble and uncertainty. He has a good working

relationship with Natasha Romanoff AKA(又名) Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and also finds someone to relate to in veteran( [?vet(?)r?n] 老将) Sam Wilson AKA The Falcon( [?f?lk?n] 猎鹰). Though they don’t know each other well, Evans says that there’s a resonance ( [?rez?n?ns] 共鸣)between the two characters.

President of production and puppet master of the Marvel cinematic universe, Kevin Feige, also commented on the strong political overtones of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, claiming that the film embraces the tone of the original comics. Whereas([we?r??z] 反而) Steve Rogers was originally thawed out (解冻)in the era of Watergate and the JFK(John F. Kennedy) assassination([??s?s??ne??(?)n] 暗杀), the Captain America of the 21st century finds himself in a world where it’s possible to, for example, spy on people through their phones and social media.

Steve Rogers’ powers are suited to a more grounded Marvel movie like this, since he doesn’t fly through the air or summon lightning like some of the other Avengers, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier definitely looks like an intriguing([?n?triɡ??] 有趣的) addition to the Marvel movie universe.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is out in theaters on April 4, 2014.



Hi ,各位小伙伴们,大家最近可好 ,今天清明节 ,恰逢休息,四月四号美国队长2公映,身为一个铁杆影迷,当然不能错过了 。于是乎有了下面的这些看法,我一直想写一些影评,这也是我第一次的尝试。不说废话了,我得趁热写了,不然就全都忘光啦!

首先,说下这部电影的背景故事,说到美国队长2就不得不谈到漫威 ,漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国与DC漫画公司(DC Comics)齐名的漫画巨头,它创建于19xx年,于19xx年正式定名为Marvel,旗下拥有蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神托尔、绿巨人、金刚狼、神奇四侠、恶灵骑士、蚁人等8000多名漫画角色和复仇者联盟、X战警、银河守卫者等超级英雄团队。大家一看,就知道了,没错,漫威最近一直在拍美国漫画英雄系类。从美国队长1,钢铁侠12,雷神托尔12,复仇者联盟,漫威正在为我们实现一个美妙的梦,将那些只存在我们想象里的超级英雄,一个个超级英雄,以自转的独立篇章的形式呈现在我们面前。好吧,在这里就不去详细去解说他的由来,大家了解下背景就行了。 《美国队长2冬日战士》由一对艾美奖获奖搭档安东尼.卢素和乔.卢素倾情打造的,关键演员方面继承了美国队长1的原班人马:

美国队长2最精彩的除了几艘天空航母对轰(不知道有木有细心的同学发现,神盾航母一直多灾多难,出场几次毁几次。山姆大叔告诉你什么才是 真正的土豪、公路上车站枪战之外,就是全片弥漫的政治惊悚氛围,在美队一代和复仇者联盟包括电视剧神盾局特工中一直以“坚强堡垒”形象出现的神盾局,突然面目大变。这种现状的出现,神盾局局长尼克·弗瑞(就是那个独眼黑人,一副酷炫的酱油男)负有相当大的责任,他奉行分割管理原则,将很多秘密藏在自己心里,对整个神盾局的各种行动秘而不宣。这种秘密主义的管理方式给反派组织九头蛇带来可趁之机,他们在弗瑞局长的各种秘密阴影下,逐步建立起自己的秘密帝国,最后甚至篡夺了神盾局本身。



美国队长这个人物在整个漫威英雄中,能力并不是顶尖的,智商也不是特别牛,自19xx年沉入冰底后,21世纪才重新回归社会,还跟不上现代社会,但是在他刚回归不久,就成为复仇者战队的领袖,指挥钢铁侠、雷神、绿巨人、黑寡妇等顶尖的超级英雄;而在美队2中,他仅仅在广播中一篇简短演讲 ,就瓦解了此前通缉他、追捕他的神盾局,化孤军作战为两大阵营对抗。甚至在最后之战时,他告诉同伴:“向我们开枪的,就是敌人”——这并非一句冷笑话,而是对自己的强大自信,他深信经过刚才那番演讲,正义一方的人都会相信他,而仍然坚持向他们开枪的,一定是敌方——不存在被蒙蔽的好人这种中间状



至于冬兵,猎鹰,好吧,就像我今天发的状态一样,喂,漫威你确定不会教坏小朋友么。。。 这把暂且不提,从人物塑造来说,个人觉得本部对他们的塑造并不是特别多,可能一是为了剧情的需要,二是为了下部作品跟大家混个脸熟。




其实个人各加被片中另一位角色感 动:在上一集中,美国队长粉碎了纳粹阴谋,但本人也被冰冻了70年,醒来后物是人非。那一集的结尾让很多人至今仍心有戚戚——美国队长一脸彷徨地注视着眼前已经彻底陌生的世界,喃喃自语:“我错过了一个约会!”跟美国队长有约的女孩名叫佩吉·卡特,两人原本约好去跳舞,没想到美国队长一睡就是70年,后来佩吉结婚生子,还参与创立了美国队长苏醒后所服务的神盾局。因此到了这一集,佩吉·卡特已然成了一位老妪,还患上了老年痴呆症,而坐在她病床前的美国队长则年轻得可以当人家的曾孙子。当卡特说出那句:Too long 的时候,我不知道当时其他人怎么样,但是我又被感动到。默默的心酸的感觉。



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