20xx年去世的名人 9至12月















9月6日——李天生,宁夏军区原副司令员,19xx年授予少将军衔。(80岁) 9月7日——余德慧,台湾心理学者、《张老师月刊》创办人。(61岁) 9月8日——余也鲁,香港传播学开山鼻组。香港浸会大学传理学院创办人。(91




9月10日——王冠德,江西省军区原政委,19xx年授予少将军衔。(84岁) 9月12日——陶大伟,陶喆之父。(70岁)





9月16日——胡绩伟,96岁,《人民日报》总编辑、社长(19xx年─19xx年)。 9月16日——西宫伸一,日本候任驻华大使。(60岁) 9月16日——王志刚,中国影视演员(77岁)





9月19日——简悦强,99岁,香港行政立法两局前首席非官守议员。 9月20日——罗裕昌,93岁,曾任台湾铁路管理局副局长,参与西部干线号志

自动化及铁路电气化,妻为知名作家及台湾大学外文系教授齐邦媛。 9月20日——王文同 ,89岁,公安部原党组副书记、副部长。








9月26日——郑金镇,xx岁,福建省泉州市首名使用注射方式执行死刑的死囚。 9月27日——陈浩 ,99岁,江西省军区原副政委,19xx年开国少将。 9月29日——南怀瑾,著名国学大师,诗人。(95岁)




















10月5日——甘健成,66岁,香港镛记酒家第二代掌舵人、董事总经理。 10月6日——李旭阁,第二炮兵原司令员,19xx年授中将,中共第13届中央委





10月7日——林若,89岁,中共广东省委原书记、省人大常委会原主任。 10月9日——刘启民,49岁,友立资讯总经理,台湾国立交通大学教授。

10月12日——郑国锠,99岁,中国植物细胞生物学家、中国科学院资深院士。 10月13日——司徒锦源,48岁,香港著名的电影与电视编剧。














10月21日——劳思光,85岁,中央研究院院士、华梵大学哲学系教授。 10月21日——李炳良,75岁,河北省委原副书记、河北省第九届人大常委会常






10月25日——谢荒田 ,96岁,辽宁省第六届人大常委会副主任、党组副书记。 10月29日——何锡麟,80岁,信永中和(香港)创办人。

10月30日——高焕昌,88岁,新疆军区原司令员,中共第13届中央委员,1988 年中将军衔。










11月10日——张 颂,76岁,我国播音界泰斗级人物,中国播音学学科体系的



11月13日——林 真,94岁,海军原副总参谋长,19xx年晋升海军上将。 11月19日——徐 驰, 99岁,原冶金工业部副部长,第9、10、11届中央候补






















12月24日——杰克?克卢格曼,曾出演电视剧《单身公寓》(The Odd Couple)

和《法医昆西》(Quincy M.E。(90岁)







20121222 Describe an experience that one of your friends helped you to move to your new house. Please include details in your response.

20121208 Describe a celebration or activity you participated recently, was everybody happy about it/had a good time?

20121202 In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good school? Give details and examples in your response.

20121130 Your friend wants to drop out of college, do you agree with this choice? Give details and examples in your response.

20121124 A friend of you wants to take a part-time job when he goes to university. What is your opinion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

20121118 Talk about an organization that you would like to join. Explain why you would like to join this organization? Please include reasons and details to support your response.

20121117NA Community service tasks which would you choose: A. help younger children with homework. B. teach old people how to use computer. C. cleaning a city park.

20121110 Describe the differences between two cities that you have visited before. Give details and examples to support your response.

20121102 Is it important to have good manners in your interactions with other people? Give details and explanations to support your response.

20121028 Your University is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response.

20121027NA Which family member is similar to you?

20121027 One of your friends has been offered a job in a town far away from home. Do you think your friend should take this job? Why or why not?

20121019NA Choose a job: lawer, animal doctor, restaurant owner, which one do you prefer.

20121019 你的一个朋友去新城市要结交新朋友,你有什么建议?

20121014 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of letting students evaluate their professor at the end of the semester.

20121013 Agree or Disagree : 学校要求每年40hours的community service是有必要的.

20121012NA 外国友人来到你的city,你会带他去哪里(工厂,university, musemu) 三选一,并说明理由。

20121006NA 如果你有机会去外太空,你去还是不去,请说明理由。

20120929 Which one do you think is the bese effective way to learn: taking notes;discussing with others;memorizing.

20120923 当作业很多时,你用什么方法来保证作业能按时完成的?

20120922 What is your strength your country education? Include reasons and examples to support your response.

20120922 Many students do volunteer work in schools or communities. If you are a volunteer, what kind of volunteer work do you interested to do? Gardening in community, doing activities with children or cleaning a place in the city. Explain why you are interested to do this work. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

20120921NA 喜欢冬季室外活动还是夏季室外活动?

20120920 What is your strength your country education? Include reasons and examples to support your response.

20120916 Describe the difference between two schools you've ever attended. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.

20120915NA What do you think about the fact that? Robots finish a lot of tasks for human beings. What is your opinion. Use specific reasons and details to support your response.

20120908 College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What do you think about this? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.

20120907NA 住在什么地方比较好?有三个选项:1、离学校或者工作单位近 2、离家近 3、靠近飞机场或者其他交通枢纽的交通便利的地方。

20120902 学校现在禁止学生带手提电脑进教室。你赞同还是反对,分别说出advantage and disadvantage.

20120826 what is personal quality you admire is most? there are three option, choice the one and answer the question:(1)intelligent (2) creative (3)courage

20120819 The school's canteen wants to change recipes to make healthy and low calories food.

Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

20120728 what do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems?

20120728NA 你认为以下哪个职业最难做?(1) Government worker (2) Doctor (3) Police offer

20120722 Describe a change in your country. It could be a social, economical or political change. Explain how this change influenced people in your country. Please include specific reasons and details in your response.

20120715 You attended a school recently, if one aspect of the school needs to be improved, which one will you choose, describe it and explain why.

20120714 Among the following three professions, which do you respect the most: photographers, musicians and painters. Explain why.

20120706NA Talk about advantages and/or disadvantages of children playing computer games.

20120630 Describe an activity you tried and enjoyed recently. Explain why it was enjoyable to you. Include reasons ans example to support your response.

Which do you think is the biggest challenge that new university students face: being away from family, having no time to relax or making new friends? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. (2012-06-17 CN 托福考题)

Which period is the most difficult period in a person’s life? Childhood, Teenage or adulthood? State your choice and explain why. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2012-06-15 NA 托福考题)

你的一个朋友需要钱买东西,你推荐什么方法他得到extra money? (2012-06-09 CN 托福考题)

Your friend has received lots of money, what do you suggest to do? (答案请参考2006-11-18 task2) (2012-06-08 NA 托福考题)

现在空气污染太严重,应该怎么减轻呢? (2012-05-26 CN 托福考题)

What is the one style of clothing that the students in your school tend to wear? Why you like this style of clothing? (2012-05-26 NA 托福考题)

Your friend has suddenly received a lot of money. What do you think is the best way for your friend to spend this money? Include reasons and details to support your response. (2012-05-20 CN 托福考题)

Your friend wants to build up a restaurant. Please give some suggestions for the following recommendations. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2012-05-12 CN 托福考题)

有些大学把paper books或者magazines给卖掉了,取而代之的是electronic books,你觉得可行不可行。 (2012-05-05 NA 托福考题)

Describe your favorite study place. Explain why you like to study in this place. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2012-04-28 CN 托福考题)

What is your strength your country education? Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2012-04-27 NA 托福考题)

Your friend want to drop out of university or college , agree or disagree. (2012-04-22 CN 托福考题)

Your university just got an investment. What do you think your university should use the money to do? To improve the library, gym or

lab? (2012-04-20 NA 托福考题)

现在更多人喜欢用internet购物,请说internet的好处。 (2012-04-14 CN 托福考题)

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of letting students evaluate their professor at the end of the semester. (2012-03-24 CN 托福考题)

Your university is planning to provide another type of food to attract more students. which kind of food would you like to suggest the university cafeteria should add? Explain the reasons with examples and details. (2012-03-23 NA 托福考题)

What do you think is the most significant benefit that internet brings to our life? Explain why you think this benefit is import. Include reasons and details to support your response. (2012-03-18 CN 托福考题)

Your friend want to get better grades, what advice you may give her. (2012-03-10 CN 托福考题)

Your university is planning to allow students to park their cars on the university parking lot. What's your opinions? (2012-03-09 NA 托福考题)

The University decides to set a cooking class for students to let them have better understanding of the nutrients and health. Do you think it is a reasonable decision or not? (2012-03-04 CN 托福考题)

The University decides to set a cooking class for students to let them have better understanding of the nutrients and health. Do you think it is a reasonable decision or not? (2012-03-03 NA 托福考题)

Many people have pets, like dogs and cats. Do you think that raising pets is good, why? Please include reasons and details to support your response. (2012-02-25 CN 托福考题)

Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Why? Include specific reasons and details to support your response. (2012-02-24 CN 托福考题)

Compare the difference between two singers you like. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2012-02-17 CN 托福考题)

给你朋友推荐一个pet养,请说出理由。 (2012-02-11 CN 托福考题)

大学应该去做什么来保护环境。 (2012-02-05 CN 托福考题)

Your University is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2012-02-03 NA 托福考题)

Describe a person whom you’d like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends, family members or teachers). Explain why you’d like to talk with this person and what you talk about? (2012-01-14 CN 托福考题)

Is it important to have good manners in your interactions with other people? Give details and explanations to support your response. (2012-01-13 NA 托福考题)

Describe a celebration or public event you attended recently. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2012-01-08 CN 托福考题)


If your friend will begin to learn difficult mathematics lesson. Please give him some suggestions. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-12-18 CN 托福考题)

How to improve the quality of your country's teaching? Include reasons and details to support your response. (2011-12-17 NA 托福考题)

描述你最喜欢与家人一起参与的活动?Activity that do together with family (2011-12-11 CN 托福考题)

Friend wants to take one year work before he enters the university. What's your opinion? Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2011-12-10 CN 托福考题)

Do you agree or disagree the university's decision to allow food during the class. (2011-12-09 NA 托福考题)

Describe your favorite Unverisity. include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-12-01 NA 托福考题)

Describe a change in your country. It could be a social, economical or political change. Explain how this change influenced people in your country. Please include specific reasons and details in your response. (2011-11-26 CN 托福考题)

Which period is the most difficult period in a person’s life? Childhood, Teenage or adulthood? State your choice and explain why. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2011-11-20 CN 托福考题)

what do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic

problems? (2011-11-19 NA 托福考题)

你很想家的时候会怎么做(怎样deal with homesick) (2011-11-13 CN 托福考题)

What advice will you like to give to a friend who is going to take a job interview? Explain why this suggestion is important. Include reasons and details to support your response. (2011-11-12 CN 托福考题)

学校现在禁止学生带手提电脑进教室。你赞同还是反对,分别说出advantage and disadvantage. (2011-11-05 NA 托福考题)

你朋友有份新工作了,你觉得什么对新工作成功最重要,你会给你朋友什么的建议?what do you suggest your friend (2011-10-30 CN 托福考题)

Agree or Disagree : 学校要求每年40hours的community service是有必要的. (2011-10-29 NA 托福考题)

Describe a skill you are good at, such as painting or a kind of sports, and explain why it is important to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. (2011-10-27 CN 托福考题)

Your friend want to travel for a year before go to university. Do you think it is a good idea? (2011-10-22 CN 托福考题)

What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of the Internet on modern people’s life? Use specific details and examples to support your response? (2011-10-20 CN 托福考题)

cell phong 给人们生活带来的好处 (2011-10-16 CN 托福考题)

当作业很多时,你用什么方法来保证作业能按时完成的? [Sample Answer] (2011-10-14 NA 托福考题)

Describe the differences between two cities that you have visited before. Give details and examples to support your response. (2011-10-08 NA 托福考题)

Describe a performer you like. Why? (2011-09-28 CN 托福考题)

Why do you think it is hard for university student to manager time。 (2011-09-25 CN 托福考题)

School decide to open a cafe in campus. agree or disagree? (2011-09-24 CN 托福考题)

Describe a time when you needed help from others, how he or she helped you and what was the result? (2011-09-17 NA 托福考题)

Describe a book you have not read but are interested in. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-09-16 NA 托福考题)

What kind of music do you like the least? Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music. (2011-08-28 CN 托福考题)

If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why? (2011-08-27 NA 托福考题)

Descripte a thing that you always wanted to do but have not yet done it. Detail and explanations. (2011-08-21 托福考题)

Describe the difference between two schools you've ever attended. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-08-20 NA 托福考题)

Your suggestions on how to save out planet since we are facing serious environmental problems. (2011-08-13 托福考题)

Among the following three professions, which do you respect the most: photographers, musicians and painters. Explain why. (2011-08-05 NA 托福考题)

朋友要上大学了,不知道选啥专业,让你给他出谋划策 (2011-07-23 托福考题)

哪种工作对社会最重要:小学老师,护士,艺术家 (2011-07-09 托福考题)

The school's canteen wants to change recipes to make healthy and low calories food. Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (2011-07-08 NA 托福考题)

Describe a news or a story that you are interssted in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Include reasons and details in your response. (2011-06-25 托福考题)

Compare the difference between two singers you like. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-06-25 NA 托福考题)

A skill have you already learned and want to improve. descibe what you would do to improve the skill. (2011-06-19 托福考题)

你朋友不敢在众人面前大声说话,给两个建议 (2011-06-11 托福考题)

你很想家的时候会怎么做(怎样deal with homesick) (2011-05-28 NA 托福考题)

说一件你在餐厅或者咖啡馆发生的事,描述并说一下你为什么会记得。 (2011-05-28 托福考题)

描述一下你的MODEL人物 (2011-05-23 托福考题)

Is it good or bad to work a year before you are studying in university? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. (2011-05-14 托福考题)

Describe something you write that is very important to you. It could be a letter, a poem, an essay. Explain why you think it is important to you. (2011-04-30 NA 托福考题)

Describe the most important development of your country in the past 20(/25?) years. Explain why this development is important? Please include details and examples in your response. (2011-04-23 NA 托福考题)

Why the university is the best place to promote knowledge on environmental protection? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-04-15 NA 托福考题)

Describe your favorite place to shop for clothes. Explain why you like to go there for clothes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. (2011-04-09 托福考题)

Your friend wants to build up a restaurant. Please give some suggestions for the following recommendations. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-04-02 NA 托福考题)

Describe the steps, through which you once learned a new subject and explain how you learned it. Please include details and examples in your response. (2011-03-26 托福考题)

如果别人去你国家,你推荐什么食物给他?and why? (2011-03-20 托福考题)

In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good school? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. (2011-03-19 NA 托福考题)

Choose ONE of the forms of the technology in the list and tells why it changes(has had great impact)people's lives in your country? a) The airplane b) The computer c) The Television (2011-03-13 托福考题)

Describe a person you want to learn from and explain why you want to learn from him (2011-03-12 托福考题)

College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What do you think about this? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-03-11 NA 托福考题)

One of your friends has been offered a job in a town far away from home. Do you think your

friend should take this job? Why or why not? (2011-03-04 NA 托福考题)

Which is better, independent learning or studying in groups? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (2011-02-26 托福考题)

Describe an tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2011-02-20 托福考题)

Describe on positive experience and the result. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-02-12 NA 托福考题)

what is personal quality you admire is most? there are three option, choice the one and answer the question:(1)intelligent (2) creative (3)courage (2011-02-12 托福考题)

你朋友有份新工作了,你觉得什么对新工作成功最重要,你会给你朋友什么的建议?what do you suggest your friend (2011-02-05 托福考题)

Parents need to make sure their children lead healthy lives, what can parents do to help their children have healthy lifestyles? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-01-30 托福考题)

describe a wonderful period of time in your life (2011-01-22 托福考题)

谈谈你欣赏的其他人的才华,有三个选项:1.有体育技能 2.语言技能 3.艺术技能 (2011-01-21 NA 托福考题)

What suggestion would you like to give to a foreign friend who wants to study in your country? Explain how this suggestion could help your friend, include reasons and details to support your response. (2011-01-15 NA 托福考题)

Which type of movie you are not enjoyable to watch. Action, romance or science-fiction? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2011-01-08 托福考题)


What suggestion would you like to give to a child who is starting school for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this suggestion is important. (2010-12-19 托福考题)

Many people have pets, like dogs and cats. Do you think that raising pets is good, why? Please include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-12-18 NA 托福考题)

Describe a special event or occasion that you have participate with your family or friends. Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-12-12 托福考题)

If you recommend a friend to live a new place, what characteristics do you think should a good neighbor have? (2010-12-11 托福考题)

Describe a decision you made. How did you make that decision? How did you solve it? (2010-12-10 NA 托福考题)

what kind of clothing do you usually wear and why. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. (2010-12-04 托福考题)

Which do you think is the biggest challenge that new university students face: being away from family, having no time to relax or making new friends? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. (2010-12-03 NA 托福考题)

what's the most important quality a good neighbor should have? Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-11-28 托福考题)

Describe an activity you tried and enjoyed recently. Explain why it was enjoyable to you. Include reasons ans example to support your response. (2010-11-27 NA 托福考题)

Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child. Describe the activity and explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. (2010-11-21 托福考题)

Describe an event that happened in the history, and explain why you want to learn more about the event. (2010-11-14 NA 托福考题)

选择一个你将来打算从事的行业,有三个选项:university professor, environmental expert, business man. (2010-11-13 托福考题)

Why do you think it is hard for university student to manager time。 (2010-11-06 NA 托福考题)

Which area of your city do you like the best? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (2010-11-05 NA 托福考题)

Describe a person who always makes you laugh, Explain why the person is funny include detail and examples in your explanation. (2010-10-31 NA 托福考题)

Describe the most important day of your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2010-10-31 托福考题)

Describe your favorite study place. Explain why you like to study in this place. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2010-10-30 NA 托福考题)

Which period is the most difficult period in a person’s life? Childhood, Teenage or adulthood? State your choice and explain why. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2010-10-29 NA 托福考题)

说一件你在不久未来会去做的activity. (2010-10-23 托福考题)

Many students do volunteer work in schools or communities. If you are a volunteer, what kind of volunteer work do you interested to do? Gardening in community, doing activities with children or cleaning a place in the city. Explain why you are interested to do this work. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2010-10-22 NA 托福考题)

If you were to become a volunteer at the school or in the community, what kind of volunteer work would you do and why? (2010-10-17 NA 托福考题)

Describe a common cloth in your country, explain why they have interest. (2010-10-09 托福考题)

Describe a change in your country. It could be a social, economical or political change. Explain how this change influenced people in your country. Please include specific reasons and details in your response. (2010-10-09 NA 托福考题)

Describe a character in a book,film , poem, explain why you like it. (2010-09-26 托福考题)

cell phong 给人们生活带来的好处 (2010-09-25 NA 托福考题)

Talk about an organization that you would like to join. Explain why you would like to join this organization? Please include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-09-24 NA 托福考题)

what do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time? (2010-09-18 托福考题)

While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty, loyalty or sense of humor? Explain why this characteristic is the most important to you? (2010-09-12 托福考题)

Presentation, research paper, homework, which is more beneficial to students? (2010-09-11 CN 托福考题)

描述一件事情you do not wan to but you asked to do (2010-08-28 CN 托福考题)

What do you think is the most significant benefit that internet brings to our life? Explain why you think this benefit is import. Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-08-28 NA 托福考题)

Your friend has suddenly received a lot of money. What do you think is the best way for your friend to spend this money? Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-08-21 NA 托福考题)

Describe the most important decision that you have ever made. (2010-08-21 CN 托福考题)

Decribe a friend of yours. Explain how you become friends,please include reasons and details in your response. (2010-08-14 托福考题)

What advice will you like to give to a friend who is going to take a job interview? Explain why this suggestion is important. Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-08-13 NA 托福考题)

What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explains why it is more important for you? Please include reasons and details in you explanation. (2010-07-24 托福考题)

Your suggestions on how to save out planet since we are facing serious environmental problems. (2010-07-23 托福考题)

讲你的没有做过却很希望做的事情 describe a time that you are trying to do something that you have never do (2010-07-10 NA 托福考题)

Describe a skill you are good at, such as painting or a kind of sports, and explain why it is important to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. (2010-06-26 托福考题)

说说你的学习方式和别人的有什么不同 (2010-06-26 NA 托福考题)

Your friend want to drop out of university or college , agree or disagree. (2010-06-19 NA 托福考题)

Describe your favorite area in your city. Please offer your explanation and details. (2010-06-13 托福考题)

Among the following three professions, which do you respect the most: photographers, musicians and painters. Explain why. (2010-06-12 NA 托福考题)

What kind of music do you like the least? Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music. (2010-05-22 CN 托福考题)

Describe a special friend in your childhood,why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-05-22 NA 托福考题)

描述你最喜欢与家人一起参与的活动?Activity that do together with family (2010-05-16 CN 托福考题)

讲述曾经做过的一个program或者project (2010-05-14 NA 托福考题)

Describe a project or assignment which is important to you。 (2010-05-08 NA 托福考题)

Describe something you write that is very important to you. It could be a letter, a poem, an essay. Explain why you think it is important to you. (2010-04-30 NA 托福考题)

Describe your favorite teacher. Explain why you like him or her. Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-04-24 托福考题)

Describe a gift you would like give to someone, specific reasons or details (2010-04-10 托福考题)

As for students, how to get better grades and improve efficiency in the class? Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-03-27 托福考题)

Describe a celebration or public event you attended recently. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2010-03-20 NA 托福考题)

What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of the Internet on modern people’s life? Use specific details and examples to support your response? (2010-03-13 CN 托福考题)

Is it important for student to have computers? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2010-03-12 NA 托福考题)

Your friend want to get better grades, what advice you may give her. (2010-03-06 NA 托福考题)

Describe a performer you like. Why? (2010-03-06 托福考题)

What are the advantages of furthering education abroad? (2010-02-27 CN 托福考题)

Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. Include reasons and details to support your response. (2010-02-21 CN 托福考题)

Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Why? Include specific reasons and details to support your response. (2010-02-13 NA 托福考题)

Talk about a subject that you think is important but you do not enjoy studying. Explain why it is important but you do not enjoy studying it. (2010-02-07 CN 托福考题)

What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation. (2010-01-31 托福考题)

Among the following three types of books – mystery, science fiction and biography, which do you like the least? Explain why. (2010-01-30 NA 托福考题)

What's your favorite toy or game in your childhood? (2010-01-23 托福考题)

Describe your favorite place to shop for clothes. Explain why you like to go there for clothes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. (2010-01-22 托福考题)

"Talk about a time when someone (your friends, family or teachers) gave you advice to solve the problem." (2010-01-17 托福考题)

Describe a book you have not read but are interested in. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2010-01-16 NA 托福考题)

People have a lot of ways to make friends.What do you think is a good way to make friends? include specific reasons and details in your explanation. (2010-01-15 NA 托福考题)


What characteristic is the most important for a student to be succeed, Highly motivated, hard working or intelegent? (2009-12-20 托福考题)

如果别人去你国家,你推荐什么食物给他?and why? (2009-12-19 托福考题)

Describe a special job that you have had in the past or one that you would like to have in the future. (2009-12-12 托福考题)

type of movie you do not like (2009-12-11 NA 托福考题)

If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study,what would you choose? Explain your choice,using specific reasons and details. (2009-12-05 CN 托福考题)

Describe a person you want to learn from and explain why you want to learn from him (2009-12-04 托福考题)

"In your opinion, what is the most important invention in your life? Computer, television or telephone? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer." (2009-11-22 托福考题)

A country or a culture you want to explore (2009-11-21 NA 托福考题)

"最喜欢读以下哪种书:mystery, biography,romantic" (2009-11-20 NA 托福考题)

Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2009-11-14 托福考题)

describe a wonderful period of time in your life (2009-11-13 托福考题)

If you could do one thing for your community, what will you do and why (2009-11-08 托福考题)

Descripte a thing that you always wanted to do but have not yet done it. Detail and explanations. (2009-11-07 托福考题)

When it\'s a nice day outside, where is your favorite place to exercise? (2009-11-01 托福考题)

Describe a person who alway makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation. (2009-10-31 NA 托福考题)

Describe a person whom you’d like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends, family members or teachers). Explain why you’d like to talk with this person and what you talk about? (2009-10-25 托福考题)

Describe a place where people in your town like to gather.你镇上的人常去的集散地。 (2009-10-24 托福考题)

Which job do you think is the most important to your society: doctor,teacher or farmer? Give specific reasons to support your answer. (2009-10-23 NA 托福考题)

If a visitor is going to your own country. Describe something you would like him to pay attention to. (2009-10-18 托福考题)

Describe a news or a story that you are interssted in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Include reasons and details in your response. (2009-10-17 托福考题)

what is personal quality you admire is most? there are three option, choice the one and answer the question:(1)intelligent (2) creative (3)courage (2009-10-10 NA 托福考题)

Describe the experience which has positive effect in your life. Please offer your explanation and details. (2009-10-10 CN 托福考题)

What activities did you like when you were a child? Include reasons and details to support your answer. (2009-09-26 托福考题)

Describe the most important day of your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2009-09-25 托福考题)

Describe the favorite subject you have studied. Explain why it is your favorite subject. Include

reasons and details to support your response. (2009-09-20 托福考题)

Describe an tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (2009-09-19 托福考题)

Choose ONE of the forms of the technology in the list and tells why it changes(has had great impact)people's lives in your country? a) The airplane b) The computer c) The Television (2009-09-12 托福考题)

Describe a positive change that has happened in your country. Explain how this change has influenced the way people live in your country. (2009-09-11 NA 托福考题)
























