【微语录】那些易被遗忘的人生哲理,你还记得吗?The Easily Forgotten Life Philosophy


【微语录】那些易被遗忘的人生哲理,你还记得吗?The Easily Forgotten Life Philosophy


(1)A good idea without action is worth nothing.


(2)It’s usually only as good or bad as you think it is.


(3)Being successful is a journey, not a destination.


(4)Those who complain the most, accomplish the least.


(5)Change is often resisted when it is needed the most.


(6)You can’t have good ideas unless you’re willing to generate a lot of bad ones. 只有先制造了无数的坏点子才能创造出一个好点子。

(7)Kindness and hard work together will always carry you farther than intelligence. 比起天资聪颖,友爱仁慈和努力工作会带你走得更远。

(8)You can’t change other people; you can only offer guidance, and lead by example. 你不可能改变他人,你能做的只是提供指导并以身作则。

(9)Lots of successful people have failed as many times as they have succeeded.



(10)Your success isn’t just about you. It’s about how you positively impact the lives around you.


(11)Every problem you have in your life right now is your responsibility, regardless of who initially caused it.


(12)Some circumstances are uncontrollable, but we can always decide how we react to those circumstances.


(13)To be successful does not mean you have to dominate others; it means you have to dominate your own potential.


(14)Most of the bad things you worry about will never happen. Most of the bad things that do happen will have never have crossed your worried mind.


(15)Whenever somebody discredits you, and tells you that you can’t do something, keep in mind that they are speaking from within the boundaries of their own limitations.


原文来自 必克英语/magazine/guide_text.jsp?id=49835929

第二篇:philosophy of life 人生哲理

Time is life

Time is money; time is life, especially in this modern society of ours. It is important not only to businessmen but to people from all walks of life.

Punctuality is a habit. We can, if we like, get into the habit of doing things at the right time. But it is not easy to do this. Many people have a tendency for being late for one reason or another. No one likes to wait but we often let people wait for us, don’t we?

It is much easier to put things off, and say we will do them tomorrow or next week. Because it is easy to be unpunctual, many of us get into the bad habit of always being late for everything. And once we get into this bad habit, it is every hard to get out of it.

An unpunctual person is an enemy to himself, and a nuisance to everyone else. In school, the boy who is always late and behind with his lessons gets into trouble and learns little. An unpunctual clerk soon will lose his job. And a friend who always keeps you waiting may lose your friendship. The idea of punctuality is very important. You lose out on opportunities, respect and time when you are late.

To be punctual means to do what you should do on time, and a punctual person is in the habit of doing things at the proper time and is never late for his appointments-which is especially important in the current, fast developing society. To a worker, time is productivity. To students, time is knowledge.




把事情往后拖延或者说明天或下周再做是件容易的事情。不守时比守时更容易做到,所以我们中的许多人养成了做什么都迟到的坏习惯,而一旦我们养成了这种坏习惯,就很难根除了。 不守时的人既是自己的敌人,也使别人感到讨厌。在学校,常迟到或迟交作业的学生经常惹麻烦,成绩也差。不守时的雇员容易被炒,而不守时的朋友则可能会失去别人的友谊。 守时的观念很重要。要不然,你会失去很多机会,失去别人对你的尊重,也会失去因为迟到而耽误的时间。


Be a Good Student

Perhaps it is everyone’s dream to be a good student at school, but quite a few

Students feel at a loss on how to make it happen. It is easy if you can act on the following points. First of all, make full use of your time and work hard. Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today, as time that has passed will never come back. Today’s fast developing society requires adequate knowledge, which presses us to spare no efforts to study. Of course, your hard work will be rewarded one day.

Secondly, use your own judgment and present your point of view. A credulous attitude will only make you take things for granted. With your own judgment you will be able to tell right from

wrong and form your own theories.

Thirdly, set aside enough time for relaxation, entertainment, etc. Don’t ignore the harmful effects of all work and no play. Proper sports will build up your body and improve the efficiency of your studying.

To be a good student is easier said than done, for it requires students to make consistent efforts. But nothing is difficult to a man if he puts this heart into it.







Money isn’t Everything

If young people, struggling to make a life for themselves, were asked what is the most desirable thing to them, one of the most popular answers would be “money-as much as possible”People are materialistic in a market economy. And money is often the standard by which people are judged in such an environment. Usually, those people with more money are considered to be more successful.

So what do people who already rich value most? Is it really a wise thing to value money over other things in life? A wise man does not believe that money should be the thing most cared for in the journey of one’s whole life.

When you are young, there are many things including love which are more valuable and to be cared for than the ownership of money. If you have one billion dollars when you are old, the money will be of little value to you. So rich people often offer a lot of money to schools and homes for old people in poor areas.

Health is the most valuable thing in the world, because without it we can do nothing. Confidence is also crucial, as it can help us to overcome difficulties.







Be a Noble Person

Great men are usually presented as the high-achievers of humanity in our history books. Biographies are written, films are made, and the stories are told about their lives. Students are often encouraged to endeavor to emulate such people-often at the cost of their sincerity. What a social disgrace this is! After all, is it really fair and accurate to measure a person’s greatness only by the yardstick of his social standing? When we use such a measure to praise a high-achiever, aren’t we forgetting to consider the nobleness of his heart?

People who are noble at heart can never cheat either themselves or others. They can never make cunning deals to obtain success, or take advantage of others for their own benefit. However, such people are often unfairly branded as a weak minded, slow-witted low-achiever. After all, there are many around us who are not successful politicians, rich industrialists, or Noble Prize winners-like our own parents and some of our friends. These people are not considered“great”in our society. In my estimation, those are the very people who have nurtured the feels of compassion, love and benevolence towards others. I would rather respect these “small”people around me than the “great ”figures whose virtues are extolled in our history books.




Young but Once

Many young girls like to copy grownups. They wear high-heels, paint their faces, and dress in tight clothes. They willingly let tight clothes suffocate their breathing, high-heels hinder their walking, and make-up mar their natural beauty. They believe that by assuming such burdens, they can be the equal of adults and consider peers who do not wish to behave in the same way as childish.

In fact, to be considered as a grown-up one requires more than just presenting a particular appearance, often attributes are needed, such as maturity of thought-which can only be seasoned by time.

Youth is indeed a very precious gift-and remember-we are only young once. While we still have youth with us, why should we restrict and limit our youth by attempting to be much older than we

really are?

Chances , once lost, may never come again-and youth definitely will not. Once youth is over, real life brings responsibilities, making our life less free and blissful as we are today. As our present tasks in life are light and our hearts are still full of youthful spirits and enthusiasm, we should enjoy and appreciate our youth to the full before it wither away.














【微语录】10句改变人生态度的经典励志语录10 Inspirational Quotes






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