









08英语三班 刘丝丝 101002033037

A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Educational System

When we talk about the different between American and Chinese Educational system, we need to emphasis the diverse education background in the two nations.

Education in the USA has been shaped by American belief in a free, democratic society. In turn, education has helped to shape that society. The survival of a democracy depends upon the intelligent participation of all its citizens. Every American needs to be educated so that he can

understand and take part in affairs of government, both local and national. He must also have educational opportunities to develop educational skills. Education is the key that opens the doors to responsible citizenship and a productive life. All states have compulsory school attendance law. Children must go to school until they are at least 16 years old, unless they are severely handicapped. But most Americans go to school well past the age of 16. Most Americans attend 12 years of primary and secondary school. With a secondary school diploma or certificate, a student can enter college, university, vocational school secretarial school, and other professional schools. American education system can be separated into: Primary and Secondary School, Higher Education, State College or University, Private College or University, Two-year College, Community College, Professional Schools, Institute of Technology, Technical Institute,

and Church School.

Chinese Education System as we know, we take the educational system into 4 levels: primary school, middle school, high school, and university. The Law of Compulsory Education calls each child to have 9 years of formal education. To meet this requirement, a child will attend either 5 years of elementary education, followed by 4 years of junior middle school, or 6 years of elementary education, followed by 3 years of junior middle school. Therefore, a provision of the Education Law is that China shall be divided into 3 categories: cities and economically developed areas, towns and villages with medium development, and economically backward areas.

American education offers a rich field of choices for the international students. From abroad, and even from within the United States, there is such an array of institutions, programs and locations that the choices may overwhelm the student. To simplify the choices, a student must carefully study how each program and location can fulfill the student’s goals. In order to make informed decisions, a student will need to know how the United States education system is organized. American teachers emphasize a lot on critical thinking and practice. The importance of teaching is not what you have known, but to know how to acquire the knowledge. Teachers always divide the class into groups for the discussing and communicating. Students tend to raise doubts about the

questions and discuss with their teachers. These facts indicate that the purpose of Chinese education is examination-oriented education system while America is in order to develop the ability of students and attach importance to comprehensive quality.

In China, it is the possessive teaching—the teacher is the master and the students only receive the knowledge passively with no doubt, no thinking at all. Almost 80 percent of elementary students and 90 percent of junior-high-school students engaged in what their teachers described as a passive leaning style; they quietly absorbed new information without any questions or interaction with the instructor. Most Chinese teachers go by the book, and then students just take notes in order to prepare for the endless exams. Chinese students pay more and more attention to parrot textbooks without practice. Teachers and students regard scores as important.

The education system as a whole in China has many similarities to that of the United States, school teaching foster Students ability of using knowledge independent and learning self-study. However, there are also some notable differences, which seem to mainly stem from the large population difference and the culture of the respective countries. Each country has its own national circumstances. China has a closet education authority net. For instance, the National Ministry of Education which hosts the whole country’s education and be complied to the local

education authority, is not very flexible. Each province cannot make decisions on its own station. However, in America, each state has the right to make decisions based on its own local station. Besides, in China, the finance of the schools are too high which leads to some students can’t afford it and some of them have to leave school in a young age. “In our country, only the primary school are free in tuition, but in American, the primary school and secondary school are free in public schools, that insure many children can get have the chance to be educated. So China should use the educational system of USA for reference rather than make total and uncritical acceptance.
























