




汕头市澄海中学 蔡晓玲

内容摘要: 本文根据《普通高中英语课程标准》对英语口语技能的要求,结合人民教育出版社高中英语教科书有关口语学习的内容,分析了当前在大班制条件下英语口语教学存在的困难和问题,吸收了国内外专家有关在大班制条件下英语口语教学方面的理论和建议,笔者经过多年的实践与探索,总结出一些行之有效的方法,主要有:1. 注重运用灵活多样的方法组织口语交际技能教学。2. 注重口语交际语境的设计,它包括:文本性语境,情境性语境,论辩式语境,和交流性语境。3. 注重对结对子和小组合作学习模式(pair work and group work)的研究与实践。

关键词:大班制 口语教学 交际技能 语境 学习模式


一. 大班制英语口语教学的存在问题

20xx年开始实施的高中英语教科书的内容、结构、程度与份量、活动与任务的设计等都力求符合学生生理和心理发展的特点,符合他们的年龄特征,能够激发学习兴趣,如友谊、旅游、语言、音乐、卫生、体育、文化、戏剧、幽默、节日、娱乐,以及对未来的幻想等话题以及相关的口语活动。这些具有实际意义的交际性口语活动为学生学习和运用新课程标准规定的功能意念项目提供了很好的机会。然而,在我国目前的中学里,多数班级由50 名以上学生构成。通过对大班制英语口语教学的观测和分析,笔者发现当前大多数的口语教学效果不尽人意,这里面有客观的原因,也有主观的原因。
















Penny Ur(1996)所做的研究认为:大班众多学生的不同经历,多样意见,广泛兴趣和开阔思路,都可以为课堂的交互活动提供更多的资源;更多不同的学生进行实际接触可以让学生认识更多人的价值观和各种类型的人格特征,增加对人的了解;大班的教师不能关注班里的每一个学生,这就意味着教师必须营造合作的氛围,促进学生共同合作,互相帮助,从而培养合作互助精神;大班教学使教学工作更具挑战性和趣味性,为教师提供了创新和改革的机会。Harmer (2000)指出,教大班具有挑战性,同时,因为大班学生多,教学中容易形成幽默、有趣、热烈的语言学习环境。有经验的老师能充分利用这一优势组织起生动有效的教学。他同时提供了以下建议:

1. 使用活页练习纸(Worksheet)。 在班容量相对来说不是很大




2. 利用结对子或小组活动(pair work and group work)。在大班教


3. 采用合唱或轮唱式的问答练习(chorus reactions)。大班课堂内


4. 充分发挥小组长的作用(group leaders)。根据教师的要求,小


Harmer 的建议对于我们目前大班型英语教学现状具有很强的可操作性。



1. 注重运用灵活多样的方法组织口语交际技能教学。根据大班教

学的特点,教师在听说活动中可采用先集体、后个别的练习方法。集体练习可增加练习的人次,比较容易;个别练习是检查和促进集体练习的效果。譬如,New Senior English for China Student’s Book2 Unit 2 THE OLYMPIC GAMES的Reading ‘‘An Interview”,在确定学生理解采访内容,掌握相关单词和句型后,可在课堂上进行集体练习,可采用全班、一行、一排、男生、女生、分角色等多种形式进行朗读和表演。个别练习可采取按座位依次快速练习和先提问后请个别学生回答相结合、主动举手和教师指定学生相结合等形式。譬如,每个单元的语言功能项目训练中,对于一些固定的句型,如 Are you afraid that?? I’ve grown crazy about? I didn’t dare?(Book1 Unit 1)等表达态度的句型等。 Have a good day! Have a good journey! Good luck! Enjoy yourself!(Book1 Unit3)等表达祝愿与告别的句型,就可采用个别练习的形式。老师甚至可以变换课堂座位的摆放,如圆形、田字形、扇形、对称弧形等方法。这可以在增加学生的新鲜感与新奇感的同时,缓解大班人多座位固定不变而形成的压抑感。

2. 注重口语交际语境的设计。





1) 文本性语境

文本性语境是对语言表面意义的理解,表现为理解性地听和读以及听、读后的叙述。为了提高学生的口头表达能力,课堂教学中,教师可选择故事情节具体、生动且词汇量适中的文本材料,让学生通过听录音或者快速阅读等方式抓住其主要情节和线索,然后运用所学的词汇和结构对其进行叙述。例如, Book1Unit3 Reading and Speaking “A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAIN”,Unit5 Reading “ELIAS’STORY”,Book2 Unit 2 Reading “ THE STORY OF ATLANTA”,Unit4 Reading “HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE” Book 3 Unit 1 Reading “A SAD LOVE STORY”等,都是极佳的可用于听或读后进行叙述的文本性材料。

2) 情境性语境

情境性语境以交际双方都熟悉的惯例性信息为交际内容,表现为特定任务的交流,如课堂教学中的小组合作学习活动等。例如,笔者在教授完Book2 Unit 5 Music 后,就上了一节别开生面的情境性语境口语训练课。首先将课桌椅移到教室四周,再将全班56位同学分成两组,每组28人,分别站成两个由内圆外圆组成的圆圈,每个小圆14人。然后里圈外圈的同学进行交谈,谈话内容是事先从学生那里收集的有关音乐的话题 。

1.Who is your favorite singer? Why do you like him?

2. Do you enjoy Rock & Roll? Why or why not?

3. Are you crazy about music? Which do you prefer, folk music or classical music?

4. Do you like Beethoven’s No.5 symphony?

5. Have you ever dreamt of becoming a singer?





3) 论辩式语境

在论辩式语境中,交际双方都试图用自己的观点改变对方的观点,表现为讨论问题和辩论等。例如,在教学了Book2 Unit 3 Computer 后,在学生了解掌握计算机及网络对人类的贡献及对一些青少年的毒害时,同时也掌握了相关的单词与表达,如,I think that? In my opinion? I believe that? I agree because? I disagree because? I’ve decided that?等,教师可以为学生创设一个模拟的论辩式语境:将全班分成8人小组,各小组再分为正反两方,围绕问题 “Should students go surfing on the Internet?” 进行辩论。下面是一个小组辩论的摘录:

正方1:I think that it’s good for us students to surf on the Internet. We can know what’s going on around the world any time anywhere.

反方1:I doubt that because we need a computer to surf the Internet for news, while we can not always find a computer at hand. We can simply read the newspaper for news at home and abroad.

在辩论过程中,学生学会用“I disagree with? because?/ I can’t agree with? because?/ I doubt that because?”句型委婉地表达不同的观点。

4) 交流性语境

交流性语境以不确定的信息为内容,随着交际活动的进行而逐渐展开,表现为日常生活中的对话等。在日常交流性的语境中,话题通常具有随机、无目的和自发性等特点。交际一方要说的内容,另一方难以预测,特别是与来自不同文化背景的人进行交际时,这个特点更加突出(文秋芳,2000)。这种语境教师可通过组织英语角等 “Free Talk”的形式来实现。有条件的学校可邀请一些外国朋友或外籍教师参加。

3. 注重对结对子和小组合作学习模式(pair work and group work)的研究与实践。

课堂教学中,许多时候练习会话等是在两两之间展开。如果每次都是同桌两人对话,久而久之pair work 活动会给人以枯燥乏味,单调的感觉。其实,除了同桌之间结对子,前后桌两人结对子也是一种省时有效的方法。偶尔也可尝试问题与答语相结对做法。教师事先准备28对问题与答语(也可请学生帮忙),分



别写在小纸条上。内容可以包罗万象,如--Are you American?—No, I am not./ Have you watched the latest film about James Bond?---Yes, it’s a great film.等。 上课时,每生发一写有问题或答语的纸条,后根据问题与答语寻找自己的partner。 这种做法是笔者在英国培训时,导师Christ Pearson 介绍的。后来笔者在自己的课堂中实践,收到了意想不到的好效果。






教育部 2003 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)

高旭阳 “口语交际素养的内涵及其评价体系” 中小学外语教学(中学篇)20xx年第12 期

刘炜 “大班型小学英语教学的特点与策略” 中小学英语教学与研究20xx年第12 期

张桂春、王琴 “在英语教学中尝试小组合作学习”,中小学英语教学与研究 20xx年第6 期

常骏跃、倪春艳“外语专业教学加大班型的可行性研究”, 外语与外语教学 2003 年第6期

文秋芳 2000 “英语口语测试与教学” 上海外语教育出版社

David Hayes Helping teachers to cope with large classes, ELT Journal, 1997

Jeremy Harmer How to teach English, Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press., 2000






高考英语   语法分册


第一部分 高考英语语法综合训练……………………………………………………1~8

第二部分 高考英语语法实战训练………………………………………………… 9~35

第三部分 高考英语语法模拟训练…………………………………………………36~57

第四部分 高考英语改错练习…………………………………………………… 58~67


第一部分    高考英语语法综合训练

1.    ——This green coat looks nice on you and it is only 200 Yuan.


A. I'll need it    B . I'll take it             C. It's much too expensive.         D. I'd like to sell it.  

2.    He left ______any of his friends _____ him _____.

A. with; seeing; off      B. without; seeing; off        C. without; see; /         D. with; see; out

3.    ______ is _____ the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.

A. What a dictionary does; help               B. What dictionary does; to help

C. How a dictionary does; help               D. All that a dictionary does; helps  

4.    The landowners in India would not vote to lose their land and wealth, _____ it resulted ______ a fairer society.

A. even if; in        B. even though; of             C. as if; in            D. whether; of

5.    Towards _____ evening, _____ heavy rain began to fall.

A. the; a        B. /; a            C. /; the         D. the; / 

6.    ——Do you have _____ more to get in the market?

——No, only some bread and butter.

A. something        B. everything       C. nothing            D. anything

7.    The teacher as well as her students _____ to visit the Moter Company tomorrow.

A. go             B. are to go          C. is to go            D. is about to go.

8.    The building is _____.

A. twenty-metre-high                B. twenty metre high

C. twenty-metres-high              D. twenty metres high       

9.    The book ____ three Yuan, but it only ____ me two Yuan.

A. spends, take           B. costs, spend    C. costs, cost              D. pays, cost

10.  They are____ the same size. You can take ______ half of the bread.

A. in, either          B. with, either              C. in, both            D. at, none   

11.  ——Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang, please?         —— _______.

A. Hold the line. please      B. Wait for a minute     C. Here it is          D. Here he is

12.  You can choose _____ book you like among these.

A. no matter what        B. whatever          C. whose             D. whichever

13.  This kind of paper was as soft and light as silk but ______ expensive.

A. much less        B. much little            C. many less        D. much more than    

14.  It had rained for several days. The clothes had _____ near the fire to dry.

A. hang up    B. to hung up              C. to be hung up         D. to be hanged up    

15.  The line is engaged. I can't _____ now.

A. get on              B. get along             C. get through     D. get down 

16. We should prevent pollution ________ happily.

A. to live               B. for living                 C. from living       D. living 

17. As we all know, ______ knowledge comes from _______ practice.

A. the; the            B. a; a                         C. the ;×        D. ×; ×

18. Sports build the body _______ reading builds the mind.

A. while                B. when                      C. as                    D. for

19. The mother ________ her son's success in the newspaper.

A. learned about  B. learned                   C. heard               D. learned from

20. "Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow."


A. I don’t'             B. I won't                     C. I can't              D. I haven't  

21. She was given the chance to ______ designing the new bridge.

A. take part in              B. attend              C. go all out         D. join

22. Don't read ______ books ________ you can not understand.

A. same…as         B. the same …like       C. such …as        D such… like

23. Bob: How long have you lived here?                     Sue: _________.

A. Since the beginning of the year.                B. In 1990

C. Not long ago                                        D. Only until the end of the year     

24. Do you mind _______ alone at home?   

A. Jack's being left      B. Jack leaving            C. Jack having left      D. Jack to be left 

25. Mary realized she ______.

A. was playing a joke about                            B. was making fun

C. was being made fun of                              D. was made fun 

26. Peter: Do you want a ride?

Dick: _______

Peter: I asked if you wanted a ride?

A. I don't mind.                                        B. I beg your pardon?

C. I'll take a taxi.                                      D. I don’t' want a ride.

27. _______ the manager?

A. Who is in place of                               B. Who is in the place of

C. Who shall take the place of                D. Who will take place of   

28. Mary: What do you think of my new dress?

Sue: ________.

A. It is on sale                                         B. You really have a new dress

C. It looks very good on you                   D. I think it's a birthday present for you

29. Patty: How about going for a walk?

Nancy: ________.

A. I'll walk with you at eight                     B. That's not a bad idea

C. Walking is a kind of exercise              D. It will take me minutes to have a walk

30. I found him _________ in an armchair, ___________.

A. sit…and read   B. seated…reading     C. sitting…and read      D. seating…reading

31. If you don't turn up by 8 o'clock, we'll go ______ you.

A. without             B. except                    C. but                   D. besides

32. ——Has Jane arrived yet?         ——No, she_______ an hour ago.

A. was supposed to come                       B. must have come

C. should come                                       D. ought to have come      

33. _______ in time, little Franz was afraid. ________ scolded.

A. Not having come…of being                B. Having not come…to be

C. Having not come…of being                D. Not having come…to be

34. No one but Rose and Kate _______ a fine red coat.

A. put on                     B. is wearing        C. dresses           D. have on   

35. The battle lasted for a few hours and at last the enemy ________.

A. was defeated          B. were beat        C. were won        D. defeated  

36. He is not a man easy ______.

A. to deal                    B. to deal him       C. to deal with      D. to deal with him

37. Mr. Li is gaining _______. He has to do some exercises to lose _______.     

A. weighty…weigh      B. weight…weight       C. fat…weigh       D. weighty…heavy

38. The clock ________ and we realized it was five o'clock.

A. hit                    B. beat                        C. struck                     D. run   

39. Reading without stop is a ______ piece of work.

A. tire                   B. tired                        C. tiresome          D. troubled   

40. He was afraid there was any wild animal around him, looking round from ________.

A. time to a time   B. time to time             C. a time to a time       D. times to times 

41. It ________ that there is no way out of difficulty.

A. looks                B. thinks                      C. believes           D. seems

42. We were told that it was our _______ to read the text together.

A. action               B. turn                         C. absence          D. sign

43. ——Why doesn't he buy you a drink?

——I don't know why, but it isn't _______ he had no money.

A. even if                    B. as if                        C. that                  D. because

44. What way are you thinking of _______ rid of this kind of pollution?

A. to get               B. get                          C. getting                    D. got

45. The angry boss ________ from the chair and went directly to him.

A. lifted                B. raised                     C. rose                 D. carried                          

46. The schoolboy regretted _______ after he didn't pass his exam.

A. the time on TV                                    B. to spend so much time on TV

C. taking most of his time on TV             D. spending so much time on TV           

47. Have you found his name ______ in the papers?

A. signing             B. signed                    C. to sign                    D. sign                

48. Since we have met again after all these years, let's ________ each other from now on.

A. keep up with    B. keep out of             C. keep in touch with  D. keep touching

49. The ______ in the mountain village struck most of the visitors.

A. scenes                    B. space               C. absence                 D. flight               

50. It is difficult for you to ______ what will happen in space without gravity.

A. depend on              B. have some idea of  C. keep from               D. equip with       

51. The two brothers carried a ______ bed into the room.

A. double                    B. deal                 C. slight                      D. opposite         

52. The accident ______ for a new car. Because the old one was destroyed.

A. sent me looking      B. made preparations  C. kept me from looking     D. was fit      

53. ——How is it that you are late for class again?            ——________.

A. By bus and then on foot                            B. It's quite all right

C. Because I missed the bus                  D. It's far from school                            

54. Hearing the sound of shots, the birds flew away ______ all directions.

A. at                            B. for                   C. from                       D. in      

55. _______ the normal condition, he can read 150 words a minute.

A. Below              B. Under                            C. With                        D. In                    

56. Tom is good boy and _______ he is honest. He never tells a lie.

A. at all                 B. in all                     C. above all                 D. after all                  

57. Many facts proved that long before Columbus ________ America, Chinese had visited it.

A. noticed            B. uncovered                  C. discovered             D. arrived                   

58. The meeting was _______. Many people were for our plan.

A. a success        B. success               C. succeed                 D. failure      

59. ——How much is it ______?            ——$ 20, I think.

A. spent               B. cost                     C. worth                      D. taken

60. The world is _______ seven continents and four oceans.

A. made up of             B. made out of     C. made from              D. made in   

61. ——Can I help you?

——I'd like to have my package ______, madam.

A. be weighed      B. to be weighed      C. to weigh                 D. weighed  

62. I'm so busy that I can't ______ the time for a holiday at present.

A. spare               B. share                   C. spend                     D. take  

63. They would _______ for Guangzhou the next morning and so they went to bed early.

A. set out             B. set about             C. set up                     D. set to

64. He insisted on his ______ Dr Turner instead of Mr. Turner.

A. called               B. calling                  C. being called            D. been called

65. John: _________

Jack: In two weeks.

John: Are you going to Japan?

Jack: No. I'm going to Australia. I went to Japan two years ago.

A. How long have you been here?                 B. When is your holiday?

C. When are you leaving for Australia?          D. How long do you plan to stay here?

66. Mary ________ passing the entrance examination.

A. succeeded                                          B. succeeded in

C. succeeds in                                        D. succeeds 

67. Tell the child not to drink _______ water.

A. boiled              B. boil                  C. boiling                    D. boils        

68. i set _________ tomorrow on my journey to America.

A. on                    B. up                    C. to                                   D. out

69. The shop owner would _______ his money every day.

A. count               B. count for          C. count out                D. counting  

70. The old lady devoted her lifetime _______ the homeless children.

A. to help                    B. to helping        C. helping                   D. for help   

71. Tom: Would you like me to water your plants while you're on your holiday?

Joe: ________

A. No problem. I was more than glad to do it.

B. I appreciate it, but I'm already finished watering them.

C. Thanks for offering your help, but my brother's going to do it.

D. Certainly watering plants is my favorite pastime.            

72. ——Don't you think it's going to rain over the weekend?


A. I don't believe  B. I don't believe it      C. I believe not so              D. I believe not   

73. I knew I should not accept anything from such a person but I found it difficult to turn down his ___.

A. plan                 B. offer                C. suggestion             D. request

74. ——Do you mind my taking this seat?         ——________.

A. Yes, sit down please                    B. No, of course not

C. Yes, take it please                       D. No, you can't take it      

75. How I envy you _______ your good luck!       

A. in                     B. of                     C. to                            D. /                      

76. This event was rather unusual, ________?

A. is it                   B. isn't it               C. was it               D. wasn't it          

77. We have _______ books in our library.

A. plenty of          B. great many              C. a great deal of        D. great number of

78. The police saw the woman _______ a bus and _______ a taxi.

A. get off …get on                           B. get on … get off

C. get off …get into                         D. get on … get into  

79. Do you mind ______ how you succeed?

A. if I go and see B. if I go seeing   C. my going and see   D. my go to see

80. The boy would have died, _______ on him without delay.

A. if the doctor didn't operate          B. if the doctor wouldn't operate

C. would the doctor not operate             D. had the doctor not operated

81. Only when ______ in 1918, ______ happily back to work.

A. the war was over … he went B. was the war over … did he go

C. the war was over … did he go     D. was the war over … he went                    

82. ——Who telephoned just now?

——Sorry. I couldn't ______ the voice.

A. recognize        B. realize              C. know               D. understand                   

83. He had ______ in finding Mr. Green's house.

A. many difficulties                           B. many difficulty

C. much difficulties                          D. much difficulty

84. I don't want to _______ money on such books.

A. cost                 B. pay                  C. spend                     D. take

85. ——Thank you for your help.           ——________.

A. All right            B. That's right      C. You're right             D. That's OK

86. The man is standing _______ his back _______ the fire.

A. with … to         B. with … against C. on …for           D. at … of

87. I looked everywhere in the house ______ a key that had been lost.

A. in searching for                           B. in search of

C. to search                                     D. searching of

88. I insisted that he_______ at once.

A. leave                B. left                   C. leaves                     D. leaving            

89. When will you _______ me the money that was borrowed?

A. pay                  B. repay               C. pay for                    D. repay for        

90. "Do you have any clothes to ______, Tom?" mother asked.

A. wash                B. washing           C. be washed              D. washed           

91. You may use the book as you like, _______ you keep it clean.

A. unless                     B. so long     C. as long                   D. so long as       

92. He ________ the world record.

A. failed to break         B. failed to breaking           C. failed breaking        D. failed broken

93. No ________ what you say, _______exists in three states.

A. matter…matters                                  B. matter…matter

C. matters…matter                                  D. matters…matters                 

94. I wonder what time lunch is_______ in your school.

A. given               B. taken               C. served                           D. eaten              

95. The people in some countries ________ freedom.

A. longed             B. long for            C. longing                   D. longing for             

96. I ______ all the bookshops in our town for the book I needed but I couldn't get one.

A. hunted             B. found               C. looked for               D. searched for   

97. A piece of ______ music will make you happy.

A. fond                 B. pleased            C. merry                      D. glad

98. ——You seem to get lost. Need help?

—— _______

A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag?

B. Help me find my key, please.

C. Yes, give me a hand, please.

D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.

99. ——I must apologize for _______ ahead of time.

——That's all right.

A. letting you not know                    B. not letting you know.

C. letting you know not                    D. letting not you know     

100. The students are well _______ the exam. They are sure to get good marks.

A. prepared for           B. ready for                 C. prepared                D. preparing 

101. Yesterday the president spoke on TV to the _______.

A. country            B. nation                     C. land                        D. state        

102. The nurse gave ________ the sweets to the children.

A. up                           B. off                          C. out                          D. in

103. Remember to______ a stamp on the envelope before you post it.

A. put                          B. place                       C. strike                      D. stick  

104 John: Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you?

Jack: _______

John: I want to buy a notebook.

A. How do you want it?             B. How much?

C. What for?                             D. When can you pay me back?      

105. After school was over the boys ________ their books and went home.

A. put in               B. put aside                 C. put away                 D. put up

106. _______ went to see the film yesterday.

A. Every of them                                     B. Both they

C. Nobody of them                                 D. Not all of them              

107. The higher the birds flew, _______ we could see them.

A. less clearly                                          B. the less clearly

C. more clear                                          D. more clearly                  

108. With her long beautiful hair gone _______ would be no use for the combs.

A. she                  B. they                        C. there                      D. it.      

109. Joe: Why don't you tell me a few things about your country?

Ken: __________

A. Because I can't tell you many things at a time          B. I'm afraid I can't.

C. Sure. What in general are you interested in?          D. I don’t know anything about that.

110. ——You look so worn-out!

——i lay ________ all the night.

A. woke                B. awake                     C. slept                D. asleep

111. When you ______ the book please return it to the library on time.

A. get through      B. get along             C. look through    D. look up

112. Both the man and his horse ________ after the long ride.

A. gave out          B. worn out                 C. tired out           D. run out    

113. You _______ last night, but you went to the concert.

A. must have studied                              B. might study

C. should have studied                           D. would study                  

114. Teacher: You can't finish the book in less than an hour, I suppose?

Student: __________.

A. Yes, I'm sure I can                              B. No, hardly

C. Sorry, I can't                                       D. I don't think I can                 

115. Tom: My brother will be surprised when he opens this package I'm sending.

Jack: Why are you sending him a package?

Tom: __________.

A. It's a new radio                                   B. It's his birthday

C. It's very expensive                             D. It's too late

116. "Have a nice weekend!"

" _________."

A. The same to you                                 B. You do too

C. The same as you                                D. You have it too      

117. Joe: Are you taking some gifts with you when you return to America?

Dan: I'm planning to do so. Have you any suggestions?

Joe: __________.

A. I'm leaving tomorrow                                  B. I'm taking a plane

C. Why don't you buy some bamboo works? D. I posted them to America yesterday

118. ―What happened to the old mail carrier?

―He _______ to a new neighborhood to work.

A. has sent          B. has been sent        C. was sent         D. sent

119. Mary: This handbag isn't yours, is it?

Joan: __________.

A. Yes, it's not mine                  B. No, yours is bigger

C. Yes, it's my friend's              D. No, mine is a red one          

120. "Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine!"

"__________. You look well, too."

A. Great               B. Thanks                   C. Oh, no                    D. Not at all  

第二部分    高考英语语法实战训练

Unit 1

1.    Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of _________.

A. their                                                            B. theirs       

C. her                                                             D. hers

2.    It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing, _________?

A. won’t we                                                    B. will we      

C. don’t we                                                     D. shall we

3.    Can you make sure _________ the gold ring?

A. where Alice had put                                    B. where had Alice put

C. where Alice has put                                    D. where has Alice put

4.    -Can I help you?

-Well, I’m afraid the box is _______ heavy for you, but thank you all the same.

A. so                                                              B. much              

C. very                                                            D. too

5.    ____________ the days went on, the weather got worse.

A. With                                                            B. Since             

C. While                                                          D. As

6.    The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she __________.

A. will arrive                                                    B. arrives            

C. is going to arrive                                         D. is arriving

7.    If we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with _______ money and ______ people.

A. less; less                                                    B. fewer; fewer   

C. less; fewer                                                 D. fewer; less

8.    Beyond ________ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but ________ space.

A. the; (不填)                                                  B. (不填); the      

C. (不填); (不填)                                              D. the; the

9.    Not until I began to work _______ how much time I had wasted.

A. didn’t I realize                                             B. did I realize

C. I didn’t realize                                             D. I realized

10.  A library with five thousand books _________ to the nation as a gift.

A. is offered                                                    B. has offered            

C. are offered                                                        D. have offered

11.  I don’t think _________ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

A. this                                                             B. that          

C. its                                                                      D. it

12.  Last summer I took a course on __________.

A. how to make dresses                                  B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses                                   D. how dresses to be made

13.  When I was at college I _________ three foreign languages, but I ___________ all except a few words of each.

A. spoke; had forgotten                                  B. spoke; have forgotten

C. had spoken; had forgotten                         D. had spoken; have forgotten

14.  He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of __________ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

A. these                                                          B. those              

C. that                                                            D. which

15.  He __________ you more help, even though he was very busy.

A. might have given                                        B. might give

C. may have given                                          D. may give

16.  The horrible noise from the man’s room simply ________ me mad.

A. put                                                             B. caused           

C. drove                                                          D. turned

17.  Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job.

A. so not as to                                                B. so as not to    

C. so as to not                                                D. not so as to

18.  Most of the artists ___________ to the party were from South Africa.

A. invited                                                         B. to invite           

C. being invited                                               D. had been invited

19.  -Do you mind my taking this seat?


       A. Yes, sit down please                                  B. No, of course not

       C. Yes, take it please                                     D. No, you can’t take it

20.  His father died and _________ him a lot of money.

A. gave                                                           B. left

C. sent                                                            D. offered

21.  After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced __________ tractors in 1988 as the year before.

A. as twice many                                          B. as many twice 

C. twice as many                                          D. twice many as

22.  The police found that the house __________ and a lot of things ___________.

A. has broken into ; has been stolen        B. had broken into; had been stolen

C. has been broken into; stolen               D. had been broken into; stolen

23.  ____________ more attention, the trees could have grown better.

A. Given                                                   B. To give            

C. Giving                                                  D. Having given

24.  -Excuse me, is this Mr. Brown’s office?

-I’m sorry, but Mr. Brown ________ works here. He left about three weeks ago.

A. not now                                               B. no more          

C. not still                                                 D. no longer

25.  The pianos in the other shop will be ________, but __________.

A. cheaper; not as better                         B. more cheap; not as better

C. cheaper; not as good                          D. more cheap; not as good

26.  -Come on in, Peter. I want to show you something.

-Oh, how nice of you! I _________ you __________ to bring me a gift.

A. never think; are going                          B. never thought; were going

C. didn’t think; were going                       D. hadn’t thought; were going

27.  __________ this book and tell me what you think of it.

A. Look through                                       B. Look on          

C. Look into                                             D. Look up

28.  ___________ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.

A. Each                                                    B. Any                 

C. No one                                                D. None

29.  She reached the top of the hill and stopped __________ on a big rock by the side of the path.

A. to have rested                                     B. resting                   

C. to rest                                                  D. rest

30.  Oh, John. _________ you gave us!

A. How a pleasant surprise                      B. How pleasant surprise

C. What a pleasant surprise                     D. What pleasant surprise

Unit 2

1.Will you ________ me a favor, please?

A. give                                                     B. make

C. do                                                       D. doing

2._________, I went to the railway station to see my friend off.

A. After eating quickly my dinner              B. After my quickly eating dinner

C. After eating my dinner quickly             D. After eating my quickly dinner

3.I learned to __________ a bicycle as a small boy.

A. drive                                                   B. ride

C. operate                                               D. run

4.Does ____________ matter if he can’t finish the job on time?

A. this                                                      B. that

C. he                                                       D. it

5.A computer __________ think for itself; it must be told what to do.

A. can’t                                                    B. couldn’t

C. may not                                               D. might not

6.Don’t smoke in the meeting room, __________?

A. do you                                                B. will you           

C. can you                                               D. could you

7.–Have you moved into the new house?

-Not yet. The rooms _________.

A. are being painted                                 B. are painting     

C. are painted                                                 D. are being painting

8.Alexander Graham Bell invented ____________ telephone in 1876.

A. (不填)                                                  B. a              

C. the                                                       D. one

9.We __________ each other the best of luck in the examination.

A. hoped                                                 B. wanted    

C. expected                                             D. wished

10.            ___________!  There’s a train coming.

A. Look out                                              B. Look around          

C. Look forward                                       D. Look on

11.            - Will somebody go and get Dr. White?

- He’s already been_________.

     A. asked for                                             B. sent for

C. called for                                          D. looked for

12.            The murderer was brought in, with his hands _________ behind his back.

A. being tied                                           B. having tied             

C. to be tied                                            D. tied

13.            - We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.

- What do you suppose __________ to her?

     A. was happening                                    B. to happen       

C. has happened                                    D. having happened

14.            She heard a terrible noise, ___________ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it                                                        B. which                    

C. this                                                     D. that

15.            Mrs. Smith warned her daughter __________ after drinking.

A. never to drive                                     B. to never drive        

C. never driving                                      D. never drive

16.            - Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

- I don’t know, __________.

A. nor don’t I care                                          B. nor do I care   

C. I don’t care neither                             D. I don’t care also

17.            -How did you find your visit to the museum?

-I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _________ than I expected.

A. far more interesting                                   B. even much interesting         

C. so more interesting                            D. a lot much interesting

18.            We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because __________ of us had __________ money on us.

A. all; no                                                  B. any; no           

C. none; any                                           D. no one; any

19.  On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, _____ some bananas and visited her cousin.

A. bought                                               B. buying                   

C. to buy                                                 D. buy

20.            These oranges taste __________.

A. good                                                         B. well                 

C. to be good                                         D. to be well

21.            The students ________ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ________ in the office.

A. had written; left                                          B. were writing; has left

C. had written; had left                                   D. were writing; had left

22.            When and where to build the new factory _________ yet.

A. is not decided                                     B. are not decided     

C. has not decided                                  D. have not decided

23.            The secretary worked late into the night, _________ a long speech for the president.

A. to prepare                                                  B. preparing               

C. prepared                                                   D. was preparing

24.            I can hardly imagine Peter ________ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A. sail                                                            B. to sail             

C. sailing                                                       D. to have sailed

25.            -The light in the office is still on.

-Oh, I forgot __________.

A. turning it off                                               B. turn it off        

C. to turn it off                                              D. having turned it out

26.            The hero of the story is an artist in his _______.

A. thirtieth                                                      B. thirty 

C. thirty’s                                                       D. thirties

27.            No one can be sure ____________ in a million years.

A. what man will look like                               B. what will man look like

C. man will look like what                               D. what look will man like

28.            Without electricity human life ________ quite different today.

A. is                                                               B. will be            

C. would have been                                      D. would be

29.            John was made _________ the truck for a week as a punishment.

A. to wash                                                     B. washing         

C. wash                                                          D. to be washing

30.            Although he is considered a great writer, _______.

A. his works are not widely read                           B. but his works are not widely read

C. however his works are not widely read             D. still his works are not widely read

Unit 3

1.    Little Jim should love _________ to the theatre this evening.

A. to be taken                                                 B. to take            

C. being taken                                                D. taking

2.    -Could I borrow your dictionary?

-Yes, of course you ________.

A. might                                                          B. will          

C. can                                                             D. should

3.    -Shall we go skating or stay at home?

-Which ____________ do yourself?

A. do you rather                                              B. would you rather    

C. will you rather                                             D. should you rather

4.    -I usually go there by train.

-Why not _________ by boat for a change?

A. to try going                                                B. trying to go           

C. to try and go                                              D. try going

5.    -Hello. May I speak to Zhao Hua?

-Yes. _____________.

A. My name’s Zhao Hua                                  B. I’m Zhao Hua  

C. This is Zhao Hua speaking                         D. Zhao Hua’s me

6.    When Jack arrived he learned Mary __________ for almost an hour.

A. had gone                                                    B. had set off             

C. had left                                                       D. had been away

7.    I really don’t want to go to the party, but I don’t see how I can __________ it.

A. get back from                                             B. get out of        

C. get away                                                     D. get off

8.    I would appreciate _________ back this afternoon.

A. you to call                                                  B. you call           

C. your calling                                                 D. you’re calling

9.    -Have a nice weekend!


A. The same to you                                        B. You do too             

C. The same as you                                       D. You have it too

10.  The doctor will be free ___________.

A. 10 minutes later                                        B. after 10 minutes    

C. in 10 minutes                                              D. 10 minutes after

11.  How _________ can you finish the drawing?

A. often                                                          B. soon              

C. long                                                           D. rapid

12.  -Do you know our town at all?

-No, this is the first time I ________ here.

A. was                                                             B. have been             

C. came                                                          D. am coming

13.  Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except ________ who had already taken them.

A. the ones                                                     B. ones              

C. some                                                         D. the others

14.  _____________ terrible weather we’ve been having these days!

A. How a                                                        B. What a           

C. How                                                           D. What

15.  There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind _______ to buy.

A. what                                                            B. which              

C. how                                                            D. where

16.  -We could have walked to the station; it was so near.

-Yes. A taxi ________ at all necessary.

A. wasn’t                                                         B. hadn’t been           

C. wouldn’t be                                                D. won’t be

17.  In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person __________ she could turn for help.

A. that                                                            B. who                       

C. from whom                                                        D. to whom

18.  Which is ____________ country, Canada or Australia?

A. a large                                                        B. larger                     

C. a larger                                                      D. the larger

19.  Shortly after the accident, two _______ police were sent to the spot to keep order.

A. dozen of                                                    B. dozens                  

C. dozen                                                         D. dozens of

20.  It was not ________ she took off her dark glasses ________ I realized she was a famous film star.

A. when; that                                                  B. until; that         

C. until; when                                                  D. when; then

21.  If city noises _________ from increasing, people __________ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.

A. are not kept; will have to                            B. are not kept; have to

C. do not keep; will have to                             D. do not keep; have to

22.  ___________ the 20## Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.

A. Whenever                                                   B. If              

C. Whether                                                    D. That

23.  Go and get your coat. It’s _________ you left.

A. there                                                          B where             

C. there where                                               D. where there

24.  John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes_____________.

A. open                                                          B. to be opened        

C. to open                                                       D. opening

25.  It worried her a bit _______ her hair was turning gray.

A. while                                                         B. that         

C. if                                                               D. for

26.  -Where’s Jack?

-I think he’s still in _____ bed, but he might just be in ________ bathroom.

A. (不填); (不填)                                              B. the; the           

C. the; (不填)                                                  D. (不填); the

27.  -Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?

-Sorry, I can’t. He_________.

A. doesn’t any more work here                       B. doesn’t any longer here work

C. doesn’t work any more here                       D. doesn’t work here any longer

28.  We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _________.

A. fact                                                             B. reality              

C. practice                                                      D. deed

29.  ________ a reply, he decided to write again.

A. Not receiving                                              B. Receiving not        

C. Not having received                                   D. Having not received

30.  Tom _________ into the house when no one _________.

A. slipped; was looking                                   B. had slipped; looked

C. slipped; had looked                                    D. was slipping; looked

Unit 4

1.    ______________ from Beijing to London!

A. How long way it is                                       B. What a long way is it

C. How long way is it                                       D. What a long way it is

2.    -Let me introduce myself. I’m Albert.


A. What a pleasure                                          B. It’s my pleasure            

C. Pleased to meet you                                   D. I’m very pleased

3.    “Can’t you read?” Mary said __________ to the notice.

A. angrily pointing                                           B. and point angrily

C. angrily pointed                                            D. and angrily pointing

4.    The captain _________ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

A. made                                                          B. said                 

C. put                                                              D. passed

5.    Tom ought not to _______ me your secret, but he meant no harm.

A. have told                                                    B. tell                  

C. be telling                                                    D. having told

6.    -Would you like some wine?

-Yes, just______________.

      A. little                                                             B. very little         

C. a little                                                          D. little bit

7.    How about the two of us_________ a walk down the garden?

A. to take                                                        B. take                

C. taking                                                         D. to be taking

8.    We were all surprised when he made it clear that he ________ office soon.

A. leaves                                                         B. would leave    

C. left                                                              D. had left

9.    Many people are still in ___________ habit of writing silly things in _________ public places.

A. the; the                                                       B. 不填; 不填     

C. the; 不填                                                    D. 不填, the

10.  She doesn’t speak ________ her friend, but her written work is excellent.

A. as well as                                             B. so often as

C. so much as                                         D. as good as

11.  Peter _______ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. must                                                    B. may                

C. can                                                      D. will

12.  -What was the party like?

-Wonderful. It’s years ___________ I enjoyed myself so much.

      A. after                                                    B. before

C. when                                                  D. since

13.  _________ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.

A. What                                                    B. That

C. The fact                                               D. The matter

14.  __________ down the radio—the baby’s asleep in the next room.

A. Turning                                               B. To turn

C. Turned                                                D. Turn

15.  -If he ________, he ________ that food.

-Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

A. Was warned; would not take                B. had been warned; would not have taken

C. would be warned; had not taken          D. would have been warned; had not taken

16.  Readers can _________ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A. get over                                               B. get in              

C. get along                                             D. get through

17.  Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _______ didn’t help.

A. he                                                       B. which              

C. she                                                      D. it

18.  I remember ___________ this used to be a quiet village.

A. when                                                   B. how                

C. where                                                 D. what

19.  -I don’t like chicken ________ fish.

-I don’t like chicken ________ I like fish very much.

      A. and; and                                              B. and; but          

C. or; and                                                 D. or; but

20.  In some parts of the world, tea ________ with milk and sugar.

A. is serving                                             B. is served         

C. serves                                                        D. served

21.  The computer center, _________ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open                                                   B. opening          

C. having opened                                    D. opened

22.  -Is __________ here?

-No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.

      A. anybody                                               B. somebody              

C. everybody                                           D. nobody

23.  We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi.

A. way                                                             B. choice            

C. possibility                                                   D. selection

24.  Charles Babbage is generally considered __________ the first computer.

A. to invent                                                     B. inventing         

C. to have invented                                         D. having invented

25.  Be sure to write to us, ___________?

A. will you                                                       B. aren’t you              

C. can you                                                      D. mustn’t you

26.  The pen I __________ I _________ is on my desk, right under my nose.

A. think; lost                                                    B. thought; had lost           

C. think; had lost                                             D. thought; have lost

27.  I take a long time to go there by train; it’s ________ by road.

A. quick                                                           B. the quickest                  

C. much quick                                                 D. quicker

28.  He dropped the ________ and broke it.

A. cup of coffee                                              B. coffee’s cup          

C. cup for coffee                                            D. coffee cup

29.  We offered him our congratulations _______ his passing the college entrance exams.

A. at                                                               B. on                         

C. for                                                             D. of

30.  -How’s the young man?


      A. He’s twenty                                                 B. He’s doctor            

C. he’s much better                                        D. He’s David

Unit 5

1.    -Is your camera like Bill’s and Ann’s?

-No, but it’s almost the same as ________.

A. her                                                              B. yours                    

C. them                                                           D. their

2.    -Do you remember _________ he came?

-Yes, I do, he came by car.

A. how                                                            B. when              

C. that                                                            D. if

3.    -Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


A. I don’t believe                                             B. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not so                                           D. I believe not

4.    -Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

-I’d like to, ___________ I’m too busy.

A. and                                                            B. so                  

C. as                                                              D. but

5.    -Can I join your club, Dad?

-You can when you _________ a bit older.

       A. get                                                             B. will get            

C. are getting                                                 D. will have got

6.    I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ________ for her.

A. had to write it out                                        B must have written it out

C. should have written it out                           D. ought to write it out

7.    -Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine!

-___________. You look well, too.

A. Great                                                          B. Thanks           

C. Oh, no                                                               D. Not at all

8.    She set out soon after dark ________ home an hour later.

A. arriving                                                       B. to arrive          

C. having arrived                                             D. and arrived

9.    -I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

-Oh, not at all. I __________ here only a few minutes.

       A. have been                                                 B. had been       

C. was                                                        D. will be

10.  She is ________ newcomer to _________ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

A. the; the                                                       B. the; 不填        

C. a; 不填                                                       D. a; the

11.  -I must apologize for _________ ahead of time.

-That’s all right.

       A. letting you not know                                  B. not letting you know

       C. letting you know not                                  D. letting not you know

12.  Rather than ___________ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _________ a bicycle.

A. ride; ride                                                     B. riding; ride             

C. ride; to ride                                                        D. to ride; riding

13.  -Shall I tell John about it?

-No, you ________. I’ve told him already.

A. needn’t                                                      B. wouldn’t          

C. mustn’t                                                       D. shouldn’t

14.  -How long has this bookshop been in business?

-____________ 1982.

A. After                                                           B. In                    

C. From                                                          D. Since

15.  The missing boys were last seen __________ near the river.

A. playing                                                        B. to be playing

C. play                                                            D. to play

16.  Don’t all speak at once! _________, please.

A. Each at one time                                         B. One by one time

C. One for each time                                      D. One at a time

17.  -Do you like the material?

-Yes, it __________ very soft.

       A. is feeling                                                    B. felt                  

C. feels                                                          D. is felt

18.  John plays football __________, if not better than, David.

A. as well                                                        B. as well as              

C. so well                                                        D. so well as

19.  I don’t really work here; I ________ until the new secretary arrives.

A. just help out                                                B. have just helped out            

C. am just helping out                                     D. will just help out

20.  If there were no examinations, we should have __________ at school.

A. the happiest time                                        B. a more happier time

C. much happiest time                                    D. a much happier time

21.  I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she __________, she would have met my brother.

A. has come                                                    B. did come         

C. came                                                          D. had come

22.  The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, __________ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added                                              B. to add                    

C. adding                                                               D. added

23.  Here’s my card. Let’s keep in ________.

A. touch                                                         B. relation           

C. connection                                                 D. friendship

24.  The first textbooks __________ for teaching English as a foreign Language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written                                             B. to be written   

C. being written                                              D. written

25.  -Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.


       A. I don’t                                                               B. I won’t             

C. I can’t                                                        D. I haven’t

26.  I don’t know the restaurant, but it’s ___________ to be quite a good one.

A. said                                                            B. told                 

C. spoken                                                       D. talked

27.  Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _________ Father was away in France.

A. as                                                               B. that                

C. during                                                         D. if

28.  I need one more stamp before my collection __________.

A. has completed                                          B. completes       

C. had been completed                                  D. is completed

29.  The weather turned out to be very good, _________ was more than we could expect.

A. what                                                           B. which              

C. that                                                            D. it

30.  We all write ___________, even when there’s not much to say.

A. now and then                                              B. by and by        

C. step by step                                               D. more or less

Unit 6

1.    Paul doesn’t have to be made __________. He always works hard.

A. learn                                                                 B. to learn          

C. learned                                                              D. learning

2.    -Your phone number again? I ________ quite catch it.

-It’s 9568442.

A. didn’t                                                                 B. couldn’t          

C. don’t                                                                  D. can’t

3.    She thought I was talking about her daughter, _________, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.

A. whom                                                                 B. where                    

C. which                                                                D. while

4.    When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _________.

A. breaks                                                               B. has broken            

C. were broken                                                      D. had been broken

5.    -There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

-It__________ a comfortable journey.

A. can’t be                                                              B. shouldn’t be    

C. mustn’t have been                                             D. couldn’t have been

6.    -_________ the sports meet might be put off.

-Yes, it all depends on the weather.

      A. I’ve been told                                                     B. I’ve told           

C. I’m told                                                              D. I told

7.    They were all very tired, but ________ of them would stop to take a rest.

A. any                                                                    B. some                     

C. none                                                                  D. neither

8.    Can you believe that in _______ a rich country there should be ________ many poor people?

A. such; such                                                         B. such; so          

C. so; so                                                                D. so; such

9.    We agreed __________ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

A. having met                                                        B. meeting          

C. to meet                                                              D. to have met

10.  As she ________ the newspaper, Granny_______ asleep.

A. read; was falling                                          B. was reading; fell

C. was reading; was falling                              D. read; fell

11.  All the leading newspapers _________ the trade talks between China and the United States.

A. reported                                                     B. printed                   

C. announced                                                        D. published

12.  I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ________.

A. it                                                                 B. those       

C. them                                                           D. one

13.  If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ________ great it is.

A. what                                                           B. how         

C. however                                                     D. whatever

14.  You don’t need to describe her. I ________ her several times.

A. had met                                                      B. have met         

C. met                                                             D. meet

15.  I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please_________?

A. turn it on                                                     B. turn it down    

C. turn it up                                                     D. turn it off

16.  -You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

-Well, now I regret ______ that.

A. to do                                                           B. to be doing            

C. to have done                                              D. having done

17.  -Have you finished your report yet?

-No, I’ll finish in _________ ten minutes.

A. another                                                       B. other               

C. more                                                           D. less

18.  You’re ____________ your time trying to persuade him; he’ll never join us.

A. spending                                                    B. wasting           

C. losing                                                         D. missing

19.  -How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

-It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the ______ days at the seaside.

      A. few last sunny                                            B. last few sunny

C. last sunny few                                            D. few sunny last

20.  -I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?

-Not at all. __________.

A. I’ve no time                                                 B. I’d rather not   

C. I’d like it                                                      D. I’d be happy to

21.  It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack _________ be here at any moment.

A. must                                                           B. need               

C. should                                                               D. can

22.  -I’d like ________ information about the management of your hotel, please.

-Well, you could have ______ word with the manager. He might be helpful.

      A. some; a                                                       B. an; some         

C. some; some                                                D. an; a

23.  It was not until 1920__________ regular radio broadcasts began.

A. while                                                           B. which              

C. that                                                            D. since

24.  -What did you think of her speech?

-She _______ for one hour but didn’t _______ much.

      A. spoke; speak                                              B. spoke; say             

C. said; speak                                                 D. said; say

25.  The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him________.

A. not to                                                                B. not to do        

C. not do it                                                     D. do not to

26.  Would you like a cup of coffee _______ shall we get down to business right away?

A. and                                                            B. then                

C. or                                                               D. otherwise

27.  _________ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There                                                         B. This                

C. That                                                            D. It

28.  Not until all the fish died in the river ________ how serious the pollution was.

A. did the villagers realize                               B. the villagers realized

C. the villagers did realize                               D. didn’t the villagers realize

29.  I don’t think Jim saw me; he _________ into space.

A. just stared                                                   B. was just staring      

C. has just stared                                            D. had just stared

30.  He gained his ________ by printing _________ of famous writers.

A. wealth; work                                               B. wealths; works

C. wealths; work                                             D. wealth; works

Unit 7

1.    - _____________ my glasses?

-Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.

A. Do you see                                                 B. Had you seen 

C. Would you see                                           D. Have you seen

2.    -When shall we meet again?

-Make it _______ day you like; it’s all the same to me.

A. one                                                             B. any

C. another                                                       D. some

3.    Johnny, you ________ play with the knife, you ________ hurt yourself.

A. won’t; can’t                                          B. mustn’t; may   

C. shouldn’t; must                                    D. can’t; shouldn’t

4.    -I’m sorry I broke your mirror.

-Oh, really?________.

A. It’s OK with me                                           B. It doesn’t matter

C. Don’t be sorry                                            D. I don’t care

5.    I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ________.

A. wait                                                             B. time

C. patience                                                     D. rest

6.    How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _________.

A. the better voice                                       B. a good voice   

C. the best voice                                             D. a better voice

7.    Tom felt that he knew everybody’s business better than they knew it ________.

A. themselves                                                     B. oneself           

C. itself                                                           D. himself

8.    Many people agree that _________ knowledge of English is a must in _____ international trade today.

A. a; 不填                                                       B. the; an           

C. the; the                                                       D. 不填; the

9.    The number of people invited _______ fifty, but a number of them ______ absent for different reasons.

A. were; was                                              B. was; was         

C. was; were                                                   D. were; were

10.  We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining _______.

A. badly                                                           B. hardly             

C. strongly                                                      D. heavily

11.  After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ________ he grew up as a child.

A. which                                                         B. where            

C. that                                                      D. when

12.  Helen ________ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _______ home.

A. has left; comes                                           B. left; had come

C. had left; came                                             D. had left; would come

13.  The patient was warned _______ oily food after the operation.

A. to eat not                                                    B. eating not       

C. not to eat                                                    D. not eating

14.  You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you ________ so tired.

A. drove; didn’t get                                         B. drove; wouldn’t get

C. were driving; wouldn’t get                          D. had driven; wouldn’t have got

15.  -Can I help you, sir?

-Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it ________.

      A. didn’t work                                                  B. won’t work             

C. can’t work                                                   D. doesn’t work

16.  It is wise to have some money _______ for old age.

A. put away                                                     B. kept up           

C. given away                                                 D. laid up

17.  __________ we can’t get seems better than ________ we have.

A. What; what                                                  B. What; that       

C. That; that                                                    D. That; what

18.  _________ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. losing                                                          B. having lost             

C. Lost                                                            D. To lose

19.  I love to go to the seaside in summer. It ________ good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea.

A. does                                                           B. feels               

C. gets                                                            D. makes

20.  __________ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. If                                                                 B. Whether         

C. That                                                            D. Where

Unit 8

1.    It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____________ he or she wants.

A. however                                                     B. whatever

C. whichever                                                         D. whenever

2.    -Have you seen __________ pen? I left it here this morning.

-Is it _________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a; the                                                          B. the; the           

C. the; a                                                          D. a; a

3.    -Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?


A. Yes, you may borrow                                  B. Yes, you could

C. Yes, help yourself                                      D. Yes, go on

4.    She _____________ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

A. looked up                                                   B. looked for              

C. picked out                                                  D. picked up

5.    I first met Lisa three years ago. She ____________ at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked                                                 B. was working           

C. had been working                                       D. had worked

6.    The train leaves at 6:00 pm. So I have to be at the station __________ 5:40 pm at the latest.

A. until                                                            B. after                

C. by                                                               D. around

7.    I would love _________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go                                                          B. to have gone         

C. going                                                          D. having gone

8.    Wait till you are more _________. It’s better to be sure than sorry.

A. inspired                                                      B. satisfied                 

C. calm                                                            D. certain

9.    I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ____________.

A. everything                                                  B. anything                 

C. something                                                  D. nothing

10.  -I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.


A. Oh, no. Let’s not                                         B. I’d rather stay at home

C. I’m very sorry, but I have other plans          D. Oh, no. That’ll be too much trouble

11.  The ______ of the meeting is to elect a new captain.

A. purpose            B. meaning           C. fact                  D. use

12.  The Olympic Games, ___________ in 776 BC, did not include women players until 1912.

A. first playing                                                        B. to be first played    

C. first played                                                 D. to be first playing

13.  If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a __________.

A. message                                                    B. letter                      

C. sentence                                                    D. notice

14.  -Who is Jerry Cooper?

-__________? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.

      A. Don’t you meet him yet                               B. Hadn’t you met him yet

      C. Didn’t you meet him yet                              D. Haven’t you met him yet

15.  After the war, a new school building was put up ___________ there had once been a theatre.

A. that                                                             B. where                           

C. while                                                           D. when

16.  ____________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he                                      B. However he is late

C. However is he late                                     D. However late he is

17.  -Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

-I ___________, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had                                                             B. would                     

C. was going to                                              D. did

18.  Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers. Now she would like to read ________ stories by writers from _________ countries.

A. some; any                                                   B. other; some    

      C. some; other                                                D. other; other

19.  The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _______ get out.

A. had to                                                        B. would                     

C. could                                                          D. was able to

20.  It was about 600 years ago __________ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

A. that                                                            B. until                       

C. before                                                               D. when

Unit 9

1.    -Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

-I’m afraid __________ day is possible.

A. either                                                        B. neither

C. some                                                   D. any

2.    -You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?

-_____________. How I wish to go there!

A. Yes, I have                                           B. Yes, I haven’t         

C. No, I have                                            D. No, I haven’t

3.    I hate _________ when people talk with their mouths full.

A. it                                                         B. that                        

C. these                                                   D. them

4.    Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can’t remember ____________.

A. where                                                  B. there                      

C. which                                                   D. that

5.    -Nancy is not coming tonight.

-But she ___________.

      A. promises                                              B. promised               

C. will promise                                         D. had promised

6.    If I had ___________, I’d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.

A. a long enough holiday                         B. an enough long holiday

C. a holiday enough long                         D. a long holiday enough

7.    Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to __________.

A. be put up                                            B. give in                           

C. be turned on                                       D. go out

8.    -When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

-They __________ be ready by 12:00.

A. can                                                      B. should            

C. might                                                  D. need

9.    Professor White has written some short stories, but he is ___________ known for his plays.

A. the best                                              B. more 

C. better                                                  D. the most

10.  -Can I get you a cup of tea?


      A. That’s very nice of you                        B. With pleasure

      C. You can, please                                   D. Thank you for the tea

11.  Why do you want a new job____________ you’ve got such a good one already?

A. that                                                             B. where                           

C. which                                                         D. when

12.  They ___________ the train until it disappeared in the distance.

A. saw                                                             B. watched                 

C. noticed                                                       D. observed

13.  ____________ it with me and I’ll see what I can do.

A. When left                                                    B. leaving                   

C. If you leave                                                D. Leave

14.  -I stayed at a hotel while in New York.

-Oh, did you? You _____________ with Barbara.

A. could have stayed                                     B. could stay              

C. would stay                                                  D. must have stayed

15.  Shirley ____________ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A. has written                                                  B. wrote

C. had written                                                 D. was writing

16.  You’ll find this map of great __________ in helping you to get round London.

A. price                                                           B. cost

C. value                                                          D. usefulness

17.  It was only when I reread his poems recently _________I began to appreciate their beauty.

A. until                                                            B. that

C. then                                                            D. so

18.  Cleaning women in big cities usually get __________ by the hour.

A. pay                                                             B. paying                   

C. paid                                                            D. to pay

19.  -Hi Tracy, you look tired.

-I am tired. I ____________ living room all day.

A. painted                                                       B. had painted                   

C. have been painting                                     D. have painted

20.  European football is played in 80 countries, ___________ it the most popular sport in the world.

A. making                                                        B. makes                   

C. made                                                          D. to make

Unit 10

1.      -I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s.


A. Oh, that’s very nice of you                         B. Congratulations

C. It’s a pleasure                                            D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that

2.      -I’m going to the post office.

-___________ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?

A. As                                                             B. While                     

C. Because                                                    D. If

3.      Paper money was in __________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _______ thirteenth century.

A. the; 不填                                                   B. the; the                  

C. 不填; the                                                   D. 不填; 不填

4.      -Are the new rules working?

-Yes. ____________ books are stolen.

       A. Few                                                           B. More                      

C. Some                                                         D. None

5.      -Alice, you feed the bird today, __________?

-But I fed it yesterday.

A. do you                                                       B. will you                  

C. didn’t you                                                  D. don’t you

6.      ____________ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that                                                    B. After                      

C. Although                                                    D. As soon as

7.      ____________ him and then try to copy what he does.

A. Mind                                                          B. Glance at               

C. Stare at                                                      D. Watch

8.      -I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

-Is that _____________ you had a few days off?

A. why                                                           B. when                     

C. what                                                          D. where

9.      Robert is said __________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

A. to have studied                                          B. to study   

C. to be studying                                           D. to have been studying

10.   -Will you stay for lunch?

-Sorry, __________. My brother is coming to see me.

A. I mustn’t           B. I can’t               C. I needn’t          D. I won’t

11.   Strangely enough, a pair of new trousers _______ among the rubbish.

A. were found                                                      B. was found

C. has found                                                        D. have found

12.   Few pleasures can equal ___________ of a cool drink on a hot day.

A. some                                                                B. any

C. that                                                                  D. those

13.   You should make it a rule to leave things ___________ you can find them again.

A. when                                                                B. where      

C. then                                                                  D. there

14.   Carol said the work would be done by October, ____________ personally I doubt very much.

A. it                                                                       B. that

C. when                                                                D. which

15.   -Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

-Yes. They have better players, so I __________ them to win.

       A. hope                                                                       B. prefer      

C. expect                                                              D. want

16.   The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _________ it more difficult.

A. not make                                                           B. not to make            

C. not making                                                        D. do not make

17.   We’ll have to finish the job, _________________.

A. long it takes however                                        B. it takes however long

C. long however it takes                                       D. however long it takes

18.   Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard ___________, you failed.

A. in the end                                                         B. after all                  

C. in other words                                                  D. at the same time

19.   -Hey, look where you are going!

-Oh, I’m terribly sorry. _______________.

       A. I’m not noticing                                                        B. I wasn’t noticing     

C. I haven’t noticed                                               D. I don’t notice

20.   When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _________ “ Sorry to miss you; will call later.”

A. read                                                                  B. reads                     

C. to read                                                              D. reading

Unit 11

1. -Good morning, Grand Hotel.

   -Hello, I'd like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.


   A. What can I do for you?             B. Just a minute, please.

   C. What's the matter?                  D. At your service.

2. The film brought the hours back to me _______ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A. until                     B. that                   C. when                        D. where

3. As we joined the big crowed I got ______ from my friends.

A. separated           B. spared              C. lost                               D. missed

4. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _______ so rapidly.

A. is changing         B. has changed        C. will have changed       D. will change

5. The Parkers bought a new house but _____ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

A. they                 B. it                      C. one                                  D. which

6. We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it ______ very well.

A. worked out         B. tried out           C. went on                     D. carried on

7. The home improvements have taken what little there is ______ my spare time.

A. from                  B. in                    C. of                              D. at

8. It is generally believed that teaching is _______ it is a science.

A. an art much as   B. much an art as     C. as an art much as        D. as much an art as

9. The warmth of _____ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _____ wool used.

A. the; the              B. the; 不填           C. 不填;the                   D. 不填;不填

10. I _____ ping-pong quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the New Year.

A. will play               B. have played       C. played                         D. play

11. A computer can only do _____ you have instructed it to do.

A. how                  B. after                   C. what                           D. when

12.Visitors ______ not to touch the exhibits.

A. will request     B. request              C. are requesting             D. are requested

13. I was really anxious about you. You _____ home without a word.

A. mustn't leave      B. shouldn't have left C. couldn't have left         D. needn't leave

14. _______ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It                       B. As                       C. That                            D. What

15. _______ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A. Having suffered B. Suffering              C. To suffer                    D. Suffered

第三部分  高考英语语法模拟训练

Unit 1

1. —— Would you like ______ bread?       —— No, thanks, I'm full.

A. any more                B. any                         C. some more                    D. some       

2. It's no good _____ cold water.

A. drinking                  B. to drink                   C. having                           D. to be having   

3. She said_____.

A. she had been ill in the bed for a week              B. she was ill in bed for a week

C. she was ill in the bed for a week               D. she had been ill in bed for a week     

4. The Smiths _____ their son _______ a doctor.

A. hope/ to be             B. want/ be                  C. want/to be                     D. think/like  

5. ——Your evening dress looks very beautiful.        ——______.

A. No. It isn't beautiful                                    B. Yes, It is beautiful

C. OK. Good                                                  D. Thank you. It was bought by my husband.

6. Jack: May I take the afternoon off?

Monitor: ________.

A. Yes, it's very nice    B. Yes, it's raining       C. Yes, please      D. Yes, of course

7. He worked without ______ success. As a doctor, he was not _____ success.

A. a; a                  B. much; 不填                    C. much; a           D. a; much

8. ______, Tom passed the exam this time.

A. For joy ness                                              B. To Tom's joyful       

C. With the joy of everybody                         D. To the joy of everyone

9. ______TV several times, the news was taken up throughout the city.

A. Broadcast on                                             B. Broadcasting by

C. Being broadcasted through                       D. Having broadcast over

10. Mrs. Smith: How is it that you are late for class again?

John: _______.

A. By bus and them on foot                           B. Because I missed the bus

C. It's quite all right                                        D. It's far from school

11. It was not until 1920 _____ regular radio broadcasts began.

A. when               B. which        C. that           D. since       

12. The test is certainly not so difficult as it ________.

A. shows                    B. appears                  C. expects           D. happens

13. The car can't ______ and I have ________.

A. be started/repair it                                     B. start/to have it repaired

C. run/repairing it                                           D. start/to be repaired it

14. It's _____ a cold day. It's _____ impossible for the children to go out to play.

A. very/very                B. rather/quite             C. such/rather      D. too/quite  

15. _____ Burce became ______ doctor while her sister turned ______ lawyer.

A. In her thirties/a/不填      B. In the 30s/a/a   C. In 30s/a/不填   D. In her 30s/a/a 

Unit 2

1. By the time we got to the station, the train _______.

A. left                   B. have left                 C. leave               D. had left    

2. ________among high trees, the house can't easily be seen.

A. Hidden             B. Hid                          C. Hide                D. Hiding      

3. Mary: Why didn't you phone me from the station when you arrived?

Jack: I'm sorry. I didn't have any small change. __________.

A. You must be joking                      B. I'm always myself

C. That's why                                   D. I missed the train

4. There are No 2 trolley-bus and No 24 motor-bus; ________will take you there.

A. both                 B. either                      C. all                    D. any   

5. Bad habits, ______ formed, are difficult to get rid of.

A. and                  B. once                C. or                    D. but    

6. He listened attentively to me ______ while______ at me.

A. spoke, stared   B. speaking, staring           C. spoke, staring  D. speaking, stared    

7. Mary: Mike, I'm very sorry I've lost the magazine I borrowed from you.

Mike: __________.

Mary: I guess I'd better not. I don’t want to let it happen again.

A. That's all right, Mary, I don't want it

B. Don't worry, I can get a cheaper one

C. It's no good crying over split milk, so forget it

D. It doesn't matter. Would you like to take the new one?                

8. Charles Battage is considered ________ the first computer.

A. to have invented            B. inventing          C. to invent          D. having invented     

9. That will be the second cigarette he ________ today.

A. smoked            B. has smoked                   C. had smoked                   D. would smoke  

10. I saw some trees _______ the leaves were black with disease.

A. where                     B. of which                  C. in which                  D. whose            

11. The boy was criticized for forgetting ________ his textbooks to school.

A. bringing           B. to bring            C. having brought                     D. to have brought     

12. The difficulty we now meet with is _______ we can persuade him to tell the truth.

A. whether          B. that                  C. what                D. how  

13. ——I'll be waiting for you at home.

——_______ I were busy and couldn't come?

A. What if            B. What when                    C. How if                     D. How when      

14. John got seriously hurt ________ the leg ________ a car accident.

A. on, for                    B. in, for               C. ╳, by               D. in, by

15. ________ is known to all, Taiwan is a part of China.

A. As                   B. Which                     C. That                D. What 

Unit 3

1. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ______.

A. 20 dollars remained                    B. remaining 20 dollars

C. remained 20 dollars                    D. 20 dollars to remain

2. _____ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend_____ her.

A. Warned, followed                         B. Warning, following

C. Having warned, following            D. Having been warned, following

3. He was very kind towards me ______ my stay in his house.

A. during                     B. for            C. in                                   D. at

4. In the earthquake, some poor people starved ______ death.

A. to                     B. by                    C. because of                    D. through

5. No matter ______ hard it may be, I'll carry it out.

A. what                 B. whatever          C. how                               D. however         

6. "_______ breakfast is well cooked", he said just after ______ breakfast.

A. ´,´                   B. The, ´              C. ´, the                             D. The, the  

7. Jack: May I borrow your notebook to check my answers?

Peter: _______.

Jack: I'll return it immediately.

A. I'll try, but it looks pretty heavy                   B. Of course, if only you let me have it back

C. Yes, if you wait a minute. I'll give it to you  D. I'm afraid it's useless                                

8. ——Where is Jack?

——He is ______ you told him to go.

A. where                     B. which               C. what                              D. (                     

9. She is in such deep sorrow at the sad news. We _______ her so soon.

A. shouldn't tell    B. shouldn't have told C. mustn't tell                     D. mustn't have told

10. We're all looking forward ______.

A. to be written to B. to write                   C. to being written to  D. to writing 

11. Is this book _______ I bought for you the day before yesterday?

A. which               B. that                         C. (                             D. the one    

12. I was tired when you saw me yesterday afternoon because I ________.

A. had been running B. ran                            C. would run               D. has run    

13. My order is that everyone ______ their own work in time.

A. must complete B. completed               C. completes               D. complete 

14. The winners, Bob and ______, who won the game, praised the losers, ______ and ______.

A. she, them, us   B. her, they, we           C. they, she, I                    D. I, he, us   

15. I haven't seen her _______ then on.

A. since                       B. from                 C. after                       D. by

Unit 4

1. It's very kind _______ the warm-hearted woman ______ us out when we were in trouble.

A. of, to help        B. of, to have helped  C. for, to help              D. for, to have helped

2. _____ it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day!

A. What a fun             B. How fun                C. What fun       D. How a fun

3. After he was praised for what he had done, he said, "I ______ even better under harder


A. would do          B. would have done           C. did            D. had done 

4. ______, Tom is loved by all the people in the village.

A. Being an honest man                                 B. Being that he is an honest man

C. He is an honest man                                  D. An honest man being    

5. The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets _____.

A. was booked    B. had been booked   C. were booked D. have been booked

6. _____, one becomes more experienced.

A. When one grows older                      B. As one grows older

C. The older one grows                                D. While one will be older

7. ——Have you found your key?

——Yes, it was _______ I often watch TV in my room.

A. what                 B. which                      C. how                 D. where.     

8. Of all the subjects, I like ______ history best because it gives us ________ useful knowledge of things in the past.

A. the, a               B. (, a                          C. a, the                     D. a, (    

9. Where _______? She _______ to school, for it's Sunday today!

A. can she go, can't go                                  B. may she go, may not go

C. can she have gone, can't have gone         D. can she go, can't have gone       

10. _____shopping on Sundays seems to my mother a rule never to be broken.

A. Go            B. To go        C. Going      D. Gone

11. Mary: I suppose you didn't see the notebook on the table in the living-room, little boy?

John: __________.

Mary: My God! How can you do it on what doesn't belong to you!

A. No, I didn't                                                 B. Yes, I did.

C. I threw it into the waste basket                  D. I left it as it was                                  

12. The first textbooks ______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th


A. having been written       B. to be written    C. being written   D. written            

13. I shall ring you up ______you should forget to come.

A. because                  B. for                   C. in case                    D. in order that    

14. ______ of the three workmen has done it well.

A. All                           B. Any                  C. Either              D. Every              

15. _______ summer people go to the sea sides ________ their vacation.

A. For during              B. During, for                     C. In, for                     D. For, in                    

Unit 5

1. How do you like your English teacher?


A. I like him.         B. Yes, I do.                C. He's very tall.          D. He's very kind.

2. We could not have succeeded ______ your help.

A. but for                    B. without                    C. if it had not been for     D. all the above   

3. After ten years, he changed a lot and looked different from _______ he used to be.

A. that                  B. whom                      C. what                       D. who                

4. ——Would you like to join our team?

——How many people are there ______ your basketball team?

A. on                    B. in                                   C. with                        D. at                           

5. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _______, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.

A. whom               B. where                            C. which                      D. while               

6. I don't think Tom can help you, for he ________ to the market.

A. has gone         B. has been                C. goes                       D. went               

7. The farmers were very worried about the crops in the fields, because it had rained a great deal

______ the year.

A. in                     B. during                            C. for                          D. after 

8. He is the student ______ you think to be worthy of our praise.

A. who                 B. whom                      C. he                           D. him   

9. The window is believed ______ by Jack.

A. broken             B. to be broken                  C. to break                  D. to have been broken

10. John: What are you doing tomorrow night?

Mary: __________.

John: I was wondering if you'd like to go to a film.

Mary: That might be fun.

A. I went home after work                       B. I don't know yet. I might stay at home

C. Not now                                              D. I'm going to move to a new house                   

11. ―I heard Back Street Boys will sing at the New Theater.

―Where did you ______?

A. pick that up                                        B. put that up      

C. make that up                                       D. take that up

12. _______deep down in the earth for thousands of years, the dead forest has rotted away and

become coal.

A. Buried                     B. Burying                   C. Having buried  D. Having been buried      

13. Let's hurry. I'm afraid she _______ for us at home.

A. must be waiting       B. may be waiting        C. must wait         D. may wait                

14. Everyone dislikes ______ at before others.

A. to laugh           B. laughed                  C. laughing          D. being laughed       

15. Fall _______, the swallows have gone to the south.

A. coming             B. having come           C. come               D. comes

Unit 6

1. ——Would you like to buy a bike of this kind?       ——Yes, I’d like to have _____.

A. it               B. one                  C. this                  D. that                 

2. Bob: Could you reach me that dictionary?

Joe: Certainly. _______.

Bob: Thanks a lot.

A. Here you are          B. I won't be long               C. I'll get you there     D. Here's yours

3. ——Where’s the new dictionary?               ——It’s on the top shelf, out of _______.

A. reach               B. sight                       C. touch                      D. order

4. ——______ did you like his speech? ——Not bad, but I didn’t agree with ______ he said.

A. What; that        B. How; everything         C. Why; what         D. How; anything

5. Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, __ to go to university this coming autumn.

A. hope                B. hoped                            C. hoping                           D. hopes             

6. ——What do you think of Mr. Wang’s teaching?    ——Oh, no one else teaches _________

A. better               B. well                         C. best                        D. the best          

7. Although he talked half an hour, he couldn’t give us a good ________ of the reason why he did it.

A. idea                 B. explanation                    C. sense                            D. understanding

8. Please pay ________ attention to your spelling while you are writing.

A. suitable            B. special                           C. especial                  D. closely

9. ——Do you think he’ll do me a favour?

——It’s very unlikely, but he _______ be prepared to help you.

A. might               B. can                         C. must                       D. need               

10. ——Harry is sick and can’t go to the meeting                ——__________, instead.

A. Has Tom go     B. Have Tom go   C. Why not having Tom go        D. Have Tom going    

11. ——What date are you coming back, Mary?

——On the nineteenth, Mum.              —— _________.

A. Well, have a good time  B. Glad to see you      C. But not very late     D. the same to you

12. A new page of our human history will be ________ before we enter the 21st century.

A. turned over                    B. turned up         C. turned out       D. turned to        

13. ________ your telephone number here so that we can keep in touch later on.

A. Look through          B. Drop in            C. Fill in               D. Look up          

14. In western society, the part ______ church plays in people’s life is very important.

A. where                            B. that                  C. when               D. how                

15. In recent years, especially _______ the end of last year, great changes have taken place in the teaching field of our school.

A. by                    B. at                            C. since               D. from 

Unit 7

1. One of them has_______ engineer.

A. turned                     B. been                C. become                  D. got into           

2. There is still_____ who said he was ______ to reach the top of the mountain besides these two people.

A. the third one; first   B. third one; the one   C. a third one; the first    D. third; first 

3. John’s record was not so good as _______ on the team.

A. all the players         B. any other player’s  C. other players               D. any player’s

4. The football match was televised _____ from the People’s Stadium.

A. lively                B. living         C. live                  D. alive                

5. The light drive doesn’t ________ my computer. It’s too slow.

A. agree to          B. go with            C. fit for                     D. suitable for

6. Although he ______ too fast, yet I knew that he was ______ the truth.

A. spoke, speaking            B. spoke, saying         C. said, telling             D. spoke, telling  

7. _______ you’ve all had a wonderful vacation.

A. It would be good hurried                           B. It is good that

C. It was good that                                  D. It will be good that               

8. The exhibition was quite near. They _______.

A. mustn’t have hurried      B. needn’t have hurried   C. mustn’t hurry         D. needn’t hurry  

9. I ______ in the quiet countryside instead of in the busy city.

A. feel like living          B. would rather to live       C. prefer to living        D. feel like to live

10. Don’t leave your feet ______. Have ourselves _____ well.

A. exposing, covering B. exposing, covered  C. exposed, covering          D. exposed, covered

11. The old professor wanted a quiet room for the night because he just couldn’t stand _____ in a noisy room.

A. having slept            B. sleep               C. sleeping          D. being slept

12. ——Would you like to go with us?       ——Yes, ______.

A. I’d                    B. I’d like              C. I’d like to          D. I’d like to do

13. He regretted the day ________ he wasted in the woods and ______ he should have studied.

A. when, when            B. that, when        C. when, that       D. that, that

14. Look! There _____ an old man!

A. stands                            B. is standing              C. stood               D. has

15. Mother: It's getting late. Turn off the TV, Bob, and go to bed.

Bob: Can't see just this program through? It'll be over in ten minutes.

Mother: OK. ______. It may trouble our neighbors.

A. But turn it down                           B. Then you won't get enough sleep

C. But turn it off for a while                     D. But when will you study for tomorrow?

Unit 8

1. The difficulty didn’t in the least shake her _______.

A. idea                 B. opinion                   C. thought            D. decision

2. ——Jeff said he was with you at your home.

——He _____ in my home. He doesn’t know the address.

A. couldn’t be       B. can’t have been      C. might not be    D. might not have been     

3. I tried to persuade her to stop crying but ______ had no effect.

A. I                      B. which                      C. it                      D. this          

4. John: We'd better hurry. Do you think we will be in time for class?

Tom: _______.

John: Why don't we run?

Tom: Go ahead, but I think it is useless.

A. Yes, there is enough time                   B. Don't worry. We'll get there in time

C. No. I'm afraid not. It's too late             D. Sure. We have lots of time                              

5. ——Are you sure that you’ve met him before?       ——______I’m mistaken.

A. Unless                    B. If                      C. When                     D. Though          

6. ——Do you need some more paper?            ——No, thanks, I ______.

A. still have left some  B. have still left some        C. have some still left  D. still have some left 

7. ——_____?

——Yes, a bit cold, though.

A. It’s cold, isn’t it                                    B. Nice day, isn’t it

C. Bad weather, don’t you think so          D. Freezing, isn’t it

8. ——You could have asked Mr. Richards for help. He is kind-hearted.

——Yes. A whole day _______.

A. was wasted             B. had wasted      C. will waste                D. would be wasted   

9. The wonderful time they have been looking forward to _____ finally arrived.

A. had                         B. have                C. has                         D. having            

10. ——Is he content to accept our offered price?

——Yes. He cares more about the quality. Money is ______ to him.

A. everything       B. nothing                   C. anything                 D. something

11. Mr. Tong couldn’t keep pace with the others as they marched along. He stood often out of ____.

A. order                      B. sight                C. mind                      D. line

12. ——What do you think made Mary so upset?       ——_____ her bicycle.

A. As she lost              B. Lost                 C. Losing                    D. Because of losing  

13. The ____ look on her face suggested that she ______ angry.

A. surprising; was B. surprising; is           C. surprised; was        D. surprising; should be    

14. All the children should be ______ to respect their parents.

A. brought about         B. brought out      C. brought through     D. brought up            

15. ——Can you meet Bill at the airport tomorrow?

——______, but I’m leaving for Paris this afternoon.

A. No problem             B. I’d like to          C. Certainly                 D. Of course       

Unit 9

1. ——Have you locked the door?

——Yes. I remember ______.

A. to lock it                  B. have locked it         C. having been locked              D. having locked it

2. _____, I don’t like the way you did the work.

A. Telling the truth              B. Tell the truth           C. To tell the truth                     D. Truth to tell     

3. The sick child ______ good care of.

A. has had to take       B. has to be taken      C. has to take                     D. will have to take

4. ——The fish smells terrible!


A. So does it               B. So it does               C. So does the fish            D. So it is     

5. ——You look quite beautiful in this new dress.


A. No, not at all           B. No, it’s too bad        C. what you say is wrong   D. Thank you      

6. When was ______that you saw her last?

A. that                         B. this                         C. it                                    D. there       

7. There _____ great changes in our country in the past ten years.

A. has been                B. were                       C. was                                D. have been             

8. “I want ______ these apples.” Said the old lady.

A. two dozens             B. two dozens of         C. two dozen              D. dozen of  

9. ——Who broke the glass?         ——Xiao Ming ________.

A. may have done       B. will not do               C. can do                    D. can have done

10. So ______ that no fish can live in it.

A. Shallow is the lake                                     B. shallow the lake is

C. the lake is shallow                                     D. is the shallow                

11. I didn’t see him in the meeting room this morning. He ________ at the meeting.

A. mustn’t have spoken                                  B. shouldn’t have spoken

C. needn’t have spoken                                 D. couldn’t have spoken                 

12. _____Einstein could not afford to pay for _____ advanced education that young Albert needed.

A. 不填; the                B. 不填; an                 C. The; 不填               D. The; the         

13. Girl: Good afternoon, Madam. ________?

Woman: No, can you help me please?

Girl: Yes, Madam. What are you looking for?

Woman: I'd like to buy a purse.

A. Are you waiting for me                               B. Would you like anything else

C. Have you been waited on                          D. What can I do for you                               

14. ——What were you doing when he came to see you?

——I had just put on my overcoat and _______ to visit a friend of mine.

A. leaving                    B. was left                   C. left                          D. was leaving            

15. ——Excuse me, may I sit here?           ——_____.

A. I’m afraid you can’t  B. With pleasure       C. I’m afraid you can   D. You’re welcome     

Unit 10

1. ——Don’t’ make a noise, please; they are sleeping.

——_______. I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.

A. Yes, I won’t.            B. No, I won’t.             C. No, I will          D. Yes, I will.     

2. ——I’ve never seen such a long line before.

——By the time we reach the booking office, all the tickets ______.

A. will have been sold out                              B. will be sold out

C. are to be sold out                                      D. should have sold out

3. You can take ______ much you want and ______ you want to.

A. whatever/when                                                 B. Whenever/ however

C. however/whatever                                     D. however/ whoever               

4. She felt very angry about the traffic accident, looking _______ at the rude driver.

A. worried                   B. happily                    C. coldly               D. excited           

5. The United States of America is much bigger than _____ country in Africa.

A. all the                      B. all the other            C. any other         D. any          

6. Paul is said _______ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

A. to have studied       B. to study                  C. to be studying D. to have been studying  

7. ——Jim really upset Granny.

——I’m sure he didn’t _______.

A. want so                   B. have to                   C. hope it             D. mean to          

8. The reason _____ I plan to go is _____ she will be disappointed if I don’t.

A. that/ because          B. why/ that                 C. why/because   D. that/for    

9. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,_______, of course, made the others unhappy.

A. who                        B. which                      C. this                  D. what

10. ______ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they can’t be solved.

A. While                      B. In case                    C. As                   D. Because

11. Smith: Excuse me, sir. I'm writing a research paper on Chinese medicine. Do you mind

answering a few questions?

Dr Zhang: _________.

A. Certainly                 B. No, of course not   C. By all means    D. Yes, please            

12. Mr. Paul, his new teacher of ______ French, is ______ European.

A. the /×               B. ×/the                C. ×/an                 D. ×/a

13. _____ in a heavy rain, they had to stop climbing the mountain.

A. To catch                  B. Caught             C. Having caught        D. Catching.        

14. Some of the floorboards had ______ away, so it wasn’t safe to walk on them.

A. rotten                      B. destroyed               C. wasted             D. broken            

15. Susan: I really like your dress. It's beautiful.

Mary: _______.

Susan: Where did she get it?

Mary: I have no idea.

A. Thanks, it was a gift from Tom                   B. Thanks, it was a gift from my sister

C. You're joking. It's impossible                     D. Oh, thank you                             

Unit 11

1. ——Would you rather go to the cinema today or tomorrow?


A. What’s the matter?  B. The other is better.  C. Either would suit me.   D. Yes, of course.

2. Please pay special attention to ______ idioms of ______ English Language.

A. the / the                  B. x/the                       C. the/x                                  D. the/x      

3. —— What’s happened to my dictionary?           ——_______.

A. You bought it only yesterday                     B. It’s of no use

C. I’ve no idea                                                D. You borrowed it from my friend

4. ——I’m sorry I can’t hand in my composition today.

——but you _____ me that day.

A. have promised        B. promised                C. had promised  D. has promised  

5. Will you see to ______ that my children are taken good care of while I am away?

A. them                       B. yourself                  C. me                  D. it       

6. The students go on playing football______ or not.

A. whether it rains      B. if it rains           C. whether it will rain   D. no matter it rains    

7. ______ the window, my hand was cut unexpectedly.

A. Cleaning                 B. To clean           C. While cleaning        D. While I was cleaning     

8. Helen _____ to see you the moment she _____ his work.

A. will come/ finishes  B. comes / will finish  C. has come /will finish      D. has come / finished      

9. He left the room with the electricity ________.

A. cut off             B. being cut off          C. cut down                       D. being cut down

10. ——You have drunk too much. You look pale.

——don’t worry. I’m going to be _____. I can drive home.

A. right                 B. fine                         C. healthy                          D. good        

11. —— Joe, you make bed before breakfast, _____?

—— All right, mum.

A. don’t you         B. doesn’t she             C. will you                          D. do you            

12. —— Never thought we could meet here.           —— ______.

A. So did I            B. Neither do I     C. Glad to meet you          D. I didn’t expect that, either.

13. —— Why, it’s getting dark.

—— Yes, I’m afraid he ______ home alone.

A. must have gone      B. may go   C. might have gone            D. should have gone  

14. —— I fell off my horseback and broke my leg yesterday.

—— Is that _____ you drank too much?

A. why                  B. how                 C. because                 D. when

15. I don’t love you _____ even if you fail in the coming exam.

A. any more                B. any less           C. no more           D. no less

Unit 12

1. ——How far is it from here to the History Museum?            ——It is ______.

A. nearly two hours ride                                 B. about two hour’s drive

C. nearly two hours’ ride                                D. about two-hour’s drive        

2. It’s said that his job has much to ______ telephones.

A. join to              B. connect with           C. deal with          D. do with           

3. ——What did you think of the house?

——I didn’t care for it at ______first, but after ______time I got to like it.

A. X/ the              B. the/a         C. the/X                      D. X/a                  

4. ——Shall I call you William or Willie?

——_______, but my friends call me Willie for a short.

A. Both          B. Either               C. Neither                   D. None              

5. She sensed something unusual ______ she stepped into the room.

A. no sooner        B. as long as        C. the moment            D. for the time            

6. ——Why did you go home on foot?

——When I came out of the classroom, I found that my bicycle ______.

A. has missed                    B. had gone         C. was gone                D. was missed            

7. Bob hurried to schools only ______ no one in the classroom.

A. found                      B. finding             C. to find                            D. have found            

8. _______ the boss said at the meeting isn’t true astonished all of us.

A. That          B. What                C. What that                D. That what              

9. ——I wonder why our teacher looks upset today.

——I’m not sure, but he _______ a small accident driving here.

A. might have              B. might have had                     C. must have had        D. could have

10. ——Jane told me she wouldn’t go to the show tonight.

——But what ______ her to change her mind?

A. affected           B. made               C. caused                   D. resulted          

11. ______ New York and Washington D.C., the former is the larger.

A. Of                    B. Among                    C. Between                 D. About       

12. His mother told him not to _______, _______ would be bad for his health.

A. stay up; which                              B. stay up; what

C. keep up; what                              D. keep up; which      

13. It was not until she had arrived home ________ remembered ______ the key in her office.

A. When she /to leave B. and she /leaving  C. that she / leaving           D. she / to leave  

14. John studies hard and he is the top student in your class, _________?

A. did he                     B. isn’t he                    C. is he                D. didn’t he         

15. My hometown is quite different from ________ before.

A. that it was        B. it was               C. what it was                     D. which it was           

Unit 13

1. We ______not to go that way because the bridge ______.

A. told/was repairing          B. were told/was being repaired

C. had told/ was repaired   D. were told/ was going to repair           

2. I really don’t know what they will ________ themselves on out National Day.

A. do with             B. deal with          C. get on with             D. begin with       

3. In character-training of children, what really _______ much is what their parents say and do.

A. matters            B. cares               C. considers               D. minds             

4. ——Today is my birthday.                    ——_________.

A. Your birthday is happy                        B. Wish you happy

C. Congratulations                                  D. Marry happy returns of the day       

5. What makes the thing atoms ________ all the different things?

A. stick together to forming                            B. stick together to form

C. to stick together from                         D. to stick together forming                  

6. ——When can I come for the mended shoes? I need them this afternoon.

——They _______ be ready by 12:00.

A. can           B. should                           C. might                    D. need               

7. There is no greater love than ______ who lays down his life for his country.

A. that of a man           B. a man        C. that of a man’s      D. a man’s love   

8. ——When did they get down to the job?                 ——_______.

A. Until they left   B. Till they arrived         C. Since they finished it D. Not until they turned to me

9. How sweet the music _______!

A. sounds to be          B. is sounded         C. is sounded to be       D. sounds

10. To have some soup before a meal seemed to me a rule _______.

A. to never break B. never to be broken  C. never to have broken       D. never to be breaking

11. _______houses and buildings were  destroyed in the earthquake.

A. Such many                                         B. Too much        

C. A great many of                                  D. A great number of

12. ——It’s six o’clock and your after is still at the office.

——I know. Who else would _______ he does?

A.    be as hard-working as                      B. be working harder than

C. do harder work than                           D. work as hard as

13. Was it at the very beginning _______Mr. White made the decision _____ we should send more fire-fighters there?

A. when/which            B. that/that           C. when/so          D. where/what            

14. ——Would you mind ______ a word in here?        ——Mind your own ______.

A. me adding/business B. my adding/matter  C. adding/affairs        D. if add/ duty            

15. Going out of the room, ________.

A. the air felt cool and fresh                    B. the sun has risen

C. a boy was seen in a tree                     D. she was a bird in a tree       

Unit 14

1. The tickets _______ at the entrance we walk into the exhibition hall.

A. checked           B. being checked        C. having checked             D. to be checked

2. Never _______time come back again.

A. will you lose     B. will lost              C. have I lost                      D. am I losing

3. She told me she had met you in shanghai two years before. ______ you ______ her since.

A. Had, met          B. Did, see                  C. Have, seen                    D. would, meet           

4. The girl seemed rather ______ instead of _______ just before the operation.

A. calmed, excited B. calming, exciting  C. calm, being excited D. being clamed, exciting

5. ——Would you like to have a try once again?            ——_________.

A. Yes, I like                                            B. No, I don’t like it

C. Yes, I want very much                        D. Yes, I’d like to                      

6. Sherwood had to ______the reference his friends sent to him because it is hard for him to understand.

A. put down         B. put away                 C. put up                     D. put off          

7. If you have some trouble with work, I can ________you a job in my company.

A. offer               B. accept                     C. supply                    D. provide

8. ―May I help you to some more meat?             ―________.

A. No, you can’t                                      B. Yes, you may

C. I’ll help myself, thanks                        D. I’m afraid not

9. The wounded soldier died though the hospital ________.

A. tired to pull him through                      B. managed to pull him through

C. went all out to pull through him           D. managed to pull through him             

10. What you said didn’t ______ the fact.

A. agree to                  B. agree on          C. agree with       D. agree       

11. Upon graduation from school, how well will you ________ the job that lies ahead?

A. prepare            B. prepare for             C. be prepared for      D. be preparing

12. Here is a fellow who just walked into a bank and ________ himself so much money.

A. helped                    B. enjoyed           C. devoted           D. offered

13. It ______ every day so far this month.

A. rains                       B. has rained        C. rained              D. is raining         

14. ——Are you angry?

——Yes. He should at least answer when ______.

A. speaking                B. spoken            C. spoken to        D. speaking to            

15. Please don’t let the boy who is _________ go and do anything for you.

A. not strong enough                              B. not strong enough to

C. so weak as so                                     D. too weak to

Unit 15

1. ___________you have come, you must not go away so soon.

A. For             B. Now that           C. Because     D. So that             

2. The police ___________________the accident and found out the reason of it.

A. looked at     B. looked through      C. looked into   D. looked up 

3. —— What's this in English?

——Sorry. I can't ________it in English.

A. say                B. talk                      C. tell                D. speak

4. We sought __________her mind but she refused.

A. changing     B. change               C. changed     D. to change        

5. America was __________was first called" India" by Columbus.

A. what         B. where                  C. the place     D. there        

6. __________comes back first is supposed to win the prize.

A. Anybody     B. Who                     C. Whoever     D. No matter who       

7. Have you found the book over there interesting _________worth reading?

A. but                B. so                       C. instead of    D. as well as  

8. The man ________to the next conference is a famous scientist.

A. is invited     B. to be invited         C. inviting       D. will be invited  

9. ________early at the station ________sure __________a ticket.

A. Arriving, making ,of getting                 B. To arrive, to make, to get

C. Arrive, to make, of getting                  D. Arrive, making, to get           

10. —— He said he enjoyed the quiet life in the countryside.

——________and ____________.

A. So did he, so did I                     B. So he did, so did I

C. He did so, I did so                    D. Did he so, so I did        

11. I went to Mary's graduation party _________I knew a lot of people.

A. where     B. when       C. because     D. since          

12. I remember this story ________it happened yesterday.

A. though    B. if               C. for                D. as though           

13. ——It is very kind of you to take so much trouble to help me.


A. It doesn't matter   B. It is nothing    C. Never mind         D. No at all             

14. ——Can I help you?                         ——___________.

A. Thank you                   B. I want to buy a shirt

C. You can, I think               D. Yes, you can          

15. ——I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long a time.         ——___________.

A. No, not at all                    B. That's all right

C. You're welcome                 D. Don't mention it

Unit 16

1. Growing vegetables needs ___________.

A. constant water  B. constant watering  C. constantly water  D. constantly watering      

2. I saw no more than one clock in that shop. Will you go and buy ____________?

A. any           B. it      C. some        D. one

3. There was a terrible noise ___________the sudden burst of light.

A. followed      B. following     C. being followed       D. to be followed    

4. ——This is my roommate, Mr. Brown.               ——________?

A. How are you  B. How do you do  C. Are you Mr. Brown    D. When did you come    

5. I ________ten minutes to decide whether I should take the offer.

A. gave        B. had given     C. was giving      D. was given      

6. England has many rivers, ___________are very long and wide.

A. none of which    B. all of them     C. no one of them       D. neither of which             

7. ——Sorry to keep you waiting.

——Oh, not at all. I ________here only a few minutes.

A. had been       B. have been    C. was         D. will be     

8. Don’t touch the desk. The paint is ________.

A. fresh                B. delicious          C. popular            D. welcome

9. ——The music is too loud. Could you please turn down the radio a bit?


A. Sorry. I didn't know you were reading     B. Thank you. I enjoy it very much

C. Don't trouble me. I like music            D. Oh, I don't think so      

10. ——Shall I help you with the cleaning?

——No, _________. I can manage.

A. it doesn't matter  B. I don't mind     C. thank you         D. it's my pleasure    

11. It is no _________that he has made such rapid progress. He has worked hard at all of his subjects.

A. wonder     B. right       C. idea      D. thought    

12. ——I feel rather tired today.

——You _______to sleep too late last night.

A. could go  B. couldn't have gone    C. might go       D. shouldn't have gone   

13. How about the two of us _________a walk down the garden?

A. to take      B. take        C. to be talking     D. taking 

14. ——Would you like to take a taxi?

——No, I _______walk. It's such a lovely day.

A. am able to      B. would rather       C. had better          D. ought to   

15. The children _________a small computer.

A. each has     B. has each       C. each have      D. have each  

Unit 17

1. The typewriter _________ all week.

A. was laying on the table, where it had laid,      B. was lying on the table, where it had laid,

C. was laying on the table, where it had been laid,

D. was lying on the table, where it had been laid,

2. Who says man is alone in trying to _______ the problem of air pollution? There are certain moths(蛾) whose color serves to protect them.

A. solve                B. settle               C. have                       D. meet               

3. Not for a moment _______ the truth of your story.

A. he has doubted      B. he doubted             C. had he doubted             D. did he doubt   

4. ——Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

——I don't know, ________.

A. nor don't I care              B. nor do I care    C. I don’t care either        D. I don't care also

5. ——It's a good idea. But who's going to ______ the plan?

   ——I think Tom and Greg will.

A. set aside                 B. carry out          C. take in                           D. get through           

6. ——I just heard that the tickets for tonight's show have been sold out.

——Oh no! ________.

A. I was looking forward to that                      B. It doesn't matter

C. I knew it already                                        D. It's not at all interesting               

7. ——Have you ever been to Rome?   

       ——No, but that's the city _______.

A. where I most like to visit                     B. I'd most like to visit

C. which I like to visit most                      D. where I'd like most to visit                 

8. John may phone tonight. I don't want to go out ________ he phones.

A. as long as               B. in order that            C. in case                    D. so that            

9. Nock is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ______ his boss.

A. serves                    B. satisfies                  C. promises                D. supports  

10. It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, _______ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

A. that                  B. while                       C. which                      D. when       

11. Qingdao is ______ most beautiful coastal city and I believe I will come for ______ second visit.

A. the; a        B. a; a           C. the; the            D. a; the                     

12 ______ a plan to deal with it is important.

A. What we should work out                          B. We should work out

C. That we should work out                           D. That what we should work out           

13. So it is what the pupils do in their spare time that really _______ them to take their place in society as citizens when they grow up.

A. makes                     B. prepares                 C. gets                 D. holds              

14. ——Did you hear the president's speech about the media(传媒)?

——Yes. He doesn't trust them. He thinks that they aren't giving correct ___ about his programs.

A. article                      B. information                    C. speech                   D. idea                

15. The main facts in human life are five; birth, food, sleep, love and death. One could increase the number——add breathing for instance——but these five are the most obvious. Let us ask ourselves _______ our lives.

A. they play in what part            B. they play what part in

C. what part they play in            D. in what part they play    

Unit 18

1. Moths(蛾) are changing their colors to _______ the polluted backgrounds on which they rest.

A. meet with                B. agree with        C. fight against            D. stay with         

2. It is so hard for people to understand his action. You can never _______ his thoughts.

A. learn                       B. study               C. master                           D. read                

3. Jane was quite alone in the world ______ an uncle in England.

A. except                           B. except for        C. besides                  D. instead of       

4. ——Who would you rather ______ the room?

——Jack of course.

A. have clean                     B. have cleaned   C. get clean                D. get cleaned           

5. The notice ______ from hand to hand until all of us _______it.

A. was passed; had read    B. passed; had read    C. was passed; read          D. passed; read  

6. ——Do you mind if I turn on the radio?


A. Certainly you can   B. No, go right ahead   C. Yes, you may      D. Of course, you can

7. ——Why did you come a long way round?

——I was afraid _______ near the fierce dog because I was afraid ______.

A. of walking; to be bitten                       B. to walk; of being bitten

C. to walk; to be bitten                                   D. of walking; of being bitten                 

8. I'll go to America next week. Have you anything _______ to your parents?

A. to buy                     B. to be bough                   C. to take                    D. to be taken            

9. ——Would you be able to come to the party?

—— ________.

A. I believe it        B. I don’t expect          C. I don't hope so       D. I am afraid not

10. ——Why weren't you at the meeting?

——I ______ for a long-distance call from my aunt in America.

A. waited                     B. was waiting                    C. had been waiting    D. had waited

11. The telephone _____ four times in the last hour, and each time it ______ for my roommate.

A. has rung; was             B. has been ringing; is              C. had rung; was         D. rang; has been      

12. Because of the poor harvest wheat prices have _______ in the last six months.

A. added              B. jumped            C. developed              D. dropped                

13. It is said that the weather will ______ hot for another three or four days.

A. look          B. last                   C. stay                 D. get                  

14. Her skirt has become loose. She seems _______ weight.

A. to lose             B. that she has lost     C. to be losing            D. to have lost            

15. No matter what you say, I shall ______ my opinion.

A. carry out   B. keep up           C. insist on           D. stick to     

Unit 19

1. _______ is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

A. whatever                 B. Whoever          C. However it              D. Whatever it            

2. I don't think it right that _______ honest man who married and brought up a large family did more service than he who continued single and only talked of _______ population.

A. a; 不填                   B. an; 不填          C. a; the               D. an; the                   

3. The lady behind her in line kept pushing against her every time the line moved. Finally, Sue turned and said sternly(严厉地), "________?"

A. Do you care            B. Do you mind    C. What are you doing              D. Go ahead

4. Still he ______ his post, reporting the water level to the headquarters every fifteen minutes.

A. came to                   B. devoted to              C. stuck to                  D. got to       

5. ——Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed in Mexico last summer?

——No, it for_______ four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.

A. was raining             B. rained                     C. had been raining           D. have rained

6. I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but ______.

A. I'm not invited                              B. I have not been invited

C. I was not invited                          D. I had not been invited

7. ——Did you go to Hawaii for the vacation?

——I _______ to go, but I got sick at the last minute.

A. was planning    B. have planned   C. had been planning  D. have been planning      

8. Birds will come back again and again to the _______ spot for food and water.

A. forbidden         B. flesh                C. given                      D. fresh              

9. He cares so little about his meals that______ will do so long as it fills his stomach.

A. anything           B. everything       C. nothing                   D. something      

10. ——I guess I'll stay home.                              ——______

A. So you are.             B. Me too.            C. You guess so.        D. I will.               

11. The snow fell during the night and was _______ in big drifts on the highway the next morning.

A. lied           B. lying          C. laid           D. laying              

12. Francis Preston Blair, ______ born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri.

A. was           B. he was             C. although          D. as                   

13. The question was so unexpected that, for a moment, Vivian was at a loss how to ____ to it.

A. answer             B. reply         C. turn          D. get                  

14. ——I took the TOEFL. It was really hard.       —— _______ a lot?

A. Have you studied    B. Did you study  C. Had you studied     D. Do you study  

15. It is true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. We won't take the new one, ______, because we don't feel as safe on it.

A. therefore                B. however          C. otherwise        D. though            

Unit 20

1. ——I'd like go to the cinema with you, Dad.

——Sorry, my darling, but the film is _______ for adults only.

A. admitted                  B. intended          C. promised                D. permitted        

2. ________ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend of _______ her.

A. Warned, followed                                       B. Warning, following

C. Having warned, following                          D. Having been warned, following         

3. There is something wrong with my watch, so I have to buy ________.

A. it               B. a one               C. one                  D. new one                       

4. It has been raining for a day, but even though it _______, we _______ there by tomorrow.

A. hadn't rained, couldn't get                  B. hadn't rained, can't get

C. didn't rain, couldn't get                       D. didn't rain, can't get                           

5. "Here you are at last!"                                " _________"   

A. Are you all right?     B. Yes, I'm here. C. Sorry to have kept you waiting. D. You are here, too.     

6. She said her interest _______ lay in collecting stamps.

A. mostly                            B. mainly                     C. most                D. best                

7. He ________ for miles _______ for the news.

A. prefers to walk; rather than wait          B. prefers walking; prefer to wait

C. prefers walking; rather than wait         D. prefers to walk; rather than waiting.          

8. The reason ______ he have for his absence was _______ he had missed the bus.

A. why; that          B. that; because   C. why; because              D. which; that             

9.Not until he arrived home _______ that his wallet had been stolen.

A. he had found         B. he found   C. did he find                  D. had he founded     

10. Take this medicine ________ and you'll be all right in one or two days.

A. one day twice         B. two times one day  C. twice a day     D. one day two times 

11. ——Who did you find in the room?         ——________.

A. None               B. Not                  C. No                   D. Nobody                 

12. Growing corn doesn't need ________ growing rice.

A. as much water as                         B. as much water like

C. much water as                             D. too much water as               

13. ——What's wrong with Jane?

——A. letter from home ______ an attack of home sickness.

A. sent out                  B. set out                    C. sent off                  D. set off                   

14. ——Why not go and play football outside?             —— ________.

A. Yes, I think so  B. It's good game   C. That's a good idea                  D. Of course we do

15. It was not until the end of the meeting ______.

A. that she turned up         B. when she turned up

C. did she turn up                     D. had she turned up                      

Unit 21

1.    First aid is _____ science of giving ______ medical care to _____ person before a doctor can be found.

A. the; 不填; a             B. the; the; a        C. a; 不填; the            D. 不填; a ; the   

2. If you keep on, you'll succeed ______. Wish you success in the examinations.

A. in time              B. at one time   C. for the same time            D. sometimes

3. There is nothing for us to do it but ______ the injured man to hospital.

A. take                 B. taking               C. to take                    D. took                

4. Chemicals in the body ________ our food into useful substance(物质).

A. mix up              B. deal with          C. bring in            D. break down                  

5. ——You ______ give the ticket to Mary, for she has already got one.

——Shall I give the ticket to her boyfriend?

——No, you ______ give it to him. Because I don't want to see him any more.

A. can't; can't       B. mustn't; mustn't   C. mustn't; needn't              D. needn't; mustn't     

6. Wouldn't it be great if Alice_______ here.

A. is              B. isn't                  C. could be                 D. had been               

7. ——Have you ever heard of Mr. Read?

——Yes, he is _______ reporter.

A. a famous young Australian                  B. a famous Australian young

C. an Australian famous young                D. a young Australian famous          

8. All the preparations for the task ________, and we're ready to start

A. completed        B. complete  C. had been completed     D. have been completed   

9. ——Did you remember ________ him before?

——Oh, yes. We had had dinner together for as long as we were in New York.

A. have met                 B. having met              C. to meet            D. to having met  

10. It was at the school ______ was named after a hero ______ he spend his childhood.

A. which; that       B. where; where   C. that; where          D. which; where                

11. ——You couldn't have chosen any gift better for me.            ——________

A. Oh, don't complain about a gift.     B. That's all right. I'll give you a better one next time.

C. I'm glad you like it so much.        D. You have a gift for music, don't you.          

12. The director gave me a better offer than ______.

A. that of Dick's    B. Dick's   C. he gave Dick                  D. those of Dick                

13. The guest expressed his satisfaction with meal, _______ that he and enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added          B. to add                     C. added                     D. adding                   

14. It will be a long time ______ Frank ______ back from abroad.

A. before; comes B. since; has come  C. when; will come             D. after; will         

15. ________, he can life the big stone.

A. A child he is     B. As he is a child    C. He is as a child             D. Child as he is         

Unit 22

1. He seemed to ______Jane. He knew her well.

A. introduce to            B. be introducing to  C. be introduced to D. have been introduced to 

2. ––It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside at night.

––My God! ______.

A. So did I     B. So I did     C. So were you   D. So did you                                  

3. ––You’ve won the football game. Congratulations!           ––______.

A. It’ s nice of you to say so                    B. We are really lucky

C. No one else could do it                      D. Oh, not really                              

4. The visiting professor ______ giving lectures to students ______ invited to meetings at times.

A. preferred; to being                             B. preferred; rather than

C. preferred; than being                         D. preferred to; to being                        

5. We have worked out a plan. But I’m uncertain whether it will do in ______.

A. fact          B. practice            C. deed                D. time                              

6. I have never heard such a more ______ story, which really ______ me.

A. interested; excites                              B. interesting; excites

C. interesting; is excited                         D. interested; is exciting                        

7. When you haven’t finished this, why do you go on ______ that?

A. with           B. to do                C. doing               D. to have done                

8. He fell off his bike. ______, he had to stay at home for several days.

A. In a word  B. In other words       C. As a result              D. Once in a while                    

9. Mary stood in line at the market, waiting for her ______.

A. turn           B. order               C. service                   D. action

10. Besides being expensive, the food in the dining room tastes _______.

A. good         B. well                  C. bad                  D. badly                            

11. The WTO cannot live up to its name ______ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.

A. as long as       B. while                C. if                      D. even though                 

12. He is said to ______ to his country because a new president comes into power.

A. be allowed to return                            B. allow to return

C. allow returning                                    D. be allowed returning                          

13. When you want to word for our country in the future, _______, we should have strong body and rich knowledge.

A. at first                            B. first of all         C. for the first tine             D. after all           

14. When you stay with such a big person, remember to talk the ______ way.

A. proper             B. usual                C. common          D. exactly                          

15. Fortunately he will go on ______ holiday in ______ place of Brown.

A.不填;the         B.不填;不填       C.不填;a            D. the; 不填

第四部分    高考英语改错练习



Today I visited the Smiths—my first time visit                                              1. ___

to a American family. They live in a small                                                        2. ___

town. It was very kind for them to meet me                                                     3. ___

at the railway sation and drove me to their home.                                           4. ___

The Smiths did his best to make me feel                                                        5. ___

at home. They offered me coffee and other                                                   6. ___

drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing                                           7. ___

together. They eager to know everything about                                             8. ___

China and asked me lots of question. In fact,                                                 9. ___

they are planning to visit China in next year.                                                 10. ___

NMET 1997

Dear Bob,

Hello. I learn about you from my English teacher,                                       1. ___

Miss Fang. I'd like to your penfriend, and get to                                           2. ___

know more about your country. First, let me tell you

something more about myself                                                                        3. ___

My name is Li Hua. I live in Beijing, where is the                                             4. ___

capital of China. I go to Hongqi Middle School.                                              5. ___

We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese,                                  6. ___

English and physics. I use to play ping-pong a lot                                          7. ___

in my spare time, but now I am interesting in                                                  8. ___

football. Do you play any ball games? What your favourite                              9. ___

sport? I look forward to hear from you soon.                                                10. ___


Li Hua

NMET 1998

My Favourite Sport

My favourite sport is football. I was a member of                                                   1.___

our school football team. We practise for three times                                  2.___

every week and often watch football match on TV                                          3.___

together. Play football not only makes us grow up                                          4.___

tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and                                  5.___.

team spirit. We must keep in mind that we play                                               6.___

for the team instead ourselves. Also, the sport                                               7.___

teaches us the important of obedience (服从) .Each                                       8.___

player must obey captain, who is the leader of                                                     9.___

the team. And they must not break the rules too                                         10.___

of ten if we want to win the game.

NMET 1999

      The Problem with Television

Now I can't watch much television but a few years ago                                      1. ___

I was used to watch it every night. I was often                                                      2. ___

a little tired after a day's work and watch TV                                                          3. ___

demands very little effort. Unfortunate, there are                                                        4. ___

too many people among my family. Some wanted                                                  5. ___

to see the programme while others preferred                                                               6. ___

another. I am happy with any program me but                                                       7. ___

the others spent a lot time arguing and there                                                         8. ___

was no way of settling the matter exespt by                                                          9. ___

selling the set. Now someone at home reads intead.                                         10. ___


Dear Peter,

Thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday                                                 1. ___

party on Sunday. I'd like very much come but                                                               2. ___

I had an examination on Monday morning. It is                                                      3. ___

a very important exam but I can't afford to                                                             4. ___

fail it. I'11 spend all the whole weekend reading                                                    5. ___

and prepare for it. So I'm really sorry that                                                              6. ___

I won't be able to come in this time. Hope you                                                       7. ___

can understand. I'11 take this chance to wish                                                               8. ___

you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy                                                          9. ___

birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the                                                   10. ___



Li Ming

NMET 2000

The day before the speech contest (比赛) English teacher                          1. ___

talked to me. She said that she and my schoolmate all                                           2. ___

wished me success, but it didn’t matter that I would                                               3. ___

win or not. When I was on the stage the next day, I felt so                                    4. ___

nervous as I shook like a leaf. There were so many people                                          5. ___

present! Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher in                                 6. ___

the crowd. She was smiling but nodding at me. I remembered                              7. ___

her words and calm down. I did a good job and won the first                                 8. ___

prize. Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.                                 9. ___

Whenever I see them I will often think of my English teacher.                         10. ___


I used to love science class-all of them-                                1. ________

biology, chemistry ,geography, physics, I think I                           2. ________

liked those classes because I felt that it helped me                                        3. ________

understand what the world works. For example, when                                   4. ________

I was a child , the rain was a mystery (M%). In one                                         5. ________

Class, I learned it rained. I think science classes                                            6.________

clear up mysteries .But then there is always more                                          7.________

mysteries look into . What was my least favourite class?                                 8. ________

That was math. After learn the basics of the subjects,                                    9. ________

nothing else seemed very practically to me . I never                                       10.________

saw how I could use it in my daily life.

NMET 2001

Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor                       1.________

sisters—in any other words, I am an only child. My parents                           2.________

love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure                          3.________

that I get a good education. They did not want me to do                                4.________

any work at family; they want me to devote all my time to                            5.________

my studies so that I'll get good marks in all my subject. We                            6.________

may be one family an live under a same roof, but we do                                7.________

not seem to get much time to talk about together. It looks                           8.________

as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. Do they                             9.________

really understand their own daughter? What things are in                       10.________

other homes, I wonder.


Passage 1

Food is much important to our health.                                1. ___________

Everyone need to eat well if he or she wants                            2. ___________

to have a strong body.

       Our minds, like bodies, always need the                             3. ___________

best food. This kind of food is a knowledge.                             4. ___________

When we will get older, we should enjoy reading                       5. ___________

and learning about all kinds of things. If                                     6. ___________

we just receive answers without thinking                                          7. ___________

about it, we'll never learn well. When we                                   8. ___________

study on the right way and get knowledge                                 9. ___________

on our own, we enjoy learning, we

also learn much and understand better.                                    10. __________

Passage 2

Radio and television are very useful on the                        1. ___________

world. They may be seen everywhere. Thousands                    2.___________

and thousands people watch TV. Perhaps even more               3. ___________

people listen to radio. Television, of course, is                          4. ___________

more useful than radio. On TV we can see that is                      5. ___________

happening around us. However, radio is no disappeared,          6. ___________

it is still with us. It can be done very small. It                              7. ___________

is easy to take. You can put one in your pocket                         8. ___________

and listen to in the bus or on your bike when                            9. ___________

you go to work. And radio is much more cheaper                      10. __________

than television.

Passage 3

A teacher could make classes lively and                              1. ___________

interested. Once he asked his class to watch                            2. ___________

carefully first and then do everything he do.                              3. ___________

He held up one of his finger and dipped it                                 4. ___________

into a cup in a mixture. Then he took it                                      5. ___________

out the cup and put a finger in his mouth                                          6. ___________

and sucked it with smile. Then he told                                       7. ___________

the students to do again. Each student made a                         8. ___________

face after he did that the teacher had done.                             9. ___________

Finally he saw none of them watched carefully.                         10. __________

The finger he sucked was not the one

he had dipped into the cup.

Passage 4

       I was anxiously expected your letter, and at last                 1. ___________

it has reached to me. I am very glad to know that                       2. ___________

everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually.                3. ___________

Things here are same now as they were before. The                4. ___________

final examination will take place in next week. So                    5. ___________

I am now busy preparing for my lessons. It's nice                      6. ___________

to think that the summer vacation is coming                               7. ___________

near. I can't say much I want to see you all again                       8. ___________

I am looking forward to spend summer days with you.               9. ___________

Give my love to Father, Mother and anyone at home.                10. __________

Passage 5

       When we buy a postage stamp to put up                                   1. ___________

a letter, we are paying a post office for                                      2. ___________

taking the letter. The post office cannot do                                3. ___________

its work on nothing. Post offices have to                                          4. ___________

be built. Postman and people who work                                     5. ___________

in the post offices have to be paid. The                                     6. ___________

train, ship or plane which brings our letters                               7. ___________

have to be paid. When buy the stamp, we                                 8. ___________

are often paying for our shares of the                                       9. ___________

expenses. This called "postage" as you know.                           10. __________

Passage 6

       It was very late when we came out the cinema.                   1. ___________

We knew the last train will leave at 11:50. So                             2. ___________

we ran as fast as we could to the station.                                   3. ___________

It was just quarter past 11 when we arrived                               4. ___________

in the station, but the trains often leave a                                         5. ___________

little late and there was a train stood at                                      6. ___________

the platform. So we got in. We waited                                        7. ___________

for half a hour, then we got out. We found a                             8. ___________

station worker and asking when the train was                                   9. ___________

going to leave. "Tomorrow, six o'clock." he                                10. __________

said to us.

Passage 7

       Forests are very important. Without it we                                                 1. ___________

will have not trees. And trees give us wood.                                            2. ___________

With wood people can make many things. People                                   3. ___________

need these things so that they can live good. If                                       4. ___________

we have no trees, we can't build house. Almost                                       5. ___________

everything in our homes is made of woods. When                                         6. ___________

there is green trees around us, we have fresh                                        7. ___________

air. It is good to health. Forests can save                                                        8. ___________

soil, so everyone should take good care for                                            9. ___________

forests in order that have large and better trees.                                 10. ___________

Passage 8

Fred lives with six hundred wild animal on a small island.                         1. ___________

Ever since he left school, he traveled all over Africa                                2. ___________

collected animals for his zoo. He hoped to collect two                             3. ___________

animals of each kind on his island. Fred told me that when                      4. ___________

he was out looking for water last week (there is no enough                           5. ___________

water on the island), he found oil. He needs the money                          6. ___________

for his zoo, and a little oil will buy enough water in a                               7. ___________

lifetime; but he knows that if he tells anybody about it,                                 8. ___________

it will be the end of his zoo or his life's work. So, if I                               9. ___________

know my friend, I will not tell others about what he found.                       10. ___________

Passage 9

Oxford is an old town which is about 60 mile from London.                            1. ___________

Unlike modern university towns, which you usually find the                            2. ___________

university on the edge of the town, Oxford's centre is a                          3. ___________

university; and for all around the crossroads at the very                          4. ___________

heart of Oxford, are gray stone colleges and other university                 5. ___________

buildings. In the centre you can also find interested old                          6. ___________

restaurants. Unlike all English towns, there are parks, and                      7. ___________

one 'The Parks' are the home of university cricket(板球) in                            8. ___________

the summer months. On the edge of Oxford you can see industrial        9. ___________

areas in one direction; and for another, beautiful suburbs(郊区).                    10. ___________

Passage 10

When a rabbit sees something danger, it runs away. Its                    1. ___________

tail moves up and down as it runs. The other rabbit see                          2. ___________

this tail moved up and down. They know that there is                              3. ___________

danger, and they run, too. Many other animals use this                           4. ___________

kind of language. When a bee has found some food, it go                      5. ___________

back to its home. It can tell other bees where the food                                   6. ___________

is with speaking to them, but it does a little dance in                                7. ___________

the air. This tells the bees at home there the food is.                              8. ___________

Some animals say things by make sounds. A dog barks                           9. ___________

when a stranger goes near. A cat purrs when pleased.                       10. ___________

Passage 11

Have you ever noticed how much a number twelve is used?            1. ___________

Aruller is a foot long has twelve inches. On a calendar                                   2. ___________

(日历), you can see twelve months in each year. A clock                          3. ___________

face is numbered from one to twelve for the hour. Each day                   4. ___________

is two times of twelve, or twenty-four, hours long. We buy                      5. ___________

eggs by dozen. In a store you may have seen a dozen                           6. ___________

pencils hold together by a paper wrapping or a dozen                             7. ___________

oranges in a paper bag. Stores also buy things with lots                          8. ___________

of twelve dozens, or by the gross. One gross is made of                        9. ___________

twelve dozens, and one hundred and forty-four pieces.                      10. ___________

Passage 12

                     It's unfair

Once there lived a man who was such lazy that                                1. ___________

no job was fit him. In order to make a living he                                        2. ___________

went to the neighbour of his for help one day. The                                        3. ___________

neighbour advised to him to be a cemetery caretaker                              4. ___________

(守墓人) as it was the easiest job one could find.                                           5. ___________

The lazy man delighted and soon became a cemetery                             6. ___________

caretaker. And to everybody's surprise he gave up                                  7. ___________

his job three days before he got it. "It's unfair."                                       8. ___________

he said to the neighbour angry. "In the cemetery all                                9. ___________

the others are lying still when I am the only one                                  10. ___________

who has to stand."

Passage 13

Before he was teacher, Bob told me what he                                    1. ___________

would like to be a lawyer when he was at school.                                    2. ___________

He had worked hard at his lesson and tried to                                         3. ___________

enter into a famous university, but something unhappy                                  4. ___________

happened in his family, that made it necessary for                                          5. ___________

him to working for a living. As a young man, he had been                        6. ___________

a bus-driver, a dustman and a salesman. But he spends                          7. ___________

his spare time studying and finally became college teacher       .                    8. ___________

"Young people," he often said, "are full with wishes                                9. ___________

and hopes after they step into the society."                                         10. ___________

Passage 14

That Saturday when I entered in an underpass, I                               1. ___________

heard a beautiful sound. It makes me very happy.                                   2. ___________

It was darkness there, but I could judge where the sound                       3. ___________

came from. I walked towards the corner. An old man was sitting                     4. ___________

there, wears shabby clothes. He was playing erhu. "Oh, it is                   5. ___________

a beggar," I thought. At that moment a man came by dropped.                6. ___________

one Yuan in the beggar box. The old man stopped                                  7. ___________

to say "Thank you". He then groped(摸) on the ground.                         8. ___________

While he found the box, he picked up the money. He felt                       9. ___________

it and smiled. What beautiful the music was! It was                                  10. ___________

played by a blind person. I just admired him.

Passage 15

Some day a rich man, Tom, was salvaging(打捞)something               1. ___________

from a well. Some passer – bys asked, “What on                                     2. ___________

the earth have you lost?” The rich man answered, “Oh,                          3. ___________

I had dropped all my property(财产)in the well.” Soon                             4. ___________

a lot of people were drawn nearly. Everyone guessed, “I                        5. ___________

wonder if he has lost his diamond ring or some other                              6. ___________


All of sudden, Tom held up a key and cried out                                7. ___________

to joy, “I have found it at last! I have found all                                                 8. ___________

my property!”

Seen the key, everyone was greatly disappointed.                                  9. ___________

However, Tom said in a smile, “It’s a key to my safe.”                           10. ___________

Passage 16

After supper Li Hua came and asked for me                                     1. ___________

to go and see a film with him . In our way to                                            2. ___________

the cinema we saw a little girl sit by the                                                  3. ___________

roadside cry. We bought her a cake to stop                                             4. ___________

her crying. But when we asked where she                                              5. ___________

had lived she said she didn’t know. So we took                                       6. ___________

her to the police station and asked police to take care of her.                7. ___________

After this we went to the cinema. But when we                                        8. ___________

got there the movie was near at its end.                                                         9. ___________

We have missed the movie, but we did a good deed.                              10. ___________

Passage 17

Before he was a teacher, Bob told me what he’d                              1. ___________

like to be a lawyer when he was at school. He had                                  2. ___________

worked very hard at his lesson and tried to enter                                    3. ___________

into a famous university, but something unhappy                                     4. ___________

happened in his family, that made it necessary for                                          5. ___________

him to work for living. As a young man, he had been                               6. ___________

a bus-driver, a dustman and a salesman. But he spends                          7. ___________

his spare time studying and final became a college                                  8. ___________

teacher. “Young people,” he often said, “full of wishes                                   9. ___________

and hopes after they step into the society.”                                         10. ___________

Passage 18

Yesterday afternoon, when I walked out the                                     1. ___________

school, the weather was changed. Dark clouds were                               2. ___________

gathering together. I began to feel worried because                                3. ___________

I didn’t have either my raincoat and my umbrella with                               4. ___________

me. It soon started to rain. Just as I was hurrying                                    5. ___________

home, I heard anyone calling me from behind. I turned                         6. ___________

round and saw it was Li Ping. He had umbrella with him                          7. ___________

and offer to share it with me. He walked all the way                                 8. ___________

with me to my home. With Le Ping’s help, I would have got                            9. ___________

wet through. How thankfully I was to his kindness!                              10. ___________

Passage 19

The Industrial Revolution begin in Britain for                                    1. ___________

many reason. Britain had valuable minerals like                                        2. ___________

coal, iron, tin of copper. Its farms were able to                                        3. ___________

supply food for its grown population and wool                                                4. ___________

for its clothing industry. Many rivers, such as                                          5. ___________

the Seven and Trent, are suitable for boats, and                                     6. ___________

heavy goods could often sent by sea.                                                     7. ___________

Many European countries in 18th century suffered from                   8. ___________

wars which ravaged (劫掠)its land. Britain fought                                     9. ___________

its war to abroad and gained large overseas markets.                          10. ___________

Passage 20

People in all countries have for years studied                                          1. ___________

the weather and managed to make weather forecast (预报).                    2. ___________

The following is some of their findings, Sometimes                                 3. ___________

distant objects like hills and tall trees seemed                                                 4. ___________

to be clear and near. This is the sign of much                                                 5. ___________

water, that shows that rain will probably come.                                         6. ___________

When distant sound, such as the noise from far-off (遥远)                      7. ___________

trains, are heard very clearly, wet and storm weather                               8. ___________

is coming. If you will see a rainbow during rainy                                      9. ___________

weather, it shows that it will clear up and fine.                                      10. ___________


第一部分  高考英语语法综合训练答案

1-30              BBAAB        DCDCA ADACC        ADAAB          ACAAC        BACBB

31-60            ADABA        CBCCB        DBDAC        DBCAB        AACDB        CCACA

61-90            DAACB        BCDAB        CDBBD        DACAD         CADCD       ABABC

91-120          DABCB        ACDBA        BCDCC       DBCCB         AACAB        ACCDB

121-150        BADBC        BCBCC        CAABC        DDBCD         CBCBA        ACCBB

第二部分  高考英语语法实战训练答案

Unit 1            BDCDD         BCABA          DABDA         CBABB          CDADC         BADCC

Unit 2            CCBDA         BACDA         BDCBA         BACAA          DABCC         DADAA

Unit 3            ACBDC         DBCAC         BBADB          ADDCB         ACBAB          DDCCA

Unit 4            DCAAA         CCBCA         BDADB         CDADB         DCBCA         BDDBC

Unit 5            BADDA         CBDAC         BCADA         DCBCD         DCADB         AADBA

Unit 6            BADCD         ACBCB         ADCBC         DABBD         CACBA         CDABD

Unit 7            DBBBC         DAACD         BCCDD         AACBB

Unit 8            BDCAB         CBDAC         ACADB         DCCDA

Unit 9            BDACB         ADBCA         DBDAD         CBCCA

Unit 10          DBCAB         ADAAB          BCBDC         BDCBD

Unit 11          BCAAB          ACDBD     CDBBA

第三部分     高考英语语法高考模拟训练答案

Unit 1     CADCD     DCDAB         CBBBA         Unit 2     DACBB         BDABB          BDADA

Unit 3     BDAAC         BBABC          DADAB       Unit 4     BCBAA          BABCB          CDCBC

Unit 5     DDCAD         ABBDB          ADBDB         Unit 6     BAABD          ABBAB          ADCBC

Unit 7     ACBCB         DBBAD         CCBAA       Unit 8     DBCCA         DBACB         DCCDB

Unit 9     DCBBD         CDCAA         DDCDA         Unit 10   BACCD         ADBBA          BCBAB

Unit 11   CACBD         ADAAB          CDCCB         Unit 12   CDDBC         CCDBC         AACBC

Unit 13   BAADB          BADDB         DDBAD         Unit 14   ABCCD         BADAC         CABCA

Unit 15   BCADA         CDBCB         ADDBB         Unit 16   DBBBD         ABAAC          ADDBC

Unit 17   DADBB         ABCBD         ACBBC         Unit 18   BDBAA          BBDDB         ABCDD

Unit 19   ADBCC         CCCAB         BCBCB         Unit 20   BDCBC         BADCC         DADCA

Unit 21   AAADD         CADBA         CCDAD         Unit 22   DBAAB          BBCAC         CABAB

第四部分     高考英语改错练习答案


1. 去掉time  2. a→an  3. for→of  4. drove→drive  5. his→their 

6. √ 7. have→had 8. eager前面加were  9. question→questions  10. 去掉in

NMET 1997

1. learn→learned  2. your前面加be/become  3. 去掉about  4. where→which  5. √

6. subject→subjects 7. use→used 8. interesting→interested 9. your前面加is 10. hear→hearing

NMET 1998

1.was→am 2.去掉for 3.match→matches 4.play→playing 5.give→gives

6. √ 7.instead后面加of  8.important→importance 9.captain前面加the 10.they→we

NMET 1999

1.去掉much  2. 去掉was  3. watch→watching 4.unfortunate→unfortunately 5. among→in

6.the→one   7.am→was  8.time前面加of  9.10.someone→everyone/everybody


1.on→for 2.come前面加to 3.had→have 4.but→and/so 5.去掉all

6.prepare→preparing 7.去掉in 8. √ 9.you后面加a  10.return→returns

NMET 2000

1. ∧ English—my  2. schoolmate—schoolmates  3. that—whether  4. √

5. as—that  6. 去掉a  7. but –and  8. calm—calmed  9. is-are  10. 去掉often


1.class→classes 2. √ 3.it→they 4.what→how 5.去掉the

6.it前面加why 7.is→are 8.look前面加to 9.learn→learning 10.pratically→practical

NMET 2001

1. √ 2. 去掉any 3. to 4. do 5. home

6. subjects 7. the 8. 去掉about 9. or 10. How

Passage 1

1.    much—very  2. need—needs  3. like∧our  4.   5.   6. √

7. receive—accept  8. it—them  9. on—in  10. much—more

Passage 2

1 on—in  2 may—can  3 thousands∧of  4 ∧ radio the  5 that—what 

6 disappeared—disappearing  7 done—made  8 √  9 to∧it   10

Passage 3

1. ∧classes his  2. interested—interesting  3. he ∧do  would  4. finger—fingers

5. in—with  6. ∧the cup of  7. ∧smile a  8. do∧ it  9. that—what  10. √

Passage 4

1. expected—expecting  2. reached   3. usually—usual  4. ∧same the  5.

6.   7. √  8. ∧much how  I9. spend—spending  10. anyone—everyone

Passage 5

1. up—on  2. a—the  3. taking—sending  4. on—for  5. Postman—postmen

6. √  7. brings—carries  8. ∧buy we  9.   10. ∧called is

Passage 6

1. our ∧of  2. will —would  3. √  4. ∧quarter a   5. in—at  6. stood—standing

7. in—on  8. a hour—an hour  9. asking—asked  10. ∧six at

Passage 7

1. it—them  2. not—no  3. √  4. good—well  5. house—houses  6. woods—wood

7. is—are  8. ∧ health our/the  9. for—of  10. that —to

Passage 8

1. animal→animals  2. traveled→has traveled  3. collected→collecting  4. √

5. no→not  6. the money→money  7. in→for  8. anybody about→anybody else about

9. or→and  10. I →he

Passage 9

1.    mile→miles  2. which→where  3. a→the  4. 去掉for  5. are→there are

6. interested→interesting 7. Unlike→like  8. are→is  9. √  10. for →in

Passage 10

1. danger→dangerous  2. rabbit→rabbits  3. moved→moving  4. √  5. go→goes

6. can→cannot  7. with→by  8. there→where  9. make→making  10. goes→comes

Passage 11

1. a→the  2. is→which/that is  3. √  4. hour→hours  5. times of→times

6. by→by the  7. hold→held  8. with→in  9. made∧of→made up of  10. and→or

Passage 12

1. such→so  2. fit∧him→for  3. the →a  4. 去掉to  5. √  6. man∧delighted→was

7. And→But  8. before→after  9. angry→angrily  10. when→while

Passage 13

1.    what→that  2. √  3. lesson→lessons  4. 去掉into  5. that→which 

6. working→work 7. spends→spent 8. 在college前加a  9. with→of  10. after→before

Passage 14

1. 去掉in  2. makes→made  3. darkness→dark  4. the→a  5. wears→wearing

6. by ∧→and 7. beggar→beggar’s  8. √  9. while→when  10. What→How

Passage 15

1. Some—One  2. passer-bys—passers-by  3. 去掉the  4. had-have  5. nearly—near

6. √  7. ∧ sudden—a  8. to—with  9. Seen-Seeing  10. in—with

Passage 16

1. 去掉for  2. In→On   3. sit→sitting /seated  4. cry→crying  5. √

6. 去掉had  7. ∧police →the  8. this →that  9. near → nearly  10. 去掉have

Passage 17

1.    what → that  2. √  3. lesson→lessons  4. 去掉into  5. that → which 

6. ∧living → a  7. spends →spent  8. final → finally 

9. ∧full → are  10. after→before

Passage 18

1. out ∧--of  2. 去掉was  3. 去掉together  4. and—or  5. √ 6. anyone—someone

7. ∧ umbrella—an  8. offer—offered  9. With—Without  10. thankfully—thankful

Passage 19

1. begin—began  2. reason—reasons  3. or—and  4. grown—growing  5. √

6. are—were  7. often∧—be  8. ∧18th—the  9. its—their  10. 去掉to

Passage 20

1. √ 2. managed — tried  3. is — are  4. seemed — seem  5. the — a 6. that — which

7. sound — sounds  8. storm — stormy 9. 去掉will  10. and ∧ —become (be)
























